########################################################################### # # GreenstoneXMLPlugout.pm -- the plugout module for Greenstone Archives # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 2006 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### package MySQLPlugout; use strict; no strict 'refs'; no strict 'subs'; use util; use FileUtils; use BasePlugout; use docprint; use IPC::Open2; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; # for waitpid, http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/waitpid.html # this plugout does not output xml to a file, but outputs rows into a mysql table sub BEGIN { @MySQLPlugout::ISA = ('GreenstoneXMLPlugout'); } # TODO Q: what is "group" in GreenstoneXMLPlugout? my $process_mode_list = [ { 'name' => "meta_only", 'desc' => "{MySQLPlugout.process_mode.meta_only}" }, { 'name' => "text_only", 'desc' => "{MySQLPlugout.process_mode.text_only}" }, { 'name' => "all", 'desc' => "{MySQLPlugout.process_mode.all}" } ]; my $arguments = [ { 'name' => "process_mode", 'desc' => "{MySQLPlugout.process_mode}", 'type' => "enum", 'list' => $process_mode_list, 'deft' => "all", 'reqd' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "no"} ]; my $options = { 'name' => "MySQLPlugout", 'desc' => "{MySQLPlugout.desc}", 'abstract' => "no", 'inherits' => "yes", 'args' => $arguments }; sub new { my ($class) = shift (@_); my ($plugoutlist, $inputargs,$hashArgOptLists) = @_; push(@$plugoutlist, $class); push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"ArgList"}},@{$arguments}); push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"OptList"}},$options); my $self = new GreenstoneXMLPlugout($plugoutlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists); if ($self->{'info_only'}) { # don't worry about any options etc return bless $self, $class; } print STDERR "***** MySQLPlugout process mode = \"", $self->{'process_mode'}, "\"\n"; return bless $self, $class; } # TODO: check arc-inf.db for whether each entry is to be deleted/indexed/reindexed/been indexed sub saveas { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj, $doc_dir) = @_; # pre my ($docxml_outhandler, $output_file) = $self->GreenstoneXMLPlugout::pre_saveas(@_); print STDERR "########## COLLECTION: ". $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTION'}."\n"; $self->{'collection_name'} = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTION'}; # set up DB and table or connect to DB and access the table here? my $proc_mode = $self->{'process_mode'}; my $docxml_output_options = { 'output' => docprint::OUTPUT_NONE }; if($proc_mode eq "meta_only" ) { # since only meta to go into MySQL db, text will go into docxml $docxml_output_options->{'output'} = docprint::OUTPUT_TEXT_ONLY; } elsif($proc_mode eq "text_only" ) { # since only full text to go into MySQL db, meta will go into docxml $docxml_output_options->{'output'} = docprint::OUTPUT_META_ONLY; } # now we've prepared to write out whatever is meant to go into docxml # and can do actual the steps superclass GreenstoneXMLPlugout carries out to write out docxml # So: write out the doc xml file for the current document my $section_text = &docprint::get_section_xml($doc_obj, $docxml_output_options); print $docxml_outhandler $section_text; # We also write out whatever needs to go into the MySQL database $self->write_meta_and_text($doc_obj); # post $self->GreenstoneXMLPlugout::post_saveas(@_); # TODO: close database connection here? Or do something like with groups # so we don't open and close over and over during a single build? } # write meta and/or text out to DB sub write_meta_and_text { my $self = shift (@_); my ($doc_obj) = @_; my $root_section = $doc_obj->get_top_section(); # Do we don't want to open and close a connection per doc? # Would we not rather want to open and close per collection rebuild? #$self->create_db_connection(); $self->recursive_write_meta_and_text($doc_obj, $root_section); #$self->close_db_connection(); } # Perl: Reading or Writing to Another Program # https://nnc3.com/mags/Perl3/cookbook/ch16_05.htm sub recursive_write_meta_and_text { my ($doc_obj, $section) = @_; # TODO my $db_outhandler = undef; binmode($db_outhandler,":utf8"); # TODO if $self->debug is on my $section_ptr = $doc_obj->_lookup_section ($section); return "" unless defined $section_ptr; my $proc_mode = $self->{'process_mode'}; if($proc_mode eq "all" || $proc_mode eq "meta_only" ) { foreach my $data (@{$section_ptr->{'metadata'}}) { my $escaped_value = &escape_text($data->[1]); my $metaval = $data->[0]; # TODO: write out current section's text to collection db's META table } } if($proc_mode eq "all" || $proc_mode eq "text_only" ) { my $section_text = &escape_text($section_ptr->{'text'}); # TODO: write out current section's text to collection db's TEXT table } # output all subsections: RECURSIVE CALL foreach my $subsection (@{$section_ptr->{'subsection_order'}}) { &recursive_write_meta_and_text($doc_obj, "$section.$subsection"); } } ################################# # Database access related functions # http://g2pc1.bu.edu/~qzpeng/manual/MySQL%20Commands.htm # https://www.guru99.com/insert-into.html # TODO Q: What on cancelling a build: delete table? But what if it was a rebuild and the rebuild is cancelled (not the original build)? # Do we create a copy of the orig database as backup, then start populating current db, and if cancelled, delete current db and RENAME backup table to current? # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3280006/duplicating-a-mysql-table-indexes-and-data # BUT what if the table is HUGE? (Think of a collection with millions of docs.) Huge overhead in copying? # The alternative is we just quit on cancel, but then: cancel could leave the table in a partial committed state, with no way of rolling back. # Unless they do a full rebuild, which will recreate the tab;e from scratch? # I'm using perl's open2 like in Z3950Download, as opposed to open3 like in WgetDownload # since I'm assuming each insert statement is atomic: it either does the insertion or fails # and we (may) get some message back. That means we should hopefully be able to terminate # as well if we get SIGTERM/SIGKILL: we're not blocking, but are responsive after every INSERT stmt. # Just runs the command without displaying it sub run_command_basic { my ($self,$strCMD) = @_; my $process_instr = $self->{'MYSQL_IN'}; print $process_instr "$strCMD\n"; } sub run_command { my ($self,$strCMD) = @_; print STDERR "Running mysql command: $strCMD\n"; $self->run_command_basic($strCMD); } sub response_line_contains { my ($self,$expected) = @_; my $opening_line = <$out>; if ($opening_line =~ m/$expected/i) { return 1; } return 0; } sub response_lines_contain { my ($self,$expected) = @_; my $found_expected = 0; while (my $line = <$out>) { print STDERR "$line\n"; if($line =~ m/$expected/){ #return 1; $found_expected = 1; #won't break out of loop: loop will consume all on child out at present } } return $found_expected; } # based on Z3950Download.pm::start_yaz() # ./PATH/TO/mysql -u root -p # Returns: # - 1 if client already quit after pwd fail (so can't send quit message to stopped client) # - 0 if load_db failed (needs to be quit), # - 1 if load_db succeeded (mysql client still running) sub create_db_connection { my $self = shift (@_); print STDERR "Opening connection to MySQL db\n"; my $mysql_client = $self->{'client_path'}; my $client_user = $self->{'client_user'} || "root"; my $launch_cmd = "\"./$mysql_client\" -u $clientuser -p"; my $childpid = open2(*MYSQL_OUT, *MYSQL_IN, $launch_cmd) or (print STDERR "Done\n" and die "can't open2 pipe to mysql client: $!"); $self->{'pid'} = $childpid; $self->{'MYSQL_OUT'} = *MYSQL_OUT; $self->{'MYSQL_IN'} = *MYSQL_IN; # connect with pwd and load the database for this site #my $conn_open = $self->open_connection(); # #if (!$conn_open) { # print STDERR "Cannot connect to mysql db with $launch_cmd\n"; # print STDERR "Done\n"; # return 0; #} # connect with pwd my $conn_success = $self->send_pwd(); if(!$conn_success) { return -1; # if pwd failed, then the program already exited by itself # (so don't send quit command after process terminated) } else { return $self->load_db(); } return $conn_open; # 1 if client already quit after pwd fail, 0 if load_db failed (needs to be quit), 1 if load_db succeeded (mysql client still running) } # Copied from Z3950Download.pm::quit_yaz() sub close_db_connection { my $self = shift (@_); $self->run_command("quit"); close($self->{'MYSQL_IN'}); # close the input to yaz. It also flushes quit command to mysql client # make sure nothing is being output by mysql client # flush the mysql-client process' outputstream, else we'll be stuck in an infinite # loop waiting for the process to quit. my $output = $self->{'MYSQL_OUT'}; my $line; while (defined ($line = <$output>)) { if($line !~ m/\w/s) { # print anything other than plain whitespace in case it is important print STDERR "***### $line"; } } close($self->{'MYSQL_OUT'}); # Is the following necessary? The PerlDoc on open2 (http://perldoc.perl.org/IPC/Open2.html) # says that waitpid must be called to "reap the child process", or otherwise it will hang # around like a zombie process in the background. Adding it here makes the code work as # before, but it is certainly necessary to call waitpid on wget (see WgetDownload.pm). # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/waitpid.html my $kidpid; do { $kidpid = waitpid($self->{'pid'}, WNOHANG); } while $kidpid > 0; # waiting for pid to become -1 } # should be called only once per site sub create_database { my $self = shift (@_); #my $sitename = shift(@_); my $sitename = $self->{'site_name'}; my $cmd = "CREATE DATABASE $sitename;"; $self->run_command($cmd); } sub send_pwd { my $self = shift (@_); my $client_pwd = $self->{'client_pwd'}; my $out = $self->{'MYSQL_OUT'}; # if connected, it's prompting for pwd. Write the pwd to the mysql client process: $self->run_command_basic($client_pwd); #my $opening_line = <$out>; #if ($opening_line =~ m/Access denied/i) { #print STDERR "Password not recognised. Got: $opening_line\n"; #return 0; #} if($self->response_line_contains("Access denied")) { print STDERR "Password not recognised. Got: $opening_line\n"; return 0; } return 1; } sub load_db { my $self = shift (@_); # attempt to load the db # use the database my $db_name = $self->{'site_name'}; # TODO Q: site_name only exists for GS3. What about GS2? $self->run_command("use " . $db_name . ";"); my $db_found = 0; while (my $line = <$out>) { print STDERR "$line\n"; if($line =~ m/Database changed/){ # return 1; # TODO Q: consume all output of running command $db_found = 1; } elsif($line =~ m/Unknown database/){ $db_found = -1; } } if($db_found == 1) { return $db_found; } elsif ($db_found == -1) { # a db for the current sitename didn't exist, create it $self->create_database(); # attempt to load the newly created db if($self->_load_db()) { return 1; } #my $opening_line = <$out>; #if ($opening_line !~ m/Query OK/) { if(!$self->response_line_contains("Query OK")) { print STDERR "Could not create db\n"; return 0; # couldn't even create the db } else { # success creating db # so let's create the metadata and fulltxt tables for the current coll while we're at it if($self->create_meta_table()) { return $self->create_fulltxt_table(); } } } else { # unknown error trying to load db, bail return 0; } } sub create_meta_table { my $self = shift (@_); my $table_name = $self->{'collection_name'} . "metadata"; #my $cmd = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, did VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, sid VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, metaname VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL, metavalue VARCHAR(1023) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id));"; # If using an auto incremented primary key: my $cmd = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, did VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, sid VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, metaname VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL, metavalue VARCHAR(1023) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id));"; $self->run_command($cmd); if(!$self->response_lines_contain("Query OK")) { print STDERR "Could not create metadata table\n"; return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub create_fulltxt_table { my $self = shift (@_); my $table_name = $self->{'collection_name'} . "fulltxt"; #my $cmd = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, did VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, sid VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, fulltxt LONGTEXT, PRIMARY KEY(id));"; # If using an auto incremented primary key: my $cmd = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, did VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, sid VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL, fulltxt LONGTEXT, PRIMARY KEY(id));"; $self->run_command($cmd); if(!$self->response_lines_contain("Query OK")) { print STDERR "Could not create table\n"; return 0; } else { return 1; } } # https://www.guru99.com/insert-into.html # and https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/example-auto-increment.html # for inserting multiple rows at once sub get_cmd_insert_new_row_into_meta_table { my $self = shift (@_); my ($did, $sid, $metaname, $metavalue) = @_; my $tablename = $self->{'colname'}_"metadata"; my $cmd = "INSERT INTO $tablename (did, sid, metaname, metavalue) VALUES\n"; $cmd = "('$did', '$sid', '$metaname', '$metavalue');\n"; return $cmd; } sub get_cmd_insert_new_row_into_txt_table { my $self = shift (@_); my ($did, $sid, $fulltext) = @_; my $tablename = $self->{'colname'}_"fulltxt"; my $cmd = "INSERT INTO $tablename (did, sid, fulltxt) VALUES\n"; $cmd = "('$did', '$sid', '$fulltext');\n"; return $cmd; } # TODO: later add edit and delete (and nothing for "been indexed" status?) ################## ## UNUSED sub X_open_connection() { # connect with pwd my $conn_success = $self->send_pwd(); if(!$conn_success) { return -1; # if pwd failed, then the program already exists by itself (so don't send quit command after process terminated) } if($conn_success) { return $self->load_db(); } else { return $conn_sucess; } } ################# 1;