############################################################################# # # activate.pm -- functions to get the GS library URL, ping the library URL, # activate and deactivate a collection. # # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ############################################################################### package servercontrol; use strict; no strict 'refs'; # allow filehandles to be variables and vice versa no strict 'subs'; # allow barewords (eg STDERR) as function arguments # Greenstone includes use printusage; use parse2; # The perl library imports below are used by deprecated methods config_old(), is_URL_active() and pingHost() # If the following library imports are not supported by your perl installation, comment out these # imports and move the methods config_old(), is_URL_active() and pingHost() out to a temporary file. use HTTP::Response; use LWP::Simple qw($ua !head); # import useragent object as $ua from the full LWP to use along with LWP::Simple # don't import LWP::Simple's head function by name since it can conflict with CGI:head()) #use CGI qw(:standard); # then only CGI.pm defines a head() use Net::Ping; use URI; sub new { my $class = shift(@_); my ($qualified_collection, $site, $verbosity, $build_dir, $index_dir, $collect_dir, $library_url, $library_name, $oaiserver_name) = @_; # library_url: to be specified on the cmdline if not using a GS-included web server # the GSDL_LIBRARY_URL env var is useful when running cmdline buildcol.pl in the linux package manager versions of GS3 my $self = {'build_dir' => $build_dir, 'index_dir' => $index_dir, 'collect_dir' => $collect_dir, 'site' => $site, 'qualified_collection' => $qualified_collection, #'is_persistent_server' => undef, 'library_url' => $library_url || $ENV{'GSDL_LIBRARY_URL'} || undef, # to be specified on the cmdline if not using a GS-included web server 'library_name' => $library_name, 'oaiserver_name' => $oaiserver_name || "oaiserver", #'gs_mode' => "gs2", 'verbosity' => $verbosity || 2 }; if ((defined $site) && ($site ne "")) { # GS3 $self->{'gs_mode'} = "gs3"; } else { $self->{'gs_mode'} = "gs2"; } return bless($self, $class); } ## TODO: gsprintf to $self->{'out'} in these 2 print functions ## See buildcolutils.pm new() for setting up $out sub print_task_msg { my $self = shift(@_); my ($task_msg, $verbosity_setting) = @_; $verbosity_setting = $self->{'verbosity'} unless $verbosity_setting; #$verbosity_setting = 1 unless defined $verbosity; if($verbosity_setting >= 1) { print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "************************\n"; print STDERR "* $task_msg\n"; print STDERR "************************\n"; } } # Prints messages if the verbosity is right. Does not add new lines. sub print_msg { my $self = shift(@_); my ($msg, $min_verbosity, $verbosity_setting) = @_; # only display error messages if the current # verbosity setting >= the minimum verbosity level # needed for that message to be displayed. $verbosity_setting = $self->{'verbosity'} unless defined $verbosity_setting; $min_verbosity = 1 unless defined $min_verbosity; if($verbosity_setting >= $min_verbosity) { # by default display all 1 messages print STDERR "$msg"; } } # Method to send a command to a GS2 or GS3 library_URL # the commands used in this script can be activate, deactivate, ping, # and is-persistent (is-persistent only implemented for GS2). sub config { my $self = shift(@_); my ($command, $check_message_against_regex, $expected_error_code, $silent, $oai_servlet) = @_; my $library_url = $self->get_library_URL(); #$self->{'library_url'}; if($oai_servlet) { # if asked to contact the oaiserver servlet, then # replace the library servlet name with oaiserver servlet name $library_url =~ s@([^/]*?)$@$oai_servlet@; } # Gatherer.java's configGS3Server doesn't use the site variable # so we don't have to either # for GS2, getting the HTTP status isn't enough, we need to read the output # since this is what CollectionManager.config() stipulates. # Using LWP::UserAgent::get($url) for this if(!defined $library_url) { return 0; } else { # ampersands need to be escaped # - with single quotes around it for linux for the cmd to run in bash subshell # - with a ^ before it on windows for the cmd to run in a DOS prompt subshell # - or the entire wget command should be nested in double quotes (single quotes don't work on windows) my $wgetCommand = $command; my $wget_file_path = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'}, "bin", $ENV{'GSDLOS'}, "wget"); my $tmpfilename = &util::get_tmp_filename(".html"); # random file name with html extension in tmp location in which we'll store the HTML page retrieved by wget # https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/wget.html # output-document set to - (STDOUT), so page is streamed to STDOUT # timeout: 5 seconds, tries: 1 # wget sends status information and response code to STDERR, so redirect it to STDOUT # Searching for "perl backtick operator redirect stderr to stdout": # http://www.perlmonks.org/?node=How%20can%20I%20capture%20STDERR%20from%20an%20external%20command%3F ##$wgetCommand = "\"$wget_file_path\" --spider -T 5 -t 1 \"$library_url$wgetCommand\" 2>&1"; # won't save page #$wgetCommand = "\"$wget_file_path\" --output-document=- -T 5 -t 1 \"$library_url$wgetCommand\" 2>&1"; # THIS CAN MIX UP STDERR WITH STDOUT IN THE VERY LINE WE REGEX TEST AGAINST EXPECTED OUTPUT!! $wgetCommand = "\"$wget_file_path\" --output-document=\"$tmpfilename\" -T 5 -t 1 \"$library_url$wgetCommand\" 2>&1"; # keep stderr (response code, response_content) separate from html page content ##print STDERR "@@@@ $wgetCommand\n"; my $response_content = ""; my $response_code = undef; #my $response_content = `$wgetCommand`; # Dr Bainbridge advises against using backticks for running a process. If capturing std output, use open(): if (open(PIN, "$wgetCommand |")) { while (defined (my $perl_output_line = )) { $response_content = $response_content . $perl_output_line; } close(PIN); } else { print STDERR "servercontrol.pm::config() failed to run $wgetCommand\n"; } my @lines = split( /\n/, $response_content ); foreach my $line (@lines) { #print STDERR "@@@@ LINE: $line\n"; if($line =~ m@failed: Connection timed out.$@) { # linux $response_code = "failed: Connection timed out."; last; # break keyword in perl = last } elsif($line =~ m@Giving up.$@) { # windows (unless -T 5 -t 1 is not passed in) $response_code = "failed: Giving up."; last; # break keyword in perl = last } elsif($line =~ m@failed: Connection refused.$@) { $response_code = "failed: Connection refused."; last; # break keyword in perl = last } elsif($line =~ m@HTTP request sent, @) { $response_code = $line; $response_code =~ s@[^\d]*(.*)$@$1@; last; } } if($command =~ m@ping@ && $response_code =~ m@failed: (Connection refused|Giving up)@) { # server not running $self->print_msg("*** Server not running. $library_url$command\n", 3); &FileUtils::removeFiles($tmpfilename); # get rid of the ping response's temporary html file we downloaded return 0; } if($response_code && (index($response_code, "200") != -1)) { $self->print_msg("*** Command $library_url$command\n", 3); $self->print_msg("*** HTTP Response Status: $response_code - Complete.", 3); # check the page content is as expected #my $resultstr = $response_content; # The following file reading section is a candidate to use FileUtils::readUTF8File() # in place of calling sysread() directly. But only if we can reason we'd be working with UTF8 open(FIN,"<$tmpfilename") or die "servercontrol.pm: Unable to open $tmpfilename to read ping response page...ERROR: $!\n"; my $resultstr; # Read in the entire contents of the file in one hit ##sysread(FIN, $resultstr, -s FIN); # GLI GBuildProgressMonitor.hasSignalledStop() removes any lines that start with elements it doesn't recognise # but we want to see the lines with HTML tags as they are the most interesting: they embed success/failure messages # So read line by line from the downloaded web page and replace <> with [] so that GLI can display these lines too while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s@<@[@g; $line =~ s@>@]@g; $resultstr .= "$line\n"; } close(FIN); &FileUtils::removeFiles($tmpfilename); # get rid of the ping response's temporary html file we downloaded #$resultstr =~ s@.*gs_content\"\>@@s; ## only true for default library servlet #$resultstr =~ s@.*@@s; if($resultstr =~ m/$check_message_against_regex/) { $self->print_msg(" Response as expected.\n", 3); $self->print_msg("@@@@@@ Got result:\n$resultstr\n", 4); return 1; } else { # if we expect the collection to be inactive, then we'd be in silent mode: if so, # don't print out the "ping did not succeed" response, but print out any other messages # So we only suppress the ping col "did not succeed" response if we're in silent mode # But if any message other than ping "did not succeed" is returned, we always print it if($resultstr !~ m/did not succeed/ || !$silent) { $self->print_msg("\n\tBUT: command $library_url$command response UNEXPECTED.\n", 3); $self->print_msg("*** Got message:\n$response_content.\n", 4); $self->print_msg("*** Got result:\n$resultstr\n", 3); } return 0; # ping on a collection may "not succeed." } } elsif($response_code && $response_code =~ m@^(4|5)\d\d@) { # client side errors start with 4xx, server side with 5xx # check the page content is as expected if(defined $expected_error_code && $response_code =~ m@^$expected_error_code@) { $self->print_msg(" Response status $response_code as expected.\n", 3); } else { $self->print_msg("*** Command $library_url$command\n"); $self->print_msg("*** Unexpected error type 1. HTTP Response Status: $response_code - Failed.\n"); } return 0; # return false, since the response_code was an error, expected or not } else { # also if response_code is still undefined, as can happen with connection timing out $self->print_msg("*** Command $library_url$command\n"); if(defined $response_code) { $self->print_msg("*** Unexpected error type 2. HTTP Response Status: $response_code - Failed.\n"); } else { $self->print_msg("*** Unexpected error type 3. Failed:\n\n$response_content\n\n"); } return 0; } #print STDERR "********** WgetCommand: $wgetCommand\n\n"; #print STDERR "********** Response_content:\n$response_content\n\n"; #print STDERR "********** Response_CODE: $response_code\n"; } } sub deactivate_collection { my $self = shift(@_); my $gs_mode = $self->{'gs_mode'}; my $qualified_collection = $self->{'qualified_collection'}; if($gs_mode eq "gs2") { my $DEACTIVATE_COMMAND = "?a=config&cmd=release-collection&c="; my $check_message_against_regex = q/configured release-collection/; $self->config($DEACTIVATE_COMMAND.$qualified_collection, $check_message_against_regex); } elsif ($gs_mode eq "gs3") { $self->print_msg("\t- Main library servlet\n"); my $DEACTIVATE_COMMAND = "?excerptid=gs_content&a=s&sa=d&st=collection&sn="; my $check_message_against_regex = "collection: $qualified_collection deactivated"; $self->config($DEACTIVATE_COMMAND.$qualified_collection, $check_message_against_regex); # and deactivate the collection on OAIserver url too. # NOTE: if it's not an OAI collection, then the message that the collection is "not enabled for OAI" is EXPECTED. Another possible valid outcome. $self->print_msg("\t- OAI servlet\n"); $DEACTIVATE_COMMAND = "?deactivate="; $check_message_against_regex = "(collection\: $qualified_collection deactivated|collection\: $qualified_collection is not enabled for OAI.)"; $self->config($DEACTIVATE_COMMAND.$qualified_collection, $check_message_against_regex, undef, undef, $self->{'oaiserver_name'}); } } sub activate_collection { my $self = shift(@_); my $gs_mode = $self->{'gs_mode'}; my $qualified_collection = $self->{'qualified_collection'}; if($gs_mode eq "gs2") { my $ACTIVATE_COMMAND = "?a=config&cmd=add-collection&c="; my $check_message_against_regex = q/configured add-collection/; $self->config($ACTIVATE_COMMAND.$qualified_collection, $check_message_against_regex); } elsif ($gs_mode eq "gs3") { $self->print_msg("\t- Main library servlet\n"); my $ACTIVATE_COMMAND = "?excerptid=gs_content&a=s&sa=a&st=collection&sn="; my $check_message_against_regex = "collection: $qualified_collection activated"; $self->config($ACTIVATE_COMMAND.$qualified_collection, $check_message_against_regex); # and activate the collection on OAIserver url too. # NOTE: if it's not an OAI collection, then the message that the collection is "not enabled for OAI" is EXPECTED. Another possible valid outcome. $self->print_msg("\t- OAI servlet\n"); $ACTIVATE_COMMAND = "?activate="; $check_message_against_regex = "(collection\: $qualified_collection activated|collection\: $qualified_collection is not enabled for OAI.)"; $self->config($ACTIVATE_COMMAND.$qualified_collection, $check_message_against_regex, undef, undef, $self->{'oaiserver_name'}); } } sub ping { my $self = shift(@_); my $command = shift(@_); my $silent = shift(@_); # If the GS server is not running, we *expect* to see a "500" status code. # If the GS server is running, then "Ping" ... "succeeded" is expected on success. # When pinging an inactive collection, it will say it did "not succeed". This is # a message of interest to return. my $check_responsemsg_against_regex = q/(succeeded)/; my $expected_error_code = 500; $self->print_msg("*** COMMAND WAS: |$command| ***\n", 4); return $self->config($command, $check_responsemsg_against_regex, $expected_error_code, $silent); } # send a pingaction to the GS library. General server-level ping. sub ping_library { my $self = shift(@_); my $gs_mode = $self->{'gs_mode'}; my $command = ""; if($gs_mode eq "gs2") { $command = "?a=ping"; } elsif ($gs_mode eq "gs3") { $command = "?a=s&sa=ping&excerptid=gs_content"; } return $self->ping($command); } # send a pingaction to a collection in GS library to check if it's active sub ping_library_collection { my $self = shift(@_); my $silent = shift(@_); my $gs_mode = $self->{'gs_mode'}; my $qualified_collection = $self->{'qualified_collection'}; my $command = ""; if($gs_mode eq "gs2") { $command = "?a=ping&c=$qualified_collection"; } elsif ($gs_mode eq "gs3") { $command = "?a=s&sa=ping&st=collection&sn=$qualified_collection&excerptid=gs_content"; } return $self->ping($command, $silent); } # return true if server is persistent, by calling is-persistent on library_url # this is only for GS2, since the GS3 server is always persistent sub is_persistent { my $self = shift(@_); if($self->{'gs_mode'} eq "gs3") { # GS3 server is always persistent return 1; } my $command = "?a=is-persistent"; my $check_responsemsg_against_regex = q/true/; # isPersistent: true versus isPersistent: false return $self->config($command, $check_responsemsg_against_regex); } sub set_library_URL { my $self = shift(@_); my $library_url = shift(@_); $self->{'library_url'} = $library_url; } sub get_library_URL { my $self = shift(@_); # For web servers that are external to a Greenstone installation, # the user can pass in their web server's library URL. if($self->{'library_url'}) { return $self->{'library_url'}; } # For web servers included with GS (like tomcat for GS3 and server.exe # and apache for GS2), we work out the library URL: my ($gs_mode, $lib_name); # gs_mode can be gs3 or gs2, lib_name is the custom servlet name $gs_mode = $self->{'gs_mode'}; $lib_name = $self->{'library_name'}; # If we get here, we are dealing with a server included with GS. # For GS3, we ask ant for the library URL. # For GS2, we derive the URL from the llssite.cfg file. # note that unless we pass in $get_public_url=1, we now get the local http URL # by default (e.g. my $url = &util::get_full_greenstone_url_prefix($gs_mode, $lib_name); # found largely identical method copied # into util.pm. Don't want duplicates, so calling that from here. # either the url is still undef or it is now set #print STDERR "\n@@@@@ final URL:|$url|\n" if $url; #print STDERR "\n@@@@@ URL still undef\n" if !$url; if (defined $url) { $self->{'library_url'} = $url; } return $url; } sub do_deactivate { my $self = shift(@_); # 1. Get library URL # For web servers that are external to a Greenstone installation, # the user can pass in their web server's library URL. # For web servers included with GS (like tomcat for GS3 and server.exe # and apache for GS2), we work out the library URL: # Can't do $self->{'library_url'}, because it may not yet be set my $library_url = $self->get_library_URL(); # returns undef if no valid server URL if(!defined $library_url) { # undef if no valid server URL return; # can't do any deactivation without a valid server URL } my $is_persistent_server = $self->{'is_persistent_server'}; my $qualified_collection = $self->{'qualified_collection'}; # CollectionManager's installCollection phase in GLI # 2. Ping the library URL, and if it's a persistent server and running, release the collection $self->print_msg("Pinging $library_url\n"); if ($self->ping_library()) { # server running # server is running, so release the collection if # the server is persistent and the collection is active # don't need to work out persistency of server more than once, since the libraryURL hasn't changed if (!defined $is_persistent_server) { $self->print_msg("Checking if Greenstone server is persistent\n"); $is_persistent_server = $self->is_persistent(); $self->{'is_persistent_server'} = $is_persistent_server; } if ($is_persistent_server) { # only makes sense to issue activate and deactivate cmds to a persistent server $self->print_msg("Checking if the collection $qualified_collection is already active\n"); my $collection_active = $self->ping_library_collection(); if ($collection_active) { $self->print_msg("De-activating collection $qualified_collection\n"); $self->deactivate_collection(); } else { $self->print_msg("Collection is not active => No need to deactivate\n"); } } else { $self->print_msg("Server is not persistent => No need to deactivate collection\n"); } } else { $self->print_msg("No response to Ping => Taken to mean server is not running\n"); } return $is_persistent_server; } sub do_activate { my $self = shift @_; my $library_url = $self->get_library_URL(); # Can't do $self->{'library_url'}; as it may not be set yet if(!defined $library_url) { # undef if no valid server URL return; # nothing to activate if without valid server URL } my $is_persistent_server = $self->{'is_persistent_server'}; my $qualified_collection = $self->{'qualified_collection'}; $self->print_msg("Pinging $library_url\n"); if ($self->ping_library()) { # server running # don't need to work out persistency of server more than once, since the libraryURL hasn't changed if (!defined $is_persistent_server) { $self->print_msg("Checking if Greenstone server is persistent\n"); $is_persistent_server = $self->is_persistent(); $self->{'is_persistent_server'} = $is_persistent_server; } if ($is_persistent_server) { # persistent server, so can try activating collection $self->print_msg("Checking if the collection $qualified_collection is not already active\n"); # Since we could have deactivated the collection at this point, # it is likely that it is not yet active. When pinging the collection # a "ping did not succeed" message is expected, therefore tell the ping # to proceed silently my $silent = 1; my $collection_active = $self->ping_library_collection($silent); if (!$collection_active) { $self->print_msg(" Collection is not active.\n"); $self->print_msg("Activating collection $qualified_collection\n"); $self->activate_collection(); # unless an error occurred, the collection should now be active: $collection_active = $self->ping_library_collection(); # not silent if ping did not succeed if(!$collection_active) { $self->print_msg("ERROR: collection $qualified_collection did not get activated\n"); $self->print_msg(" (if the collection's not in the default library, you must pass\n"); $self->print_msg(" in the -library_name flag with the correct name of the library.)\n"); } } else { $self->print_msg("Collection is already active => No need to activate\n"); } } else { $self->print_msg("Server is not persistent => No need to activate collection\n"); } } else { $self->print_msg("No response to Ping => Taken to mean server is not running\n"); } return $is_persistent_server; } ######################################################### ### UNUSED METHODS - CAN BE HANDY # This method uses the perl libraries we're advised to use in place of wget for pinging and retrieving web # pages. The problem is that not all perl installations may support these libraries. So we now use the new # config() method further above, which uses the wget included in Greenstone binary installations. # If the library imports at page top conflict, comment out those imports and move the methods config_old(), # is_URL_active() and pingHost() out to a temporary file. # # If for some reason you can't use wget, then rename the config() method to config_old(), and rename the # method below to config() and things should work as before. sub config_old { my $self = shift(@_); my ($command, $check_message_against_regex, $expected_error_code, $silent, $oai_servlet) = @_; my $library_url = $self->get_library_URL(); #$self->{'library_url'}; if($oai_servlet) { # if asked to contact the oaiserver servlet, then # replace the library servlet name with oaiserver servlet name $library_url =~ s@([^/]*?)$@$oai_servlet@; } # Gatherer.java's configGS3Server doesn't use the site variable # so we don't have to either # for GS2, getting the HTTP status isn't enough, we need to read the output # since this is what CollectionManager.config() stipulates. # Using LWP::UserAgent::get($url) for this if(!defined $library_url) { return 0; } else { $ua->timeout(5); # set LWP useragent to 5s max timeout for testing the URL # Need to set this, else it takes I don't know how long to timeout # http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=618534 # http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/libwww-perl-6.04/lib/LWP/UserAgent.pm # use LWP::UserAgent's get($url) since it returns an HTTP::Response code my $response_obj = $ua->get($library_url.$command); # $response_obj->content stores the content and $response_obj->code the HTTP response code my $response_code = $response_obj->code(); if(LWP::Simple::is_success($response_code)) {# $response_code eq RC_OK) { # LWP::Simple::is_success($response_code) $self->print_msg("*** Command $library_url$command\n", 3); $self->print_msg("*** HTTP Response Status: $response_code - Complete.", 3); # check the page content is as expected my $response_content = $response_obj->content; my $resultstr = $response_content; $resultstr =~ s@.*gs_content\"\>@@s; $resultstr =~ s@.*@@s; if($resultstr =~ m/$check_message_against_regex/) {#if($response_content =~ m/$check_message_against_regex/) { $self->print_msg(" Response as expected.\n", 3); $self->print_msg("@@@@@@ Got result:\n$resultstr\n", 4); return 1; } else { # if we expect the collection to be inactive, then we'd be in silent mode: if so, # don't print out the "ping did not succeed" response, but print out any other messages # So we only suppress the ping col "did not succeed" response if we're in silent mode # But if any message other than ping "did not succeed" is returned, we always print it if($resultstr !~ m/did not succeed/ || !$silent) {#if($response_content !~ m/did not succeed/ || !$silent) { $self->print_msg("\n\tBUT: command $library_url$command response UNEXPECTED.\n", 3); $self->print_msg("*** Got message:\n$response_content.\n", 4); $self->print_msg("*** Got result:\n$resultstr\n", 3); } return 0; # ping on a collection may "not succeed." } } elsif(LWP::Simple::is_error($response_code)) { # method exported by LWP::Simple, along with HTTP::Status constants # check the page content is as expected if(defined $expected_error_code && $response_code == $expected_error_code) { $self->print_msg(" Response status $response_code as expected.\n", 3); } else { $self->print_msg("*** Command $library_url$command\n"); $self->print_msg("*** Unexpected error. HTTP Response Status: $response_code - Failed.\n"); } return 0; # return false, since the response_code was an error, expected or not } else { $self->print_msg("*** Command $library_url$command\n"); $self->print_msg("*** Unexpected error. HTTP Response Status: $response_code - Failed.\n"); return 0; } } } # This method is now unused. Using ping_library instead to send the ping action to a # GS2/GS3 server. This method can be used more generally to test whether a URL is alive. # http://search.cpan.org/dist/libwww-perl/lib/LWP/Simple.pm # and http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=618534 sub is_URL_active { my $url = shift(@_); # gs3 or gs2 URL my $status = 0; if(defined $url) { $ua->timeout(10); # set LWP useragent to 5s max timeout for testing the URL # Need to set this, else it takes I don't know how long to timeout # http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=618534 $status = LWP::Simple::head($url); # returns empty list of headers if it fails # LWP::Simple::get($url) is more intensive, so don't need to do that #print STDERR "**** $url is alive.\n" if $status; } return $status; } # Pinging seems to always return true, so this method doesn't work sub pingHost { my $url = shift(@_); # gs3 or gs2 URL my $status = 0; if(defined $url) { # Get just the domain. "http://localhost/gsdl?uq=332033495" becomes "localhost" # "http://localhost/greenstone/cgi-bin/library.cgi" becomes "localhost" too #my $host = $url; #$host =~ s@^https?:\/\/(www.)?@@; #$host =~ s@\/.*@@; #print STDERR "**** HOST: $host\n"; # More robust way # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/827024/how-do-i-extract-the-domain-out-of-an-url my $uri = URI->new( $url ); my $host = $uri->host; # Ping the host. http://perldoc.perl.org/Net/Ping.html my $p = Net::Ping->new(); $status = $p->ping($host); # || 0. Appears to set to undef rather than 0 print STDERR "**** $host is alive.\n" if $status; #print "$host is alive.\n" if $p->ping($host); $p->close(); } # return whether pinging was a success or failure return $status; } 1;