/********************************************************************** * * depositoraction.cpp -- * Copyright (C) 2000 The New Zealand Digital Library Project * * A component of the Greenstone digital library software * from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the * University of Waikato, New Zealand. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *********************************************************************/ #include "gsdl_modules_cfg.h" #ifdef GSDL_USE_DEPOSITOR_ACTION // note that the collectoraction relies on having direct access to a // collections configuration file. this breaks the separation between // receptionist and collection server and so is not suitable (at least // in its current form) for use when collection servers are separate // from the receptionist (e.g. when using the CORBA protocol). // following line required to get fstream.filedesc() on darwin (Mac OS X) #define _STREAM_COMPAT 1 // required for utsname on solaris??? #ifndef _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 1 #endif // This was added for Solaris, but it makes things worse on Solaris for me... // #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1 #include "depositoraction.h" #include "OIDtools.h" #include "fileutil.h" #include "cfgread.h" #include "gsdltools.h" #include "gsdltimes.h" #include "argdb.h" #include "cgiutils.h" #include //#include // seems to be needed for gcc 2.95, but not particularly happy it #include #include #if !defined (__WIN32__) #include #include #endif #include //#include #include #include #include //#include depositoraction::depositoraction () : wizardaction() { macro_prefix = "di1"; //deposit item lastpage = 0; cgiarginfo arg_ainfo; arg_ainfo.shortname = "a"; arg_ainfo.longname = "action"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "depositor"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); arg_ainfo.shortname = "p"; arg_ainfo.longname = "page"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "select"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); //furthest page that has been visited arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1lastpage"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "0"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // the fileupload info that cgiwrapper produces - we parse the fileupload_t // and set di1userfile, di1userfilesize arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1userfileinfo"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.fileupload = true; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::mustnot; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // essential: reset fileupload to default as we are not setting // it for each arg arg_ainfo.fileupload = false; //the name of the file to be added arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1userfile"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = g_EmptyText; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); //the file size arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1userfilesize"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "0"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); //the file timestamp arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1timestamp"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "0"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // temporary directory name for this collector // session arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1tmp"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = g_EmptyText; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1dirname"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = g_EmptyText; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1contactemail"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = g_EmptyText; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::mustnot; // saved on disk argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // wizard uses this to see if we are working with an existing collection: // set the default to 1 arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1esrce"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = false; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "1"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // collection specific depositing. We are bypassing the select page. Need to do the clearing that happens at select. And depositor link at top right should be back to local deposit arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1local"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = false; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "0"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // shall we cache the metadata values? Made this an arg so we can turn it off if wanted arg_ainfo.shortname = "di1cache"; arg_ainfo.longname = "depositor specific"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = false; arg_ainfo.multiplevalue = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "1"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); } depositoraction::~depositoraction () { } bool depositoraction::check_cgiargs (cgiargsinfoclass &argsinfo, cgiargsclass &args, recptprotolistclass * protos, ostream &logout) { wizardaction::check_cgiargs(argsinfo,args,protos,logout); text_t ¤t_page = args["p"]; // note that the "bildstatus" and "bildframe1" pages don't actually do anything // functional so we don't need to worry about authenticating them (it's the // underlying "bild" page that does the building (and creates the frameset)) // This helps us overcome a bit of a problem we have with multiple pages trying // to read from the key.gdb database at the same time. //right now, anyone can do anything until it's time to build // Used to check current page was "select", now changed to "step1". // (i.e. one page later). This is needed so users that belong to // specific collection-edit groups (e.g. demo-collection-editor) are able // to log in successfully. // if (current_page == "step1") { //authenticate the user if authentication is available args["uan"] = 1; args["ug"] = "all-collections-editor," + args["c"] + "-collection-editor"; } //Check to see if a file was specified //if so, upload it and set the di1userfile, di1userfilesize, and //di1timestamp args. //every time a new file is specified, a new timestamped folder is //created. // This doesn't create a problem but is inefficient (wasted space) // Consider recoding at some point in the future. fileupload_t *fileupload = args.getargfile("di1userfileinfo"); if (fileupload != NULL) { if (!(*fileupload).tmp_name.empty() && file_exists((*fileupload).tmp_name)) { // create the timestamp time_t timestamp = time(NULL); text_t timestamp_str(timestamp); args["di1timestamp"] = timestamp_str; // set filename and size from the fileupload struct args["di1userfilesize"] = (*fileupload).size; args["di1userfile"] = (*fileupload).name; // copy the file into its temporary location text_t tmpdir = filename_cat(gsdlhome,"tmp",args["di1tmp"],timestamp_str); bool tflag = mk_dir(tmpdir); text_t tmpfile = filename_cat(tmpdir,(*fileupload).name); if (!file_copy((*fileupload).tmp_name, tmpfile)) { cerr << "Depositor error: cannot save uploaded fileto "< lastpage) { lastpage++; text_t lastpage_textt(lastpage); args["di1lastpage"] = lastpage_textt; } // create cached metadata values if (args["di1cache"] == "1") { text_t cached_metadata_values = ""; cgiargsclass::const_iterator args_here = args.begin(); cgiargsclass::const_iterator args_end = args.end(); while (args_here != args_end) { text_t args_name = (*args_here).first; int prefix_len = macro_prefix.size(); int args_name_len = args_name.size(); if(args_name_len >= prefix_len+3) { // Only now can we substring args_name by prefix_len+3 text_t args_prefix; if(args_name_len == prefix_len+3) { args_prefix = args_name; } else { // >, so substring args_prefix = substr(args_name.begin(),args_name.begin()+prefix_len+3); } if (args_prefix == (macro_prefix+"md.")) { text_t args_val = args[args_name]; text_t args_suffix = substr(args_name.begin()+prefix_len+3,args_name.end()); text_tarray mdvalues; splitchar (args_val.begin(), args_val.end(), ',', mdvalues); int numvalues = mdvalues.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numvalues; ++i) { if (!mdvalues[i].empty()) { decode_cgi_arg(mdvalues[i]); if (cached_metadata_values == "") { cached_metadata_values = "var CachedMDValues = new Array(\\{"; } else { cached_metadata_values += ","; } cached_metadata_values += "\"" + args_name + "\":\"" + encodeForJavascript(args_val) + "\""; } } } } ++args_here; } if (cached_metadata_values != "") { cached_metadata_values += "\\});"; args["cachedMDValues"] = cached_metadata_values; } } } return true; } void depositoraction::define_internal_macros (displayclass &disp, cgiargsclass &args, recptprotolistclass *protos, ostream &logout) { // define_internal_macros sets some/all of the following macros (depending // on cgiargs): // // _pagescriptextra_ // _header_ // _depositorbar_ // _textfailmsg_ // _di1userfile_ // _di1userfilesize_ text_t &depositor_page = args["p"]; // set _pagescriptextra_ macro to _cpagescriptextra_ disp.setmacro ("pagescriptextra", "depositor", "_" + depositor_page + "scriptextra_"); if (depositor_page == "bildstatus" || depositor_page == "bilddone" || depositor_page == "bildfail" || depositor_page == "bildframe1" || depositor_page == "select") { disp.setmacro ("header", "depositor", "_" + depositor_page + "header_"); } if (depositor_page == "bildstatus") { set_statusline (disp, args, logout); } if (depositor_page == "select") { set_fullnamemenu (disp, args, protos, logout); } //how many pages in collection? //we need a _depositorbar_ for each text_t numsteps_str; disp.expandstring("depositor", "_numsteps_", numsteps_str); int numsteps = numsteps_str.getint(); //is the page a step page? text_t::const_iterator here = depositor_page.begin(); text_t::const_iterator end = depositor_page.end(); text_t stepstring = substr(here,here+4); if((stepstring) == "step" || (depositor_page == "depositonly") ) { disp.setmacro("di1userfile","depositor",args["di1userfile"]); disp.setmacro("di1userfilesize","depositor",args["di1userfilesize"]); } //set up the depositor bar text_t depositorbar = "\n"; if(stepstring == "step") { // check configured metadata elements if (args["metadataconf"] == "var DepositorMDFields = new Array();" || args["metadataconf"] == "") { text_t cfgfile_name = filename_cat (collecthome, args[macro_prefix + "dirname"], "etc", "collect.cfg"); text_t key; text_tarray cfgline; char *cstr = cfgfile_name.getcstr(); ifstream confin (cstr); delete []cstr; text_t metadata_str; if (confin) { while (read_cfg_line(confin, cfgline) >= 0) { if (cfgline.size () >= 2) { key = cfgline[0]; if (key == "collectionmeta") { if (cfgline[1] == "depositormetadata") { metadata_str = cfgline[2]; break; } } } } } confin.close (); if (metadata_str == "") { metadata_str = "{\"name\":\"dc.Title\",\"label\":\"Title\",\"tooltip\":\"dc.Title: A name given to the resource.\",\"type\":\"text\"}, {\"name\":\"dc.Creator\",\"label\":\"Creator\",\"tooltip\":\"dc.Creator: An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.\",\"type\":\"text\"}, {\"name\":\"dc.Description\",\"label\":\"Description\",\"tooltip\":\"dc.Description: An account of the content of the resource.\",\"type\":\"textarea\"}"; } args["metadataconf"] = "var DepositorMDFields = new Array("+metadata_str+");"; } here = depositor_page.begin(); text_t stepnums = substr(here+4,here+5); int stepnum = stepnums.getint(); text_t lastpage_textt = args["di1lastpage"]; int lastpage = lastpage_textt.getint(); // again, begin with the select bar... //the first button - selecting a collection for(int i = 1; i <= numsteps; i++) { text_t numstr(i); if(i <= lastpage && i == stepnum) { depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "yellow", "step"+numstr, false); } else if (i <= lastpage) { depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "yellow", "step"+numstr, true); } else if((i == lastpage+1)){ depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "green", "step"+numstr, true); } else { depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "grey", "step"+numstr, false); } depositorbar += "\n"; } //the build and preview pages are always last if(lastpage == numsteps) { depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "green", "laststep", true); } else { depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "grey", "laststep", false); } text_t laststep_textt; disp.expandstring("depositor", "_laststep_", laststep_textt); if(laststep_textt == "bild") { depositorbar += "\n"; depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "grey", "view", false); } depositorbar += ""; for(int j = 1; j <= 2*(stepnum-1); j++) { depositorbar += ""; } depositorbar += "\n"; depositorbar += "
\n"; // set the javascript so that the metadata form can read the existing values if (args["cachedMDValues"] != "") { disp.setmacro("cachedmetadatavalues", "depositor", args["cachedMDValues"]); } if (args["metadataconf"] != "") { disp.setmacro("metadataconf", "depositor", args["metadataconf"]); } } if ((depositor_page == "bildcancel") || (depositor_page == "bildfail")) { for(int i = 1; i <= numsteps; i++) { text_t numstr(i); depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "yellow", "step"+numstr, true); depositorbar += "_icongreyarrow_\n"; } //the build and preview pages are always last depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "green", "laststep", true); depositorbar += "_icongreyarrow_\n"; depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "grey", "view", false); depositorbar += ""; for(int j = 1; j <= 2*numsteps; j++) { depositorbar += ""; } depositorbar += "_icongreyuparrow_\n"; depositorbar += "\n"; } if(depositor_page == "bilddone"){ for(int i = 1; i <= numsteps; i++) { text_t numstr(i); depositorbar += get_button (args, depositor_page, "grey", "step"+numstr, false); depositorbar += "_icongreyarrow_\n"; } //the build and preview pages are always last depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "yellow", "laststep", false); depositorbar += "_icongreyarrow_\n"; depositorbar += get_button (args,depositor_page, "green", "view", true); depositorbar += ""; for(int j = 1; j <= 2*numsteps; j++) { depositorbar += ""; } depositorbar += "_icongreyuparrow_\n"; depositorbar += "\n"; } disp.setmacro ("depositorbar", "depositor", depositorbar); if (depositor_page == "bildfail") { text_t textfailmsg = "_textfailmsg"; textfailmsg.push_back(failcode); textfailmsg.push_back('_'); disp.setmacro("textfailmsg", "depositor", textfailmsg); text_t bldlog = filename_cat(gsdlhome, "tmp", args["di1tmp"], args["di1dirname"] + ".bld"); //text_t rawlog = file_tail (bldlog, 6, 0); text_t rawlog; read_file(bldlog, rawlog); // we'll shove in some
tags where \n's occur text_t faillog; text_t::const_iterator here = rawlog.begin(); text_t::const_iterator end = rawlog.end(); while (here != end) { if (*here == '\n') faillog += "
"; faillog.push_back (*here); ++here; } disp.setmacro ("faillog", "depositor", dm_safe(faillog)); } } //basic framework bool depositoraction::do_action (cgiargsclass &args, recptprotolistclass * /*protos*/, browsermapclass * /*browsers*/, displayclass &disp, outconvertclass &outconvert, ostream &textout, ostream &logout) { // make sure the depositor is enabled if (disabled) { textout << outconvert << "\n" << "\n" << "Depositor disabled\n" << "\n" << "\n" << "

Facility disabled

\n" << "Sorry, the Depositor end-user collecation update facility is currently disabled\n" << "\n\n" << "\n"; return true; } text_t &depositor_page = args["p"]; text_t &collection = args["di1dirname"]; // make sure we have perl (we won't bother with this check for the // building status pages to avoid slowing things down unneccessarily) if (depositor_page != "bildstatus" && depositor_page != "bildframe1" && !perl_ok(logout)) { textout << outconvert << "\n" << "\n" << "Perl not found\n" << "\n" << "\n" << "

Perl not found

\n" << "Greenstone could not detect perl on this system. It is therefore not\n" << "possible to build a Greenstone collection, either from the Collector or the \n" << "command-line tools, or to use the Collector for any other task.\n" << "

Please refer to the Greenstone Installer's Guide for details on\n" << "installing perl on your system.\n" << "\n\n" << "\n"; return true; } text_t::const_iterator here = depositor_page.begin(); text_t::const_iterator end = depositor_page.end(); text_t stepstring = substr(here,here+4); if ((depositor_page == "select") || (stepstring == "step")) { textout << outconvert << disp << ("_depositor:header_\n") << ("_depositor:" + encodeForHTML(depositor_page) + "content_\n") << ("_depositor:footer_\n"); } if ((depositor_page == "bild") || (depositor_page == "depositonly")) { text_t filename_textt = args["di1userfile"]; text_t timestamp_str = args["di1timestamp"]; //check to make sure a file was uploaded //if more than one upload occurred, the last one is taken if(filename_textt == "") { textout << outconvert << disp << "

no file available

\n"; } else { text_t col_dirname = filename_cat(collecthome,args[macro_prefix+"dirname"]); text_t import_dirname = filename_cat(col_dirname,"import"); if(!directory_exists(import_dirname)) { bool flag = mk_dir(import_dirname); if(!flag) { cerr << "Error: unable to make directory " << import_dirname << endl; return true; } } text_t dirname = filename_cat(import_dirname,timestamp_str); bool flag = mk_dir(dirname); if(!flag) { cerr << "Error: unable to make timestamp directory " << dirname << endl; return true; } text_t filename_textt = args["di1userfile"]; text_t tmpdir = filename_cat(gsdlhome,"tmp",args["di1tmp"],timestamp_str); text_t tmpfile = filename_cat(tmpdir,filename_textt); text_t filename = filename_cat(dirname, filename_textt); if(!file_copy(tmpfile, filename)) { cerr << "Unable to copy " << tmpfile << " to " << filename << endl; } //write the metadata file write_metadata_file(args, filename_textt, timestamp_str); if(depositor_page == "bild"){ //create a manifest file write_manifest_file(args, filename_textt, timestamp_str); // do the work (download, import, build) gsdl_build (args, logout); if (message.empty()) { // bild page is a frameset so we don't want headers and stuff textout << outconvert << disp << ("_depositor:bildcontent_\n"); } } } } if (message.empty()) { if (depositor_page != "bild" && stepstring != "step" && depositor_page != "select") { // output page ("bild" page was already output above) textout << outconvert << disp << ("_depositor:header_\n") << ("_depositor:" + encodeForHTML(depositor_page) + "content_\n") << ("_depositor:footer_\n"); } } else { // message was set somewhere (probably an error), output message page textout << outconvert << disp << ("_depositor:header_\n") << ("_depositor:" + message + "content_\n") << ("_depositor:footer_\n"); message.clear(); } return true; } //This function creates a metadata.xml file void depositoraction::write_metadata_file(cgiargsclass &args, text_t filename_str, text_t& timestamp_str) { //build metadata file //the front text_t metadata_file = "\n"; metadata_file += "\n"; metadata_file += "\n"; metadata_file += " \n"; metadata_file += " "; // Generate 'regular expression' save version of filename // for now that means escaping any '.' characters // consider generalising as function in gsdltools.h/cpp? text_t filename_re; text_t::const_iterator here = filename_str.begin(); text_t::const_iterator end = filename_str.end(); while (here != end) { if (*here == '.') { filename_re.push_back('\\'); } filename_re.push_back(*here); ++here; } metadata_file += filename_re; metadata_file += "\n"; metadata_file += " \n"; cgiargsclass::const_iterator args_here = args.begin(); cgiargsclass::const_iterator args_end = args.end(); while (args_here != args_end) { text_t args_name = (*args_here).first; int prefix_len = macro_prefix.size(); int args_name_len = args_name.size(); if(args_name_len >= prefix_len+3) { // Only now can we substring args_name by prefix_len+3 text_t args_prefix; if(args_name_len == prefix_len+3) { args_prefix = args_name; } else { // >, so substring args_prefix = substr(args_name.begin(),args_name.begin()+prefix_len+3); } if (args_prefix == (macro_prefix+"md.")) { text_t args_val = args[args_name]; text_t args_suffix = substr(args_name.begin()+prefix_len+3,args_name.end()); text_tarray mdvalues; splitchar (args_val.begin(), args_val.end(), ',', mdvalues); int numvalues = mdvalues.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numvalues; ++i) { if (!mdvalues[i].empty()) { decode_cgi_arg(mdvalues[i]); metadata_file += " "; metadata_file += mdvalues[i]; metadata_file += "\n"; } } } } ++args_here; } //the end of the file metadata_file += " \n"; metadata_file += " \n"; metadata_file += "\n"; //create metadata.xml file text_t metadata_path = filename_cat(collecthome, args[macro_prefix+"dirname"], "import", timestamp_str, "metadata.xml"); text_t my_path = filename_cat(gsdlhome,"tmp", "metadata.xml"); ofstream metadata(metadata_path.getcstr()); ofstream my_tmp(my_path.getcstr()); if(!metadata.is_open()) { cerr << "Cannot open metadata.xml!" << endl; } else { //write metadata.xml metadata.write(metadata_file.getcstr(), metadata_file.size()); my_tmp.write(metadata_file.getcstr(), metadata_file.size()); } } //This function creates a manifest.xml file void depositoraction::write_manifest_file(cgiargsclass &args, text_t filename, text_t& timestamp_str) { //build manifest file //the front text_t manifest_file = "\n"; manifest_file += "\n"; manifest_file += " \n"; manifest_file += " \n"; manifest_file += " " + timestamp_str + "\n"; manifest_file += " \n"; //the end of the file manifest_file += " \n"; manifest_file += "\n"; //create manifest.xml file text_t manifest_path = filename_cat(collecthome, args[macro_prefix+"dirname"], "manifest.xml"); char* manifest_cstr = manifest_path.getcstr(); ofstream manifest(manifest_cstr); if(!manifest.is_open()) { cerr << "Cannot open" << manifest_cstr << endl; } else { //write manifest.xml char *manifest_file_cstr = manifest_file.getcstr(); manifest.write(manifest_file_cstr, manifest_file.size()); delete [] manifest_file_cstr; } delete [] manifest_cstr; } text_t depositoraction::get_button(cgiargsclass &args, const text_t &thispage, const text_t &color, const text_t &type, bool enabled) { text_t::const_iterator here = type.begin(); text_t::const_iterator end = type.end(); text_t stepstring = substr(here,here+4); if ((color != "green" && color != "grey" && color != "yellow") || (type != "select" && type != "laststep" && stepstring != "step" && type != "view")) return g_EmptyText; text_t href = "_http"+type+"_"; text_t target = ""; here = thispage.begin(); stepstring = substr(here,here+4); if (thispage == "bildcancel" || thispage == "bildfail" || thispage == "select"|| stepstring == "step") { // call the check submit macro instead of linking directly to the page if(type == "laststep") { href="\"javascript:check_submit('_"+type+"_');\""; } else { href="\"javascript:check_submit('"+type+"');\""; } } else if (type == "view") { //target = " target=_top"; target = " target=_blank"; } text_t tdclass = "wizardbar"+color; if (enabled) { // link to the appropriate page return "_text"+type+"_"; } else { // just display the text return "_text"+type+"_"; } } #endif //GSDL_USE_DEPOSITOR_ACTION