@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" set GSDLLANG=en :: This script's contents were created in Windows codepage 850 (Western European). :: When this script is run in non-English locales like the Chinese locale, the :: character content/encoding of this script can get wrongly interpreted by the :: different encoding of the locale. And then the GS environment gets set wrongly :: or incompletely in those cases. :: So we force this script to be run and interpreted in codepage 850. :: However, the Russian display strings in this script were desgined to work in the :: default Russian Windows codepage 866. Whereas, codepage 850 works for this :: script's remaining English, French, Spanish display strings. So: if ("!GSDLLANG!" == "ru") ( chcp 866 ) else ( chcp 850 ) echo. echo. echo #### # echo ## # echo # ### ## ## ### ### ### ## ### ## echo # # # #### #### # # ## # # # # # #### echo ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # echo #### # ### ### # # ### ## ## # # ### echo (C) 2008, New Zealand Digital Library Project echo. echo. echo. if "!GSDLHOME!" == "" goto start if "!GSDLHOME!" == "!CD!" if not "!GSDLOS!" == "" ( echo Your environment is already set up for Greenstone goto done ) :start if "!OS!" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT if "!OS!" == "" goto Win95 if "!GSDLLANG!" == "en" echo Setup failed - your PATH has not been set if "!GSDLLANG!" == "es" echo No se pudo realizar la configuraciвn - no se ha establecido la RUTA. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "fr" echo EchВc de l'installation - votre variable PATH n'a pas ВtВ ajustВe if "!GSDLLANG!" == "ru" echo Установка не удалась - ПУТЬ не был установлен goto End :WinNT set GSDLHOME=%CD% set GSDLOS=windows REM Override Imagemagick and Ghostscript paths to the bundled applications shipped with greenstone if they exists otherwise use default environment variables. if exist "!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\bin\gsdll32.dll" set GS_DLL=!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\bin\gsdll32.dll if exist "!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\lib\*.*" set GS_LIB=!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\lib if exist "!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\bin\*.*" set PATH=!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\bin;!PATH! :: ImageMagick environment vars are now set in bin\script\gs-magick.pl ::if exist "!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\imagemagick\*.*" set PATH=!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\imagemagick;!PATH! if "!GS_CP_SET!" == "yes" goto Success set PATH=!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows;!GSDLHOME!\bin\script;!PATH! if exist "!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\perl\bin" ( set PERLPATH=!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\perl\bin set PATH=!PERLPATH!;!PATH! ) set GS_CP_SET=yes goto Success :Win95 if "%1" == "SetEnv" goto Win95Env REM We'll invoke a second copy of the command processor to make REM sure there's enough environment space COMMAND /E:2048 /K %0 SetEnv goto End :Win95Env set GSDLHOME=%CD% set GSDLOS=windows REM Override Imagemagick and Ghostscript paths to the bundled applications shipped with greenstone if they exists otherwise use default environment variables. if exist "!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\bin\gsdll32.dll" set GS_DLL="!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\bin\gsdll32.dll" if exist "!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\lib\*.*" set GS_LIB="!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\lib" if exist "!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\bin\*.*" set PATH="!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\ghostscript\bin";"!PATH!" :: ImageMagick environment vars are now set in bin\script\gs-magick.pl ::if exist "!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\imagemagick\*.*" set PATH="!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\imagemagick";"!PATH!" if "!GS_CP_SET!" == "yes" goto Success set PATH=!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows;!GSDLHOME!\bin\script;!PATH! if exist "!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\perl\bin" ( set PERLPATH=!GSDLHOME!\bin\windows\perl\bin set PATH=!PERLPATH!;!PATH! ) set GS_CP_SET=yes goto Success :Success if "!GSDLLANG!" == "en" echo. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "en" echo Your environment has successfully been set up to run Greenstone. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "en" echo Note that these settings will only have effect within this MS-DOS if "!GSDLLANG!" == "en" echo session. You will therefore need to rerun setup.bat if you want if "!GSDLLANG!" == "en" echo to run Greenstone programs from a different MS-DOS session. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "en" echo. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "es" echo. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "es" echo Su ambiente ha sido configurado para correr los programas Greenstone. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "es" echo Recuerde que estos ajustes гnicamente tendrаn efecto dentro de esta sesiвn if "!GSDLLANG!" == "es" echo MS-DOS. Por lo tanto deberа ejecutar nuevamente setup.bat si desea if "!GSDLLANG!" == "es" echo correr los programas de Greenstone desde una sesiвn MS-DOS diferente. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "es" echo. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "fr" echo. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "fr" echo Votre environnement a ВtВ configuВre avec succКs pour exВcuter Greenstone if "!GSDLLANG!" == "fr" echo Notez que ces paramКtrages n'auront d'effet que dans cette session MS-DOS. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "fr" echo Vous devrez par consВquent rВexВcuter setup.bat si vous voulez faire if "!GSDLLANG!" == "fr" echo lancer des programmes Greenstone dans une autre session MS-DOS. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "fr" echo. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "ru" echo. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "ru" echo Ваше окружение было успешно настроено, чтобы установить Greenstone Обратите if "!GSDLLANG!" == "ru" echo внимание, что эти назначения будут только иметь эффект в пределах этого MS DOS if "!GSDLLANG!" == "ru" echo сессия. Вы будете поэтому должны повторно управлять setup.bat, если Вы хотите if "!GSDLLANG!" == "ru" echo управлять программами Зелёных изверженных пород от различной сессии MS DOS. if "!GSDLLANG!" == "ru" echo. :End endlocal & set PATH=%PATH%& set GSDLHOME=%GSDLHOME%& set GSDLOS=%GSDLOS% set savedir=%CD% cd "%GSDLHOME%" if exist ext ( for /D %%e IN ("ext/*") do call :addexts %%e ) cd "%savedir%" set savedir= goto :doneexts :addexts set folder=%1 cd "ext\%folder%" if EXIST setup.bat call setup.bat cd ..\.. goto :eof :doneexts if exist "%GSDLHOME%\local\setup.bat" ( echo. echo Running %GSDLHOME%\local\setup.bat cd "%GSDLHOME%\local" call setup.bat cd "%GSDLHOME%" ) setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if exist "%GSDLHOME%\local" ( set PATH=!GSDLHOME!\local\bin;!PATH! ) if exist "%GSDLHOME%\apache-httpd" ( echo +Adding in executable path for apache-httpd set PATH=!GSDLHOME!\apache-httpd\!GSDLOS!\bin;!PATH! set PATH=!GSDLHOME!\apache-httpd\!GSDLOS!\lib;!PATH! ) :: test writability of GSDLHOME @call "!GSDLHOME!\bin\script\checkwritability.bat" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: if "!GSDL3SRCHOME!" == "" (goto javacheck) else (goto done) :javacheck :: Only for GS2: work out java, and if the bundled jre is found, then set Java env vars with it :: Then the same java will be consistently available for all aspects of GS2 (server or GLI, and any subshells these launch) echo. set MINIMUM_JAVA_VERSION=1.5.0_00 echo GS2 installation: Checking for Java of version !MINIMUM_JAVA_VERSION! or above set BUNDLED_JRE=!GSDLHOME!\packages\jre if exist "!BUNDLED_JRE!" ( set HINT=!BUNDLED_JRE! ) else ( echo No bundled JRE set HINT= ) set SEARCH4J_EXECUTABLE=!GSDLHOME!\bin\!GSDLOS!\search4j.exe if not exist "!SEARCH4J_EXECUTABLE!" ( echo Can't check for java, no Search4j if not exist "!BUNDLED_JRE!" echo Ensure Java environment variables are set ^(either JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME and on PATH^) & goto done :: else use Bundled JRE echo Will use the bundled JRE and unset any JAVA_HOME to prevent conflicts set JAVA_HOME= set JRE_HOME=!BUNDLED_JRE! set PATH=!BUNDLED_JRE!\bin;!PATH! goto done ) :: Need the call stmt, the usebackq with backticks around the full command, AND the double quotes around filepaths to properly handle spaces in the filepaths for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%r in (`call "!GSDLHOME!\bin\!GSDLOS!\search4j.exe" -p "!HINT!" -m !MINIMUM_JAVA_VERSION!`) do set GS_JAVA_HOME=%%r if "!GS_JAVA_HOME!" == "" ( if not exist "!BUNDLED_JRE!" echo There's no bundled JRE. echo setup.bat: Could not find Java in the environment or installation. echo Set JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME, and put it on the PATH, if working with Java tools like Lucene. goto done ) :: found java, now GS_JAVA_HOME env vars set, set JAVA_HOME else JRE_HOME if "!GS_JAVA_HOME!" == "!BUNDLED_JRE!" ( :: since our bundled JRE was selected by search4j and we'll be using that, clearing any existing JAVA_HOME to prevent version conflicts echo Found a bundled JRE. Setting up GS2's Java environment to use this ^(and unsetting any JAVA_HOME to prevent version conflicts^) set JAVA_HOME= set JRE_HOME=!BUNDLED_JRE! set PATH=!BUNDLED_JRE!\bin;!PATH! goto done ) :: Otherwise, the java that search4j found is not the bundled jre. In that case :: if JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME is already set to the Java found, then PATH presumably would already be set too. if "!JAVA_HOME!" == "!GS_JAVA_HOME!" ( echo Looks like the Java environment is already set up with a JAVA_HOME ::echo Looks like the Java environment is already set up with a JAVA_HOME, unsetting any JRE_HOME goto done ) if "!JRE_HOME!" == "!GS_JAVA_HOME!" ( echo Looks like the Java environment is already set up with a JRE_HOME, unsetting any JAVA_HOME to prevent java version conflicts set JAVA_HOME= goto done ) :: if Java env vars not already set, then set them to the GS_JAVA_HOME found echo Found a Java on the system. Setting up GS2's Java environment to use this ::echo Found a Java on the system. Setting up GS2's Java environment to use this: !GS_JAVA_HOME! set PATH=!GS_JAVA_HOME!\bin;!PATH! :: extract the last 4 chars from folder name. Could be \jre or jre\ or otherwise set javafoldername=!GS_JAVA_HOME:~-4! :: now can test if the foldername contains jre or otherwise, and based on that set either JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME :: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7005951/batch-file-find-if-substring-is-in-string-not-in-a-file :: https://ss64.com/nt/syntax-substring.html if /i "x!javafoldername:jre=!" == "x!javafoldername!" ( echo Setting JAVA_HOME, and unsetting any JRE_HOME to prevent version conflicts set JAVA_HOME=!GS_JAVA_HOME! set JRE_HOME= ) else ( echo Setting JRE_HOME, and unsetting any JAVA_HOME to prevent version conflicts set JRE_HOME=!GS_JAVA_HOME! set JAVA_HOME= ) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :done :: COMMENTING OUT THE 2 LINES DETERMINING AND SETTING THE BITNESS (32/64) ON WIN MACHINES :: AS IT MAY BE USEFUL IN FUTURE AND IT TOOK ME SOME TIME TO GET THESE LINES WORKING RIGHT :: To know bitness (32 vs 64) of a Windows machine, the cmd is "SET Processor" :: and look through the lines of output for the line PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86 :: or PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x64. See techgenix.com/aquicktiptocheckoperatingsystemarchitecture/ :: The following runs the cmd "set Processor". Then, among the multiline output, it finds the line :: containing "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE", splits this line on the delimiter "=" and stores the 2nd token in %%G :: Based on the example "_ping_cmd" at https://ss64.com/nt/for_cmd.html :: REM for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('set Processor ^|find "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"') do set BITNESS=%%G :: Easier way to above: %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% already contains a value of amd64/x64 or x86. So don't need to run the "set Processor" :: command and hunt for PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE line. See https://superuser.com/questions/321988/how-do-i-determine-if-my-windows-is-32-bit-or-64-bit-using-a-command REM set BITNESS=%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% :: BITNESS will now be "x86" for 32 bit or something like "amd64" or "x64" for 64 bit :: From https://ss64.com/nt/syntax-substring.html :: "To do a string comparison, remove the SearchString and compare the result with the original :: variable before removal. If both strings are the same, then SearchString was not found:" REM if /i "%BITNESS:64=%" == "%BITNESS%" (set BITNESS=32) else (set BITNESS=64) popd endlocal & set PATH=%PATH%& set GSDLHOME=%GSDLHOME%& set GSDLOS=%GSDLOS%& set JRE_HOME=%JRE_HOME%& set JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME% REM & set BITNESS=%BITNESS% if not "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" echo JAVA_HOME: %JAVA_HOME% if not "%JRE_HOME%" == "" echo JRE_HOME: %JRE_HOME% :: if GS3, then we'll do some more checking such as bundled JRE if the bitness is right if "%GSDL3SRCHOME%" == "" if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" if "%JRE_HOME%" == "" echo Warning: Neither JAVA_HOME nor JRE_HOME set. Ensure one is set and on PATH. if not "%GSDL3SRCHOME%" == "" if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" if "%JRE_HOME%" == "" echo Neither JAVA_HOME nor JRE_HOME set. Will shortly check for bundled JRE of correct bitness. :: Perl >= v5.18.* randomises map iteration order within a process set PERL_PERTURB_KEYS=0 set PERL_HASH_SEED=0 :: The user can customise wget flags like number of retries and setting timeouts in the Wgetrc file. :: The WGETRC environment variable is used by wget to find a user wgetrc file overriding any system level one :: https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/Wgetrc-Location.html set WGETRC=%GSDLHOME%/bin/%GSDLOS%/wgetrc :: On other locales, like Chinese locales, for XMLParsers to read (XML) files :: in UTF-8 encoding (instead of defaulting to encoding GBK when on Chinese locale), :: need to pass -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 to the JVM. Can have this passed to the JVM by :: setting the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable to this here. :: For example, the example at https://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-read-utf-8-xml-file-in-java-sax-parser/ :: doesn't work in a Chinese locale until the program is run with :: java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 , so for GS3 this will be passed in to tomcat :: in build.xml :: :: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37071353/how-to-check-if-a-variable-exists-in-a-batch-file rem if "x%JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS%"=="x" ( rem set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 rem ) else ( rem set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=%JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS% -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 rem )