OS : ${os.name} NOTE: Although the tomcat.user.allowLinking property was set to true, overriding this to use false instead for security reasons, since the Windows OS has a case insensitive filesystem. WARNING: tomcat.user.allowLinking property was set to true. The tomcat server will be set to use this. But if you're on an operating system where the filesystem is case INsensitive, then ensure tomcat.user.allowLinking's value is set to false for security reasons. @@@@ In file build.properties: invalid value for server.protocols. It must contain http or https, or both (in order of preference) separated by commas. ... ********* ERROR: localhost.port.http in file build.properties is set to an invalid port number. If port 80 is not possible, user assignable ports range from 1024–49151. But don't choose any port already in use by another application. Try setting to localhost.port.http=8383 ... ********* ERROR: in file build.properties, server.protocols includes https but tomcat.port.https is set to an invalid port number. If port 443 is not possible, user assignable ports range from 1024–49151. But don't choose any port already in use by another application. Try setting tomcat.port.https=8443 IMPORTANT: In file build.properties, when property server.protocols includes https, as now, the keystore.pass property must be set to a non-empty value. Either set server.protocols to http by itself, if you don't want support for https, or set keystore.pass if you do want https support. ... ********* ERROR: server.protocols contains https in file build.properties, but the keystore.pass property required for obtaining/renewing the https certificate is not set or is set to the empty string. Choose a password for keystore.pass and set it in build.properties before proceeding. Greenstone3 home directory is read-only => Writable area is: ${gsdl3.writablehome} No previous Greenstone home writable area detected => Setting up area Copying to ${gsdl3.writablehome}/packages/tomcat => Copying Greenstone's web/WEB-INF to writable area using JAVA_HOME : ${envi.JAVA_HOME} ant.version = ${ant.version} java.version = ${java.specification.version} (specification version) is unix : ${current.os.isunix} is mac : ${current.os.ismac} is unixnotmac : ${current.os.isunixnotmac} is windows : ${current.os.iswindows} os.unix : ${os.unix} env.PATH : ${env.PATH} env.Path : ${env.Path} env.GSDLOS : ${env.GSDLOS} No env.PATH (or env.Path) set. Unable to set local.tomcat.path property Check file environment.txt for environment settings written out for debugging. To compile up and install up Greenstone3, enter: ant install After successful installation, you can turn on https support on Windows and Linux by editing build.properties and running 'ant setup-https-cert' (requires system admin rights) Using PATH environment variable to locate Perl. Non-standard location of Perl found: ${full.perl.path} Set the environment variable PERLPATH or the perl.path property in build.properties to explicitly control the version of Perl used. ${external.servlet-url} ${default.server.protocol}://${tomcat.server}:${default.tomcat.port}${app.path}${server.default.servlet} ${local.http.url} ${local.http.url}${app.path}${server.default.servlet} ${internal.servlet-url} ${external.servlet-url} ${local.http.url}/${solr.context} Derby is running: ${derby.isrunning} Derby is running: ${derby.isstarted} Launching derby on ${derby.server}:${derby.server.port}... Derby server ALREADY RUNNING on ${derby.server}:${derby.server.port} About to launch derby on ${derby.server}:${derby.server.port} Derby networked server ALREADY RUNNING on ${derby.server}:${derby.server.port} Property derby.server.classpath.prop is set to: ${derby.server.classpath.prop} File needed on classpath to start derby server: ${web.writablelib}/derbynet.jar not available File needed on classpath to start derby server: ${web.writablelib}/derby.jar not available Derby is not running ${app.name} (${app.version}) server running using Apache Tomcat and Java Tomcat: ${catalina.home} Java : ${java.home} Perl : ${full.perl.path} URL : ${url} Generating new oaiconfigs for servlets ${oai.servlets} Copying file ${basedir}/resources/oai/OAIConfig.xml.in to ${basedir}/resources/oai/OAIConfig-${servlet_name}.xml.in This file (OAIConfig-${servlet_name}.xml.in) will not be regenerated again, so you may edit it to customise settings for this servlet. To have it regenerated, delete the file. Copying ${basedir}/resources/oai/OAIConfig-${servlet_name}.xml.in to ${web.writableclasses}/OAIConfig-${servlet_name}.xml and setting baseURL to ${url}${servlet_name} Writing out baseURL ${url}gs-cantaloupe to ${web.writableclasses}/IIIFConfig.xml To install Greenstone3, run '${install-command}'. There are properties defined in build.properties. The install process will ask you if these properties are set correctly. To avoid this prompt, use the '-Dproperties.accepted=yes' option. To log the output, use the '-logfile build.log' option. The README.txt file has more information about the ant targets and install process. The following properties (among others) are being used from a build.properties file found in this directory: server.protocols=${server.protocols} tomcat.server=${tomcat.server} tomcat.port.https=${tomcat.port.https} localhost.port.http=${localhost.port.http} default.server.protocol=${default.server.protocol} default.tomcat.port=${default.tomcat.port} Local base HTTP URL used by Greenstone: ${local.http.url} tomcat.installed.path=${tomcat.installed.path} (this is the location of Tomcat's base dir if it is already installed) proxy.host=${proxy.host} proxy.port=${proxy.port} disable.collection.building=${disable.collection.building} If these are not acceptable, please change them and rerun this target. Continue [y/n]? Build aborted by user. Please change your properties settings and re-run the target collection gs2mgdemo installed collection gs2mgppdemo installed collection gberg installed collection lucene-jdbm-demo installed collection solr-jdbm-demo installed Bitness: ${uname.val} darwin kernel version: ${darwin.kernel.version} Setting perl shebangs to Perl Exec: ${perl.exec} WARNING: perl.path is empty. Unable to set the shebangs in the perl files in ${web.writablehome}/WEB-INF/cgi ********************************************************************* NOTE TO OBTAINING A TLS (SSL) CERTIFICATE FOR HTTPS ********************************************************************* A signed certificate is needed for your GS server to serve pages over https. This target will attempt to obtain a certificate for you from the official and free Certificate Authority Lets Encrypt. However, a certificate can only be obtained if you have admin/sudo permissions on this machine that you are installing Greenstone on. Note that: * if you already have a certificate, then you probably do not want to be running this target but the 'ant renew-existing-https-cert' target instead, to renew your existing certificate. * if you run this target when you already have a generated certificate, the existing certificate will remain unchanged and the script will terminate with a message alerting you to this fact. To run this target, ensure you have: * (if on unix) sudo permissions. Enter the sudo password if prompted. * (if on windows) sufficient privileges to run the included tomcat on port 80. * nothing running on port 80 when you run this target * edited the build.properties file with - tomcat.server set to the/a domain name of your server - server.protocols comma-separated list set to contain at least 'https' if not also http (the first in this list will be the default protocol) - tomcat.port.https set to a valid port number not yet in use - keystore.pass set to a password for the certification process * read the Lets Encrypt Subscriber Agreement at https://letsencrypt.org/repository/ If any of the above is not possible, quit this target. Continue [y/n]? https certification step aborted by user. Please edit build.properties to set server.protocol=http and comment out tomcat.port.https. To setup https certification, the server.protocols property in file build.properties must contain 'https' Enter an email that Let's Encrypt, the certification authority, can send any important notifications to Besides tomcat.server=${tomcat.server}, enter a comma separated list of additional domains to support, if any You've read the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement at https://letsencrypt.org/repository/ and agree You've agreed to the Let's Encrypt TOS with - email: ${https.cert.email} - domains: ${https.cert.domains} Looks okay? [y/n] Not proceeding with https certification for the Greenstone 3 web server Proceeding... ********** The included tomcat will be stopped, then restarted on port 80 and stopped again ********** The included tomcat will be stopped, then restarted on port 80 and stopped again NOTE: If you're on Linux, you need to have sudo permissions to execute this target. Enter the sudo password if prompted. NOTE: To run this target, * ensure nothing is running on port 80 * if you're on Linux or Mac, you need to have sudo permissions. Enter the sudo password if prompted. If you want your cronjob to renew a certificate, you can add pre and post hooks refer to https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html#renewing-certificates For more information run: ./path/to/GS3/bin/linux/certbot-auto --help renew Enter a comma separated list of additional domains besides tomcat.server=${tomcat.server} that you registered on issuance, if any Checking for existence of: ${packages.home}/tomcat/.flagfile the timestamp of this file is the time that tomcat was extracted from the zip files. it is used to figure out whether the files need to be refreshed or not in `ant prepare-tomcat` Tomcat has been prepared, will not prepare Delete ${packages.home}/tomcat/.flagfile to force refresh set CLASSPATH=${tomcat.classpath} export CLASSPATH=${tomcat.classpath} ************************************** A WEB SERVER IS ALREADY RUNNING ON ${default.server.protocol}://${tomcat.server}:${default.tomcat.port} (${local.http.url}). NOT STARTING. ************************************** set CLASSPATH=${tomcat.classpath} export CLASSPATH=${tomcat.classpath} Tomcat is running: ${tomcat.isrunning} Tomcat is running: false Waiting for the server to shutdown... (${wait.numchecks} seconds max) WARNING: Checked the socket ${wait.numchecks} times, but port ${default.tomcat.port} is still busy. Tomcat is stopped. Truncating catalina.out, catalinahome/bin/logs/webswing.log, solr.log, greenstone.log, usage.log and server.log, and emptying ${web.writablehome}/logs/tmp the timestamp of this file is the time that ant was extracted from the zip files. it is used to figure out whether the files need to be refreshed or not in `ant prepare-ant` Ant has been prepared, will not prepare Delete ${packages.home}/ant/.flagfile to force refresh gsdl3.writablehome: ${gsdl3.writablehome} web.home: ${web.home} Checking for existence of: ${packages.home}/axis/.flagfile the timestamp of this file is the time that axis was extracted from the zip files. it is used to figure out whether the files need to be refreshed or not in `ant prepare-axis` Axis has been prepared, will not prepare Delete ${packages.home}/axis/.flagfile to force refresh Deploying ${base.webservice.name} web services for localsite under service name: localsite The Greenstone server has been started up. If you do not want it running, please type: ant stop. What site do you want to deploy services for? Press Enter for default:localsite Please enter the full name of the service you wish to undeploy. To find out which web services you've got deployed, point your browser to ${default.server.protocol}://${tomcat.server}:${default.tomcat.port}/greenstone3/services Or press Enter for undeploying the default:localsite /> Name of service to undeploy: ${axis.undeploy.servicename} Which set of web services do you want to deploy? Choose from: ${web.services.list} Or press Enter for default:${base.webservice.name} /> ${axis.servicesname} What name do you want the service to have? (Press Enter for default:${axis.servicesname}${axis.sitename}) Site: ${axis.sitename}, services: ${axis.servicesname}, servicesname: ${axis.siteuri} Configuring JavaGDBM compile javagdbm Windows: compile javagdbm Install the javagdbm jar file ${javagdbm.home}/javagdbm.jar ${lib.jni} this target does not support the current os checking out common-src Running GLI from Ant means that you don't get to see any of the terminal output. If you have problems with GLI and want to see the output, please run the script gli.sh/bat from the greenstone3/gli directory. svn updating gs2build checking out gs2build Checking out the PDFBox extension into the GSDLHOME extension area Extacting the PDFBox extension into the GSDLHOME extension area The PDFBox extension already exists at ${pdfbox.ext.dir} **** Not preparing the PDFBox extension: The property checkout.pdfbox.ext in build.properties was not set or was set to false **** Not preparing imagemagick: property checkout.imagemagick.ext in build.properties was not set or was set to false checking out imagemagick source into the extension area imagemagick source code already exists at ${imagemagick.src.dir} Skipping prepare-gnome-lib, because compilation is on Windows which checks out binaries that do not rely on gnomelib **** Not preparing gnome-lib: property checkout.gnomelib.ext in build.properties was not set or was set to false. checking out gnome-lib extension gnomelib source code already exists at ${gnomelib.src.dir} Unzipping Pre-VS14.0 compatible version of iconv Unzipping VS14.0-Plus compatible version of iconv ********************************************* Test output can be found in directory 'test' ********************************************* checking out flax ... updating flax ... Greenstone3 API]]> Setting binaries to executable darwin kernel version: ${darwin.kernel.version} bitness for mac apps: ${mac.app.bitness} The testing extension is not available. This is required to perform the tests. It can be acquired from SVN by running the command "svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/gs3-extensions/testing/trunk/src testing" in the ext directory of your Greenstone 3 installation. Testing @{testjar} The testing extension is not available. This is required to perform the tests. It can be acquired from SVN by running the command "svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/gs3-extensions/testing/trunk/src testing" in the ext directory of your Greenstone 3 installation. Compiling @{compiledir}