@echo off setlocal cd /d %~dp0 REM For notes on unzipping at the command-line, se: REM https://superuser.com/questions/1314420/how-to-unzip-a-file-using-the-cmd if not exist subversion-windows-64bit.zip ( curl https://trac.greenstone.org/export/37508/main/trunk/greenstone3/ext-cli/subversion-windows-64bit.zip ^ > subversion-windows-64bit.zip ) else ( echo. echo The file subversion-windows-64bit.zip already exists echo No need to download echo. ) if not exist subversion-windows-64bit ( tar -xvf subversion-windows-64bit.zip ) else ( echo. echo The directory subversion-windows-64bit already exists echo No need to unzip echo. ) endlocal