@echo off echo Greenstone 3 Server echo Copyright (C) 2006, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato echo This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt echo This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it :: ---- Determine GSDL3HOME ---- :: Some users may set the above line manually set GSDL3PATH= :: The default location is the current directory if "%GSDL3PATH%" == "" set GSDL3PATH=. :: Setup Greenstone, unless it has already been done if "%GSDL3SRCHOME%" == "" call "%GSDL3PATH%\gs3-setup.bat" SetEnv > nul set USE_TMPDIR_FOR_TOMCAT= for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%G in (%GSDL3SRCHOME%\build.properties) do ( if "%%G"=="gsdl3home.isreadonly" set USE_TMPDIR_FOR_TOMCAT=%%H ) :: If the gsdl3.home readonly property is not already set to true, then :: See if Greenstone3 web folder is writable if "%USE_TMPDIR_FOR_TOMCAT%" == "false" ( echo. echo Checking if the Greenstone3 web directory is writable ... (echo This is a temporary file. It is safe to delete it. > "%GSDL3HOME%\testing.tmp" ) 2>nul if exist "%GSDL3HOME%\testing.tmp" goto isWritable ) :: Is read-only set gsdl3_writablehome=%TMP%\greenstone\web set opt_properties="-Dgsdl3home.isreadonly=true" -Dgsdl3.writablehome="%gsdl3_writablehome%" if "%USE_TMPDIR_FOR_TOMCAT%" == "false" echo ... no. echo Setting Greenstone3 web home writable area to be: %gsdl3_writablehome% goto runJava :isWritable del "%GSDL3HOME%\testing.tmp" set opt_properties="-Dgsdl3.writablehome=%GSDL3HOME%" echo ... yes. :runJava :: Before running the Java program, :: call ant target to initialize the gsdl3-writablehome area (if it doesn't already exist) :: ... including the all important global.properties. cmd /c ant.bat %opt_properties% configure-web set GSDL3PATH= set USE_TMPDIR_FOR_TOMCAT= "%RUNJAVA%" -cp "%CLASSPATH%" %opt_properties% org.greenstone.server.Server3 "%GSDL3SRCHOME%"