package org.greenstone.gsdl3.action; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.DerbyWrapper; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSConstants; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSParams; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSXML; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSXSLT; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.UserContext; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.XMLConverter; import org.greenstone.util.GlobalProperties; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import; import; public class DepositorAction extends Action { //Sub actions private final String DE_RETRIEVE_WIZARD = "getwizard"; private final String DE_DEPOSIT_FILE = "depositfile"; private final String DE_CLEAR_CACHE = "clearcache"; private final String DE_CLEAR_DATABASE = "cleardatabase"; // cgi args private final String DE_PAGE_ARG = "dePage"; private final String CURRENT_PAGE_ARG = "currentPage"; private final String FILE_TO_ADD_ARG = "fileToAdd"; public Node process(Node message) { Element request = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(message, GSXML.REQUEST_ELEM); Document doc = request.getOwnerDocument(); UserContext uc = new UserContext((Element) request); Element responseMessage = doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element response = GSXML.createBasicResponse(doc, this.getClass().getSimpleName()); responseMessage.appendChild(response); addSiteMetadata(response, uc); addInterfaceOptions(response); String currentUsername = uc.getUsername(); // logger.debug("username="+username+", groups = "+groups); if (currentUsername == null || currentUsername.equals("")) { // TODO if user is not logged in, push to login page request.setAttribute("subaction", ""); GSXML.addError(response, "You need to be logged in to use the depositor"); return responseMessage; } Element param_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(param_list, false); String collection = (String) params.get(GSParams.COLLECTION); if (collection !=null && !collection.equals("")) { if (!userHasCollectionEditPermission(collection, uc)) { // we need to reset back to empty subaction here request.setAttribute("subaction", ""); GSXML.addError(response, "You are not in the right group to access this collection. Please log in as a different user."); return responseMessage; } } int pageNum = -1; boolean pageNumParseFail = false; try { pageNum = Integer.parseInt(((String) params.get(DE_PAGE_ARG))); } catch (Exception ex) { pageNumParseFail = true; } int prevPageNum = -1; boolean prevPageNumFail = false; try { prevPageNum = Integer.parseInt((String) params.get(CURRENT_PAGE_ARG)); } catch (Exception ex) { prevPageNumFail = true; } DerbyWrapper database = new DerbyWrapper(GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separatorChar + "etc" + File.separatorChar + "usersDB"); if (pageNumParseFail) { try { pageNum = Integer.parseInt(database.getUserData(currentUsername, "DE___" + collection + "___CACHED_PAGE")); } catch (Exception ex) { pageNum = 1; } } int highestVisitedPage = -1; String result = ""; int counter = 1; while (result != null) { result = database.getUserData(currentUsername, "DE___" + collection + "___" + counter + "___VISITED_PAGE"); if (result != null) { counter++; } } highestVisitedPage = counter - 1; if (highestVisitedPage == 0) { highestVisitedPage = 1; } if (pageNum > highestVisitedPage + 1) { pageNum = highestVisitedPage + 1; } database.addUserData(currentUsername, "DE___" + collection + "___" + pageNum + "___VISITED_PAGE", "VISITED"); String subaction = ((Element) request).getAttribute(GSXML.SUBACTION_ATT); if (subaction.toLowerCase().equals(DE_RETRIEVE_WIZARD)) { //Save given metadata StringBuilder saveString = new StringBuilder("["); Iterator paramIter = params.keySet().iterator(); while (paramIter.hasNext()) { String paramName =; if (paramName.startsWith(GSParams.MD_PREFIX)) { Object paramValue = params.get(paramName); if (paramValue instanceof String) { saveString.append("{name:\"" + paramName + "\", value:\"" + (String) paramValue + "\"},"); } else if (paramValue instanceof HashMap) { HashMap subMap = (HashMap) paramValue; Iterator subKeyIter = subMap.keySet().iterator(); while (subKeyIter.hasNext()) { String subName =; saveString.append("{name:\"" + paramName + "." + subName + "\", value:\"" + subMap.get(subName) + "\"},"); } } } } if (saveString.length() > 2) { saveString.deleteCharAt(saveString.length() - 1); saveString.append("]"); if (!prevPageNumFail) { database.addUserData(currentUsername, "DE___" + collection + "___" + prevPageNum + "___CACHED_VALUES", saveString.toString()); } } //Construct the xsl Document compiledDepositorFile = null; try { compiledDepositorFile = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } Document depositorBaseFile = GSXSLT.mergedXSLTDocumentCascade("depositor/depositor.xsl", (String) this.config_params.get(GSConstants.SITE_NAME), collection, (String) this.config_params.get(GSConstants.INTERFACE_NAME), (ArrayList) this.config_params.get(GSConstants.BASE_INTERFACES), false); Element numOfPagesElement = GSXML.getNamedElement(depositorBaseFile.getDocumentElement(), "xsl:variable", "name", "numOfPages"); int numberOfPages = Integer.parseInt(numOfPagesElement.getTextContent()); compiledDepositorFile.appendChild(compiledDepositorFile.importNode(depositorBaseFile.getDocumentElement(), true)); ArrayList pageDocs = new ArrayList(); ArrayList pageNames = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfPages; i++) { Document page = GSXSLT.mergedXSLTDocumentCascade("depositor/de_page" + i + ".xsl", (String) this.config_params.get(GSConstants.SITE_NAME), collection, (String) this.config_params.get(GSConstants.INTERFACE_NAME), (ArrayList) this.config_params.get(GSConstants.BASE_INTERFACES), false); pageDocs.add(page); Element pageTitleElem = (Element) GSXML.getNamedElement(page.getDocumentElement(), "xsl:variable", "name", "title"); pageNames.add(pageTitleElem.getTextContent()); Element wizardPageElem = (Element) GSXML.getNamedElement(page.getDocumentElement(), "xsl:template", "name", "wizardPage"); wizardPageElem.setAttribute("name", "wizardPage" + i); compiledDepositorFile.getDocumentElement().appendChild(compiledDepositorFile.importNode(wizardPageElem, true)); } //Create the wizard bar Element wizardBarTemplate = GSXML.getNamedElement(compiledDepositorFile.getDocumentElement(), "xsl:template", "name", "wizardBar"); Element wizardBar = compiledDepositorFile.createElement("ul"); wizardBar.setAttribute("id", "wizardBar"); wizardBarTemplate.appendChild(wizardBar); for (int i = 0; i < pageNames.size(); i++) { String pageName = pageNames.get(i); Element pageLi = compiledDepositorFile.createElement("li"); if (pageNum == i + 1) { pageLi.setAttribute("class", "wizardStepLink ui-state-active ui-corner-all"); } else if (i + 1 > highestVisitedPage + 1 && i + 1 > pageNum + 1) { pageLi.setAttribute("class", "wizardStepLink ui-state-disabled ui-corner-all"); } else { pageLi.setAttribute("class", "wizardStepLink ui-state-default ui-corner-all"); } Element link = compiledDepositorFile.createElement("a"); pageLi.appendChild(link); link.setAttribute(GSXML.HREF_ATT, "javascript:;"); link.setAttribute("page", "" + (i + 1)); link.appendChild(compiledDepositorFile.createTextNode(pageName)); wizardBar.appendChild(pageLi); } //Add a call-template call to the appropriate page in the xsl Element mainDePageElem = GSXML.getNamedElement(compiledDepositorFile.getDocumentElement(), "xsl:template", "match", "/page"); Element wizardContainer = GSXML.getNamedElement(mainDePageElem, "div", "id", "wizardContainer"); Element formContainer = GSXML.getNamedElement(wizardContainer, "form", "name", "depositorform"); Element callToPage = compiledDepositorFile.createElement("xsl:call-template"); callToPage.setAttribute("name", "wizardPage" + pageNum); formContainer.appendChild(callToPage); Element cachedValueElement = doc.createElement("cachedValues"); response.appendChild(cachedValueElement); try { for (int i = pageNum; i > 0; i--) { Element page = doc.createElement("pageCache"); page.setAttribute("pageNum", "" + i); String cachedValues = database.getUserData(currentUsername, "DE___" + collection + "___" + i + "___CACHED_VALUES"); if (cachedValues != null) { page.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(cachedValues)); cachedValueElement.appendChild(page); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); File newFileDir = new File(GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "sites" + File.separator + this.config_params.get(GSConstants.SITE_NAME) + File.separator + "collect" + File.separator + collection + File.separator + "transform" + File.separator + "depositor"); newFileDir.mkdirs(); File newFile = new File(newFileDir, File.separator + "compiledDepositor.xsl"); //initialize StreamResult with File object to save to file StreamResult sresult = new StreamResult(new FileWriter(newFile)); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(compiledDepositorFile); transformer.transform(source, sresult); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } database.closeDatabase(); } else if (subaction.toLowerCase().equals(DE_DEPOSIT_FILE)) { String fileToAdd = (String) params.get(FILE_TO_ADD_ARG); File tempFile = new File(GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "tmp" + File.separator + fileToAdd); if (tempFile.exists()) { File newFileLocationDir = new File(GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "sites" + File.separator + this.config_params.get(GSConstants.SITE_NAME) + File.separator + "collect" + File.separator + collection + File.separator + "import" + File.separator + fileToAdd); if (!newFileLocationDir.exists()) { newFileLocationDir.mkdir(); } File newFileLocation = new File(newFileLocationDir, fileToAdd); try { FileUtils.copyFile(tempFile, newFileLocation); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); GSXML.addError(responseMessage, "Failed to copy the deposited file into the collection."); return responseMessage; } HashMap metadataMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = pageNum; i > 0; i--) { String cachedValues = database.getUserData(currentUsername, "DE___" + collection + "___" + i + "___CACHED_VALUES"); if (cachedValues != null) { Type type = new TypeToken>>() { }.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); List> metadataList = gson.fromJson(cachedValues, type); for (Map metadata : metadataList) { metadataMap.put(metadata.get("name"), metadata.get("value")); } } } String xmlString = ""; xmlString += ".*"; for (String key : metadataMap.keySet()) { xmlString += "" + metadataMap.get(key) + ""; } xmlString += ""; File metadataFile = new File(GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "sites" + File.separator + this.config_params.get(GSConstants.SITE_NAME) + File.separator + "collect" + File.separator + collection + File.separator + "import" + File.separator + fileToAdd + File.separator + "metadata.xml"); try { BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(metadataFile)); bw.write(xmlString); bw.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } Element buildMessage = doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element buildRequest = GSXML.createBasicRequest(doc, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_PROCESS, "ImportCollection", uc); buildMessage.appendChild(buildRequest); Element paramListElem = doc.createElement(GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); buildRequest.appendChild(paramListElem); Element collectionParam = doc.createElement(GSXML.PARAM_ELEM); paramListElem.appendChild(collectionParam); collectionParam.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, GSXML.COLLECTION_ATT); collectionParam.setAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT, collection); Element documentsParam = doc.createElement(GSXML.PARAM_ELEM); paramListElem.appendChild(documentsParam); documentsParam.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, "documents"); documentsParam.setAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT, fileToAdd); Element buildResponseMessage = (Element); response.appendChild(doc.importNode(buildResponseMessage, true)); } } else if (subaction.toLowerCase().equals(DE_CLEAR_CACHE)) { database.clearUserDataWithPrefix(currentUsername, "DE___"); } else if (subaction.toLowerCase().equals(DE_CLEAR_DATABASE)) { database.clearUserData(); database.clearTrackerData(); } else { Element depositorPage = doc.createElement("depositorPage"); response.appendChild(depositorPage); Element collList = getCollectionsInSiteForUser(uc); depositorPage.appendChild(doc.importNode(collList, true)); } return responseMessage; } public Element getCollectionsInSiteForUser(UserContext uc) { Document doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element message = doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element request = GSXML.createBasicRequest(doc, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_DESCRIBE, "", new UserContext()); message.appendChild(request); Element responseMessage = (Element); Element response = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(responseMessage, GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); Element collectionList = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(response, GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); Element validCollectionList = doc.createElement(GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); NodeList collections = GSXML.getChildrenByTagName(collectionList, GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM); for (int i = 0; i < collections.getLength(); i++) { String coll_name = ((Element)collections.item(i)).getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT); if (userHasCollectionEditPermission(coll_name, uc)) { // only add to the new list if the user has edit permission validCollectionList.appendChild(doc.importNode(collections.item(i), true)); } } return validCollectionList; } // collection must be non-null and non-empty protected boolean userHasCollectionEditPermission(String collection, UserContext user_context) { for (String group : user_context.getGroups()) { // administrator always has permission if (group.equals("administrator")) { return true; } // all-collections-editor can edit any collection if (group.equals("all-collections-editor")) { return true; } if (group.equals(collection+"-collection-editor")) { return true; } } // haven't found a group with edit permissions return false; } }