package org.greenstone.gsdl3.service; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSXML; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSXSLT; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.UserContext; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.XMLConverter; import org.greenstone.util.GlobalProperties; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; public class DebugService extends ServiceRack { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.gsdl3.service.DebugService.class.getName()); /********************************************************** * The list of services the utility service rack supports * *********************************************************/ protected static final String GET_TEMPLATE_FROM_XML_FILE = "GetXMLTemplateFromFile"; protected static final String SAVE_TEMPLATE_TO_XML_FILE = "SaveXMLTemplateToFile"; protected static final String GET_TEMPLATE_LIST_FROM_FILE = "GetTemplateListFromFile"; protected static final String GET_XSLT_FILES_FOR_COLLECTION = "GetXSLTFilesForCollection"; protected static final String RESOLVE_CALL_TEMPLATE = "ResolveCallTemplate"; /*********************************************************/ String[] services = { GET_TEMPLATE_FROM_XML_FILE, SAVE_TEMPLATE_TO_XML_FILE, GET_TEMPLATE_LIST_FROM_FILE, GET_XSLT_FILES_FOR_COLLECTION, RESOLVE_CALL_TEMPLATE }; public boolean configure(Element info, Element extra_info) { if (!super.configure(info, extra_info)) { return false; }"Configuring DebugServices..."); this.config_info = info; for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) { Element service = this.desc_doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_RETRIEVE); service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, services[i]); this.short_service_info.appendChild(service); } return true; } protected Element getServiceDescription(Document doc, String service_id, String lang, String subset) { for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) { if (service_id.equals(services[i])) { Element service_elem = doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); service_elem.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_RETRIEVE); service_elem.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, services[i]); return service_elem; } } return null; } protected Element processResolveCallTemplate(Element request) { Document result_doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element result = GSXML.createBasicResponse(result_doc, RESOLVE_CALL_TEMPLATE); if (request == null) { GSXML.addError(result, RESOLVE_CALL_TEMPLATE + ": Request is null", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } // Get the parameters of the request Element param_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (param_list == null) { GSXML.addError(result, RESOLVE_CALL_TEMPLATE + ": No param list specified", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(param_list, false); String collectionName = (String) params.get("collectionName"); // check permissions if (!userHasEditPermissions(collectionName, request)) { GSXML.addError(result, "This user does not have the required permissions to perform this action."); return result; } String interfaceName = (String) params.get("interfaceName"); String siteName = (String) params.get("siteName"); String fileName = (String) params.get("fileName"); String nameToGet = (String) params.get("templateName"); fileName = fileName.replace("\\", "/"); Document xslDoc = GSXSLT.mergedXSLTDocumentCascade(fileName, siteName, collectionName, interfaceName, new ArrayList(), true); int sepIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf("/"); String pathExtra = null; if (sepIndex != -1) { pathExtra = fileName.substring(0, sepIndex + 1); fileName = fileName.substring(sepIndex + 1); } GSXSLT.inlineImportAndIncludeFilesDebug(xslDoc, pathExtra, true, fileName, siteName, collectionName, interfaceName, new ArrayList()); NodeList templateList = xslDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(GSXML.XSL_NAMESPACE, "template"); for (int i = 0; i < templateList.getLength(); i++) { Element current = (Element) templateList.item(i); if (current.hasAttribute("name") && current.getAttribute("name").equals(nameToGet)) { Element debugElement = (Element) current.getElementsByTagName("debug").item(0); Element requestedTemplate = result_doc.createElement("requestedTemplate"); requestedTemplate.setTextContent(debugElement.getAttribute("filename")); result.appendChild(requestedTemplate); } } return result; } protected Element processGetXMLTemplateFromFile(Element request) { Document result_doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element result = GSXML.createBasicResponse(result_doc, GET_TEMPLATE_FROM_XML_FILE); if (request == null) { GSXML.addError(result, GET_TEMPLATE_FROM_XML_FILE + ": Request is null", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } // Get the parameters of the request Element param_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (param_list == null) { GSXML.addError(result, GET_TEMPLATE_FROM_XML_FILE + ": No param list specified", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(param_list, false); String collectionName = (String) params.get("collectionName"); // check permissions if (!userHasEditPermissions(collectionName, request)) { GSXML.addError(result, "This user does not have the required permissions to perform this action."); return result; } String locationName = (String) params.get("locationName"); String interfaceName = (String) params.get("interfaceName"); String siteName = (String) params.get("siteName"); String fileName = (String) params.get("fileName"); String namespace = (String) params.get("namespace"); String nodeName = (String) params.get("nodename"); String nameToGet = (String) params.get("name"); String matchToGet = (String) params.get("match"); String xPath = (String) params.get("xpath"); String fullNamespace; if (namespace.toLowerCase().equals("gsf")) { fullNamespace = GSXML.GSF_NAMESPACE; } else if (namespace.toLowerCase().equals("xsl")) { fullNamespace = GSXML.XSL_NAMESPACE; } else { GSXML.addError(result, "A valid namespace was not specified."); return result; } File xslFile = createFileFromLocation(locationName, fileName, interfaceName, siteName, collectionName); if (xslFile.exists()) { XMLConverter converter = new XMLConverter(); Document xslDoc = converter.getDOM(xslFile, "UTF-8"); Element rootElem = xslDoc.getDocumentElement(); if (xPath != null && xPath.length() > 0) { String[] pathSegments = xPath.split("/"); for (int i = 1; i < pathSegments.length; i++) { String currentSegment = pathSegments[i]; int count = 1; if (currentSegment.contains("[")) { count = Integer.parseInt(currentSegment.substring(currentSegment.indexOf("[") + 1, currentSegment.indexOf("]"))); currentSegment = currentSegment.substring(0, currentSegment.indexOf("[")); } Node child = rootElem.getFirstChild(); while (count > 0) { if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && ((Element) child).getNodeName().equals(currentSegment)) { rootElem = (Element) child; count--; } child = child.getNextSibling(); } } } NodeList templateElems = rootElem.getElementsByTagNameNS(fullNamespace, nodeName); if (nameToGet != null && nameToGet.length() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < templateElems.getLength(); i++) { Element template = (Element) templateElems.item(i); if (template.getAttribute("name").equals(nameToGet)) { fixAttributes(template); Element requestedTemplate = result_doc.createElement("requestedNameTemplate"); requestedTemplate.appendChild(result_doc.importNode(template, true)); result.appendChild(requestedTemplate); } } } //Maybe should look for highest priority if (matchToGet != null && matchToGet.length() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < templateElems.getLength(); i++) { Element template = (Element) templateElems.item(i); if (template.getAttribute("match").equals(matchToGet)) { fixAttributes(template); Element requestedTemplate = result_doc.createElement("requestedMatchTemplate"); requestedTemplate.appendChild(result_doc.importNode(template, true)); result.appendChild(requestedTemplate); } } } } return result; } protected void fixAttributes(Element template) { NodeList nodes = template.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (int j = 0; j < nodes.getLength(); j++) { Node current = nodes.item(j); NamedNodeMap attributes = current.getAttributes(); for (int k = 0; k < attributes.getLength(); k++) { Node currentAttr = attributes.item(k); String value = currentAttr.getNodeValue(); if (value.contains("&") || value.contains("<") || value.contains(">") || value.contains("\"")) { currentAttr.setNodeValue(value.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace("\"", """)); } } } } protected Element processSaveXMLTemplateToFile(Element request) { Document result_doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element result = GSXML.createBasicResponse(result_doc, SAVE_TEMPLATE_TO_XML_FILE); if (request == null) { GSXML.addError(result, SAVE_TEMPLATE_TO_XML_FILE + ": Request is null", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } // Get the parameters of the request Element param_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (param_list == null) { GSXML.addError(result, SAVE_TEMPLATE_TO_XML_FILE + ": No param list specified", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(param_list, false); String collectionName = (String) params.get("collectionName"); // check permissions if (!userHasEditPermissions(collectionName, request)) { GSXML.addError(result, "This user does not have the required permissions to perform this action."); return result; } String locationName = (String) params.get("locationName"); String fileName = (String) params.get("fileName"); String interfaceName = (String) params.get("interfaceName"); String siteName = (String) params.get("siteName"); String namespace = (String) params.get("namespace"); String nodeName = (String) params.get("nodename"); String nameToSave = (String) params.get("name"); String matchToSave = (String) params.get("match"); String xPath = (String) params.get("xpath"); String xml = (String) params.get("xml"); String fullNamespace; if (namespace.toLowerCase().equals("gsf")) { fullNamespace = GSXML.GSF_NAMESPACE; } else if (namespace.toLowerCase().equals("xsl")) { fullNamespace = GSXML.XSL_NAMESPACE; } else { GSXML.addError(result, SAVE_TEMPLATE_TO_XML_FILE + ": The specified namespace was not valid", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } File xslFile = createFileFromLocation(locationName, fileName, interfaceName, siteName, collectionName); if (xslFile.exists()) { XMLConverter converter = new XMLConverter(); Document xslDoc = converter.getDOM(xslFile, "UTF-8"); Element rootElem = xslDoc.getDocumentElement(); if (xPath != null && xPath.length() > 0) { String[] pathSegments = xPath.split("/"); for (int i = 1; i < pathSegments.length; i++) { String currentSegment = pathSegments[i]; int count = 1; if (currentSegment.contains("[")) { count = Integer.parseInt(currentSegment.substring(currentSegment.indexOf("[") + 1, currentSegment.indexOf("]"))); currentSegment = currentSegment.substring(0, currentSegment.indexOf("[")); } Node child = rootElem.getFirstChild(); while (count > 0) { if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && ((Element) child).getNodeName().equals(currentSegment)) { rootElem = (Element) child; count--; } child = child.getNextSibling(); } } } NodeList templateElems = rootElem.getElementsByTagNameNS(fullNamespace, nodeName); boolean found = false; if (nameToSave != null && nameToSave.length() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < templateElems.getLength(); i++) { Element template = (Element) templateElems.item(i); if (template.getAttribute("name").equals(nameToSave)) { try { Element newTemplate = (Element) converter.getDOM("\n" + xml + "", "UTF-8").getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagNameNS(fullNamespace, nodeName).item(0); template.getParentNode().replaceChild(xslDoc.importNode(newTemplate, true), template); found = true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } } //Maybe should look for highest priority match if (matchToSave != null && matchToSave.length() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < templateElems.getLength(); i++) { Element template = (Element) templateElems.item(i); if (template.getAttribute("match").equals(matchToSave)) { Element newTemplate = (Element) converter.getDOM("\n" + xml + "", "UTF-8").getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagNameNS(fullNamespace, nodeName).item(0); template.getParentNode().replaceChild(xslDoc.importNode(newTemplate, true), template); found = true; } } } if (!found) { GSXML.addError(result, SAVE_TEMPLATE_TO_XML_FILE + ": Could not save as the specified template could not be found", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); } else { try { Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); //initialize StreamResult with File object to save to file StreamResult sresult = new StreamResult(new FileWriter(xslFile)); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(xslDoc); transformer.transform(source, sresult); } catch (Exception ex) { GSXML.addError(result, SAVE_TEMPLATE_TO_XML_FILE + ": There was an error writing out the XML file", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); } } } else { GSXML.addError(result, SAVE_TEMPLATE_TO_XML_FILE + "File: " + xslFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); } return result; } protected Element processGetTemplateListFromFile(Element request) { Document result_doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element result = GSXML.createBasicResponse(result_doc, GET_TEMPLATE_LIST_FROM_FILE); if (request == null) { GSXML.addError(result, GET_TEMPLATE_LIST_FROM_FILE + ": Request is null", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } // Get the parameters of the request Element param_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (param_list == null) { GSXML.addError(result, GET_TEMPLATE_FROM_XML_FILE + ": No param list specified", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(param_list, false); String collectionName = (String) params.get("collectionName"); // check permissions if (!userHasEditPermissions(collectionName, request)) { GSXML.addError(result, "This user does not have the required permissions to perform this action."); return result; } String locationName = (String) params.get("locationName"); String siteName = (String) params.get("siteName"); String interfaceName = (String) params.get("interfaceName"); String fileName = (String) params.get("fileName"); fileName.replace("/", File.separator); if (locationName == null || locationName.length() == 0) { GSXML.addError(result, "Parameter \"locationName\" was null or empty."); return result; } File xslFile = createFileFromLocation(locationName, fileName, interfaceName, siteName, collectionName); if (xslFile.exists()) { XMLConverter converter = new XMLConverter(); Document xslDoc = converter.getDOM(xslFile, "UTF-8"); Element xslDocElem = xslDoc.getDocumentElement(); if (locationName.equals("collectionConfig")) { GSXSLT.modifyCollectionConfigForDebug(xslDocElem); } Element templateList = result_doc.createElement("templateList"); StringBuilder templateListString = new StringBuilder("["); NodeList xslTemplateElems = xslDocElem.getElementsByTagNameNS(GSXML.XSL_NAMESPACE, "template"); NodeList gsfTemplateElems = xslDocElem.getElementsByTagNameNS(GSXML.GSF_NAMESPACE, "template"); for (int i = 0; i < xslTemplateElems.getLength() + gsfTemplateElems.getLength(); i++) { Element currentElem = (i < xslTemplateElems.getLength()) ? (Element) xslTemplateElems.item(i) : (Element) gsfTemplateElems.item(i - xslTemplateElems.getLength()); if (!currentElem.hasAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT) && !currentElem.hasAttribute(GSXML.MATCH_ATT)) { continue; } templateListString.append("{"); templateListString.append("\"namespace\":\"" + ((i < xslTemplateElems.getLength()) ? "xsl" : "gsf") + "\","); if (currentElem.hasAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT)) { templateListString.append("\"name\":\"" + currentElem.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT) + "\","); } else if (currentElem.hasAttribute(GSXML.MATCH_ATT)) { templateListString.append("\"match\":\"" + currentElem.getAttribute(GSXML.MATCH_ATT) + "\","); } if (currentElem.getUserData("xpath") != null) { templateListString.append("\"xpath\":\"" + currentElem.getUserData("xpath") + "\","); } templateListString.deleteCharAt(templateListString.length() - 1); templateListString.append("},"); } templateListString.deleteCharAt(templateListString.length() - 1); templateListString.append("]"); templateList.setTextContent(templateListString.toString()); result.appendChild(templateList); } else { GSXML.addError(result, "File: " + xslFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); return result; } return result; } protected Element processGetXSLTFilesForCollection(Element request) { Document result_doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element result = GSXML.createBasicResponse(result_doc, GET_XSLT_FILES_FOR_COLLECTION); if (request == null) { GSXML.addError(result, GET_XSLT_FILES_FOR_COLLECTION + ": Request is null", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } // Get the parameters of the request Element param_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (param_list == null) { GSXML.addError(result, GET_TEMPLATE_FROM_XML_FILE + ": No param list specified", GSXML.ERROR_TYPE_SYNTAX); return result; } HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(param_list, false); String collectionName = (String) params.get("collectionName"); // check permissions if (!userHasEditPermissions(collectionName, request)) { GSXML.addError(result, "This user does not have the required permissions to perform this action."); return result; } String interfaceName = (String) params.get("interfaceName"); String siteName = (String) params.get("siteName"); Element fileList = result_doc.createElement("fileListJSON"); StringBuilder fileListString = new StringBuilder("["); String[] placesToCheck = new String[] { GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "interfaces" + File.separator + interfaceName + File.separator + "transform", //INTERFACE FILE PATH GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "sites" + File.separator + siteName + File.separator + "transform", //SITE FILE PATH GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "sites" + File.separator + siteName + File.separator + "collect" + File.separator + collectionName + File.separator + "transform", //COLLECTION FILE PATH GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "sites" + File.separator + siteName + File.separator + "collect" + File.separator + collectionName + File.separator + "etc" //COLLECTION CONFIG FILE PATH }; String[] shortPlaceNames = new String[] { "interface", "site", "collection", "collectionConfig" }; for (int i = 0; i < placesToCheck.length; i++) { ArrayList xslFiles = getXSLTFilesFromDirectoryRecursive(new File(placesToCheck[i])); for (File f : xslFiles) { fileListString.append("{\"location\":\"" + shortPlaceNames[i] + "\",\"path\":\"" + f.getAbsolutePath().replace(placesToCheck[i] + File.separator, "") + "\"},"); } } fileListString.deleteCharAt(fileListString.length() - 1); //Remove the last , character fileListString.append("]"); fileList.setTextContent(fileListString.toString()); result.appendChild(fileList); return result; } protected File createFileFromLocation(String location, String filename, String interfaceName, String siteName, String collectionName) { String filePath = ""; if (location.equals("interface")) { filePath = GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "interfaces" + File.separator + interfaceName + File.separator + "transform" + File.separator + filename; } else if (location.equals("site")) { filePath = GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "sites" + File.separator + siteName + File.separator + "transform" + File.separator + filename; } else if (location.equals("collection")) { filePath = GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "sites" + File.separator + siteName + File.separator + "collect" + File.separator + collectionName + File.separator + "transform" + File.separator + filename; } else if (location.equals("collectionConfig")) { filePath = GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separator + "sites" + File.separator + siteName + File.separator + "collect" + File.separator + collectionName + File.separator + "etc" + File.separator + filename; } return new File(filePath); } protected ArrayList getXSLTFilesFromDirectoryRecursive(File dir) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); if (dir != null && dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { for (File f : dir.listFiles()) { if (f.isDirectory()) { result.addAll(getXSLTFilesFromDirectoryRecursive(f)); } else if (f.getName().endsWith(".xsl") || f.getName().endsWith(".xml")) { result.add(f); } } } return result; } protected boolean userHasEditPermissions(String collection, Element request) { UserContext context = new UserContext(request); for (String group : context.getGroups()) { // administrator always has permission if (group.equals("administrator")) { return true; } // all-collections-editor can edit any collection if (!collection.equals("")) { if (group.equals("all-collections-editor")) { return true; } if (group.equals(collection+"-collection-editor")) { return true; } } } // haven't found a group with edit permissions return false; } }