package org.greenstone.gsdl3.service; // Greenstone classes import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSFile; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSPath; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSXML; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.XMLConverter; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; public class MapRetrieve extends ServiceRack { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.gsdl3.service.MapRetrieve.class.getName()); // the services on offer protected static final String DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_RETRIEVE_SERVICE = "DocumentStructureRetrieve"; protected static final String DOCUMENT_METADATA_RETRIEVE_SERVICE = "DocumentMetadataRetrieve"; protected static final String DOCUMENT_CONTENT_RETRIEVE_SERVICE = "DocumentContentRetrieve"; protected static final int DOCUMENT = 1; protected ArrayList index_name_list = null; protected ArrayList index_display_list = null; protected String files_home_dir = null; protected String temp_files_dir = null; //protected String temp_image_file = null; //protected String temp_image_file2 = null; protected final String jpg_ext = ".jpg"; protected String http_image_dir = null; protected String http_temp_image_dir = null; private LinkedList namesInList = new LinkedList(); private DefaultMutableTreeNode tree; /** constructor */ public MapRetrieve() { } /** configure this service */ public boolean configure(Element info, Element extra_info) { if (!super.configure(info, extra_info)) { return false; }"Configuring MapRetrieve..."); this.config_info = info; // set up short_service_info_ - for now just has name and type Element dmr_service = this.desc_doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); dmr_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_RETRIEVE); dmr_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, DOCUMENT_METADATA_RETRIEVE_SERVICE); short_service_info.appendChild(dmr_service); Element dcr_service = this.desc_doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); dcr_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_RETRIEVE); dcr_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, DOCUMENT_CONTENT_RETRIEVE_SERVICE); short_service_info.appendChild(dcr_service); Element dsr_service = this.desc_doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); dsr_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_RETRIEVE); dsr_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_RETRIEVE_SERVICE); short_service_info.appendChild(dsr_service); // set the files_home variable for this collection this.files_home_dir = GSFile.collectionIndexDir(this.site_home, this.cluster_name) + File.separator + "assoc" + File.separator; this.temp_files_dir = GSFile.collectionBaseDir(this.site_home, this.cluster_name) + File.separator + "temp" + File.separator; //this.files_home_dir + "maps" + File.separator + "temp" + File.separator; //this.temp_image_file = this.temp_files_dir+"temp_"; //this.temp_image_file2 = this.temp_files_dir+"temp2_"; this.http_image_dir = this.site_http_address + "/collect/" + this.cluster_name + "/index/assoc/maps/"; this.http_temp_image_dir = this.site_http_address + "/collect/" + this.cluster_name + "/temp/"; this.index_name_list = new ArrayList(); this.index_display_list = new ArrayList(); Element index_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(this.config_info, GSXML.INDEX_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); Element display_index_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(extra_info, "search"); if (index_list != null && display_index_list != null) { NodeList indexes = index_list.getElementsByTagName(GSXML.INDEX_ELEM); for (int i = 0; i < indexes.getLength(); i++) { String name = ((Element) indexes.item(i)).getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT); // add the index name this.index_name_list.add(name); // now look for the display name Element this_index = GSXML.getNamedElement(display_index_list, "index", "name", name); if (this_index != null) { Element disp = GSXML.getNamedElement(this_index, "displayItem", "name", "name"); if (disp != null) { String display = GSXML.getNodeText(disp); if (!display.equals("")) { this.index_display_list.add(display); continue; } } } // add the id as default text this.index_display_list.add(name); } } // look for document display format String path = GSPath.appendLink(GSXML.DISPLAY_ELEM, GSXML.FORMAT_ELEM); Element display_format = (Element) GSXML.getNodeByPath(extra_info, path); if (display_format != null) { this.format_info_map.put(DOCUMENT_CONTENT_RETRIEVE_SERVICE, this.desc_doc.importNode(display_format, true)); // shoudl we make a copy? } // load the 2-dimensional tree for searching try { ObjectInputStream objectin = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(this.files_home_dir + "nametree.dat")); tree = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) objectin.readObject(); objectin.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { cnfe.printStackTrace(); } return true; } /** */ protected Element getServiceDescription(Document doc, String service, String lang, String subset) { if (service.equals(DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_RETRIEVE_SERVICE)) { Element tq_service = doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); tq_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_QUERY); tq_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE_RETRIEVE_SERVICE); return tq_service; } else if (service.equals(DOCUMENT_METADATA_RETRIEVE_SERVICE)) { Element tq_service = doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); tq_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_QUERY); tq_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, DOCUMENT_METADATA_RETRIEVE_SERVICE); return tq_service; } else if (service.equals(DOCUMENT_CONTENT_RETRIEVE_SERVICE)) { Element tq_service = doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); tq_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_QUERY); tq_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, DOCUMENT_CONTENT_RETRIEVE_SERVICE); return tq_service; } return null; } /** Retrieve the structure of a document */ protected Element processDocumentStructureRetrieve(Element request) { // Create a new (empty) result message Element result = XMLConverter.newDOM().createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); return result; } protected Element processDocumentMetadataRetrieve(Element request) { Document result_doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); // Create a new (empty) result message try { Element result = result_doc.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); String uid = request.getAttribute(GSXML.USER_ID_ATT); if (uid.equals("")) {"in metadata retrieve, uid = ''\n" + converter.getPrettyString(request)); } result.setAttribute(GSXML.FROM_ATT, DOCUMENT_METADATA_RETRIEVE_SERVICE); result.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_PROCESS); // Get the parameters of the request Element param_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (param_list == null) { logger.error("missing paramList.\n"); return result; // Return the empty result } // The metadata information required Vector metadata_list = new Vector(); boolean all_metadata = false; // Process the request parameters Element param = GSXML.getFirstElementChild(param_list);//(Element) param_list.getFirstChild(); while (param != null) { // Identify the metadata information desired if (param.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT).equals("metadata")) { String metadata = GSXML.getValue(param); if (metadata.equals("all")) { all_metadata = true; break; } metadata_list.add(metadata); } param = (Element) param.getNextSibling(); } Element node_list = result_doc.createElement(GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); result.appendChild(node_list); // Get the documents Element request_node_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (request_node_list == null) { logger.error(" DocumentMetadataRetrieve request had no " + GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); return result; } NodeList request_nodes = request_node_list.getChildNodes(); try { //used just to ensure outfile is initialised BufferedWriter outfile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(this.temp_files_dir + "emptynothingness")); for (int i = 0; i < request_nodes.getLength(); i++) { Element request_node = (Element) request_nodes.item(i); String node_id = request_node.getAttribute(GSXML.NODE_ID_ATT); String place_data = ""; String year = ""; String coOrdinates = ""; String thumb = ""; String link = ""; int mapFreq = 0; LinkedList place_data_list = new LinkedList(); LinkedList coOrdinates_list = new LinkedList(); //if this is a first displaying of the map if (node_id.indexOf("```") != -1 && node_id.indexOf("imageChooser") == -1) { //get the number of query terms on this map mapFreq = Integer.parseInt(node_id.substring(node_id.lastIndexOf('`', node_id.indexOf("```") - 1) + 1, node_id.indexOf("```"))); //get the place names on this map place_data = node_id.substring(node_id.indexOf("```") + 3, node_id.length()); //get the map metadata node_id = node_id.substring(0, node_id.indexOf('`', node_id.indexOf("```"))); try { // loop for each query term on the map for (int r = 0; r < mapFreq; r++) { // get title, type, location, and the string for creating the hyperlink for this query term String title = place_data.substring(0, place_data.indexOf('`')); String type = place_data.substring(place_data.indexOf('`') + 1, place_data.indexOf('`', place_data.indexOf('`') + 1)); String location = place_data.substring(place_data.indexOf('`', place_data.indexOf('`') + 1) + 1, place_data.indexOf('`', place_data.indexOf('`', place_data.indexOf('`') + 1) + 1)); if (place_data.indexOf("```") != -1) link = place_data.substring(0, place_data.indexOf("```")); else link = place_data; // resolve the type and location type = getType(type); location = getLocation(location); // remove this query term from the string if (place_data.indexOf("```") != -1) place_data = place_data.substring(place_data.indexOf("```") + 3, place_data.length()); //add the co-ordinates of this query term to the co-ordinates list coOrdinates_list.add("`" + link.substring(link.lastIndexOf('`') + 1, link.length()) + "`" + link.substring(link.lastIndexOf('`', link.lastIndexOf('`') - 1) + 2, link.lastIndexOf('`'))); // add the title, type and location to the places list place_data_list.add(title + ", " + type + ", " + location + ";"); } } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException sioobe) { sioobe.printStackTrace(); } } // Add the document to the list Element new_node = (Element) result_doc.importNode(request_node, false); node_list.appendChild(new_node); // Add the requested metadata information Element node_meta_list = result_doc.createElement(GSXML.METADATA_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); new_node.appendChild(node_meta_list); // create the navigation thumbnails. This doesn't seem to work most of the time ??????? for (int m = 0; m < metadata_list.size(); m++) { String metadata = metadata_list.get(m); thumb = ""; String value = ""; if (node_id.indexOf('.') != -1) thumb = node_id.substring(0, node_id.indexOf('.')); if (node_id.indexOf('`') != -1) value = node_id.substring(node_id.lastIndexOf('`', node_id.lastIndexOf('`') - 1) + 1, node_id.lastIndexOf('`', node_id.lastIndexOf('`') - 1) + 5); year = value; place_data = ""; if (place_data_list.size() != 0) for (int q = 0; q < mapFreq; q++) { link = (String) place_data_list.get(q); if (q != 0) { place_data = place_data + "
" + link; } else { place_data = link; coOrdinates = "``"; } coOrdinates = coOrdinates + (String) coOrdinates_list.get(q); } link = ""; thumb = ""; value = "
" + link + "

" + place_data + "
" + value + "

" + link + thumb + "
"; if (metadata.equals("Title")) if (!(place_data.equals("")) && place_data.indexOf(", , ;") == -1 && node_id.indexOf("```") == -1) GSXML.addMetadata(node_meta_list, "Title", value);//metadata, value); else GSXML.addMetadata(node_meta_list, metadata, ""); if (place_data.indexOf(", , ;") == -1) { if (i == 0) if (!(mapFreq == 0)) { outfile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(this.temp_files_dir + "links" + uid)); outfile.write(""); } if (!(mapFreq == 0)) { if (i % 7 == 0) outfile.write(""); outfile.write(""); } if (i == request_nodes.getLength() - 1) { outfile.write("
" + link + thumb + "
" + link + year + "

"); outfile.flush(); outfile.close(); } } } } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } return result; } catch (Exception excep) { excep.printStackTrace(); } return null; } protected Element processDocumentContentRetrieve(Element request) { Document result_doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); // Create a new (empty) result message Element result = result_doc.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); result.setAttribute(GSXML.FROM_ATT, DOCUMENT_CONTENT_RETRIEVE_SERVICE); result.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_PROCESS); String uid = request.getAttribute(GSXML.USER_ID_ATT); String temp_image_file = this.temp_files_dir + "temp_" + uid + ".jpg"; String temp_image_file2 = this.temp_files_dir + "temp_" + uid + "_2.jpg"; Element query_doc_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (query_doc_list == null) { logger.error("DocumentContentRetrieve request specified no doc nodes.\n"); return result; } String legend_file = this.temp_files_dir + "legend_" + uid + ".jpg"; String blank_file = this.files_home_dir + "blank.jpg"; Element doc_list = result_doc.createElement(GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); result.appendChild(doc_list); // Get the documents String[] doc_ids = GSXML.getAttributeValuesFromList(query_doc_list, GSXML.NODE_ID_ATT); for (int i = 0; i < doc_ids.length; i++) { String doc_id = doc_ids[i]; // img_num is the name of the map file eg. 072.jpg String img_num = doc_id.substring(0, doc_id.indexOf('.')); // strings for inserting image in html String img_left = " 0; ri++) { returnNames[ri] = namesInList.getFirst(); returnNames[ri] = returnNames[ri].substring(0, returnNames[ri].indexOf('`')); namesInList.removeFirst(); } //sort the names Arrays.sort(returnNames); doc_content = "\n"; for (int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < namesInArraySize; nameIndex++) { String tempName = returnNames[nameIndex]; //convert names with spaces for hyperlinks if (returnNames[nameIndex].indexOf(' ') != -1) { returnNames[nameIndex] = returnNames[nameIndex].replaceAll(" ", "+"); returnNames[nameIndex] = "%22" + returnNames[nameIndex] + "%22"; } // add the place name to the html doc_content = doc_content + "" + tempName + "
"; } } catch (Exception ioexception) { ioexception.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { //file for converting image BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(this.temp_files_dir + "add_x_" + uid)); ; Process proc; // if a new search if (doc_id.indexOf("```") != -1) { // copy requested map to temp.jpg proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cp " + this.files_home_dir + "maps" + File.separator + img_num + ".jpg " + temp_image_file); proc.waitFor(); } //get the image size String get_size[] = { "identify", "-size", "10000", temp_image_file }; proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(get_size); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())); img_size = br.readLine(); proc.waitFor(); img_size = img_size.substring(img_size.indexOf("JPEG") + 5, img_size.indexOf(" ", img_size.indexOf("JPEG") + 5)); if (img_size.indexOf("+") != -1) { img_size = img_size.substring(0, img_size.indexOf("+")); } width = Integer.parseInt(img_size.substring(0, img_size.indexOf("x"))); height = Integer.parseInt(img_size.substring(img_size.indexOf("x") + 1, img_size.length())); // if a new search if (doc_id.indexOf("```") != -1) { co_ordinates = doc_id.substring(doc_id.indexOf("```") + 2, doc_id.length()); // get the number of places to mark on the map int x_number = Integer.parseInt(doc_id.substring(doc_id.lastIndexOf('`', doc_id.indexOf("```") - 1) + 1, doc_id.indexOf("```"))); //write the convert command bw.write("convert -font helvetica -fill red -pointsize 48 "); for (int xi = 0; xi < x_number; xi++) { // get the co-ordinates of the place name double xco = Double.parseDouble(co_ordinates.substring(co_ordinates.lastIndexOf('`', co_ordinates.lastIndexOf('`') - 1) + 1, co_ordinates.lastIndexOf('`', co_ordinates.lastIndexOf('`') - 1) + 7)); double yco = Double.parseDouble(co_ordinates.substring(co_ordinates.lastIndexOf('`') + 1, co_ordinates.length())); if (xi != x_number - 1) co_ordinates = co_ordinates.substring(0, co_ordinates.lastIndexOf('`', co_ordinates.lastIndexOf('`') - 1)); int index = 0; index = doc_id.indexOf('`') + 2; // get the zoom ratio and the top left and bottom right co-ordinates of the map ratio = 0.4; double tly = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(index, index + 5)); index = doc_id.indexOf('`', index) + 1; double tlx = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(index, index + 6)); index = doc_id.indexOf('`', index) + 2; double bry = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(index, index + 5)); index = doc_id.indexOf('`', index) + 1; double brx = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(index, index + 6)); index = doc_id.indexOf('`', index) + 1; double orient = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(index, doc_id.indexOf('`', index))); // find the centre of the map double xcent = ((brx - tlx) / 2) + tlx; double ycent = ((bry - tly) / 2) + tly; // get the orientation of the map orient = Math.toRadians(orient); // rotate the co-ordinates around the centre of the map xco = xco - xcent; yco = yco - ycent; double oldx = xco; xco = xco * Math.cos(orient) - yco * Math.sin(orient); yco = oldx * Math.sin(orient) + yco * Math.cos(orient); xco = xco + xcent; yco = yco + ycent; xco = (xco - tlx) / (brx - tlx); yco = (yco - tly) / (bry - tly); // calculate the pixels for placing the mark width = (int) (xco * width) - 5; height = (int) (yco * height) - 5; // write the options for convert bw.write("-draw 'text " + width + "," + height + " \"x\"' "); bw.flush(); // reset the width and height variables for the image width = Integer.parseInt(img_size.substring(0, img_size.indexOf("x"))); height = Integer.parseInt(img_size.substring(img_size.indexOf("x") + 1, img_size.length())); } doc_id = doc_id.substring(0, doc_id.lastIndexOf('`', doc_id.indexOf("```") - 1)); // write the end of the convert command, then command for zooming image to the right level, then command to copy the blank image over legend.jpg bw.write(temp_image_file + " " + temp_image_file + ";convert -scale " + ((int) (ratio * width)) + "x" + ((int) (ratio * height)) + " " + temp_image_file + " " + temp_image_file2 + ";cp " + blank_file + " " + legend_file); // reset legend number leg_num = 0; } else // if changing zoom level if (doc_id.substring(doc_id.lastIndexOf('`'), doc_id.length()).indexOf('.') != -1) { // get the ratio ratio = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(doc_id.lastIndexOf('`') + 1, doc_id.length())); // write the command for scaling image bw.write("convert -scale " + ((int) (ratio * width)) + "x" + ((int) (ratio * height)) + " " + temp_image_file + " " + temp_image_file2); doc_id = doc_id.substring(0, doc_id.lastIndexOf('`')); } // if adding locations to map else { // get the location type to add String restricter = doc_id.substring(doc_id.lastIndexOf('`') + 1, doc_id.length()); doc_id = doc_id.substring(0, doc_id.lastIndexOf('`')); // get the number for the legend image leg_num = Integer.parseInt(doc_id.substring(doc_id.lastIndexOf('`') + 1, doc_id.length())); doc_id = doc_id.substring(0, doc_id.lastIndexOf('`')); //open file for location type BufferedReader inType = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.files_home_dir + "place_types" + File.separator + restricter + ".txt")); //check through the file and add any places that are in the bounds of this map. // check value. set to true if a place to add is found boolean add_place_type = false; int index = 0; index = doc_id.indexOf('`') + 2; // get zoom ratio ratio = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(doc_id.lastIndexOf('`') + 1, doc_id.length())); // get top left and bottom right co-ordinates of the map double tly = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(index, index + 5)); index = doc_id.indexOf('`', index) + 1; double tlx = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(index, index + 6)); index = doc_id.indexOf('`', index) + 2; double bry = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(index, index + 5)); index = doc_id.indexOf('`', index) + 1; double brx = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(index, index + 6)); index = doc_id.indexOf('`', index) + 1; // get orientation of the map double orient = Double.parseDouble(doc_id.substring(index, doc_id.indexOf('`', index))); // calculate centre of map double xcent = ((brx - tlx) / 2) + tlx; double ycent = ((bry - tly) / 2) + tly; orient = Math.toRadians(orient); String type_point = ""; double xco = 0.0; double yco = 0.0; // read the file while (inType.ready()) { //read a line type_point = inType.readLine(); // get the co-ordinates of the point xco = Double.parseDouble(type_point.substring(type_point.lastIndexOf('`') + 1, type_point.length())); yco = Double.parseDouble(type_point.substring(type_point.lastIndexOf('`', type_point.lastIndexOf('`') - 1) + 2, type_point.lastIndexOf('`'))); // if it is within the co-ordinates of the map if (xco >= tlx && xco < brx && yco >= tly && yco < bry) { // rotate the point around the centre according to map orientation xco = xco - xcent; yco = yco - ycent; double oldx = xco; xco = xco * Math.cos(orient) - yco * Math.sin(orient); yco = oldx * Math.sin(orient) + yco * Math.cos(orient); xco = xco + xcent; yco = yco + ycent; // get the pixels for where to place the mark xco = (xco - tlx) / (brx - tlx); yco = (yco - tly) / (bry - tly); width = (int) (xco * width) - 5; height = (int) (yco * height) - 5; //if this is the first point to be added if (!add_place_type) { // write the initial convert command bw.write("convert -font helvetica -fill red -pointsize 36 "); // toggle check value add_place_type = true; } // write the options for the convert command bw.write("-draw 'text " + width + "," + height + " \"" + leg_num + "\"' "); bw.flush(); // reset width and height variables for the image width = Integer.parseInt(img_size.substring(0, img_size.indexOf("x"))); height = Integer.parseInt(img_size.substring(img_size.indexOf("x") + 1, img_size.length())); } } //if there are places to mark on the map if (add_place_type) { // finish the convert command and write command for scaling image bw.write(temp_image_file + " " + temp_image_file + ";convert -scale " + ((int) (ratio * width)) + "x" + ((int) (ratio * height)) + " " + temp_image_file + " " + temp_image_file2); // open file for converting the legend command BufferedWriter buf = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(this.temp_files_dir + "add_l_" + uid)); if (leg_num == 1) buf.write("cp " + blank_file + " " + legend_file + ";"); // write the command for adding to the legend buf.write("convert -font helvetica -fill red -pointsize 12 -draw 'text 15," + (leg_num * 15 + 20) + " \"" + leg_num + " " + getType(restricter) + "\"' " + legend_file + " " + legend_file); buf.flush(); buf.close(); // execute the command for the legend image proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh " + this.temp_files_dir + "add_l_" + uid); proc.waitFor(); } inType.close(); } bw.flush(); bw.close(); // execute the convert commands etc. proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh " + this.temp_files_dir + "add_x_" + uid); proc.waitFor(); } catch (Exception ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } //write the html for the document String doc_content_head = "?a=d&c=" + this.cluster_name + "&dt=map&d="; doc_content = "\">"; doc_content = doc_content + "\" onclick=\"imgClickHandler(event, this, '" + img_num + "')\">"; // replace _httpimg_ with the correct address doc_content = "" + doc_content + "
"; String javascript = getJavascript(ratio, doc_id, leg_num); doc_content = "

You are currently viewing the map at " + (int) (ratio * 100) + "%
Select a radio button for a new zoom level.
" + javascript + doc_content; doc_content = doc_content.replaceAll("zoomhead", doc_content_head); doc_content = doc_content.replaceAll("placeChooserImage", doc_content_head + "imageChooser`" + doc_id + "`" + ratio); // read the file for the navigation thumbnails try { BufferedReader infile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.temp_files_dir + "links" + uid)); doc_content = doc_content + infile.readLine(); infile.close(); } catch (Exception ioexc) { ioexc.printStackTrace(); } } // put the html in a text node Element text_doc = result_doc.createElement(GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM); text_doc.setAttribute(GSXML.NODE_ID_ATT, doc_id); GSXML.addDocText(text_doc, doc_content); doc_list.appendChild(text_doc); } return result; } // resolves location codes for places from LINZ database private String getLocation(String location) { String read; try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.files_home_dir + "files" + File.separator + "landdist.txt")); in.readLine(); while (in.ready()) { read = in.readLine(); if (read.substring(0, 2).equals(location)) { in.close(); return read.substring(3, read.length()); } } } catch (Exception e) { } return ""; } // resolves type codes for the LINZ database private String getType(String type) { String read; try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.files_home_dir + "files" + File.separator + "pointdes.txt")); in.readLine(); while (in.ready()) { read = in.readLine(); if (read.substring(0, read.indexOf('`')).toLowerCase().equals(type.toLowerCase())) { in.close(); return read.substring(read.indexOf('`') + 1, read.indexOf(':')); } } } catch (Exception e) { } return ""; } //recursive pre-order traversal of the 2-dimensional tree // x & y are co-ordinates of mouse click, xoff & yoff are the distance in degrees away from x & y to search, // d is the current node of the tree, xcomp controls whether searching is by x co-ordinate or y co-ordinate. private void findName(double x, double y, double xoff, double yoff, DefaultMutableTreeNode d, boolean xcomp) { //if a leaf node return. All leaf nodes are empty if (d.isLeaf()) return; //get coordinates of the current node double xco = Double.parseDouble(((String) d.getUserObject()).substring(((String) d.getUserObject()).length() - 6, ((String) d.getUserObject()).length())); double yco = Double.parseDouble(((String) d.getUserObject()).substring(((String) d.getUserObject()).length() - 12, ((String) d.getUserObject()).length() - 7)); //if in range if ((x - xoff) < xco && (x + xoff) > xco && (y - yoff) < yco && (y + yoff) > yco) { //add to list namesInList.addFirst((String) d.getUserObject()); } //if comparing the x axis if (xcomp) { //if need to search left subtree if ((x - xoff) < xco) findName(x, y, xoff, yoff, (DefaultMutableTreeNode) d.getChildAt(0), !xcomp); //if need to search right subtree if ((x + xoff) > xco) findName(x, y, xoff, yoff, (DefaultMutableTreeNode) d.getChildAt(1), !xcomp); } else { //if need to search left subtree if ((y - yoff) < yco) findName(x, y, xoff, yoff, (DefaultMutableTreeNode) d.getChildAt(0), !xcomp); //if need to search right subtree if ((y + yoff) > yco) findName(x, y, xoff, yoff, (DefaultMutableTreeNode) d.getChildAt(1), !xcomp); } } // a whole lot of stuff for the html that is hidden at the bottom here because it clutters more than I already have further up! private String getJavascript(double ratio, String doc_id, int leg_num) { String javascript = "\n"; String radioButtons = "\n
"; if (ratio != 0.4) radioButtons = radioButtons + "\n\t40%"; if (ratio != 0.5) radioButtons = radioButtons + "\n\t50%"; if (ratio != 0.6) radioButtons = radioButtons + "\n\t60%"; if (ratio != 0.7) radioButtons = radioButtons + "\n\t70%"; if (ratio != 0.8) radioButtons = radioButtons + "\n\t80%"; if (ratio != 0.9) radioButtons = radioButtons + "\n\t90%"; if (ratio != 1.0) radioButtons = radioButtons + "\n\t100%"; radioButtons = radioButtons + "\n
"; leg_num = leg_num + 1; String doc_link = "?a=d&c=" + this.cluster_name + "&dt=map&d=" + doc_id + "`" + ratio + "`" + leg_num + "`"; StringBuffer dropDownBox = new StringBuffer(); dropDownBox.append("Add Locations Of Type:
\n"); return javascript + radioButtons + dropDownBox; } }