var inProgress = new Array(); var openClassifiers = new Array(); var busy = false; function isExpanded(sectionID) { var divElem = gs.jqGet("div" + sectionID); if(!divElem.css("display") || divElem.css("display") != "none") { return true; } return false; } function toggleSection(sectionID) { var section = gs.jqGet("div" + sectionID); var sectionToggle = gs.jqGet("toggle" + sectionID); if(sectionToggle == undefined) { return; } //If the div exists // Test if 'section' exists. // ==> Because we're using jQuery to do this we need to test the length of the object returned // if(section.length !== 0) { var expanding = false; if(isExpanded(sectionID)) { expanding = false; section.css("display", "none"); sectionToggle.attr("src", gs.imageURLs.expand); if(openClassifiers[sectionID].length !== 0) //if(openClassifiers[sectionID] != undefined) { delete openClassifiers[sectionID]; } } else { expanding = true; section.css("display", "block"); sectionToggle.attr("src", gs.imageURLs.collapse); openClassifiers[sectionID] = true; } updateOpenClassifiers(); if(typeof mapEnabled !== 'undefined' /*&& mapEnabled*/){ //console.log("Classifier scripts -> updateMap()"); toggleMapSection({"expand": expanding, "nodeID": sectionID}); updateMap(); } } else { httpBrowseRequest(sectionID); } } function updateOpenClassifiers() { var oc = ""; var first = true; for(var key in openClassifiers) { if(first) { first = false; } else { oc += ","; } oc += key; } if(oc != undefined && oc != "") { window.location.hash = oc; } } function openStoredClassifiers() { if(window.location.hash != undefined && window.location.hash.length > 1) { var toOpen = window.location.hash.substring(1,window.location.hash.length).split(","); var loopFunction = function(sectionArray, index) { if(!busy && index < sectionArray.length) { busy = true; toggleSection(sectionArray[index]); setTimeout(function() { loopFunction(sectionArray, index + 1); }, 25); return true; } setTimeout(function() { loopFunction(sectionArray, index); }, 25); return false; } if(toOpen.length > 0) { loopFunction(toOpen, 0); } } } function httpBrowseRequest(sectionID) { if(!inProgress[sectionID]) { inProgress[sectionID] = true; var sectionToggle = gs.jqGet("toggle" + sectionID); sectionToggle.attr("src", gs.imageURLs.loading); var url = gs.xsltParams.library_name + "/collection/" + gs.cgiParams.c + "/browse/" + sectionID.replace(/\./g, "/") + "?excerptid=div" + sectionID; if(gs.cgiParams.berrybasket == "on") { url = url + "&berrybasket=on"; } if(gs.cgiParams.favouritebasket == "on") { url = url + "&favouritebasket=on"; } if(url.indexOf("#") != -1) { url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("#")); } $.ajax(url) .success(function(data) { var newDiv = $("
"); var sibling = gs.jqGet("title" + sectionID); sibling.after(newDiv); newDiv.html(data); sectionToggle.attr("src", gs.imageURLs.collapse); openClassifiers[sectionID] = true; if(gs.cgiParams.berrybasket == "on") { berryCheckout(); } if(gs.cgiParams.favouritebasket == "on") { favouritesCheckout(); } if(gs.cgiParams.documentbasket == "on") { dmcheckout(); } updateOpenClassifiers(); if(typeof mapEnabled !== 'undefined'){ httpMapBrowseRequest(sectionID); } }) .error(function() { sectionToggle.attr("src", gs.imageURLs.expand); }) .complete(function() { inProgress[sectionID] = false; busy = false; }); } }