(function() { // DEBUG DEFINITION /* * file: Debug.js * * @BEGINLICENSE * Copyright 2010 Brook Novak (email : brooknovak@seaweed-editor.com) * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * @ENDLICENSE */ /** * @namespace The debug namespace will be removed in release builds. */ debug = {}; /** * Asserts a condition. If a condition fails a alert box shows and an exception is thrown. * * @param {Boolean} cond A condition * * @param {String} msg An optional message * * @throws {Error} if a condition fails */ debug.assert = function(cond, msg) { try { if (!cond) throw new Error("Assertion failed" + (msg ? ": " + msg : "")); } catch (e) { var fullMsg = e.message + (e.stack ? "\nstack:\n" + e.stack : ""); alert(fullMsg); throw e; } } debug.close = function(){ debug.stop = true; if (typeof _debugConsole != "undefined" && _debugConsole) { _debugConsole.parentNode.removeChild(_debugConsole); _debugConsole = null; } } debug.stop = false; /** * Prints a message to a debug console. * * @param {String} msg A message to print. */ debug.print = function(msg){ if (debug.stop) return; if (window.console && console.log) { console.log(msg); } else if (window.opera && window.opera.postError){ window.opera.postError(msg); } else { // Setup debug console if (typeof _debugConsole == "undefined" || !_debugConsole) { _debugConsole = document.createElement("div"); _debugConsole.style.backgroundColor = "#444444"; _debugConsole.style.position = "fixed"; _debugConsole.style.border = "2px solid #000000"; _debugConsole.style.width = "320px"; _debugConsole.style.height = "174px"; _debugConsole.style.zIndex = "9999"; _debugConsole.style.top = "0"; _debugConsole.style.left = "0"; _debugConsole.innerHTML = '
~Seaweed~ Debug Console
'; _debugOutput = document.createElement("div"); _debugOutput.style.backgroundColor = "white"; _debugOutput.style.overflow = "scroll"; _debugOutput.style.width = _debugConsole.style.width; _debugOutput.style.height = "140px"; _debugConsole.appendChild(_debugOutput); } if (document.body && _debugConsole && _debugConsole.parentNode != document.body) document.body.appendChild(_debugConsole); _debugOutput.innerHTML += msg.replace(/\n/g,"
"); var st = _debugOutput.scrollHeight - _debugOutput.clientHeight; if (st < 0) st = 0; _debugOutput.scrollTop = st; } } /** * Prints a message to a debug console with a new line * * @param {String} msg A message to print. */ debug.println = function(msg){ debug.print(msg + "\n"); }; /** * Prints out a TODO message and it's stack location * @param {String} msg An optional todo message */ debug.todo = function(msg) { try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { var fullMsg = "TODO: " + (msg ? msg : "") + (e.stack ? "\nAt" + e.stack : + ""); debug.println(fullMsg); } }; //DEBUG DEFINITION END // Bootstrap start // Bootstrap end /* * file: Core.js * * @BEGINLICENSE Copyright 2010 Brook Novak (email : * brooknovak@seaweed-editor.com) This program is free software; you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This * program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * @ENDLICENSE */ // Short-hands which can be munged var // Notes: // Not in core notation ($...) or internal notation (_...) since not ready // for all scripts until library initialized. /** * The document.body reference. Available when library initialized. * * @type Node */ docBody, /** * @type undefined */ $undefined; /** * @namespace The main namespace for the whole system * @author Brook Jesse Novak */ de = { version : "0.0.1", /** * @private Module register */ m : [], /** * @namespace Contains useful collections like listed lists and * hashsets. * @author Brook Jesse Novak */ collections : {}, /** * @namespace The DOM events subsystem. * @author Brook Jesse Novak */ events : {}, /** * Adds a callback function to be invoked once the DOM is ready. Allows * multiple registrations of handlers.
NOTE: In the debug release, * the window "onload" events are used instead of "domready" events and * therefore take longer to be raised than expected. This is to ensure * that all scripts are downloaded by the bootstrapper. * * @type Function * @param {Function} * handler A call back function to be invoked when the * document is loaded and direct edit can be initialized. */ onready : (function() { var handlers = []; // zeroed when dom ready occurs function onReadyHandler() { if (handlers) { // First onload event? // Fire event to handlers for ( var i in handlers) { handlers[i](); } // Mark that onload event has occured handlers = 0; } } ; // @DEBUG ON (function() { // @DEBUG OFF // @DEBUG ON // Use window onload in debug release since some broswers can // invoke onready // events before the bootstrapper download all scripts in the // seaweed api. // Register to onload event if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", onReadyHandler, false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", onReadyHandler); else { // Save exisiting handlers if (window.onload) handlers.push(window.onload); window.onload = onloadFunc; } return; // @DEBUG OFF // For the release use DOMReady event - nice and quick. // This code is based from JQuerry 1.3.2 bindReady event (MIT // licensed code) if (document.addEventListener) { // W3C Compliant // Use the handy event callback document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", arguments.callee, false); onReadyHandler(); }, false); } else if (document.attachEvent) { // IE // Ensure firing before onload. // maybe late but safe also for iframes document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() { if (document.readyState === "complete") { document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee); onReadyHandler(); } }); // If IE and not an iframe continually check to see if the // document is ready if (document.documentElement.doScroll && window == window.top) (function() { if (!handlers) return; try { // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/ document.documentElement.doScroll("left"); } catch (error) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return; } // and execute any waiting functions onReadyHandler(); })(); // Fallback: use window onload. NOTE: In release mode this // will be present // in this very script so it is safe to use it. _addHandler(window, "load", function() { onReadyHandler(); _removeHandler(window, "load", arguments.callee); }); } // @DEBUG ON })(); // @DEBUG OFF // The function return function(handler) { // Pending onload? if (handlers) handlers.push(handler); else handler(); // Immedite exec since onload occured }; })(), /** * Prepares DEdit for usage */ init : function() { // Already initialized? if (!de.m) return; docBody = document.body; var modules = de.m; // @DEBUG ON // @DEBUG OFF // Initialize modules var orderChanged; do { // sort dependancies in a bubble sort manner // NOTE: This does not detect cyclic dependancies... thus can // inifitely loop // in such cases. // TODO: Faster/elegant way of building dependency tree orderChanged = false; for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { var currentMod = modules[i]; // If this has no dependancies then leave as is if (!currentMod.depends) continue; // Check that dependancies occur before this for (var j = 0; j < currentMod.depends.length; j++) { for (var k = i + 1; k < modules.length; k++) { if (currentMod.depends[j] == modules[k].name) { // Move this (modules[i]) to after the // dependancy (modules[k]) var old = modules; modules = old.slice(0, i).concat( old.slice(i + 1, k + 1).concat( [ currentMod ].concat(old .slice(k + 1)))); orderChanged = true; break; } } if (orderChanged) break; } if (orderChanged) break; } // Next module } while (orderChanged); // Continue bubble sorting the dependancy // list // Execute initialization code for (i in modules) { if (modules[i].init) modules[i].init(); } // cleanup initialization breadcrumbs delete de["m"]; } }; /* * Declare core internals inline .. this is a special setup since Core is * the first script declared */ /** *

* Enqueue's an intialization function to be invoked during the DEdit API * initialization phase (after DOM is ready). *


* If a module (script) needs to be initialized before usage and depends on * the document DOM state to be ready - or should only be initialized when * the API is explicitely been asked to be initialized, or initialization * code depends on a public API interface then use this function (at most * once per module). *

* NOTE: All internals will be loaded upon execution of the initialization * code, therefore there is no need to delcare dependancies (@DEPENDS or via * this method) for usage of internals within initialization code. * * @param {String} * moduleName The name of the module (script file name without * extension). * * @param {Function} * init An optional initialization method. If the initialization * code depends on other modules' public interfaces, then specify * the module names as additional arguments to this call. */ function $enqueueInit(moduleName, init) { // @DEBUG ON debug .assert(de.m ? true : false, "Attempted to enqueue initializor function after API has initialized"); for ( var i in de.m) { // Integrity check debug.assert(de.m[i].name != moduleName, 'An initializor is already registered under the name "' + moduleName + '"'); } // @DEBUG OFF // Discover dependancies (declared as extra arguments) var dependancies = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); dependancies.splice(0, 2); // Store the initializor for the module de.m.push({ name : moduleName, init : init, depends : dependancies }); } ; /** * Adds/suppliments all members to a target object from a source object. If * the target object has a member that is also contained in source, it will * be overridden with the source member. * * Leaves the source object in tact. * * @param {Object} * target The destination object * * @param {Object} * source The source object * * @param {Boolean} * override (Optional) True to override existing members on * conflicts, false skip conflicts. Defaults to true * * @return {Object} The target object */ function $extend(target, source, override) { if (override !== false) override = true; for ( var mem in source) { if (override || typeof target[mem] == "undefined") target[mem] = source[mem]; } return target; } /** * Create a hash map of booleans from a comma separated set of keys. * * @param {String} * str A comma separated set of keys. White spaces are not * truncated * @return {Object} A lookup map */ function $createLookupMap(str) { var arr = str.split(","); var map = {}; for ( var i in arr) { map[arr[i]] = true; } return map; } /** * Shorthand for document.createElement * * @param {String} * tag The element name * @return {Element} A new element */ function $createElement(tag) { return document.createElement(tag); } /* Start * file: DoublyLinkedList.js */ /** * @class * * A Doubly Linked List. Supports all data types. Because this collection * creates cyclic references, you should explicitely call * de.collections.DoublyLinkedList.clear when finished with a doubly linked * list to avoid memory leaks in browsers which uses reference counting * garbage collections (e.g. IE and FF). * * @author Brook Novak */ var _DoublyLinkedList = function() { var cls = function() { /** * @memberOf de.collections.DoublyLinkedList Read only member that * is the current length of the linked list. * @type Number */ this.length = 0; /** * @memberOf de.collections.DoublyLinkedList Read only member that * is the current head node of the linked list. * @type de.collections.DLLNode */ this.head = null; /** * @memberOf de.collections.DoublyLinkedList Read only member that * is the current tail node of the linked list. * @type de.collections.DLLNode */ this.tail = null; }; // Define the class body cls.prototype = { /** * Adds data to the end of the linked list YYY * * @param {Object} * data Data to add */ add : function(data) { // create a new item object, place data in var node = { data : data, next : null, prev : null }; // special case: no items in the list yet if (this.length == 0) { this.head = node; this.tail = node; } else { // attach to the tail node this.tail.next = node; node.prev = this.tail; this.tail = node; } // don't forget to update the count this.length++; }, /** * Removes an item from the list. * * @param {Object} * item An item to remove. * @return {Boolean} True if item existed and was removed. False if * the item did not exist. */ remove : function(item) { var current = this.head; while (current) { if (current.data == item) { removeNode(this, current); return true; } current = current.next; } return false; }, /** * Removes a node at the given index. * * @param {Number} * index The index to remove at. * * @return {Object} The removed data. Otherwise null if index out of * bounds. Note that if data is null, null will also be * returned. */ removeAtIndex : function(index) { // check for out-of-bounds values if (index > -1 && index < this.length) { var current; // Choose faster scan direction if (index < (this.length / 2)) { // Head to tail current = this.head; for (var i = 0; i < index; i++) { current = current.next; } } else { // Tail to head current = this.tail; for (var i = this.length - 1; i > index; i--) { current = current.prev; } } removeNode(this, current); return current.data; } return null; }, /** * Removes the last node in the list and returns the item. O(1) * operation * * @return {Object} The last item in the list. */ pop : function() { return this.removeAtIndex(this.length - 1); }, /** * Removes proceding items after atNode. I.E. atNode becomes the new * tail. * * @param {Object} * atNode The which will become the new tail. * * @return {Boolean} True if the operation succeeded (atNode is a * node in this linked list), False if the operation failed * (atNode is not a node in this linked list). */ chop : function(atNode) { var current = this.tail, newLength = this.length; // Search for atNode... count how far it is from the tail while (current && current != atNode) { current = current.prev; newLength--; } // If atNode doesn't exist, return false if (!current) return false; // If atNode has a next-node (i.e. not the tail) then // chop off the proceeding nodes if (current.next) { var removedNodes = current.next; while (removedNodes) { // Kill all ref n removed nodes removedNodes.prev.next = null; removedNodes.prev = null; removedNodes = removedNodes.next; } // Set the new tail this.tail = current; // Be sure to update the length this.length = newLength; } return true; }, /** * Clears the linked list.. so list becomes empty. Call this * whenever you are finished with a Doubly linked list to avoid * memory leaks caused by cyclic references. */ clear : function() { while (this.head) { var node = this.head; this.head = node.next; node.prev = node.next = null; } this.tail = null; this.length = 0; }, /** * Applies a function to all items in this list from the head to the * tail. * * @param {Function} * func A function to apply to each item. Takes one * argument: the item. Return false to abort iteration. */ iterate : function(func) { var current = this.head; while (current) { var res = func(current.data); if (res === false) break; current = current.next; } } }; // End clas prototype /** * @function * @description An alias for de.collections.DoublyLinkedList#add * * @see de.collections.DoublyLinkedList#add */ cls.prototype.push = cls.prototype.add; /** * @private Removes a node from a doubly linked list * * @param {de.collections.DoublyLinkedList} * dll The DLL to remove from * * @param {de.collections.DLLNode} * node The node to remove - must be a node in the DLL. */ function removeNode(dll, node) { if (dll.length == 1) { dll.clear(); return; } if (node == dll.head) { dll.head = node.next; dll.head.prev = null; node.next = null; // Avoid cyclic reference } else if (node == dll.tail) { dll.tail = node.prev; dll.tail.next = null; node.prev = null; // Avoid cyclic reference } else { node.prev.next = node.next; node.next.prev = node.prev; node.next = node.prev = null; // Avoid cyclic reference } dll.length--; } return cls; }(); /** * Exposure of _DoublyLinkedList internal * * @see _DoublyLinkedList */ de.collections.DoublyLinkedList = _DoublyLinkedList; /* END OF DoublyLinkedList.js */ /* * file: MVC.js * * @BEGINLICENSE Copyright 2010 Brook Novak (email : * brooknovak@seaweed-editor.com) This program is free software; you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This * program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * @ENDLICENSE */ /** * Extends the given instance into a model (wrt MVC). * * @param {Object} * subject The subject containing model data to be observed. */ function _model(subject) { // The list of registered observers for this subject var observers = [], observersToRemove; // Zeroed/undef when not firing // event, array when model is // firing event. $extend(subject, { /** * * Notifies all observers that a specific event occured. * * @param {String} * event The event name to fire (excluding the "on" * prefix). For example, "KeyDown" would invoke * "onKeyDown" in all observers * * @param {Object} * details Optional custom details data */ fireEvent : function(event) { if (observers.length > 0) { // Construct additional arguments array var i, observer, remObservers, args = Array.prototype.slice .call(arguments); args.shift(); // Flag this model as firing observersToRemove = []; // Fire events on each observer for (i in observers) { observer = observers[i]; // If the observer has declared a listener function for // this event invoke it if (typeof observer.ref["on" + event] == "function") observer.ref["on" + event].apply(observer.context, args); } // Reset flag remObservers = observersToRemove; observersToRemove = 0; // If Observers when trying to remove themself during an // event fire // then safely remove them now. for (i in remObservers) { this.removeObserver(remObservers[i]); } } }, /** * Adds an observer for receiving event notifications. If the * observer already exists in the observer set it will not be added * twice. * * @param {Object} * observer An observer to add to the set. * * @param {Object} * context (Optional) The context at which the events * should be invoked in. Will default to the observer * object. * * @param {Boolean} * notifiedFirst (Optional) True to be the first observer * to be notified in the current list. Otherwise it will * be added to the end of the list */ addObserver : function(observer, context, notifiedFirst) { // Ensure that observer array is a set if (observerIndex(observer) != -1) return; // Create observer instance observer = { ref : observer, context : context || observer }; // Add to list depending on requested order if (notifiedFirst) observers.unshift(observer); else observers.push(observer); }, /** * Removes an observer from the subjects observer list. * * @param {Object} * observer An observer to remove from the set */ removeObserver : function(observer) { // Avoid removing observers while in a firing-event state since // some browsers // may miss firing an event on a observer if the observer list // is sliced while iterating the list if (observersToRemove) observersToRemove.push(observer); // Will be removed after // firing of events // finished else { var index = observerIndex(observer); if (index >= 0) observers.splice(index, 1); } } }); /** * @param {Object} * observerRef The observer reference to check * * @return {Number} The index in the observers array at which * observerRef exists. -1 if not found. */ function observerIndex(observerRef) { for (var i = 0; i < observers.length; i++) { if (observers[i].ref == observerRef) return i; } return -1; } } /** * Exposure of model internal * * @see _model */ de.model = _model; // END MVC.js $enqueueInit( "Platform", function() { // Detect text direction locale - relies on DOM being ready for // manipulation var container = $createElement("p"); container.style.margin = "0 0 0 0"; container.style.padding = "0 0 0 0"; // container.style.textAlign = "start"; // If CSS 3+ container.style.textAlign = ""; // Explicitly override text // align that might be assigned // via style sheets var span = $createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = "X"; container.appendChild(span); docBody.appendChild(container); // LTR if text position is nearer left of container, RTL if text // position is nearer right of container _localeDirection = span.offsetLeft < (container.offsetWidth - (span.offsetLeft + span.offsetWidth)) ? "ltr" : "rtl"; debug.println("LOCALE-DIRECTION: " + _localeDirection + "\n"); // Tidy up docBody.removeChild(container); }); /** * The clients operating system. Never null, but can be de.Platform.UNKNOWN. * * @type Number */ var _os, /** * The clients browser. -1 if unknown. * * @type Number */ _browser, /** * The browser version as a float. Can be -1 if could not determine the * version. * * @type Number */ _browserVersion, /** * The clients operating system. -1 if unknown. * * @type Number */ _engine, /** * The layout/rendering engine. -1 if unavailable. * * @type Number */ _engineVersion, /** * An enumeration for browser/engine/os types. In the release version these * are replaced with actual values. */ _Platform = { /** * Read Only * * @final * @type Number */ UNKNOWN : -1, // @REPLACE _Platform.UNKNOWN -1 /* BROWSER CONSTANTS */ /** * Read Only: A browser constant * * @final * @type Number */ FIREFOX : 1, // @REPLACE _Platform.FIREFOX 1 /** * Read Only: A browser constant * * @final * @type Number */ OPERA : 2, // @REPLACE _Platform.OPERA 2 /** * Read Only: A browser constant * * @final * @type Number */ IE : 3, // @REPLACE _Platform.IE 3 /** * Read Only: A browser constant * * @final * @type Number */ CHROME : 4, // @REPLACE _Platform.CHROME 4 /** * Read Only: A browser constant * * @final * @type Number */ SAFARI : 6, // @REPLACE _Platform.SAFARI 6 // ICAB : 101, // Used as engine contant aswell /** * Read Only: A browser constant * * @final * @type Number */ KONQUEROR : 8, // @REPLACE _Platform.KONQUEROR 8 /** * Read Only: A browser constant * * @final * @type Number */ NETSCAPE : 9, // @REPLACE _Platform.NETSCAPE 9 // OS CONSTANTS /** * Read Only: An OS constant * * @final * @type Number */ WINDOWS : 1, // @REPLACE _Platform.WINDOWS 1 /** * Read Only: An OS constant * * @final * @type Number */ MAC : 2, // @REPLACE _Platform.MAC 2 /** * Read Only: An OS constant * * @final * @type Number */ LINUX : 3, // @REPLACE _Platform.LINUX 3 /* LAYOUT/RENDERING ENGINE CONSTANTS */ /** * Read Only: A rendering engine constant * * @final * @type Number */ GECKO : 1, // @REPLACE _Platform.GECKO 1 /** * Read Only: A rendering engine constant * * @final * @type Number */ TRIDENT : 2, // @REPLACE _Platform.TRIDENT 2 /** * Read Only: A rendering engine constant * * @final * @type Number */ WEBKIT : 3, // @REPLACE _Platform.WEBKIT 3 /** * Read Only: A rendering engine constant * * @final * @type Number */ KHTML : 4, // @REPLACE _Platform.KHTML 4 /** * Read Only: A rendering engine constant * * @final * @type Number */ PRESTO : 5 // @REPLACE _Platform.PRESTO 5 }; // Perform platform detection (function() { // References: // - http://unixpapa.com/js/gecko.html // - http://www.quirksmode.org/js/detect.html var dataBrowser = [ { string : navigator.userAgent, subString : "Chrome", id : _Platform.CHROME, versionSearch : "Chrome" }, { string : navigator.vendor, subString : "Apple", id : _Platform.SAFARI, versionSearch : "Version" }, { prop : window.opera, id : _Platform.OPERA, versionSearch : "Opera" }, { string : navigator.vendor, subString : "KDE", id : _Platform.KONQUEROR, versionSearch : "Konqueror" }, { string : navigator.userAgent, subString : "Firefox", id : _Platform.FIREFOX, versionSearch : "Firefox" }, { // for newer Netscapes (6+) string : navigator.userAgent, subString : "Netscape", id : _Platform.NETSCAPE, versionSearch : "Netscape" }, { string : navigator.userAgent, subString : "MSIE", id : _Platform.IE, versionSearch : "MSIE" }, { // for older Netscapes (4-) string : navigator.userAgent, subString : "Mozilla", id : _Platform.NETSCAPE, versionSearch : "Mozilla" } ]; var dataOS = [ { string : navigator.platform, subString : "Win", id : _Platform.WINDOWS }, { string : navigator.platform, subString : "Mac", id : _Platform.MAC }, { string : navigator.platform, subString : "Linux", id : _Platform.LINUX }, ]; var dataEngine = [ { string : navigator.userAgent, subString : "MSIE", id : _Platform.TRIDENT, versionSearch : "MSIE" // The trident versions are same as browser // versions }, { // It is important that this is above KHTML - since webkit is forked // from KHTML (which is still in webkits useragent/nav strings) string : navigator.userAgent, subString : "WebKit", id : _Platform.WEBKIT, versionSearch : "WebKit" }, { // It is important to have this above gecko data. since the user // agent // can contain gecko string : navigator.userAgent, subString : "KHTML", id : _Platform.KHTML, versionSearch : "KHTML" }, { string : navigator.userAgent, subString : "Gecko", id : _Platform.GECKO, versionSearch : "rv" }, { prop : window.opera, id : _Platform.PRESTO, versionSearch : "Presto" }, ]; function findMatchingPlatform(data) { for ( var i in data) { var dataString = data[i].string, dataProp = data[i].prop; if (dataString) { if (dataString.indexOf(data[i].subString) != -1) return data[i]; } else if (dataProp) return data[i]; } return null; } function extractVersion(dataString, versionSearchString) { if (!versionSearchString) return null; var index = dataString.indexOf(versionSearchString); if (index == -1) return null; return parseFloat(dataString.substring(index + versionSearchString.length + 1)); // Add one for the "/" // between the // identifier and the // version } debug.println("Inferring platform..."); // Get the OS _os = findMatchingPlatform(dataOS); debug.println("OS: " + (_os ? _os.subString : "UNKNOWN")); // Set as the enum... _os = _os ? _os.id || _Platform.UNKNOWN : _Platform.UNKNOWN; // Get the browser _browser = findMatchingPlatform(dataBrowser); debug.println("BROWSER: " + (_browser ? _browser.versionSearch : "UNKNOWN")); _browserVersion = _Platform.UNKNOWN; if (_browser) { // Extract the version _browserVersion = extractVersion(navigator.userAgent, _browser.versionSearch) || extractVersion(navigator.appVersion, _browser.versionSearch); // Set browser as the enum _browser = _browser.id; } else _browser = _Platform.UNKNOWN; debug.println("BROWSER-VERSION: " + _browserVersion); // Get the layout engine _engine = findMatchingPlatform(dataEngine); _engineVersion = _Platform.UNKNOWN; debug.println("ENGINE: " + (_engine ? (_engine.subString ? _engine.subString : _engine.versionSearch) : "UNKNOWN")); if (_engine) { _engineVersion = extractVersion(navigator.userAgent, _engine.versionSearch); _engine = _engine.id; } else _engine = _Platform.UNKNOWN; debug.println("ENGINE-VERSION: " + _engineVersion + "\n"); })(); $extend(de, { /** * @memberOf de Exposes internal platform enumaration * @see _Platform */ Platform : _Platform, /** * @memberOf de Exposes internal field * @see _os */ os : _os, /** * @memberOf de Exposes internal field * @see _browser */ browser : _browser, /** * @memberOf de Exposes internal field * @see _browserVersion */ browserVersion : _browserVersion, /** * @memberOf de Exposes internal field * @see _engine */ engine : _engine, /** * @memberOf de Exposes internal field * @see _engineVersion */ engineVersion : _engineVersion, /** * @memberOf de The Local text direction. Either "ltr" for Left to right * or "rtl" for right to left. * @type String */ localDirection : null /* Detected once API initialized */ }); // END Platform.js var _registerAction = function() { alert("hit!!!"); }; (function() { var actionRepository = {}, history = new _DoublyLinkedList(), /* * Always points to the next action to be undoed. Null if there is no * undo history. Note that it can be null if there is redo history... */ currentActionNode = null, /* * Non-zero if executing an action within an action. It represents the * action exec depth, typically it would be 0-1, but sometimes 2. */ execActionDepth = 0; // Setup registor action logic _registerAction = function(name, action) { debug.assert(!actionRepository[name], "Already registered action for " + name); actionRepository[name] = action; }; /** * @class * * The undo manager singleton subject provides facilities for executing, * undoing and redoing de.actions.UndoableAction's.
* Before a action is executed/undon/redone, a "onBeforeAction" event is * fired, where the argument is the action about to be * executed/undon/redone.
* After a action is executed/undon/redone, a "onAfterAction" event is * fired, where the argument is the action that has been * executed/undon/redone. * * @borrows de.mvc.AbstractSubject#addObserver as this.addObserver * * @borrows de.mvc.AbstractSubject#removeObserver as this.removeObserver */ de.UndoMan = { /** * Add cap to avoid consuming too much memory... < 0 = unlimited */ maxHistoryCount : 100, ExecFlag : { GROUP : 1, // @REPLACE de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.GROUP 1 UPDATE_SELECTION : 2, // @REPLACE // de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION // 2 /** * If provided then the undo manager will not store the undoable * operations for undoing/redoing - It will leave the current * operation list in tact after execution and thus the action * will not be undone/redone directly by the undo manager. * * Used for executing actions within an action, or other * internal specialized situations. */ DONT_STORE : 4 // @REPLACE de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.DONT_STORE 4 }, /** * Exposure of _registerAction internal. * * @see _registerAction */ registerAction : _registerAction, /** * * @param {Number} * flags (Optional) NOTE: If currently executing in an * action, then the DONT_STORE flag will be automatically * set. This allows actions to be combined into one * * @param {String} * actionName * * @return {Object} Action specific result */ execute : function(flags, actionName) { // Setup arguments var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // Set default flags if (typeof flags != "number") { flags = de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION; actionName = args[0]; args.shift(); } else args.splice(0, 2); // If already executing in a action if (execActionDepth) flags = de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.DONT_STORE; // @DEBUG ON // This can be helpful!! if (execActionDepth) { debug .println("WARNING: executing an action within an action - Undo man setting exec flags to DONT_STORE"); } // @DEBUG OFF if ((flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.GROUP) && !currentActionNode) _error("Cannot group action to nothing"); // Check that the action exists if (!actionRepository[actionName]) _error("Unknown action called \"" + actionName + "\""); var result, action = actionRepository[actionName], actionData = new _ActionData( actionName, flags, de.selection.getRange(false), de.selection.getRange(true)); // Apply action filtering on selection if (actionData.selBefore) { var eProps = de.doc .getEditProperties(actionData.selBefore.startNode); if (eProps && eProps.afRE) { var reEval = eProps.afRE.test(actionName.toLowerCase() + (actionName == "Format" ? args[0] .toLowerCase() : "")); if (reEval != eProps.afInclusive) return; } } // Notify observers this.fireEvent("BeforeExec", actionData); // Safety check: there shouldn't be any operations in the // current op list if storing them here debug.assert((flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.DONT_STORE) || !_getOperations()); // Execute the operation execActionDepth++; try { result = action.exec.apply(actionData, args); } finally { execActionDepth--; } // Add to undo history? I.E: Not returning ops if (!(flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.DONT_STORE)) { var opList = _getOperations(); // Did anything occur? if (!opList || opList.length == 0) { this.fireEvent("AfterExec", actionData); // Restore selection to state before action if (actionData.selBefore) de.selection.setSelection( actionData.selBefore.startNode, actionData.selBefore.startIndex, actionData.selBefore.endNode, actionData.selBefore.endIndex, true); return result; } // Destroy any redo-history // If the current undo marker is at the very beggining of // the // list, then reset the list. if (!currentActionNode) history.clear(); /* * Note: If history is already clear * then this is ok. */ else if (currentActionNode.next) history.chop(currentActionNode); // Store the action's operations actionData.opList = opList; history.push(actionData); // Update the undo marker currentActionNode = history.tail; // Check for max history if (history.length > this.maxHistoryCount && this.maxHistoryCount > -1 && !(action.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.GROUP)) history.removeAtIndex(0); } // Should update the selection? if (flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION) { var selAfter = actionData.selAfter; if (!selAfter) de.selection.clear(); else de.selection.setSelection(selAfter.startNode, selAfter.startIndex, selAfter.endNode, selAfter.endIndex, true); } else { // No need to keep the selection snapshots delete actionData["selBefore"]; if (actionData["selAfter"]) delete actionData["selAfter"]; } // No need to keep order selection range (only used for action // exec benifit) delete actionData["selBeforeOrdered"]; // Notify observers this.fireEvent("AfterExec", actionData); return result; }, /** * Undos the last action. */ undo : function() { do { // If the currentActionNode is already before the head, or // there is // no history, then return. if (!currentActionNode) return; var actionData = currentActionNode.data; // Notify observers this.fireEvent("BeforeUndo", actionData); try { // Undo the operation _undoOperations(actionData.opList); // Shift the action node along currentActionNode = currentActionNode.prev; } catch (err) { // If the undo failed, the all undo/redo history can // become out of // sync with the DOM. Therefore lose the history to // avoid bugs from // snowballing into something worse. this.clear(); throw err; } // Restore selection if (actionData.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION) { var selBefore = actionData.selBefore; if (!selBefore) de.selection.clear(); else de.selection.setSelection(selBefore.startNode, selBefore.startIndex, selBefore.endNode, selBefore.endIndex, true); } // Notify observers this.fireEvent("AfterUndo", actionData); } while (currentActionNode && (actionData.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.GROUP)); }, /** * Redo's the last undo. */ redo : function() { var firstRedo = true; while (1) { if (history.length == 0 || currentActionNode == history.tail) return; // Is the undo-pointer back to the very start of the // history? var curAction = currentActionNode ? currentActionNode.next : history.head; var actionData = curAction.data; // Only continue redoing if the action if grouped if (!firstRedo && !(actionData.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.GROUP)) return; currentActionNode = curAction; // Notify observers this.fireEvent("BeforeRedo", actionData); // Re-execute the operations try { _redoOperations(actionData.opList); } catch (err) { // If the undo failed, the all undo/redo history can // become out of // sync with the DOM. Therefore lose the history to // avoid bugs from // snowballing into something worse. this.clear(); throw err; } // Set the new selection if it was requested to update the // selection // with this action if (actionData.selAfter) { var selAfter = actionData.selAfter; if (!selAfter) de.selection.clear(); else de.selection.setSelection(selAfter.startNode, selAfter.startIndex, selAfter.endNode, selAfter.endIndex, true); } firstRedo = false; // Notify observers this.fireEvent("AfterRedo", actionData); } }, /** * Clears all undo/redo history */ clear : function() { history.clear(); currentActionNode = null; }, /** * @return {Boolean} True if there is any undo history. */ hasUndo : function() { return currentActionNode != null; }, /** * @return {Boolean} True if there is any redo history. */ hasRedo : function() { return history.length > 0 && currentActionNode != history.tail; } }; // End undo manager singleton // Make undo manager a model _model(de.UndoMan); })(); var _ActionData = function() { var cls = function(name, flags, selBefore, selBeforeOrdered) { this.name = name; this.flags = flags; this.selBefore = selBefore; this.selBeforeOrdered = selBeforeOrdered; /* this.opList = null */ } cls.prototype = { /** * @return {Node} The top-most editable section changed by this * action. Undefined if there was none. */ getEditSection : function() { if (this.opList) { // Infer from operations list for ( var i in this.opList) { var op = this.opList[i]; for ( var mem in op) { // Is this a dom node still in the document body? if (_isDOMNode(op[mem]) && _isAncestor(docBody, op[mem])) { var esNode = de.doc .getEditSectionContainer(op[mem]); if (esNode) return esNode; } } } } } }; return cls; }(); // file: UndoMan.js END // Start Util.js /** * @function Gets a text node or element in the document at a given pixel * position. * * @param Number * x The X pixel relative to the window. * @param Number * y The Y pixel relative to the window. * @return {Node} An Element or Text node which i at the given coordinates. */ var _getRenderedNodeAtXY = document.elementFromPoint ? /* Use native version if available */ function(x, y) { // return document.elementFromPoint(x, y); switch (_engine) { case _Platform.GECKO: case _Platform.TRIDENT: return document.elementFromPoint(x, y); default: // Webkit / presto requires page coordinates instead of // client/window coordinates var scrollPos = _getDocumentScrollPos(); return document.elementFromPoint(x + scrollPos.left, y + scrollPos.top); // Opera can return text nodes } } : function(x, y) { var element = null; searchElement(docBody); return element; function searchElement(parent) { // First search deeper nodes if (parent.childNodes.length > 0) { var child = parent.firstChild; while (child) { if (searchElement(child)) return true; child = child.nextSibling; } } // Test this node... if it is an element if (parent.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (parent.offsetLeft || parent.offsetLeft == 0)) { // Get the elements position in the window var pos = _getPositionInWindow(parent); // Then check to see if x/y is inside bounds if (y >= pos.y && y <= (pos.y + parent.offsetHeight) && x >= pos.x && x <= (pos.x + parent.offsetWidth)) { // Search has finished element = parent; return true; } } return false; } }; /** * Gets that position of an element in the window. Supports internal scroll * panes - price being slower operation. * * @param {Object} * ele The element to get the position for. * * @return {Object} The position of the given element {x,y} */ /* * function _getPosInWndIntScrollSupport(ele){ var left = 0, top = 0, parent = * ele; * * do { if (parent.offsetLeft || parent.offsetTop) { left += * parent.offsetLeft; top += parent.offsetTop; } } while (parent = * parent.offsetParent); * * parent = ele; do { if (parent == docBody) break; // already handled in a * cross-browser fashion if (parent.scrollLeft || parent.scrollTop) { left -= * parent.scrollLeft; top -= parent.scrollTop; } } while (parent = * parent.parentNode); // Notice here: going up parent nodes, not offsets // * Get the document scroll var scrollPos = _getDocumentScrollPos(); * // Return coordinates relative to window (using scroll information) * return { x: left - scrollPos.left, y: top - scrollPos.top }; } */ /** * Gets the position of an element in the window. Does not garuantee to * support internal scrolls. However does support main document scrolling. * * @param {Node} * ele The element to get the position for. * * @return {Object} The position of the given element {x,y} */ function _getPosInWndFast(ele) { var left = 0, top = 0, isFixed = 0; // True if encountered fixed element do { // Add pixel offset to parent if (ele.offsetLeft || ele.offsetTop) { if (ele == docBody) { if (!isFixed) { // Gecko browsers can have negitive offsets for the // document body // if there is a border present. left += Math.abs(ele.offsetLeft); top += Math.abs(ele.offsetTop); } } else { left += ele.offsetLeft; top += ele.offsetTop; } } // TODO: NEED TO COMPUTE IF FIXED VIA CLASS.. expensive to do every // element... isFixed |= (ele.style && ele.style.position == "fixed"); } while (ele = ele.offsetParent); if (!isFixed) { // Subtract the document scroll for non-fixed elements var scrollPos = _getDocumentScrollPos(); left -= scrollPos.left; top -= scrollPos.top; // Observations: // IE Versions which already includes body border widths // IE8 Standards/Quirks // IE7 Quirks // IE Versions which do not include body border widths // IE7 Standards // IE 6 Standards if (_engine == _Platform.TRIDENT && _engineVersion < 8) { // Some IE verions do not add the body border in any of the // offsets (body/immediate children). // To get the border thicknesses in IE you can query the client // top/left which will not // be effected by scrollbars or margins. left += docBody.clientLeft; top += docBody.clientTop; } } // Return coordinates relative to window return { x : left, y : top }; } /** * @type Function * * Gets the position of an element in the window. * * @param {Node} * ele The element to get the position for. * * @return {Object} The position of the given element {x,y} */ var _getPositionInWindow = _getPosInWndFast; /** * Inserts a specified DOM node after a reference element as a child of the * reference element's parent node. * * @param {Node} * newNode The dom node being inserted * * @param {Node} * refNode The node after which newNode is inserted. * * @return {Node} newNode passed in */ function _insertAfter(newNode, refNode) { var sib = refNode.nextSibling; if (!sib) refNode.parentNode.appendChild(newNode); else refNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, sib); return newNode; } /** * Inserts a dom node at a given index. * * @param {Node} * parentNode The parent of the newly inserted node * @param {Node} * newNode The dom node being inserted * @param {Number} * index The zero-based index of where in the parents child list * the new node should be added. */ function _insertAt(parentNode, newNode, index) { var i = -1; var node = parentNode.firstChild; while (++i != index && node) { node = node.nextSibling; } if (i == index) { if (i == parentNode.childNodes.length) parentNode.appendChild(newNode); else parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node); return newNode; } return null; } /** * Returns the combined length of all the descendant text nodes of a given * element * * @param {Node} * ele A element to get the text length for * @return {Number} The text length for the given element */ function _getDeepTextLength(ele) { var len = 0; _visitTextNodes(ele, true, function(textNode) { len += _nodeLength(textNode); }); return len; } /** * Clones all object members. * * @param {Object} * obj An object to clone * * @return {Object} The cloned object. */ function _clone(obj) { var clone = {}; for ( var i in obj) clone[i] = obj[i]; return clone; } /** * Traverses through DOM nodes and applies/maps a function to all nodes * * @param {Node} * root The parent to search from. Inclusive in search. Null to * find the root automatically, up to and excluding the document * node (if any). * * @param {Node} * start The node at which the traversal should start from. This * must be a child of parent, or the same as parent. * * @param {Boolean} * searchRight True to traverse tree preorder from left to right, * e.g. current, child1, child2, ... False to traverse tree * postorder from right to left, e.g. ... child2, child1, current * * @param {RegExp} * filter A regular expression - the function is only applied to * nodes whos names match the regular expression. If null is * supplied then all nodes are visited. * * @param {Function} * func The function to apply. One argument is given: the visting * nodes. Returning false aborts traversal. Returning 1 in right * searches skips traversing into the current node's children. * Anything else returned will be ignored and the traversal will * continue. */ function _visitNodes(root, start, searchRight, filter, func) { // Ensure that root is set. if (!root) root = _getRoot(start, [ Node.DOCUMENT_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE ]); var startStack = _getAncestors(start, root, true, true); var stackIndex = startStack.length - 1; (function trav(parent) { var child, res, skipChildren = false; // Are we recursing to the starting node (building stack frame)? if (stackIndex > 0) { // before start point stackIndex--; child = searchRight ? startStack[stackIndex].nextSibling : startStack[stackIndex].previousSibling; if (!trav(startStack[stackIndex])) return false; } else if (stackIndex == 0) { // start point onwards // Map the function to the parent node if its node name isn't // filtered out if (searchRight && (!filter || filter.test(_nodeName(parent)))) { res = func(parent); if (res === false) return res; skipChildren = (res === 1); // Skip children? } // If we are traverse backwards (postorder + reverse sequence), // then // dont traverse deeper from the start node... begin moving // left/upward if (!searchRight && parent == start) child = null; else child = searchRight ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild; } // Search children if (!skipChildren) { while (child) { if (!trav(child)) return false; child = (searchRight) ? child.nextSibling : child.previousSibling; } } // Map the function to the parent node if its node name isn't // filtered out if (!searchRight && (!filter || filter.test(_nodeName(parent)))) if (func(parent) === false) return false; return true; })(root); } /** * Traverses through DOM nodes and applies/maps a function to text nodes. * * The tree traversal is preorder. * * @param {Node} * root The parent to search from. Inclusive in search. Null to * find the root automatically. * * @param {Node} * start The node at which the traversal should start from. * * @param {Boolean} * searchRight True to traverse tree preorder from left to right, * false to traverse from right to left. * * @param {Function} * func The function to apply. One argument is given: the child * text nodes. Returning false aborts traversal. * * */ function _visitTextNodes(root, start, searchRight, func) { _visitNodes(root, start, searchRight, /^#text$/, func); } /** * Traverses through DOM nodes and applies/maps a function to all nodes. * * The tree traversal is preorder. * * @param {Node} * root The parent to search from. Inclusive in search. Null to * find the root automatically. * * @param {Node} * start The node at which the traversal should start from. * * @param {Boolean} * searchRight True to traverse tree preorder from left to right, * false to traverse from right to left. * * @param {Function} * func The function to apply. One argument is given: the child * nodes. Returning false aborts traversal. */ function _visitAllNodes(root, start, searchRight, func) { _visitNodes(root, start, searchRight, null, func); } /** * Determines whether a node is an ansetor of another. * * @param {Node} * ancestor A dom node * * @param {Node} * descendant A dom node * * @return {Boolean} True if ancestor is an ancestor of descendant */ function _isAncestor(ancestor, descendant) { descendant = descendant.parentNode; while (descendant) { if (descendant == ancestor) return true; descendant = descendant.parentNode; } return false; } /** * Gets ancestors of a dom node. * * @param {Node} * child The node to get ancestors for. * * @param {Node} * endAncestor The last ancestor of the search. This can be null * to get all ancestors * * @param {Boolean} * includeChild True to include the child in with the ancestors. * * @param {Boolean} * includeEndAncestor True to include the endAncestor in with the * ancestors. * * @return {Array} An array of dom Node's containinhg the ancestors. Ordered * from child to ancestor */ function _getAncestors(child, endAncestor, includeChild, includeEndAncestor) { if (child == endAncestor) return (includeChild || includeEndAncestor) ? [ child ] : []; var ancestors = includeChild ? [ child ] : []; var nd = child.parentNode; while (nd && nd != endAncestor) { ancestors.push(nd); nd = nd.parentNode; } if (includeEndAncestor && endAncestor && nd == endAncestor) ancestors.push(endAncestor); return ancestors; } /** * Finds an ancestor for a child up to a given point with a specific * condition. * * @example * * var firstOccuringBlock = _findAncestor(child, docBody, * de.html.isBlockLevel, true); * * @param {Node} * child The child node to begin search from (Inclusive) * * @param {Node} * endAncestorEx (Optional) The ancestor of the child node to * stop at, Null will search up to the dom tree root * * @param {Function} * markFunc (Optional) A function which tests a given dom node. * Return true to mark the node for being the node to retrieve * (depending on stopOnFirst argument). False/null/undefined to * continue the search. * * @param {Boolean} * stopOnFirst (Optional) True to stop the search on the first * encountered marked node, False/null/undefined to continue * search to find last occuring marked node in ancestor path. * * @return {Node} The querried result - null if could not find */ function _findAncestor(child, endAncestorEx, markFunc, stopOnFirst) { var lastMarkedNode = null; while (child) { if (markFunc && markFunc(child)) { if (stopOnFirst) return child; lastMarkedNode = child; } if (child.parentNode == endAncestorEx) break; child = child.parentNode; } return markFunc ? lastMarkedNode : child; } /** * Gets the first common ancestor between two nodes. * * @param {Node} * node1 A dom node * * @param {Node} * node2 A dom node * * @param {Boolean} * inclusive True to count node1 and node2 as being a possible * common ancestor. * * @return {Node} the first common ancestor between two nodes. Null if they * share no ancestor. */ function _getCommonAncestor(node1, node2, inclusive) { var ancestors1 = _getAncestors(node1, null, inclusive, 1), ancestors2 = _getAncestors( node2, null, inclusive, 1), commonParent = null; for ( var i in ancestors1) { for ( var j in ancestors2) { if (ancestors1[i] == ancestors2[j]) { return ancestors1[i]; } } } return null; } /** * Gets the next node in the preorder/postorder traversal. * * @param {Node} * node The reference point. * * @param {Boolean} * searchRight True to traverse tree preorder from left to right, * false to traverse postorder from right to left. * * @return {Node} The next node. Null if none exists. * */ function _nextNode(node, searchRight) { var next = null; _visitNodes(null, node, searchRight, null, function(nd) { if (nd == node) return true; // Skip starting node next = nd; return false; }); return next; } /** * @param {Node} * node The node to get the root for. Must not be null. * * @param {[Number]} * untilNodeTypes Optional, an aray of DOM Node constants. If * given, the search for the root node will stop just before the * first encountered given node type. For example. * [Node.DOCUMENT_NODE] will retreive up to the body element if * it has a document node ancestor. * * @return {Node} the root of the given node */ function _getRoot(node, untilNodeTypes) { while (node.parentNode) { if (untilNodeTypes) { for ( var i in untilNodeTypes) { if (node.parentNode.nodeType == untilNodeTypes[i]) return node; } } node = node.parentNode; } return node; } /** * Gets a dom nodes child index in its parents childrens node list * * @param {Node} * node A dom node * * @return {Number} The zero-based index of where the node occurs in its * parent chilren. -1 if has no parent */ function _indexInParent(node) { var index = -1; while (node) { index++; node = node.previousSibling; } return index; } /** * Returns a string so that special reserved entities and white spaces are * escaped. Note that only whitespaces are escaped if they need to be.... * * @param {String} * text The text to escape. * * @param {Boolean} * breakNewLines True to replace newline charactors with line * breaks. False to treat as whitespace * * @return {String} The escaped version of text. */ function _escapeTextToHTML(text, breakNewLines) { var escapedText = ""; var start = 0; var c, i; for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { c = text.charAt(i); var escapedStr = null; switch (c) { case "\"": escapedStr = """; break; case "'": escapedStr = "'"; // ' does not work in IE break; case "&": escapedStr = "&"; break; case "<": escapedStr = "<"; break; case ">": escapedStr = ">"; break; default: if (breakNewLines && c == "\n") { escapedStr = "
"; } else if (_isAllWhiteSpace(c) && (i == 0 || i == (text.length - 1) || text.charAt(i - 1) == " " || text .charAt(i + 1) == " ")) { escapedStr = " "; } } // Does this charactor need escaping? if (escapedStr) { // First append charactors that are previously ok if ((i - start) > 0) { escapedText += (text.substring(start, i)); } // Add the escaped version escapedText += escapedStr; // reset the start start = i + 1; } } // Add remaining text if ((i - start) > 0) { escapedText += (text.substring(start, i)); } return escapedText; } /** * * @param {String} * htmlText The html string to parse * * @return {String} The escaped version of text. */ function _parseHTMLString(htmlText) { var tmp = $createElement("span"); tmp.innerHTML = htmlText; return tmp.firstChild.nodeValue; } /** * Determines whether a node is displayed or not depending on its immediate * or inherited CSS display style. Note, that if a node's visibility is * hidden, is does not mean it is not displayed. * * @param {Node} * node A dom node to test * * @return {Boolean} True if the dom node is displayed, false if it is not. */ function _isNodeDisplayed(node) { while (node) { if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (node.style.display == "none") return false; } node = node.parentNode; } return true; } /** * Retreives a CSS style directly set for or inherited by a given dom node. * * @see www.quirksmode.org/dom/getstyles.html * * @param {Node} * node A dom node. * @param {String} * styleProp A CSS style property, formatted in CSS notation. * @return {String} The inherited style of the given node. Undefined if the * node does not have the style. If the node is not an element, then * the first ancestor element is selected. * */ function _getComputedStyle(node, styleProp) { while (node && node.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { node = node.parentNode; } if (!node) return; if (window.getComputedStyle) // DOM Spec return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, "") .getPropertyValue(styleProp) else if (node.currentStyle) // MS HTML return node.currentStyle[_styleCSSToJSNotation(styleProp)]; debug.println("Warning - could not get style \"" + styleProp + "\" for a \"" + node.nodeName + "\" element"); // Otherwise undefined... } /** * Sets an element's CSS string * * @param {Node} * ele An element node * @param {String} * css A css style string formatted in CSS notation. * * @example _setFullStyle(myElement, "color:red; padding:4px; * font-size:12px"); */ function _setFullStyle(ele, css) { if (_engine == _Platform.TRIDENT) ele.style.setAttribute("cssText", css); else ele.setAttribute("style", css); } /** * Sets a CSS style value for a given element * * @param {Node} * ele An element node * * @param {String} * css The CSS style to set in JS Notation * * @param {String} * val The value of the new style */ function _setStyle(ele, css, val) { if (_engine == _Platform.TRIDENT) ele.style.setAttribute(css, val); else ele.style[css] = val; } /** * Retrieves the full CSS markup for an elements style. Note that this is * not the computed markup - it is the explicitely assigned CSS for the * particular node. * * @param {Node} * ele The element to get the style from * @return {String} The CSS for the given element. Never null, empty if no * explicit styles set */ function _getFullStyle(ele) { return (_engine == _Platform.TRIDENT ? ele.style .getAttribute("cssText") : ele.getAttribute("style")) || ""; } /** * @param {Element} * ele The element to check * @return {Boolean} Evaluates to true iff the element has an element-level * style (i.e not computed). */ function _doesHaveElementStyle(ele) { var fs = _getFullStyle(ele); // Check if the CSS text contains non-empty style-values if (fs) { fs = fs.split(";"); for ( var s in fs) { var idx = fs[s].indexOf(':'); if (idx > 0 && idx < (fs[s].length - 1) && /\s*\S+\s*/.test(fs[s].substr(idx))) return 1; } } } /** * @param {String} * styleProp A CSS style in JS notation. * @return {String} The given CSS style in CSS notation. */ function _styleJSToCSSNotation(styleProp) { do { var match = /([A-Z])/.exec(styleProp); if (match) styleProp = styleProp.substr(0, match.index) + "-" + match[1].toLowerCase() + styleProp.substr(match.index + 1); } while (match); return styleProp; } ; /** * @param {String} * color A CSS Style color. Can be in hex, rgb, percentages or * actual names. NOTE: Only supports converting the 16 * standardized HTML color names - unstandard color names will * return white. * * @return {[Number]} An array with elements R,G and B respectively. They * range from 0-255. * * DEPRECIATED */ var _getColorRGB = function() { var colorRegExp = /^\s*rgb\s*\(\s*(\d+)\%?\s*\,\s*(\d+)\%?\s*\,\s*(\d+)\%?\s*\)\s*$/i, /* * Only going to support the 16 standardized colors. All major browsers * support a lot more but will seriously bloat the api size. */ colorWMap = { maroon : [ 128, 0, 0 ], red : [ 255, 0, 0 ], orange : [ 255, 165, 0 ], yellow : [ 255, 255, 0 ], olive : [ 128, 128, 0 ], purple : [ 128, 0, 128 ], fuchsia : [ 255, 0, 255 ], white : [ 255, 255, 255 ], lime : [ 0, 255, 0 ], green : [ 0, 128, 0 ], navy : [ 0, 0, 128 ], blue : [ 0, 0, 255 ], aqua : [ 0, 255, 255 ], teal : [ 0, 128, 128 ], black : [ 0, 0, 0 ], silver : [ 12, 12, 12 ], gray : [ 128, 128, 128 ] }; return function(val) { if (val.charAt(0) == "#") { if (val.length < 7) val += "000000"; // Convert to RGB return [ parseInt(val.substr(1, 2), 16), parseInt(val.substr(3, 2), 16), parseInt(val.substr(5, 2), 16) ]; } // Is the color in the notation "rbg(r,b,g)" ? var match = colorRegExp.exec(val); if (match) { var r = parseInt(match[1]), g = parseInt(match[2]), b = parseInt(match[3]); if (val.indexOf("%") > -1) { // convert percentages to 255 // range if (r > 100) r = 100; // clamp; r = (255 * r) / 100; if (g > 100) g = 100; // clamp; g = (255 * g) / 100; if (b > 100) b = 100; // clamp; b = (255 * b) / 100; } else { // Clamp 255 range if (r > 255) r = 255; if (g > 255) g = 255; if (b > 255) b = 255; } return [ r, g, b ]; } return colorWMap[val.toLowerCase()] || [ 255, 255, 255 ]; } }(); /** * @param {String} * cssStyle A CSS Style to check * @param {String} * val1 The value of a CSS style to compare (with val2) * @param {String} * val2 The value of a CSS style to compare (with val1) * @return {Boolean} True if val1 is equivalent to val2 CSS * * DEPRECIATED * */ var _isCSSValueSame = function() { var fontWeightMap = { bold : "700", normal : "400" }; function normalizeFontWeight(val) { return fontWeightMap[val.toLowerCase()] || val; } return function(cssStyle, val1, val2) { switch (cssStyle) { case "backgroundColor": case "borderColor": case "outlineColor": case "color": val1 = _getColorRGB(val1); val2 = _getColorRGB(val2); return val1[0] == val2[0] && val1[1] == val2[1] && val1[2] == val2[2]; case "fontWeight": val1 = normalizeFontWeight(val1); val2 = normalizeFontWeight(val2); break; } return val1 == val2; }; }(); /** * @param {String} * styleProp A CSS style in CSS notation. * @return {String} The given CSS style in JS notation. */ function _styleCSSToJSNotation(styleProp) { do { var index = styleProp.indexOf("-"); if (index > -1) styleProp = (index == (styleProp.length - 1)) ? styleProp .substr(0, index) : styleProp.substr(0, index) + styleProp.charAt(index + 1).toUpperCase() + styleProp.substr(index + 2); } while (index > -1); return styleProp; } ; /** * Gets the outer HTML content of a given element. NOTE: Can be expensive * for large DOM Trees in firefox/konqueror. * * @param {Node} * node An Element to get it's outer HTML for. * @return {String} The outer html of the given node. */ function _getOuterHTML(node) { if (node.outerHTML) return node.outerHTML; else { // Firefox / konqueror var tmp = $createElement("span"); tmp.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)); return tmp.innerHTML; } } /** * @return {Boolean} True if this browser allows you to safely extend the * DOM. */ function _isDOMExtendable() { /* IE Versions 7 down are not core javascript. */ return !(_browser == _Platform.IE && _browserVersion < 8); } /** * @param {Node} * node The node to extract the class name from * @param {RegExp} * A regular expression. * @return {String} the first occurring classname of the node which matches * regexp. Null if did not find a match */ function _findClassName(node, regexp) { if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE || node == docBody) { var clsName = _getClassName(node); if (clsName) { var classNames = clsName.split(' '); for ( var i in classNames) { if (regexp.test(classNames[i])) return classNames[i]; } } } return null; } /** * @param {Node} * element A Dom element * @return {String} The class name for the given element */ function _getClassName(element) { return element.className; } /** * @param {Node} * element A Dom element * @param {String} * name The class to set - overrides all classes. */ function _setClassName(element, name) { return _browser == _Platform.IE ? element.setAttribute("className", name) : element.className = name; } /** * Not all browsers support Array.indexOf .. this is a manual impl. * * @param {Object} * obj An object * @param {Array} * arr An array * @return {Number} The index of obj in arr. -1 if obj is not in arr. */ function _indexOf(obj, arr) { for ( var i in arr) { if (arr[i] == obj) return parseInt(i); } return -1; } /** * @param {Node} * node a dom node * @return {String} The dom node's name in lower case */ function _nodeName(node) { return node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } /** * Determines whether a node is a text node and returns the text length if * it is. * * @param {Node} * node The dom node to test * * @param {Object} * defaultValue (optional) If the node to test is not a text node * then this value will be returned instead. Defaults to NULL. * * @return {Object} If the node is a text node, then the text length of the * node will be returned. Otherwise defaultValue will be returned. */ function _nodeLength(node, defaultValue) { if (typeof defaultValue == "undefined") defaultValue = null; return node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.nodeValue.length : defaultValue; } /** * Determines if an object is a DOM Node or not. * * @param {Object} * obj The object to test */ function _isDOMNode(obj) { // @DEBUG ON // In debug mode, the Node object will be created if it is not available // - in order to provide // node type constants. To distinuish from a real node object and the // fabricaed one, test if the // _DE_DEBUG_CREATED if there if (Node._DE_DEBUG_CREATED) return typeof obj == "object" && typeof obj.nodeType == "number" && typeof obj.nodeName == "string"; // @DEBUG OFF return typeof Node == "object" ? obj instanceof Node : (typeof obj == "object" && typeof obj.nodeType == "number" && typeof obj.nodeName == "string"); } ; /* * Expose internals to public */ $extend(de, { /** * Exposure of _visitAllNodes internal * * @see _visitAllNodes */ visitAllNodes : _visitAllNodes, getCommonAncestor : _getCommonAncestor, /** * @param {Node} * node a dom node * @return {String} The inner text of the given node, never null, but * can be empty. */ getInnerText : function(node) { if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) return node.nodeValue; return node.innerText || node.textContent || ""; }, /** * Exposure of _parseHTMLString internal * * @see _parseHTMLString */ parseHTMLString : _parseHTMLString, /** * Exposure of _insertAfter internal * * @see _insertAfter */ insertAfter : _insertAfter, /** * Exposure of _insertAt internal * * @see _insertAt */ insertAt : _insertAt, /** * Exposure of _findClassName internal * * @see _findClassName */ findClassName : _findClassName, /** * Exposure of _getPositionInWindow internal * * @see _getPositionInWindow */ getPositionInWindow : _getPositionInWindow, getOuterHTML : _getOuterHTML, getComputedStyle : _getComputedStyle }); // END Util.js // START Changes.js (function() { /* * All editable sections and their initial states since startup or the * last clear. */ var esStartStates = []; $enqueueInit("Changes", function() { de.Changes.clear(); de.doc.addObserver({ onSectionAdded : function(editSection) { // Safety check: make sure editSection is not already // registered // @DEBUG ON for ( var i in esStartStates) { debug.assert(esStartStates[i].esNode != editSection); } // @DEBUG OFF // Add the new section to the state array esStartStates.push({ esNode : editSection, initHTML : editSection.innerHTML }); } }); }, "Doc"); /** * @class A singleton that records the editable sections that have been * changed/added/removed over time */ de.Changes = { /** * Gets all changes since last clear * * @return {[Element]} A list of changed editable section nodes. * NOTE: Does not include removed editable sections .. it * only checks the editable section contents. * * @see de.Changes.clear */ getChangedEditableSections : function() { var changedSections = [], stipEmptiesRE = /(<\s*\w+\s[^>]*?)(?:style|class|id|value)\s*=\s*(?:""|'')([^<]*?>)/i, stipEmptiesREPresto = /(<\s*\w+\s[^>]*?)\s*(?:style|class|id|value)\s*(>|(?:[^=][^<]*?>))/i, stripAttribWSRE = /<[^\/][^<>]*?\s[^<>]*>/, wsRE = /(?:[\t\n\r ]| )/g; // Don't consider highlighting as part of HTML _toggleSectionHighlight(false); // Look for changes for ( var i in esStartStates) { var esSection = esStartStates[i]; if (stripIrrelevants(esSection.esNode.innerHTML) != stripIrrelevants(esSection.initHTML) || esSection.dirty) changedSections.push(esSection.esNode); } _toggleSectionHighlight(true); return changedSections; /** * Strip irrelevent html from markup when comparing differences. * E.G. Empty attibutes or different whitespace encodings. * * @param {String} * str The html to stip irrelevent data from */ function stripIrrelevants(str) { // Make all whitespaces normal whitespace str = str.replace(wsRE, " "); var match, i, re, newStr = ""; // Strip empty attributes // One regexp matching pass for all browsers except for // opera... // Opera can leave empty attrbiutes without ="". for (i = 0; i < (_engine == _Platform.PRESTO ? 2 : 1); i++) { // Select the regexp according to pass re = i == 0 ? stipEmptiesRE : stipEmptiesREPresto; while (match = re.exec(str)) { str = str.substr(0, match.index) + match[1] + match[2] + str.substr(match.index + match[0].length); } } if (match) { // Due to attributes from being stripped must clear // whitespaces which separate attibutes in html tags.. // since whitespaces may only be present for the empty // tags while (match = stripAttribWSRE.exec(str)) { newStr += str.substr(0, match.index) + match[0].replace(wsRE, ""); str = str.substr(match.index + match[0].length); } newStr += str; } else newStr = str; return de.spell.stripSpellWrapperHTML(newStr); } }, /** * Wipes all recorded changes and prepares for recording new changes * for all or a specific edit section. * * @param {Element} * es (Optional) The edit section to wipe. If not * provided then all edit sections will be wiped * * @see de.Changes.reset */ clear : function(es) { // Exclude highlighting in HTML snapshots _toggleSectionHighlight(false); if (es) { // Locate specific editable section to wipe changes for ( var i in esStartStates) { if (esStartStates[i].esNode == es) { esStartStates[i].initHTML = es.innerHTML; esStartStates[i].dirty = 0; break; } } } else { // Wipe all previous state information esStartStates = []; // Build up the state information based on the current // document state var editableSections = de.doc.getAllEditSections(); for ( var i in editableSections) { var domNode = editableSections[i]; esStartStates.push({ esNode : domNode, initHTML : domNode.innerHTML }); } } _toggleSectionHighlight(true); }, /** * Use to mark all or a specific editable section as being dirty. * * If marked as dirty, then the next request for changed editable * sections will also return the editable section marked dirty even * if they have not changed / have been cleared. * * The next time the edit section is cleared it will be unmarked as * being dirty. * * @param {Object} * es (Optional) The edit section to dirty. If not * provided then all edit sections will be made dirty. */ dirty : function(es) { for ( var i in esStartStates) { if (!es || esStartStates[i].esNode == es) { esStartStates[i].dirty = 1; } } }, /** * Clears the changes, and resets all edit sections html to their * initial state since start up or the last clear/reset operation. * All undo/redo history will be cleared; * * @see de.Changes.clear */ reset : function() { // Clear undo/redo history de.UndoMan.clear(); // Reset edit section html back to their last captured start // states for ( var i in esStartStates) { esStartStates[i].esNode.innerHTML = esStartStates[i].initHTML; } // Setup changes again this.clear(); } }; // End de.Changes singleton })(); // END CHANGES.js // Start Clipboard.js (function() { $enqueueInit( "Clipboard", function() { // Setup platform independant event handlers for Accel+C, // Accel+V and Accel+X key strokes switch (_engine) { case _Platform.TRIDENT: _addHandler(document, "keydown", onIEKeyDown); break; case _Platform.GECKO: _addHandler(document, "keypress", onGeckoKeyPress); break; case _Platform.PRESTO: _addHandler(document, "keydown", onPrestoKeyDown); break; case _Platform.WEBKIT: _addHandler(document, "copy", onWKCopy); _addHandler(document, "paste", onWKPaste); _addHandler(document, "keydown", onWKKeyDown); // Cutting // in // all // webkit, // copy/paste // in // safari // mac break; } // Create the multi-lined text box for capturing clipboard // ketstrokes clipInputEle = $createElement("textarea"); _setFullStyle(clipInputEle, "width:1px;height:1px;border-style:none"); clipContainer = $createElement("div"); _setClassName(clipContainer, _PROTECTED_CLASS); _setFullStyle(clipContainer, "position:absolute;width:1px;height:1px;display:none;z-index:-500"); clipContainer.appendChild(clipInputEle); docBody.appendChild(clipContainer); }, "events.Events"); /* The internal clipboard text - stored whenever a user copies. */ var intClipText, /* The internal clipboard DOM - stored whenever a user copies. */ intClipDOM, /* * True if managed to copy the current internal clip text to the system * clipboard */ isSysClip, /* Used for copy/cut/paste keystroke hijacking. */ clipInputEle, /* Used for copy/cut/paste keystroke hijacking. */ clipContainer, /* Used for copy/cut/paste keystroke hijacking. */ clipboardTOID = null, /* * The cursor descriptor to restore to after a native copy. NULL if * there is no cursor to restore. */ restoreCursor; /** * Converts a DOM tree to a textual version. * * @param {Node} * node A dom tree to convert to text * @return {String} The text equivalent of the given root node of the * dom tree. */ function domToText(node) { var text = "", child; if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && _doesTextSupportNonWS(node)) { text = node.nodeValue.replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, " "); // Make all // HTML-whitespace // symbols // actual // whitespace } else if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { switch (_nodeName(node)) { case "br": text += "\n"; break; case "li": text += "\n * "; break; default: if (_isBlockLevel(node)) text += "\n"; } // Recurse child = node.firstChild; while (child) { text += domToText(child); child = child.nextSibling; } // Block-elements have line breaks before and after if (_isBlockLevel(node)) text += "\n"; } return text; } /** * Copies the documents selection to the internal clipboard. Sets the * locals intClipText, intClipDOM and isSysClip appropriatly if there is * something to copy. * * @return {String} The text that is copied to the internal clipboard. * Null if there was nothing to copy (the clipboard state will * be unchanged in this case). */ function internalCopy() { // Get the current document selections dom var selection = de.selection.getHighlightedDOM(); if (!selection) return null; // Store duplicated dom intClipDOM = selection; // Special case: if the selection root is a list element then we // need to // get the list element type (ol/ul) // TODO // Convert DOM into text intClipText = domToText(intClipDOM); // Chop off leading and trailing new line if the dom tree's root is // block level if (_isBlockLevel(intClipDOM)) intClipText = intClipText.replace(/^\n/, "").replace(/\n$/, ""); // Reset system clip flag isSysClip = false; return intClipText; } /** * Copies and removes the documents selection to the internal clipboard. * * @return {String} The text that is copied to the internal clipboard. * Null if there was nothing to cut (the clipboard and document * state will be unchanged in this case). * * @see internalCopy */ function internalCut() { var res = internalCopy(); // If something was copied, remove any selection from the document if (res) de.selection.remove(); return res; } /** * Pastes text, or DOM, into the document, if the cursor is in an * editable section. * * @param {String} * sysClipText The textual contents of the system clipboard * if available. */ function internalPaste(sysClipText) { // Don't try paste if the cursor does not exist if (!de.cursor.exists()) return; // Check permissions of cursor position.... // Remove the current selection if any de.selection.remove(); var cursorDesc = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(); debug.assert(cursorDesc != null); var textToPaste, domToPaste; // Has there ever been anything copied internally in this session // before? if (intClipText) { // If the internal clipboard content was unable to be copied to // the system clipboard, // then unfortunatly we will have to use this. if (!isSysClip) domToPaste = intClipDOM; // If the internal clipboard text matches the system clipboard // text, then use the // DOM content since it is the riches content. else if (intClipText.replace(/\s/g, "") == sysClipText.replace( /\s/g, "")) domToPaste = intClipDOM; // If the system clipboard text is available, use that else if (sysClipText) textToPaste = sysClipText; // If all else fails, use the internal clip text else domToPaste = intClipDOM; } else textToPaste = sysClipText; // If available, use the text in the // system clipboard // TMP - for debugging text pasting etc.. // if (domToPaste) { // domToPaste = null; // textToPaste = intClipText; // } // Is there anything to paste? if (domToPaste || textToPaste) { // Calculate the cursor index var index = cursorDesc.relIndex; if (cursorDesc.isRightOf) index++; if (_nodeName(cursorDesc.domNode) == "br") index = 1; var es = de.doc.getEditSectionContainer(cursorDesc.domNode); if (es) { var esProps = de.doc.getEditProperties(es); if (!esProps.singleLine && domToPaste) { // Can we paste // DOM content? // TODO, HTML validation, DEdit filters... should this // be in the insert HTML command? // LOW PRIORITY // This will take a lot of thought... // TEMP HACK: Just past inline HTML var inlineContentHolder = $createElement("div"); _visitAllNodes( domToPaste, domToPaste, true, function(node) { // Add text nodes to inline content holder if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) inlineContentHolder.appendChild(node .cloneNode(false)); else if (_isInlineLevel(node) && _isValidRelationship( node, cursorDesc.domNode.parentNode)) { // If this node is inline and can be // validly inserted into char position, // see if all of its children are inline var isAllInline = 1; _visitAllNodes( node, node, true, function(innerNode) { // End search once exits // subtree if (!_isAncestor(node, innerNode)) return false; // Is a node found to be // block level? if (_isBlockLevel(innerNode)) { isAllInline = 0; return false; } }); // If all inline/text then copy this sub // tree if (isAllInline && !(esProps.singleLine && _nodeName(node) == "br")) { inlineContentHolder .appendChild(node .cloneNode(true)); return 1; } } }); if (inlineContentHolder.firstChild) de.UndoMan.execute("InsertHTML", inlineContentHolder.innerHTML, cursorDesc.domNode.parentNode, cursorDesc.domNode, index); } else if (textToPaste) { // Can we paste text content? // Decide on insertion action and perform it if (!esProps.singleLine && /\n/.test(textToPaste)) // If // has // newlines // then // replace // with // line // breaks de.UndoMan.execute("InsertHTML", _escapeTextToHTML( textToPaste, true), cursorDesc.domNode.parentNode, cursorDesc.domNode, index); else de.UndoMan.execute("InsertText", cursorDesc.domNode, textToPaste, index); } } } } /** * IE Only. Attempts to copy the text to the clipboard. * * @param {String} * text the text to copy * @return {Boolean} True iff the text was successfully copied to the * system clipboard. */ function ieClipboardCopy(text) { var didSucceed = window.clipboardData.setData('Text', text); return didSucceed === $undefined || didSucceed; } /** * IE Only. * * @return {String} The system clipboard's text. Null if unavailable */ function ieClipboardRetrieve() { var clipText = window.clipboardData.getData('Text'); if (clipText === "") { // Could be empty, or failed // Verify failure if (!window.clipboardData.setData('Text', clipText)) clipText = null; } return clipText; } /** * IE's On key down event * * @param {Event} * e The dom event */ function onIEKeyDown(e) { e = e || window.event; if (!de.events.Keyboard.isAcceleratorDown(e)) return; switch (e.keyCode) { case 67: // COPY (C) case 88: // CUT (X) // Perform internal copy var textToCopy = e.keyCode == 67 ? internalCopy() : internalCut(); if (textToCopy) { // Try to copy the text to the system clipboard the IE way if (ieClipboardCopy(textToCopy)) isSysClip = true; else fallThroughCopyEvent(textToCopy); } break; case 86: // PASTE (V) var sysClipContents = ieClipboardRetrieve(); if (sysClipContents) internalPaste(sysClipContents); else fallThoughPasteEvent(); break; } } /** * For mozilla platforms only. * * @return {Boolean} True iff this session has privileges to access * XPConnect resources */ function hasXPCPriv() { try { if (netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege) netscape.security.PrivilegeManager .enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); else return false; } catch (ex) { return false; } return true; } /** * Mozilla Only. Attempts to copy the text to the clipboard. * * @param {String} * text the text to copy * @return {Boolean} True iff the text was successfully copied to the * system clipboard. */ function mozClipboardCopy(text) { try { if (!hasXPCPriv()) return false; var str = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); str.data = text; var trans = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable); if (!trans) return false; trans.addDataFlavor("text/unicode"); trans.setTransferData("text/unicode", str, copytext.length * 2); var clipid = Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard; var clip = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"] .getService(clipid); if (!clip) return false; clip.setData(trans, null, clipid.kGlobalClipboard); } catch (e) { // FF Sometimes throws random errors on blanks lines return false; } } /** * Mozilla Only. * * @return {String} The system clipboard's text. Null if unavailable */ function mozClipboardRetrieve() { try { if (!hasXPCPriv()) return null; var clip = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard); if (!clip) return null; var trans = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable); if (!trans) return null; trans.addDataFlavor("text/unicode"); clip.getData(trans, clip.kGlobalClipboard); var str = {}, strLength = {}, pastetext = ""; trans.getTransferData("text/unicode", str, strLength); if (str) str = str.value .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); if (str) pastetext = str.data.substring(0, strLength.value / 2); return pastetext; } catch (e) { // FF Sometimes throws random errors on blanks lines return null; } } /** * Mozilla's On key press event * * @param {Event} * e The dom event */ function onGeckoKeyPress(e) { if (!de.events.Keyboard.isAcceleratorDown(e)) return; switch (e.which) { case 99: // COPY (C) case 67: case 120: // CUT (X) case 88: // Perform internal copy var textToCopy = (e.which == 67 || e.which == 99) ? internalCopy() : internalCut(); if (textToCopy) { // Try to copy the text to the system clipboard the XUL way if (mozClipboardCopy(textToCopy)) isSysClip = true; else { fallThroughCopyEvent(textToCopy); } } break; case 118: // PASTE (V) case 86: var sysClipContents = mozClipboardRetrieve(); if (sysClipContents) internalPaste(sysClipContents); else fallThoughPasteEvent(); break; } } /** * Opera's On key down event * * @param {Event} * e The dom event */ function onPrestoKeyDown(e) { if (!de.events.Keyboard.isAcceleratorDown(e)) return; switch (e.keyCode) { case 67: // COPY (C) var textToCopy = internalCopy(); if (textToCopy) fallThroughCopyEvent(textToCopy); break; case 88: // CUT (X) var textToCopy = internalCut(); if (textToCopy) fallThroughCopyEvent(textToCopy); break; case 86: // PASTE (V) fallThoughPasteEvent(); break; } } /** * Webkit's on copy event * * @param {Event} * e The dom event */ function onWKCopy(e) { // Webkit has a bug where the clipboard data cannot be set in the // clipboard // events, even though the specificatoin states that it can be set. // Therefore // must resort to fall-through event capturing for a workaround if (clipboardTOID === null) { // If not currently using // fall-through method... var textToCopy = internalCopy(); if (textToCopy) fallThroughCopyEvent(textToCopy); } } /** * Webkit's on paste event * * @param {Event} * e The dom event */ function onWKPaste(e) { // clipboardData is available for access only in this event if (de.cursor.exists() && clipboardTOID === null) { // If not // currently // using // fall-through // method... and // something is // selected internalPaste(e.clipboardData.getData("Text")); e.preventDefault(); // NOTE: Only prevent default if pasting in // editable section, other allow pasting in // native controls } } /** * Webkit's on key down event (Cutting only) * * @param {Event} * e The dom event */ function onWKKeyDown(e) { if (de.events.Keyboard.isAcceleratorDown(e)) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 88: // X: Cut events in webkit dont work var textToCopy = internalCut(); if (textToCopy) fallThroughCopyEvent(textToCopy); break; case 67: // C: Copy events via keyboard in safari mac dont // work if (_browser == _Platform.SAFARI && _os == _Platform.MAC && de.cursor.exists()) { // Observation: Safari 4 on mac does not allow copy // events to occur if // not coping in native text controls. // Perform internal copy var textToCopy = internalCopy(); if (textToCopy) fallThroughCopyEvent(textToCopy); } break; case 86: // V: Paste events via keyboard in safari mac dont // work if (_browser == _Platform.SAFARI && _os == _Platform.MAC && de.cursor.exists()) // Observation: Safari 4 on mac does not allow paste // events to occur if // not pasting in native text controls. fallThoughPasteEvent(); break; } } } /** * Invoked just before the browser is about to execute default/native * code which copies the documents current native selection. * * @param {String} * textToCopy The text to copy to the clipboard. * Null/undefined if pasting */ function fallThroughCopyEvent(textToCopy) { fallThoughClipEventBase(textToCopy); } function fallThoughPasteEvent() { fallThoughClipEventBase(); } function fallThoughClipEventBase(textToCopy) { restoreCursor = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(); // Avoid race conditions with pending timeout if (clipboardTOID) clearTimeout(clipboardTOID); // Void removing text input // event // Set/reset the inputbox contents clipInputEle.value = textToCopy ? textToCopy : ""; // Get the scrollbar state and set the clipboard capturer position // in the viewport // to avoid scrolling the document var scrollPos = _getDocumentScrollPos(); // Position the float (container) at the top left of the viewport, // but if the scroll bars are at zero, then place the float // outside of the document... this will completely conceal the float clipContainer.style.left = (scrollPos.left == 0 ? -50 : scrollPos.left + 10) + "px"; clipContainer.style.top = (scrollPos.top == 0 ? -50 : scrollPos.top + 10) + "px"; // Reveal the container clipContainer.style.display = ""; // Select the "revealed" input box try { clipInputEle.focus(); clipInputEle.select(); } catch (e) { } // Mozilla sometimes throws XPConnect security exceptions var timeOutFunc = textToCopy ? afterNativeCopyClipInput : afterNativePasteClipInput; // Queue input-box removal function directly after native copy/paste // executes clipboardTOID = setTimeout(timeOutFunc, 0); } /** * Safely hides the "temporary" clipboard input control */ function hideClipInput() { clipContainer.style.display = "none"; } /** * Invoked after the browser natively copies the "temporary" clipboard * input control's content */ function afterNativeCopyClipInput() { clipboardTOID = null; hideClipInput(); isSysClip = true; window.focus(); } /** * Invoked after the browser natively pastes the system clipboard text * to the "temporary" clipboard input control. */ function afterNativePasteClipInput() { clipboardTOID = null; hideClipInput(); // Ensure the cursor did not change/clear if (restoreCursor) { var curCursor = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(); if (!curCursor || curCursor.domNode != restoreCursor.domNode || curCursor.relIndex != restoreCursor.relIndex) de.cursor.setCursor(restoreCursor); } internalPaste(clipInputEle.value); window.focus(); } })(); // End Clibpboard.js // Start ContainerNormalization.js /* * TODO: MAKE HTML VALID BY PLACING INLINE ANCESTORS WITHIN THE BLOCK-LEVEL * CONTAINERS Inlines cannot contain blocks * * * ARGGG... OK JUST RUBBISH THIS.. For all invalid inlines, remove them from * the document.. that will naturally "normalize" the range. Cannot just * move inlines into containers because containers may contain block * decendants. * * This will simplify the code a lot and keep the HTML tidy. * * Should design algrorithms to assume valid HTML, ad if invalid then loss * of formatting as a result of throwing away invalid tags doesnt matter. */ /** * Creates containers, adjusts structure within the given range, such that * it garauntees that all block-level elements in the range do not share any * ancestor inline elements that occur between the containers and the * common-block-level-ancestor, with other block-level elements. This * property is useful for itemizing container in a given range.
* This operation is undoable, and is intended for indentation and itemizing * ranges. * * @param {Node} * startNode The starting dom node of the range to normalize. * * @param {Node} * endNode The ending dom node of the range to normalize. Can be * the same as start node or it must occur after the start dom * (in-order left-to-right traversal) * * @param {Node} * containerTemplate (Optional) An element which supports inline * elements to be used for inline-groups which need containers. * Defaults to paragraph. * * @return {[Node]} An array containing a list of all the top-level * containers in the given range, in order if traversing the dom * tree in-order. Can be empty. * */ function _getNormalizedContainerRange(startNode, endNode, containerTemplate) { var template = containerTemplate || $createElement("p"); // Determine the master container for the normalization range var masterContainer = _findAncestor(_getCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode, true), docBody, _isBlockLevel, true) || docBody; // Deepen start/end range while (startNode.firstChild) { startNode = startNode.firstChild; } while (endNode.lastChild) { endNode = endNode.lastChild; } // Check if the master container allows the container template if (masterContainer != docBody && !_isValidRelationship(template, masterContainer)) { // Special case - list items if (_nodeName(masterContainer) == "ul" || _nodeName(masterContainer) == "ol") { startNode = _findAncestor(startNode, masterContainer); endNode = _findAncestor(endNode, masterContainer); var containers = []; while (startNode) { if (_nodeName(startNode) == "li") containers.push(startNode); startNode = startNode == endNode ? null : startNode.nextSibling; } return containers; } // If the master container doesn't allow sub-containers, then the // normalized range // becomes a single container... the master container. return [ masterContainer ] } // Extend range to point to begin and start at top-level sub-containers // if they exist, // or to the end of inline groups var extendedRangeNode, protectedContainers = [], reinsertProcContainers = [], extendedStart, extendedEnd; // Extend start range _visitAllNodes(masterContainer, startNode, false, extendRange); // Remove any protect containers if (protectedContainers.length > 0) { for ( var i in protectedContainers) { if (protectedContainers[i].parentNode) { protectedContainers[i].parentNode .removeChild(protectedContainers[i]); reinsertProcContainers.push(protectedContainers[i]); } } } extendedStart = extendedRangeNode; if (!extendedStart) { // Set start through to end of initial inline group extendedStart = masterContainer.firstChild; while (extendedStart.firstChild) { extendedStart = extendedStart.firstChild; } } // Extend end range extendedRangeNode = null; protectedContainers = []; _visitAllNodes(masterContainer, endNode, true, extendRange); // Remove any protect containers if (protectedContainers.length > 0) { for ( var i in protectedContainers) { if (protectedContainers[i].parentNode) { protectedContainers[i].parentNode .removeChild(protectedContainers[i]); reinsertProcContainers.push(protectedContainers[i]); } } } extendedEnd = extendedRangeNode; if (!extendedEnd) { // Set start through to end of post inline group extendedEnd = masterContainer.lastChild; while (extendedEnd.lastChild) { extendedEnd = extendedEnd.lastChild; } } // Move protected nodes out of the extended range if there are any for ( var i in reinsertProcContainers) { docBody.appendChild(reinsertProcContainers[i]); } // The range only containers protected nodes if (!extendedEnd || !extendedStart) return []; // Perform normalization operations (two phases) separateBlockPaths(extendedStart, extendedEnd, masterContainer); encapsulateIGroups(extendedStart, extendedEnd, masterContainer, template); // Get top-level containers within the original range var tdc = _findAncestor(startNode, masterContainer); endNode = _findAncestor(endNode, masterContainer); var range = []; do { var node = tdc; while (node) { if (_isBlockLevel(node)) { range.push(node); break; } node = node.firstChild; } tdc = tdc == endNode ? null : tdc.nextSibling; } while (tdc); return range; /** * Helper function for extending the range backward/forward. Sets the * extendedRangeNode local iff a top-level block container is found * within the master container * * @param {Node} * domNode Provided by de.visit function */ function extendRange(domNode) { if (domNode == masterContainer) return; // Find top-level block element from the master-container - // inclusive of self var node = domNode, blNode = null; while (node != masterContainer) { if (_isBlockLevel(node)) blNode = node; // If this sub-tree is protected then note the protected node // root if (node.parentNode == masterContainer && de.doc.getProtectedNodeContainer(node) == node) { protectedContainers.push(node); blNode = null; // Ignore this since this subtree will be // repositioned in the document } node = node.parentNode; } if (blNode) { // If this node has a top-level block element from the // master-container // then the extended start has been located extendedRangeNode = blNode; return false; } } /** * Ensures that all first occuring block-level elements from the master * container own their own path up to the master container. * * @param {Node} * startNode The start node in the range. This must not have * a block-level element in the path from itself up to the * master container (exclusive). * * @param {Node} * endNode The end node in the range. * * @param {Node} * masterContainer The master container for all sub * containers * */ function separateBlockPaths(startNode, endNode, masterContainer) { var scanPoint = startNode, seenEndPoint = false; // Scan through range for all top-level block elements from the // master container while (scanPoint && !seenEndPoint) { _visitAllNodes( masterContainer, scanPoint, true, function(domNode) { scanPoint = null; seenEndPoint |= domNode == endNode; if (domNode == masterContainer) return; // If this dom node is a block element then ensure // that it owns its own path // up to the master container. if (_isBlockLevel(domNode)) { // Note: this block level element is top-level // from the master container... i.e. there is no // block-level elements between this node up to // the master container var pivotNode = domNode; while (pivotNode.parentNode != masterContainer) { // Separate previous siblings into duplicate // inline node if (pivotNode.previousSibling) { // Clone shared inline element var clone = pivotNode.parentNode .cloneNode(false); // Migrate previous siblings into duped // inline element while (pivotNode.previousSibling) { var psib = pivotNode.previousSibling; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, psib); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, psib, clone, 0); } // Insert the cloned inline element back // into the document _execOp( _Operation.INSERT_NODE, clone, pivotNode.parentNode.parentNode, _indexInParent(pivotNode.parentNode)); } // Separate next siblings into duplicate // inline node if (pivotNode.nextSibling) { // Clone shared inline element var clone = pivotNode.parentNode .cloneNode(false) // Migrate next siblings into duped // inline element while (pivotNode.nextSibling) { var nsib = pivotNode.nextSibling; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, nsib); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, nsib, clone); } // Insert the cloned inline element back // into the document _execOp( _Operation.INSERT_NODE, clone, pivotNode.parentNode.parentNode, _indexInParent(pivotNode.parentNode) + 1); } pivotNode = pivotNode.parentNode; } // End separating path to master container // This dom node now owns its own path to the // master container. // Setup to scan down next path scanPoint = pivotNode.nextSibling; // NB: Pivot // is an // immediate // child of // master // container // Check if the end node lies within this // block-level element _visitAllNodes(domNode, domNode, true, function(subDomNode) { if (subDomNode == endNode) seenEndPoint = true; return !seenEndPoint; }); return false; } return !seenEndPoint; }); } // End Loop: separating paths to block-level elements in given // range } // End function separateBlockPaths /** * For all sub-trees within the given range of the master container * (i.e. Immediate children of the master continer), all sub-trees * containing only inline elements/text nodes are migrated into a * containerTemplate clone within the master container. * * * @param {Node} * startNode The start node to encapsulate from. This should * not be within an inline sub-tree which has a previous * sub-tree which contains only inline elements. * * @param {Node} * endNode The end node to encapsulate to. This should not be * within an inline sub-tree which has a following sub-tree * which contains only inline elements. * * @param {Node} * masterContainer The master container * * @param {Node} * containerTemplate The container to clone for migrating * inline groups into * */ function encapsulateIGroups(startNode, endNode, masterContainer, containerTemplate) { // Adjust start and end nodes to their root nodes within the master // container startNode = _findAncestor(startNode, masterContainer); endNode = _findAncestor(endNode, masterContainer); var subTreeNode = startNode, inlineGroupStart = null; // Visit all sub-trees in the master container within the range // (i.e. immediate children in the master contianer). while (subTreeNode) { var domNode = subTreeNode, containsBlock = false; while (domNode) { if (_isBlockLevel(domNode)) { containsBlock = true; break; } // Just check down left-most-path since all block level // elements in // the given range have their own path to the master // container domNode = domNode.firstChild; } if (containsBlock) { if (inlineGroupStart) { encapsulate(inlineGroupStart, subTreeNode); inlineGroupStart = null; } } else { // Mark start of inline group - avoid including whitespace // nodes which should not be encapsulated. // For example, whitespace in between list items if (!inlineGroupStart) { if (!(subTreeNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && !_doesTextSupportNonWS(subTreeNode))) inlineGroupStart = subTreeNode; } } subTreeNode = subTreeNode == endNode ? null : subTreeNode.nextSibling; } if (inlineGroupStart) encapsulate(inlineGroupStart, null); /** * Encapsulates a run of inline siblings within the master * container. * * @param {Node} * start The sibling to start encapsulating from. * * @param {Node} * endEx The exclusive end sibling. Can be null for * encapsulating all siblings from start node. */ function encapsulate(start, endEx) { var igContainer = containerTemplate.cloneNode(false), igSubTree = start; // Insert the new inline-group container into the master // container debug .assert(_isValidRelationship(igContainer, masterContainer)); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, igContainer, masterContainer, _indexInParent(start)); // Migrate inline run into the new container while (igSubTree != endEx) { var nextSib = igSubTree.nextSibling; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, igSubTree); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, igSubTree, igContainer); igSubTree = nextSib; } } } // End function encapsulateIGroups } // End getNormalizedContainerRange // End ContainerNormalization.js // StarCursor.js (function() { // TODO: REFACTOR de.cursor ro de.Cursor ... do when refactor de prefix // to chosen name /* * A cursor descriptor that represents the current cursor that is * showing. Null if no cursor showing */ var currentCursorDesc, /* The visual representation for the cursor on the actual web page */ cursorDiv, /* A Constant defining the time in ms between cursor blinks */ CURSOR_BLINK_MS_TIME = 460, /* The cursor blinker timeout ID */ cursorBlinkTOId, /* * The x position which the cursor should realign to when moving up/down * the content */ cursorXAlign, /* Used for measurement purposes */ measureSpanEl, measureSpanTextNode, measurePreTextNode, measurePostTextNode, measureFullText, // ------------- Define lookup maps according to the DirectEdit // DOM-based Web Editor Specification 1.0 ------------- /* * Refer to specification 2.2.2 Elements which the cursor can appear * directly before */ beforeElements = $createLookupMap("img,table,input,select,button,textarea,object"), /* * Refer to specification 2.2.3 Elements which the cursor can appear * directly after */ afterElements = $createLookupMap("img,table,input,select,button,textarea,object,br"); $enqueueInit("Cursor", function() { // Create elements for measurement purposes measureSpanEl = $createElement("span"); measureSpanTextNode = document.createTextNode(""); measureSpanEl.appendChild(measureSpanTextNode); measurePreTextNode = document.createTextNode(""); // Create cursor div and add it to the document cursorDiv = $createElement("div"); _setClassName(cursorDiv, _PROTECTED_CLASS + " sw-cursor"); // Avoid // the // cursor // from // being // edited docBody.appendChild(cursorDiv); // Set cursor background and z-index to defaults if css sheets don't // supply them var cursorStyle = "", cssVal = _getComputedStyle(cursorDiv, 'z-index'); if (!cssVal || cssVal == "0" || cssVal == "auto") ; cursorStyle += "z-index:100"; _setFullStyle(cursorDiv, "position:absolute; width:2px;visibility:hidden;" + cursorStyle); // Register to events _addHandler(window, "resize", onWindowResized); _addHandler(document, "keystroke", onKeyStroke); // Make as subject _model(de.cursor); // Keep cursor in view after actions are executed de.UndoMan.addObserver({ onAfterExec : scrollToCursor, onAfterUndo : scrollToCursor, onAfterRedo : scrollToCursor }); }, "UndoMan"); /** * @namespace The cursor namespace packages cursor specific operations. */ de.cursor = { /** * @class Provides flag constants for describing the cursor relation * to the dom node. */ PlacementFlag : { /** * Read Only: Refer to specification 2.2.1. AKA Text nodes * (containing least one renderable symbol) * * @type Number */ INSIDE : 1, // @REPLACE de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE 1 /** * Read Only: Refer to specification 2.2.2 * * @type Number */ BEFORE : 2, // @REPLACE de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE 2 /** * Read Only: Refer to specification 2.2.3 * * @type Number */ AFTER : 4 // @REPLACE de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER 4 }, /** * @param {Node} * domNode a dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff the dom node can support a cursor * placed by it. */ doesNodeSupportCursor : function(domNode) { return !de.doc.isProtectedNode(domNode) && de.doc.isNodeEditable(domNode); }, /** * Sets the new cursor. The position is updated immediatly. Set to * null to hide/destroy the cursor. * * If the cursor is not in an editable area, then it will be set to * null * * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * cursorDesc The new cursor. Null for no cursor. * * @return {Boolean} True if there is a cursor after the operation. * False if the operation resulted in no cursor. */ setCursor : function(cursorDesc) { // Dissallow cursor placement at protected nodes if (cursorDesc && !this.doesNodeSupportCursor(cursorDesc.domNode)) cursorDesc = null; // Set the new cursor info currentCursorDesc = cursorDesc; // Stop and hide the cursor blink cursorBlink(false); // Update cursor GUI if (currentCursorDesc) { // Update cursor position cursorDiv.style.left = (currentCursorDesc.docLeft + (currentCursorDesc.isRightOf ? currentCursorDesc.width : 0)) + "px"; cursorDiv.style.top = currentCursorDesc.docTop + "px"; cursorDiv.style.height = currentCursorDesc.height + "px"; // Determine color for the cursor. var color = _getComputedStyle(currentCursorDesc.domNode, "color"); cursorDiv.style.backgroundColor = color ? color : "black"; // Begin cursor blink cursorBlink(true); } // Always reset cursorXAlign cursorXAlign = null; // Notify observers of cursor change this.fireEvent("CursorChanged", this.getCurrentCursorDesc()); return currentCursorDesc != null; }, /** * Discovers the closest matching cursor descriptor for a given * position. * * @param {Number} * targetX The X coordinate in the window from where to * find the closest cursor position. * * @param {Number} * targetY The Y coordinate in the window from where to * find the closest cursor position. * * @param {Node} * targetNode (optional) The node at the given position. * If not provided this will be determined for you. * * @return {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} A CursorInfo object * containing the closest cursor position to the given * target coordinates. Null if there are no valid nearby * cursor positions. */ getCursorDescAtXY : getCursorDescAtXY, /** * @return {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} The clone of the current * cursor info object. Null if there is none. */ getCurrentCursorDesc : function() { return currentCursorDesc ? _clone(currentCursorDesc) : null; }, /** * Updates the cursor GUI. */ refreshCursor : function() { if (!currentCursorDesc) return; // IE Has this annoying event-threading model where when // querrying some // dom objects' properties IE instantly raises an event on the // same trace of execution! // This causes a nasty bug when using any of the cursor // alrgorithms, this function // is 'randomly' invoked during critical sections which depend // on the measuring nodes - // since a resize event is invoked due to querrying various // spatial information on dom objects, // such as getting the document.scrollLeft for rereiving a // elements absolute position in the window. // Work around: if (measurePostTextNode) return; // Get new position setSpatialMembers(currentCursorDesc); // Update the gui cursorDiv.style.left = (currentCursorDesc.docLeft + (currentCursorDesc.isRightOf ? currentCursorDesc.width : 0)) + "px"; cursorDiv.style.top = currentCursorDesc.docTop + "px"; cursorDiv.style.height = currentCursorDesc.height + "px"; }, /** * Scrolls the document to view the current cursor */ scrollToCursor : scrollToCursor, /** * @return {Boolean} True if the cursor is shown. False if no cursor * exists. */ exists : function() { return currentCursorDesc != null; }, /** * @param {Node} * node A DOM node to test * @return {Boolean} True if node is the cursor blinker element. */ isCursorEle : function(node) { return node == cursorDiv; }, /** * A wrapper function for _getRenderedNodeAtXY - excludes * * @param {Number} * x The x pixel coordinate relative to the window. * @param {Number} * y The x pixel coordinate relative to the window. * @return {Node} The node at the given window position - gauranteed * not to be the cursor blinker. */ getNonCursorNodeAtXY : function(x, y) { var dval = cursorDiv.style.display; cursorDiv.style.display = "none"; // Ensure not visible var targetNode = _getRenderedNodeAtXY(x, y); cursorDiv.style.display = dval; // Restore original value return targetNode; }, /** * Gets the next cursor descriptor before or after a given cursor * descriptor. I.E. The next physical move of the cursor. * * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * cursorDesc The cursor descriptor to reference from. it * does not have to be a valid cursor descriptor, that * is, a node which the cursor cannot be place in/next * to. * * @param {Boolean} * left True to get cursor desc left of reference point, * false for right. * * @return {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} The next cursor move from * the reference point. Null if there is none. Note that it * might be outside of an editable section. * */ getNextCursorMovement : getNextCursorMovement, /** * Note: only uses y and height members * * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * desc1 A cursor to compare * * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * desc2 A cursor to compare * * @return {Boolean} True iff desc1 and desc2 are on the same line. */ isOnSameLine : isOnSameLine, /** * Builds a cursor descriptor (provides the spatial information). * * @param {Node} * domNode The dom node * * @param {Number} * relIndex The index within the dom node (only applies * for text nodes) * * @param {Boolean} * isRightOf True if the cursor is to the right of index * position. * * @return {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} The cursor descriptor. Null * If a cursor cannot be placed at the given position. Note: * if the dom not is a text node but the index is not * rendered then null will be returned. * */ createCursorDesc : function(domNode, relIndex, isRightOf) { var placement = getPlacementFlags(domNode); if (placement == 0 || (placement != de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE && ((isRightOf && !(placement & de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER)) || (!isRightOf && !(placement & de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE))))) return null; var desc = { domNode : domNode, relIndex : relIndex, isRightOf : isRightOf, placement : placement }; setSpatialMembers(desc); // If the text node / index is not rendered then return null if (placement == de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE && (desc.width == 0 || desc.height == 0)) return null; return desc; }, /** * Note: even if de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE is returned, the * text node may not be able to support a cursor being placed inside * if it contains nothing but non-renderable symbols. * * @param {Node} * node A dom node to get the placement flags for * * @return {Number} A bitwise or combination of * de.cursor.PlacementFlag's. Zero if it is not a candidate * for supporting a cursor placement. */ getPlacementFlags : getPlacementFlags, /** * Gets the nearest cursor descriptor to the given position * information. * * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node in the document * * @param {Number} * relIndex A relative index in the dom node * * @param {Boolean} * isRightOf True if the cursor is placed to the right of * the node/index. False for left placement. * * @param {Boolean} * searchLeft True to search for nearest cursor to the * left of the given position. False to search right. * * @return {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} A cursor descriptor nearest * to the given position. Null if there is none. */ getNearestCursorDesc : function(domNode, relIndex, isRightOf, searchLeft) { if (_nodeName(domNode) == "br") isRightOf = true; var cDesc = de.cursor.createCursorDesc(domNode, relIndex, isRightOf); // Gives null if invalid request // Special case: line breaks if (cDesc && _nodeName(domNode) == "br") { // Get the cursor pos to the left and right of this line // break var leftCDesc = getNextCursorMovement(cDesc, true), rightCDesc = getNextCursorMovement( cDesc, false); // If this line break is on its own line then return it if ((!leftCDesc || !isOnSameLine(leftCDesc, cDesc)) && (!rightCDesc || !isOnSameLine(rightCDesc, cDesc))) return cDesc; // Otherwise return the cursor pos to the left/right of the // break - if it exists return (searchLeft ? leftCDesc : rightCDesc) || cDesc; } return cDesc || getNextCursorMovement({ domNode : domNode, isRightOf : isRightOf, relIndex : relIndex, y : _getPositionInWindow(domNode).y }, searchLeft); } // End getNearestCursorDesc function }; // End Cursor Namespace /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Events /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function onKeyStroke(e, normalizedKey) { if (!currentCursorDesc || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey) return; var moveAction = 0; switch (normalizedKey) { case "Left": // Arrow left case "Right": // Arrow right moveAction = 1; // Attempt to move the cursor left/right var neighbour = getNextCursorMovement(currentCursorDesc, normalizedKey == "Left"); // If the neighbour is null, then reached end point if (!neighbour) neighbour = currentCursorDesc; var oldCDesc = currentCursorDesc; if (!de.cursor.setCursor(neighbour) && oldCDesc) // If failed to set the cursor (probably due to it being // outside // of editable section) then set back to the old cursor // position de.cursor.setCursor(oldCDesc) break; case "Up": // Arrow up case "Down": // Arrow down moveAction = 1; var isUpward = normalizedKey == "Up"; var docScrollPos = _getDocumentScrollPos(); var xAlign = cursorXAlign ? cursorXAlign : (currentCursorDesc.docLeft - docScrollPos.left) + (currentCursorDesc.isRightOf ? currentCursorDesc.width : 0); var searchSpace = getUpDownSearchSpace(); var cDesc; if (searchSpace) { // Perform specialized/narrowed dual binary search to // discover cursor position directly above/below cDesc = searchBestCursorPos(xAlign, currentCursorDesc.docTop - docScrollPos.top, searchSpace, currentCursorDesc, isUpward); restoreMeasuringNodes(); } if (!cDesc) cDesc = currentCursorDesc; var oldCDesc = currentCursorDesc; if (!de.cursor.setCursor(cDesc) && oldCDesc) // If failed to set the cursor (probably due to it being // outside // of editable section) then set back to the old cursor // position de.cursor.setCursor(oldCDesc) // Remember for next up/down movement cursorXAlign = xAlign; break; } // End case if (moveAction) { scrollToCursor(); // Auto scroll return false; // Consume key event } return true; // Inner support functions to follow /** * An inner supporting function. * * @return {Object} The search space for a dual binary search */ function getUpDownSearchSpace() { // Build array of all nodes to search inside of targetEl var nodesToSearch = []; var pendingBANodes = []; var nextLine; _visitAllNodes( docBody, currentCursorDesc.domNode, !isUpward, function(domNode) { // Add in any pending before/after nodes appendPendingBAnodes(domNode); var placementFlags = getPlacementFlags(domNode); if (placementFlags == 0) return true; // Cursor cannot be placed in // this node // Check to see if found a new line var pos, height; if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { pos = _getPositionInWindow(domNode.parentNode); height = domNode.parentNode.offsetHeight; } else if (_nodeName(domNode) == "br") { pos = measureLineBreak(domNode) height = pos.height; } else { pos = _getPositionInWindow(domNode); height = domNode.offsetHeight; } if (!isOnSameLine(nextLine ? nextLine : currentCursorDesc, { y : pos.y, height : height })) { // If already found the next line then the // searchspace can end here if (nextLine) return false; // If this is the first node that is in the next // line, then remeber line information nextLine = { y : pos.y, height : height }; } if (placementFlags == de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE) { // AKA // a // text // node nodesToSearch.push({ domNode : domNode, placement : de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE }); } else { // Before and/or After if (placementFlags & de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE) { if (isUpward) { pendingBANodes.push(domNode); } else { nodesToSearch .push({ domNode : domNode, placement : de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE // Only store before flag }); } } if (placementFlags & de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER) { if (isUpward) { nodesToSearch .push({ domNode : domNode, placement : de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER // Only store before flag }); } else { pendingBANodes.push(domNode); } } } }); // Was the next line even found? if (!nextLine) return null; // Append any pending before/after nodes appendPendingBAnodes(null); // Make sure search space is top-down if (isUpward) nodesToSearch.reverse(); // Suppliment search space with index information var totalPlacementLength = 0; for ( var i in nodesToSearch) { var node = nodesToSearch[i]; var len = _nodeLength(node.domNode, 1); node.startIndex = totalPlacementLength; node.endIndex = node.startIndex + (len - 1); node.length = len; totalPlacementLength += len; } return { nodes : nodesToSearch, totalLength : totalPlacementLength }; /** * Adds pending before/after nodes to the nodesToSearch * * @param {Node} * domNode the current dom node or null */ function appendPendingBAnodes(domNode) { while (pendingBANodes.length > 0) { if (!domNode || !_isAncestor( pendingBANodes[pendingBANodes.length - 1], domNode)) { nodesToSearch .push({ domNode : pendingBANodes.pop(), placement : isUpward ? de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE : de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER }); } else break; } } // End inner appendPendingBAnodes } // End inner getUpDownSearchSpace } // End onKeyStroke /** * If the window resized, the cursor must be re-positioned. * * @param {Event} * e */ function onWindowResized(e) { de.cursor.refreshCursor(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Support functions for cursor GUI /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @param {Boolean} * visible True to toggle cursor div to visible, false to * hidden. */ function setCursorVisible(visible) { cursorDiv.style.visibility = visible ? "visible" : "hidden"; } /** * @return {Boolean} True if the cursor div is visisble. */ function isCursorVisible() { return cursorDiv.style.visibility == "visible"; } /** * Continuously toggles the cursor div's visibility over time * * @param {Boolean} * on True to turn it on, false to turn it off and hide it. */ function cursorBlink(on) { if (typeof on != "undefined") cursorBlink.on = on; if (cursorBlink.on) { setCursorVisible(!isCursorVisible()); cursorBlinkTOId = setTimeout(cursorBlink, CURSOR_BLINK_MS_TIME, 1); // NB: IE does not pass arguments } else if (cursorBlinkTOId) { clearTimeout(cursorBlinkTOId); cursorBlinkTOId = null; setCursorVisible(false); } } /** * Scrolls the document to the current cursor's position */ function scrollToCursor() { if (!currentCursorDesc) return; var viewPortSize = _getViewPortSize(), dx = 0, dy = 0; // Get dy if ((currentCursorDesc.y + currentCursorDesc.height) >= viewPortSize.height) { dy = (currentCursorDesc.y + currentCursorDesc.height) - viewPortSize.height; } else if (currentCursorDesc.y < 0) { dy = currentCursorDesc.y; } // get dx var xpos = currentCursorDesc.x + (currentCursorDesc.isRightOf ? currentCursorDesc.width : 0) + parseInt(cursorDiv.style.width); if (xpos >= viewPortSize.width) { dx = xpos - viewPortSize.width; } else if (currentCursorDesc.x < 0) { dx = currentCursorDesc.x; } if (dx || dy) window.scrollBy(dx, dy); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Support functions for locating cursor information /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // See de.cursor.getPlacementFlags doc function getPlacementFlags(node) { // Always place cursor after the packages. // NOTE: Testing this first to avoid placing cursor in placeholders // within the packaged nodes. var pcon = de.doc.getPackageContainer(node); if (pcon) { var pflags = 0; if (pcon == node) pflags = de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE | de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER; return pflags; } // Cursors can be placed before placeholders, but not inside of them if (de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(node, false)) return (de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(node, true)) ? de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE : 0; if (de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(node, false)) return (de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(node, true)) ? de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE : 0; if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (_doesTextSupportNonWS(node)) return de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE; return 0; } var flags = 0; // TODO: REFACTOR/DOCUMENT // Apply user flag funciton if specified if (de.cursor.usrGetPlacementFlags) { flags = de.cursor.usrGetPlacementFlags(node); if (flags === $undefined) flags = 0; else return flags; } if (beforeElements[_nodeName(node)]) flags = de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE; if (afterElements[_nodeName(node)]) flags |= de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER; return flags; } /** * Determines whether cinf1 is closer to target than cinf2. Uses adx/ady * information * * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * desc1 A cursor to compare * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * desc2 A cursor to compare * @param {Number} * targetY The target Y (used for boundry cases) * * @return True if desc1 is closer than desc2. */ function isCloserToTarget(desc1, desc2, targetY) { // If they are on the same line... if (isOnSameLine(desc1, desc2)) { // Then compare there absolute delta x's return desc1.adx < desc2.adx; } else if (desc1.ady == desc2.ady) { // Else if not on the same line AND they have the same absolute // delta y's // then choose the closest to target Y from in the middle of // their height return Math.abs((desc1.y + (desc1.height / 2)) - targetY) < Math .abs((desc2.y + (desc2.height / 2)) - targetY); } // They do not accur on the same line, and have diffent ady's... so // pick closest to target Y return desc1.ady < desc2.ady; } /** * Determines whether desc1 is closer to (x, y) than desc2. * * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * desc1 A cursor to compare * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * desc2 A cursor to compare * @param {Number} * tx The target x-coord * @param {Number} * ty The target y-coor * * @return True if desc1 is closer than desc2. */ function isCloserToXY(desc1, desc2, x, y) { // If they are on the same line then compare there absolute delta // x's if (isOnSameLine(desc1, desc2)) return Math.abs(desc1.x - x) < Math.abs(desc2.x - x); var ady1 = Math.min(Math.abs(desc1.y - y), Math .abs((desc1.y + desc1.height) - y)); var ady2 = Math.min(Math.abs(desc2.y - y), Math .abs((desc2.y + desc2.height) - y)); // Else if not on the same line AND they have the same absolute // delta y's // then choose the closest to target Y from in the middle of their // height if (ady1 == ady2) return Math.abs((desc1.y + (desc1.height / 2)) - y) < Math .abs((desc2.y + (desc2.height / 2)) - y); // They do not accur on the same line, and have diffent ady's... so // pick closest to target Y return ady1 < ady2; } // See de.cursor.isOnSameLine jsdoc function isOnSameLine(desc1, desc2) { return (desc1.y >= desc2.y && desc1.y < (desc2.y + desc2.height)) || (desc2.y >= desc1.y && desc2.y < (desc1.y + desc1.height)); } /** * If there are any elements/nodes in the document that were used for * measurement purposes (via setupMeasuringNodes). */ function restoreMeasuringNodes() { if (measurePostTextNode) { measurePostTextNode.parentNode.removeChild(measureSpanEl); measurePostTextNode.parentNode.removeChild(measurePreTextNode); measurePostTextNode.nodeValue = measureFullText; measurePostTextNode = null; } } /** * Lazily sets up measuring elements/nodes in document. Be sure to call * restoreMeasuringNodes if you want the nodes to be removed (i.e. The * DOM document to return to it's original state) * * @param {Node} * textNode The text-node for which measurements are to take * place. */ function setupMeasuringNodes(textNode) { if (measurePostTextNode == textNode) return; if (measurePostTextNode) restoreMeasuringNodes(); measurePostTextNode = textNode; measureFullText = textNode.nodeValue; // Split the text node into 3 nodes (including self) textNode.parentNode.insertBefore(measureSpanEl, textNode); textNode.parentNode.insertBefore(measurePreTextNode, measureSpanEl); } /** * Requires that setupMeasuringNodes has been invoked. Isolates measure * nodes so that the measureSpanEl encapsulates a single charactor at a * given index. * * @param {Number} * index The index of the charactor to isolate. * @return True if the isolated charactor is a renderable symbol. */ function measureCharactor(index) { measurePreTextNode.nodeValue = measureFullText.substr(0, index); measureSpanTextNode.nodeValue = measureFullText.charAt(index); measurePostTextNode.nodeValue = measureFullText.substr(index + 1); return measureSpanEl.offsetHeight != 0 && measureSpanEl.offsetWidth != 0; } /** * Measures a line break element. Restores any measuring nodes before * and after operation. * * @param {Node} * lb A line break element to measure. * @return {Object} A tuple containing the position of the line break in * the window, and its height. */ function measureLineBreak(lb) { restoreMeasuringNodes(); // Flag this to signify that meaure nodes are occupied. measurePostTextNode = {}; measureSpanTextNode.nodeValue = _NBSP; _insertAfter(measureSpanEl, lb); var spatInf = _getPositionInWindow(measureSpanEl); spatInf.height = measureSpanEl.offsetHeight; measureSpanEl.parentNode.removeChild(measureSpanEl); // Reset flag measurePostTextNode = null; return spatInf; } /** * Remeasures a cInfo's position (window and document) at its given * textnode / charactor, index - and updates the info's properties * accordingly. * * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * cursorDesc */ function setSpatialMembers(cursorDesc) { if (!cursorDesc) return; if (_nodeName(cursorDesc.domNode) == "br") { var inf = measureLineBreak(cursorDesc.domNode); cursorDesc.x = inf.x; cursorDesc.y = inf.y; cursorDesc.height = inf.height; cursorDesc.width = 0; } else { var spatEl; // Determine which element to get the spatial info from if (cursorDesc.placement == de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE) { setupMeasuringNodes(cursorDesc.domNode); measureCharactor(cursorDesc.relIndex); spatEl = measureSpanEl; } else spatEl = cursorDesc.domNode; var pos = _getPositionInWindow(spatEl); cursorDesc.x = pos.x; cursorDesc.y = pos.y; cursorDesc.width = spatEl.offsetWidth; cursorDesc.height = spatEl.offsetHeight; } var docScrollPos = _getDocumentScrollPos(); cursorDesc.docLeft = docScrollPos.left + cursorDesc.x; cursorDesc.docTop = docScrollPos.top + cursorDesc.y; restoreMeasuringNodes(); } // see de.cursor.getNextCursorMovement function getNextCursorMovement(srcCDesc, left) { var startNode = srcCDesc.domNode, startIndex = srcCDesc.relIndex, startIsRightOf = srcCDesc.isRightOf, nextNode, nextIndex, nextIsRightOf, placementFlags = getPlacementFlags(srcCDesc.domNode), lastVisitedNode, pendingLineBreak, seenBlockElement = false, prevTextInfo; if (placementFlags == de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE) { // If needs simple flip of is rightof flag then return a flipped // version if (srcCDesc.isRightOf == left) { var cDesc = de.cursor.createCursorDesc(srcCDesc.domNode, srcCDesc.relIndex, !srcCDesc.isRightOf); if (cDesc) return cDesc; } } else if (srcCDesc.isRightOf && placementFlags != de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE) { if (left) { // If scanning left but source cursor is to the right of an // element, then need to start the // traversal within the elements deepest-right descendant while (startNode.lastChild) { startNode = startNode.lastChild; } if (startNode != srcCDesc.domNode) { startIndex = _nodeLength(startNode, 2) - 1; startIsRightOf = true; } } } // Begin traversing from source point inclusive _visitAllNodes( docBody, startNode, !left, function(domNode) { var firstVisit = domNode == startNode; // Skip node that are not displayed / is protected if (!_isNodeDisplayed(domNode) || de.doc.isProtectedNode(domNode)) { lastVisitedNode = domNode; return true; } if (!seenBlockElement && !firstVisit) seenBlockElement = _isBlockLevel(domNode); placementFlags = getPlacementFlags(domNode); // Check after nodes if (lastVisitedNode) { var commonAncestor = _getCommonAncestor(domNode, lastVisitedNode, true); var checkANodes = _getAncestors(left ? domNode : lastVisitedNode, commonAncestor, false); if (left) { // Need to search from top-down in left // search checkANodes.reverse(); // Include the current node in the search if it // is an after node - except for line breaks if ((placementFlags & de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER) && !_isAncestor(domNode, lastVisitedNode) && _nodeName(domNode) != "br") checkANodes.push(domNode); } else { if (!_isAncestor(lastVisitedNode, domNode) && _nodeName(lastVisitedNode) != "br" && !de.doc .isProtectedNode(lastVisitedNode) && !(lastVisitedNode == startNode && startIsRightOf)) checkANodes.push(lastVisitedNode); } for ( var i in checkANodes) { var node = checkANodes[i]; // Is this node an actual after node? if (getPlacementFlags(node) & de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER) { // Check for pending line break if (checkLineBreak(node)) return false; // Found the next move nextNode = node; nextIndex = 1; nextIsRightOf = true; return false; } // Update block level flag seenBlockElement |= _isBlockLevel(node); } } // Is a dom node which is needing a placeholder? if (placementFlags == 0) { if (!de.doc.isNodePackaged(domNode)) { var phType = 0 if (_doesNeedESPlaceholder(domNode)) phType = 1; else if (_doesNeedMNPlaceholder(domNode)) phType = 2; if (phType) { // Create missing placeholder and add it.. // prevent the undo manager // from setting the cursor and if there is // any undo history then // group this with the last action... and if // the dontStoreInsertPHOps option is set // then // prevent the undo manager from storing the // operations all together de.UndoMan .execute( de.UndoMan.hasUndo() ? de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.GROUP : 0, "InsertHTML", _getOuterHTML(phType == 1 ? de.doc .createESPlaceholder(domNode) : de.doc .createMNPlaceholder()), domNode, domNode.firstChild, 0); // Check for pending linebreak first if (!checkLineBreak(domNode.firstChild)) { // Set next cursor point to the created // placeholder nextNode = domNode.firstChild; nextIndex = 0; nextIsRightOf = false; } return false; } } } else if (placementFlags == de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE) { // AKA // A // text // node setupMeasuringNodes(domNode); var relIndex = firstVisit ? startIndex : (left ? _nodeLength(domNode) - 1 : 0), isRightOf; // Determine is rightof flag if (firstVisit) isRightOf = startIsRightOf; else if (prevTextInfo) { // If measured a text position (start point was // a text node), // use its isrightof flag, unless seen a block // level // element. if (seenBlockElement) { prevTextInfo = null; // Reset to void // checking for a // line wrap isRightOf = left; } else isRightOf = prevTextInfo.isRightOf; } else isRightOf = left; // For each charactor in the run of text for (; (left && relIndex >= 0) || (!left && relIndex < measureFullText.length); relIndex += left ? -1 : 1) { // Measure the charactor. Skip non renderable // charactors if (!measureCharactor(relIndex)) { if (firstVisit) isRightOf = !isRightOf; firstVisit = false; continue; } // Determine the charactor position var inf = _getPositionInWindow(measureSpanEl); inf.height = measureSpanEl.offsetHeight; // If there is a pending line break, check to // see if it // occurs on the same line as the measured // renderable charactor if (checkLineBreak(measureSpanEl, inf)) return false; // Check if the charactor is at the start or end // of a line (line wrap start/end) if (prevTextInfo) { debug.assert(!firstVisit); if (!isOnSameLine(inf, prevTextInfo)) { nextNode = domNode; nextIndex = relIndex; nextIsRightOf = !isRightOf; return false; } } // If this isnt the starting point then found // the next pos if (!firstVisit || startNode != srcCDesc.domNode) { nextNode = domNode; nextIndex = relIndex; nextIsRightOf = isRightOf; return false; } // Note: no need to check to flip isRightOf flag // since this is checked before traversal // Re-setup the measuring nodes (if needs to) // due to line break measurements above setupMeasuringNodes(domNode); firstVisit = false; // Set prevTextInfo for testing for line wraps // on next text measure prevTextInfo = { domNode : domNode, isRightOf : isRightOf, y : inf.y, height : inf.height }; // If the node is a placeholder, only count one // movement if (de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(domNode) || de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(domNode)) { prevDesc.isRightOf = false; break; } } // End loop: measuring each char in the run of // text // Must restore nodes to avoid traversal going into // measure nodes themselves restoreMeasuringNodes(); } else if (placementFlags & de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE) { // Only set as before node if not the first visit or // if searching left and began to right of the node. if (!firstVisit || (left && domNode == startNode && startIsRightOf)) { if (!checkLineBreak(domNode)) { nextNode = domNode; nextIsRightOf = false; nextIndex = 0; } return false; } } else if (_nodeName(domNode) == "br") { // Check for // line // breaks // (Pure // AFTER // nodes) if (!firstVisit) { // Check for any pending line breaks if (checkLineBreak(domNode)) return false; if (left) { // For LEFT searches check for pending line // breaks right away since the // right-node information is always // available pendingLineBreak = domNode; if (checkLineBreak( lastVisitedNode, prevTextInfo && prevTextInfo.domNode == lastVisitedNode ? prevTextInfo : null)) return false; } else { // Right // Set new pending line break pendingLineBreak = domNode; } } } lastVisitedNode = domNode; // For right searches, if the cursor begins to the right // on an element then avoid // traversing inside the descendants if (!left && firstVisit && srcCDesc.isRightOf && placementFlags != de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE) return 1; }); // End traversal restoreMeasuringNodes(); // Found a cursor? return nextNode ? de.cursor.createCursorDesc(nextNode, nextIndex, nextIsRightOf) : null; /** * An inner support function. Determines whether a pending line * break should be the next cursor position * * WARNING: This may restore any current measuring nodes! * * @param {Node} * ele The current element to check pending line breaks * against * * @param {Object} * eleDesc Optional (created if not provided). A * descriptor, with at least the y and height members set * * @return {Boolean} True iff the next move is a pending line break * (in which case next node/index will be set). * */ function checkLineBreak(ele, eleDesc) { // If there is a pending line break, check to see if it // occurs on the same line as this if (pendingLineBreak) { // Measure pending line break and element spatial qaulties var lbMeas = measureLineBreak(pendingLineBreak), eleDesc = eleDesc || (_nodeName(ele) == "br" ? measureLineBreak(ele) : { y : _getPositionInWindow(ele).y, height : ele.offsetHeight }); if (!isOnSameLine(lbMeas, eleDesc)) { // If this before after node is not on the same line as // the pending // line break, then count the line break as part of the // move. nextNode = pendingLineBreak; nextIndex = 1; nextIsRightOf = true; return true; } pendingLineBreak = null; } return false; } // End inner checkLineBreak function } // End getNextCursorMovement // See de.cursor.getCursorDescAtXY function getCursorDescAtXY(targetX, targetY, targetNode) { if (!targetNode) targetNode = _getRenderedNodeAtXY(targetX, targetY); // If the target was the cursor - recalc the target to the node // behind the cursor. if (targetNode == cursorDiv) { cursorDiv.style.display = "none"; targetNode = _getRenderedNodeAtXY(targetX, targetY); cursorDiv.style.display = ""; } if (!targetNode) return null; // Get the searchspace for the bin search var searchSpace = getBinSearchSpace(); // Perform the dual binary search var cDesc = searchBestCursorPos(targetX, targetY, searchSpace); // Restore the DOM structure restoreMeasuringNodes(); return cDesc; /** * An inner supporting function. * * @return The search space for the binary search */ function getBinSearchSpace() { // Build array of all nodes to search inside of targetEl var nodesToSearch = [], totalPlacementLength = 0, wndSize = _getWindowSize(); (function traverse(domNode) { var placementFlags = getPlacementFlags(domNode), checkElement, posInWindow; // Avoid adding nodes which are not in the viewport if (domNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { checkElement = domNode; } else if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && placementFlags != 0) { setupMeasuringNodes(domNode); measurePreTextNode.nodeValue = ""; measureSpanTextNode.nodeValue = measureFullText; measurePostTextNode.nodeValue = ""; checkElement = measureSpanEl; } if (checkElement) { posInWindow = _nodeName(checkElement) == "br" ? measureLineBreak(checkElement) : _getPositionInWindow(checkElement); // Is this element above the veiw port? if ((posInWindow.y + checkElement.offsetHeight) <= 0) { restoreMeasuringNodes(); return true; } // Is this element below the veiw port? if (posInWindow.y > wndSize.height) { restoreMeasuringNodes(); return false; } restoreMeasuringNodes(); } if (placementFlags == de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE) { // AKA // a // text // node nodesToSearch.push({ domNode : domNode, startIndex : totalPlacementLength, endIndex : totalPlacementLength + _nodeLength(domNode) - 1, length : _nodeLength(domNode), placement : de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE }); totalPlacementLength += _nodeLength(domNode); } else if (placementFlags & de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE) { nodesToSearch.push({ domNode : domNode, startIndex : totalPlacementLength, endIndex : totalPlacementLength + 1, length : 1, placement : de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE, // Only // store // before // flag posInWnd : posInWindow // cache this }); totalPlacementLength++; } // Recurse in order traversal var child = domNode.firstChild; var continueTrav = true; while (child) { if (!traverse(child)) { continueTrav = false; // Started to traverse in // node below the viewport break; } child = child.nextSibling; } // Add after nodes (event if aborting traversal) if (placementFlags & de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER) { nodesToSearch.push({ domNode : domNode, startIndex : totalPlacementLength, endIndex : totalPlacementLength + 1, length : 1, placement : de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER, // Only // store // after // flag posInWnd : posInWindow // cache this }); totalPlacementLength++; } return continueTrav; })(targetNode); return { nodes : nodesToSearch, totalLength : totalPlacementLength }; } // End inner getBinSearchSpace } // End getCursorDescAtXY /** * IMPORTANT: Measurement nodes are left un-restored after this * operation Call restoreMeasuringNodes if you want to restore the dom. * * @param {Number} * targetX The x coord to get the closest cusor pos to * @param {Number} * targetY The y coord to get the closest cusor pos to * @param {Object} * A dual bin search space to search. * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * targetLineRef A reference point to search for a best * position directly above or below the line. Null for full * search. * * @param {Boolean} * aboveLine If given targetLineRef then set to true to * search for best position above the reference point. Other * false will search below the reference point. * * @return {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} The closest cursor position it * can find. Null if could not find one. * */ function searchBestCursorPos(targetX, targetY, searchSpace, targetLineRef, aboveLine) { // Hash table as an associative array, caches measurements var nonRenderables = {}; if (searchSpace.totalLength == 0) return null; // Sample first position in target element var startDesc = getCursorDescFrom(0, 0, 2); if (!startDesc) return null; // Sample last charactor in target element var endDesc = getCursorDescFrom(searchSpace.nodes.length - 1, searchSpace.nodes[searchSpace.nodes.length - 1].length - 1, 1); debug.assert(endDesc != null); // Check to see if first and last samples are the same if (startDesc.domNode == endDesc.domNode && startDesc.absIndex == endDesc.absIndex) { // There must be only 1 renderable charactor in the target // element return validDescriptor(startDesc); } // Store the first samples var samples = [ startDesc, endDesc ]; var best = null; // Determine closest sample and set as the current best best = isCloserToTarget(startDesc, endDesc, targetY) ? startDesc : endDesc; // Upper and lower are the bounds of the search space in the form of // cursor descriptors var upper, lower; // This algorithm has two passes: The first pass is a binary search // to discover the line, or closest line, // that the target is on. The second pass is a binary search to home // in on the closest charactor to the target // on the line that was found to be the best. for (var pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) { // dual binary search if (pass == 1) { // setup first pass: Y DOMAIN if (targetLineRef) { // If the binary search should find best matching // position above or below a line reference point, // then discover all lines within the search space discoverAllLines(startDesc, getNodeIndex(startDesc.absIndex), endDesc, getNodeIndex(endDesc.absIndex)); // Select the closest sample that does not fall on the // line reference point selectBest(); // Now the the target line has been discovered, set the // target Y targetY = best.y + (best.height / 2); // Re-calc best abs delta y best.ady = Math.abs(best.y - targetY); // Move to X-bin-search continue; } else { // Select the upper and low for the Y range - goto next // pass if already on target line if (!selectYRange()) continue; } } else { // setup second pass: X DOMAIN var res = selectXRange(); if (typeof res == "boolean") { if (!res) break; // Else the upper and lower range has been // selected } else break; // the best was found } // Enter binary search for quickly locating closest line, or // charactor while (true) { debug.assert(lower.absIndex < upper.absIndex); // If lower is next to upper and was doing the line search, // then the line search is done... an exact match wasn't // found // and the binary search verged towards two charactors side // by side but on different lines. // ...and if was doing the charactor search, then the search // has verged at the final point if (lower.absIndex == (upper.absIndex - 1)) break; // Determine current index by halving the search space var curAbsIndex = lower.absIndex + Math.floor((upper.absIndex - lower.absIndex) / 2); // Ensure that the index is not out of bounds if (curAbsIndex == lower.absIndex) curAbsIndex++; else if (curAbsIndex == upper.absIndex) curAbsIndex--; // Locate which node within the target element that the // current absolute index is in var curNodeIndex = getNodeIndex(curAbsIndex); // Get the cursor desc at the current node/rel-index var current = getCursorDescFrom(curNodeIndex, curAbsIndex - searchSpace.nodes[curNodeIndex].startIndex, 0); // Upper and Lower are next to each other if (!current) break; // In the first pass all samples are recorded - the initial // upper and lower bounds of the next pass // will be salvaged from these samples. if (pass == 1) samples.push(current); // Check to see if current is the new best if (isCloserToTarget(current, best, targetY)) best = current; if (pass == 1) { // Line search // Check to see if current matches line. if (targetY >= current.y && targetY <= (current.y + current.height)) break; // finished since found a match // Narrow search else if (current.y > targetY) upper = current; else lower = current; } else { // Charactor search // Determine if current is on the same line as the best if (isOnSameLine(current, best)) { // See if target X is on top of current if (targetX >= current.x && targetX <= (current.x + current.width)) break; // If so, then search complete // Otherwise narrow search based on x position else if (current.x > targetX) upper = current; else lower = current; } // If not on same line, then narrow search based on // Y coordinates else if (current.y > targetY) upper = current; else lower = current; } } // End loop: core binary search for finding line and // charactor } // End passes // FINISHED return validDescriptor(best); // Support functions to follow... /** * @param {Number} * absIndex The abs index in the search-space * * @return {Number} The index within nodes that absIndex resides */ function getNodeIndex(absIndex) { var nodes = searchSpace.nodes; // If there is one text node, then clearly the current index is // that node. if (nodes.length == 1) return 0; // Is it in the first text node? if (absIndex >= nodes[0].startIndex && absIndex <= nodes[0].endIndex) return 0; // Is in last text node? if (absIndex >= nodes[nodes.length - 1].startIndex && absIndex <= nodes[nodes.length - 1].endIndex) return nodes.length - 1; // begin a little binary search to quickely find the node in the // search space var lo = 0; var up = nodes.length - 1; var nodeIndex; while (true) { var cur = lo + Math.floor((up - lo) / 2); if (cur == lo) cur++; else if (cur == up) cur--; if (absIndex >= nodes[cur].startIndex && absIndex <= nodes[cur].endIndex) { nodeIndex = cur; break; } else if (absIndex < nodes[cur].startIndex) up = cur; // search downward else lo = cur; // search upward } // End loop: binary search for locating #text node return nodeIndex; } // End inner getNodeIndex /** * Gets a cursor descriptor from a given position in the search * space. * * Some text nodes in the search space may not support a cursor * placement since they can contain only non-renderable symbols. * Therefore the returned cursor desc may not be at the given * node/index. * * @param {Number} * dir 0 = Both, within upper and lower bounds, 1 = Left * only, 2 = Right only. * @param {Number} * relIndex The relative index * @param {Number} * nodeIndex The index within the search space nodes * * @return {Object} the cursor descriptor or NULL if did not find a * cursor at the given position that is in bounds. */ function getCursorDescFrom(nodeIndex, relIndex, dir) { var nodes = searchSpace.nodes, searchLeft = dir == 0 || dir == 1, // Store the current relative/node index // for restoring when switching scan direction origialRelIndex = relIndex, originalNodeIndex = nodeIndex, // Ideally we would directly measure spatial info at the current // node / relative index. // However some charactors in text nodes aren't renderable, and // thus we must scan left and/or right // to find next renderable charactor measureEl = null, node; // the node within the searchspace nodes // Find first renderable symbol. 1 pass for non-text nodes, // 1-2 pass for text nodes and searching both dirs: 1st pass // search left, 2nd pass search right. do { if (!searchLeft && dir == 0) { // 2nd pass? // Switching direction... nodeIndex = originalNodeIndex; relIndex = origialRelIndex + 1; // exclusive // Check to see if the right of the starting point is in // a different node if (relIndex > nodes[nodeIndex].endIndex) { nodeIndex++; relIndex = 0; // Note: If the nodeIndex is out of bounds, the next // loop will instantly break } } var reachedSSBounds = false; // refers to search-space // upper/lower bounds // Scan through the nodes while (nodeIndex >= 0 && nodeIndex < nodes.length) { node = nodes[nodeIndex]; // Ignore non-diplayed nodes if (_isNodeDisplayed(node.domNode)) { // Discover the type of node if (node.placement == de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE) { // AKA // Text // node // Setup measurement nodes for this text node we // are about to search in setupMeasuringNodes(node.domNode); // Scan through charactors.. looking for the // first renderable symbol while (relIndex >= 0 && relIndex < measureFullText.length) { // Is the text node/index out of bounds // (only when scanning both ways)? if (dir == 0 && ((lower.domNode == node.domNode && lower.relIndex == relIndex) || (upper.domNode == node.domNode && upper.relIndex == relIndex))) { reachedSSBounds = true; break; } // or have we measured this before and found // it was not a renderable char? if (nonRenderables["_" + nodeIndex + '_' + relIndex]) { relIndex += (searchLeft ? -1 : 1); continue; // avoid re-measuring // unrenderable node } // Measure the current node / index. if (!measureCharactor(relIndex)) { // Char is not renderable, note the // element and store in the // hash table (using an accoiative // array) nonRenderables["_" + nodeIndex + '_' + relIndex] = true; relIndex += (searchLeft ? -1 : 1); continue; } // Determine position of the charactor. This // will be used as a flag // for ending the search for the first // non-renderable charactor measureEl = measureSpanEl; break; } // End loop: Searching for renderable // charactor } else { // BEFORE and AFTER nodes // Is the text node/index out of bounds (only // when scanning both ways)? if (dir == 0 && ((lower.domNode == node.domNode && lower.placement == node.placement) || (upper.domNode == node.domNode && upper.placement == node.placement))) { reachedSSBounds = true; break; } measureEl = node.domNode; break; } } // Have we found the next sample, or has the right-scan // reached the upper search-space bound? if (measureEl || reachedSSBounds) break; // Setup current node index for scanning the next node nodeIndex += (searchLeft ? -1 : 1); // Setup relative index for searching for next // renderable char relIndex = (searchLeft && nodeIndex >= 0 && nodeIndex < nodes.length) ? (nodes[nodeIndex].placement == de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE ? nodes[nodeIndex].length - 1 : 1) : 0; } // End loop: scanning nodes in a particular direction // Was a sample found? if (measureEl) break; } while (dir == 0 && !(searchLeft = !searchLeft)); // End loop: // scanning // left // and/or // right // If there were no places where the cursor can be placed // between lower and upper, // then the search is done. if (!measureEl) return null; var pos, width, height; // Is their cached spatial calculations for this node? if (node.posInWnd) pos = node.posInWnd; if (_nodeName(measureEl) == "br") { pos = pos || measureLineBreak(measureEl); height = pos.height; width = 0; } else { pos = pos || _getPositionInWindow(measureEl); width = measureEl.offsetWidth; height = measureEl.offsetHeight; } var adxl = Math.abs(pos.x - targetX), adxr = Math.abs(pos.x + width - targetX), isRightOf; switch (node.placement) { // searchspace placement flags are // separated (cannot have combined // flags) case de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE: isRightOf = false; break; case de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER: isRightOf = true; break; default: // INSIDE/TEXT isRightOf = adxr < adxl; } return { domNode : node.domNode, relIndex : relIndex, absIndex : node.startIndex + relIndex, placement : node.placement, isRightOf : isRightOf, x : pos.x, y : pos.y, adx : isRightOf ? adxr : adxl, ady : Math.min(Math.abs(pos.y - targetY), Math.abs(pos.y + measureEl.offsetHeight - targetY)), width : width, height : height }; } // End inner getCursorDescFrom /** * @return {Boolean} True if the range is set. False if the start or * end sample is on the targets line */ function selectYRange() { // If the start or end sample is not on the target line, and the // target is within the samples y-range, // then find the best line if (!((targetY >= startDesc.y && targetY <= (startDesc.y + startDesc.height)) || (targetY >= endDesc.y && targetY <= (endDesc.y + endDesc.height))) && targetY >= startDesc.y && targetY <= (endDesc.y + endDesc.height)) { // If the target Y does not occur on the start or end // sample's line: lower = startDesc; upper = endDesc; return true; } return false; // Otherwise, the line-search is done! Next // pass... } // End inner selectYRange /** * @return {Boolean, de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} False if the best * is right at the target. Or True if the range has been * selected. Or A cursor descriptor of the best match if * found while setting the range - in which case the best * var is set * */ function selectXRange() { // Determine the lower and upper bounds to start the charactor // binary search with if (targetX >= best.x && targetX < (best.x + best.width)) { // If the best is right at the target, then the search is // done return false; } else if (best.x > targetX) { // search to left of best upper = best; lower = null; for (i in samples) { current = samples[i]; /* * * if (current == best) continue; * * * var isLeftOrAbove; * // Check if this sample (current) is to the left or * above of best if (isOnSameLine(current, best)) { // * If sample is on sample line as best, then check X * coords isLeftOrAbove = current.x < best.x; * } else isLeftOrAbove = current.y < best.y; // Check * Y coords if not on same line // If the sample is to * the left, or above, of best. Then check to see if the * sample // is closer than the current lower to best. * if (isLeftOrAbove && (!lower || isCloserToXY(current, * lower, best.x, best.y)) && current.absIndex < * upper.absIndex) { lower = current; } */ // Select preceeding sample to best in sample set if (current.absIndex < best.absIndex && (!lower || current.absIndex > lower.absIndex)) lower = current; } if (!lower) { // The best line must have been the starting sample, // thus the best charactor is // the first renderable charactor. return best; } } else { // Search to the right of best lower = best; upper = null; for (i in samples) { current = samples[i]; /* * var isRightOrBelow; * // Check if this sample (current) is to the right or * below of best if (isOnSameLine(current, best)) { // * If sample is on sample line as best, then check X * coords isRightOrBelow = current.x > best.x; * } else isRightOrBelow = current.y > best.y; // Check * Y coords if not on same line // If the sample is to * the right, or below, of best. Then check to see if * the sample // is closer than the current upper to * best. if (isRightOrBelow && (!upper || * isCloserToXY(current, upper, (best.x + best.width), * best.y)) && current.absIndex > lower.absIndex) { * upper = current; } */ if (current.absIndex > best.absIndex && (!upper || current.absIndex < upper.absIndex)) upper = current; } if (!upper) { // The best line must have been the ending sample, thus // the best charactor is // the first renderable charactor. return best; } } return true; } // End inner selectXRange /** * Sets the best local for searching for the closest cursor position * before/after a line reference point. */ function selectBest() { // Begin with the search space bounds... depending on whether // the search should // look above or below the line reference point best = aboveLine ? startDesc : endDesc; // Look in all samples... which contain all lines for ( var i in samples) { var sample = samples[i]; // Skip samples that are either on the same line as the // reference line, or // is out of bounds... if (isOnSameLine(sample, targetLineRef) || (aboveLine && sample.y > targetLineRef.y) || (!aboveLine && sample.y < targetLineRef.y)) continue; // Set new best if sample is better if (isCloserToTarget(sample, best, targetY)) { best = sample; } } } // End inner selectBest /** * Samples the search space to discover all lines. * * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * lo A cursor desc * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * up A cursor desc * * @param {Number} * lni Lower node index in search space * @param {Number} * uni Upper node index in search space */ function discoverAllLines(lo, lni, up, uni) { var stack = [ [ lo, lni, up, uni ] ]; while (stack.length > 0) { // simulating recursion - faster and // avoids stack overflows var args = stack.pop(); lo = args[0]; lni = args[1]; up = args[2]; uni = args[3]; // Special attention must be payed to tables. They contain // inner lines. var ni = lni; // Shrink lower range if lower is a table while (ni < searchSpace.nodes.length && _nodeName(searchSpace.nodes[ni].domNode) == "table") { ni++; } if (ni == searchSpace.nodes.length) continue; if (ni != lni) { lo = getCursorDescFrom(ni, 0, 2); lni = ni; samples.push(lo); // duplicates are ok } ni = uni; // Shrink upper range if upper is a table while (ni >= 0 && _nodeName(searchSpace.nodes[ni].domNode) == "table") { ni--; } if (ni == -1) continue; if (ni != uni) { up = getCursorDescFrom(ni, searchSpace.nodes[ni].length - 1, 1); uni = ni; samples.push(up); // duplicates are ok } // If lower is directly next to upper or they are on the // same line // then the line discovery between these two points is // complete if (lo.absIndex >= (up.absIndex - 1) || isOnSameLine(up, lo)) continue; // Determine middle index by halving the search space var midIndex = lo.absIndex + Math.floor((up.absIndex - lo.absIndex) / 2); // Ensure that the index is not out of bounds if (midIndex == lo.absIndex) midIndex++; else if (midIndex == up.absIndex) midIndex--; // Locate which node within the target element that the // current absolute index is in var midNodeIndex = getNodeIndex(midIndex); // Get the cursor desc at the mid point lower = lo; // getCursorDescFrom uses this for boundry // checks upper = up; // getCursorDescFrom uses this for boundry // checks var mid = getCursorDescFrom(midNodeIndex, midIndex - searchSpace.nodes[midNodeIndex].startIndex, 0); // Upper and Lower are next to each other if (!mid) continue; // Record the sample samples.push(mid); // Simulate recursion using a local stack stack.push([ lo, lni, mid, midNodeIndex ]); // left side stack.push([ mid, midNodeIndex, up, uni ]); // right side } // Next } // End inner discoverAllLines /** * Esnures that the given descriptor is valid. * * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} * cDesc A desciptor * * @return If the given descriptor wasn't valid, it returns a * neighbouring cursor placement, otherwise the given * descriptor is returned. */ function validDescriptor(cDesc) { if (!cDesc) return null; // If the search ended on a line break, then check to make sure // that the line break has no cursor placements to the left or // right of it... if (_nodeName(cDesc.domNode) == "br") { var prevDesc = getNextCursorMovement(cDesc, true); if (prevDesc && isOnSameLine(cDesc, prevDesc)) { cDesc = prevDesc; cDesc.isRightOf = true; } else { var nextDesc = getNextCursorMovement(cDesc, false); if (nextDesc && isOnSameLine(cDesc, nextDesc)) { cDesc = nextDesc; cDesc.isRightOf = false; } } } else if (de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(cDesc.domNode)) cDesc.isRightOf = false; cDesc.placement = getPlacementFlags(cDesc.domNode); // Supply the position of the cursor in the actual document // rather than just within the window. var docScrollPos = _getDocumentScrollPos(); cDesc.docLeft = docScrollPos.left + cDesc.x; cDesc.docTop = docScrollPos.top + cDesc.y; return cDesc; } // End inner validDescriptor } // End searchBestCursorPos })(); // End Cursor.js // Start Doc.js var /** * @final The protected node classname prefix * @type String */ _PROTECTED_CLASS = "sw-protect", /** * @final The editable section node classname prefix * @type String */ _ES_CLASS_PREFIX = "editable", /** * @final The classname use for packaged nodes * @type String */ _PACKAGE_CLASS_NAME = "sw-packaged"; /** * Note: may want to check _doesNeedESPlaceholder first. * * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node in the document to test. * @return {Boolean} True if the given dom node is in need of a modifiable * placeholder. * * @see _doesNeedESPlaceholder */ function _doesNeedMNPlaceholder(domNode) { if (_isPlaceholderCandidate(domNode)) return !_doesContainTanglableDescendant(domNode); return false; } /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node in the document to test. * @return {Boolean} True if the given dom node is in need of a editable * section placeholder. * * @see _doesNeedMNPlaceholder */ function _doesNeedESPlaceholder(domNode) { if (de.doc.isEditSection(domNode)) return !_doesContainTanglableDescendant(domNode); return false; } /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff the dom node contains a descendant for which * the cursor can be placed by. */ function _doesContainTanglableDescendant(domNode) { var containsTangableNode = false; // Check if needs a placeholder _visitAllNodes( domNode, domNode, true, function(node) { if (node == domNode || de.doc.isProtectedNode(node)) return; var pflags = de.cursor.getPlacementFlags(node); if (pflags == de.cursor.PlacementFlag.INSIDE) { if (_doesTextSupportNonWS(node) && _nodeLength(node) > 0) { if (_isAllWhiteSpace(node.nodeValue)) { // Validate that the text node is tangable var measureSpan = $createElement("span"), measureText = document .createTextNode(node.nodeValue); measureSpan.appendChild(measureText); node.nodeValue = ""; node.parentNode.appendChild(measureSpan); containsTangableNode = measureSpan.offsetHeight != 0 && measureSpan.offsetWidth != 0; node.parentNode.removeChild(measureSpan); node.nodeValue = measureText.nodeValue; // TODO: Opera sometimes (randomly) incorrectly // sets the offset width/height to zero // on text nodes... } else containsTangableNode = true; } } else if (pflags) containsTangableNode = true; return !containsTangableNode; }); return containsTangableNode; } // End function doesContainTanglableDescendant /** * * @param {Node} * node A dom node to test * @return {Undefined, Boolean} True if node is a placeholder candidate. * Undefined if it is not. */ var _isPlaceholderCandidate = function() { /* * A map containing elements the cursor can navigate into which do not * contain a "Tangle node." Excludes body */ var placeholderCandidates = $createLookupMap("li,dd,dt,p,td,th,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,div"); return function(node) { return placeholderCandidates[_nodeName(node)] || node == docBody; } }(); (function() { $enqueueInit("Doc", function() { // Make as subject _model(de.doc); // Preprocess the document: consolidate all existing/initial // editable sections var es = de.doc.getAllEditSections(); _recordOperations = false; for ( var i in es) { _consolidateWSSeqs(es[i], true); } _recordOperations = true; // For dynamically added editable sections, consolidate them too. de.doc.addObserver({ onSectionAdded : function(editSection) { // Only consolidate within the editable sections to avoid // possibilities of consoldiating // surrounding editable DOM with Undo/Redo history. _recordOperations = false; _consolidateWSSeqs(editSection, false); _recordOperations = true; } }); }); var propertySetMap = {}, MN_PH_CLASS = "sw-mn-ph", ES_PH_CLASS = "sw-es-ph", ES_CLASS_TEST_REGEXP = new RegExp( "^" + _ES_CLASS_PREFIX + ".*$"), ES_CLASS_MATCH_REGEXP = new RegExp( "^" + _ES_CLASS_PREFIX + "-?(.+)$"), PROTECTED_NODE_TEST_REGEXP = new RegExp( "^" + _PROTECTED_CLASS + "$"), PACKAGED_NODE_TEST_REGEXP = new RegExp( "^" + _PACKAGE_CLASS_NAME + "$"); // Create the doc namespace /** * @namespace Provides CSS like language for declaring and customizing * editable sections on web pages. * *
* Whenever a new editable section has been dynamically added to the * document, a "onSectionAdded" event is fired, where the argument is * the added editable section. * *
* Whenever a editable section has been dynamically removed from the * document, a "onSectionRemoved" event is fired, where the argument is * the removed editable section. * * @borrows de.mvc.AbstractSubject#addObserver as this.addObserver * * @borrows de.mvc.AbstractSubject#removeObserver as this.removeObserver * * @author Brook Novak */ de.doc = { /** * @param {Node} * node A dom node * * @return {Node} The first ancestor element of node which is an * editable section, inclusive of the given node itself. * Null if the node / none of its ancestors are editable * sections. */ getEditSectionContainer : function(node) { return _findAncestor(node, null, this.isEditSection, true); }, /** * Determines whether a dom node is marked as edit section element. * * @param {Node} * node The dom node to test * * @return {Boolean} True if node is a edit section element */ isEditSection : function(node) { if (node && node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return _findClassName(node, ES_CLASS_TEST_REGEXP); return false; }, /** * @return {[Node]} An array of editable sections currently in the * document. */ getAllEditSections : function() { var editSections = []; _visitAllNodes(docBody, docBody, true, function(domNode) { if (de.doc.isEditSection(domNode)) editSections.push(domNode); }); return editSections; }, /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True if the given dom node is a descendant of * an editable section. */ isNodeEditable : function(domNode) { var es = this.getEditSectionContainer(domNode); return es != null && es != domNode; }, /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Node} The protected nodes container is the node is * proected. If the dom is a container then it will be * returned. Otherwise null will be returned. */ getProtectedNodeContainer : function(domNode) { return _findAncestor(domNode, null, function(node) { return node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && _findClassName(node, PROTECTED_NODE_TEST_REGEXP); }, true); }, /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True if the given dom node is, or is an * descendant of, a protected node */ isProtectedNode : function(domNode) { return this.getProtectedNodeContainer(domNode) != null; }, /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * * @return {Node} The package root node. Null if the node is not * packaged. */ getPackageContainer : function(domNode) { return _findAncestor(domNode, null, function(node) { return node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && _findClassName(node, PACKAGED_NODE_TEST_REGEXP); }, true); }, /** * A "packaged" node is part of a tree of nodes which are not * allowed to be edited, although they are in an editable section. * * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True if the given dom node is part of a * package. */ isNodePackaged : function(domNode) { return this.getPackageContainer(domNode) != null; }, /** * Declares or overrides a property set for editable sections.
* Attributes: * * actionFilter: "[!][actionname1[,actionname2[,...]]]" where actual * name is case insensitive undoable action name. Format action can * be followed by sub-action encapsulated in brackets
* If the property name exists, then the existing set will be * overridden. You can override the default property set by using * the name "defaultSet". * * @example de.doc.declarePropertySet("metadata", { inputFilter: * "[[a-z][A-Z][1-9]\\s\\n]*", actionFilter: * "!blockquote,changecontainer,format(link)" Accept all * actions EXCEPT for blockquote,changecontainer,formatting * links * * }); * * @see TODO REFER TO SPEC * * @param {String} * name The name of the class being declared. * * * @param {Object} * properties A set of attributes that is associated with * the given name. * */ declarePropertySet : function(name, properties) { properties = _clone(properties); // Build action filter if (typeof properties.actionFilter == "string") { var actionFilter = properties.actionFilter; // Is the action inclusive or exclusive? if (actionFilter.charAt(0) != '!') { properties.afInclusive = true; // Add implicit text editing actions if (actionFilter) actionFilter += ","; actionFilter += "inserthtml,inserttext,removedom,removetext"; } else { actionFilter = actionFilter.substr(1); properties.afInclusive = false; } // Break filter into tokens var tokens = actionFilter.toLowerCase().split(','); // Build up the reg exp for quick filtering var reStr = "("; for ( var i in tokens) { reStr += ((i == '0') ? "" : "|"); var token = tokens[i]; var match = /^format\((.+)\)$/.exec(token); // Format actions can have sub-action filters if (match) { var subTokens = match[1].split(','); for ( var j in subTokens) { reStr += ((j == '0') ? "" : "|") + "format" + subTokens[j]; } } else { // Add the action name to the reg exp set reStr += token; if (token.indexOf("format") == 0) reStr += ".+"; // If not sub-format actions are // defined then declare as all // format actions } } // End loop: parsing action tokens reStr += ")"; properties.afRE = new RegExp("^" + reStr + "$"); } // Set or override a property set propertySetMap[name] = properties; }, /** * Declares a batch of property sets in a single call * * @param {Object} * sets An object containing key-value pairs, when the * keys are property set names, and values are objects * containing properties. */ declarePropertySets : function(sets) { for ( var tuple in sets) { this.declarePropertySet(tuple, sets[tuple]); } }, /** * Retreives the editable property set for a given node. This * considers property inheritance * * @param {Node} * node A dom node * * @return {Object} A set of read only dedit atrributes that the * given node has inherited. Null if the node is not a (or * descendant of a) editable section. */ getEditProperties : function(node) { // Get the editable section container for this node if (!this.isEditSection(node)) node = this.getEditSectionContainer(node); if (node) { // Get the property set name for this node var esClassName = _findClassName(node, ES_CLASS_TEST_REGEXP); if (esClassName) { var nameMatch = ES_CLASS_MATCH_REGEXP.exec(esClassName); return nameMatch ? propertySetMap[nameMatch[1]] || {} : {}; } return {}; } return null; }, /** * @return {Node} A modifiable node placeholder element. * * @see The DOM-based Web Editor Specification 1.0: Section 1.4 */ createMNPlaceholder : function() { var ph = $createElement("span"); _setClassName(ph, MN_PH_CLASS); ph.innerHTML = " "; return ph; }, /** * Determines whether a dom node is (part of) a modifiable node * placeholder. * * @param {Node} * node A dom node to test * * @param {Boolean} * immediate True to only test if node is a placeholder. * False to also test if nodes parent is a placeholder. * * @return {Boolean} True if node is (part of) a modifiable node * placeholder. False if it is not * * @see The DOM-based Web Editor Specification 1.0: Section 1.4 */ isMNPlaceHolder : function(node, immediate) { switch (node.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: return _getClassName(node) == MN_PH_CLASS; case Node.TEXT_NODE: return !immediate && node.parentNode && _getClassName(node.parentNode) == MN_PH_CLASS; } return false; }, /** * @param {Node} * editSection A editible section to create the editable * section placeholder for * @return {Node} An editable section placeholder element. */ createESPlaceholder : function(editSection) { var phHTML = this.getEditProperties(editSection).phMarkup || " "; var ph = $createElement("span"); _setClassName(ph, ES_PH_CLASS); ph.innerHTML = phHTML; return ph; }, /** * Determines whether a dom node is (part of) an editable section * placeholder. * * @param {Node} * node A dom node to test * * @param {Boolean} * immediate True to only test if node is a placeholder. * False to also test if the nodes descendants is a * placeholder. * * @return {Boolean} True if node is (part of) a editable section * placeholder. False if it is not */ isESPlaceHolder : function(node, immediate) { while (node) { if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var clsName = _getClassName(node); if (clsName == ES_PH_CLASS) return true; } if (immediate) break; node = node.parentNode; } return false; }, /** * Create and adds a new edit section to the document. Sets the * classname for the given editable section. The is required when * adding new editable sections after initialization so * dedit can track its changes.
Adds placeholders if they are * needed. * * @param {Node} * esEle The editable section to register * @param {String} * propertySetName The name of the property set to use. * Can be null/empty for default set. * * @see de.doc.removeEditSection For removing a editable section. */ registerEditSection : function(esEle, propertySetName) { // Set class name as editable var clsName = _getClassName(esEle); _setClassName(esEle, (clsName ? clsName + " " : "") + _ES_CLASS_PREFIX + (propertySetName ? "-" + propertySetName : "")); // Add an editable section placeholder if it needs it if (!_doesContainTanglableDescendant(esEle)) esEle.appendChild(this.createESPlaceholder(esEle)); this.fireEvent("SectionAdded", esEle); // NB: Changes module // listens }, /** * Unregisters an editable section from the document. Sets the * classname for the given editable section * * @param {Node} * esEle The edit section to remove from the document. */ unregisterEditSection : function(esEle) { // Strip classname of editable section prefix var clsName = _getClassName(esEle); if (clsName) _setClassName(esEle, clsName.replace(new RegExp("^|\s" + _ES_CLASS_PREFIX + "\S*$", "g"), "")) this.fireEvent("SectionRemoved", esEle); // NB: Changes // module listens } }; // End doc namespace })(); // End Doc.js // Start Error.js var _ErrorMessages = { // TODO: multi-language support ? '1' : "Bad arguments" }; /** * Raises an error and ends execution (throws error) * * @param {Number, * String} arg If string the error raises with contain the * message otherwise if number then the error will contain the * message for the error code */ function _error(arg) { throw new Error(typeof arg == "number" ? _ErrorMessages[arg] : arg); } // End Error.js // Start Events.js /** * Adds an event handler to a DOM Event Source. * * If you are planning to listen for keyboard strokes, you can use * "keystroke." This uses keydown and/or keypress and provides an extra * argument to your handler containing the normalized key identifier string. * * @param {Object} * eventSource The Element or Window to add the event to. * * @param {String} * eventName The name of the dom event. Must be lowercase and * omit the "on" prefix. For example "load" or "keypress". * * @param {Function} * handler A function to handle the event being registered. When * called, the dom event will be passed as the first (and only) * argument. */ function _addHandler(sourceEle, eventName, handlerFunc) { debug.assert(sourceEle.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE && sourceEle.nodeType != Node.COMMENT_NODE); debug.assert(eventName.indexOf('on') !== 0); // IE has trouble passing the window object around - it can be cloned // for no reason if (sourceEle.setInterval && sourceEle != window) sourceEle = window; switch (eventName) { case "keystroke": // Keystroke is a combo of keydown and key press - normalizes // key identifiers and passes them as extra arg to handler addEventHandler(sourceEle, "keydown", function(e) { var keyIndent = de.events.Keyboard.getKeyIdentifier(e, true); if (keyIndent) return handlerFunc(e, keyIndent); }); addEventHandler(sourceEle, "keypress", function(e) { var keyIndent = de.events.Keyboard.getKeyIdentifier(e, false); if (keyIndent) return handlerFunc(e, keyIndent); }); break; case "mousedown": // Keep mouse state updated addEventHandler(sourceEle, eventName, function(e) { return de.events.Mouse.sniffMouseDownEvent(e) ? handlerFunc(e) : true; }); break; case "mouseup": // Keep mouse state updated addEventHandler(sourceEle, eventName, function(e) { return de.events.Mouse.sniffMouseUpEvent(e) ? handlerFunc(e) : true; }); break; case "mousemove": // Keep mouse state updated addEventHandler(sourceEle, eventName, function(e) { return de.events.Mouse.sniffMouseMoveEvent(e) ? handlerFunc(e) : true; }); break; default: addEventHandler(sourceEle, eventName, handlerFunc); } function addEventHandler(sourceEle, eventName, actualHandler) { // Keep track of wrapper handlers for removal // Create event wrapper map (Event type -> tuple[event-source, // wrapper handler]) if (!handlerFunc.evWrappers) handlerFunc.evWrappers = {}; // Ensure the map contains an entry for this event type if (!handlerFunc.evWrappers[eventName]) handlerFunc.evWrappers[eventName] = []; // Store this event tuple handlerFunc.evWrappers[eventName].push([ sourceEle, forwardEvent ]); if (sourceEle.addEventListener) sourceEle.addEventListener(eventName, forwardEvent, false); // DOM // Compliant else if (sourceEle.attachEvent) sourceEle.attachEvent("on" + eventName, forwardEvent); // IE // @DEBUG ON else debug .assert(false, "Unsupported browser: does not support addEventListener or attachEvent"); // @DEBUG OFF /** * Wraps an event handler so that the event handler gets a non null * event and if the handler returns false the event is consumed. * * @param {Event} * e provided by native event dispatcher */ function forwardEvent(e) { de.events.current = e = e || window.event; try { if (actualHandler(e) === false) return de.events.consume(e); } finally { de.events.current = 0; } } } } /** * Removes an event handler from a DOM Event Source. * * @param {Object} * eventSource The Element or Window to add the event to. * * @param {String} * eventName The name of the dom event. Must be lowercase and * omit the "on" prefix. For example "load" or "keypress". * * @param {Function} * handler The handler function to remove form the given event * source. */ function _removeHandler(sourceEle, eventName, handlerFunc) { debug.assert(eventName.indexOf('on') !== 0); // Keystoke is comprized of keydown and key press if (eventName == "keystroke") { _removeHandler(sourceEle, 'keydown', handlerFunc); _removeHandler(sourceEle, 'keypress', handlerFunc); return; } // Check if the handler has been wrapped for this event type / source if (handlerFunc.evWrappers && handlerFunc.evWrappers[eventName]) { // Look for wrapper handlers for this event type for this handler for ( var i in handlerFunc.evWrappers[eventName]) { var tuple = handlerFunc.evWrappers[eventName][i]; // Was there a wrapped handler create for this handler on this // event type and source? if (tuple[0] == sourceEle) { // Remove tuple if (handlerFunc.evWrappers[eventName].length == 1) delete handlerFunc.evWrappers[eventName]; else handlerFunc.evWrappers[eventName].splice(i, 1); // Assign handlerFunc to be the wrapped handler handlerFunc = tuple[1]; break; } } } // Remove the handler from the event source if (sourceEle.removeEventListener) sourceEle.removeEventListener(eventName, handlerFunc, false); // DOM // Compliant else if (sourceEle.detachEvent) sourceEle.detachEvent("on" + eventName, handlerFunc); // IE // @DEBUG ON else debug .assert(false, "Unsupported browser: does not support addEventListener or attachEvent"); // @DEBUG OFF } $extend(de.events, { /** * A pointer to the current event */ current : 0, addHandler : _addHandler, removeHandler : _removeHandler, /** * @param {Event} * e An event * * @return {Object} The x and y coordinates of the event relative to the * window. */ getXYInWindowFromEvent : function(e) { var targetX = 0, targetY = 0; if (e.clientX || e.clientX === 0) { targetX = e.clientX; targetY = e.clientY; } else if (e.pageX != null) { var scrollPos = _getDocumentScrollPos(); targetX = e.pageX - scrollPos.left; targetY = e.pageY - scrollPos.top; } return { x : targetX, y : targetY }; }, /** * * @param {Event} * e A dom event * @return {Node} An element or text node which the event was targetted * at. */ getEventTarget : function(e) { return e.target || e.srcElement || document; }, /** * Consumes an event... stop is from propagating and prevents the * default action. * * @example myhandlers = function(e) { ... if (somecondition) return * de.events.consume(e); return true; } * * @param {Event} * e A dom event. * * @return {Boolean} False always. */ consume : function(e) { de.events.stopPropogation(e); de.events.preventDefault(e); return false; }, /** * Stops the event from propogating / bubbling. * * @param {Event} * e A dom event. */ stopPropogation : function(e) { if (_engine == _Platform.TRIDENT) e.cancelBubble = true; else if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Prevents the default behaviour from occuring on a given event. * * @param {Event} * e An event object */ preventDefault : function(e) { if (_engine == _Platform.TRIDENT) e.returnValue = false; else if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); } }); // End Events.js // Start mouse.js (function() { var LEFT_BUTTON = "1", RIGHT_BUTTON = "2", toNormalizedIDMap, // Platform // dependant // map // for // transating // to // platform // independant // values draggingScrollBars = false, // The keys are button values in dom mouse event objects. // The values are booleans, where true means they are down mouseStateMap = {}; $enqueueInit("events.Mouse", function() { // Ensure that the document always captures mouse events to track // mouse state // _addHandler(document, "mousedown", function() {}); // // DEPRECIATED: Selection will always have these events // _addHandler(document, "mouseup", function() {}); // Setup mouse-button map for translating button/which values into a // normalized/agreed value for all platforms if (_browser == _Platform.IE) { toNormalizedIDMap = { "1" : LEFT_BUTTON, "2" : RIGHT_BUTTON }; } else {// DOM Complient // DOM have screwed up their specification. There is no way to // tell // reliably whether a left click is down since their button // value toNormalizedIDMap = { "0" : LEFT_BUTTON, "2" : RIGHT_BUTTON }; } mouseStateMap[LEFT_BUTTON] = mouseStateMap[RIGHT_BUTTON] = false; }); /** * @class A singleton that provides cross-browser/platform mouse-state * facilties. * @author Brook Jesse Novak */ de.events.Mouse = { sniffMouseDownEvent : function(e) { // Update mouse button state var normalizedClickID = toNormalizedIDMap[e.button]; if (normalizedClickID) { // Left click + ctrl = right click on macs if (_os == _Platform.MAC && normalizedClickID == LEFT_BUTTON && e.ctrlKey) normalizedClickID = RIGHT_CLICK; mouseStateMap[normalizedClickID] = true; } // Filter out mouse events on the document when the mouse is on // the scroll bars if (isOnScrollBars(e)) { draggingScrollBars = this.isLeftDown(); return false; } return true; }, sniffMouseUpEvent : function(e) { // Update mouse button state var normalizedClickID = toNormalizedIDMap[e.button]; if (normalizedClickID) { // Left click + ctrl = right click on macs. However- the // user may have depressed the ctrl key before the // key up event. Therefore, if this is a mac, and if this // button up event is a left button, then set both left and // right // states to no longer being down. if (_os == _Platform.MAC && normalizedClickID == LEFT_BUTTON) // Sure this isn't perfect but there is no way to tell - // and its not the end of the world, // I don't think the use of two buttons at the same time // is very useful for text-editors anyway! this.clearDownStates(); else mouseStateMap[normalizedClickID] = false; } draggingScrollBars = this.isLeftDown(); // Filter out mouse events on the document when the mouse is on // the scroll bars return !isOnScrollBars(e); }, sniffMouseMoveEvent : function(e) { // Filter out mouse move events within the document (including // the actual document) // if the user is scrolling. return !(this.isLeftDown() && draggingScrollBars); }, /** * @return {Boolean} True if the left mouse button is currently * down. * *
* Note: On a mac, if the user left-clicks while ctrl is * down, this seen a right click gesture for their single button * mouse design - but also does the same thing for mouses with * multiple buttons. * */ isLeftDown : function() { return mouseStateMap[LEFT_BUTTON]; }, /** * @return {Boolean} True if the right mouse button is currently * down. */ isRightDown : function() { return mouseStateMap[RIGHT_BUTTON]; }, /** * Clears the button down states. Useful if mouse module is unable * to capture/sniff mouse up events in a particulat environment ... * this provides a way to manually clear mousedown states. */ clearDownStates : function() { mouseStateMap[LEFT_BUTTON] = false; mouseStateMap[RIGHT_BUTTON] = false; } }; // End mouse singleton /** * Determines whether mouse event targetted at the document is over * scroll bars * * @param {Object} * e * @return {Boolean} Evaluate true if mouse event was on scrollbars */ function isOnScrollBars(e) { var target = de.events.getEventTarget(e); if (target == window || target == document || target == document.documentElement) { // Opera never raises events on document scrollbars if (_engine == _Platform.PRESTO) return; var pos = de.events.getXYInWindowFromEvent(e), viewportSize = _getViewPortSize(); if (pos.x >= viewportSize.width) return 1; return pos.y >= viewportSize.height; } } })(); // End mouse.js // Start FormatEnvironment.js /** * Stores all format environment variables. These are used by the undoable * "Format" action. */ var _formatEnvironment = {}; /** * Sets a specific format variable in the format environment. Can use to * create or override-existing formatting profiles which are used by the * "Format" action. * * @param {String} * name The name of the format type. For example "bold" (case * insensitive) * @param {Function} * evalFunc The evaluation function. TODO: DOCUMENT * @param {Function} * wrapperFunc The wrapper function. Must return an inline * element. TODO DOCUMENT */ function _setFormatEnvVar(name, evalFunc, wrapperFunc) { name = name.toLowerCase(); _formatEnvironment[name + "Eval"] = evalFunc; _formatEnvironment[name + "Wrapper"] = wrapperFunc; } ; // Create the default set of formatting variables (function() { /** * Creates a span with a CSS style * * @param {String} * css The CSS style name * @param {String} * val The style value to set * @return {Node} The created wrapper */ function createCSSSpan(css, val) { var wrapper = $createElement("span"); _setStyle(wrapper, css, val); return wrapper; } (function(envVars) { for ( var i in envVars) { _setFormatEnvVar(i, envVars[i][0], envVars[i][1]); } })({ bold : [ /* Evaluation function */ function(ele) { var matches = []; if (_nodeName(ele) == "b" || _nodeName(ele) == "strong") matches.push({ type : 1 }); var fw = ele.style.fontWeight; if (fw) { var isBold = fw == "bold"; if (!isBold) { fw = parseInt(fw); isBold = (!isNaN(fw) && fw >= 700) } if (isBold) matches.push({ type : 3, match : "fontWeight" }); } return matches.length > 0 ? { strip : matches, inline : $createElement("strong"), // Extracted inline // equivalent value : true } : null; }, /* Wrapper */ function() { return $createElement("strong"); } ], italics : [ /* Evaluation function */ function(ele) { var matches = []; if (_nodeName(ele) == "i" || _nodeName(ele) == "em") matches.push({ type : 1 }); if (ele.style.fontStyle == "italic") matches.push({ type : 3, match : "fontStyle" }); return matches.length > 0 ? { strip : matches, inline : $createElement("em"), // Extracted inline // equivalent value : true } : null; }, /* Wrapper */ function() { return $createElement("em"); } ], underline : [ /* Evaluation function */ function(ele) { var matches = []; if (_nodeName(ele) == "u") matches.push({ type : 1 }); if (ele.style.textDecoration == "underline") matches.push({ type : 3, match : "textDecoration" }); return matches.length > 0 ? { strip : matches, inline : createCSSSpan("textDecoration", "underline"), // Extracted // inline // equivalent value : true } : null; }, /* Wrapper */ function() { return createCSSSpan("textDecoration", "underline"); } ], strike : [ /* Evaluation function */ function(ele) { var matches = []; if (_nodeName(ele) == "strike") matches.push({ type : 1 }); if (ele.style.textDecoration == "line-through") matches.push({ type : 3, match : "textDecoration" }); return matches.length > 0 ? { strip : matches, inline : createCSSSpan("textDecoration", "line-through"), // Extracted // inline // equivalent value : true } : null; }, /* Wrapper */ function() { return createCSSSpan("textDecoration", "line-through"); } ], color : [ /* Evaluation function */ function(ele) { if (ele.style.color && ele.style.color.length > 0) return { strip : [ { type : 3, match : "color" } ], inline : createCSSSpan("color", ele.style.color), value : ele.style.color }; }, /* Wrapper */ function(value) { return createCSSSpan("color", value); } ], backcolor : [ /* Evaluation function */ function(ele) { if (ele.style.backgroundColor && ele.style.backgroundColor.length > 0) return { strip : [ { type : 3, match : "backgroundColor" } ], inline : createCSSSpan("backgroundColor", ele.style.backgroundColor), value : ele.style.backgroundColor }; }, /* Wrapper */ function(value) { return createCSSSpan("backgroundColor", value); } ], fontsize : [ /* Evaluation function */ function(ele) { if (_nodeName(ele) == "small" || _nodeName(ele) == "big") { var val = _nodeName(ele) == "small" ? "smaller" : "larger"; return { strip : [ { type : 1 } ], inline : createCSSSpan("fontSize", val), value : val }; } if (ele.style.fontSize && ele.style.fontSize.length > 0) return { strip : [ { type : 3, match : "fontSize" } ], inline : createCSSSpan("fontSize", ele.style.fontSize), value : ele.style.fontSize }; }, /* Wrapper */ function(value) { return createCSSSpan("fontSize", value); } ], fontfamily : [ /* Evaluation function */ function(ele) { if (ele.style.fontFamily && ele.style.fontFamily.length > 0) return { strip : [ { type : 3, match : "fontFamily" } ], inline : createCSSSpan("fontFamily", ele.style.fontFamily), value : ele.style.fontFamily }; }, /* Wrapper */ function(value) { return createCSSSpan("fontFamily", value); } ], link : [ /* Evaluation function */ function(ele) { if (_nodeName(ele) == "a") return { strip : [ { type : 1 } ], inline : ele.cloneNode(false), value : { url : ele.href, title : ele.title } }; }, /* Wrapper */ function(value) { var wrapper = $createElement("a"); wrapper.href = value.url; wrapper.title = value.title; return wrapper; } ] }); })(); // End FormatEnvironment.js // Start Fragment.js /** * @class * * DOMFragment's are used to describe a range of DOM nodes. They are similar * W3C DOM Ranges, except they have a more rich/expressive range and contain * information for reversing operations safely. * * @constructor * @private * * Use de.DOMFragment.buildFragment * * @param {Node} * domNode The dom node to wrap * @param {Number} * posInParent The position of the domNode in is parent child * list. * */ var _DOMFragment = function() { var cls = function(domNode, posInParent) { /** * The wrapped dom node * * @type Node */ this.node = domNode; /** * A read only member: The position of the domNode in is parent * child list. * * @type Number */ this.pos = posInParent; /** * A read only member: The de.dom.DOMFragment's children. Never * null. * * @type [de.dom.DOMFragment] */ this.children = []; /** * True indicates that this node has descendants (including self) * that are outside of the fragment range. Flase indicates that the * node is completely within the fragments range. * * @type Boolean */ this.isShared = false; /** * The dom fragments parent. Null for root. * * @type de.dom.DOMFragment */ this.parent = null; } cls.prototype = { /** * Applies a function to nodes in order starting from this node and * all its children. * * @param {Function} * func A function applied to the nodes. 1 argument is * given: a visited node. The traversing will be stopped * by returning false. */ visit : function(func) { if (func(this) === false) return false; for ( var i in this.children) { if (!this.children[i].visit(func)) return false; } return true; }, /** * * Removes the fragment from the document. * */ disconnect : function() { this.visit(function(currentFrag) { if (!currentFrag.isShared) removeFragment(currentFrag, false); }); }, /** * An extension of de.dom.DOMFragment#disconnect. This routine * furthermore collapses nodes after the disconnection: where nodes * the have been left in the document -- within the fragment range -- * are removed/copied/moved in a way that a typical word-proccessor * would behave.
* The fragment must not be disconnected prior to this call. * * @return {Node} The first migrated node. Null if nothing was * migrated. */ collapse : function() { // Get the first common ancestor between the start and end // fragments... this may not be the root. var firstCommonAncestor = _getCommonAncestor(this .getStartFragment().node, this.getEndFragment().node, false), fcaFrag = this, stopMigratingSiblings = false, // used // for // inner // function fragRoot = this, // used for inner function hasCollapsibleBoundAncestor = false; // used for inner // function while (fcaFrag.node != firstCommonAncestor) { fcaFrag = fcaFrag.children[0]; } // Remove the fragments inclusive range from the document fragRoot.disconnect(); // Insert any placeholders that needs placing insertPlaceholders(); // Remove all migratable nodes and build migration trees var migrations = migratePath(fcaFrag, true, nextMigrationPoint(fragRoot.getStartFragment())), i, j; // Add migration trees into their migration points for (i in migrations) { if (migrations[i].migrantRoots.length > 0) { // Discover the insertion index in the migration point var mPointNode = migrations[i].migrationPoint.node, insertIndex = migrations[i].migrationPoint.children[0].pos, // Start-bound's // index containsNonPHTangable = false, seenPlaceholder = 0; // If the start-bound child is still in the document, // then increase the index if (isInDocument(migrations[i].migrationPoint.children[0].node)) insertIndex++; // Insert the migrants for (j = 0; j < migrations[i].migrantRoots.length; j++) { _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrations[i].migrantRoots[j], mPointNode, insertIndex + j); } // Check to see if migration point has any redundant // placeholders, which may have been uneccessarely // added, // or just moved, via the collapse operation. // First check if there are any tangable descendants of // the migration point which are not // immediate children that are placeholders... if (_isPlaceholderCandidate(mPointNode)) { _visitAllNodes( mPointNode, mPointNode, true, function(node) { if (node == mPointNode) return; if (!(de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(node, false) && (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.parentNode.parentNode == mPointNode : node.parentNode == mPointNode)) && de.cursor .getPlacementFlags(node)) { containsNonPHTangable = true; return false; } }); } // Scan through the migration points immediate nodes for (var k = 0; k < mPointNode.childNodes.length; k++) { var domNode = mPointNode.childNodes[k]; if (de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(domNode, true) || de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(domNode, true)) { // If we have already seen a placeholder in this // migration point, or the migration point is // not // a placeholder candidate, or the migration // point contains tangable nodes that are not // immediate // children who are placeholders... then this // placeholder is redundant if (seenPlaceholder || !_isPlaceholderCandidate(mPointNode) || containsNonPHTangable) _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, domNode); // Remove // it // from // the // document seenPlaceholder = 1; } } } } // Return the first migrated node return migrations.length > 0 && migrations[0].migrantRoots.length > 0 ? migrations[0].migrantRoots[0] : null; /** * Removes/clones nodes from the document and creates migration * trees -- paired with their migration points, for which they * should be appended to. * * @param {de.dom.DOMFragment} * pathRoot The top-most fragment of the path to * travel up to. * @param {Object} * isEndBoundPath True iff the path is the * end-boundry path * @param {de.dom.DOMFragment} * curMigPoint The current migration point * @return {[Object]} The migrations to make */ function migratePath(pathRoot, isEndBoundPath, curMigPoint) { var curMigration = { /* * A migration point is a dom node in the start-bound * path where nodes in the end bound path can * move(migrate) to. */ migrationPoint : curMigPoint, /* * Migration roots are disconnected dom-trees which * should be connected with the migration point in this * instance by adding as children ... which is done * outside of this function scope. */ migrantRoots : [] } var migrations = [ curMigration ]; // Follow a path starting from the end node and moving up to // the path's root for (var fragment = isEndBoundPath ? pathRoot .getEndFragment() : pathRoot.getStartFragment(); fragment != (isEndBoundPath ? pathRoot : pathRoot.parent); fragment = fragment.parent) { var domNode, nextNode; // Check to see if this fragment has an ancestor who is // collapsible and is on the end-bound path. if (isEndBoundPath) { hasCollapsibleBoundAncestor = false; for (var f = fragment.parent; f != pathRoot; f = f.parent) { if (f.isShared && isCollapsible(f.node)) { hasCollapsibleBoundAncestor = true; break; } } } if (!isEndBoundPath || fragment.isShared) { domNode = fragment.node; nextNode = domNode.nextSibling; // Should this node be removed? I.E: Is the node // collapsable? if (isCollapsible(domNode)) { stopMigratingSiblings = true; // All descendants of a collapsiable node on the // bound path should be migrated debug .assert(!isEndBoundPath || (isEndBoundPath && !domNode.firstChild)); // Remove this collapsible node if it is on the // end-bound path and is shared if (isEndBoundPath) _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, fragment.node); } // Check to see if this node should be migrated, or // should stay if (!isEndBoundPath || canDirectlyMigrate(domNode)) { // Check if need to remove this migrant or // duplicate it if (domNode.firstChild) domNode = domNode.cloneNode(false); else _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, domNode); // Is the current migration point valid? while (curMigration.migrationPoint != fcaFrag && !_isValidRelationship( domNode, curMigration.migrationPoint.node) && _nodeName(domNode) != "div") { // One exception: don't allow migration of // div element: the generic container // Search for next valid migration point... curMigration.migrationPoint = nextMigrationPoint(curMigration.migrationPoint); } // Add this node to all migrations for (var i = 0; i < migrations.length; i++) { // Link up dom node to its children for ( var j in migrations[i].migrantRoots) { _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrations[i].migrantRoots[j], domNode); } // Set the new roots for this tree-level migrations[i].migrantRoots = [ domNode ]; // Duplicate node for next migration point if (i < (migrations.length - 1)) domNode = domNode.cloneNode(false); } } else if (!isCollapsible(domNode)) { // Fragment // in // boundry // path that // cannot be // migrated stopMigratingSiblings = true; if (!domNode.firstChild) // The un-migratible node has been left // childless, remove it from the document _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, fragment.node); } } else { // Is on end bound path and fragment not // shared and has been disconnected. i.e. // completely removed from document // Determine next node... // If the parent has been disconnected, then there // is no use searching through the next siblings if (!fragment.parent.isShared) continue; // See if this fragments parent is part of the // starting bound var startBound = fragRoot; while (startBound.children.length > 0 && startBound != fragment.parent) { startBound = startBound.children[0]; } if (startBound == fragment.parent) { debug.assert(startBound.children.length > 0); // If the start bound path shares the same // parent for the current fragment // (which is on the end path), then the next // sibling is not neccesarily the first // remaining child in this fragment's parent. nextNode = null; if (!startBound.insertedPH) { // Watch out for // these, since // they are // added on the // fly, not in // fragment // structure if (isInDocument(startBound.children[0].node)) { // The first child of the start bound is // in the document nextNode = startBound.node.childNodes.length > (startBound.children[0].pos + 1) ? startBound.node.childNodes[startBound.children[0].pos + 1] : null; } else { // The first child of the start bound // has been removed nextNode = startBound.node.childNodes.length > startBound.children[0].pos ? startBound.node.childNodes[startBound.children[0].pos] : null; } } // Get the first remainding child in this // disconnected fragment's parent } else nextNode = fragment.parent.node.firstChild; // May // be // null/not // exist } // If the parent cannot be migrated from the end-bounds // path, then don't migrate it's children to // the left of the end-bounds. if (isEndBoundPath && !canDirectlyMigrate(fragment.parent.node) && !isCollapsible(fragment.parent.node)) stopMigratingSiblings = true; // If this fragment is for the starting iteration of a // new migrant fragment, then avoid recursing into // it's sibling dom nodes that are not in a fragment // yet... this will be handled afterwards else if (!isEndBoundPath && fragment == pathRoot) continue; // Get this fragments child-index in it's parent var nextFragIndex = fragment.getIndexInParent(); // Set/reset the migration index for this fragments // parent. Only applicable on the bound path if (isEndBoundPath) fragment.parent.migrantIndex = 0; while (nextNode && (hasCollapsibleBoundAncestor || !stopMigratingSiblings)) { // For // each // adjacent // path domNode = nextNode; // For bound path, valid for // non-bound path nextNode = domNode.nextSibling; // For bound path, // valid for // non-bound path nextFragIndex++; // For non-bound path var adjacentMigrations; if (isEndBoundPath) { var migrantFragRoot; // If this operation is being repeated, then get // the migration tree created from the first // time // this operation was performed if (fragment.parent.migrants && fragment.parent.migrants.length > fragment.parent.migrantIndex) { migrantFragRoot = fragment.parent.migrants[fragment.parent.migrantIndex]; } else { // First time this operation has // been performed // Build a fragment to capture the structure // of the current document's state migrantFragRoot = _buildFragment( domNode.parentNode, domNode, 0, domNode, _nodeLength(domNode, 1)); // Link it to the parent fragment if (!fragment.parent.migrants) fragment.parent.migrants = []; fragment.parent.migrants .push(migrantFragRoot); } fragment.parent.migrantIndex++; adjacentMigrations = migratePath( migrantFragRoot.children[0], false, migrations[migrations.length - 1].migrationPoint); // Recurse } else { // Fragment already created... adjacentMigrations = migratePath( fragment.parent.children[nextFragIndex], false, migrations[migrations.length - 1].migrationPoint); // Recurse } // Merge the adjacent migrations into the current // migrations for ( var i in adjacentMigrations) { if (adjacentMigrations[i].migrantRoots.length == 0) continue; // Search for a matching migration point var wasMerged = false; for ( var j in migrations) { if (migrations[j].migrationPoint == adjacentMigrations[i].migrationPoint) { // Append the adjacent migrant roots for // this migration point (at the current // tree-level) migrations[j].migrantRoots = migrations[j].migrantRoots .concat(adjacentMigrations[i].migrantRoots); wasMerged = true; break; } } // Must be a new migration point... add to the // current set of migration points if (!wasMerged) migrations.push(adjacentMigrations[i]); } // Keep the current migration updated curMigration = migrations[migrations.length - 1]; // TODO: // NEEDED? } // End loop: recursing over adjacent paths } // End loop: travelling up path to root return migrations; } // End inner migratePath /** * Looks up the start-bound path from the given migration point. * * @param {_Fragment} * currentPoint Must not be the first Common Ancestor - * must be on the start bound path. * @return {_Fragment} The next migration point */ function nextMigrationPoint(currentPoint) { debug.assert(currentPoint != fcaFrag); do { currentPoint = currentPoint.parent; } while (currentPoint != fcaFrag && !( // currentPoint.isShared && // NOTE: Cannot used isShared to // determine if exists in document... since cna be // re-inserted isInDocument(currentPoint.node) && /* * i.e: shared nodes or * re-inserted nodes due * to placeholders */ isCollapsible(currentPoint.node))); return currentPoint; } // End inner nextMigrationPoint /** * @param {Node} * domNode * @return {Boolean} True if domNode is classed as "collapsible" */ function isCollapsible(domNode) { return _isGenericBlockLevel(domNode) || _nodeName(domNode) == "li"; } // End inner isCollapsible /** * @param {Node} * domNode * @return {Boolean} True if domNode can directly be migrated * from the boundry path into a migration point */ function canDirectlyMigrate(domNode) { return domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE || _isInlineLevel(domNode); } // End inner canDirectlyMigrate function isInDocument(domNode) { return _isAncestor(docBody, domNode); } /** * If the start-bound path contains any placeholder candidates * either left without tangable nodes or are fully disconnected, * then placeholders are inserted / fragments are reconnected */ function insertPlaceholders() { for (var fragment = fragRoot.getStartFragment(); fragment != null; fragment = fragment.parent ? fragment.parent : null) { var domRef = fragment.node; if (_isPlaceholderCandidate(domRef) || de.doc.isEditSection(domRef)) { // Is this still in the document? if (fragment.isShared) { var phType = 0 if (_doesNeedESPlaceholder(domRef)) phType = 1; else if (_doesNeedMNPlaceholder(domRef)) phType = 2; if (phType) { // The disconnection has left a placeholder // candidate in the document without a // tangable node. // Create a new placeholder and add it var ph = phType == 1 ? de.doc .createESPlaceholder(domRef) : de.doc.createMNPlaceholder(); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, ph, domRef); // Mark that this fragment inserted a // placeholder fragment.insertedPH = 1; } } else { // disconnected // Get rid of any children that were part of the // diconnection while (domRef.firstChild) { _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, domRef.firstChild); } // Create a new placeholder and add it _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, de.doc .createMNPlaceholder(), domRef); // Mark that this fragment inserted a // placeholder fragment.insertedPH = 1; // Link this and all it's disconnect ancestors // back into the document... while (!fragment.isShared) { if (fragment.parent.isShared) { // Reconnect this with it's parent _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, fragment.node, fragment.parent.node, fragment.pos); } else { // Make sure the parent has all its // children removed var parentDomNode = fragment.parent.node; while (parentDomNode.firstChild) { _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, parentDomNode.firstChild); } // Reconnect this with it's parent _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, fragment.node, parentDomNode); } if (!fragment.parent) break; fragment = fragment.parent; } } break; // No need to search ancestors for inserting // placeholders as this point } } } }, /** * @return {de.dom.DOMFragment} The start fragment of the fragment's * range. */ getStartFragment : function() { var startFrag = this; while (startFrag.children.length > 0) { startFrag = startFrag.children[0]; } return startFrag; }, /** * @return {de.dom.DOMFragment} The end fragment of the fragment's * range. */ getEndFragment : function() { var endFrag = this; while (endFrag.children.length > 0) { endFrag = endFrag.children[endFrag.children.length - 1]; } return endFrag; }, /** * @return {Integer} The zero-based index of this fragment in it's * parent. Null if this is a root fragment. */ getIndexInParent : function() { if (!this.parent) return null; var index = 0; while (this != this.parent.children[index]) { index++; } return index; }, /** * @return {Boolean} True if the start node was a split text node, * so that it has a preceeding text node which was the * orginal node, false otherwise. */ wasStartSplit : function() { return this.getStartFragment().preSplitNode ? true : false; }, /** * @return {Boolean} True if the end node was a split text node, so * that it has a proceeding text node which was the new * split node, false otherwise. */ wasEndSplit : function() { return this.getEndFragment().postSplitNode ? true : false; }, /** * @return {Node} The previous text node which will split at the * start fragment. Null if this framgent didn't split the * start point */ getPreSplitNode : function() { var startFrag = this.getStartFragment(); return startFrag.preSplitNode ? startFrag.preSplitNode : null; }, /** * @return {Node} The following text node which will split at the * end fragment. Null if this framgent didn't split the end * point */ getPostSplitNode : function() { var endFrag = this.getEndFragment(); return endFrag.postSplitNode ? endFrag.postSplitNode : null; }, /** * Gets the adjusted node/index of the given tuple to point to a * valid position in the DOM which they may have been left pointing * to invalid indexes due to the construction of this fragment. * * @param {Object} * node * * @param {Object} * index * */ getAdjustedNodeIndex : function(node, index) { // Check if node belongs in the formatting fragments' split text // nodes, and see if it's index is out of bounds if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && index >= _nodeLength(node)) { var startFrag = this.getStartFragment(), endFrag = this .getEndFragment(); // Was the start node split? And did the node previously // point to this split node? if (startFrag.wasStartSplit()) { var preSplitNode = startFrag.getPreSplitNode(); if (node == preSplitNode) { index -= _nodeLength(preSplitNode); node = startFrag.node; } } // Was the end node split? And did the node previously point // to the split node? if (endFrag.wasEndSplit() && node == endFrag.node && index >= _nodeLength(node)) { index -= _nodeLength(endFrag.node); node = endFrag.getPostSplitNode(); } } return { node : node, index : index }; }, /** * Gets the original node/index values before this fragment was * built. * * @param {Object} * node * @param {Object} * index */ getOriginalNodeIndex : function(node, index) { if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { var startFrag = this.getStartFragment(), endFrag = this .getEndFragment(); // Was the end node split? And does the node point to the // added split node? if (node == endFrag.getPostSplitNode()) { index += _nodeLength(endFrag.node); node = endFrag.node; } // Was the start node split? And does the node point to the // added split node? if (startFrag.wasStartSplit() && node == startFrag.node) { var preSplitNode = startFrag.getPreSplitNode(); index += _nodeLength(preSplitNode); node = preSplitNode; } } return { node : node, index : index }; } }; // @DEBUG ON // Add tostring method for debugging cls.prototype.toString = function() { return _nodeName(this.node) + (this.isShared ? "[SHARED]" : "[NOT-SHARED]"); } // @DEBUG OFF /** * Removes the fragments dom node from the document. * * @param {de.dom.DOMFragment} * fragment * @param {Boolean} * forceRemoveDoc Set to true to always remove the fragments * node from the document. Set to false to only remove if the * fragment has a shared parent. */ function removeFragment(fragment, forceRemoveDoc) { if (forceRemoveDoc || (fragment.parent && fragment.parent.isShared)) _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, fragment.node); } return cls; }(); /** * Builds a fragment.
* If startNode / endNode are the same, then startIndex / endIndex must be * different. If startNode or endNodes are placeholders, they are extended * to include the whole placeholder in the range.
* The start node/index tuple must occur before the end node/index tuple * when traversing inorder.
* The range will always been extended to the deepest descendants. * * @param {Node} * commonAncestor (Optional) A common ancestor of the start and * end nodes, can be as high as possible. If null then the * closest common ancestor will be used. * * @param {Node} * startNode The starting dom node of the fragments range. * * @param {Number} * startIndex The inclusive start index in the start node. Ranges * from 0 to the text length for text nodes. Where 0 indicates * that the range begins at the first char, and text length * indicates that the range begins directly after the text node, * but not including it.
* Ranges from 0 to 1 for elements. Where 0 indicates that the * range includes the element and its decendants, and 1 indicates * that the range excludes the element and its decendants. * * * @param {Node} * endNode The ending dom node of the fragments range. * * @param {Number} * endIndex The inclusive end index in the end node. Ranges from * 0 to the text length for text nodes. Where 0 indicates that * the range ends just before the text node, but not including * it, and text length indicates that the range ends at the last * charactor in the text run.
* Ranges from 0 to 1 for elements. Where 0 indicates that the * range excludes the element and its decendants, and 1 indicates * that the range includes the element and its decendants. * * @return {de.dom.DOMFragment} The fragments root FragmentNode, which will * always be the commonAncestor. Never null. */ function _buildFragment(commonAncestor, startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex) { debug.assert(startNode != endNode || startIndex < endIndex, "Invalid range"); debug .assert( !(startNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > _nodeLength(startNode))), "Start index out of range"); debug .assert( !(startNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > 1)), "Start index out of range"); debug .assert( !(endNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && (endIndex < 0 || endIndex > _nodeLength(endNode))), "End index out of range"); debug .assert( !(endNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (endIndex < 0 || endIndex > 1)), "End index out of range"); debug.assert(!(endNode == startNode && endIndex == startIndex), "Invalid range"); // Set common ancestor if not given if (!commonAncestor) commonAncestor = _getCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode); // Make sure the range extends to the deepest descendants var adjustBoundry = false; while (startNode.firstChild) { startNode = startIndex == 0 ? startNode.firstChild : startNode.lastChild; adjustBoundry = true; } if (adjustBoundry && startIndex > 0) startIndex = _nodeLength(startNode, 1); adjustBoundry = false; while (endNode.firstChild) { endNode = endIndex == 0 ? endNode.firstChild : endNode.lastChild; adjustBoundry = true; } if (adjustBoundry && endIndex > 0) endIndex = _nodeLength(endNode, 1); // Make sure placeholders are fully included within the inclusive range if (de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(startNode) || de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(startNode)) startIndex = 0; if (de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(endNode) || de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(endNode)) endIndex = _nodeLength(endNode, 1); // @DEBUG ON // Check that end occurs after the start var foundEnd = false; _visitAllNodes(commonAncestor, startNode, true, function(domNode) { foundEnd = domNode == endNode; return !foundEnd; }); debug.assert(foundEnd, "Invalid range: end node not found after start node"); // @DEBUG OFF var affectedNodes = []; // Get all the nodes between the start and end nodes. _visitAllNodes(commonAncestor, startNode, true, function(node) { affectedNodes.push(node); return node != endNode; }); // Add the missing nodes to the start of the array var ancestors = _getAncestors(startNode, commonAncestor, false, true); ancestors.reverse(); affectedNodes = ancestors.concat(affectedNodes); // to traverse the nodes inorder from the common ancestor through // the start and end nodes range, just iterate forwards on the array: var fragRoot; for ( var i in affectedNodes) { // Build up a fragment by traversing through the affected nodes in // order var node = affectedNodes[i], preSplitNode = 0, postSplitNode = 0; // Perform split operations on boundry text nodes if ((node == startNode || node == endNode) && node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { // Because the first/last nodes are text nodes, we may have to // split them up. if (node == startNode && startIndex > 0 && startIndex < _nodeLength(node)) { preSplitNode = node; // Leave the start node's stable references as is, since the // remainding text // node within the range is a newly created text node... node = _execOp(_Operation.SPLIT_TEXT_NODE, node, startIndex); // Update endnode if range is all within same node if (endNode == startNode) { endNode = node; endIndex -= _nodeLength(startNode); } startNode = node; // No need to worry about start index } if (node == endNode && endIndex > 0 && endIndex < _nodeLength(node)) { postSplitNode = _execOp(_Operation.SPLIT_TEXT_NODE, node, endIndex); } } // Create a new fragment node var fragment = new _DOMFragment(node, _indexInParent(node)); // Has the root been set? if (!fragRoot) fragRoot = fragment; else { // Set up the parent relationship... fragment.parent = null; fragRoot.visit(function(frag) { if (frag.node == fragment.node.parentNode) fragment.parent = frag; return fragment.parent == null; }); fragment.parent.children.push(fragment); } // If the node is a boundry node and is excluded, then set a flag to // note that such nodes are to be outside of the fragment range. fragment.isShared = !(preSplitNode || postSplitNode) && ((node == startNode && startIndex == _nodeLength(node, 1)) || (node == endNode && endIndex == 0)); if (preSplitNode) fragment.preSplitNode = preSplitNode; if (postSplitNode) fragment.postSplitNode = postSplitNode; } // End iterating over affected nodes // Determine which nodes are shared with the fragment's range and // document and which aren't markSharedNodes(fragRoot); return fragRoot; /** * An inner support function. Sets the "isShared" flag for a fragment * and all it's descendant fragments * * @param {de.dom.DOMFragment} * currentFrag The fragment to mark from */ function markSharedNodes(currentFrag) { var isAnyChildShared = false; // Scan children first (disconnecting post order) for ( var ch in currentFrag.children) { var childFrag = currentFrag.children[ch]; // Recurse markSharedNodes(childFrag); // Detect if any children of the current node are shared isAnyChildShared |= childFrag.isShared; } // Determine if this fragment is shared. The root is a special // case... thus explicitly must // be declared as being shared. isShared will already be true if the // fragment is a boundry // node (start/end) that has been excluded from the range. currentFrag.isShared |= (isAnyChildShared || currentFrag == fragRoot || currentFrag.node.childNodes.length != currentFrag.children.length); } // End inner markSharedNodes } ; // End buildFragment // Expose build fragment de.buildFragment = _buildFragment; // End Fragment.js // Start OperationManager.js /* Read Only. Stores all undoable/redoable operation logic */ var _operationRepository = {}, /* Read Only. Stores the current list of operations. Null/undefined if there is none */ _curOperationList, /* Set to true to record operations, false to ignore. Defaults to true. */ _recordOperations = true; /** * * @param {Number} opCode The unique operation code which identifies the operation. * * @param {Function} exec The execution function. The first argument will be the operation data. * The following arguments are specific execution arguemnts to the operation. * * @param {Function} undo The undo function. Given one argument: the operation data. * * @param {Function} redo The redo function. Given one argument: the operation data. * * @return {Number} The operation code of the registered operation */ function _registerOperation(opCode, exec, undo, redo) { // Should generate operation code? if (!opCode) { opCode = _registerOperation.genOp + 1; do { opCode++; } while(_operationRepository[opCode]); _registerOperation.genOp = opCode; } debug.assert(!_operationRepository[opCode], "Attempted to override operation with op code: " + opCode); _operationRepository[opCode] = {exec:exec,undo:undo,redo:redo}; return opCode; } _registerOperation.genOp = 100; /** * Executes an undoable operation. If _recordOperations is on then the operation will be stored * in the _curOperationList list. * * When ever dom is to be manipulated, it is always done here. The additional arguments after the given op code * are specific to the operation. * * @param {Number} opCode The operation code of the operation to execute. */ function _execOp(opCode) { // Get the operation code var operation = _operationRepository[opCode]; debug.assert(operation != null, "Unknown operation: " + opCode); // Create argument list... begin with the operation data object var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.shift(); args.unshift({opCode:opCode}); // Execute the operation var opRes = operation.exec.apply(operation, args); // Store the operation data if (_recordOperations) { // Create a new operation list if not appending if (!_curOperationList) _curOperationList = []; _curOperationList.push(args[0]); } // Return the operatoin-specific result return opRes; } /** * Note: Wipes current operation list. * @return {[Object]} The current list of operations. Null if there are none. */ function _getOperations() { var ops = _curOperationList; _curOperationList = null; return ops; } /** * Undoes a list of operations. Assumes that the effected DOM state is the same as it was after the operations were executed. * * @param {[Object]} opList The list of operations to undo */ function _undoOperations(opList) { for (var i = opList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var opData = opList[i]; var operation = _operationRepository[opData.opCode]; debug.assert(operation != null, "Unknown operation: " + opData.opCode); operation.undo(opData); } } /** * Redoes a list of operations. Assumes that the effected DOM state is the same as it was after the operations were undone. * * @param {[Object]} opList The list of operations to redo */ function _redoOperations(opList) { for (var i in opList) { var opData = opList[i]; var operation = _operationRepository[opData.opCode]; debug.assert(operation != null, "Unknown operation: " + opData.opCode); operation.redo(opData); } } /** * Controls whether undoable operations should be recorded. * ONLY USE IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. * * TODO: Detailed doc. * * @param {Boolean} on True to turn on operation recording. False to turn off. */ de.recordOperations = function(on) { _recordOperations = on; }; /* BASE OPERATIONS */ // @DEBUG ON _Operation = { // @REPLACE _Operation.INSERT_NODE 1 INSERT_NODE : 1, // @REPLACE _Operation.REMOVE_NODE 2 REMOVE_NODE : 2, // @REPLACE _Operation.SPLIT_TEXT_NODE 3 SPLIT_TEXT_NODE : 3, // @REPLACE _Operation.INSERT_TEXT 4 INSERT_TEXT : 4, // @REPLACE _Operation.REMOVE_TEXT 5 REMOVE_TEXT : 5, // @REPLACE _Operation.SET_CSS_STYLE 6 SET_CSS_STYLE : 6, // @REPLACE _Operation.SET_CLASS 7 SET_CLASS : 7, // @REPLACE _Operation.INSERT_ROW 8 INSERT_ROW : 8, // @REPLACE _Operation.INSERT_CELL 9 INSERT_CELL : 9, // @REPLACE _Operation.DELETE_ROW 10 DELETE_ROW : 10, // @REPLACE _Operation.DELETE_CELL 11 DELETE_CELL : 11 }; // @DEBUG OFF _registerOperation(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, /** * Execute * @param {Object} data The operation data * @param {Node} newNode The new dom node to insert * @param {Node} parent The parent of the dom node to insert into * @param {Number} index The index in the parent to insert the dom node. Omit to append */ function(data, newNode, parent, index){ data.newNode = newNode; data.parent = parent; if (index || index === 0) // Is it an append operation? data.pos = index; this.redo(data); }, /* Undo */ function(data){ data.parent.removeChild(data.newNode); }, /* Redo */ function(data){ if (data.pos || data.pos === 0) _insertAt(data.parent, data.newNode, data.pos); else data.parent.appendChild(data.newNode); } ); _registerOperation(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, /** * Execute * @param {Object} data The operation data * @param {Node} target The Node to remove */ function(data, target){ data.parent = target.parentNode; data.pos = _indexInParent(target); data.target = target; this.redo(data); }, /* Undo */ function(data){ _insertAt(data.parent, data.target, data.pos); }, /* Redo */ function(data){ data.parent.removeChild(data.target); } ); _registerOperation(_Operation.SPLIT_TEXT_NODE, /* Execute */ function(data, target, index){ data.target = target; data.index = index; data.rem = target.splitText(index); return data.rem; }, /* Undo */ function(data){ // Restore target nodes full text value data.target.nodeValue += data.rem.nodeValue; // Get rid of the split text node data.rem.parentNode.removeChild(data.rem); data.rem.nodeValue = ""; // free some memory }, /* Redo */ function(data){ var fullText = data.target.nodeValue; // Re-set the splitted nodes text data.rem.nodeValue = fullText.substr(data.index); data.target.nodeValue = fullText.substr(0, data.index); // Re-insert the split node _insertAfter(data.rem, data.target); } ); _registerOperation(_Operation.INSERT_TEXT, /* Execute */ function(data, target, text, index){ data.target = target; data.index = index; data.len = text.length; var pre = target.nodeValue.substr(0, index), post = target.nodeValue.substr(index); target.nodeValue = pre + text + post; }, /* Undo */ function(data){ data.text = data.target.nodeValue.substr(data.index, data.len); var pre = data.target.nodeValue.substr(0, data.index), post = data.target.nodeValue.substr(data.index + data.len); data.target.nodeValue = pre + post delete data["len"]; // Free some memory }, /* Redo */ function(data){ data.len = data.text.length; var pre = data.target.nodeValue.substr(0, data.index), post = data.target.nodeValue.substr(data.index); data.target.nodeValue = pre + data.text + post; delete data["text"]; // Free some memory } ); _registerOperation(_Operation.REMOVE_TEXT, /* Execute */ function(data, target, index, length){ data.target = target; data.index = index; data.text = target.nodeValue.substr(index, length); var pre = target.nodeValue.substr(0, index), post = target.nodeValue.substr(index + length); target.nodeValue = pre + post }, /* Undo - same as insert text's undo */ _operationRepository[_Operation.INSERT_TEXT].redo, /* Redp - same as insert text's undo */ _operationRepository[_Operation.INSERT_TEXT].undo ); _registerOperation(_Operation.SET_CSS_STYLE, /** * Execute * @param {Object} data The operation data * @param {Node} target The target element to set CSS * @param {String} css The CSS Field to set in javascript notation * @param {String} value The value of the CSS to set */ function(data, target, css, value){ data.target = target; data.css = css; data.newValue = value; data.oldValue = _engine == _Platform.TRIDENT ? data.target.style.getAttribute(data.css) : data.target.style[data.css]; this.redo(data); }, /* Undo */ function(data){ if (_engine == _Platform.TRIDENT) data.target.style.setAttribute(data.css, data.oldValue); else data.target.style[data.css] = data.oldValue; }, /* Redo */ function(data){ if (_engine == _Platform.TRIDENT) data.target.style.setAttribute(data.css, data.newValue); else data.target.style[data.css] = data.newValue; } ); _registerOperation(_Operation.SET_CLASS, /** * Execute * @param {Object} data The operation data * @param {Node} target The target element to set CSS * @param {String} name The class name to set (replaces full class name) */ function(data, target, name){ data.target = target; data.newName = name; data.oldName = _getClassName(target); this.redo(data); }, /* Undo */ function(data){ _setClassName(data.target, data.oldName); }, /* Redo */ function(data){ _setClassName(data.target, data.newName); } ); _registerOperation(_Operation.INSERT_CELL, /** * Execute * @param {Object} data The operation data * @param {Node} row The target row element to insert the cell into * @param {Number} index The index in the row to insert into. Clamped if out of bounds * @return {Node} The new cell that was created */ function(data, row, index){ data.row = row; data.index = index > row.cells.length ? row.cells.length : index; // Safely clamp range if (data.index < 0) data.index = 0; return this.redo(data); }, /* Undo */ function(data){ data.row.deleteCell(data.index); }, /* Redo */ function(data){ return data.row.insertCell(data.index); } ); _registerOperation(_Operation.INSERT_ROW, /** * Execute * @param {Object} data The operation data * @param {Node} table The target table element to insert the row into * @param {Number} index The index in the row to insert into. Clamped if out of bounds * @return {Node} The new row that was created */ function(data, table, index){ data.table = table; data.index = index > table.rows.length ? table.rows.length : index; // Safely clamp range if (data.index < 0) data.index = 0; return this.redo(data); }, /* Undo */ function(data){ data.table.deleteRow(data.index); }, /* Redo */ function(data){ return data.table.insertRow(data.index); } ); _registerOperation(_Operation.DELETE_ROW, /** * Execute * @param {Object} data The operation data * @param {Node} table The target table element to insert the row into * @param {Number} index The index in the row to delete. Clamped if out of bounds */ function(data, table, index){ data.table = table; data.index = index >= table.rows.length ? table.rows.length-1 : index; // Safely clamp range if (data.index < 0) data.index = 0; this.redo(data); }, /* Undo */ function(data){ var newRow = data.table.insertRow(data.index); // Migrate contents from old removed row into new row while(data.row.firstChild) { var migrant = data.row.firstChild; data.row.removeChild(migrant); newRow.appendChild(migrant); } // Save memory - get rid of old removed row reference delete data["row"]; }, /* Redo */ function(data){ data.row = data.table.rows[data.index]; // Save row - need to keep contents data.table.deleteRow(data.index); } ); _registerOperation(_Operation.DELETE_CELL, /** * Execute * @param {Object} data The operation data * @param {Node} row The target row element to delete the cell from * @param {Number} index The cell index in the row to delete. Clamped if out of bounds */ function(data, row, index){ data.row = row; data.index = index >= row.cells.length ? row.cells.length-1 : index; // Safely clamp range if (data.index < 0) data.index = 0; this.redo(data); }, /* Undo */ function(data){ var newCell = data.row.insertCell(data.index); // Migrate contents from old removed row into new row while(data.cell.firstChild) { var migrant = data.cell.firstChild; data.cell.removeChild(migrant); newCell.appendChild(migrant); } // Save memory - get rid of old removed row reference delete data["cell"]; }, /* Redo */ function(data){ data.cell = data.row.cells[data.index]; // Save cell - need to keep contents data.row.deleteCell(data.index); } ); //End OperationManager.js //Start Keyboard.js (function() { // All the keymaps var keymaps = { // maps the charcodes of special printable keys to key identifiers specialToCharCode: { 8: "Backspace", // The Backspace (Back) key. 9: "Tab", // The Horizontal Tabulation (Tab) key. // Note: This key identifier is also used for the // Return (Macintosh numpad) key. 13: "Enter", // The Enter key. 27: "Escape", // The Escape (Esc) key. 32: "Space" // The Space (Spacebar) key. }, // maps the keycodes of non printable keys to key identifiers keyCodeToId: { 16: "Shift", // The Shift key. 17: "Control", // The Control (Ctrl) key. 18: "Alt", // The Alt (Menu) key. 20: "CapsLock", // The CapsLock key 224: "Meta", // The Meta key. (Apple Meta and Windows key) 37: "Left", // The Left Arrow key. 38: "Up", // The Up Arrow key. 39: "Right", // The Right Arrow key. 40: "Down", // The Down Arrow key. 33: "PageUp", // The Page Up key. 34: "PageDown", // The Page Down (Next) key. 35: "End", // The End key. 36: "Home", // The Home key. 45: "Insert", // The Insert (Ins) key. (Does not fire in Opera/Win) 46: "Delete", // The Delete (Del) Key. 112: "F1", // The F1 key. 113: "F2", // The F2 key. 114: "F3", // The F3 key. 115: "F4", // The F4 key. 116: "F5", // The F5 key. 117: "F6", // The F6 key. 118: "F7", // The F7 key. 119: "F8", // The F8 key. 120: "F9", // The F9 key. 121: "F10", // The F10 key. 122: "F11", // The F11 key. 123: "F12", // The F12 key. 144: "NumLock", // The Num Lock key. 44: "PrintScreen", // The Print Screen (PrintScrn, SnapShot) key. 145: "Scroll", // The scroll lock key 19: "Pause", // The pause/break key 91: "Win", // The Windows Logo key 93: "Apps" // The Application key (Windows Context Menu) }, // maps the keycodes of the numpad keys to the right charcodes numpadToCharCode: { 96: "0".charCodeAt(0), 97: "1".charCodeAt(0), 98: "2".charCodeAt(0), 99: "3".charCodeAt(0), 100: "4".charCodeAt(0), 101: "5".charCodeAt(0), 102: "6".charCodeAt(0), 103: "7".charCodeAt(0), 104: "8".charCodeAt(0), 105: "9".charCodeAt(0), 106: "*".charCodeAt(0), 107: "+".charCodeAt(0), 109: "-".charCodeAt(0), 110: ".".charCodeAt(0), 111: "/".charCodeAt(0) }, // Helpers charCodeA: "A".charCodeAt(0), charCodeZ: "Z".charCodeAt(0), charCodea: "a".charCodeAt(0), charCodez: "z".charCodeAt(0), charCode0: "0".charCodeAt(0), charCode9: "9".charCodeAt(0), // Platform dependant maps keyCodeFix : {}, charCodeToKeyCode : {}, // Maps keycodes that cannot be distinguished in key press events, to the other keycodes that have also // been assigned to the same key in the key press event. ALl key codes (keys/values) in the map will be // simulated as key presses in the key down event. ambiguousKeyPressCodes : {} }; // Construct inverse maps keymaps.idToKeyCode = {}; for (var key in keymaps.keyCodeToId) { keymaps.idToKeyCode[keymaps.keyCodeToId[key]] = parseInt(key, 10); } for (var key in keymaps.specialToCharCode) { keymaps.idToKeyCode[keymaps.specialToCharCode[key]] = parseInt(key, 10); } // Setup platform dependant key maps switch (_engine) { case _Platform.TRIDENT: // MSHTML keymaps.charCodeToKeyCode = { 13: 13, 27: 27 }; break; case _Platform.GECKO: keymaps.keyCodeFix = { 12: idToKeyCode("NumLock") }; break; case _Platform.WEBKIT: // starting with Safari 3.1 (version 525.13) Apple switched the key // handling to match the IE behaviour. if (_Platform.engineVersion && _Platform.engineVersion < 525.13) { // TODO: Check if safari? keymaps.charCodeToKeyCode = { // Safari/Webkit Mappings 63289: idToKeyCode("NumLock"), 63276: idToKeyCode("PageUp"), 63277: idToKeyCode("PageDown"), 63275: idToKeyCode("End"), 63273: idToKeyCode("Home"), 63234: idToKeyCode("Left"), 63232: idToKeyCode("Up"), 63235: idToKeyCode("Right"), 63233: idToKeyCode("Down"), 63272: idToKeyCode("Delete"), 63302: idToKeyCode("Insert"), 63236: idToKeyCode("F1"), 63237: idToKeyCode("F2"), 63238: idToKeyCode("F3"), 63239: idToKeyCode("F4"), 63240: idToKeyCode("F5"), 63241: idToKeyCode("F6"), 63242: idToKeyCode("F7"), 63243: idToKeyCode("F8"), 63244: idToKeyCode("F9"), 63245: idToKeyCode("F10"), 63246: idToKeyCode("F11"), 63247: idToKeyCode("F12"), 63248: idToKeyCode("PrintScreen"), 3: idToKeyCode("Enter"), 12: idToKeyCode("NumLock"), 13: idToKeyCode("Enter") }; } else { // Modern versions of webkit keymaps.charCodeToKeyCode = { 13: 13, 27: 27 }; } break; case _Platform.PRESTO: keymaps.ambiguousKeyPressCodes = { 35: 51, // # <=> End 36: 52, // $ <=> Home 44: 188, // Comma <=> Print Screen 45: 109, // - <=> Insert 46: 190, // Period <=> Delete 91: 219, // [ <=> Windows 93: 221 // ] <=> Apps }; // Add presto specific maps... // Inverse ambigious key codes to simulate a keypress for in a key down event, // True values indicate they only should be simulated if the shift modifier is down. // False values are implicit (the remainding ambiguios codes) and should only be simulated // if the shift modifier is not down. keymaps.prestoSimulateInvOnShift = { 51: 1, // # 52: 1 // $ // 188 : 0 // , // 109 : 0 // - // 190 : 0 // period // 219 : 0 // [ // 221 : 0 // ] }; // The "which" codes to use (as well as alpha numeric codes) as char codes on key presses. keymaps.prestoUseWhichCodes = { 33: 1, // ! <=> Page Up 34: 1, // " <=> Page Down 40: 1, // ( <=> Down 39: 1, // ' <=> Right 38: 1, // & <=> Up 37: 1, // % <=> Left 123: 1 // { <=> F12 }; break; } // Create inverse maps keymaps.ambiguousKeyPressCodesInv = {}; for (var key in keymaps.ambiguousKeyPressCodes) { keymaps.ambiguousKeyPressCodesInv[keymaps.ambiguousKeyPressCodes[key]] = parseInt(key, 10); } /** * @class A singleton that provides cross-browser/platform keyboard-normalization facilities * @author Brook Novak */ de.events.Keyboard = { /** * Returns the event's "normalizedKey" to the DOM Level 3 Spec of keyIdentifier. * @param {Event} domEvent The dom event to "normalize" * * @param {Boolean} isKeyDown True if the dom event for keydown, false if for keypress. * * @return {String} The key identifier for the given key. * Null if the key ident is unknown or should be extracted from a different event type */ getKeyIdentifier : function(domEvent, isKeyDown) { var keyCode, // non printable keys. e.g. CTRL, INSERT charCode, // printable symbols. e.g. A,Z,& useGenericMapping = false; //debug.println((isKeyDown ? "Keydown" : "KeyPress") + ": cc=" + domEvent.charCode + "kc=" + domEvent.keyCode); switch(_engine) { case _Platform.TRIDENT: if (isKeyDown && (isNonPrintableKeyCode(domEvent.keyCode) || domEvent.keyCode == 8 || domEvent.keyCode == 9)) keyCode = domEvent.keyCode; // Use keydown if CTRL is down, but keyPress if CTRL is not down if ((!isKeyDown && !domEvent.ctrlKey) || (isKeyDown && domEvent.ctrlKey)) { if (keymaps.charCodeToKeyCode[domEvent.keyCode]) keyCode = keymaps.charCodeToKeyCode[domEvent.keyCode]; else charCode = domEvent.keyCode; } break; case _Platform.GECKO: if (isKeyDown) { // Moz doesn't get keypress events for CTRL, ALT or SHIFT, // So raise them on key down if (domEvent.keyCode >= 16 && domEvent.keyCode <= 18) keyCode = domEvent.keyCode; } else { keyCode = keymaps.keyCodeFix[domEvent.keyCode] || domEvent.keyCode; charCode = domEvent.charCode; } break; case _Platform.WEBKIT: if (_browser == _Platform.SAFARI) { if (isKeyDown) { if (_engineVersion && _engineVersion < 525.13) keyCode = keymaps.charCodeToKeyCode[domEvent.charCode] || domEvent.keyCode; else keyCode = domEvent.keyCode; if (!isNonPrintableKeyCode(keyCode) && !this.isAcceleratorDown(domEvent)) keyCode = 0; } else { // Key Press get printable charactors // starting with Safari 3.1 (verion 525.13) Apple switched the key // handling to match the IE behaviour. if (_engineVersion && _engineVersion < 525.13) { if (keymaps.charCodeToKeyCode[domEvent.charCode]) keyCode = keymaps.charCodeToKeyCode[domEvent.charCode]; else charCode = domEvent.charCode; } else { if (keymaps.charCodeToKeyCode[domEvent.keyCode]) keyCode = keymaps.charCodeToKeyCode[domEvent.keyCode]; else charCode = domEvent.keyCode; } } } else if(_browser == _Platform.CHROME) { // Chrome is good, it sets keycode,charcode,which and keyidentifier.. if (isKeyDown) { // Keycodes can be detected from keydowns if (isNonPrintableKeyCode(domEvent.keyCode)) keyCode = domEvent.keyCode; // If the accelerator key is down while pressing printable keys the charcodes // appear as key codes in the keydown event else if (this.isAcceleratorDown(domEvent)) charCode = domEvent.keyCode; } else { // Printable keys (charcodes) occur in the keypress event (except when // the accelerator is down). if (domEvent.charCode && !this.isAcceleratorDown(domEvent)) charCode = domEvent.charCode; } } else useGenericMapping = true; break; case _Platform.PRESTO: if (isKeyDown) { if (keymaps.ambiguousKeyPressCodesInv[domEvent.keyCode]) { // Avoid simulating key codes which will have a following legit keypress event var simOnShift = keymaps.prestoSimulateInvOnShift[domEvent.keyCode]; if ((domEvent.shiftKey && simOnShift) || (!domEvent.shiftKey && !simOnShift)) charCode = keymaps.ambiguousKeyPressCodesInv[domEvent.keyCode]; } else if (keymaps.ambiguousKeyPressCodes[domEvent.keyCode]) keyCode = domEvent.keyCode; } else { // Key press if (domEvent.which && (isAlphaNumericAscii(domEvent.which) || keymaps.prestoUseWhichCodes[domEvent.which])) charCode = domEvent.which; else if (keymaps.keyCodeToId[domEvent.keyCode]) keyCode = domEvent.keyCode; else charCode = domEvent.keyCode; } break; case _Platform.KHTML: // TODO useGenericMapping = true; break; default: useGenericMapping = true; } // End switch if (useGenericMapping && isKeyDown) { if (domEvent.keyIdentifier && domEvent.keyIdentifier.length > 0) { // See http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/keyset.html // Is the key identifier unicode-encoded? var ucMatch = /^U\+([\dA-Fa-f]+)$/.exec(domEvent.keyIdentifier); if (ucMatch) { // Extract unicode numerical value var uniNum = parseInt(ucMatch[1], 16); // Convert into printable symbol var printable = String.fromCharCode(uniNum); if (domEvent.shiftKey) return printable.toUpperCase(); else return printable.toLowerCase(); } else return domEvent.keyIdentifier; } else { keyCode = domEvent.keyCode || domEvent.which; charCode = domEvent.charCode; } } if (keyCode) { // Use keyCode // Omit ambiguous key codes: where actual key presses cannot be distinguished since this // platform assigns some single key codes to multiple keys. if (!isKeyDown && keymaps.ambiguousKeyPressCodes[keyCode]) return null; return keyCodeToId(keyCode); } else if (charCode) // Use charCode return charCodeToId(charCode); return null; }, /** * @param {Event} domEvent A dom event * @return {Boolean} True if the accelerator key was down for the given event.s */ isAcceleratorDown : function(domEvent) { // Add platform specific accelerator flag return _os == _Platform.MAC ? domEvent.metaKey : domEvent.ctrlKey; } }; // End Keyboard singleton /** * @param {Number} keyCode A key code to test * @return {Boolean} True if the key code is non-printable. I.E. not a printable symbol. */ function isNonPrintableKeyCode(keyCode) { return typeof keymaps.keyCodeToId[keyCode] == "string" || typeof keymaps.specialToCharCode[keyCode] == "string"; } /** * @param {Number} keyCode a keycode to test * @return {Boolean} True if the given keycode is identifiable. */ function isIdentifiableKeyCode(keyCode) { return isAlphaNumericAscii(keyCode) || keymaps.specialToCharCode[keyCode] || /* Enter, Space, Tab, Backspace */ keymaps.numpadToCharCode[keyCode] || /* Numpad */ isNonPrintableKeyCode(keyCode); /* non printable keys */ } /** * @param {Number} code A char-code (or which-code) to test * @return {Boolean} True if the given code is alphanumeric */ function isAlphaNumericAscii(code) { return (code >= keymaps.charCodeA && code <= keymaps.charCodeZ) || /* Upper */ (code >= keymaps.charCodea && code <= keymaps.charCodez) || /* Lower */ (code >= keymaps.charCode0 && code <= keymaps.charCode9); /* Numbers */ } /** * @param {Number} charCode A charactor code * @return {String} A key identifier for the given charactor code. Undefined if none exists. */ function charCodeToId(charCode) { return keymaps.specialToCharCode[charCode] || String.fromCharCode(charCode); } /** * @param {Number} keyCode A keycode * @return {String} A key identifier for the given key code. Undefined if none exists. */ function keyCodeToId(keyCode) { if (isIdentifiableKeyCode(keyCode)) { var numPadCharCode = keymaps.numpadToCharCode[keyCode]; if (numPadCharCode) return String.fromCharCode(numPadCharCode); return (keymaps.keyCodeToId[keyCode] || keymaps.specialToCharCode[keyCode] || String.fromCharCode(keyCode)); } else return null; } /** * @param {String} keyId The key identifier string to get the keycode for * @return {Number} The standadized keycode of the given key identifier */ function idToKeyCode(keyId) { return keymaps.idToKeyCode[keyId] || keyId.charCodeAt(0); } }) (); // End Keyboard.js //Start Selection.js var _toggleSectionHighlight; (function(){ /* * The selection model * * Users can select anything in the document, even GUI's etc. The selection is not native, but is a emulated * model which works on all browsers. The reason while it is emulated is because when the cursor module manipulates * the dom around the clicked nodes - the native selection models fall over and the selection goes haywire on every platform. * * Usually in a typical content editor the cursor follows the end-of-selection. However this is confusing for users * when a blinking cursor is outside editable sections since it suggests that users can edit non-editable html. * To avoid this confusion the cursor is hidden when the selection contains non-editable content. */ /* * The selection start/end node/indexes are virtual. Virtual node/indexes are nodes/index in the document * when there is no highlighed dom. Actual node/indexes are nodes/indexes in the document at the current state * which is effected by highlighted dom. */ var selStartNode = null, selStartIndex = null, selEndNode = null, selEndIndex = null, highlightFragment = null, fragmentOpList = null, formatOpList = null, hightlightCSS = { /*high: "#1C1C1C", low: "#FFFFFF"*/ high: "#3B4B5B", low: "#DFFFFF" }, settingCursor = false, /* Used for raising selection start/end MVC events. */ supressSelectionEvents = false, /* * Determines how many pixels away from a cursor's charactor/element * the mouse pointer should be to re-evaluate a new position. */ CURSOR_REEVALAUTE_TOLERANCE = 3, /* Elements to let clicks fall through */ fallthroughElements = $createLookupMap("button,input,select,textarea"), /* Inline elements which should not be included/bundled with a word (for word selection) */ wordBreakerInlines = $createLookupMap("br,button,img,iframe,map,object,select,textarea,applet"), /* TODO: REFACTOR- SHARE WITH WHITESPACE INTERNALS */ wordBreakerChars = /^\W$/, // TODO: Multilingual support - not just latin alphabet /* Elements used for focus/selection stealing */ focusContainer, focusStealerEle, /* True if the last mouse down was in a protected node. False if not. */ clickedProtectedNode; $enqueueInit("Selection", function(){ // Make as subject _model(de.selection); // Disable selection in IE if (typeof docBody.onselectstart != "undefined") docBody.onselectstart = function(){ return de.events.consume(window.event) }; var target = _engine == _Platform.GECKO ? window : document; _addHandler(target, "mousedown", onMouseDown); _addHandler(target, "mouseup", onMouseUp); _addHandler(target, "mousemove", onMouseMove); _addHandler(target, "dblclick", onDoubleClick); // Consume ACCEL+A events to prevent select-all _addHandler(document, "keydown", function(e) { if (de.events.Keyboard.isAcceleratorDown(e)) { if (e.keyCode == 65) return false; // NB: Doesn't work in presto } }); // Whenever the cursor is set outside of this module, keep the selection synchronized. de.cursor.addObserver({ onCursorChanged: function(cDesc){ if (settingCursor) return; if (cDesc) { // Get the cursors virtual node/index var vni = getVirtualNodeIndex(cDesc.domNode, getSelectionIndexFromCDesc(cDesc)); // Update the selection: If shift is down then set the new range, otherwise // set selection as a single point. if (de.events.current && de.events.current.shiftKey && selStartNode) de.selection.setSelection(selStartNode, selStartIndex, vni.node, vni.index, false); else de.selection.setSelection(vni.node, vni.index, null, null, false); } else de.selection.clear(); } }); // Always ensure that the selection is cleared before an action is executed/redone/undone function onBeforeAction() { de.selection.clear(); } de.UndoMan.addObserver({ onBeforeExec : onBeforeAction, onBeforeUndo : onBeforeAction, onBeforeRedo : onBeforeAction }); // Setup the focus steal element focusContainer = $createElement("div"); _setClassName(focusContainer, _PROTECTED_CLASS); focusContainer.innerHTML = ''; _setFullStyle(focusContainer, "position:absolute;width:1px;height:1px;display:none;z-index:-500"); focusStealerEle = focusContainer.firstChild; docBody.appendChild(focusContainer); }, "Cursor", "UndoMan"); /** * @param {Event} e A mouse down dom event */ function onMouseDown(e){ clickedProtectedNode = 0; var targetNode = de.events.getEventTarget(e); // Test if should let event fall through var nodeName = _nodeName(targetNode); if (targetNode && fallthroughElements[nodeName]) { // Alow selection in text boxes if (nodeName == "textarea" || (nodeName == "input" && targetNode.type == "text")) { // Get ride of dedit selection/cursor - switch edit paradigm to native text box de.selection.clear(); // clear selection de.cursor.setCursor(null); // clear focus } return; } if (de.events.Mouse.isLeftDown()) { // Ignore clicks in protected nodes if (de.doc.isProtectedNode(targetNode)) { clickedProtectedNode = 1; return; } // Get the cursor position at the mouse x/y coord var mousePos = de.events.getXYInWindowFromEvent(e), targetCursorDesc = de.cursor.getCursorDescAtXY(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, targetNode); if (!targetCursorDesc) { // Clear any cursor/selection de.cursor.setCursor(null); // Triggers MVC event and selection will update return false; } // Is the user ranging a selection via the shift key? if (e.shiftKey && selStartNode) { // Try and the cursor at the click position settingCursor = true; // Prevent updating selection due to cursor MVC events de.cursor.setCursor(targetCursorDesc); settingCursor = false; // Update the selection var vni = getVirtualNodeIndex(targetCursorDesc.domNode, getSelectionIndexFromCDesc(targetCursorDesc)); setSelection(selStartNode, selStartIndex, vni.node, vni.index, false); } else { // User is clicking in the document // Set the cursor at the click position de.cursor.setCursor(targetCursorDesc); // Triggers MVC event and selection will update // If the cursor was not supported at the target node, then the selection will have cleared... however // we want to allow for the user to select outside of editable sections if (!de.cursor.exists() && !de.doc.isProtectedNode(targetCursorDesc.domNode)) { var vni = getVirtualNodeIndex(targetCursorDesc.domNode, getSelectionIndexFromCDesc(targetCursorDesc)); setSelection(vni.node, vni.index, null, null, false); } } // Ensure that the document has focus... this will ensure that any input controls within the // document or in the browser loses focus so user input is forwarded to direct edit // Get the scrollbar state and set the focus stealer position in the viewport // to avoid scrolling the document var scrollPos = _getDocumentScrollPos(); // Position the float (container) at the top left of the viewport, // but if the scroll bars are at zero, then place the float // outside of the document... this will completely conceal the float focusContainer.style.left = (scrollPos.left == 0 ? -50 : scrollPos.left + 10) + "px"; focusContainer.style.top = (scrollPos.top == 0 ? -50 : scrollPos.top + 10) + "px"; focusContainer.style.display = ""; focusStealerEle.focus(); focusStealerEle.select(); focusContainer.style.display = "none"; // Disable native selection return false; } } /** * Implements manipulating of selection via dragging the mouse. * @param {Event} e A mouse move dom event */ function onMouseMove(e){ if (de.events.Mouse.isLeftDown() && selStartNode && !clickedProtectedNode) { // Is the user dragging the mouse - and changing the selection? // Avoid firing many selection event whenever the selection changes while dragging supressSelectionEvents = true; var mousePos = de.events.getXYInWindowFromEvent(e), curCDesc = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(); // Quick-check to see if the mouse pointer is not far from the current cursor // to avoid re-evaluting the cursors poistion via the relatively expensive dual binsearch // at every mouse move event: if (curCDesc && mousePos.x >= (curCDesc.x - CURSOR_REEVALAUTE_TOLERANCE) && mousePos.x <= (curCDesc.x + curCDesc.width + CURSOR_REEVALAUTE_TOLERANCE) && mousePos.y >= (curCDesc.y - CURSOR_REEVALAUTE_TOLERANCE) && mousePos.y <= (curCDesc.y + curCDesc.height + CURSOR_REEVALAUTE_TOLERANCE)) { var updateSelection = 0; // See is isRightOf flag needs flipping if (Math.abs(mousePos.x - curCDesc.x) < Math.abs(mousePos.x - (curCDesc.x + curCDesc.width))) { // The mouse is closer to the left of charactor/element that the cursor is currently at if (curCDesc.isRightOf) { // Need to flip the rightOf flag curCDesc.isRightOf = false; // flip settingCursor = true; de.cursor.setCursor(curCDesc); settingCursor = false; updateSelection = 1; } } else if (!curCDesc.isRightOf) { // The mouse is closer to the right of charactor/element that the cursor is currently at.. // but the current cursor is to the left of it. curCDesc.isRightOf = true; // flip settingCursor = true; de.cursor.setCursor(curCDesc); settingCursor = false; updateSelection = 1; } // Update the selection if (updateSelection) { var vni = getVirtualNodeIndex(curCDesc.domNode, getSelectionIndexFromCDesc(curCDesc)); setSelection(selStartNode, selStartIndex, vni.node, vni.index, false); } } else { // Re-evaluate the cursor's position via coordinates from the mouse event curCDesc = de.cursor.getCursorDescAtXY(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, de.events.getEventTarget(e)); if (curCDesc && !de.doc.isProtectedNode(curCDesc.domNode)) { var vni = getVirtualNodeIndex(curCDesc.domNode, getSelectionIndexFromCDesc(curCDesc)); // Update the selection setSelection(selStartNode, selStartIndex, vni.node, vni.index); } } } } /** * Raises selection changed events for dragged selection * @param {Object} e */ function onMouseUp(e) { // Was there any selection due to dragging the moust pointer? if (selStartNode && supressSelectionEvents) de.selection.fireEvent("SelectionChanged"); // Restore selection supression flag supressSelectionEvents = false; } // TODO: Triple-click to select full phraise function onDoubleClick(e) { // Ignore clicks in protected nodes if (!de.doc.isProtectedNode(de.events.getEventTarget(e))) { de.selection.clear(); var mousePos = de.events.getXYInWindowFromEvent(e); var cDesc = de.cursor.getCursorDescAtXY(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, de.events.getEventTarget(e)); // Double-clicked on anything to select? if (cDesc) { // Get the word the user selected on if any var range = de.selection.getWordRangeAt(cDesc.domNode, cDesc.relIndex); if (range) { // double clicked on word / space // Set the new selection to select the word setSelection(range.startNode, range.startIndex, range.endNode, range.endIndex); } } } return false; // TODO: DOES Disable selection in safari? } // See namespace docs function getVirtualNodeIndex(node, index) { if (highlightFragment) return highlightFragment.getOriginalNodeIndex(node, index); return {node:node,index:index}; } // See namespace docs function getActualNodeIndex(node, index) { if (highlightFragment) return highlightFragment.getAdjustedNodeIndex(node, index); return {node:node,index:index}; } /** * To be used when wanting the highlighted DOM cleared. * ONLY TO BE USED IN BRIEF MOMENTS: Always call the false then truee, never leave * in uneven state. * * @param {Boolean} on True to restore highlighting, false to clear any. */ _toggleSectionHighlight = function(on) { if (on && highlightFragment) { // Restore highlight css _redoOperations(formatOpList); } else if (!on && highlightFragment) { // Remove highlight formatting _undoOperations(formatOpList); } } /** * Visually highlights the current selection. Assumes that there is no selection highlight formatting. * Updates the cursor. */ function highlightSelection(){ debug.assert(formatOpList == null && fragmentOpList == null && highlightFragment == null); debug.assert(selStartNode != null && selEndNode != null); // Gets range in left-to-right order var selRange = de.selection.getRange(true); debug.assert(!_getOperations()); try { // Get the cursor cursor state var curCDesc = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(); highlightFragment = _buildFragment(_getCommonAncestor(selRange.startNode, selRange.endNode), selRange.startNode, selRange.startIndex, selRange.endNode, selRange.endIndex); // Get fragment build operations fragmentOpList = _getOperations() || []; // Apply the CSS Highlighting highlightFragment.visit(function(frag){ if (!frag.isShared) { var domNode = frag.node, highlightNode = null; if (domNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) highlightNode = domNode; else if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && frag.parent.isShared && _doesTextSupportNonWS(domNode)) { // If this non shared fragment is a text node who's parent is shared, then // in order to format this node then spans will be added as its parent highlightNode = $createElement("span"); highlightNode.className = "dehighlight-node"; // Add the format span and move the text node into it _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, highlightNode, domNode.parentNode, _indexInParent(domNode)); _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, domNode); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, domNode, highlightNode); } if (highlightNode) { // TODO : Use Classes instead?? although setting actual style will have best precedence // Get background color for this element /*var bgColor, bgNode = highlightNode; do { bgColor = _getComputedStyle(bgNode, "background-color"); bgNode = bgNode.parentNode; } while (bgNode && bgColor == "transparent"); // CSS Defaut for background color if (bgColor && bgColor != "") { bgColor = _getColorRGB(bgColor); } else bgColor = [255, 255, 255]; // Get bg color brightness var intensity = ((bgColor[0] / 255) + (bgColor[1] / 255) + (bgColor[2] / 255)) / 3; // Override/set background and foreground color style for this element _execOp(_Operation.SET_CSS_STYLE, highlightNode, "backgroundColor", intensity >= 0.5 ? hightlightCSS.high : hightlightCSS.low); _execOp(_Operation.SET_CSS_STYLE, highlightNode, "color", intensity >= 0.5 ? hightlightCSS.low : hightlightCSS.high); */ // ABOVE KILLS PERFORMANCE // if (!_isBlockLevel(highlightNode) || !_isAncestor(highlightNode, selRange.endNode)) { _execOp(_Operation.SET_CSS_STYLE, highlightNode, "backgroundColor", hightlightCSS.high); _execOp(_Operation.SET_CSS_STYLE, highlightNode, "color", hightlightCSS.low); // } } } }); // End visiting all fragments // Get the formatting operations formatOpList = _getOperations() || []; // Update the new cursor pos -If there is a cursor, then its node/index may need updating if (curCDesc) { var cursorANI = getActualNodeIndex(curCDesc.domNode, curCDesc.relIndex); if (cursorANI.node != curCDesc.domNode || cursorANI.index != curCDesc.relIndex) { curCDesc.domNode = cursorANI.node; curCDesc.relIndex = cursorANI.index; settingCursor = true; de.cursor.setCursor(curCDesc); settingCursor = false; } } } catch (e) { settingHighlight = false; selStartNode = selEndNode = highlightFragment = null; formatOpList = null; throw e; } } /** * Un-highlights any previous highlighting if there is any. * Updates the cursor. */ function unHighlightSelection(){ if (highlightFragment) { // Keep the cursor updated var curCDesc = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(); var cursorVNI = curCDesc ? getVirtualNodeIndex(curCDesc.domNode, curCDesc.relIndex) : null; _undoOperations(formatOpList); _undoOperations(fragmentOpList); formatOpList = fragmentOpList = highlightFragment = null; // If there was a cursor, then update its node / index due to highlighting if (cursorVNI && (cursorVNI.node != curCDesc.domNode || cursorVNI.index != curCDesc.relIndex)) { curCDesc.domNode = cursorVNI.node; curCDesc.relIndex = cursorVNI.index; settingCursor = true; de.cursor.setCursor(curCDesc); settingCursor = false; } } } /* * See namespace docs */ function setSelection(startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex, updateCursor) { debug.assert(!startNode || (startNode && typeof(startIndex) == "number")); debug.assert(!endNode || (endNode && typeof(endIndex) == "number")); // Should the selection be cleared? if (!startNode) { de.selection.clear(updateCursor); // Fires selection changed return; } // If the start and end node/index is the same, then nullify the end point. if (startNode == endNode && startIndex == endIndex) endNode = null; // See if selection needs updating if (startNode == selStartNode && startIndex == selStartIndex && ((!endNode && !selEndNode) || (endNode == selEndNode && endIndex == selEndIndex))) return; // Clear selection highlight if any unHighlightSelection(); // Set selection model (all virtual) selStartNode = startNode; selStartIndex = startIndex; selEndNode = endNode; selEndIndex = endIndex; // If the selection range has an end point then highlight it, // and adjust the range to exclude any protected nodes if (selEndNode) { var startOccursFirst = doesStartOccurFirst(), procContainer; // Adjust selection start/end to exclude protected nodes while(selStartNode) { procContainer = de.doc.getProtectedNodeContainer(selStartNode); if (procContainer) { selStartNode = (startOccursFirst ? procContainer.nextSibling : procContainer.previousSibling); if (selStartNode) selStartIndex = startOccursFirst ? 0 : _nodeLength(selStartNode, 1); } else break; } while(selEndNode) { procContainer = de.doc.getProtectedNodeContainer(selEndNode); if (procContainer) { selEndNode = (startOccursFirst ? procContainer.previousSibling : procContainer.nextSibling); if (selEndNode) selEndIndex = startOccursFirst ? _nodeLength(selEndNode, 1) : 0; } else break; } var isValid = selStartNode && selEndNode; if (isValid) { isValid = false; // Verify valid range // Relocate protected nodes if they fall into the range var relocateProcContainers = []; _visitAllNodes(_getCommonAncestor(selStartNode, selEndNode), selStartNode, startOccursFirst, function(domNode){ procContainer = de.doc.getProtectedNodeContainer(domNode); debug.assert(!procContainer || (procContainer && (domNode != selStartNode && domNode != selEndNode))); if (procContainer) relocateProcContainers.push(procContainer); // Stop the traversal when reached the selection end node if (domNode == selEndNode) { isValid = true; // Flag as valid return false; } }); } if (!isValid) { //debug.println("WARNING: Attempt to set selection range within a protected node"); de.selection.clear(updateCursor); return; } // Relocate protected containers so they are outside of the selection for (var i in relocateProcContainers) { var pc = relocateProcContainers[i]; if (pc.parentNode) // TODO: AND NOT DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE ?? pc.parentNode.removeChild(pc); } for (var i in relocateProcContainers) { var pc = relocateProcContainers[i]; if (!pc.parentNode) docBody.appendChild(pc); } // Visually highlight range highlightSelection(); } // Should the cursor be adjusted to be placed at the start/end of the new range? if (updateCursor !== false) { var newCursor = null; // Only set cursor if the range is editable if (de.selection.isRangeEditable()) { var ani = selEndNode ? getActualNodeIndex(selEndNode, selEndIndex) : getActualNodeIndex(selStartNode, selStartIndex); // Adjust index if at end of text run var isRightOf = false; if (ani.node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && ani.index >= _nodeLength(ani.node)) { isRightOf = true; ani.index--; } //newCursor = de.cursor.createCursorDesc(ani.node, ani.index, isRightOf); newCursor = de.cursor.getNearestCursorDesc(ani.node, ani.index, isRightOf, true); } // Set the cursor settingCursor = true; de.cursor.setCursor(newCursor); settingCursor = false; } // Fire selection ended event if (!supressSelectionEvents) de.selection.fireEvent("SelectionChanged"); } /** * @param {de.cursor.CursorDescriptor} cDesc A cursor descrptor * @return {Number} The selection index of the given cursor. */ function getSelectionIndexFromCDesc(cDesc){ var index = cDesc.relIndex; if (cDesc.isRightOf && cDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) index ++; return index; } /** * @return {Boolean} True if the selection start occurs before the selection end. */ function doesStartOccurFirst() { if (!selEndNode) return true; if (selStartNode == selEndNode) return selStartIndex < selEndIndex; // Convert sel start/end virtual range to actual dom nodes var actualStart = getActualNodeIndex(selStartNode, selStartIndex).node, actualEnd = getActualNodeIndex(selEndNode, selEndIndex).node; var startOccursFirst = false; _visitAllNodes(docBody, actualStart, true, function(domNode){ startOccursFirst = (domNode == actualEnd); return !startOccursFirst; }); return startOccursFirst; } /** * @namespace * Cross-browser DEdit-specific selection. Implemented as a continuous selection model. */ de.selection = { /** * Sets a new selection. * * @param {Node} startNode The starting dom node of the selection range. * * @param {Number} startIndex The inclusive start index in the start node. * Ranges from 0 to the text length for text nodes. * Where 0 indicates that the range begins at the first char, and text length * indicates that the range begins directly after the text node, but not including it. *
* Ranges from 0 to 1 for elements. * Where 0 indicates that the range includes the element and its decendants, * and 1 indicates that the range excludes the element and its decendants. * * * @param {Node} endNode The ending dom node of the selection range. * * @param {Number} endIndex The inclusive end index in the end node. * Ranges from 0 to the text length for text nodes. * Where 0 indicates that the range ends at the first char, and text length * indicates that the range ends directly after the text node, but not including it. *
* Ranges from 0 to 1 for elements. * Where 0 indicates that the range includes the element and its decendants, * and 1 indicates that the range excludes the element and its decendants. */ setSelection: setSelection, /** * Clears any current selection in the document. * Implementaion Note: If there is highlighting, the the DOM will be manipulated and the cursor will be * updated. * @param {Boolean} updateCursor (optional) False to supress updating the cursor. Otherwise will destroy the current cursor. */ clear: function(updateCursor){ // Restore any highlighting unHighlightSelection(); // Nullify range selStartNode = selEndNode = null; // Update the cursor if (updateCursor !== false) { settingCursor = true; de.cursor.setCursor(null); settingCursor = false; } if (!supressSelectionEvents) de.selection.fireEvent("SelectionChanged"); }, /** * Retreives the selection range. * * @param {Boolean} inOrder True to get the range in left-to-right traversal order, * False to get the range as it is (i.e. the selection end may physically appear before the selection start). * * @return {Object} The current selections range in the document. Null if there is none. * The selection range will have the following members: *
* startNode - the dom node of the beginning of the selection *
* startIndex - the index of the beginning of the selection. *
* endNode - the dom node of the end of the selection. * May not be present - if not, then the selection does not range for more than one charactor/element * (i.e. no highlighting present). *
* endIndex - the index of the end of the selection. * May not be present - if not, then the selection does not range for more than one charactor/element * (i.e. no highlighting present). *
* inOrder - True if the start tuple occurs before the end tuple wrt in-order traversal. * */ getRange: function(inOrder) { if (!selStartNode) return null; if (selEndNode) { // Is there selection ranging beyond one charactor/element? var startOccursFirst = doesStartOccurFirst(); // Determine whether the start point occurs before the end point var declareStartFirst = !inOrder || startOccursFirst; range = { inOrder : inOrder || (startOccursFirst == declareStartFirst), startNode: declareStartFirst ? selStartNode : selEndNode, startIndex: declareStartFirst ? selStartIndex : selEndIndex, endNode: declareStartFirst ? selEndNode : selStartNode, endIndex: declareStartFirst ? selEndIndex : selStartIndex }; } else { range = { startNode: selStartNode, startIndex: selStartIndex }; } return range; }, /** * @return {Boolean} True if there is selection which is all editable. False if there is no selection, * or the selection contains non-editable content. */ isRangeEditable : function() { if (selStartNode) { var actualStart = getActualNodeIndex(selStartNode, selStartIndex).node; var actualEnd = selEndNode ? getActualNodeIndex(selEndNode, selEndIndex).node : actualStart; var ca = _getCommonAncestor(actualStart, actualEnd, true); return (actualStart != actualEnd && de.doc.isEditSection(ca)) || de.doc.isNodeEditable(ca); } return false; }, /** * @return {String} "highlight" if there is a highlighted selection, * "single" if their is only a cursor present (no highlighted range) * Null if there is nothing selected. */ getState : function() { if (highlightFragment) return "range"; if (selStartNode) return "single"; return null; }, /** * Converts the given node index into an actual tuple. * * An actual tuple is a node and index which is valid while selectoin highlighting is present. * (Selection highlighting can create new nodes). * * @param {Node} node The node to convert * * @param {Number} index The index to convert * * @return {Object} An node/index tuple of the actual values. */ getActualNodeIndex : getActualNodeIndex, /** * Converts the given node index into a virtual tuple. * * A virtual tuple is a node and index which is valid when all selection highlighting is removed. * (Selection highlighting can create new nodes). * * @param {Node} node The node to convert * * @param {Number} index The index to convert * * @return {Object} An node/index tuple of the virtual values. * */ getVirtualNodeIndex : getVirtualNodeIndex, setHightlightCSS: function(){ // TODO.. }, /** * Removes the current selection from the document (which is undoable - automatically added to undo manager). * @return {Boolean} True if there was something selected and therefore removed. * False if there was nothing to remove. * * @throws Error if range is not editable. * * @see de.selection.isRangeEditable */ remove : function() { var selRange = this.getRange(true); if (selRange && selRange.endNode) { if (!this.isRangeEditable()) _error("Attempt to remove selection which contains uneditable content"); // Execute the removal action de.UndoMan.execute( "RemoveDOM", selRange.startNode, selRange.startIndex, selRange.endNode, selRange.endIndex); return true; } return false; }, /** * @return {Node} A copy of the selection in the document if there is anything highlighted. * Null if there is nothing highlighted. */ getHighlightedDOM : function() { // Is there anything highlighted? if (highlightFragment) { // Get rid of highlight CSS _undoOperations(formatOpList); var highlightRoot = (function trav(frag){ // Shallow copy the fragment's dom node var clonedNode = frag.node.cloneNode(false); // Recurse into fragments children and build up cloned dom tree for (var i in frag.children) { var child = trav(frag.children[i]); clonedNode.appendChild(child); } return clonedNode; })(highlightFragment); // Restore highlight CSS _redoOperations(formatOpList); return highlightRoot; } return null; }, /** * Selects all content in an editable section. * * @param {Node} targetES (Optional) An editable selection to select. If not provided the * current cursor's editable section owner will be selected. */ selectAll: function(targetES) { // If target editable section not provided then get ES at current cursor position if (!targetES) { var cDesc = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(); if (cDesc) targetES = de.doc.getEditSectionContainer(cDesc.domNode); } // Anything to select? if (targetES) { de.selection.setSelection( targetES.firstChild, 0, targetES.lastChild, _nodeLength(targetES.lastChild, 1)); } }, /** * Selects the start or end of an editable sectoin * @param {Element} esEle An editable sectoin * @param {Boolean} start True to select the beginning of the editable section, false for the end */ selectES : function(esEle, start) { debug.assert(de.doc.isEditSection(esEle)); var deepNode = esEle; if (start) { while (deepNode.firstChild) { deepNode = deepNode.firstChild; } } else { while (deepNode.lastChild) { deepNode = deepNode.lastChild; } } var cDesc = de.cursor.getNearestCursorDesc(deepNode, start ? 0 : _nodeLength(deepNode, 1), !start, !start); if (cDesc) de.cursor.setCursor(cDesc); }, /** * @param {Node} node A dome node * @param {Index} index An index (ranges from 0-text-length-1 for text nodes). * @return {Object} The range of a word at the given index - null if there is no word. */ getWordRangeAt : function(node, index) { if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { var range = { startNode:node, startIndex:index, endNode:node, endIndex:index }; var checkESBoundry = de.doc.isNodeEditable(node); // Expand start backward to first occurance whitespace / block exclusive _visitAllNodes(docBody, node, false, function(domNode) { if (domNode != node && _findAncestor(domNode, _getCommonAncestor(domNode, node, true), isWordBreakElement, true)) return false; // Abort when break out of inline group else if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { // Scan for whitespace - extend range backward for (var i = domNode == node ? index : _nodeLength(domNode) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var c = domNode.nodeValue.charAt(i); //if (_isAllWhiteSpace(c) || c == _NBSP) if (wordBreakerChars.test(c)) return false; range.startNode = domNode; range.startIndex = i; } } }); // Expand start forward to first occurance whitespace / block exclusive _visitAllNodes(docBody, node, true, function(domNode) { if (domNode != node && (isWordBreakElement(domNode) || _findAncestor(node, _getCommonAncestor(domNode, node, true), isWordBreakElement, true))) return false; // Abort when break out of inline group if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { // Scan for whitespace - extend range backward for (var i = domNode == node ? index : 0; i < _nodeLength(domNode); i++) { var c = domNode.nodeValue.charAt(i); //if (_isAllWhiteSpace(c) || c == _NBSP) if (wordBreakerChars.test(c)) return false; range.endNode = domNode; range.endIndex = i; } } }); range.endIndex++; return range; } function isWordBreakElement(domNode) { return _isBlockLevel(domNode) || wordBreakerInlines[_nodeName(domNode)] || (checkESBoundry && de.doc.isEditSection(domNode)); } }, /** * * @param {[String]} formatTypes The format types to poll. Case insensitive. See format dom action for format type list * * @return {Object} The edit state */ getEditState : function(formatTypes) { var state = { formatStates : {}, inlineContainerType : null, textAlign : null, blockQuote : false }; // Is highlight? if (highlightFragment) { // Remove highlight formatting _undoOperations(formatOpList); // Traverse through nodes ... checking inlines for computed CSS and for block-parent types / links (function trav(frag){ updateState(frag.node); })(highlightFragment); // Restore highlight css _redoOperations(formatOpList); } // Is there any selection - and is it a textnode/inline node? if (selStartNode && (selStartNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE || _isInlineLevel(selStartNode))) updateState(selStartNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ? selStartNode.parentNode : selStartNode); // Return the state return state; function isBlockQuote(domNode) { return _nodeName(domNode) == "blockquote"; } function updateState(node) { if (_isInlineLevel(node)) { var eProps = de.doc.getEditProperties(node) || {}; // TODO: Format filtering here? Or at another place - i.e. via keystrokes wouldnt use this function... // Could have in both places... could always do it in actions // Determine format states for (var i in formatTypes) { var fType = formatTypes[i].toLowerCase(); // Determine formattings if (!state.formatStates[fType] || state.formatStates[fType] != "mixed") { var current = node, wasFound = false; while (current != docBody && de.doc.isNodeEditable(current)) { // for each editable ancestor up to the document body // Evaluate specific format state on specific node var res = _formatEnvironment[fType + "Eval"](current); if (res) { if (typeof state.formatStates[fType] == "undefined") state.formatStates[fType] = res.value; // Set first time else if (state.formatStates[fType] !== res.value) state.formatStates[fType] = "mixed"; wasFound = true; break; } current = current.parentNode; } // End loop: scanning ancestors formatting // Was the current format type found? if (!wasFound) state.formatStates[fType] = (state.formatStates[fType] === null || typeof state.formatStates[fType] == "undefined") ? null : "mixed"; } } // End loop: evaluating format states } if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // Evaluate text alignment if (state.textAlign != "mixed") { var alignment = _getComputedStyle(node, "text-align"); if (!alignment) alignment = "start"; // Left/Right value based on start/end is conditional - depends on if browser is LTR OR RTL if (alignment == "start") alignment = _localeDirection == "rtl" ? "right" : "left"; else if (alignment == "start") alignment = _localeDirection == "rtl" ? "left" : "right"; if (!state.textAlign) state.textAlign = alignment; else if (alignment != state.textAlign) state.textAlign = "mixed"; } // Evaluate inline container type if (state.inlineContainerType != "mixed") { var iCon = _isBlockLevel(node) ? node : _findAncestor(node, docBody, _isBlockLevel, true); if (!de.doc.isNodeEditable(iCon)) iCon = null; var cType = iCon ? _nodeName(iCon) : "none"; if (!state.inlineContainerType) state.inlineContainerType = cType; else if (cType != state.inlineContainerType) state.inlineContainerType = "mixed"; } // Evaluate blockquote state if (!state.blockQuote) { var bq = isBlockQuote(node) ? node : _findAncestor(node, docBody, isBlockQuote, true); if (de.doc.isNodeEditable(bq)) state.blockQuote = true; } } } } }; })(); //End Selection.js //Start Spell.js $enqueueInit("Spell", function() { // Setup auto-selection of marked errors _addHandler(_engine == _Platform.GECKO ? window : document, "mouseup", function() { var sel = de.selection.getRange(); if (sel && !sel.endNode) { // The user clicked in an editable section... i.e. did not range a selection var spellNode = de.spell.getMarkedAncestor(sel.startNode); if (spellNode) { // The user click inside inline content marked as a spelling error // so select the whole word de.selection.setSelection({ startNode:spellNode, startIndex:0, endNode:spellNode, endIndex:1 }); } } }); }, "Selection"); // add mouseup event after selection's event registration (function() { var /** * The classname of the wrappers used for marking spelling mistakes * @final * @type String */ SPELL_MARK_CLASS_NAME = "sw-spell-error", SPELL_MARK_CLASS_NAME_RE = /^sw-spell-error$/; /** * @namespace */ de.spell = { /** * @param {[Element]} editableSections (Optional) The editable sections to get words from. * If not provided then all editable sections will be queried. * * @return {[String]} The set of words found in all the given editable sections. */ getWords : function(editableSections) { if (!editableSections) editableSections = de.doc.getAllEditSections(); var words = [], wmap = {}; for (var i in editableSections) { visitWords(editableSections[i], function(word) { if (!wmap[word]) { // Unique word? words.push(word); wmap[word] = 1; // Track words to build a set } }); } return words; }, /** * Scans a given set of editable sections for spelling errors, for each spelling error found * it wraps them with a span with the spelling error class. * * Calling this may result in a undoable action executed * via the undo manager (where the users can undo themselves). * * @param {[String]|String} errors An array of miss-spelt words - or a string of whitespace seporated words * * @param {[Element]} editableSections (Optional) An array of editable sections to mark errors for. * If not provided then all editable sections will be queried. */ markWords : function(errors, editableSections) { if (!editableSections) editableSections = de.doc.getAllEditSections(); // Convert error array/string into a lookup map errors = $createLookupMap(typeof errors == "string" ? errors.replace(/\s/g,',') : errors.join(',')); var foundError = 0; for (var i in editableSections) { visitWords(editableSections[i], function(word, startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex) { // Is this word considered an error? if (errors[word]) { // Wrap the word and get the fragment of the selected word. // Group all the actions together as one unit. var frag = de.UndoMan.execute( foundError ? de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.GROUP : 0, 'SpellMark', startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex + 1); foundError = 1; return frag.children[frag.children.length-1].node; // Return the (exclusive) resume node as the last text node that made up the word } }); } }, /** * Clears all words marked with spelling errors in a given set of editable sections. * This operation will add a single undoable action to the undo manager if any * marked spelling errors are found. * * @param {[Element]} editableSections (Optional) An array of editable sections to clear marked errors from. * If not provided then all editable sections will be queried. * * @return {Boolean} Evaluates true if some errors were unmarked (i.e. an undoable action was added * to the undo managaer). */ clearAllMarks : function(editableSections) { if (!editableSections) editableSections = de.doc.getAllEditSections(); var errorWrappers = [], i; for (i in editableSections) { // Find all spelling error wrappers in each editable section _visitAllNodes(editableSections[i], editableSections[i], true, function(domNode) { if (de.spell.isSpellErrorWrapper(domNode)) errorWrappers.push(domNode); }); } // Remove all the wrappers for (i in errorWrappers) { de.UndoMan.execute(i == '0' ? 0 : de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.GROUP, "SpellUnmark", errorWrappers[i]); } // If nothing was found then zero will be returned. return errorWrappers.length; }, /** * Clears a specific marked spelling error. * This will add an action to the undo manager. * * @param {Element} markNode The spelling error wrapper to "ignore" (i.e. remove) */ ignoreError : function(markNode, execFlags) { de.UndoMan.execute(execFlags ? execFlags : 0, 'SpellUnmark', markNode); }, /** * Replaces an error with a correction. * This will add an action to the undo manager. * * @param {Element} markNode The spelling error wrapper to "correct" (i.e. replace) * @param {String} correction The word to replace the spelling error with */ correctError : function(markNode, correction) { de.UndoMan.execute('SpellCorrect', markNode, correction); }, /** * @param {Node} node A dom node * @return {Element} The spelling error wrapper which is either the given dom node or a ancestor of the given dom node. */ getMarkedAncestor : function(node) { return this.isSpellErrorWrapper(node) ? node : _findAncestor(node, this.isSpellErrorWrapper); }, /** * @param {Node} node The node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff the node is a spelling error wrapper element. */ isSpellErrorWrapper : function(node) { return _findClassName(node, SPELL_MARK_CLASS_NAME_RE) ? true : false; }, /** * Strips spelling wrapper tags from HTML * * @param {String} html HTML Markup. * * @return {String} The given HTML with all spelling error wrappers removed. */ stripSpellWrapperHTML : function(html) { var re = /([^<]+)<\/span>/i; // TODO: Can I just use replace rather than dealing with loops all the time? // Remove spelling wrappers via RE while (match = re.exec(html)) { html = html.substr(0, match.index) + match[1] + html.substr(match.index + match[0].length); } return html; } }; /** * Scans for words in an editable section. * * @param {Element} editableSection The editable section to scan words for * * @param {Function} callback The callback function to send words to. Takes 5 args: * word (string) - The word that was found * startNode (Node) - The start text node of the word * startIndex (Number) - The start index of the word within the start text node * endNode (Node) - The end text node of the word * endIndex (Number) - The end index of the word within the end text node * * Return the node to exclusively resume the in-order traversal from */ function visitWords(editableSection, callback) { var wordBreakerChars = /^[^\w']$/, resumeNode = editableSection, startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex, curWord; while (resumeNode) { // Continue visiting nodes within the editable section... _visitAllNodes(editableSection, resumeNode, true, function(domNode) { // Skip resume node (exclusive start point) if (resumeNode == domNode) resumeNode = 0; // Clear current resume node else { // For all text nodes within an element (e.g. not within comments, styles or scripts)... if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && domNode.parentNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // Only allow words to extend between adjacent text nodes .. otherwise // wrapping the words will become over complex and bloat the code. if (endNode && domNode.previousSibling != endNode) { if (checkWord()) return false; // NB: Will revisit this node since will exclusively resume at the previous sibling } var str = domNode.nodeValue, i; // For each charactor in this text node's string for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var c = str.charAt(i); // Is this charactor a part of a word or a word breaker? if (wordBreakerChars.test(c)) { // If so then check for a pending word... if (checkWord()) return false; } else { // Found word symbol // Set start node/index for start of new word if (!startNode) { startNode = domNode; startIndex = i; curWord = ""; } // Build word curWord += c; // Track end point endNode = domNode; endIndex = i; } } // End loop: parsing words in text node } } }); } // End loop: visiting nodes within the given editable section // Check any pending word.... checkWord(); /** * Checks if there is a pending word, if there is then the callback is invoked. * @return {Node} The node to exclusively resume from if the callback changed the DOM. */ function checkWord() { // Is there a word pending? Exclude words in a package or within a protected heirarchy if (startNode && endNode && !de.doc.isProtectedNode(startNode) && !de.doc.isNodePackaged(startNode)) { // Invoke callback resumeNode = callback(curWord, startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex); // Reset start/end point. startNode = endNode = 0; // Return result return resumeNode; } // Reset start/end point. startNode = endNode = 0; } } // End visitWords function _registerAction("SpellMark", { /** * An undoable action: wraps a adjacent group of text nodes with a spelling error wrapper * * @param {Node} startNode * @param {Number} startIndex * @param {Node} endNode * @param {Number} endIndex */ exec : function(startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex) { // Build a fragment - isolating the word within the text node var frag = _buildFragment(null, startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex), wrapper = $createElement("span"); // Wrap the text with a span _setClassName(wrapper, SPELL_MARK_CLASS_NAME); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, wrapper, frag.node, frag.children[0].pos); for (var i = 0; i < frag.children.length; i++) { var migrant = frag.children[i].node; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrant); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrant, wrapper); } return frag; } }); _registerAction("SpellUnmark", { /** * Removes a wrapper * * @param {Element} markedNode A mark wrapper element to remove... */ exec : function(markedNode) { debug.assert(markedNode && de.spell.isSpellErrorWrapper(markedNode)); // Decide whether to remove the wrapper /*var shouldRemove = _getClassName(node) != SPELL_MARK_CLASS_NAME; if (!shouldRemove) shouldRemove = _doesHaveElementStyle(node); */ // TODO: REFACTOR THIS OPERATION... IT IS USED EVERYWHERE while(markedNode.firstChild) { var migrant = markedNode.firstChild; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrant); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrant, markedNode.parentNode, _indexInParent(markedNode)); } _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, markedNode); } }); _registerAction("SpellCorrect", { /** * Replaces an error with a correction. * * @param {Element} markNode The spelling error wrapper to "correct" (i.e. replace) * @param {String} correction The word to replace the spelling error with */ exec : function(markedNode, correction) { _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, document.createTextNode(correction), markedNode.parentNode, _indexInParent(markedNode)); _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, markedNode); } }); })(); //End Spell.js //Start Typing.js de.Typing = {}; // Model (function(){ $enqueueInit("Typing", function() { _addHandler(document, "keystroke", onKeyStroke); _model(de.Typing); }, "MVC"); function onKeyStroke(e, normalizedKey) { debug.println("Key-Stroke: '" + normalizedKey + "'"); // Fire typing event var typingEvent = {cancel:false}; de.Typing.fireEvent("Typing", typingEvent, e, normalizedKey); // Cancel event if requested if (typingEvent.cancel) return; // Is the CTRL (or Apple-func key for mac) down? if (de.events.Keyboard.isAcceleratorDown(e)) { switch (normalizedKey.toLowerCase()) { case "z": de.UndoMan.undo(); return false; case "y": de.UndoMan.redo(); return false; } } // Don't manipulate the selection if it is not editable if (!de.selection.isRangeEditable() || !de.cursor.exists()) return; var targetES = de.doc.getEditSectionContainer(de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc().domNode); // Is the CTRL (or Apple-func key for mac) down? if (de.events.Keyboard.isAcceleratorDown(e)) { switch (normalizedKey.toLowerCase()) { case "b": toggleFormat("bold"); return false; case "i": toggleFormat("italics"); return false; case "u": toggleFormat("underline"); return false; case "a": // Select all de.selection.selectAll(targetES); return false; } } else if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.altKey) { var keyStr = normalizedKey; if (keyStr) { if (keyStr.length > 1) { switch (keyStr) { case "Space": keyStr = " "; break; case "Tab": // Indentation / promotion if (_isBlockLevel(targetES) || targetES == docBody) { var firstBlock = _findAncestor(de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc().domNode, docBody, _isBlockLevel, 1); if (firstBlock && _nodeName(firstBlock) == "li") { if (e.shiftKey) de.UndoMan.execute("DemoteItem"); else de.UndoMan.execute("PromoteItem"); } else de.UndoMan.execute("Indent", !e.shiftKey); } return false; case "Delete": case "Backspace": if (de.selection.remove()) { return false; } else { // Get the cursor descriptor var cursorDesc = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(), preDesc, postDesc; if (keyStr == "Backspace") { if (cursorDesc.isRightOf && (cursorDesc.placement == (de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER | de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE))) { // Delete before/after nodes completely if cursor is directly after them preDesc = _clone(cursorDesc); preDesc.isRightOf = false; } else { preDesc = de.cursor.getNextCursorMovement(cursorDesc, true); } postDesc = cursorDesc; } else { // Delete is just like backspace on the right charactor. preDesc = cursorDesc; if (!cursorDesc.isRightOf && (cursorDesc.placement == (de.cursor.PlacementFlag.AFTER | de.cursor.PlacementFlag.BEFORE))) { // Delete before/after nodes completely if cursor is directly after them postDesc = _clone(cursorDesc); postDesc.isRightOf = true; } else { postDesc = de.cursor.getNextCursorMovement(cursorDesc, false); } } if (preDesc && postDesc) { // Check that the range is valid var isEditable = de.doc.isNodeEditable(postDesc.domNode); if (isEditable && postDesc.domNode != preDesc.domNode) isEditable &= de.doc.isNodeEditable(preDesc.domNode); if (isEditable) { var preIndex; if (preDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { preIndex = preDesc.relIndex; if (preDesc.isRightOf) preIndex++; } else { if (_nodeName(preDesc.domNode) == "br") { // If the pre desc is a line break, then count how many other line breaks there are between the pre/post desc var brCount = 0; _visitNodes(_getCommonAncestor(preDesc.domNode, postDesc.domNode), preDesc.domNode, true, null, function(domNode){ if (_nodeName(domNode) == "br") brCount++; return domNode != postDesc.domNode; }); // If there are more than one line breaks, then exclude the starting line break... since only // one line break should be removed preIndex = brCount > 1 ? 1 : 0; } else preIndex = preDesc.isRightOf ? 1 : 0; } var postIndex; if (postDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { postIndex = postDesc.relIndex; if (postDesc.isRightOf) postIndex++; } else { // If the pre desc is a line break, then count how many other line breaks there are between the pre/post desc if (_nodeName(postDesc.domNode) == "br") { var brCount = 0; _visitNodes(_getCommonAncestor(preDesc.domNode, postDesc.domNode), preDesc.domNode, true, null, function(domNode){ if (_nodeName(domNode) == "br" && !(domNode == preDesc.domNode && preIndex == 1)) brCount++; return domNode != postDesc.domNode; }); // If there are more than one line breaks, then exclude the ending line break... since only // one line break should be removed postIndex = brCount > 1 ? 0 : 1; } else postIndex = postDesc.isRightOf ? 1 : 0; } // Get virtual range since cursor node/index may probably be affected by the selection var preVNI = de.selection.getVirtualNodeIndex(preDesc.domNode, preIndex), postVNI = de.selection.getVirtualNodeIndex(postDesc.domNode, postIndex); // See if can use light-weight remove text action if (preVNI.node == postVNI.node && preVNI.node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) de.UndoMan.execute("RemoveText", preVNI.node, preVNI.index, postVNI.index - preVNI.index); else { // Check to see that the range does not remove any editable sections var ca = _getCommonAncestor(preVNI.node, postVNI.node, true); if (de.doc.isEditSection(ca) || de.doc.isNodeEditable(ca)) de.UndoMan.execute("RemoveDOM", preVNI.node, preVNI.index, postVNI.node, postVNI.index); } } } // signal that no further event processing from further up the event stack is needed return false; } case "Enter": de.selection.remove(); var cursorDesc = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(); debug.assert(cursorDesc != null); var index = cursorDesc.relIndex; if (cursorDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) index += (cursorDesc.isRightOf ? 1 : 0); else index = cursorDesc.isRightOf ? 1 : 0; if (!de.doc.getEditProperties(targetES).singleLine) { if (e.shiftKey) { var lbHTML = "
"; // Line breaks may need place holders too if (!(cursorDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && index < _nodeLength(cursorDesc.domNode))) lbHTML += _getOuterHTML(de.doc.createMNPlaceholder()); de.UndoMan.execute("InsertHTML", lbHTML, cursorDesc.domNode.parentNode, cursorDesc.domNode, index); } else if (_isBlockLevel(targetES) || targetES == docBody) { // Should never allow block container to be created in inline editable sections! (Invaid HTML) de.UndoMan.execute("SplitContainer", cursorDesc.domNode, index); } } return false; case "Home": case "End": // Set the cursor to either the beggining or end of the current editable section. var isHome = keyStr == "Home", boundDesc = de.cursor.getNearestCursorDesc(targetES, isHome ? 0 : 1, !isHome, !isHome); if (boundDesc) { de.cursor.setCursor(boundDesc); de.cursor.scrollToCursor(); return false; } default: return true; } } // The key press is a printable charactor. // Remove any selection there might be de.selection.remove(); // Get the cursor descriptor var cursorDesc = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(); debug.assert(cursorDesc != null); // Calculate the cursor index var index = cursorDesc.relIndex; if (cursorDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && cursorDesc.isRightOf) index++; else if (cursorDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) index = cursorDesc.isRightOf ? 1 : 0; // Perform a text insert action via the undo manager de.UndoMan.execute("InsertText", cursorDesc.domNode, keyStr, index); return false; } } } /** * * @param {String} formatType * @return {Boolean} True if something was formatted, false if not */ function toggleFormat(formatType) { // Perform the action via the undo manager return de.UndoMan.execute("Format", formatType, !de.selection.getEditState([formatType]).formatStates[formatType]) ? true : false; } })(); //End Typing.js //Start TextAlingAction.js (function() { var excludeAlignBlocks = $createLookupMap("dt,dd,caption,colgroup,col,thead,tfoot,tbody,legend,optgroup,option,area,frame"); _registerAction("TextAlign", { /** * An undoable alignment action. Sets the text alignment for all block levels in given range. * Creates new containers on the fly if needed. * * @author Brook Novak * * @param {String} alignment The CSS text-alignment value. Either left, right, center or justify. * * @param {Node} startNode (Optional) The starting dom node of the range to align. * If not provided then the current selection will be used. * If provieded must also provide endNode * * @param {Node} endNode (Optional) The ending dom node of the range to align. Can be the same as start node * If not provided then the current selection will be used. * */ exec : function(alignment, startNode, endNode) { // Auto-set range if not provided. if (!startNode) { if (!this.selBefore) return; // Nothing to select if (this.selBefore.endNode) { startNode = this.selBeforeOrdered.startNode; endNode = this.selBeforeOrdered.endNode; } else startNode = endNode = this.selBefore.startNode; } debug.assert(endNode, "Supplied start node but not the end node"); var containers; // First check for special case: If the ranges first block level common ancestor // is a list item, then set alignment for the list item rather than normalizing within a list item. var ca = _getCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode); for (var level = 0; level < 2; level++) { while (ca != docBody && !_isBlockLevel(ca)) { ca = ca.parentNode; } if (ca == docBody) break; if (_nodeName(ca) == "li") { containers = [ca]; break; } ca = ca.parentNode; } if (!containers) // Normalize containers in range and get list of all the containers containers = _getNormalizedContainerRange(startNode, endNode); for (var i in containers) { // NOTES: CSS 2+ spec allows text-align style to be applied to all block level elements. _visitAllNodes(containers[i], containers[i], true, function(domNode) { if (_isBlockLevel(domNode) && !excludeAlignBlocks[_nodeName(domNode)]) { _execOp(_Operation.SET_CSS_STYLE, domNode, "textAlign", alignment); } }); } this.selAfter = this.selBefore; } }); })(); //end TextAlingAction.js //start * file: SplitContainerAction.js (function() { var duplicateBlockMap = $createLookupMap("p,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,li,address"); _registerAction("SplitContainer", { /** * An undoable action. Splits a block level element's or body node's contents into two. * Used for creating new block level elements like paragraphs, headings and list items. * * @author Brook Novak * * @param {Node} domNode The text or element node to split the (splitable) container owner into two. * * * @param {Number} index The index within/next to the dom node to split from, all the remaining contents INCLUDING the index * will migrate to the new block-level element. * For text nodes, this ranges from zero to the length of the text. If at the length of the text, then * the split will begin after the text node. * For other nodes, this can be zero (split just before the node) or 1 (split after the node). * */ exec : function(domNode, index) { debug.assert(index >= 0); debug.assert( (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && index <= domNode.nodeValue.length) || (domNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && index <= 1) ); // Get the range from the starting point (exclusive) to the end of the splitter // Get the first ancestor block level element which to split at var splitter = _findAncestor(domNode.parentNode, docBody, _isBlockLevel, true) || docBody, endRangeNode, // Will be set to a block / doc body endNodeIndex; if (!duplicateBlockMap[_nodeName(splitter)]) { // In the case where new paragraphs are created at the split point due to the splitter not // being a container element which should be duplicated, the nodes to migrate may not be all // nodes to the right of the split point within the splitter... instead it should range from the split point // to (and excluding) the first occurance of a block level element within the splitter container // Find the first occuring block level element from the split point onwards.. within the // splitter container... if any... _visitAllNodes(splitter, domNode, true, function(node){ if (_isBlockLevel(node)) endRangeNode = node; return endRangeNode == null; }); // If contains no block level elements from the split point, then set as end of splitter if (!endRangeNode || endRangeNode == splitter) { endRangeNode = splitter; endNodeIndex = 1; } else if (endRangeNode == domNode) // Definitly nothing to migrate endRangeNode = null; else // Make sure the range is exclusive of the block level element endNodeIndex = 0; } else { endRangeNode = splitter; endNodeIndex = 1; } var migrantFragment; if (endRangeNode) { // Build a migration fragment migrantFragment = _buildFragment( splitter, domNode, index, endRangeNode, endNodeIndex); // Check to see if anything will be removed var isAllShared = true; migrantFragment.visit(function(f) { if(!f.isShared) isAllShared = false; return isAllShared; }); if (isAllShared) // If nothing will actually be migrated, then get rid of the fragment migrantFragment = null; else migrantFragment.disconnect(); // Remove the second half from the document } // Create a new container var insertAfterNode, container, subSplitter; if (duplicateBlockMap[_nodeName(splitter)]) { // Special case with list items: If the splitter's first block level ancestor is a list item, // then insert of splitting within the list item, split outside to a new list item if (_nodeName(splitter) != "li" && splitter != docBody) { var superSplitter = _findAncestor(splitter.parentNode, docBody, _isBlockLevel, true); if (superSplitter && _nodeName(superSplitter) == "li") { subSplitter = splitter; splitter = superSplitter; } } insertAfterNode = splitter; container = (splitter.nodeName.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == "h" && !migrantFragment) ? $createElement("p") : /* If splitting at the end of a heading, split into new empty paragraph. */ splitter.cloneNode(false); // Default to paragraph } else container = $createElement("p"); // Discover where to insert the new container (If haven't already) if (!insertAfterNode) { if (migrantFragment) { // Insert the container before the disconnected migrants var startFrag = migrantFragment.getStartFragment(); // Was the start fragment split into two? if (migrantFragment.wasStartSplit()) { // Insert after the first half of the divided text node insertAfterNode = startFrag.getPreSplitNode(); } else if (startFrag.isShared) { // Still remains in the document? // Insert after this then.. insertAfterNode = startFrag.node; } else { // Removed from the document? // Get the first shared ancestor var fsa = startFrag; while (!fsa.isShared) { fsa = fsa.parent; } // Does the first shared ancestor have any child nodes in the document? if (fsa.node.firstChild) { // Does the shared ancestor have remvoed child fragments? if (fsa.children.length > 0) { // Was the first removed child fragment removed after the first child in its parent? if (fsa.children[0].pos > 0) { // If so, insert after fsa's remaining child before the start bounds insertAfterNode = fsa.node.childNodes[fsa.children[0].pos - 1]; } else { // If not (first frag was the first child in its dom parent), insert as first child // in the shared ancestor _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, container, fsa.node, 0); insertAfterNode = null; } } else insertAfterNode = fsa.node.lastChild; } else if (fsa == migrantFragment) { // Is fsa the splitter? // If the start bounds where fully removed, insert container as first child of the splitter _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, container, splitter, 0); insertAfterNode = null; } else insertAfterNode = fsa.node; // if not insert after the first shared ancestor then } } else { // Insert the container before or after the split point if (index == 0) { // Before split point _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, container, domNode.parentNode, _indexInParent(domNode)); insertAfterNode = null; } else insertAfterNode = domNode; // After split point } // Now that the insertion point is discovered from the fragments start bounds, make sure the // insertAfterNode's parent is block level if (insertAfterNode && insertAfterNode != docBody && !_isBlockLevel(insertAfterNode)) { while (insertAfterNode != docBody && insertAfterNode.parentNode != docBody && !_isBlockLevel(insertAfterNode) && !_isBlockLevel(insertAfterNode.parentNode)) { insertAfterNode = insertAfterNode.parentNode; } } } // Insert the container into the document (if haven't already done so) if (insertAfterNode) _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, container, insertAfterNode.parentNode, _indexInParent(insertAfterNode) + 1); // Migrate all of the disconnected nodes in the right-side of the split to the new container if (migrantFragment) { for (var i in migrantFragment.children) { var migs = buildMigrants(migrantFragment.children[i]); if (migs) _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migs, container); // TODO: Check if migrants can validly migrate to the container? // _isValidRelationship should actually be ok for Descendants/ancestors... not just immediate parents/children. } } // Add any placeholders in the containers if need be if (_doesNeedMNPlaceholder(container)) // Important to check container first, it could be a child of the splitter _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, de.doc.createMNPlaceholder(), container); if (_doesNeedMNPlaceholder(splitter)) _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, de.doc.createMNPlaceholder(), splitter); if (subSplitter && _doesNeedMNPlaceholder(subSplitter)) _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, de.doc.createMNPlaceholder(), subSplitter); // Discover the new cursor position if (this.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION) { var cDesc = de.cursor.getNearestCursorDesc(container, 0, false, false); if (cDesc) this.selAfter = {startNode : cDesc.domNode, startIndex : cDesc.relIndex + (cDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && cDesc.isRightOf ? 1 : 0)}; } /** * Inner helper function * @param {de.dom.DOMFragment} frag */ function buildMigrants(frag) { var migrantNode; if (frag.isShared) { // Check if all descendant fragments from this shared fragment are all shared var isAllShared = true; frag.visit(function(f) { if(!f.isShared) isAllShared = false; return isAllShared; }) // Ignore this subtree if they are all shared if (isAllShared) return null; // Clone the shared node.. since it still remains in the document... migrantNode = frag.node.cloneNode(false); } else { // disconnected migrantNode = frag.node; // Remove from parent and remove its children if it has any if (migrantNode.parentNode && migrantNode.parentNode.nodeType != Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrantNode); while(migrantNode.firstChild) { _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrantNode.firstChild); } } // Recurse... build all children and link with the current dom node for (var i in frag.children) { var descendants = buildMigrants(frag.children[i]); if (descendants) _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, descendants, migrantNode); } return migrantNode; } // End inner buildMigrants } }); })(); //end SplitContainerAction.js //start RemoveTextAction.js _registerAction("RemoveText", { /** * Removes text within a single text node. * * @param {Node} textNode The text node to remove text from * * @param {Number} index The index at which to begin removing text from. * Ranges from 0 - textlength - 1 * * @param {Number} length The amount of charactors to remove start from the given index. Must be at least 1 */ exec : function(textNode, index, length) { debug.assert(index >= 0); debug.assert(length > 0); debug.assert(textNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE); debug.assert((index + length) <= textNode.nodeValue.length); // Avoid removing text from placeholders if (de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(textNode, false) || de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(textNode, false)) { // Keep current cursor position if (this.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION) { var cDesc = de.cursor.getCurrentCursorDesc(); if (cDesc) this.selAfter = {startNode : cDesc.domNode, startIndex : cDesc.relIndex + (cDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && cDesc.isRightOf ? 1 : 0)}; } return; } // Check for surrounding whitespace var convertLeftCA, convertRightCA; if (index == 0) { // Look for preceeding whitespace _visitAllNodes(docBody, textNode, false, function(domNode) { if (domNode == textNode) return; var ca = _getCommonAncestor(textNode, domNode); if (_findAncestor(domNode, ca, _isBlockLevel, true)) return false; if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && _nodeLength(domNode) > 0) { if (_isAllWhiteSpace(domNode.nodeValue.charAt(_nodeLength(domNode)-1))) { convertLeftCA = ca; return false; } } }); } else { if(_isAllWhiteSpace(textNode.nodeValue.charAt(index-1))) convertLeftCA = textNode; } if ((index + length) == _nodeLength(textNode)) { // Look for proceeding whitespace _visitAllNodes(docBody, textNode, true, function(domNode) { if (domNode == textNode) return; var ca = _getCommonAncestor(textNode, domNode); if (_isBlockLevel(domNode) || _findAncestor(textNode, ca, _isBlockLevel, true)) return false; if (_nodeLength(domNode, 0) > 0) { if (_isAllWhiteSpace(domNode.nodeValue.charAt(0))) { convertRightCA = ca; return false; } } }); } else { if (_isAllWhiteSpace(textNode.nodeValue.charAt(index + length))) convertRightCA = textNode; } var convertTarget = (convertLeftCA && convertRightCA && convertLeftCA != convertRightCA) ? _getCommonAncestor(convertLeftCA, convertRightCA, true) : convertLeftCA || convertRightCA; if (convertTarget) _convertWSToNBSP(convertTarget); // Remove the text _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_TEXT, textNode, index, length); // Normalize converted white space if (convertTarget) _normalizeNBSP(convertTarget); // See if need to add a placeholder var ph, phParent = de.doc.getEditSectionContainer(textNode); if (phParent && _doesNeedESPlaceholder(phParent)) ph = de.doc.createESPlaceholder(phParent); else { phParent = _findAncestor(textNode, docBody, _isBlockLevel, true) || docBody; if (_doesNeedMNPlaceholder(phParent)) ph = de.doc.createMNPlaceholder(); } // Add the needed placeholder if (ph) _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, ph, phParent); // Update the selection if requested if (this.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION) { var cDesc = ph ? de.cursor.createCursorDesc(ph, 0, false) : de.cursor.getNearestCursorDesc(textNode, index == 0 ? 0 : index-1, index > 0, false); if (cDesc) this.selAfter = {startNode : cDesc.domNode, startIndex : cDesc.relIndex + (cDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && cDesc.isRightOf ? 1 : 0)}; } // If the text node is left without text then get rid of it if (_nodeLength(textNode) == 0) _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, textNode); } }); // end RemoveTextAction.js // start RemoveDOMAction.js _registerAction("RemoveDOM",{ /** * @class * An undoable dom action. Removes a given range from the document. * * @author Brook Novak * * @param {Node} startNode The starting dom node of the fragments range. * * @param {Number} startIndex The inclusive start index in the start node. * Ranges from 0 to the text length for text nodes. * Where 0 indicates that the range begins at the first char, and text length * indicates that the range begins directly after the text node, but not including it. *
* Ranges from 0 to 1 for elements. * Where 0 indicates that the range includes the element and it's decendants, * and 1 indicates that the range excludes the element and it's decendants. * * * @param {Node} endNode The ending dom node of the fragments range. * * @param {Number} endIndex The inclusive end index in the end node. * Ranges from 0 to the text length for text nodes. * Where 0 indicates that the range ends just before the text node, but not including it, * and text length indicates that the range ends at the last charactor in the text run. *
* Ranges from 0 to 1 for elements. * Where 0 indicates that the range excludes the element and it's decendants, * and 1 indicates that the range includes the element and it's decendants. * */ exec : function(startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex) { var fragmentRoot = _buildFragment(_getCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode, false), startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex); // Convert all whitespaces to non-breaking spaces _convertWSToNBSP(fragmentRoot.node); // Collapse the range var fMigrantNode = fragmentRoot.collapse(); // Normalize any NBSP entities _normalizeNBSP(fragmentRoot.node); if (this.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION) { var newCursorPos; // If there was a migrant, get the cursor descriptor from this if (fMigrantNode) newCursorPos = de.cursor.getNearestCursorDesc(fMigrantNode, 0, false, true); else { // Get the deepest node on the starting bounds that still resides in the document var fragment = fragmentRoot.getStartFragment(); while (fragment.node != docBody && !_isAncestor(docBody, fragment.node)) { fragment = fragment.parent; } var domNode = fragment.node; // Check to see if there are any nodes in the start-bounds place if (fragment.children.length > 0 && domNode.childNodes.length > 0 && fragment.children[0].pos <= domNode.childNodes.length) { if (fragment.children[0].pos == 0) { newCursorPos = de.cursor.getNearestCursorDesc(domNode.firstChild, 0, false, false); } else { var cNode = domNode.childNodes[fragment.children[0].pos - 1]; newCursorPos = de.cursor.getNearestCursorDesc(cNode, _nodeLength(cNode, 2) - 1, true, false); } } else newCursorPos = de.cursor.getNearestCursorDesc(fragment.node, _nodeLength(fragment.node, 2) - 1, true, true); } if (newCursorPos) this.selAfter = { startNode : newCursorPos.domNode, startIndex : newCursorPos.relIndex + (newCursorPos.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && newCursorPos.isRightOf ? 1 : 0) }; } } }); _registerAction("RemoveNode",{ /** * A simple undoable action. Removes a dom node from the document. * Selection will always be cleared afterwards. * * @param {Node} node The node to remove * */ exec: function(node) { _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, node); } }); // end RemoveDOMAction.js //start PromoteItemAction.js _registerAction("PromoteItem", { exec : function(startNode, endNode) { var t = this; // Auto-set range if not provided. if (!startNode) { if (!t.selBefore) return; // Nothing to promote if (t.selBefore.endNode) { startNode = t.selBeforeOrdered.startNode; endNode = t.selBeforeOrdered.endNode; } else startNode = endNode = t.selBefore.startNode; } debug.assert(endNode, "Supplied start node but not the end node"); var ca = _findAncestor(_getCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode, 1), docBody, function(testNode) { var nn = _nodeName(testNode); return nn == "li" || nn == "ol" || nn == "ul"; }, 1); // Found a list item / list container in the given range? if (ca) { // Get all list items in the given range var listItems = []; if (_nodeName(ca) == "li") listItems.push(ca); else { _visitAllNodes(ca, startNode, true, function(domNode){ if (_nodeName(domNode) == "li") listItems.push(domNode); return domNode != endNode; }); // The traversal above will skip the start node's li var li = _findAncestor(startNode, ca, function(testNode) {return _nodeName(testNode) == "li";}, 1); if (li) listItems.push(li); } // Promote LI: Top => down for (var i in listItems) { promoteLI(listItems[i]); } } t.selAfter = t.selBefore; function promoteLI(li) { // Can this list item be promoted? It must have a list item at the same level preceeding it var prevLICon = li.previousSibling, nextLICon = li.nextSibling; while (prevLICon && prevLICon.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { prevLICon = prevLICon.previousSibling; } while (nextLICon && nextLICon.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { nextLICon = nextLICon.nextSibling; } var subList; if (prevLICon && (_nodeName(prevLICon) == "ol" || _nodeName(prevLICon) == "ul")) // Add to end of exisiting sb-list within previous LI? subList = prevLICon; else { // Create a new LI->[OL/UL] and insert it before the LI to promote subList = li.parentNode.cloneNode(false); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, subList, li.parentNode, _indexInParent(li)); } // Move the LI into the sublist _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, li); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, li, subList); // Check if need to merge follow list items if (nextLICon && _nodeName(nextLICon) == _nodeName(subList)) { // If so then merge the list containers // Merge the lists _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, nextLICon); while(nextLICon.firstChild) { var migrant = nextLICon.firstChild; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrant); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrant, subList); } } } } }); // end PromoteItemAction.js //start ModifyTableAction.js (function() { _registerAction("ModifyTable", { /** * An undoable action. Provides a range of table modification operations * * @author Brook Novak * * @param {String} op The operation name (case insensitive). Can be: * insert-rows-before-n, Where n is the amount * insert-rows-after-n, Where n is the amount * delete-rows, * insert-cols-before-n, Where n is the amount * insert-cols-after-n, Where n is the amount * delete-cols, * merge-cells, * split-cells, * delete-table * * @param {Node} startNode The starting dom node of the range to align. * * @param {Node} endNode The ending dom node of the range to align. Can be the same as start node * * @throws {Error} If given operation is unknown/malformed. * */ exec : function(op, startNode, endNode) { var tableNode = null, selectedNodes = []; // Find first occurance of a table (it does not make sense to modify multiple tables) _visitAllNodes(_getCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode), startNode, true, function(domNode) { // Find table if (!tableNode) tableNode = _findAncestor(domNode, docBody, function(node){ return (_nodeName(node) == "table"); }, true); // Record selected nodes selectedNodes.push(domNode); return domNode != endNode; // Traverse only in range }); // Is a table selected? if (tableNode) { var tableSelection = { start : null, /* [row-index,col-index,node] */ end : null /* [row-index,col-index,node] */ }; // Get selection within table for (var y = 0; y < tableNode.rows.length; y++) { // For each row var row = tableNode.rows[y]; for (var x = 0; x < row.cells.length; x++) { // For each cell within row var cell = row.cells[x]; // Determine if this cell is selected for (var i in selectedNodes) { if (selectedNodes[i] == cell || _isAncestor(cell, selectedNodes[i])) { // Update table selection info if (!tableSelection.start) tableSelection.start = [parseInt(y),parseInt(x), cell]; tableSelection.end = [parseInt(y),parseInt(x), cell]; break; } } } } if (tableSelection.start) { // Is anything in the table selection / does have content to modify? // Determine table operation op = op.toLowerCase().split('-'); switch(op[0]) { case "insert": if (op.length == 4) { // Determine amount of rows / cols to insert var amount = parseInt(op[3]); if (isNaN(amount)) _error(_ErrorCode.BAD_ARGS); // Insert the rows/cols if (op[1] == "rows") insertRows(tableNode, tableSelection, op[2] == "before", amount); else if (op[1] == "cols") insertCols(tableNode, tableSelection, op[2] == "before", amount); else _error(_ErrorCode.BAD_ARGS); } else _error(_ErrorCode.BAD_ARGS); break; case "delete": if (op.length != 2) _error(_ErrorCode.BAD_ARGS); switch(op[1]) { case "table": deleteTable(tableNode); break; case "rows": deleteRows(tableNode, tableSelection); break; case "cols": deleteCols(tableNode, tableSelection); break; default: _error(_ErrorCode.BAD_ARGS); } break; case "merge": break; case "split": break; default: _error(_ErrorCode.BAD_ARGS); } // TODO: UPDATE CURSOR } } } }); /** * Inserts a new table cell containing a placeholder. * @param {Node} row The tr element to insert a row into * @param {Number} index The index of the cell to insert. */ function insertCell(row, index) { // Insert a new cell var newCell = _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_CELL, row, index); // Add placeholder markup de.UndoMan.execute( de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.DONT_STORE, "InsertHTML", "

" + _getOuterHTML(de.doc.createMNPlaceholder()) + "

", newCell); } /** * Inserts one or more rows into a table * @param {Node} table The table to insert rows into * @param {Object} selection The table selection * @param {Boolean} isBefore True to insert before selection, false after * @param {Number} amount The amount of rows to add */ function insertRows(table, selection, isBefore, amount) { // Determine insertion index var newRowIndex; if (isBefore) newRowIndex = selection.start[0]; else { // insert after - must consider row-span newRowIndex = selection.end[0] + 1; var rspan = selection.end[2].getAttribute("rowspan"); if (rspan) newRowIndex += (parseInt(rspan)-1); } // Clamp if (newRowIndex > table.rows.length) newRowIndex = table.rows.length; // Determine column count for create cols per new row var columnCount = getColumnCount(table); for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) { // Create the new row var newRow = _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_ROW, table, newRowIndex); // Insert empty cells to fill out row for (var j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { insertCell(newRow, 0); } } } /** * * @param {Object} selection The table selection * @param {Boolean} isBefore True to get column index before selection, false after * @return {Number} The column index before/after the given selection */ function getColumnIndex(selection, isBefore) { var index; if (isBefore) { index = Math.min(selection.start[1], selection.end[1]); } else { // insert after - must consider col-span var startIndex = selection.start[1], endIndex = selection.end[1]; var cspan = selection.start[2].getAttribute("colspan"); if (cspan) startIndex += (parseInt(cspan)-1); cspan = selection.end[2].getAttribute("colspan"); if (cspan) endIndex += (parseInt(cspan)-1); index = Math.max(startIndex, endIndex); } return index; } /** * @param {Node} table The table to check * @return {Number} The amount of columns in the given table */ function getColumnCount(table) { var columnCount = 0; for (var y = 0; y < table.rows.length; y++) { columnCount = Math.max(columnCount, table.rows[y].cells.length); } return columnCount; } /** * Inserts one or more columns into a table * @param {Node} table The table to insert columns into * @param {Object} selection The table selection * @param {Boolean} isBefore True to insert before selection, false after * @param {Number} amount The amount of columns to add */ function insertCols(table, selection, isBefore, amount) { // Determine column insertion index var newColIndex = getColumnIndex(selection, isBefore); if (!isBefore) newColIndex++; // Insert AFTER for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) { for (var y = 0; y < table.rows.length; y++) { // For each row in table var row = table.rows[y]; // Determine insert index ... may not be newColIndex due to colspans var spannedIndex = -1, insertIndex = newColIndex; for (var x = 0; x < row.cells.length; x++) { // For each cell in current row var cell = row.cells[x]; spannedIndex ++; // Add column span if has span length more than 1 var cspan = cell.getAttribute("colspan"); if (cspan) { spannedIndex += (parseInt(cspan) - 1); } // Break if found insert index if (spannedIndex >= newColIndex) { insertIndex = parseInt(x); break; } } // End loop: each cell // Insert the new cell which makes up the new column in this row insertCell(row, insertIndex); } // End loop: each row } // End loop: insertion amount } /** * Deletes an entire table * @param {Node} table The table element to delete */ function deleteTable(table) { _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, table); } /** * Deletes all selected rows in table. * Deletes entire table if all rows selected. * * @param {Node} table The table element to delete rows from * @param {Object} selection The table selection */ function deleteRows(table, selection) { // Is all table selected? if (selection.start[0] == 0 && selection.end[0] >= (table.rows.length-1)) deleteTable(table); else { for (var i = 0; i <= (selection.end[0] - selection.start[0]); i++) { _execOp(_Operation.DELETE_ROW, table, selection.start[0]); } } } /** * Deletes all selected columns in table. * Deletes entire table if all columns selected. * * @param {Node} table The table element to delete columns from * @param {Object} selection The table selection */ function deleteCols(table, selection) { var colStartIndex = getColumnIndex(selection, true), colEndIndex = getColumnIndex(selection, false), columnCount = getColumnCount(table); // Check if need to delete entire table if (colStartIndex == 0 && colEndIndex >= (columnCount-1)) deleteTable(table); else { for (var i = 0; i <= (colEndIndex - colStartIndex); i++) { for (var y = 0; y < table.rows.length; y++) { // For each row in table var row = table.rows[y]; // Determine deletion index ... may not be colStartIndex due to colspans var spannedIndex = -1, deleteIndex = colStartIndex; for (var x = 0; x < row.cells.length; x++) { // For each cell in current row var cell = row.cells[x]; spannedIndex ++; // Add column span if has span length more than 1 var cspan = cell.getAttribute("colspan"); if (cspan) { spannedIndex += (parseInt(cspan) - 1); } // Break if found insert index if (spannedIndex >= colStartIndex) { deleteIndex = parseInt(x); break; } } // End loop: each cell // Delete the cell _execOp(_Operation.DELETE_CELL, row, deleteIndex); } // End loop: each row } // End loop: deleting columns } } function mergeCells(table, selection) { /* var mergeWidth = (selection.end[1] - selection.start[1]) + 1, mergeHeight = (selection.end[0] - selection.start[0]) + 1, mergeTarget = ?; for (var y = 0; y < mergeHeight; y++) { // Merge all adjacent cells in y-axis (colums) // Merge this row into merge target for (var x = 1; x < mergeWidth; x++) { // Merge row into target _execOp(_Operation.DELETE_CELL, table, selection.start[0]); x += colspanextra; } }*/ } function splitCells(selectedNodes) { for (var i in selectedNodes) { var node = selectedNodes[i]; if (_nodeName(node) == "td" || _nodeName(node) == "th") { // Is cell? // Does this selected cell have a column span? var span = node.getAttribute("colspan"); if (span) _execOp(_Operation.SET_ATTRIBUTE, node, "colspan", ""); // Erase span var span = node.getAttribute("rowspan"); if (span) _execOp(_Operation.SET_ATTRIBUTE, node, "rowspan", ""); // Erase span } } } })(); //End ModifyTableAction.js //Start ItemizeAction.js (function() { /* * Lookup map containing element names which when itemized should be converted to a list item rather than being * a descendant of the list items. */ var convertContainers = $createLookupMap("p, div"); _registerAction("Itemize", { /** * An undoable itemize action. Creates/converts/destroys a list of items in a given range * * @author Brook Novak * * * @param {Boolean} bullets True to itemize as bullet list, false to itemize as numbered list. * * @param {Node} startNode (Optional) The starting dom node of the range to align. * If not provided then the current selection will be used. * If provieded must also provide endNode * * @param {Node} endNode (Optional) The ending dom node of the range to align. Can be the same as start node * If not provided then the current selection will be used. * */ exec : function(bullets, startNode, endNode) { // Auto-set range if not provided. if (!startNode) { if (!this.selBefore) return; // Nothing to select if (this.selBefore.endNode) { startNode = this.selBeforeOrdered.startNode; endNode = this.selBeforeOrdered.endNode; } else startNode = endNode = this.selBefore.startNode; } debug.assert(endNode, "Supplied start node but not the end node"); // Perfom execute (recursive operation) (function exec(start, end, destroy, normalizedRange) { // Get master container var masterContainer = _findAncestor( _getCommonAncestor(start, end, true), docBody, _isBlockLevel, true ) || docBody, destroyListItems, itemizeContainers; // Deepen start/end range var deepStart = start, deepEnd = end; while (deepStart.firstChild) { deepStart = deepStart.firstChild; } while (deepEnd.lastChild) { deepEnd = deepEnd.lastChild; } // Handle special case 1: range within tables if (_isTableElement(masterContainer) && _nodeName(masterContainer) != "td" && _nodeName(masterContainer) != "th") { // Get all the table's cells within the range var tabCells = []; _visitAllNodes(masterContainer, masterContainer, true, function(domNode) { if (domNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (_nodeName(domNode) == "td" || _nodeName(domNode) == "th")) { tabCells.push(domNode); return (domNode != deepEnd && !_isAncestor(domNode, deepEnd)); } return domNode != deepEnd; }); // Check if all cells contains nothing but list items and normalize their contents var areAllListEles = true, normalizedRanges = []; for (var i in tabCells) { var res = areAllListElements(tabCells[i], tabCells[i]); if (res) { areAllListEles &= res.allListEles; normalizedRanges.push(res.nrange); } else normalizedRanges.push(0); } // Recurse on table cell for (var i in tabCells) { if (normalizedRanges[i]) exec(tabCells[i], tabCells[i], areAllListEles, normalizedRanges[i]); } return; } // If master container is a list container itself, adjust master container to its parent if (_nodeName(masterContainer) == "ul" || _nodeName(masterContainer) == "ol") masterContainer = masterContainer.parentNode; // Handle special case 2: range within a list item var ca = masterContainer; for (var level = 0; level < 2 && ca; level++) { if (_nodeName(ca) == "li") { // Determine if need to destroy list item or convert it to a different type if ((normalizedRange && destroy) || (!normalizedRange && ((bullets && _nodeName(ca.parentNode) == "ul") || (!bullets && _nodeName(ca.parentNode) == "ol")))) { destroyListItems = [ca]; // the list item is the target type } else { itemizeContainers = [ca]; masterContainer = ca.parentNode; } break; } ca = _findAncestor(ca.parentNode, docBody, _isBlockLevel, true); } // Check if all containers in range are list-items/list-containers if (!normalizedRange && !destroyListItems && !itemizeContainers) { var res = areAllListElements(start, end); if (res) { normalizedRange = res.nrange; // If the range contains all list elements then destroy them if (res.allListEles) destroyListItems = normalizedRange; else itemizeContainers = normalizedRange; } else return; } else if (normalizedRange) { // If recursing on a table cell then the destroy/create operation will be predetermined if (destroy) destroyListItems = normalizedRange; else itemizeContainers = normalizedRange; } if (destroyListItems) { // Tear down all list-items / list-containers. for (var i in destroyListItems) { var cont = destroyListItems[i]; var contName = _nodeName(cont); if (contName == "li") { convertLI(cont, true); } else if (contName == "ul" || contName == "ol") { // Determine range of list items within list container var li = _isAncestor(cont, start) ? _findAncestor(start, cont) : cont.firstChild, endLI = _isAncestor(cont, end) ? _findAncestor(end, cont) : cont.lastChild; while (li) { var removeLI = li; li = li == endLI ? null : li.nextSibling; if (_nodeName(removeLI) == "li") // ensure not white space convertLI(removeLI, true); } // End loop: destroying range of list items in list container } } // End loop: destroying list items } else { // Creation of list items debug.assert(itemizeContainers ? true : false); // Create the new list container var listContainer; // Itemize all containers in range for (var i in itemizeContainers) { var cont = itemizeContainers[i]; var cRoot = cont == masterContainer ? cont : _findAncestor(cont, masterContainer), contName = _nodeName(cont); if (contName == "li") { if (i == '0') { listContainer = convertLI(cont, false); } else { var liParent = cont.parentNode; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, cont); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, cont, listContainer); // If the list items container is left without any other list items, remove it var child = liParent.firstChild; while (child && _nodeName(child) != "li") { child = child.nextSibling; } if (!child) _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, liParent); } } else { if (i == '0') { listContainer = $createElement(bullets ? "ul" : "ol"); // Determine where to insert the list container if (contName == "ul" || contName == "ol") { var shouldInsertBefore = false; var firstLI = cont.firstChild; while (firstLI && _nodeName(firstLI) != "li") { shouldInsertBefore |= (firstLI == start); // possible start node is white space firstLI = firstLI.nextSibling; } if (firstLI) shouldInsertBefore |= _isAncestor(firstLI, start); // Insert the list container before this list container if // the range starts at the first list item. _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, listContainer, cRoot.parentNode, _indexInParent(cRoot) + (shouldInsertBefore ? 0 : 1)); } else _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, listContainer, cRoot.parentNode, _indexInParent(cRoot) + 1); } if (contName == "ul" || contName == "ol") { // List container? // Migrate list items in the container within the start/end range var lcChild = _isAncestor(cont, start) ? _findAncestor(start, cont) : cont.firstChild, lcEndChild = _isAncestor(cont, end) ? _findAncestor(end, cont) : cont.lastChild; while (lcChild) { var migrateLI = _nodeName(lcChild) == "li" ? lcChild : null; lcChild = lcChild == lcEndChild ? null : lcChild.nextSibling; // NB: Keeping white space... since undo history might rely on them if (migrateLI) { // Migrate the list item into the new list item container _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrateLI); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrateLI, listContainer); // If the list-container is encapsulated by inline elements before the master container, // then the migrated list items children must also be encapsulated. // TODO: PHASE THIS OUT - SUPPORTS INVLAID HTML if (cRoot != cont) { var liChild = migrateLI.firstChild; while (liChild) { // For all list items immediate children if (liChild.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE && liChild.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) continue; // Create a cloned sub-tree of the list containers inline parents var inode = cont.parentNode, iSubTree = []; while (inode) { iSubTree.push(inode.cloneNode(false)); inode = inode == cRoot ? null : inode.parentNode; } // Connect up unary inline tree for (var k = iSubTree.length - 1; k > 0; k--) { iSubTree[k].appendChild(iSubTree[k - 1]); } // Insert the cloned inline sub tree in the migrated list item // such that it encapsulated this list item child _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, iSubTree[iSubTree.length - 1], migrateLI, _indexInParent(liChild)); _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, liChild); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, liChild, iSubTree[0]); liChild = iSubTree[iSubTree.length - 1].nextSibling; } // End loop: encapsulating list item's contents with inline elements } } } // End loop: migrating list items from an existing list container to the new list container // Check if the container should be removed from the document.. if // it no longer contains any list items var shouldRemoveCont = true; lcChild = cont.firstChild; while (lcChild) { if (_nodeName(lcChild) == "li") { shouldRemoveCont = false; break; } lcChild = lcChild.nextSibling; } if (shouldRemoveCont) _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, cRoot); // Remove by the root } else { // Create/add a new list item var listItem = $createElement("li"); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, listItem, listContainer); // Migrate contents _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, cRoot); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, cRoot, listItem); // Should this container element be converted into a list item? i.e. // removed from within the list item it was just added to? if (convertContainers[contName]) { var parent = cont.parentNode; // Might not be the list container // Remove container from the document _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, cont); // Migrate children into the containers old parent while (cont.firstChild) { var miNode = cont.firstChild; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, miNode); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, miNode, parent); } } } } } // End loop: itemizing containes in range } /** * Converts a list item, either migrates its contents up one level or changes the list item type from * numbers to bullets or vice verse. * * @param {Node} liEle A list item ("li") element. * @param {Boolean} destroy True to migrate contents up one level, false to change type. * * @return {Node} If destroy is false, it will return the new list container created for changing the list item type. */ function convertLI(liEle, destroy) { var sib = liEle.previousSibling, doesHavePreceedingLI = false, doesHaveProceedingLI = false, lcEle = liEle.parentNode, didSplit = false, newLCont = null; // Determine if the list item is preceeded with other list items while(!doesHavePreceedingLI && sib) { doesHavePreceedingLI |= _nodeName(sib) == "li"; sib = sib.previousSibling; } // Determine if the list item is proceeded with other list items sib = liEle.nextSibling while(!doesHaveProceedingLI && sib) { doesHaveProceedingLI |= _nodeName(sib) == "li"; sib = sib.nextSibling; } if (doesHavePreceedingLI) { lcEle = splitLIContainer(lcEle, liEle, !destroy, true); didSplit = true; } if (destroy) { // If the list item's contents are not going to be migrated within a lower level list item, // then the range needs to be normalized such that inline groups are place in paragraphs. if (_nodeName(lcEle.parentNode) != "li") _getNormalizedContainerRange(liEle, liEle); // Migrate the list item's contents before its list container while (liEle.firstChild) { var liCh = liEle.firstChild; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, liCh); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, liCh, lcEle.parentNode, _indexInParent(lcEle)); } // Remove the list item from its container _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, liEle); } else { // change type if (didSplit) { if (doesHaveProceedingLI) { // Get next list item element in split container var nextLI = liEle.nextSibling; while (_nodeName(nextLI) != "li") { nextLI = nextLI.nextSibling; } // If previously split the container and migrated some remaining li's .. then split // again on the new container - into a container of the original type. splitLIContainer(lcEle, nextLI, true, true); } newLCont = lcEle; } else { // Insert a new container before and migrate the list item newLCont = splitLIContainer(lcEle, liEle, true, false); } } // Check if the list item container has any list items left sib = lcEle.firstChild; while (sib && _nodeName(sib) != "li") { sib = sib.nextSibling; } // If the li element's container is left without a li, remove it from the document... if (!sib) { // Remove all ancestors of the container which do not have multiple children to keep html tidy var remEle = lcEle; while (remEle.parentNode.childNodes.length == 1 && !de.doc.isEditSection(remEle.parentNode) && remEle.parentNode != docBody) { remEle = remEle.parentNode; } _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, remEle); } return newLCont; } // End inner function: convertLI /** * Splits a list item container in two. Records operation. * @param {Node} lcEle A ul or ol element * @param {Node} liEle An li element to split from within lcEle * @param {Boolean} flipType True to have the split container to have a different type than lcEle * @param {Boolean} downward True to split container from liEle downward - so new container is after lcEle. * False to split container from liEle upward - so new container is before lcEle. * * @return {Node} The split container. */ function splitLIContainer(lcEle, liEle, flipType, downward) { // Split container in two var splitC = flipType ? $createElement(_nodeName(lcEle) == "ol" ? "ul" : "ol") : lcEle.cloneNode(false); // Migrate this and all following li's into the split container if (downward) { while (liEle) { var migrateNode = liEle; liEle = liEle.nextSibling; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrateNode); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrateNode, splitC); } _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, splitC, lcEle.parentNode, _indexInParent(lcEle) + 1); } else { // Upward while (liEle) { var migrateNode = liEle; liEle = liEle.previousSibling; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrateNode); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrateNode, splitC, 0); } _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, splitC, lcEle.parentNode, _indexInParent(lcEle)); } return splitC; } // End inner function splitLIContainer /** * Normalizes the given range and checks if all containers are list-items/list-containers of a certain type * (ol or ul) * * @param {Node} start The start of the range to normalize. This range will be deepend * @param {Node} end The end of the range to normalize. This range will be deepend * @return {Object} Either Null if the range does not have containers. Or an object with * a memeber called "allListEles" which is true iff all * containers in the normalized range are list-items/list-containers - and * another memeber "nrange" which contains the normalized range. */ function areAllListElements(start, end) { // Normalize the range var normalizedRange = _getNormalizedContainerRange(start, end); // Anything to itemize? if (normalizedRange.length == 0) return null; // Check if range is all list elements var isAllListEles = true; for (var i in normalizedRange) { var cname = _nodeName(normalizedRange[i]); // Get list item container name if (cname == "li") cname = _nodeName(normalizedRange[i].parentNode); if ((bullets && cname != "ul") || (!bullets && cname != "ol")) { isAllListEles = false; break; } } return {allListEles: isAllListEles, nrange: normalizedRange}; } // End inner areAllListElements })(startNode, endNode); // End recursive exec function this.selAfter = this.selBefore; } // End execute function }); })(); //End ItemizeAction.js //Start InsertTextAction.js _registerAction("InsertText", { exec : function(domNode, text, index) { debug.assert(index >= 0); debug.assert( (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && index <= domNode.nodeValue.length) || (domNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && index <= 1) ); text = _parseHTMLString(_escapeTextToHTML(text)); // Escape into HTML and convert back into text with correct encoding var phRoot; // If the target node is a placeholder, then the placeholder should be replaced with the new text if (de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(domNode, false) || de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(domNode, false)) { // Get the placeholder root node phRoot = domNode; while (!(de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(phRoot, true) || de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(phRoot, true))) { phRoot = phRoot.parentNode; } domNode = phRoot; } if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { debug.assert(!phRoot); // Insert the text _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_TEXT, domNode, text, index); // Set the cursor to after the inserted text if (this.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION) this.selAfter = {startNode : domNode, startIndex: index + text.length}; } else { // Create a new text node and add it to the document var textNode = document.createTextNode(text); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, textNode, domNode.parentNode, _indexInParent(domNode) + (index == 0 ? 0 : 1)); // Remove the placeholder from the document if there was any if (phRoot) _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, phRoot); if (this.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION) this.selAfter = {startNode : textNode, startIndex: index + _nodeLength(textNode)}; } // Normalize any inserted non breaking spaces if (text.indexOf(_NBSP) != -1) _normalizeNBSP(domNode.parentNode); } }); //End InsertTextAction.js //start InsertHTMLAction.js _registerAction("InsertHTML", { /** * @class * An undoable insertion action. Inserts HTML into the document * * @author Brook Novak * * @param {String} html The HTML to insert. * * @param {Node} parentNode The parent node of the HTML to insert into. * * @param {Node} refNode The node to insert next to, or inside of (if a text node). * Null if parentNode has no children, in which case the HTML will be inserted * as the only children of parentNode. * * @param {Number} index If refNode is null this is not applicable. * If refNode is a Element node, then index can either be 0 or 1. 0 indicates that the * HTML should be inserted before the refNode, and 1 indicates that it should be inserted after. * Otherwise, if refNode is a Text Node, then index can range from 0 to the length of the text. * Where the index indicates that the html should be inserted before the charactor at the given index. * If index is zero, then the html will be inserted before the text node. If index is the length of the * text, then the html will be inserted after the text node. Otherwise the HTML text will be * inserted within the text run... splitting the text node in two. * */ exec : function(html, parentNode, refNode, index) { debug.assert(refNode || (!refNode && parentNode.childNodes.length == 0)); debug.assert(!refNode || index >= 0); debug.assert(!refNode || (refNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && index <= refNode.nodeValue.length) || (refNode.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE && index <= 1) ); var domRoots = []; // Get all root elements in HTML var domTree = parentNode == docBody ? $createElement("div") : parentNode.cloneNode(false); domTree.innerHTML = html; var root = domTree.firstChild; while(root) { domRoots.push(root); root = root.nextSibling; } // Disconnect roots from temporary container for (var i = 0; i < domRoots.length; i++) { domTree.removeChild(domRoots[i]); var spanWrapper = 0; if (domRoots[i].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { spanWrapper = $createElement("span"); spanWrapper.appendChild(domRoots[i]); } // Add a renderable char at the end of the container... this will avoid // consildation from changing existing contents var endNode = document.createTextNode("X"); parentNode.appendChild(endNode); // Consolidate the dom root's whitespace sequences parentNode.appendChild(spanWrapper ? spanWrapper : domRoots[i]); _recordOperations = false; _consolidateWSSeqs(domRoots[i], false); _recordOperations = true; if (spanWrapper) { domRoots.splice(i, 1); // remove this dom root, it is to be replaced or entirly removes // Consolidation can completly remove nodes, so test each consolidated sub-tree to // see if they should be inserted if (!spanWrapper.firstChild) i --; else { // A text node can be split into several text nodes after consolidation var wrappedChild; while(wrappedChild = spanWrapper.firstChild) { spanWrapper.removeChild(wrappedChild); domRoots.splice(i, 0, wrappedChild); i++; } i--; } parentNode.removeChild(spanWrapper); } else parentNode.removeChild(domRoots[i]); parentNode.removeChild(endNode); } // If the target node is a placeholder, then the placeholder should be replaced with the new html var phRoot; if (de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(parentNode, false) || de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(parentNode, false)) phRoot = parentNode; else if (refNode && (de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(refNode, false) || de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(refNode, false))) phRoot = refNode; if (phRoot) { // Get the placeholder root and adjust the parent node / ref node while (phRoot.parentNode && (de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(phRoot.parentNode, false) || de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(phRoot.parentNode, false))) { phRoot = phRoot.parentNode; } targetNode = phRoot; parentNode = phRoot.parentNode; refNode = phRoot; // See later .. it will be removed } var normalizeTargetWS; // Does the insertion point need to split a text node in two? if (refNode && refNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && index > 0 && index < _nodeLength(refNode)) { var rem = _execOp(_Operation.SPLIT_TEXT_NODE, refNode, index); // If inserting HTML an a whitespace point, then must convert to all NBSP then normalize later if (_isAllWhiteSpace(rem.nodeValue.charAt(0)) || _isAllWhiteSpace(refNode.nodeValue.charAt(index-1))) { normalizeTargetWS = refNode.parentNode; _convertWSToNBSP(normalizeTargetWS); } } // Get the sibling node to begin inserting the dom afterwards. var afterNode; if (!refNode) afterNode = null; else if (index == 0) afterNode = refNode.previousSibling; else afterNode = refNode; // Insert the DOM nodes for (var i in domRoots) { if (!afterNode) _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, domRoots[i], parentNode, parentNode.firstChild ? _indexInParent(parentNode.firstChild) : null) else _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, domRoots[i], parentNode, _indexInParent(afterNode) + 1); afterNode = domRoots[i]; } // Normalize whitespace sequences if need to if (normalizeTargetWS) _consolidateWSSeqs(normalizeTargetWS); // Need to remove any place holders? if (refNode && (de.doc.isMNPlaceHolder(refNode) || de.doc.isESPlaceHolder(refNode))) _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, refNode); if (this.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION) { var cDesc = de.cursor.getNearestCursorDesc( domRoots[domRoots.length-1], _nodeLength(domRoots[domRoots.length-1], 2) - 1, true, _nodeName(domRoots[domRoots.length-1]) != "br"); if (cDesc) this.selAfter = {startNode : cDesc.domNode, startIndex : cDesc.relIndex + (cDesc.domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && cDesc.isRightOf ? 1 : 0)}; } } }); //End InsertHTMLAction.js // Start IdenAction.js (function() { /** * The amount of pixels to adjust margins when increasing and decreasing indents. * @type Number */ var INDENT_WIDTH = 20, undentableBlocks = $createLookupMap("dt,dd,caption,colgroup,col,thead,tfoot,tbody,tr,td,th,legend,optgroup,option,area,frame"); _registerAction("Indent", { /** * An undoable indentation action. Increases or decreases left indents on container elements in a given range. * If nodes in the given range should be indented but do not have a container, a new container is created for them. * * @author Brook Novak * * @param {Boolean} increase True to increase indents in range, false to decrease indents. * * @param {Node} startNode (Optional) The starting dom node of the range to align. * If not provided then the current selection will be used. * If provieded must also provide endNode * * @param {Node} endNode (Optional) The ending dom node of the range to align. Can be the same as start node * If not provided then the current selection will be used. * * */ exec : function(increase, startNode, endNode) { // Auto-set range if not provided. if (!startNode) { if (!this.selBefore) return; // Nothing to select if (this.selBefore.endNode) { startNode = this.selBeforeOrdered.startNode; endNode = this.selBeforeOrdered.endNode; } else startNode = endNode = this.selBefore.startNode; } debug.assert(endNode, "Supplied start node but not the end node"); var containers; // First check for special case: If the ranges first block level common ancestor // is a list item, then indent the list item rather than normalizing within a list item. var ca = _getCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode); for (var level = 0; level < 2; level++) { while (ca != docBody && !_isBlockLevel(ca)) { ca = ca.parentNode; } if (ca == docBody) break; if (_nodeName(ca) == "li") { containers = [ca]; break; } ca = ca.parentNode; } if (!containers) // Normalize containers in range and get list of all the containers containers = _getNormalizedContainerRange(startNode, endNode); // Record all indentable containers in the given range for (var i in containers) { if (!undentableBlocks[_nodeName(containers[i])]) { var con = containers[i]; // Determine the containers left margin in pixels var marginToParse = (con.style.marginLeft && con.style.marginLeft.toLowerCase() != "auto") ? con.style.marginLeft : null; // If margin is default/auto, get the computed style to make sure if (!marginToParse) marginToParse = _getComputedStyle(con, "margin-left"); marginToParse = (marginToParse && marginToParse.toLowerCase() != "auto") ? marginToParse : "0"; // Parse intentation numberic value var marginPixels; if (marginToParse.indexOf("%") != -1) { // Convert percentage into pixels by using the containers relative offset marginPixels = con.offsetLeft; } else marginPixels = parseInt(marginToParse); var newMarginLen = marginPixels + ((increase ? 1 : -1) * INDENT_WIDTH); // Clip margin to zero if (newMarginLen < 0) newMarginLen = 0; // Assign new margin if (marginPixels != newMarginLen) _execOp(_Operation.SET_CSS_STYLE, con, "marginLeft", newMarginLen + "px"); } } this.selAfter = this.selBefore; } }); })(); //End IdentAction.js //start FormatAction.js _registerAction("Format", { /** * An undoable formatting action. Formats a range of DOM nodes in the document by * adjusting their CSS styles. * * @param {String} type The type of formatting you want to apply. Case insensitive. * See TODO for a list of standard formatting actions available. * * @param {Object} value The value to set - dependant on format type. null or empty to clear formatting. * * @param {Object} range (Optional) The DOM Range to apply the formatting to. If omitted then the current * selection will be used. Must have members: * * - startNode The starting dom node of the fragments range. * * - startIndex The inclusive start index in the start node. * Ranges from 0 to the text length for text nodes. * Where 0 indicates that the range begins at the first char, and text length * indicates that the range begins directly after the text node, but not including it. *
* Ranges from 0 to 1 for elements. * Where 0 indicates that the range includes the element and it's decendants, * and 1 indicates that the range excludes the element and it's decendants. * * * - (optional) endNode The ending dom node of the fragments range. Omit to select word at given start node/index. * * - (optional) endIndex The inclusive end index in the end node. Omit to select word at given start node/index. * Ranges from 0 to the text length for text nodes. * Where 0 indicates that the range ends just before the text node, but not including it, * and text length indicates that the range ends at the last charactor in the text run. *
* Ranges from 0 to 1 for elements. * Where 0 indicates that tmFragment(frag) { * and 1 indicates that the range includes the element and it's decendants. * * @return {_Fragment} The fragment which represents the range in the DOM which was formatted. Undefined if nothing formatted. */ exec:function(type, value, range) { type = type.toLowerCase(); // Check if the format type exists if (typeof _formatEnvironment[type + "Wrapper"] == "undefined") { debug.assert(false, 'Unknown format request: "' + type + '"'); return; } var clear = value ? false : true, isWordRange = false, orderSelAfter = true, formatRange; // Auto-set range to current selectoin if none is provided if (!range) { if (!this.selBefore) return; // Nothing to format range = _clone(this.selBeforeOrdered); formatRange = _clone(range); // Because the range is based on the current selection, set the selection // after to maintain the selection before ordering (i.e. keep the cursor // at the same end of the selection). orderSelAfter = this.selBefore.inOrder; } else formatRange = _clone(range); // Auto-select word-range - if the range is a single node/index tuple if (!formatRange.endNode) { var anchorRange = null; // Special case: instead of selecting word for links, select the whole anchor if (type == "link") { var current = formatRange.startNode; while (current && de.doc.isNodeEditable(current)) { if (current.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && _nodeName(current) == "a") { anchorRange = { startNode : current, startIndex : 0, endNode : current, endIndex : 1 /* Since a element, 1 indicates complete right-most deepest descandant */ }; break; } current = current.parentNode; } } formatRange = anchorRange ? anchorRange : de.selection.getWordRangeAt(formatRange.startNode, formatRange.startIndex >= _nodeLength(formatRange.startNode) ? _nodeLength(formatRange.startNode) - 1 : formatRange.startIndex); if (!formatRange) return; // Nothing to format isWordRange = orderSelAfter = true; } // Execute the action var fragmentRoot = formatDOMExec( formatRange.startNode, formatRange.startIndex, formatRange.endNode, formatRange.endIndex, _formatEnvironment[type + "Wrapper"](value || ""), clear, _formatEnvironment[type + "Eval"]); // Update selection if requested if (this.flags & de.UndoMan.ExecFlag.UPDATE_SELECTION) { if (isWordRange) { // Must get adjusted node/index since fragment will most likely of split some text nodes var adjustedRange = fragmentRoot.getAdjustedNodeIndex(range.startNode, range.startIndex); // Set the selection to be the single point this.selAfter = { startNode: adjustedRange.node, startIndex: adjustedRange.index }; } else { var startFrag = fragmentRoot.getStartFragment(), endFrag = fragmentRoot.getEndFragment(); var startIndex = 0, endIndex = _nodeLength(endFrag.node, 1); this.selAfter = { startNode: orderSelAfter ? startFrag.node : endFrag.node, startIndex: orderSelAfter ? startIndex : endIndex, endNode: orderSelAfter ? endFrag.node : startFrag.node, endIndex: orderSelAfter ? endIndex : startIndex }; } } /** * The workhorse for the format action. */ function formatDOMExec(startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex, inlineWrapper, clear, evalElement) { var isRecursing = arguments.length > 7, startExclusive = startIndex == _nodeLength(startNode, 1), endExclusive = endIndex == 0; // Build up fragment - split any text nodes where neccessary var fragmentRoot = _buildFragment(_getCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode, false), startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex); var startFrag = fragmentRoot.getStartFragment(), endFrag = fragmentRoot.getEndFragment(), rootNode = fragmentRoot.node; // Keep track of the root node... it may change if it is removed // Mark fragments which should not be included for formatting if (startExclusive) markFrags(startFrag); if (endExclusive) markFrags(endFrag); function markFrags(markFrag) { do { markFrag.dontFormat = 1; markFrag = markFrag.parent; } while(markFrag && markFrag.children.length == 1); } // PASS 1: Clear all related formatting // Clear all related formatting within fragment fragmentRoot.visit(function(frag){ if (!frag.dontFormat) removeFormatting(frag.node); }); // Clear all related formatting up to the document root (include body since can have styles/classes) if (!isRecursing) { var domNode = rootNode; // NB: Include root in removal since it may no longer be the fragment root while (domNode) { removeFormatting(domNode); if (domNode == docBody) break; domNode = domNode.parentNode; } // End clear formatting to to root element } if (!clear) { // Should new formatting be applied? I.E. Not just clearing formatting // PASS 2: Set new formatting // Rebuild fragment since structure may have changed (this won't create any extra operations) startNode = startFrag.node; endNode = endFrag.node; var newFragmentRoot = _buildFragment( rootNode, startNode, startExclusive ? _nodeLength(startNode, 1) : 0, endNode, endExclusive ? 0 : _nodeLength(endNode, 1) ); if (startExclusive) markFrags(newFragmentRoot.getStartFragment()); if (endExclusive) markFrags(newFragmentRoot.getEndFragment()); // NB: Keeping old fragment root in order to determine new cursor position (see below) // Traverse the fragment structure and encapsulate inline groups where needed (function trav(frag){ var igroups = []; // For all sub tress for (var i in frag.children) { var child = frag.children[i]; if (shouldEncap(child)) igroups.push(child.node); else { // If cannot wrap the subtree due to containing at least one block level element, then // recurse deeper encapsulateIGroup(); // wrap anything pending trav(child); } } // Encap remaining run if any encapsulateIGroup(); /** * Checks the local igroups array and moves any nodes in the array into a wrapper * then clears the array. */ function encapsulateIGroup(){ if (igroups.length > 0) { // Create inline wrapper and inset at beginning of inline group run var wrapper = inlineWrapper.cloneNode(false); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, wrapper, frag.node, _indexInParent(igroups[0])); // Move run of inline groups into the wrapper for (var i in igroups) { var toEncap = igroups[i]; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, toEncap); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, toEncap, wrapper); } // Reset igroup run igroups = []; } } // End encapsulateIGroup function /** * @param {Node} node The node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff the fragments node should be encapsulated. */ function shouldEncap(frag) { // Should this fragment be excluded from formatting? if (frag.dontFormat) return false; // Check that all node inclusive don't contain block-levels var allin = true; _visitAllNodes(frag.node, frag.node, true, function(domNode) { allin = !_isBlockLevel(domNode); return allin; }) if (allin) { // Last check: the fragment mimics the actual document structure.. i.e. not a partial range. // This avoids encapsulating nodes which are not in the format range var isStructureSame = true; (function checkStructure(curFrag, curNode) { // Avoid including fragments which aren't actually in the format range if (curFrag.dontFormat) { isStructureSame = false; return; } if (curNode.firstChild) { isStructureSame = curNode.childNodes.length == curFrag.children.length; if (isStructureSame) { for (var j = 0; j < curNode.childNodes.length; j++) { checkStructure(curFrag.children[j], curNode.childNodes[j]); if (!isStructureSame) break; } } } else { isStructureSame = curFrag.children.length == 0; } })(frag, frag.node); return isStructureSame; } return false; } // End isAllInline function })(newFragmentRoot); // End encapsulating inline groups } // End if: not clearing formatting return fragmentRoot; /** * Removes immediate formatting for the given node. * May result in removal of node... the local range may be adjusted when removals occur * * @param {Node} node a node to remove formatting from */ function removeFormatting(node) { if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var shouldRemove = false, res = evalElement(node); // Determine the actions to take to strip formatting at this element if (res) { // Does this element contain related formatting? for (var i in res.strip) { // Strip formatting switch (res.strip[i].type) { case 1: // Name match shouldRemove = true; break; case 2: // Class match // Remove class... but keep extra classes var cls = _getClassName(node); if (cls) { // Strip matched class var clss = cls.split(' '); for (var j in clss) { if (clss[j] == res.strip[i].match) { clss.splice(j, 1); break; } } cls = cls.length > 0 ? clss.join(' ') : ""; _execOp(_Operation.SET_CLASS, node, cls); } break; case 3: // Style match // Erase the matched style _execOp(_Operation.SET_CSS_STYLE, node, res.strip[i].match, ""); break; // @DEBUG ON default: debug.assert(false, 'Unknown result type "' + res.strip[i].type + '" for stripping formatting'); // @DEBUG OFF } // If going to remove then no need to strip anything. if (shouldRemove) break; } // End loop: stripping formatting // Get left-most child of the current sub tree var leftMost = node.firstChild; while (leftMost.firstChild) leftMost = leftMost.firstChild; // Get right-most child of the current sub tree var rightMost = node.lastChild; while (rightMost.lastChild) rightMost = rightMost.lastChild; // Check if the node should be auto-removed - only if the element is a generic span and has no class/styles. if (!shouldRemove && _nodeName(node) == "span") { shouldRemove = !_getClassName(node); if (!shouldRemove) shouldRemove = _doesHaveElementStyle(node); } if (shouldRemove) { // Remove all children and connect with parent var migrations = []; while (node.firstChild) { var migrant = node.firstChild; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrant); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrant, node.parentNode, _indexInParent(migrations.length > 0 ? migrations[migrations.length - 1] : node) + 1 ); migrations.push(migrant); } // If has no children, then ignore ... code wll bloat and it's too complex to bother tidying such cases if (migrations.length> 0) { // If node is the current root node then the root must be adjusted if (node == rootNode) rootNode = node.parentNode; // Remove the actual node _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, node); } } // Ensure that all of the elements descendants that it not within the formatting range // still inherits the formatting that was just stripped using recursion if (!isRecursing) { // Recurse on left-range? var isInFormatRange = false; fragmentRoot.visit(function(f){ isInFormatRange = (!f.dontFormat && f.node == leftMost); return !isInFormatRange; }); if (!isInFormatRange) { // Do recursion formatDOMExec( leftMost, 0, startFrag.node, startExclusive ? _nodeLength(startFrag.node, 1) : 0, res.inline, false, evalElement, true); } // Recurse on right-range? isInFormatRange = false; fragmentRoot.visit(function(f){ isInFormatRange = (!f.dontFormat && f.node == rightMost); return !isInFormatRange; }); if (!isInFormatRange) { // Do recursion formatDOMExec( endFrag.node, endExclusive ? 0 : _nodeLength(endFrag.node, 1), rightMost, _nodeLength(rightMost, 1), res.inline, false, evalElement, true); } } } } } // End inner function removeFormatting } // End inner function formatDOMExec } // End exec }); //End FormatAction.js //Start DemoteItemAction.js _registerAction("DemoteItem", { exec : function(startNode, endNode) { var t = this; // Auto-set range if not provided. if (!startNode) { if (!t.selBefore) return; // Nothing to promote if (t.selBefore.endNode) { startNode = t.selBeforeOrdered.startNode; endNode = t.selBeforeOrdered.endNode; } else startNode = endNode = t.selBefore.startNode; } debug.assert(endNode, "Supplied start node but not the end node"); var ca = _findAncestor(_getCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode, 1), docBody, function(testNode) { var nn = _nodeName(testNode); return nn == "li" || nn == "ol" || nn == "ul"; }, 1); // Found a list item / list container in the given range? if (ca) { // Get all list items in the given range var listItems = []; if (_nodeName(ca) == "li") listItems.push(ca); else { _visitAllNodes(ca, startNode, true, function(domNode){ if (_nodeName(domNode) == "li") listItems.push(domNode); return domNode != endNode; }); // The traversal above will skip the start node's li var li = _findAncestor(startNode, ca, function(testNode) {return _nodeName(testNode) == "li";}, 1); if (li) listItems.push(li); } // TODO: REFACTOR: ALL ABOVE IS IDENTICLE TO PROMOTE ACTION // Demote LI: Top => down for (var i in listItems) { demoteLI(listItems[i]); } } t.selAfter = t.selBefore; function demoteLI(li){ // Can this list item be demoted? Its list container must be within a list container var targetLICon = li.parentNode.parentNode; if (_nodeName(targetLICon) == "ul" || _nodeName(targetLICon) == "ol") { // Is there a following list item at the same level var nextLI = li.nextSibling, prevLI = li.previousSibling; // lis, uls or ols, while (prevLI && prevLI.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { prevLI = prevLI.previousSibling; } while (nextLI && nextLI.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { nextLI = nextLI.nextSibling; } var insertIndex; if (nextLI && prevLI) { // List item to demote surrounded by others // Split the contain in two var lowerSplit = li.parentNode.cloneNode(false); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, lowerSplit, targetLICon, _indexInParent(li.parentNode) + 1); // Move following list items into split while (nextLI) { var migrant = nextLI; nextLI = nextLI.nextSibling; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrant); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrant, lowerSplit); } insertIndex = _indexInParent(lowerSplit); } else if (nextLI) { // List item to demote contains another afterwards insertIndex = _indexInParent(li.parentNode); } else if (prevLI) { // List item to demote contains another before insertIndex = _indexInParent(li.parentNode) + 1; } else { // List item to demote on its own insertIndex = _indexInParent(li.parentNode); // Remove the container _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, li.parentNode); } // Remove the li _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, li); // Add it to the parent container _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, li, targetLICon, insertIndex); } } } }); //End DemoteItemAction.js //Start CreateTableAction.js (function() { _registerAction("CreateTable", { exec : function(refNode, isBefore, rows, columns, cellspacing, cellpadding) { // TODO var markup = "
"; } }); })(); //End CreateTableAction.js //Start ChangeContainerAction.js (function() { var changeBlockMap = $createLookupMap("p,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,address"); _registerAction("ChangeContainer", { /** * An undoable action. Changes all block level elements in a given range - creates new containers where needed. * * @author Brook Novak * * @param {String} containerTag (Optional) The container nodename to encapsulate the range. * * @param {Node} startNode (Optional) The starting dom node of the range to align. * If not provided then the current selection will be used. * If provieded must also provide endNode * * @param {Node} endNode (Optional) The ending dom node of the range to align. Can be the same as start node * If not provided then the current selection will be used. * */ exec : function(containerTag, startNode, endNode) { if (!containerTag) containerTag = "p"; containerTag = containerTag.toLowerCase(); debug.assert(changeBlockMap[containerTag], "Cannot change container type to \"" + changeBlockMap + "\""); // Auto-set range if not provided. if (!startNode) { if (!this.selBefore) return; // Nothing to select if (this.selBefore.endNode) { startNode = this.selBeforeOrdered.startNode; endNode = this.selBeforeOrdered.endNode; } else startNode = endNode = this.selBefore.startNode; } debug.assert(endNode, "Supplied start node but not the end node"); var containers = _getNormalizedContainerRange(startNode, endNode); for (var i in containers) { var container = containers[i]; // Can this block level container be changed to a certain type? if (_nodeName(container) != containerTag && changeBlockMap[_nodeName(container)]) { var migrants = [], migrant, parent = container.parentNode, index = _indexInParent(container); // Remove container contents while(migrant = container.firstChild) { migrants.push(migrant); _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrant); } // Remove container _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, container); // Insert new container var newContainer = $createElement(containerTag); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, newContainer, parent, index); // Migrate original container elements for (var j in migrants) { _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrants[j], newContainer); } } } this.selAfter = this.selBefore; } }); })(); //End ChangeContainerAction.js /* BlockQuoteAction.js */ _registerAction("Blockquote", { /** * An undoable blockquote action. Encapsulates a range with a * block quote. If there is any block quotes within the range, * or if the range is within a block quote, then the block quote * will be removed instead. * * @author Brook Novak * * @param {Node} * startNode (Optional) The starting dom node of the * range to align. If not provided then the current * selection will be used. If provieded must also * provide endNode * * @param {Node} * endNode (Optional) The ending dom node of the * range to align. Can be the same as start node If * not provided then the current selection will be * used. * */ exec : function(startNode, endNode) { // Auto-set range if not provided. if (!startNode) { if (!this.selBefore) return; // Nothing to select if (this.selBefore.endNode) { startNode = this.selBeforeOrdered.startNode; endNode = this.selBeforeOrdered.endNode; } else startNode = endNode = this.selBefore.startNode; } debug.assert(endNode, "Supplied start node but not the end node"); // Is there a block quote in the given range? var bq = null, ca = _getCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode, true); if (isBlockQuote(ca)) bq = ca; else { _visitAllNodes(ca, startNode, true, function(domNode) { if (isBlockQuote(domNode)) bq = domNode; return bq == null && domNode != endNode; }); } // Is the range inside a block quote? if (!bq) { bq = _findAncestor(ca, docBody, isBlockQuote, true) || _findAncestor(startNode, ca, isBlockQuote, true); // Initial traversal will have // missed these nodes // Check that looking outside range was ok (not // venturing outside editable area) if (!de.doc.isNodeEditable(bq)) bq = null; } if (bq) { // Move block quote children outside of block quote while (bq.firstChild) { var migrant = bq.firstChild; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, migrant); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, migrant, bq.parentNode, _indexInParent(bq)); } // Remove the block quote _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, bq); } else { // Encapsulate range with a block quote // Normalize containers in range and get list of all the // containers var containers = _getNormalizedContainerRange( startNode, endNode); var newbq = $createElement("blockquote"); if (containers.length > 0 && _isValidRelationship(newbq, containers[0].parentNode)) { // Add the new block quote to the document _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, newbq, containers[0].parentNode, _indexInParent(containers[0])); // Migrate containers into block quote for ( var i in containers) { var con = containers[i]; _execOp(_Operation.REMOVE_NODE, con); _execOp(_Operation.INSERT_NODE, con, newbq); } } } this.selAfter = this.selBefore; function isBlockQuote(domNode) { return _nodeName(domNode) == "blockquote"; } } }); /* DTDUtil.js */ var _HTML_401_MAPS = { /* Generic block level */ GB : "address,blockquote,center,del,div,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hr,ins,isindex,noscript,p,pre", /* Special inline level */ SI : "a,applet,basefont,bdo,br,font,iframe,img,map,area,object,param,q,script,span,sub,sup", /* Phrase level */ PH : "abbr,acronym,cite,code,del,dfn,em,ins,kbd,samp,strong,var", /* Font level */ F : "b,big,i,s,small,strike,tt,u", /* Table elements */ TE : "table,caption,colgroup,col,thead,tfoot,tbody,tr,td,th", /* Form elements */ // FE : // "form,button,fieldset,legend,input,label,select,optgroup,option,textarea", /* * Elements which to do support non-whitespace text as immediate * children. */ NT : "table,textarea,tr,thead,tbody,tfoot,dl,ul,ol,menu,select,optgroup,option,script,style" }; // Build maps for ( var mem in _HTML_401_MAPS) { _HTML_401_MAPS[mem] = $createLookupMap(_HTML_401_MAPS[mem]); } $extend( _HTML_401_MAPS, { /* Block level */ B : $extend( $createLookupMap("dir,dl,fieldset,form,menu,noframes,ol,table,ul,dd,dt,frameset,li,tbody,td,tfoot,thead,th,tr"), _HTML_401_MAPS.GB), /* Inline level */ I : $extend( $extend( $createLookupMap("abbr,acronym,cite,code,dfn,em,kbd,samp,strong,var"), _HTML_401_MAPS.F), _HTML_401_MAPS.SI) }); /* * A map of maps containing valid immediate child relationships according to * HTML 4.01 transactional. */ var _HTML_401_VALIDATION_MAP = function() { function cloneSubset(map, exclude) { var arr = exclude.split(","), clone = _clone(map); for ( var i in arr) { delete clone[arr[i]]; } return clone; } var BLOCKINLINEMAP = $extend(_clone(_HTML_401_MAPS.B), _HTML_401_MAPS.I); return { // Body body : $extend($createLookupMap("script,ins,del"), BLOCKINLINEMAP), // Generic block level address : $extend($createLookupMap("p"), BLOCKINLINEMAP), blockquote : BLOCKINLINEMAP, centre : BLOCKINLINEMAP, del : BLOCKINLINEMAP, h1 : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, h2 : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, h3 : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, h4 : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, h5 : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, h6 : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, hr : {}, ins : BLOCKINLINEMAP, isindex : {}, noscript : BLOCKINLINEMAP, p : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, pre : cloneSubset(_HTML_401_MAPS.I, "img,object,applet,big,small,sub,sup,font,basefont"), // Lists dir : $createLookupMap("li"), dl : $createLookupMap("dd,dt"), dt : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, dd : BLOCKINLINEMAP, li : BLOCKINLINEMAP, menu : $createLookupMap("li"), ol : $createLookupMap("li"), ul : $createLookupMap("li"), // Tables table : $createLookupMap("caption,col,colgroup,thead,tfoot,tbody"), caption : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, colgroup : $createLookupMap("col"), col : {}, thead : $createLookupMap("tr"), tfoot : $createLookupMap("tr"), tbody : $createLookupMap("tr"), tr : $createLookupMap("td,th"), td : BLOCKINLINEMAP, th : BLOCKINLINEMAP, // Forms form : cloneSubset(BLOCKINLINEMAP, "form"), button : cloneSubset(BLOCKINLINEMAP, "a,input,select,textarea,label,button,iframe,form,isindex,fieldset"), fieldset : $extend($createLookupMap("legend"), BLOCKINLINEMAP), legend : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, input : {}, label : cloneSubset(_HTML_401_MAPS.I, "label"), select : $createLookupMap("optgroup,option"), optgroup : $createLookupMap("option"), option : {}, textarea : {}, // Special inline elements a : cloneSubset(_HTML_401_MAPS.I, "a"), applet : $extend($createLookupMap("param"), BLOCKINLINEMAP), basefont : {}, bdo : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, br : {}, font : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, iframe : BLOCKINLINEMAP, img : {}, map : $extend($createLookupMap("area"), _HTML_401_MAPS.B), area : {}, object : $extend($createLookupMap("param"), BLOCKINLINEMAP), param : {}, q : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, script : {}, span : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, sub : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, sup : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, // Phrase level abbr : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, acroynm : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, cite : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, code : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, dfn : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, em : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, kbd : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, samp : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, strong : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, 'var' : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, // Font level b : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, big : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, i : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, s : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, small : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, strike : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, tt : _HTML_401_MAPS.I, u : _HTML_401_MAPS.I }; }(); function _isNodeAtLevel(domNode, mapName) { if (domNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return _HTML_401_MAPS[mapName][_nodeName(domNode)] ? true : false; return false; } /** * Determines if an Element or Text node can be a parent of another given * Element/Text/Body node. Note: the contents of text nodes are not * analysed, the relationship is valid for the type, but if the text node * contains non-whitespace symbols the relationship may not be valid. * * Only configured for HTML 4.01 trans .. TODO: Other specs * * @see _doesTextSupportNonWS * * @param {Node} * child The child to test * @param {Node} * parent The parent of the child to test * @return {Boolean} True if child can be a child of Parent according to * HTML 4.0 Transactional specification */ function _isValidRelationship(child, parent) { if (child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) return true; var vmap = _HTML_401_VALIDATION_MAP[_nodeName(parent)]; if (vmap) return vmap[_nodeName(child)]; return true; // Allow any custom nodes to be added } /* * TODO: SUPPORT OF OTHER DOC TYPES. */ /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff domNode is a block level element. */ function _isBlockLevel(domNode) { return _isNodeAtLevel(domNode, "B"); } /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff domNode is a block level element. */ function _isGenericBlockLevel(domNode) { return _isNodeAtLevel(domNode, "GB"); } /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff domNode is a inline level element. */ function _isInlineLevel(domNode) { return _isNodeAtLevel(domNode, "I"); } /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff domNode is a inline level element. */ function _isSpecialInlineLevel(domNode) { return _isNodeAtLevel(domNode, "SI"); } /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff domNode is a phrase level element. */ function _isPhraseLevel(domNode) { return _isNodeAtLevel(domNode, "PH"); } /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff domNode is a font level element. */ function _isFontLevel(domNode) { return _isNodeAtLevel(domNode, "F"); } /** * @param {Node} * domNode A dom node to test * @return {Boolean} True iff domNode is a table element. E.G. "tr", "thead" * or "table" elements */ function _isTableElement(domNode) { return _isNodeAtLevel(domNode, "TE"); } /* * @param {Node} domNode A dom node to test @return {Boolean} True iff * domNode is a form element. E.G. "input", "textarea" or "form" elements */ /* * function _isFormElement(domNode) { return _isNodeAtLevel(domNode, "FE"); } */ /** * @param {String} * str A string * @return {Boolean} True iff str contains nothing but whitespace * charactors. */ function _isAllWhiteSpace(str) { return /^[\t\n\r ]+$/.test(str); } /** * @param {Node} * textNode A text node which has a parent node. * @return {Boolean} True iff the text node is allowed to contain non * whitespace symbols. */ function _doesTextSupportNonWS(textNode) { return !_isNodeAtLevel(textNode.parentNode, "NT"); } /** * Ready only. UTF encoding for the non breaking backspace entity * (" ")' */ var _NBSP = _parseHTMLString(" "); $extend(de, { isBlock : _isBlockLevel }); /* Viewport.js */ var _getViewportSize, _getScrollbarThickness, _getBodyOffset, _getDocumentScrollPos; (function() { var recalcViewportPending = 1, cachedVPWidth, cachedVPHeight; $enqueueInit("viewport", function() { // On resize invalidate scrollbars and body offset measurements _addHandler(window, "resize", function() { recalcViewportPending = 1; }); }); /** * @param {Boolean} * forceReCalc True to force a relcalculation of the viewport * dimension. Otherwised it may return a cached version. Only * need to set to true if calling within a onresize event * (since cached values are re-evaluated on resize events). * * @return {Object} The size of the documents viewport - excluding * scrollbars. {width, height} */ de.getViewPortSize = _getViewPortSize = function(forceRecalc) { if (recalcViewportPending || forceRecalc) reCalcViewport(); return { width : cachedVPWidth, height : cachedVPHeight }; }; /** * Recalculates the viewport dimensions */ function reCalcViewport() { if (_browser == _Platform.IE && _browserVersion < 7) { // IE 6 and below does not support fixed positioned elements and // has troubles with // 100% heights .. can just query doc element client area cachedVPWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; cachedVPHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; // TODO: // For // all // IE's? } else { var measureDiv = $createElement("div"); _setFullStyle(measureDiv, "position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border-style:none;margin:0"); docBody.appendChild(measureDiv); cachedVPWidth = measureDiv.offsetWidth; cachedVPHeight = measureDiv.offsetHeight; docBody.removeChild(measureDiv); } recalcViewportPending = 0; } })(); /** * @return {Object} The current scroll position of the document {top, left}. */ de.getDocumentScrollPos = _getDocumentScrollPos = function() { var left = 0, top = 0; // DOM Compliant? if (docBody.scrollLeft || docBody.scrollTop) { left = docBody.scrollLeft; top = docBody.scrollTop; } else if (window.pageYOffset || window.pageXOffset) { left = window.pageXOffset; top = window.pageYOffset; } else if (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop) { left = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; top = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } return { top : top, left : left }; } /** * Note: this does not include the browser toolbars/status bars etc.. just * the document viewing area... * * @return {Object} the size of the documents window - i.e. including * scrollbars. {width, height} */ function _getWindowSize() { var width = 0, height = 0; if (window.innerWidth || window.innerHeight) { // Most Browsers width = window.innerWidth; height = window.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement.offsetWidth || document.documentElement.offsetWidth) { // IE width = document.documentElement.offsetWidth; height = document.documentElement.offsetHeight; } else if (docBody.offsetWidth || docBody.offsetWidth) { width = docBody.offsetWidth; height = docBody.offsetWidth; } return { width : width, height : height }; } ; /* file: WhitespaceUtil.js */ var _consolidateWSSeqs, _normalizeNBSP, _convertWSToNBSP; (function() { /* Elements which can be physically separated by white space. */ var breakableElements = $createLookupMap("button,img,iframe,map,object"), /* * Inline elements which cannot be regarded as part of a whitespace * sequence. */ nonWSInlineElements = $createLookupMap("br,button,img,iframe,map,object,select,textarea,applet"); /** * This does not create any undoable operations. * * @param {Node} * targetNode A node to convert all whitespaces to NBSP * entities in text nodes which can support non whitespace * and has normal whitespace breaking */ _convertWSToNBSP = function(targetNode) { _visitTextNodes(targetNode, targetNode, true, function(textNode) { if (_doesTextSupportNonWS(textNode) && getWSStyle(textNode) == "normal") textNode.nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue.replace( /[\t\n\r ]/g, _NBSP); }); }; /** * Consolidates white space. This creates undoable operations. * * @param {Node} * targetNode The DOM node and all it's descendants to * consolidate. * * @param {Boolean} * extendRange If the first text node begins with whitespace, * then the first whitespace sequence may start before the * target node. If the last text node in the range ends with * whitespace, then the last whitespace sequence may end * after the target node. Set to true to allow consolidation * outside of the target node, false will truncate whitespace * sequences within the target node. * */ _consolidateWSSeqs = function(targetNode, extendRange) { // Get the first text node within target node - that is editable var ftn; _visitTextNodes(targetNode, targetNode, true, function(textNode) { if (_doesTextSupportNonWS(textNode) && _nodeLength(textNode) > 0) { ftn = textNode; return false; } }); // If there are no text nodes then there is nothing to consolidate if (!ftn) return; // If the first text node contains a whitespace... extend range // backward... // possibly before the targetnode... to ensure that all preceeding // whitespace // that is part of the first node/index sequence is included. May // over estimate but // that is ok. var currentNode = targetNode; var ignorePreceedingWS = false; if (extendRange && _isAllWhiteSpace(ftn.nodeValue.charAt(0))) { _visitAllNodes(null, ftn, false, function(domNode) { // Skip start node if (domNode == ftn) return; if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { // Text nodes that do not support not whitespace // shouldn't be consolidated... if (!_doesTextSupportNonWS(domNode)) return false; // Adjust new node to start consolidating from currentNode = domNode; // If the text node contains a nonWS charactor then the // range has been extended enough if (!_isAllWhiteSpace(domNode.nodeValue)) { // Set flag to ignore any preceeding whitespace at // the starting node (see later) ignorePreceedingWS = true; return false; } } // If the node is not inline, then WS sequences can't spill // over these else if (!_isInlineLevel(domNode)) return false; }); } var seenTargetNode = _isAncestor(targetNode, currentNode), currentIndex = 0; // Keep traversing through the target node's descendants until all // whitespace sequences are // consolidated or completely removed while (currentNode) { // Get the next whitespace sequence var seq = nextWSSequence(currentNode, currentIndex, ignorePreceedingWS, targetNode, seenTargetNode, false, false, extendRange); ignorePreceedingWS = false; seenTargetNode = seq.seenTargetNode; currentNode = seq.resumeNode; currentIndex = seq.resumeIndex; // Was there a whitespace sequence? if so, and the sequence is // not using "pre" wrapping then // there might be something to consolidate if (seq.startNode && getWSStyle(seq.startNode) != "pre") { // If the whitespace sequence breaks two inline/text // elements apart, then adjust the range // so that it leaves one whitespace behind if (isBreaker(seq.startNode, seq.startIndex, seq.endNode, seq.endIndex)) { // If the whitespace sequence is just one in length, // then there is nothing to consolidate if (seq.startNode == seq.endNode && seq.startIndex == (seq.endIndex - 1)) { seq.startNode = null; } else { // Increment start node / index by one whitespace to // leave one white space behind // If the start index is larger/equal to the start // nodes text length, // the fragment range will include the start node, // but exclude it from removal. seq.startIndex++; } } // Is there anything to consolidate? if (seq.startNode) { // Create the fragment and disconnect it from the // document var seqFrag = _buildFragment(_getCommonAncestor( seq.startNode, seq.endNode, false), seq.startNode, seq.startIndex, seq.endNode, seq.endIndex); seqFrag.disconnect(); // Keep the current node/index pointer updated var updateTargetNode = currentNode == targetNode; if (currentNode) { var startFrag = seqFrag.getStartFragment(), endFrag = seqFrag .getEndFragment(), updated = false, wasStartSplit = seqFrag .wasStartSplit(), wasEndSplit = seqFrag .wasEndSplit(); // Is this node the same as the start node of the // fragment, and was the start node split? if (currentNode == seq.startNode && wasStartSplit) { debug .assert(startFrag.getPreSplitNode() == seq.startNode); debug .assert(_nodeLength(seq.startNode) == seq.startIndex); // Does the index need updating? if (currentIndex >= _nodeLength(seq.startNode)) { var remTextLen = _nodeLength(startFrag.node); // Does the index fall in the removed range? if (currentIndex < (_nodeLength(seq.startNode) + remTextLen)) // If adjusting left, then simply // truncate the index to the end of the // start node currentIndex = _nodeLength(seq.startNode) - 1; // Was both the end node AND start node // split at the same node?.. and the // node/index // is pointing in the remaining text (right // most)? else if (currentNode == seq.endNode && wasEndSplit) { // Adjust the node to become the // remaining text currentNode = endFrag .getPostSplitNode() // Set the index to become relative to // the split end node currentIndex -= (_nodeLength(seq.startNode) + remTextLen); } else assert(false); } updated = true; // Otherwise is this node the same as the end // node of the fragment, and was the end node // split? } else if (currentNode == seq.endNode && wasEndSplit) { var remTextLen = _nodeLength(endFrag.node); // Does the index fall outside the removed // range? if (currentIndex >= remTextLen) { // Adjust the node to become the remaining // text currentNode = endFrag.getPostSplitNode(); // Set the index to become relative to the // split end node currentIndex -= remTextLen; updated = true; // If not, then the node/index should be set // to the start or end bounds node/index } else currentNode = null; } if (!updated) { // Determine if the disconnection of the // fragment removed this dom node var wasRemoved; if (currentNode) { wasRemoved = false; seqFrag.visit(function(frag) { if (!frag.isShared && frag.node == currentNode) { wasRemoved = true; return false; } }); } else wasRemoved = true; if (wasRemoved) { // If the node was removed, then set the // node/index to the starting bounds var frag = startFrag; while (!frag.isShared) { frag = frag.parent; } // Set the node to become the first shared // node on the starting bound... currentNode = frag.node; // The index should be at the end of the // start bound if the very-end of start // bound still remains in the document, // Otherwise the index should be set to the // beggining of the start bound. // It is possible for the very-end of the // start fragment to still be included // because if the // sequence is a breaker, then the start // index can be incremented exclude the // start node. currentIndex = frag == startFrag ? _nodeLength( currentNode, 1) : 0; // If the shared node contains child nodes, // then set the current node to become the // child at which the startbounds // proceeded from if (currentNode.childNodes.length > 0 && frag.children.length > 0 && frag.children[0].pos > 0) { currentNode = currentNode.childNodes[frag.children[0].pos - 1]; // Set index to the end of selected node currentIndex = _nodeLength(currentNode, 1); } } } // If the current node is the same as the target // node, the target node // is a text node that has been split - so update // this aswell if (currentNode && updateTargetNode) targetNode = currentNode; } } } } // End loop: consolidating whitespaces in target node }; /** * Converts any NBSP entities within a given node (and in some cases * just outside of the node) into whitespace, only if the conversion * won't collapse the whitespace. * * This will not create any undoable operations * * @param {Node} * targetNode The node to normalize all containing non * breaking spaces */ _normalizeNBSP = function(targetNode) { var currentNode = targetNode, currentIndex = 0; while (currentNode) { // Get the next whitespace sequence.. including NBPS's var seq = nextWSSequence(currentNode, currentIndex, false, targetNode, true, true, true, true); currentNode = seq.resumeNode; currentIndex = seq.resumeIndex; // Is there a whitespace sequence? if (seq.startNode) { var isWSSeqBreaker = isBreaker(seq.startNode, seq.startIndex, seq.endNode, seq.endIndex), seqTextNodes = []; // debug.println("Found ws sequence - wordbreaker=" + // isWSSeqBreaker + ", endIndex=" + seq.endIndex); // Get all text nodes in the whitespace sequence into an // array _visitTextNodes(_getCommonAncestor(seq.startNode, seq.endNode, false), seq.startNode, true, function( textNode) { seqTextNodes.push(textNode); if (textNode == seq.endNode) return false; }); // For each text node in the whitespace sequence.... for (var i = 0; i < seqTextNodes.length; i++) { var textNode = seqTextNodes[i]; // For each charactor in the whitespace sequence for (var index = (i == 0 ? seq.startIndex : 0); index < (i == (seqTextNodes.length - 1) ? seq.endIndex : _nodeLength(textNode)); index++) { // debug.println("Checking whitespace at index " + // index + "..."); if (textNode.nodeValue.charAt(index) == _NBSP) { // debug.println("Found NBSP at index " + // index); // Keep NBSP if the NBSP is at the start or end // of the sequence, and the sequence is not // a word breaker if (!(!isWSSeqBreaker && ((i == 0 && index == seq.startIndex) || (i == (seqTextNodes.length - 1) && index == (seq.endIndex - 1))))) { // Keep the NBSP if preceded by a whitespace var ch; if (index == 0) ch = (i > 0) ? seqTextNodes[i - 1].nodeValue .charAt(_nodeLength(seqTextNodes[i - 1]) - 1) : null; else ch = textNode.nodeValue .charAt(index - 1); if (!ch || !_isAllWhiteSpace(ch)) { // Keep the NBSP if proceeded by a // whitespace if (index == (_nodeLength(textNode) - 1)) ch = (i < (seqTextNodes.length - 1)) ? seqTextNodes[i + 1].nodeValue .charAt(0) : null; else ch = textNode.nodeValue .charAt(index + 1); // debug.println("ch = " + (ch ? ch : // "NULL")); if (!ch || !_isAllWhiteSpace(ch)) { // Otherwise... replace the non // breaking space with a whitespace // debug.println("Replacing NBSP at // index " + index + " (node length // = " + _nodeLength(textNode) + // ")"); textNode.nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue .substr(0, index) + " " + textNode.nodeValue .substr(index + 1); } } } } } // End loop: iterating over whitespaces in ws // seqence } // End loop: Iterating over text nodes in ws sequence } } // End loop: searching for whitespace sequences in target node }; /** * Discovers the start and end points of the next whitespace seqeunce * from a given point (inclusive) * * @param {Node} * initNode The node to search from (towards the right) * @param {Number} * initIndex The index to search from. * @param {Boolean} * ignorePreceedingWS True to ignore the initial whitespaces * encountered * @param {Node} * targetNode The node at which the search should reside * within. * @param {Boolean} * seenTargetNode Flag as true if the target node has been * visited. * @param {Boolean} * includeNBSP True to include non breaking spaces as * whitespace, false to only count whitespace. * @param {Boolean} * ignoreInternalSingleWS True to ignore any single * whitespace sequences that are definatly breaking two words * apart * @param {Boolean} * extendRange True to allow the sequences to go past the * target node for boundry cases. * * @return {Object} An object with the following members: seenTargetNode - * true if the target node was encountered. resumeNode - The * node to resume the search for remaining ws sequences in the * target node resumeIndex - The index to resume the search for * remaining ws sequences in the target node startNode - The * start node of the sequence. Null if there was none. * startIndex - The start index of the sequence (if there was * one) endNode - The end node of the sequence, if there was * one. endIndex - The end index of the sequence, if there was * one. */ function nextWSSequence(initNode, initIndex, ignorePreceedingWS, targetNode, seenTargetNode, includeNBSP, ignoreInternalSingleWS, extendRange) { var resumeNode = null, resumeIndex = initIndex, startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex, startWSStyle, curWSStyle; // Locate the next whitespace sequence from the current node onwards // (if any). _visitAllNodes( null, initNode, true, function(domNode) { // Has the search space exhausted? I.E: Has the // traversal gone past the target node's descendants - // and at this point isn't looking for any whitespace to // consolidate? if (seenTargetNode && domNode != targetNode && (!startNode || !extendRange) && !_isAncestor(targetNode, domNode)) // Case: // if // target // is // text // node, // then // it // can // split... // and // prematurely // end // search return false; // Finished consolidating/removing // ws // Update flag if domnode is the target node seenTargetNode |= (domNode == targetNode); // Set helper: the whitespace CSS style for the current // visited dom node curWSStyle = getWSStyle(domNode); if (startNode) { // If building a whitespace sequence, check to see // if the ancestors of the starting node - up to // the common ancestor of the start node and this // current node - can be contained in a whitespace // sequence. var ca = _getCommonAncestor(domNode, startNode, false); var ancestors = _getAncestors(startNode, ca, false, false); var terminateSeq = false; for ( var i in ancestors) { if (!(_isInlineLevel(ancestors[i]) && !nonWSInlineElements[_nodeName(ancestors[i])])) { terminateSeq = true; break; } } // Whitespace sequences cannot contain different // breaking mechanisms. if (terminateSeq || curWSStyle != startWSStyle) { resumeNode = domNode; resumeIndex = 0; return false; } } if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (domNode.parentNode.nodeType != Node.COMMENT_NODE) { if (!_doesTextSupportNonWS(domNode)) { debug.assert(!ignorePreceedingWS); // If there is potentially something to // consolidate, abort this traversal if (startNode) { // Record current position to resume // traversal after consolidation resumeNode = domNode; resumeIndex = 0; return false; } } else { // Iterate over charactors in the text run while (resumeIndex < _nodeLength(domNode)) { var ch = domNode.nodeValue .charAt(resumeIndex); if (_isAllWhiteSpace(ch) || (includeNBSP && ch == _NBSP)) { if (!ignorePreceedingWS) { // Note start/end node/index of // whitespace sequence if (startNode) { endNode = domNode; endIndex = resumeIndex + 1; } else { startNode = domNode; startWSStyle = curWSStyle; startIndex = resumeIndex; endNode = null; } } } else { // Non whitespace charactor ignorePreceedingWS = false; // Is there a current sequence that // has more than 1 whitespace, or // one that resides at the start of // this text run? if (endNode || (startNode && (ignoreInternalSingleWS || startIndex == 0))) { // Record current position to // resume traversal after // consolidation resumeNode = domNode; return false; // Ignore any previous // single-whitespace sequences, // that do not reside at the // start of the text run } else startNode = null; } resumeIndex++; } // End loop: iterating over charactors // in text run } } else ignorePreceedingWS = false; } else { // Not a text node ignorePreceedingWS = false; if (domNode.nodeType != Node.COMMENT_NODE) { // Whitespace sequences can contain a subset of // inline elements. if (startNode && !(_isInlineLevel(domNode) && !nonWSInlineElements[_nodeName(domNode)])) { resumeNode = domNode; resumeIndex = 0; return false; } } // The element at this point can be part of the // current whitespace sequence... } resumeIndex = 0; }); // End visit // If sequence is one in length, must set end position if (startNode && !endNode) { endNode = startNode; endIndex = startIndex + 1; } return { seenTargetNode : seenTargetNode, resumeNode : resumeNode, resumeIndex : resumeIndex, startNode : startNode, startIndex : startIndex, endNode : endNode, endIndex : endIndex }; } /** * @param {Node} * startNode The starting text node of the whitespace * sequence * @param {Number} * startIndex The starting index of the whitespace sequence * @param {Node} * endNode The ending text node of the whitespace sequence * @param {Number} * endIndex The ending index of the whitespace sequence * @return {Boolean} True iff the given whitespace sequence breaks two * words/breakable-elements apart. */ function isBreaker(startNode, startIndex, endNode, endIndex) { var startWSStyle = getWSStyle(startNode); // Look to the left if (startIndex == 0) { var found = false; _visitAllNodes(null, startNode, false, function(domNode) { if (domNode == startNode) return; // Skip initial text node var res = scan(domNode, startNode); if (!res && found) { // Check that all ancestors up to and excluding // the common ancestor of this dom node // and the start node, are all nodes which are // breaked by whitespace var ca = _getCommonAncestor(domNode, startNode, false); var ancestors = _getAncestors(domNode, ca, false, false); for ( var i in ancestors) { // Reset found flag found = false; // Check ancestor if it does not break on // whitespace... if (!scan(ancestors[i], startNode) && !found) return false; } // Restore flags res = false; found = true; } return res; }); if (!found) return false; } // Look to the right if (endIndex == _nodeLength(endNode)) { var found = false; _visitAllNodes(null, endNode, true, function(domNode) { if (domNode == endNode) return; // Skip initial text node var res = scan(domNode, endNode); if (!res && found) { // Check that all ancestors up to and excluding // the common ancestor of this dom node // and the end node, are all nodes which are // breakable by whitespace var ca = _getCommonAncestor(domNode, endNode, false); var ancestors = _getAncestors(endNode, ca, false, false); for ( var i in ancestors) { // Reset found flag found = false; // Check ancestor if it does not break on // whitespace... if (!scan(ancestors[i], endNode) && !found) return false; } // Restore flags found = true; res = false; } return res; }); if (!found) return false; } return true; /** * Inner helper function. * * Sets the "found" local to true if domnode is considered breakable * (in it's context) * * @param {Node} * domNode The node to check * @param {Node} * initialNode The end or start node of the scan * @return {Boolean} True to continue scanning, false to abort...a * result was found. */ function scan(domNode, initialNode) { if (domNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (_nodeLength(domNode) > 0) { found = _doesTextSupportNonWS(domNode); // Non-WS nodes // are not // breakable return false; } } else if (breakableElements[_nodeName(domNode)]) { found = !_isAncestor(domNode, initialNode); // WS Doesn't // break from // within // breakable // nodes to // outside of // them return false; // If hit a block level element or line break before a // breakable node, then the sequence must be // leading or trailing text. } else if (_isBlockLevel(domNode) || _nodeName(domNode) == "br") return false; // Keep looking... return true; }// End inner scan } /** * @param {Node} * node A node to get it's whitespace CSS style for. * @return {String} The CSS white-space style for the given node, never * null/always is a style. */ function getWSStyle(node) { var style = _getComputedStyle(node, "white-space"); if (!style) { // Check if descends from PRE do { if (_nodeName(node) == "pre") { style = "pre"; break; } node = node.parentNode; } while (node && node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE); // Set as normal if (!style) style = "normal"; } return style; } })() })();