/** Javascript file for the document maker, which is where you can split documents up etc. Not used at the moment until we work out exactly what it does. */ /** requires documentedit_scripts_util.js and documentmaker_scripts_util.js */ /** does it also need documentedit_scripts.js?? */ //var _transactions = new Array(); //var _collectionsToBuild = new Array(); //var _allContents = new Array(); var _idCounter = 0; var _indexCounter = 0; //var _deletedSections = new Array(); //var _deletedMetadata = new Array(); //var _undoOperations = new Array(); //var _baseURL; //var _statusBar; //var _metadataSetList = new Array(); function initDocumentMaker() { //Get all of the links on the page var allLinks = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); //Work out which links are the actual document links var docLinks = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++) { if(allLinks[i].getAttribute("class") && (gs.functions.hasClass(allLinks[i], "dbdoc"))) { docLinks.push(allLinks[i]); } } if(gs.cgiParams.docToEdit) { var content = document.getElementById("gs_content"); var newLink = document.createElement("A"); newLink.setAttribute("href", gs.xsltParams.library_name + "?a=d&c=" + gs.cgiParams.p_c + "&dt=hierarchy&ed=1&d=" + gs.cgiParams.docToEdit); content.appendChild(newLink); docLinks.push(newLink); } if(docLinks.length == 0) { document.getElementById("gs_content").innerHTML = gs.text.dse.no_docs; return; } //Create the top menu bar var menuBar = createTopMenuBar(); //Add the menu bar to the page var mainContentDiv = document.getElementById("gs_content"); mainContentDiv.appendChild(menuBar); var dbDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); dbDiv.setAttribute("id", "dbDiv"); insertAfter(dbDiv, menuBar); var statusDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); statusDiv.setAttribute("class", "statusBar"); insertAfter(statusDiv, menuBar); _statusBar = new StatusBar(statusDiv); //Request the html for each link's page for(var i = 0; i < docLinks.length; i++) { var callback = { success: addDocumentStructureToPage, failure: function(data){/*alert("FAILED");*/} } callback.currentLink = docLinks[i]; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest("GET", docLinks[i].getAttribute("href").concat('&dmd=true&excerptid=gs-document-text&hhf='+makeURLComponentSafe('[{"name":"Cache-Control", "value":"no-cache"}]')), callback); } _baseURL = gs.xsltParams.library_name; } function addDocumentStructureToPage(data) { //Get the HTML var page = data.responseText; //Add the HTML to the page inside an invisible div var tempDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); tempDiv.innerHTML = page; tempDiv.style.display = "none"; insertAfter(tempDiv, this.currentLink); //Get the collection that this document belongs to var collection = document.getElementById("gs-document-text").getAttribute("collection"); //Get the Document Basket div var dbDiv = document.getElementById("dbDiv"); //Create the container list and add it to the Document Basket div var containerUL = document.createElement("UL"); containerUL.setAttribute("class", "topLevelItem"); dbDiv.appendChild(containerUL); //Get all of the headers in the page var headers = getElementsByClassName("sectionTitle", tempDiv); //Some necessary loop variables var prevItem = null; var prevDepth = 0; var levelContainers = new Array(); levelContainers[0] = containerUL; //Loop through all of the headers for(var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { var currentHeader = headers[i]; //If the currentHeader is not a element then we are not interested if(currentHeader.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "td") { continue; } //Split the section ID on . to get its position in the document var posArray = currentHeader.getAttribute("id").split("."); //Save the document ID var docID = posArray[0].substring(6); //Save the depth of the section (top level is 0) var depth = posArray.length - 1; //Turn the position array into a string var position = ""; for(var j = 1; j < posArray.length; j++) { if(j != 1) { position += "."; } position += posArray[j]; } //Save the section number var secID = currentHeader.getAttribute("id").substring("6"); //Get the text of the section var currentText = document.getElementById("text" + secID); var renderedDiv = createSectionTextDiv(currentText.innerHTML); var newItem = document.createElement("LI"); new YAHOO.example.DDList(newItem); var title = createSectionTitle(currentHeader.innerHTML); newItem.sectionTitle = title; newItem.appendChild(title); newItem.setAttribute("class", depth == 0 ? "dragItem topLevelItem" : "dragItem"); newItem.textDiv = renderedDiv; renderedDiv.parentItem = newItem; var metadataTable = document.getElementById("meta" + secID); renderedDiv.insertBefore(metadataTable, renderedDiv.firstChild); addFunctionalityToTable(metadataTable); if(depth > prevDepth) { var newContainer = document.createElement("UL"); new YAHOO.util.DDTarget(newContainer); newContainer.setAttribute("class", "dragList"); prevItem.childList = newContainer; prevItem.menu.newSectionLink.style.display = "none"; newContainer.parentItem = prevItem; levelContainers[depth - 1].appendChild(newContainer); levelContainers[depth] = newContainer; } prevDepth = depth; levelContainers[depth].appendChild(newItem); levelContainers[depth].appendChild(renderedDiv); createSectionMenu(newItem); setMouseOverAndOutFunctions(newItem); //Set various section properties //newItem.collection = collectionName; newItem.documentID = docID; newItem.position = position; newItem.nodeID = secID; newItem.dbID = _idCounter++; newItem.index = newItem.dbID; newItem.collection = collection; newItem.parentList = levelContainers[depth]; prevItem = newItem; //Insert the section into the list of sections _allContents.push(newItem); } removeFromParent(this.currentLink); updateFromTop(); } function createSectionTextDiv(text) { var renderedDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); renderedDiv.setAttribute("style", "display:none;"); var textDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); if(text && text.length > 0) { textDiv.innerHTML = text; } else { textDiv.innerHTML = " "; } textDiv.setAttribute("class", "renderedText editable"); //This registering can cause a sizeable delay so we'll thread it (effectively) so the browser is not paused setTimeout(function(){addEditableState(textDiv, editableInitStates)}, 0); renderedDiv.appendChild(textDiv); textDiv.parentDiv = renderedDiv; return renderedDiv; } function createNewDocumentArea() { var createButton = document.getElementById("createNewDocumentButton"); createButton.disabled = true; var saveButton = document.getElementById("saveButton"); saveButton.disabled = true; var statusID = _statusBar.addStatus("Creating document..."); var newID = "HASH" + gs.functions.hashString("" + (new Date()).getTime()); var ajax = new gs.functions.ajaxRequest(); ajax.open("POST", gs.xsltParams.library_name, true); ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); ajax.onreadystatechange = function() { if(ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200) { buildCollections([gs.cgiParams.p_c], [newID], function() { //Create the necessary elements var topLevelUL = document.createElement("UL"); var topLevelLI = document.createElement("LI"); var contentUL = document.createElement("UL"); //Append the top-level list item to the top-level list topLevelUL.appendChild(topLevelLI); topLevelUL.setAttribute("class", "topLevelItem"); //Set up the top-level item topLevelLI.setAttribute("class", "dragItem topLevelItem"); topLevelLI.childList = contentUL; topLevelLI.collection = gs.cgiParams.p_c; topLevelLI.nodeID = newID; contentUL.parentItem = topLevelLI; //Add a textDiv to the top-level item var textDiv = createSectionTextDiv(null); textDiv.parentItem = topLevelLI; topLevelLI.textDiv = textDiv; topLevelUL.appendChild(textDiv); //Create a blank metadata table var metaTable = document.createElement("TABLE"); metaTable.setAttribute("id", "meta" + newID); textDiv.insertBefore(metaTable, textDiv.firstChild); var titleMetaRow = document.createElement("TR"); var titleMetaNameCell = document.createElement("TD"); titleMetaNameCell.innerHTML = "dc.Title"; titleMetaNameCell.setAttribute("class", "metaTableCellName"); var titleMetaValueCell = document.createElement("TD"); titleMetaValueCell.setAttribute("class", "metaTableCell editable"); titleMetaValueCell.innerHTML = "UNTITLED DOCUMENT"; titleMetaRow.appendChild(titleMetaNameCell); titleMetaRow.appendChild(titleMetaValueCell); metaTable.appendChild(titleMetaRow); addFunctionalityToTable(metaTable); //Add a title to the top-level item var title = createSectionTitle(gs.text.dse.untitled); topLevelLI.appendChild(title); topLevelLI.sectionTitle = title; createSectionMenu(topLevelLI); setMouseOverAndOutFunctions(topLevelLI); //Set up the placeholder for the first section contentUL.setAttribute("class", "dragList"); new YAHOO.util.DDTarget(contentUL); //Create a placeholder and add it to first section var placeHolder = createPlaceholder(null, contentUL, false); contentUL.appendChild(placeHolder); //Add elements to the page var dbDiv = document.getElementById("dbDiv"); if(dbDiv.firstChild) { dbDiv.insertBefore(topLevelUL, dbDiv.firstChild); } else { dbDiv.appendChild(topLevelUL); } insertAfter(contentUL, topLevelLI.textDiv); //Correct any issues updateFromTop(); }); createButton.disabled = false; saveButton.disabled = false; _statusBar.removeStatus(statusID); } else if (ajax.readyState == 4) { createButton.disabled = false; saveButton.disabled = false; _statusBar.removeStatus(statusID); } } console.log('[{"operation":"createDocument", "oid":"' + newID + '", "collection":"' + gs.cgiParams.p_c + '"}]'); ajax.send('a=g&rt=r&s=DocumentExecuteTransaction&s1.transactions=[{"operation":"createDocument", "oid":"' + newID + '", "collection":"' + gs.cgiParams.p_c + '"}]'); } function createPlaceholder(parent, parentList, mouseEvents) { //Create the place holder and assign its class var placeHolder = document.createElement("LI"); placeHolder.setAttribute("class", "placeHolder"); //If a parent was given then we can assign the collection and nodeID if(parent) { placeHolder.collection = parent.collection; placeHolder.nodeID = parent.nodeID; } //If this is to be a plain placeholder then we don't want it to react to mouse events if(mouseEvents) { placeHolder.isEmptyList = true; //Create the delete section link var deleteSectionLink = document.createElement("A"); deleteSectionLink.innerHTML = gs.text.dse.delete_section; deleteSectionLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:;"); deleteSectionLink.setAttribute("class", "menuLink"); deleteSectionLink.style.display = "none"; //Set the onclick behaviour of the delete link deleteSectionLink.onclick = function() { //Delete the place holder removeFromParent(placeHolder); //If this is in a list then delete the list (as this will be the only thing in the list) if(parentList) { var undo = new Array(); undo.op = "mva"; undo.srcElem = parentList; undo.refElem = parent; undo.removeTransaction = false; _undoOperations.push(undo); removeFromParent(parentList); } //Enable the "add sub-section" menu option in the parent if(parent) { parent.menu.newSectionLink.style.display = "inline"; parent.childList = null; } } placeHolder.appendChild(deleteSectionLink); //Colour the list item and display the menu on mouse over placeHolder.onmouseover = function(e) { deleteSectionLink.style.display = "inline"; this.style.background = "rgb(255, 200, 0)"; }; //Uncolour the list item and hide the menu on mouse out placeHolder.onmouseout = function(e) { deleteSectionLink.style.display = "none"; this.style.background = "none"; }; } var dragItem = new YAHOO.example.DDList(placeHolder); dragItem.addInvalidHandleClass("placeHolder"); return placeHolder; } function duplicateSection(section) { var newLI = document.createElement("LI"); newLI.setAttribute("class", "dragItem"); new YAHOO.example.DDList(newLI); if(section.textDiv) { var textDiv = createSectionTextDiv(section.textDiv.innerHTML); newLI.textDiv = textDiv; } newLI.collection = section.collectionName; if(section.sectionTitle) { var title = createSectionTitle(section.sectionTitle.innerHTML); newLI.sectionTitle = title; newLI.appendChild(title); } createSectionMenu(newLI); setMouseOverAndOutFunctions(newLI); newLI.onmouseout(); if(section.childList) { insertAfter(newLI, section.childList); } else if(section.textDiv) { insertAfter(newLI, section.textDiv); } else { insertAfter(newLI, section); } if(newLI.textDiv) { insertAfter(newLI.textDiv, newLI); } return newLI; } function duplicateSectionChildrenRecursive(duplicate, original) { if(!original.childList) { return; } var newUL = document.createElement("UL"); newUL.setAttribute("class", "dragList"); new YAHOO.util.DDTarget(newUL); insertAfter(newUL, duplicate.textDiv); var children = new Array(); var current = original.childList.firstChild; while(current != null) { children.push(current); current = current.nextSibling; } for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { current = children[i]; if(current.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li" && !gs.functions.hasClass(current, "placeHolder")) { var newSection = duplicateSection(current); newUL.appendChild(newSection); if(current.childList) { duplicateSectionChildrenRecursive(newSection, current); } } } duplicate.childList = newUL; newUL.parentItem = duplicate.childList; if(duplicate.menu) { duplicate.menu.newSectionLink.style.display = "none"; } } function deleteSection(section) { var undo = new Array(); var prev = getPrevSiblingOfType(section, "li"); var next = getNextSiblingOfType(section, "li"); var parent = section.parentList; if(prev) { undo.op = "mva"; undo.refElem = prev; } else if(next) { undo.op = "mvb"; undo.refElem = next; } else { undo.op = "mvi"; undo.refElem = parent; } undo.srcElem = section; undo.removeTransaction = true; _undoOperations.push(undo); saveTransaction('{"operation":"delete", "collection":"' + section.collection + '", "oid":"' + section.nodeID + '"}'); addCollectionToBuild(section.collection); _deletedSections.push(section); if(section.textDiv) { removeFromParent(section.textDiv); } if(section.childList) { removeFromParent(section.childList); } removeFromParent(section); updateFromTop(); } function createBlankSection(parent) { if(parent.childList) { return; } var newUL = document.createElement("UL"); newUL.setAttribute("class", "dragList emptyList"); new YAHOO.util.DDTarget(newUL); insertAfter(newUL, parent.textDiv); parent.childList = newUL; newUL.parentItem = parent; var menu = parent.menu; menu.newSectionLink.style.display = "none"; var undo = new Array(); undo.op = "del"; undo.srcElem = newUL; undo.removeTransaction = false; _undoOperations.push(undo); } function createSectionMenu(section) { var menuBar = document.createElement("SPAN"); //Separator menuBar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); //"Edit" link var toggleLink = document.createElement("A"); toggleLink.innerHTML = gs.text.dse.edit; toggleLink.setAttribute("class", "menuLink"); toggleLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:;"); toggleLink.onclick = function(){toggleTextDiv(section);}; menuBar.appendChild(toggleLink); menuBar.editTextLink = toggleLink; //Separator menuBar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); var newSectionLink = document.createElement("A"); newSectionLink.innerHTML = gs.text.dse.add_sub_section.replace(/ /g, " "); newSectionLink.setAttribute("class", "menuLink"); newSectionLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:;"); newSectionLink.onclick = function() { createBlankSection(section); updateFromTop(); }; menuBar.appendChild(newSectionLink); menuBar.newSectionLink = newSectionLink; //"New Section" link if(section.childList) { newSectionLink.style.display = "none"; } //Separator menuBar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); //"Duplicate" link var duplicateLink = document.createElement("A"); duplicateLink.innerHTML = gs.text.dse.duplicate; duplicateLink.setAttribute("class", "menuLink"); duplicateLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:;"); duplicateLink.onclick = function() { var newSection = duplicateSection(section); if(section.childList) { duplicateSectionChildrenRecursive(newSection, section); } var newNodeID = section.nodeID; var lastDigit = parseInt(newNodeID.substring(newNodeID.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)); newNodeID = newNodeID.replace(/\.[^\.]*$/, "." + ++lastDigit); var undo = new Array(); undo.op = "del"; undo.srcElem = section; undo.removeTransaction = true; _undoOperations.push(undo); saveTransaction('{"operation":"duplicate", "subOperation":"insertBefore", "collection":"' + section.collection + '", "oid":"' + section.nodeID + '", "newCollection":"' + section.collection + '", "newOID":"' + newNodeID + '"}'); addCollectionToBuild(section.collection); updateFromTop(); }; menuBar.appendChild(duplicateLink); menuBar.duplicateLink = duplicateLink; //Separator menuBar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); //"Delete" link var deleteLink = document.createElement("A"); deleteLink.innerHTML = "[X]"; deleteLink.setAttribute("class", "menuLink deleteLink"); deleteLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:;"); deleteLink.onclick = function(){deleteSection(section)}; menuBar.appendChild(deleteLink); menuBar.deleteLink = deleteLink; menuBar.style.display = "none"; section.appendChild(menuBar); section.menu = menuBar; } function updateRecursive(parent, currentDocument, currentPosition, level) { if(level == 0) { _indexCounter = 0; } level++; var current = parent.firstChild; var posCount = 1; var lastItem; var liCount = 0; while(current != null) { if(current.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "ul") { var pos = null; if(level > 2) { if(!currentPosition) { pos = (posCount - 1); } else { pos = currentPosition + "." + (posCount - 1); } } updateRecursive(current, currentDocument, pos, level); } else if (current.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li" && gs.functions.hasClass(current, "dragItem") && !gs.functions.hasClass(current, "placeHolder")) { if(currentDocument == null && current.nodeID) { currentDocument = current.nodeID; } var pos; if(!currentPosition) { pos = posCount; } else { pos = currentPosition + "." + posCount; } if(!gs.functions.hasClass(current, "topLevelItem")) { current.nodeID = currentDocument + "." + pos; current.position = pos; current.documentID = currentDocument; } posCount++; current.index = _indexCounter++; } else if (gs.functions.hasClass(current, "placeHolder") && !current.isEmptyList) { var pos; if(!currentPosition) { pos = posCount - 1; } else { pos = currentPosition + "." + posCount - 1; } current.nodeID = currentDocument + "." + pos; } if(current.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li") { liCount++; lastItem = current; } current = current.nextSibling; } if(level > 2) { //If the last section a this level has a child list then insert a blank placeholder after it so we can insert sections after the list if(lastItem && lastItem.childList) { var placeHolder = createPlaceholder(lastItem, parent, false); parent.appendChild(placeHolder); } //If this list is empty or has 1 placeholder child if(liCount == 0 || (liCount == 1 && gs.functions.hasClass(lastItem, "placeHolder"))) { //Give it the emptyList css class (if it does not already have it) if(!parent.getAttribute("class") || parent.getAttribute("class").search("emptyList") == -1) { var newClass = parent.getAttribute("class") ? parent.getAttribute("class") + " emptyList" : "emptyList"; parent.setAttribute("class", newClass); } //If the list is empty then add a placeholder if(liCount == 0) { var placeHolder = createPlaceholder(parent.previousSibling.previousSibling, parent, true); //Find a smarter way of doing this parent.appendChild(placeHolder); } } //Remove the empty list class if the list is no longer empty else if(gs.functions.hasClass(parent, "emptyList")) { parent.setAttribute("class", parent.getAttribute("class").replace(/emptyList/g, "")); } } }