source: main/trunk/greenstone3/web/interfaces/default/transform/pages/classifier.xsl@ 38989

Last change on this file since 38989 was 38989, checked in by anupama, 4 weeks ago

Before phasing out applet shims for collage (and phind), imageMustNotHave parameter was user-configurable, so I want to correct that with this commit, in case we ever return to using the applet shims

File size: 24.2 KB
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:java="" xmlns:util="xalan://org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.XSLTUtil" xmlns:gslib="" xmlns:gsf="" extension-element-prefixes="java util" exclude-result-prefixes="java util gsf">
4 <!-- use the 'main' layout -->
5 <xsl:import href="layouts/main.xsl" />
6 <xsl:import href="layouts/webswing-collage.xsl" />
7 <xsl:import href="map-tools.xsl" />
8 <xsl:import href="panorama-viewer-tools.xsl" />
10 <!-- set page title -->
11 <xsl:template name="pageTitle">
12 <gslib:serviceName />
13 </xsl:template>
15 <!-- set page breadcrumbs -->
16 <xsl:template name="breadcrumbs">
17 <gslib:siteLink />
18 <gslib:rightArrow />
19 <gslib:groupLinks/>
20 <gslib:collectionNameLinked />
21 <gslib:rightArrow />
22 </xsl:template>
24 <!-- the page content -->
25 <xsl:template match="/page/pageResponse">
26 <xsl:call-template name="floatRightSidebar" />
27 <xsl:call-template name="classifierPre" />
29 <script type="text/javascript" src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/js/classifier_scripts.js">
30 <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
31 </script>
32 <gsf:script type="text/javascript">$(window).on("load", openStoredClassifiers);</gsf:script>
34 <!--
35 Show the clasifier results - you can change the appearance of the results
36 by editing the two templates at the bottom of this file
37 -->
38 <div id="results">
39 <xsl:variable name="collName">
40 <xsl:value-of select="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name='c']/@value" />
41 </xsl:variable>
42 <xsl:variable name="serviceName">
43 <xsl:value-of select="service/@name" />
44 </xsl:variable>
46 <xsl:call-template name="classifierResultsPre" />
48 <xsl:apply-templates select="classifier">
49 <xsl:with-param name="collName" select="$collName" />
50 <xsl:with-param name="serviceName" select="$serviceName" />
51 </xsl:apply-templates>
53 <xsl:call-template name="classifierResultsPost" />
55 <xsl:call-template name="classifierPost" />
56 </div>
58 <div class="clear">
59 <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
60 </div>
61 </xsl:template>
63 <xsl:template name="rightSidebar">
64 <div id="rightSidebar">
65 <xsl:comment>Filler to prevent empty div collapse, in event displayBasket empty</xsl:comment>
66 <gslib:displayBaskets />
67 </div>
68 </xsl:template>
70 <xsl:template match="classifier">
71 <xsl:param name="collName" />
72 <xsl:param name="serviceName" />
73 <div id="classifiers">
74 <xsl:variable name="cl_name">
75 <xsl:value-of select="@name" />
76 </xsl:variable>
77 <xsl:choose>
78 <xsl:when test="@childType = 'HList'">
79 <xsl:call-template name="HList">
80 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
81 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
82 </xsl:call-template>
83 </xsl:when>
84 <xsl:otherwise>
85 <table class="childrenlist" id="div{@nodeID}">
87 <!--<table id="classifiernodelist">-->
88 <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
89 <xsl:call-template name="processNodeChildren">
90 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
91 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
92 </xsl:call-template>
93 </table>
94 </xsl:otherwise>
95 </xsl:choose>
96 </div>
97 </xsl:template>
99 <xsl:template name="HList">
100 <xsl:param name="collName" />
101 <xsl:param name="serviceName" />
102 <xsl:variable name="selectedNode">
103 <xsl:value-of select="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name = 'cl']/@value" />
104 </xsl:variable>
106 <ul class="horizontalContainer">
107 <xsl:for-each select='classifierNode'>
108 <li id="title{@nodeID}">
109 <xsl:attribute name="class">
110<!-- <xsl:if test="$selectedNode = @nodeID or starts-with($selectedNode, concat(@nodeID, '.')) or (not(contains($selectedNode, '.')) and @nodeID = concat($selectedNode, '.1'))">selectedHorizontalClassifierNode </xsl:if>-->
111 <xsl:if test="$selectedNode = @nodeID or starts-with($selectedNode, concat(@nodeID, '.')) or (@nodeID = concat($selectedNode, '.1'))">selectedHorizontalClassifierNode </xsl:if>
112 <xsl:text>horizontalClassifierNode</xsl:text>
113 </xsl:attribute>
114 <xsl:apply-templates select='.'>
115 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
116 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
117 </xsl:apply-templates>
118 </li>
119 </xsl:for-each>
120 </ul>
121 <xsl:choose>
122 <!-- if the children are HLists-->
123 <xsl:when test="classifierNode[@childType = 'HList']">
124 <xsl:for-each select='classifierNode'>
125 <!-- there should be only one-->
126 <xsl:call-template name="HList">
127 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
128 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
129 </xsl:call-template>
130 </xsl:for-each>
131 </xsl:when>
132 <xsl:otherwise>
134 <div id="classifiernodelist{@nodeID}">
135 <xsl:for-each select='classifierNode'>
136 <xsl:if test="classifierNode|documentNode">
137 <table class="childrenlist" id="div{@nodeID}">
138 <xsl:call-template name="processNodeChildren">
139 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
140 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
141 </xsl:call-template>
142 </table>
143 </xsl:if>
144 </xsl:for-each>
145 </div>
146 </xsl:otherwise>
147 </xsl:choose>
148 </xsl:template>
151 <xsl:template name="collage-applet-shim">
152 <!--<xsl:text>The Collage Applet</xsl:text>-->
154 <!-- Copied from GS2.88's ( has more applet params).
156 Modified params: codebase, GsdlCollageApplet class' package, gwcgi, collection, classifier value="CL2.3", hrefMustHave value="cl=CL3.1". Param isJava2's value changed from auto to true.
157 And made all param XML elements self-closing.
158 -->
159 <!-- When run in the browser or as an application, it's enough to specify "applet" for codebase
160 as the relative folder where to find the jars (we seem to be in the "web" dir then,
161 so can directly look in web's "applet" subdirectory for the jar). But for running
162 this applet with the appletviewer, we need the "full URL path" to the applet folder,
163 which is off /greenstone3 (the servlet_context). Though once the collage applet is run
164 in the appletviewer, a securityexception is thrown as it appears to run in a sandbox
165 that has no permission to download URLs or follow external links or something. That's
166 as far as the Java appletviewer executable can run Greenstone's collage applet program.
167 But being able to run it through the appletviewer this far gives us some confidence that
168 the collage applet actually successfully starts running as an applet.
170TODO: double-quotes for attributes.
171 -->
172 <applet
173 style="display:none"
174 id="collage-applet-element"
175 code="org.greenstone.applet.GsdlCollageApplet.GsdlCollageApplet.class"
176 archive="GsdlCollageApplet.jar, webswing-api.jar">
177 <xsl:attribute name="codebase">/<xsl:value-of select="$servlet_context"/>/applet</xsl:attribute>
178 <xsl:choose>
179 <xsl:when test="option[@name='geometry']/@value">
180 <xsl:attribute name="width">
181 <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(option[@name='geometry']/@value, 'x')" />
182 </xsl:attribute>
183 <xsl:attribute name="height">
184 <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(option[@name='geometry']/@value, 'x')" />
185 </xsl:attribute>
186 </xsl:when>
187 </xsl:choose>
189 <!-- declaring some local variables -->
190 <xsl:variable name="coll_name">
191 <xsl:value-of select="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name='c']/@value"/>
192 </xsl:variable>
193 <xsl:variable name="classifier">
194 <xsl:value-of select="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name='cl']/@value"/>
195 </xsl:variable>
196 <xsl:variable name="fullURL">
197 <xsl:value-of select="/page/pageRequest/@fullURL"/>
198 </xsl:variable>
199 <xsl:variable name="url_protocol_prefix">
200 <xsl:value-of select="substring-before (/page/pageRequest/@fullURL,'/')"/>
201 </xsl:variable>
203 <!-- setting the applet parameters: first the dynamic ones -->
205 <!-- pageRequest attribute "baseURL" lacks protocol prefix and looks like
206 e.g "//localhost:8383/greenstone3/", but we want to set xsl:variable "baseurl"
207 to all of e.g "http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/" -->
208 <param name="baseurl">
209 <xsl:attribute name="value">
210 <xsl:value-of select="$url_protocol_prefix"/><xsl:value-of select="/page/pageRequest/@baseURL"/>
211 </xsl:attribute>
212 </param>
214 <param name="library" value="{$library_name}" />
215 <param name="collection" value="{$coll_name}" />
216 <param name="classifier" value="{$classifier}.1" /><!-- e.g. "CL3.1".
217 The first level subclassifier (.1) contains the hidden classifier structure
218 that the collage app starts exploring from for images -->
220 <param name="documentroot" value="{$servlet_context}" /> <!-- e.g. "greenstone3" -->
222 <param name="hrefMustHave">
223 <xsl:attribute name="value">
224 <xsl:value-of select="$library_name"/>/collection/<xsl:value-of select="$coll_name"/>/browse/<xsl:value-of select="$classifier"/>
225 </xsl:attribute>
226 </param><!-- e.g. "library/collection/smallbea/browse/CL3" -->
228 <!-- applet parameters that are fixed for GS3 or we probably don't want to modify -->
229 <param name="gsdlversion" value="3" />
231 <!-- Applet parameters that try to get their values from any user customisations
232 made to the Collage classifier coming through collectionConfig and then buildConfig.
233 Parameter defaults to fall back on when there is no user customisation
234 can be manually adjusted here. -->
235 <!--<param name="imageType" value="{option[@name='imageType']/@value}" />-->
236 <xsl:call-template name="add-applet-param">
237 <xsl:with-param name="paramName">imageMustNotHave</xsl:with-param>
238 <xsl:with-param name="paramDefaultValue">interfaces/</xsl:with-param>
239 </xsl:call-template>
240 <xsl:call-template name="add-applet-param">
241 <xsl:with-param name="paramName">imageType</xsl:with-param>
242 <xsl:with-param name="paramDefaultValue">.jpg%.png</xsl:with-param>
243 </xsl:call-template>
244 <xsl:call-template name="add-applet-param">
245 <xsl:with-param name="paramName">verbosity</xsl:with-param>
246 <xsl:with-param name="paramDefaultValue">3</xsl:with-param>
247 </xsl:call-template>
248 <xsl:call-template name="add-applet-param">
249 <xsl:with-param name="paramName">maxDepth</xsl:with-param>
250 <xsl:with-param name="paramDefaultValue">500</xsl:with-param>
251 </xsl:call-template>
252 <xsl:call-template name="add-applet-param">
253 <xsl:with-param name="paramName">maxDisplay</xsl:with-param>
254 <xsl:with-param name="paramDefaultValue">25</xsl:with-param>
255 </xsl:call-template>
256 <xsl:call-template name="add-applet-param">
257 <xsl:with-param name="paramName">refreshDelay</xsl:with-param>
258 <xsl:with-param name="paramDefaultValue">1500</xsl:with-param>
259 </xsl:call-template>
260 <xsl:call-template name="add-applet-param">
261 <xsl:with-param name="paramName">isJava2</xsl:with-param>
262 <xsl:with-param name="paramDefaultValue">auto</xsl:with-param>
263 </xsl:call-template>
264 <xsl:call-template name="add-applet-param">
265 <xsl:with-param name="paramName">bgcolor</xsl:with-param>
266 <xsl:with-param name="paramDefaultValue">#96c29a</xsl:with-param>
267 </xsl:call-template>
268 The Collage Applet
269 </applet>
270 </xsl:template>
272 <!-- -->
273 <xsl:template name="add-applet-param">
274 <xsl:param name = "paramName" />
275 <xsl:param name = "paramDefaultValue" />
276 <param name="{$paramName}">
277 <xsl:attribute name="value">
278 <xsl:choose>
279 <xsl:when test="option[@name=$paramName]/@value">
280 <xsl:value-of select="option[@name=$paramName]/@value"/>
281 </xsl:when>
282 <xsl:otherwise>
283 <xsl:value-of select="$paramDefaultValue"/>
284 </xsl:otherwise>
285 </xsl:choose>
286 </xsl:attribute>
287 </param>
288 </xsl:template>
291 <xsl:template name="Collage_javascript_deprecated">
292 <script type="text/javascript" src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/js/collage_scripts.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
293 <div id="collagewrapper" style="width: 800px; height: 643px; position: relative; background-image:url('sites/{$site_name}/collect/twso/images/oldimagebackground1.png'); text-align: center;" alt="Click to start/stop a collage of images" title="Click to start/stop a collage of images" onmouseover="" onmouseout=""><xsl:text> </xsl:text></div>
295 </xsl:template>
297 <xsl:template name="processNodeChildren">
298 <xsl:param name="collName" />
299 <xsl:param name="serviceName" />
301 <xsl:choose>
303 <xsl:when test="@childType = 'VList' or @childType = 'DateList'">
304 <!--
305 <xsl:when test="@childType = 'VList' or @childType = 'HList' or @childType = 'DateList'"> - - **** mod ???? - -
306 -->
308 <xsl:value-of select="util:storeString('prevMonth', '')" />
309 <xsl:for-each select='classifierNode|documentNode'>
310 <tr>
311 <xsl:choose>
312 <xsl:when test="name()='documentNode'">
313 <xsl:if test="../@childType = 'DateList'">
314 <xsl:variable name="prevMonth">
315 <xsl:value-of select="util:getString('prevMonth')" />
316 </xsl:variable>
317 <xsl:variable name="currentDate">
318 <gsf:metadata name="Date" pos="1" />
319 </xsl:variable> <!-- note pos=1 won't work if a document can be included in a datelist multiple times. currently only the first date is used...-->
320 <xsl:variable name="currentMonth">
321 <xsl:value-of select="util:getDetailFromDate($currentDate, 'month', /page/@lang)" />
322 </xsl:variable>
323 <xsl:value-of select="util:storeString('prevMonth', $currentMonth)" />
324 <td>
325 <xsl:if test="not($currentMonth = $prevMonth)">
326 <xsl:value-of select="$currentMonth" />
327 </xsl:if>
328 <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
329 </td>
330 </xsl:if>
331 <td>
332 <table id="div{@nodeID}">
333 <tr>
334 <xsl:call-template name="documentNodeWrapper">
335 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
336 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
337 </xsl:call-template>
338 </tr>
339 </table>
340 </td>
341 </xsl:when>
342 <xsl:when test="name()='classifierNode' and (@childType = 'VList' or @childType = 'HList')">
343 <!-- *** mod -->
344 <td>
345 <table id="title{@nodeID}">
346 <tr>
347 <xsl:if test="not(/page/pageResponse/format[@type='browse']/gsf:option[@name='turnstyleClassifiers']) or /page/pageResponse/format[@type='browse']/gsf:option[@name='turnstyleClassifiers']/@value='true'">
348 <td class="headerTD">
349 <img id="toggle{@nodeID}" onclick="toggleSection('{@nodeID}');" class="icon turnstyleicon">
350 <xsl:attribute name="src">
351 <xsl:choose>
352 <xsl:when test="classifierNode or documentNode">
353 <xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'collapse_image')" />
354 </xsl:when>
355 <xsl:otherwise>
356 <xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'expand_image')" />
357 </xsl:otherwise>
358 </xsl:choose>
359 </xsl:attribute>
360 </img>
361 </td>
362 </xsl:if>
363 <xsl:apply-templates select='.'>
364 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
365 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
366 </xsl:apply-templates>
367 </tr>
368 </table>
369 </td>
370 <xsl:if test="child::classifierNode or child::documentNode">
371 <!--recurse into the children-->
372 <tr>
373 <td>
374 <table class="childrenlist" id="div{@nodeID}">
376 <xsl:apply-templates select='.' mode='process-all-children'>
377 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
378 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
379 </xsl:apply-templates>
380 </table>
381 </td>
382 </tr>
383 </xsl:if>
384 </xsl:when>
385 <xsl:otherwise>
386 <td>
387 Unknown classifier style specified:
388 <xsl:value-of select="name()" />
389 </td>
390 </xsl:otherwise>
391 </xsl:choose>
392 </tr>
393 </xsl:for-each>
394 </xsl:when>
395 <xsl:when test="@childType = 'HTML'">
396 <xsl:variable name="URL">
397 <xsl:value-of select="documentNode/@nodeID" />
398 </xsl:variable>
399 <iframe width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0">
400 <xsl:attribute name="src">
401 <xsl:value-of select="$URL" />
402 </xsl:attribute>
403 Frame for
404 <xsl:value-of select="$URL" />
405 </iframe>
406 </xsl:when>
407 <xsl:when test="@childType = 'Collage'">
408 <xsl:choose>
409 <!--test of not(*) means has no children, not(classNode) has no subelements classNode-->
410 <xsl:when test="not(classifierNode)">
411 <!-- the order of calling these templates now matters since the collage applet now
412 serves as a shim in the javascript that gets loaded in the 2nd template call:
413 the javascript now reads in the applet's parameters and uses them to configure
414 the webswing application/applet. It appeared better than the entirely javascript
415 solution we already had (which set the webswing arguments from the pageRequest
416 and xslt variables), as javascript requires familiarity with programming and
417 library designers/developers/we may find it easier to configure applet params
418 than learn/remember how to set webswing params or use javascript.
419 -->
420 <xsl:call-template name="collage-applet-shim" />
421 <xsl:call-template name="webswing-embed-collage"/>
422 </xsl:when>
423 <xsl:otherwise>
424 <xsl:apply-templates select='classifierNode|documentNode' mode='process-all-children'>
425 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
426 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
427 </xsl:apply-templates>
428 </xsl:otherwise>
429 </xsl:choose>
430 </xsl:when>
431 <xsl:otherwise>
432 we are in the other wise
433 </xsl:otherwise>
434 </xsl:choose>
435 </xsl:template>
437 <!-- processing for the recursive bit -->
438 <xsl:template match="classifierNode" mode="process-all-children">
439 <xsl:param name="collName" />
440 <xsl:param name="serviceName" />
442 <!--
443 ***mod: previous, simpler version
444 <xsl:call-template name="processNodeChildren">
445 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName'/>
446 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName'/>
447 </xsl:call-template>
448 -->
450 <xsl:choose>
451 <xsl:when test="@childType = 'HList'">
452 <tr><td>
453 <xsl:call-template name="HList">
454 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
455 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
456 </xsl:call-template>
457 </td></tr>
458 </xsl:when>
459 <xsl:otherwise>
460 <xsl:call-template name="processNodeChildren">
461 <xsl:with-param name='collName' select='$collName' />
462 <xsl:with-param name='serviceName' select='$serviceName' />
463 </xsl:call-template>
464 </xsl:otherwise>
465 </xsl:choose>
467 </xsl:template>
469 <!-- this is a wrapper node, which the interface can use to add stuff into the classifier display that isn't part of and doesn't depend on the documentNode template which may come from the collection -->
470 <xsl:template name="documentNodeWrapper">
471 <xsl:param name="collName" />
472 <xsl:param name="serviceName" />
474 <!-- The favourite star (optional) -->
475 <xsl:if test="$favouriteBasketOn">
476 <td valign="top">
477 <xsl:call-template name="documentFavouriteForClassifierOrSearchPage" />
478 </td>
479 </xsl:if>
481 <xsl:apply-templates select=".">
482 <xsl:with-param name="collName" select="$collName" />
483 <xsl:with-param name="serviceName" select="$serviceName" />
484 </xsl:apply-templates>
486 <xsl:call-template name="documentNodePost" />
487 </xsl:template>
489 <!--
491 -->
492 <xsl:template match="documentNode">
493 <td valign="top">
494 <gsf:link type="document">
495 <gsf:icon type="document" />
496 </gsf:link>
497 </td>
498 <td valign="top">
499 <gsf:link type="source">
500 <gsf:choose-metadata>
501 <gsf:metadata name="thumbicon" />
502 <gsf:metadata name="srcicon" />
503 </gsf:choose-metadata>
504 </gsf:link>
505 </td>
506 <td valign="top">
507 <gsf:link type="document">
508 <!-- Defined in header.xsl -->
509 <xsl:call-template name="choose-title" />
510 <gsf:switch>
511 <gsf:metadata name="Source" />
512 <gsf:when test="exists">
513 <br />
514 <i>
515 (
516 <gsf:metadata name="Source" />
517 )
518 </i>
519 </gsf:when>
520 </gsf:switch>
521 </gsf:link>
522 </td>
523 </xsl:template>
525 <xsl:template name="documentNodePost">
526 <xsl:if test="/page/pageResponse/format[@type='display' or @type='browse' or @type='search']/gsf:option[@name='mapEnabled']/@value = 'true'">
527 <xsl:if test="metadataList/metadata[@name='Latitude' or @name='Longitude' or @name='Coordinate']">
528 <xsl:call-template name="mapFeaturesIcon" />
529 </xsl:if>
530 </xsl:if>
532 <xsl:if test="/page/pageResponse/format/gsf:option[@name='panoramaViewerEnabled']/@value = 'true'">
533 <xsl:if test="metadataList/metadata[@name = 'PhotoType']='Panorama' and ( metadataList/metadata[@name = 'Coordinate'] or ( metadataList/metadata[@name = 'Latitude'] and metadataList/metadata[@name = 'Longitude']))">
534 <xsl:call-template name="panoramaViewerFeaturesIcon" />
535 </xsl:if>
536 </xsl:if>
538 </xsl:template>
540 <!--
542 -->
543 <xsl:template match="classifierNode[@classifierStyle = 'HList']">
544 <gsf:link type="classifier">
545 <gsf:metadata name="Title" />
546 </gsf:link>
547 </xsl:template>
549 <xsl:template match="classifierNode">
550 <td valign="top">
551 <gsf:link type="classifier" style="static">
552 <gsf:icon type="classifier" />
553 </gsf:link>
554 </td>
555 <td valign="top">
556 <gsf:link type="classifier">
557 <gsf:metadata name="Title" />
558 </gsf:link>
559 </td>
560 </xsl:template>
562 <xsl:template name="classifierPre">
563 <xsl:if test="/page/pageResponse/format[@type='display' or @type='browse' or @type='search']/gsf:option[@name='mapEnabled']/@value = 'true'">
564 <xsl:call-template name="mapFeaturesJSONNodes" />
565 </xsl:if>
567 <xsl:if test="/page/pageResponse/format/gsf:option[@name='panoramaViewerEnabled']/@value = 'true'">
568 <xsl:call-template name="panoramaViewerFeaturesJSONNodes" />
569 </xsl:if>
571 </xsl:template>
573 <xsl:template name="classifierResultsPre">
574 <xsl:if test="/page/pageResponse/format[@type='display' or @type='browse' or @type='search']/gsf:option[@name='mapEnabled']/@value = 'true'">
575 <xsl:call-template name="mapFeaturesMap" />
576 </xsl:if>
577 <xsl:if test="/page/pageResponse/format/gsf:option[@name='panoramaViewerEnabled']/@value = 'true'">
578 <xsl:call-template name="panoramaViewerFeatures" />
579 </xsl:if>
580 </xsl:template>
582 <xsl:template name="classifierResultsPost">
583 </xsl:template>
585 <xsl:template name="classifierPost">
586 </xsl:template>
588 <xsl:template match="/page/xsltparams">
589 <!-- suppress xsltparam block in page -->
590 </xsl:template>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.