// Array element swap code by Richard Scarrott // http://jsperf.com/array-prototype-move Array.prototype.move = function(pos1, pos2) { // local variables var i, tmp; // cast input parameters to integers pos1 = parseInt(pos1, 10); pos2 = parseInt(pos2, 10); // if positions are different and inside array if (pos1 !== pos2 && 0 <= pos1 && pos1 <= this.length && 0 <= pos2 && pos2 <= this.length) { // save element from position 1 tmp = this[pos1]; // move element down and shift other elements up if (pos1 < pos2) { for (i = pos1; i < pos2; i++) { this[i] = this[i + 1]; } } // move element up and shift other elements down else { for (i = pos1; i > pos2; i--) { this[i] = this[i - 1]; } } // put element from position 1 to destination this[pos2] = tmp; } } var panoContainer, camera, scene, renderer, projector; var mouse = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var fov = 70, maxFov = 90, minFov = 15, width,height, aspect, isUserInteracting = false, onMouseDownMouseX = 0, onMouseDownMouseY = 0, lon = 0, onMouseDownLon = 0, lat = 0, onMouseDownLat = 0, phi = 0, theta = 0, mesh, sphereRadius = 500, meshRotation = Math.PI / 2 * 3, panoSelectionRadius = 40; var panoDocList = new Array(); panoDocList.ids = new Array(); panoDocList.getDocByIndex = function(index) { return panoDocList[panoDocList.ids[index]]; }; var nearbyPanoList = new Array(); nearbyPanoList.ids = new Array(); function initPanoramaViewer() { //Creating the document list to store data about the panoramams var jsonNodeDiv = $("#jsonPanoNodes"); if(jsonNodeDiv.length) { var jsonNodehtml = jsonNodeDiv.html(); var jsonNodes = eval(jsonNodehtml); if(jsonNodes && jsonNodes.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < jsonNodes.length; i++) { panoDocList[jsonNodes[i].nodeID] = jsonNodes[i]; panoDocList.ids.push(jsonNodes[i].nodeID); } } else { $("pano-container").css({visibility:"hidden", height:"0px"}); } } panoContainer = document.getElementById( 'pano-container' ); // Creating the camera // Setting width and height variables as the container dimensions changes when fov is changed if(panoContainer.className == "pano_canvas_fullscreen") { width = window.innerWidth; height = window.innerHeight; aspect = width / height; } else if(panoContainer.className == "pano_canvas_half") { width = panoContainer.offsetWidth; height = panoContainer.offsetHeight; aspect = width / height; } camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, 1, 1100 ); camera.target = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0 ); // Creating the scene scene = new THREE.Scene(); projector = new THREE.Projector(); var sourceFile = gs.documentMetadata[panoDocList.ids[0]].Image; var assocfilepath = gs.documentMetadata[panoDocList.ids[0]].assocfilepath; var httpPath = gs.collectionMetadata.httpPath; var fullPanoURL = httpPath + "/index/assoc/" + assocfilepath + "/" + sourceFile; // Creating a sphere with the panorama applied as a texture if (Detector.webgl) { mesh = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.SphereGeometry( sphereRadius, 60, 40 ), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( fullPanoURL ), wireframe: false, overdraw: true, opacity:0 } ) ); } else { mesh = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.SphereGeometry( sphereRadius, 30, 20 ), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( fullPanoURL ), wireframe: false, overdraw: true, opacity:0 } ) ); } mesh.scale.x = -1; // Adding the sphere to the scene scene.add( mesh ); switchPanorama(panoDocList.ids[0]); renderer = Detector.webgl? new THREE.WebGLRenderer(): new THREE.CanvasRenderer(); renderer.setSize(width,height); panoContainer.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); // Adding in Mouse events panoContainer.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onDocumentMouseDown, false ); document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false ); document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false ); panoContainer.addEventListener( 'mousewheel', onDocumentMouseWheel, false ); panoContainer.addEventListener( 'DOMMouseScroll', onDocumentMouseWheel, false); if(panoContainer.className == "pano_canvas_fullscreen") window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false ); } function degreesToCoords(degrees, radius) { return new THREE.Vector3(Math.cos(degrees * Math.PI/180) * radius, 0, Math.sin(degrees * Math.PI/180) * radius); } function calculateBearing(from, to) { // x is lat and y is long var R = 6371; // km var lat1 = from.x * Math.PI / 180; var lat2 = to.x * Math.PI / 180; var dLon = (to.y-from.y) * Math.PI / 180; var y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2); var x = Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2) - Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(dLon); var brng = (Math.atan2(y, x)) * 180 / Math.PI; return (brng + 360) % 360; } function calculateDistance(from, to) { // x is lat and y is long var R = 6371; // km var dLat = (from.x-to.x) * Math.PI / 180; var dLon = (from.y-to.y) * Math.PI / 180; var lat1 = from.x * Math.PI / 180; var lat2 = to.x * Math.PI / 180; var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2); var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); var d = R * c; // return distance in metres return d * 1000; } function switchPanorama( panoramaID, destMarker ) { // Building the file path var sourceFile = gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].Image; var assocfilepath = gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].assocfilepath; var httpPath = gs.collectionMetadata.httpPath; var fullPanoURL = httpPath + "/index/assoc/" + assocfilepath + "/" + sourceFile; // Creating the material if (Detector.webgl) { var texture = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( fullPanoURL ), opacity: 0 } ); } else { var texture = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( fullPanoURL ), opacity: 0, wireframe: false, overdraw: true } ); } if (destMarker) { new TWEEN.Tween(mesh.position).to({x: -destMarker.position.x, y: -destMarker.position.y, z: -destMarker.position.z}, 500).onComplete(function () { mesh.position = new THREE.Vector3(destMarker.position.x,destMarker.position.y,destMarker.position.z); new TWEEN.Tween(mesh.position).to({x: 0, y: 0,z: 0},500).start(); }).start(); } new TWEEN.Tween(mesh.materials[0]).to({opacity: 0}, 500).onComplete(function () { // Rotation if (gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].Angle) { var temp = 360 + parseFloat(gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].Angle); temp = temp % 360; console.log(temp); mesh.rotation.y = meshRotation + (gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].Angle * Math.PI / 180); } else if (gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].cv_rotation) mesh.rotation.y = meshRotation + (gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].cv_rotation * Math.PI / 180); else mesh.rotation.y = meshRotation; mesh.materials[0] = texture; new TWEEN.Tween(mesh.materials[0]).to({opacity: 1}, 500).start(); }).start(); // Checking if there are markers to remove if (nearbyPanoList.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < nearbyPanoList.length; i++) { panoContainer.removeChild(nearbyPanoList[i]); // document.body.appendChild(nearbyPanoList[i]); nearbyPanoList[i].deactivate(); } } // Clearing the array nearbyPanoList = new Array(); // Moving the selected pano to the front of the panolist array panoDocList.move(panoDocList.ids.indexOf(panoramaID), 0); panoDocList.ids.move(panoDocList.ids.indexOf(panoramaID), 0); var startPanoLonLat; if(typeof gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].Coordinate !== 'undefined'){ // we have Coordinate meta var coordInfo = getLatLngForCoord(gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].Coordinate); startPanoLonLat = new THREE.Vector3(coordInfo.lat,coordInfo.lng); } else { startPanoLonLat = new THREE.Vector3(gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].Latitude,gs.documentMetadata[panoramaID].Longitude); } // going through the panolist checking the distance for(var i = 1; i < panoDocList.ids.length; i++) { var endPanoLonLat; if(typeof gs.documentMetadata[panoDocList.ids[i]].Coordinate !== 'undefined'){ // we have Coordinate meta var coordInfo = getLatLngForCoord(gs.documentMetadata[panoDocList.ids[i]].Coordinate); endPanoLonLat = new THREE.Vector3(coordInfo.lat,coordInfo.lng); } else { endPanoLonLat = new THREE.Vector3(gs.documentMetadata[panoDocList.ids[i]].Latitude,gs.documentMetadata[panoDocList.ids[i]].Longitude); } if(calculateDistance(startPanoLonLat,endPanoLonLat) < panoSelectionRadius) { var bearing = calculateBearing(startPanoLonLat,endPanoLonLat); var pos = degreesToCoords(bearing, sphereRadius); var navMarker = NavMarker.create(panoDocList.ids[i],pos); nearbyPanoList.push(navMarker); //navMarker.addEventListener('click', switchPanorama(hash), false); navMarker.addEventListener('click', function(e) { var sender = (e && e.target) || (window.event && window.event.srcElement); switchPanorama(sender.hash, sender); }, false); } } // Going through the new nearbyPanoList and adding in the markers to the scene for(var i = 0; i < nearbyPanoList.length; i++) { panoContainer.appendChild(nearbyPanoList[i]); nearbyPanoList[i].activate(); } } // DUPLICATED FROM map-scripts.js function getLatLngForCoord(coord) { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2559318/how-to-check-for-an-undefined-or-null-variable-in-javascript if(!coord) { // some_variable is either null, undefined, 0, NaN, false, or an empty string console.log("@@@@ In panoramaViewer::getLatLngForCoord(): no or invalid coord info"); return null; } // coord is of the form: "37S77 157E53" // lat will be 37S77, lng 157E53. var indexOfSpace = coord.indexOf(" "); if(indexOfSpace === -1) { console.log("@@@@ In panoramaViewer::getLatLngForCoord(): bad format for coord " + coord); return null; } var latitude = coord.substring(0, indexOfSpace); var longitude = coord.substring(indexOfSpace+1); return {lat: latitude, lng: longitude}; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Working_with_Objects } function onWindowResize() { camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); } function onDocumentMouseDown( event ) { event.preventDefault(); isUserInteracting = true; onPointerDownPointerX = event.clientX; onPointerDownPointerY = event.clientY; onPointerDownLon = lon; onPointerDownLat = lat; } function onDocumentMouseMove( event ) { if ( isUserInteracting ) { lon = ( onPointerDownPointerX - event.clientX ) * 0.1 + onPointerDownLon; lat = ( event.clientY - onPointerDownPointerY ) * 0.1 + onPointerDownLat; } } function onDocumentMouseUp( event ) { var vector = new THREE.Vector3( mouse.x, mouse.y, 0.5 ); projector.unprojectVector( vector, camera ); isUserInteracting = false; } function onDocumentMouseWheel( event ) { if ( event.wheelDeltaY ) { // WebKit fov -= event.wheelDeltaY * 0.05; } else if ( event.wheelDelta ) { // Opera / Explorer 9 fov -= event.wheelDelta * 0.05; } else if ( event.detail ) { // Firefox fov += event.detail * 1.0; } if ( fov > maxFov) { fov = maxFov; } else if (fov < minFov) { fov = minFov; } camera.projectionMatrix = THREE.Matrix4.makePerspective( fov, aspect , 1, 1100 ); _render(); } function _animate() { requestAnimationFrame( _animate ); _render(); TWEEN.update(); } function _render() { lat = Math.max( - 85, Math.min( 85, lat ) ); phi = ( 90 - lat ) * Math.PI / 180; theta = lon * Math.PI / 180; camera.target.x = sphereRadius * Math.sin( phi ) * Math.cos( theta ); camera.target.y = sphereRadius * Math.cos( phi ); camera.target.z = sphereRadius * Math.sin( phi ) * Math.sin( theta ); camera.lookAt( camera.target ); /* // distortion camera.position.x = - camera.target.x; camera.position.y = - camera.target.y; camera.position.z = - camera.target.z; */ var camUnitVector = camera.target.clone().normalize(); var i, angle, sameSide, p2D, marker; // Snippet of code from Thanh Tran from in2ideas // thanh.tran@in2ideas.com for (i = 0; i < nearbyPanoList.length; ++i) { marker = nearbyPanoList[i]; p2D = projector.projectVector(marker.position.clone(), camera); p2D.x = (p2D.x + 1)/2 * width; p2D.y = - (p2D.y - 1)/2 * height; angle = Math.acos(camUnitVector.dot(marker.unitVector)) * 180 / 3.14; sameSide = (angle < 90); if(!sameSide || p2D.x < 0 || p2D.x > width || p2D.y < 0 || p2D.y > height) { marker.visible(false); } else { marker.visible(true); marker.setPosition(p2D.x, p2D.y); } } renderer.render( scene, camera ); }