source: main/trunk/greenstone3/web/interfaces/oran/transform/pages/document.xsl@ 24650

Last change on this file since 24650 was 24650, checked in by sjm84, 13 years ago

Some major changes to document.xsl to make it easier to modify more specific parts to be modified in the collectionConfig.xml files

File size: 15.3 KB
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
3 xmlns:xsl=""
4 xmlns:java=""
5 xmlns:util="xalan://org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.XSLTUtil"
6 xmlns:gslib=""
7 xmlns:gsf=""
8 extension-element-prefixes="java util"
9 exclude-result-prefixes="java util gsf">
11 <!-- use the 'main' layout -->
12 <xsl:import href="layouts/main.xsl"/>
14 <!-- style includes global params interface_name, library_name -->
15 <xsl:include href=".old/berrytools.xsl"/>
17 <xsl:variable name="bookswitch">
18 <xsl:choose>
19 <xsl:when test="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name='book']/@value">
20 <xsl:value-of select="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name='book']/@value"/>
21 </xsl:when>
22 <xsl:otherwise>off</xsl:otherwise>
23 </xsl:choose>
24 </xsl:variable>
26 <!-- set page title -->
27 <xsl:template name="pageTitle"><gslib:documentTitle/></xsl:template>
29 <!-- set page breadcrumbs -->
30 <xsl:template name="breadcrumbs">
31 <gslib:siteLink/><gslib:rightArrow/>
32 <gslib:collectionNameLinked/><gslib:rightArrow/>
33 <a>
34 <xsl:attribute name="href">
35 <xsl:value-of select="$library_name"/>?a=d&amp;c=<xsl:value-of select="$collName"/>&amp;d=<xsl:value-of select="/page/pageResponse/document/documentNode[1]/@nodeID"/>&amp;dt=<xsl:value-of select="/page/pageResponse/document/documentNode/@docType"/>&amp;p.a=b&amp;p.s=<xsl:value-of select="/page/pageResponse/service/@name"/>
36 </xsl:attribute>
37 <xsl:variable name="documentTitleVar">
38 <gslib:documentTitle/>
39 </xsl:variable>
40 <xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'doc.document')"/>
41 </a>
42 </xsl:template>
44 <xsl:template match="/">
45 <xsl:choose>
46 <!-- if this is the realistic books version of the page -->
47 <xsl:when test="$bookswitch = 'flashxml'">
48 <html>
49 <body>
50 <xsl:apply-templates select="/page/pageResponse/document"/>
51 </body>
52 </html>
53 </xsl:when>
54 <!-- if this is the regular version of the page -->
55 <xsl:otherwise>
56 <xsl:apply-imports/>
57 </xsl:otherwise>
58 </xsl:choose>
59 </xsl:template>
61 <!-- Used to make sure that regardless what the collection designer uses for the title and content we can wrap it properly -->
62 <!-- If editing, be aware that the Document Basket looks for specific classes that this template bakes in (key points marked with ***) -->
63 <xsl:template name="wrapDocumentNodes">
64 <xsl:for-each select="documentNode">
65 <a name="{@nodeID}"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></a>
66 <!-- Section header -->
67 <table class="sectionHeader"><tr>
69 <!-- Expand/collapse button -->
70 <td class="headerTD">
71 <img id="dtoggle{@nodeID}" onclick="toggleSection('{@nodeID}');" class="icon">
72 <xsl:attribute name="src">
73 <xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'collapse_image')"/>
74 </xsl:attribute>
75 </img>
76 </td>
78 <!-- Title -->
79 <td id="header{@nodeID}" class="headerTD sectionTitle"><!-- *** -->
80 <!-- Get the title from the title sectionTitle template -->
81 <xsl:choose>
82 <xsl:when test="not(/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name = 'db']) or /page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name = 'db']/@value = 'false'">
83 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="sectionTitleFormat"/>
84 </xsl:when>
85 <xsl:otherwise>
86 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="sectionTitle"/>
87 </xsl:otherwise>
88 </xsl:choose>
89 </td>
91 <!-- "back to top" link -->
92 <xsl:if test="util:hashToDepthClass(@nodeID) != 'sectionHeaderDepthTitle'">
93 <td class="backToTop headerTD">
94 <a href="#top">
95 <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&#9650;</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'doc.back_to_top')"/>
96 </a>
97 </td>
98 </xsl:if>
99 </tr></table>
101 <div id="doc{@nodeID}" class="sectionContainer" style="display:block;"><!-- *** -->
102 <div id="text{@nodeID}" class="sectionText"><!-- *** -->
103 <!-- Get the section content from the document template -->
104 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="document"/>
105 </div>
106 <xsl:if test="documentNode">
107 <xsl:call-template name="wrapDocumentNodes"/>
108 </xsl:if>
109 </div>
110 </xsl:for-each>
111 </xsl:template>
113 <!-- the page content -->
114 <xsl:template match="/page/pageResponse/document">
115 <xsl:if test="$bookswitch = 'off'">
116 <div id="bookdiv" style="visibility:hidden; height:0px; display:inline;"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></div>
118 <script type="text/javascript" src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/js/document_scripts.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
120 <xsl:if test="/page/pageResponse/collection[@name = $collName]/metadataList/metadata[@name = 'tidyoption'] = 'tidy'">
121 <script type="text/javascript">
122 <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
123 if(document.URL.indexOf("book=on") != -1)
124 {
125 loadBook();
126 }
127 </xsl:text>
128 </script>
129 </xsl:if>
131 <!-- show the little berries for this document -->
132 <xsl:call-template name="documentBerryForDocumentPage"/>
134 <xsl:if test="not(/page/pageResponse/format[@type='display']/gsf:option[@name='coverImage']) or /page/pageResponse/format[@type='display']/gsf:option[@name='sideBar']/@value='true'">
135 <table id="rightSidebar">
136 <tr><td>
137 <xsl:call-template name="viewOptions"/>
138 </td></tr>
139 <tr><td>
140 <div id="contentsArea">
142 <!-- show the berry basket if it's turned on -->
143 <gslib:berryBasket/>
145 <!-- the book's cover image -->
146 <xsl:choose>
147 <xsl:when test="not(/page/pageResponse/format[@type='display']/gsf:option[@name='coverImage']) or /page/pageResponse/format[@type='display']/gsf:option[@name='coverImage']/@value='true'">
148 <div id="coverImage" class="visible"><gslib:coverImage/></div>
149 </xsl:when>
150 <xsl:otherwise>
151 <div id="coverImage" class="hidden"><gslib:coverImage/></div>
152 </xsl:otherwise>
153 </xsl:choose>
155 <!-- the contents (if enabled) -->
156 <xsl:choose>
157 <xsl:when test="not(/page/pageResponse/format[@type='display']/gsf:option[@name='TOC']) or /page/pageResponse/format[@type='display']/gsf:option[@name='TOC']/@value='true'">
158 <div id="tableOfContents" class="visible">
159 <xsl:apply-templates select="documentNode" mode="TOC"/>
160 </div>
161 </xsl:when>
162 <xsl:otherwise>
163 <div id="tableOfContents" class="hidden">
164 <xsl:apply-templates select="documentNode" mode="TOC"/>
165 </div>
166 </xsl:otherwise>
167 </xsl:choose>
168 </div>
169 </td></tr>
170 </table>
171 </xsl:if>
172 </xsl:if>
174 <!-- display the document -->
175 <xsl:choose>
176 <xsl:when test="@external != ''">
177 <xsl:call-template name="externalPage">
178 <xsl:with-param name="external" select="@external"/>
179 </xsl:call-template>
180 </xsl:when>
181 <xsl:when test="$bookswitch = 'flashxml'">
182 <xsl:apply-templates mode="flashxml"/>
183 </xsl:when>
184 <xsl:when test="$bookswitch = 'on'">
185 <!-- *** in document-scripts.xsl *** -->
186 <div id="bookdiv" style="display:inline;"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></div>
187 <script type="text/javascript">
188 <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
189 if(document.URL.indexOf("book=on") != -1)
190 {
191 loadBook();
192 }
193 </xsl:text>
194 </script>
195 </xsl:when>
196 <xsl:otherwise>
197 <div id="gs-document-text" class="documenttext">
198 <xsl:call-template name="wrapDocumentNodes"/>
199 </div>
200 </xsl:otherwise>
201 </xsl:choose>
203 <div class="clear"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></div>
204 </xsl:template>
206 <!-- Highlight annotations if requested -->
207 <xsl:template match="annotation">
208 <xsl:choose>
209 <xsl:when test="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name='hl' and @value='on']">
210 <span class="termHighlight"><xsl:value-of select="."/></span>
211 </xsl:when>
212 <xsl:otherwise>
213 <span class="noTermHighlight"><xsl:value-of select="."/></span>
214 </xsl:otherwise>
215 </xsl:choose>
216 </xsl:template>
218 <xsl:template match="documentNode" mode="sectionTitleFormat">
219 <p>
220 <xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of select="util:hashToDepthClass(@nodeID)"/> sectionHeader</xsl:attribute>
222 <xsl:if test="util:hashToSectionId(@nodeID)">
223 <span class="sectionNumberSpan">
224 <xsl:value-of select="util:hashToSectionId(@nodeID)"/>
225 <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
226 </span>
227 </xsl:if>
228 <!-- Display the title for the section regardless of whether automatic section numbering is turned on -->
229 <span><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="sectionTitle"/></span>
230 </p>
231 </xsl:template>
233 <!-- The default template for displaying section titles -->
234 <xsl:template match="documentNode" mode="sectionTitle">
235 <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="metadataList/metadata[@name = 'Title']"/>
236 </xsl:template>
238 <!-- The default template for displaying the document content -->
239 <xsl:template match="documentNode" mode="document">
240 <!-- Section text -->
241 <xsl:for-each select="nodeContent">
242 <xsl:for-each select="node()">
243 <xsl:choose>
244 <xsl:when test="not(name())">
245 <xsl:value-of select="." disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
246 </xsl:when>
247 <xsl:otherwise>
248 <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
249 </xsl:otherwise>
250 </xsl:choose>
251 </xsl:for-each>
252 </xsl:for-each><xsl:text> </xsl:text>
253 </xsl:template>
255 <!-- This template is used to display the table of contents -->
256 <xsl:template match="documentNode" mode="TOC">
258 <!-- check if this is the currently selected table of contents item -->
259 <xsl:variable name="isCurrent" select="nodeContent"/>
261 <!-- formulate the link -->
262 <xsl:variable name="contentsLink">
263 <xsl:value-of select='$library_name'/>?a=d&amp;c=<gslib:collectionNameShort/>&amp;d=<xsl:value-of select='@nodeID'/><xsl:if test="documentNode">.pr</xsl:if>&amp;sib=1
264 </xsl:variable>
266 <ul>
267 <table><tr>
268 <!-- The expand/collapse button (not displayed for the top level node) -->
269 <xsl:if test="util:hashToDepthClass(@nodeID) != 'sectionHeaderDepthTitle'">
270 <td>
271 <xsl:choose>
272 <xsl:when test="not(nodeContent and not(documentNode))">
273 <img id="ttoggle{@nodeID}" onclick="toggleSection('{@nodeID}');" class="icon">
274 <xsl:attribute name="src">
275 <xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'collapse_image')"/>
276 </xsl:attribute>
277 </img>
278 </xsl:when>
279 <xsl:otherwise>
280 <xsl:attribute name="class">emptyIcon</xsl:attribute>
281 </xsl:otherwise>
282 </xsl:choose>
283 </td>
284 </xsl:if>
286 <!-- The chapter/page icon -->
287 <td>
288 <img>
289 <xsl:if test="nodeContent and not(documentNode)">
290 <xsl:attribute name="class">leafNode</xsl:attribute>
291 </xsl:if>
293 <xsl:attribute name="src">
294 <xsl:choose>
295 <xsl:when test="nodeContent and not(documentNode)">
296 <xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'page_image')"/>
297 </xsl:when>
298 <xsl:otherwise>
299 <xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'chapter_image')"/>
300 </xsl:otherwise>
301 </xsl:choose>
302 </xsl:attribute>
303 </img>
304 </td>
306 <!-- The section name, links to the section in the document -->
307 <td>
308 <a>
309 <xsl:attribute name="href">#<xsl:value-of select="@nodeID"/></xsl:attribute>
310 <xsl:if test="util:hashToSectionId(@nodeID)">
311 <xsl:value-of select="util:hashToSectionId(@nodeID)"/>
312 <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
313 </xsl:if>
314 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="sectionTitle"/>
315 </a>
316 </td>
317 </tr></table>
319 <!-- display any child items -->
320 <xsl:if test="documentNode">
321 <li id="toc{@nodeID}" style="display:block;">
322 <xsl:apply-templates select="documentNode" mode="TOC"/>
323 </li>
324 </xsl:if>
326 </ul>
327 </xsl:template>
329 <!-- Used to produce a version of the page in a format that can be read by the realistic books plugin -->
330 <xsl:template match="documentNode" mode="flashxml">
331 <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
332 &lt;Section&gt;
333 &lt;Description&gt;
334 &lt;Metadata name="Title"&gt;
335 </xsl:text>
336 <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(metadataList/metadata[@name = 'Title'])"/>
337 <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
338 &lt;/Metadata&gt;
339 &lt;/Description&gt;
340 </xsl:text>
342 <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(nodeContent)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
344 <xsl:if test="documentNode">
345 <xsl:apply-templates select="documentNode" mode="flashxml"/>
346 </xsl:if>
348 <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
349 &lt;/Section&gt;
350 </xsl:text>
351 </xsl:template>
353 <xsl:template name="externalPage">
354 <xsl:param name="external"/>
355 <xsl:variable name="go_forward_link">
356 <a>
357 <xsl:attribute name="href">
358 <xsl:value-of select="$external"/>
359 </xsl:attribute>
360 <xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'external.go_forward')"/>
361 </a>
362 </xsl:variable>
363 <h2><xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'external.title')"/></h2>
364 <p><xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceTextWithDOM($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'external.text', $go_forward_link)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/></p>
365 </xsl:template>
367 <xsl:template match="/page"><xsl:apply-templates select="/page/pageResponse/document"/></xsl:template> <!-- this to be deleted eventually -->
369 <xsl:template name="viewOptions">
370 <table class="viewOptions"><tr>
371 <!-- Realistic books link -->
372 <xsl:if test="/page/pageResponse/collection[@name = $collName]/metadataList/metadata[@name = 'tidyoption'] = 'tidy'">
373 <td>
374 <img>
375 <xsl:attribute name="src"><xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'realistic_books_image')"/></xsl:attribute>
376 </img>
377 <input id="rbOption" type="checkbox" onclick="bookInit();" class="optionCheckBox"/>
378 </td>
379 </xsl:if>
381 <!-- Highlight on/off button -->
382 <xsl:if test="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name = 'p.a']/@value = 'q' and count(//annotation) > 0">
383 <td>
384 <img>
385 <xsl:attribute name="src"><xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'highlight_image')"/></xsl:attribute>
386 </img>
387 <input id="highlightOption" type="checkbox" class="optionCheckBox">
388 <xsl:choose>
389 <xsl:when test="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name = 'hl']/@value = 'on'">
390 <xsl:attribute name="onclick">
391 <xsl:text>removeHighlight();</xsl:text>
392 </xsl:attribute>
393 <xsl:attribute name="checked">true</xsl:attribute>
394 </xsl:when>
395 <xsl:otherwise>
396 <xsl:attribute name="onclick">
397 <xsl:text>addHighlight();</xsl:text>
398 </xsl:attribute>
399 </xsl:otherwise>
400 </xsl:choose>
401 </input>
402 </td>
403 </xsl:if>
404 <td style="vertical-align:top;">
405 <a id="sidebarMinimizeButton" href="javascript:minimizeSidebar();" style="float: right; font-size:0.6em;">
406 <img class="icon">
407 <xsl:attribute name="src">
408 <xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'collapse_image')"/>
409 </xsl:attribute>
410 </img>
411 </a>
412 <a id="sidebarMaximizeButton" href="javascript:maximizeSidebar();" style="float: right; font-size:0.6em; display:none;">
413 <img class="icon">
414 <xsl:attribute name="src">
415 <xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'expand_image')"/>
416 </xsl:attribute>
417 </img>
418 </a>
419 </td>
420 </tr></table>
421 </xsl:template>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.