/* Greenstone 3 'Client-side transformer' Performs client-side transformations of XSLT, using HTML5 local storage (simulated if the browser doesn't support it). Currently only supports Firefox 3 and greater, since it's the only browser (at the time of writing) that can do this properly. @author Steven McTainsh @date 14/02/2011 */ /* These URLs and file paths are fetched dynamically */ var gsweb = ""; // The file path to the Greenstone 3 web directory var gsurl = ""; // The root URL for this Greenstone 3 installation /* Misc. switches and paths */ var keyUrl = ''; // Used across methods to build up query string for text retrieval (client-side transformed version) var on = true; // Set to false to disable operation var index = 0; // Used for query array (to keep track of number of elements) var deferredEls = new Array(); // Elements to defer text retrieval for until later var queryArr = new Array(); // Text to query for (the text for the corresponding deferred element) /* Methods */ // This is generally only called from in-line JS in the head (i.e. var text = getText(...);) function getText(key, el) { if(localStorage.getItem(key) != null) return localStorage.getItem(key); else { push(deferredEls, el); queryArr[el] = key; // Have it queried for too return ""; } } function processEl(el, attr, key, append, isText, theText) { // Assumes all necessary text has been loaded from the servlet var displayText = (isText) ? theText : localStorage.getItem(key); if(el == document && attr == 'title') { // Handle document titles if(append) document.title += displayText; else document.title = displayText; } else if(attr == 'innerText') { // Handle element 'inner text' if(append) $(el).html($(el).html() + displayText); else $(el).html(displayText); } else if(attr == 'value') { // Handle value attribute if(append) $(el).val($el.val() + displayText); else $(el).val(displayText); } else { // All other cases (generic attributes) if(append) $(el).attr(attr, $(el).attr(attr) + displayText); else $(el).attr(attr, displayText); } } function notSupported() { // Set not supported cookie here document.cookie = 'supportsXSLT=false; expires=0; path=/'; // Fall back to server version var location = window.location.search.substring(1); if(location == '') { // Start with a question mark location = window.location + "?o=server"; } else { // Start with an ampersand location = window.location + "&o=server"; } window.location = location; } $(function () { if(on && isSupported()) { if(placeholder) { // Need to prepare page placeholders transform(false); } else { // Need to place text into the page (placeholders ready) applyText(false); } } }); function applyText(trial) { try { // Wait for document to be ready before propogating this URL (otherwise undefined) keyUrl = 'grabtext?i='+$('#interface').html()+'&l='+$('#language').html()+'&k=' // First, see if the local storage should be emptied for a new language... if(localStorage.getItem("_activeLanguage") != $('#language').html()) { // Languages are different, clear existing strings localStorage.clear(); localStorage.setItem("_activeLanguage", $('#language').html()); } $('#loading').show(); var query = ''; $('.getTextFor').each(function() { // Build up query // Get the three parts to the class - 'getTextFor' 'element inner text to affect' 'attributes to affect' // Proper splitting on spaces var parts = parseAction($(this).attr('class'), ' ') // parts[1] is this element's innerText key, parts[2] may or may not contain keys // Can add null to the array if(!contains(queryArr, parts[1]) && localStorage.getItem(parts[1]) == null) // If the key has not already been queried for and is not in local storage... // NO duplicates! queryArr[index++] = parts[1]; if(parts.length == 3 && parts[2] != '') { var affected = parts[2].split(','); for(var j = 0; j < affected.length; j++) { var els = parseAction(affected[j], "."); // els[2] will contain key // Ignore text, and those elements with text already in local storage and that will already be queried for if(els[2].indexOf('text:') != 0 && !contains(queryArr, els[2]) && localStorage.getItem(els[2]) == null) queryArr[index++] = els[2].replace("[a]", ""); } } }); query = queryArr.join(","); // Fetch! if(query != '') { // There is something to query for $.get(keyUrl + query, function(data) { // Process dictionary, load into local storage $(data).find("item").each(function() { localStorage.setItem($(this).attr('key'), $(this).attr('value')); }); assignText(); }, 'xml'); } else { assignText(trial); } } catch (e) { if(trial) notSupportedCookie(); else notSupported(); } } function assignText(trial) { try { $('.getTextFor').each(function() { var parts = parseAction($(this).attr('class'), " "); var me = parts[1]; // Process it's own inner text first processEl($(this), 'innerText', me); if(parts.length >= 3 && parts[2] != '') { // Otherwise 'x y ' mucks it up // Affecting elements are listed var affectees = parts[2]; var all = affectees.split(','); for(var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) { var parts = parseAction(all[i], "."); var append = false; var isText = false; var theText = ''; if(parts[2].indexOf("[a]") != -1) { parts[2] = parts[2].replace("[a]", ""); append = true; } if(parts[2].indexOf("text:'") != -1) { // This action is plain text isText = true; theText = parts[2].substring(6, parts[2].length - 1); } if(parts[0] == 'parent') { // Affects the parent processEl($(this).parent(), parts[1], parts[2], append, isText, theText); } else if(parts[0] == 'this') { // Affects this element processEl($(this), parts[1], parts[2], append, isText, theText); } else if(parts[0] == 'document') { // Affects document itself processEl(document, parts[1], parts[2], append, isText, theText); } } } // Process deferred elements now for(var def in deferredEls) { $(def).html(localStorage[deferredEls[def]]); //dict[deferredEls[def]]); } }); var xsltClientCapable = document.cookie.indexOf('supportsXSLT') != -1; // At this point, the browser has proven itself capable of XSL transformations // So, modify all document links into JavaScript links that use AJAX to get content if(xsltClientCapable) { // Could set cookie here too? $('.clientDocView').each(function() { var link = $(this).attr('href'); var startIndex = link.indexOf("&d="); var endIndex = link.indexOf('&', startIndex + 7); // If the endIndex == -1, end not found; just use end index endIndex = (endIndex == -1) ? link.length : endIndex; var docID = link.substring(startIndex, endIndex); docID = docID.replace("&d=", ""); $(this).attr('id', docID); $(this).attr('onclick', "getNodeContent(this); return false;"); // .bind doesn't work for dynamically added HTML! if(typeof initialHash != 'undefined') // Prevent errors when searching if(docID == initialHash) { // Load it! getNodeContent($(this).get()[0]); // Talk about round the houses! This was the only way that produced something! } }); document.cookie = 'supportsXSLT=true; expires=0; path=/'; } // Also undo escaping of necessary entities $('body').each(function() { var text = $(this).html(); text = text.replace(/</g, "<"); text = text.replace(/>/g, ">"); text = text.replace(/&/g, "&"); $(this).html(text); }); // Remove dead elements $('[xmlns]').each(function() { if($(this).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() != "html") { // use toLower() in case of browser inconsistencies $(this).hide(); } }); //alert('Language is: ' + $('#language').html() + ', interface is: ' + $('#interface').html()); $('#loading').fadeOut(); } catch (e) { if(trial) notSupportedCookie(); else notSupported(); } } function transform(trial) { try { var queryStr = window.location.search.substring(1); var rooturl = window.location; //var absolute = gsurl; var lead = queryStr == '' ? '?' : '&'; var skinurl = rooturl+lead+"o=skinandlibdoc"; var xmlurl = rooturl+lead+"o=xml"; var skindoc = ""; var xmldoc = ""; $.get(rooturl + lead + "o=clientside", function(data) { data = data.replace(/gs3:id/g, "gs3id"); data = parseFromString(data, "text/xml"); // data contains the XML and the stylesheet too! var skindoc = $(data).find("xslt\\:stylesheet")[0]; var xmldoc = $(data).find("page")[0]; gsurl = $($(xmldoc).find("metadata[name=siteURL]")[0]).text(); gsweb = new RegExp($($(xmldoc).find("param[name=filepath]")[0]).text().replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"), "g"); // Find xsl:include elements and update hrefs accordingly $(skindoc).find("xsl\\:include").each(function() { $(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href').replace(gsweb, gsurl).replace(/\\/g, "/")); }); $(xmldoc).find("xsl\\:include").each(function() { $(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href').replace(gsweb, gsurl).replace(/\\/g, "/")); }); // Convert temporarily to text here skindoc = convertToString(skindoc); xmldoc = convertToString(xmldoc); // This could just be done on the server (later) //data = "\r\n" /*+ "\r\n"*/ + data; // replace all! // Be careful with regex syntax and the use of special characters! skindoc = skindoc.replace(/util\:exists\(\$meta, ''\)/g, "$meta!=''"); // For now - use regex instead skindoc = skindoc.replace(/%3A/g, ":"); // undo colon escaping // Convert to XML xmldoc = parseFromString(xmldoc, "text/xml"); skindoc = parseFromString(skindoc, "text/xml"); var output = ''; var library_name = $('/page/xsltparams/param[name=library_name]', xmldoc).text(); var interface_name = $('/page/xsltparams/param[name=interface_name]', xmldoc).text(); // And post-process... if(window.ActiveXObject) { // IE var procFactory = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XSLTemplate"); procFactory.stylesheet = skindoc; var proc = procFactory.createProcessor(); proc.input = xmldoc; proc.addParameter('library_name', library_name); proc.addParameter('interface_name', interface_name); proc.transform(); output = proc.output; } else { // Fx xsltProc = new XSLTProcessor(); // The leading slash is oh-so important here xsltProc.setParameter(null, 'library_name', library_name); xsltProc.setParameter(null, 'interface_name', interface_name); xsltProc.importStylesheet(skindoc); result = xsltProc.transformToDocument(xmldoc); output = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(result); } //output = output.replace('var placeholder = false;', 'var placeholder = false; var xsltClientCapable = true;'); var doc = document.open(); doc.write(output); doc.close(); document.cookie = 'supportsXSLT=true; expires=0; path=/'; }, 'html'); } catch (e) { if(trial) notSupportedCookie(); else notSupported(); } } function notSupportedCookie() { document.cookie = 'supportsXSLT=false; expires=0; path=/'; } function getNodeContent(node) { var hash = $(node).attr('id'); // Some document titles appear within spans, some do not, so these adjustments are necessary $('.clientDocView').next().css('font-weight', 'normal'); $('.clientDocView').parent().css('font-weight', 'normal'); $(node).parent().css('font-weight', 'bold'); $(node).next().css('font-weight', 'bold'); var loadingimg = 'Loading'; // Fetch me some fresh XML $('.documenttext').html(loadingimg); var url = $(node).attr('href') + "&o=xml"; url = url.replace('&', '&'); $.get(url, function(data) { gsurl = $($(data).find("metadata[name=siteURL]")[0]).text(); $.get(gsurl + '/interfaces/basic/transform/document_text.xsl', function(text) { var output = ''; var result = ''; try { // FF only xsltProc = new XSLTProcessor(); // The leading slash is oh-so important here xsltProc.setParameter(null, 'library_name', $('/page/xsltparams/param[name=library_name]', data).text()); xsltProc.setParameter(null, 'interface_name', $('/page/xsltparams/param[name=interface_name]', data).text()); xsltProc.importStylesheet(text); result = xsltProc.transformToDocument(data); output = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(result); } catch(e) { window.location = $(node).attr('href'); } // will naturally cascade to client-side, then if necessary, server-side // Get the book name var book = $('#documentheading').text(); var title_arr = new Array(); var temp_arr = new Array(); title_arr.push(book); // Go up the tree, until you reach the 'Table of Contents' node $(node).parentsUntil('#tocstart').each(function() { if($(this).get()[0].tagName == 'LI') { // Only list elements... // next child = a, next sibling = text node temp_arr.push($(this).children('span').text()); } }); // Store these temporarily to reverse them and get it right temp_arr = temp_arr.reverse(); title_arr = title_arr.concat(temp_arr); document.title = title_arr.join('::'); // Fix up entity encoding first output = output.replace(/&/g, '&'); output = output.replace(/</g, '<'); output = output.replace(/>/g, '>'); $('.documenttext').html(output); }, 'xml'); }, 'xml'); } function parseAction(str, chr) { // Problem with split - seems to discard the rest of string if it encounters splitable characters but doesn't split on them // But, then all the split characters are missing from the array! So, need to slice the substring out. // Get additional text var parts = str.split(chr, 3); var trimIndex = parts[0].length + parts[1].length + 2; parts[2] = str.substring(trimIndex); return parts; } // Method equivalent to PHP's in_array method function contains(array, value) { for(var val in array) if(array[val] == value) return true; return false; } // Method equivalent to PHP's own function print_r(arr) { var result = ""; for(var a in arr) { result += a + " => " + arr[a] + "\r\n"; } return result; } function convertToString(content) { try { // If this fails, it's another indication that the browser doesn't have the support we need if(typeof XMLSerializer != 'undefined') { return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(content); } else { return content.xml; } } catch (e) { notSupported(); } } function parseFromString(content, contentType) { try { var retobj; if(typeof window.DOMParser != 'undefined') { // Fx retobj = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(content, contentType); } else { // IE var retobj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); retobj.async = "false"; retobj.loadXML(content); } return retobj; } catch(e) { var obj = new ActiveXObject('MSXML.DomDocument'); obj.async = false; obj.loadXML(content); return obj; } } function isSupported() { // Are cookies enabled? if(navigator.cookieEnabled && typeof navigator.cookieEnabled != 'undefined') { // Is there a cookie? if(document.cookie.indexOf('supportsXSLT=') > -1) { // Cookie exists - don't try the transformation, as the server will // read the cookie and determine which version to serve up. // If it happens to be client-side, allow transformation to proceed return (document.cookie.indexOf('supportsXSLT=true') > -1); } else { // Cookie doesn't exist - test! transform(true); applyText(true); return (document.cookie.indexOf('supportsXSLT=true') > -1); } } else { return false; } } /* Simulating web storage for browsers that don't support it */ /* Credit: http://www.thewojogroup.com/2010/01/simulating-html5-local-storage/ */ (function(){var k=this;if(!k.localStorage&&navigator.cookieEnabled){var x="storageData_",y="++",z="::",l=function(a,c,b){var e=new Date;e.setTime(e.getTime()+b);b="; expires="+e.toGMTString();document.cookie=a+"="+c+b+"; path=/"},h=function(a){a=a+"=";for(var c=document.cookie.split(";"),b=0,e=c.length;ba.length?a.length-b*4E3:4E3),2592E3):m(y+b);b++}},f=k.localStorage={length:0,setItem:function(a,c){var b=i(),e=0,d=b.length,g=false;for(e=0;e