my $sep = $^O eq "MSWin32" ? "\\" : "/"; sub get_date { local ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); local $day = $mday; local $month = $mon+1; local $year = $year+1900; if ( length $month == 1 ) { $month = join( "", "0", $month); } if ( length $day== 1 ) { $day = join( "", "0", $day ); } local $date = join( ".", $year,$month,$day ); return $date; } sub gen_snapshot_id { if ( exists $_[0] && exists $_[1] ) { return $_[0] . get_date() . $_[1]; } if ( exists $_[0] ) { return $_[0] . get_date(); } return get_date(); } sub create_release { die "Must provide parameter to create_release\n" unless (exists $_[0]); my $release_folder_name = $_[0]; my $release_version = $release_folder_name; $release_version =~ s/^gs-?//; $release_version =~ s/rc\d$//; my $major_version = $release_version; $major_version =~ s/^(3|2).*/$1/; $release_version =~ s/^($major_version)\.?(\d*).*/$1.$2/; my $rk = "rk".$major_version; my $release_version_extra; if ($release_folder_name =~ m/(rc\d)$/) { $release_version_extra = $1; } if ($release_folder_name !~ m/^gs/) { # prefix gs $release_folder_name = "gs".$release_folder_name; } my $release_dir = "$ENV{'DATA_DIR'}${sep}$release_folder_name"; print "major_version: $major_version\n"; print "version: $release_version\n"; print "versionextra: $release_version_extra\n"; print "release_folder_name: $release_folder_name\n"; print "release_dir: $release_dir\n"; print "about to clean up old snapshots (Ctrl-C to cancel)"; local $| = 1; for ( my $i=0; $i<5; $i++ ) { print "."; sleep 1; } $| = 0; print "cleaning up previous release snapshot $release_dir\n"; if(-d $release_dir) { if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) { system("rd /q /s \"$release_dir\""); } else { system("rm -rf \"$release_dir\""); } } print "creating the release dir\n"; mkdir $release_dir or die "couldn't create release directory\n"; print "changing to the release dir\n"; chdir $release_dir; #version property print "setting up todays properties\n"; `echo version:$release_version> $`; if($release_version_extra) { `echo version-extra:$release_version_extra>> $`; } #processor propertylocal $| = 1; if ( $^O eq "darwin" ) { print "setting processor\n"; if ( `uname -p` eq "i386" ) { `echo processor:intel>> $`; } elsif ( `uname -p` eq "powerpc" ) { `echo processor:ppc>> $`; } else { print "unable to determine processor type, using intel\n"; `echo processor:intel>> $`; } } elsif ( $^O eq "linux" ) { if(`uname -m` =~ m/64$/) { print "Setting linux architecture to 64 bit"; `echo x64:true>> $`; } } #branch path property if ( $ENV{'branch_path'} ) { `echo branch.path:$ENV{'branch_path'}>> $`; } #server.exe.location if ( $major_version eq "2" && exists $ENV{'SERVER_EXE_LOCATION'} ) { `echo server.exe.location:$ENV{'SERVER_EXE_LOCATION'}>> $`; } print "creating the snapshot using $rk\n"; system( $rk ); } sub create { die "release_dir not set, cant create\n" unless $release_dir; print "about to clean up old snapshots (Ctrl-C to cancel)"; local $| = 1; for ( my $i=0; $i<5; $i++ ) { print "."; sleep 1; } $| = 0; print "cleaning up previous snapshot\n"; local $release_parent = dirname($release_dir); if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) { system("rd /q /s \"$release_parent\""); } else { system("rm -rf \"$release_parent\""); } print "creating the release dir\n"; mkdir $release_parent or die "couldn't create release parent directory\n"; mkdir $release_dir or die "couldn't create release directory\n"; print "changing to the release dir\n"; chdir $release_dir; #version property print "setting up todays properties\n"; `echo version:$snapshot_id> $`; #processor propertylocal $| = 1; if ( $^O eq "darwin" ) { print "setting processor\n"; if ( `uname -p` eq "i386" ) { `echo processor:intel>> $`; } elsif ( `uname -p` eq "powerpc" ) { `echo processor:ppc>> $`; } else { print "unable to determine processor type, using intel\n"; `echo processor:intel>> $`; } } #branch path property if ( $ENV{'branch_path'} ) { `echo branch.path:$ENV{'branch_path'}>> $`; } #x64 bit property if ( $ENV{'x64'} ) { `echo x64:true>> $`; } #server.exe.location if ( exists $ENV{'SERVER_EXE_LOCATION'} ) { `echo server.exe.location:$ENV{'SERVER_EXE_LOCATION'}>> $`; } print "creating the snapshot using $rk\n"; system( $rk ); } sub upload { print "preparing files for uploading\n"; my @munges = (); if ( exists $ENV{'munges'} ) { @munges = split(' ', $ENV{'munges'}); } #copy products to a temporary folder, giving them their new names if ( -d "$release_dir${sep}uploads" ) { system( "rm -rf '$release_dir${sep}uploads'" ); } mkdir "$release_dir${sep}uploads"; my @files; if ( -d "$release_dir${sep}products" ) { @files = <$release_dir${sep}products${sep}*>; } push( @files, "$release_dir${sep}$rk.out" ); for my $file ( @files ) { if ( -e $file ) { my $filename = basename($file); #munge for my $m ( @munges ) { $doit="\$filename =~ $m"; eval "$doit"; } #upload print "Will upload '" . basename($file) . "' to '$filename'\n"; if( $^O =~ "linux|darwin" ) { system("cp \"$file\" \"${release_dir}${sep}uploads${sep}$filename\""); } else { system("copy \"$file\" \"${release_dir}${sep}uploads${sep}$filename\""); } } } # puka is no longer # my $command = "cd \"${release_dir}${sep}uploads\" && tar -c * | "; # $command .= ($^O eq "MSWin32" ? "plink" : "ssh"); # $command .= " -T -i \"$ENV{'IDENTITY_FILE'}\" nzdl\"; #print "$command\n"; # system("$command"); # ssh too old inside lsb to upload to www-internal, so we do that in a separate step later # $command = "cd \"${release_dir}${sep}uploads\" && tar -c * | "; # $command .= ($^O eq "MSWin32" ? "plink" : "ssh"); # $command .= " -T -i \"$ENV{'IDENTITY_FILE'}\" nzdl-gsorg\"; #print "$command\n"; # system("$command"); } # EMAILING DOESN'T WORK, as SMTP not setup on release-kit LSB machines #sub xsend_mail_on_releasekit_fail { # first, create your message # use Email::MIME; # my $message = Email::MIME->create( # header_str => [ # From => $ENV{'MONITOR_EMAIL'}, # To => $ENV{'MONITOR_EMAIL'}, # Subject => 'Trial message', # ], # attributes => { # encoding => 'quoted-printable', # charset => 'ISO-8859-1', # }, # body_str => "Email test!\n", # ); # # send the message # use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail); # sendmail($message); # %mail = ( To => $ENV{'MONITOR_EMAIL'}, # From => $ENV{'MONITOR_EMAIL'}, # Message => "This is a test message" # ); # sendmail(%mail) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error; # print "OK. Log says:\n", $Mail::Sendmail::log; #} # EMAILING DOESN'T WORK, as SMTP not setup on release-kit LSB machines # Copied from diffcol's into here # Sending emails with perl: # Sending email attachments with perl: # Sadly none of the packages are installed by default and use of MIME::Lite is discouraged sub send_mail_on_releasekit_fail { # email greenstone_team if build failed my $logfile="$release_dir${sep}$rk.out"; my $finalLinesLogOutput=`tail -n 50 $logfile`; print STDERR "Checking if successful... \n"; # using reverse index to search from bottom of tail output my $had_error = 0; if (rindex($finalLinesLogOutput, "BUILD FAILED") != -1) { # release-kit failed to build binary $had_error = 1; } elsif (rindex($finalLinesLogOutput, "BUILD SUCCESSFUL") != -1) { # SUCCESS! $had_error = 0; } else { # saw neither BUILD FAILED nor BUILD SUCCESSFUL in tail of log output # Could be that building never completed, still want to be notified $had_error = 2; } if(!$had_error) { # everything fine, no need to email return; } print STDERR "Build had error code: $had_error\n"; # let's send the last 200 lines of the log file to the user as email # $finalLinesLogOutput=`tail -n 200 $logfile`; my $msg = "Last 200 lines in the log:\n$finalLinesLogOutput"; my $subject = "Release-kit $release_dir failed"; # mentions OS, bitness, date # let's attach logfile besides if($isWin) { if($use_blat && $blat && $ENV{'GSDL_SMTP'}) { # #blat -to -server -f -subject "subject" -body "body" # need to install blat on windows $cmd = "$blat -to $ENV{'MONITOR_EMAIL'} -server $ENV{'GSDL_SMTP'} -f $ENV{'MONITOR_EMAIL'} -attach $logfile -subject \"$subject\" -body \"$msg\""; $result = system($cmd); } else { $result = 1; # status from running mail command is 0 if success, 1 if fail print STDERR "********************************************\n"; if ($use_blat) { print STDERR "Need blat and SMTP set to send mail attachment\n" ; } else { print STDERR "Not set up to send mail on Windows\n"; } print STDERR "Inspect release-kit build log at: $log_file\n"; print STDERR "********************************************\n"; } } else { # linux # try using sendmail, since mutt is not installed on lsb # # Sending attachment with sendmail is too involved, see # # # Will just put the contents of the rk log file in the body. # read in all of logfile # my $contents = do {local (@ARGV,$/) = $logfile; <>}; my $email_path = "$release_dir${sep}email.txt"; if (open(FOUT, '>:utf8', $email_path)) { print FOUT "Subject: $subject"; if($contents) { print FOUT $contents; } else { print FOUT "Empty release kit building log: $logfile\n"; } close(FOUT); $cmd = "sendmail $ENV{'MONITOR_EMAIL'} < $email_path"; $result = system($cmd); } else { print STDERR "WARNING: sendmail email attempt failed. Failed to open file for writing email msg:\n\t$email_path\n"; # try using mutt to send email my $status = system("command -v mutt > /dev/null 2>&1;"); #better way of doing "which mutt" if($status != 0) { # mutt doesn't exist, can't send attachments, so send simple email $cmd="echo '$message' | mail -s '$subject' $ENV{'MONITOR_EMAIL'}"; print STDERR "********************************************\n"; print STDERR "No mutt installed, unable to mail attachment\n"; print STDERR "Inspect release-kit build log at: $logfile\n"; print STDERR "********************************************\n"; } else { #$cmd = "bash -c \"echo '$message' | mutt -a $logfile -s 'subject' -- $ENV{'MONITOR_EMAIL'}\""; $cmd = "echo '$message' | mutt -a $logfile -s '$subject' -- $ENV{'MONITOR_EMAIL'}"; } # run the mail command $result = system($cmd); #&run_and_print_cmd($cmd); } } if($result != 0) { print STDERR "*** Unable to send email: $?\n"; } else { print STDERR "Sent mail with $logfile attached.\n"; } }