#!/bin/bash echo "This script ($0)" echo " needs to be run from outside the lsb environment (but sudo as root)" echo "Doing /bin/mount --bind /proc /opt/lsb-buildenv-x86_64/proc is okay" echo " but don't do /usr/sbin/chroot /opt/lsb-buildenv-x86_64 in the terminal\ this is run from" echo " (and don't do the chroot step in the cron file either)." source ./setup-env.sh cd snapshots/ echo "Looking for uploads in snapshots folder/" # possible values for list of dirs below (edit for your build system): # gs2-caveat #gs2-caveat-x64 #gs2-stable #gs2-stable-x64 #gs3-caveat #gs3-caveat-x64 #gs3-stable #gs3-stable-x64 #gs2-src-caveat #gs2-src-stable #gs3-src-caveat #gs3-src-stable #gs2-cd-caveat #gs2-cd-stable #dec-caveat #dec-stable # edit this list to reflect which builds the current system is in charge of for RK in gs3-caveat-x64 gs2-caveat-x64 gs2-stable do if [ -d $RK ] then # the star does tab-completion for DIR in $RK/from*/uploads do if [ -d $DIR ] then echo "*** Found uploads folder $DIR" pushd $DIR echo "Running: tar -c * | ssh -i ~/.ssh/upload-caveat-ed25519 nzdl-gsorg@www-internal.greenstone.org" #tar -c * | ssh -J kjdon@linux-labs.cms.waikato.ac.nz -T -i ~/.ssh/upload-caveat-ed25519 nzdl-gsorg@www-internal.greenstone.org # the old way using a jump host tar -c * | ssh -i ~/.ssh/upload-caveat-ed25519 nzdl-gsorg@www-internal.greenstone.org popd fi done else echo "*** no upload found for $RK" fi done