import/3C01-01.item indexed_doc 3C01-01.item 3C01-01.item paged History - Migration; Kupe by Himiona Karime (Maori Text) (1954?) unknown unknown unknown unknown 1954? HISTORY Scanned Image Pei Te Hurinui Jones Migration 6 1771 3229 PagedImagePlugin PagedImage 3C01-01 3C01-01 1495677771 20170525 1495678083 20170525 3C01-01.dir 3C01-01-000.tif:image/tiff: 3C01-01-000_thumb.gif:image/gif: 3C01-01-000_screen.jpeg:image/jpeg: 3C01-01-001.tif:image/tiff: 3C01-01-001_thumb.gif:image/gif: 3C01-01-001_screen.jpeg:image/jpeg: 3C01-01-002.tif:image/tiff: 3C01-01-002_thumb.gif:image/gif: 3C01-01-002_screen.jpeg:image/jpeg: 3C01-01-003.tif:image/tiff: 3C01-01-003_thumb.gif:image/gif: 3C01-01-003_screen.jpeg:image/jpeg: 3C01-01-004.tif:image/tiff: 3C01-01-004_thumb.gif:image/gif: 3C01-01-004_screen.jpeg:image/jpeg: 3C01-01-005.tif:image/tiff: 3C01-01-005_thumb.gif:image/gif: 3C01-01-005_screen.jpeg:image/jpeg: 3C1/1 3C1 Migration history - kj Atua - kj
1 3C01-01-000.tif 3C01-01-000.tif 3C01-01-000.tif 434375 TIFF 1708 1660 434KB 3C01-01-000.tif 3C01-01-000.tif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[srclinkFile]" width="[ImageWidth]" height="[ImageHeight]"> gif 3C01-01-000_thumb.gif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Thumb]" alt="[Thumb]" width="[ThumbWidth]" height="[ThumbHeight]"> 100 97 jpeg 3C01-01-000_screen.jpeg <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Screen]" width=[ScreenWidth] height=[ScreenHeight]> 500 486 PagedImage <pre> UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO LIBRARY 3C1/ 1 HISTORY-Migration KUPE by HIMIONA KARIMA (MAOREXT) (1954?) MICROFILM COMPUTER SCANNING BY: JANUARY 2001 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY 404411111111 111MV, NJ 6,200 IA 4 Reel 11../6. PA 7. 'MA 1,61. 1,15 IOU </pre>
2 3C01-01-001.tif 3C01-01-001.tif 3C01-01-001.tif 989099 TIFF 1696 2593 989KB 3C01-01-001.tif 3C01-01-001.tif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[srclinkFile]" width="[ImageWidth]" height="[ImageHeight]"> gif 3C01-01-001_thumb.gif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Thumb]" alt="[Thumb]" width="[ThumbWidth]" height="[ThumbHeight]"> 65 100 jpeg 3C01-01-001_screen.jpeg <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Screen]" width=[ScreenWidth] height=[ScreenHeight]> 327 500 PagedImage letter to bruce <pre> 28th. September 4 Dear Bruce, I was very pleased to get your letter of the 24th., and thank you for the copy of tl-ie Himionu Kamir, Me. This le excellent material about Lupe, and I hope the rest ie uuly forthcoming. It is very well written. But I have neteoted a few mistakes - peobably in eune caeca typist's errors. lat. Sheet. (a) First line seconn paragraph :- rakoda should read =EAR. (b) Last line of this sheet:- rassa should be taus. 'n,d Sheet. (a) Sixth lice from top of sheet:- Omit comma between phaktUro and petsa (b) Sixth line of seconu paragraph xia woho Should reed 41 waho. (c) Fourth line of third paragraph: - Insert gk between igiuhl and gli4Uhlti. 3rd. Sheet. (a) First line from top:- a /Woe should read o Kure. (b) Second line from tops- 1 te tatuta1 shoula read Al te takutai. (c) Fourth line from top:- 1 a Ngahus 8110121(1 read gi g lizanue ; and ; era ahoula read AlgrA. (d) Second last line:- Insert comma after ILIA ( The author gives a touch of the dramatic by writing Ho to 'Oame the dawn', instead of simply I te atO, In the mor,iiig'.) Fourth Sheet. Nineteenth line from top of sheets- tor; should be ' I'll attend tbethe genealogical material you require in the next nay or so and will write you again shortly. I forward six copies of the Programme for the ,.ueen's Reception at Ngeruawuhia. Kind regards to yourself, Joy and the Vaud: </pre>
3 3C01-01-002.tif 3C01-01-002.tif 3C01-01-002.tif 1696183 TIFF 1769 3229 1.696MB 3C01-01-002.tif 3C01-01-002.tif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[srclinkFile]" width="[ImageWidth]" height="[ImageHeight]"> gif 3C01-01-002_thumb.gif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Thumb]" alt="[Thumb]" width="[ThumbWidth]" height="[ThumbHeight]"> 55 100 jpeg 3C01-01-002_screen.jpeg <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Screen]" width=[ScreenWidth] height=[ScreenHeight]> 274 500 PagedImage <pre> MEE IbilisA Seam QItam I a tope mho era 1 Ur Quip I Metalegpe, tura ight loot to maw tow pata atm ai 11 to rasa we/ to ova at sat bp Ammakassist, i limalltimml. t limila a Moe we ame aid hem tubers mheketroi, Was vale? so era ate rid te tuaeloeme. teemia eon hold la tee to ham. Nara, alma ellmakeplio te ma to Ilia Id tem 1Q1 Saliba el, a am wee hald. hers ea mem kits sat be Una, ea X pe Mpg, bra am. La tae 11 to-UM sa ha harem am4 a lie Ida Were ate Dips hi lam brie. Ito loon a Ore too atm Itt I. balm. Seto i Turekla. fa knew. Est a 1st Ida DIP rheum pal La 11 to wirketlielmict i Ewa ylmilimare :ma Me Lis lama he :ha as roam. /a sham aim Lea rbeltase arm k idin a let Ill umbra Umy atmair a par w. AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE TELEPHONE 350 fib- BOX 2553 AUCKLAND 449- 24th September TIM3EA L AND Dear. Pei, I am sending, you a cory of acme of the material about Kure: that I copied from a ma. of Eimiona Kamira,who died a,;:out two years ago,at iAtimiti,qokianga. As far as I can gather he was regarded as one of the leading lights in their wananxa which was nararently flourishing about lETO,t'nen WAG revived in the ninteen-twentiesocue say by ilimiona. Their tede., Lags T believe nonstAtute a sort of rationalisation and comt'fomiae between the different versions of the ihne stories which had been retained in the various sections of Te Te Tiarawa,and ligatkahu. Rs you nes I wasn't nbla to copy out much in the time 1 was there but Himiona's daugiAei .as promised to send me the rest when nhe copies it out. You mentioned that you could be able to illustrate from genealogies some of the following points. Could you let me have the relevant c,enealogies:- (n)Showing that a line containing more women will irve more enerations,thus suggesting that wooer; married earlier, that their reproductive life is shorter,and ;,erha s that a line containing many women ould be a line of less imrortance anyway and therefore also contain more younger sons. (b xammles or a man marrying sistersor of a x max widow marrying her late husband's brcther,or of a man marrying his uncle's widow. (c)Any stories of a woman telling her husband to take another uife,either because of her 1-ognancy,or sterility,or for ether reasons. (d)amslen of marria.;es hatween 7eonle who are several generations a nst. I should also like a copy of the ogramme for the queen's reception/ at Ngaruawahia,if icon have any. Thankyou for the cheque for Heyerdahl's book. Regards to al / of c.:4..k </pre>
4 3C01-01-003.tif 3C01-01-003.tif 3C01-01-003.tif 1233551 TIFF 1741 2666 1.234MB 3C01-01-003.tif 3C01-01-003.tif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[srclinkFile]" width="[ImageWidth]" height="[ImageHeight]"> gif 3C01-01-003_thumb.gif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Thumb]" alt="[Thumb]" width="[ThumbWidth]" height="[ThumbHeight]"> 65 100 jpeg 3C01-01-003_screen.jpeg <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Screen]" width=[ScreenWidth] height=[ScreenHeight]> 327 500 PagedImage <pre> 2 Kura: Sabra opt oaks sat, kis tato. testi UAW. trail, leaks. rem a Veto kl :Oa Ware, ka ki aka la, "Tadao lorom kl karma, ki to ell okras. oaks mo use tame kerma kla two at a kayos Sams ki ikaalklesi. tea loom eta karma 1 to hears to ualsoas osaliammatos." Masai larateu looks sake tomaptme to to kamaimasual, le Ate, to Sotmlel is KW. Kelm Bahl be akekaire akar, Waritakm/Psts. obakalre tells ma ors As saki Waskalro. 1 to oa I et/ al sap ',Wks sal ka korereass a Tet ki lima Lelia, sabers marl pal toys kl tomes teas. La sea ap ketiro pal sow rata ki tome UM. Ka palate, fr kl a Ruegerosew, Kauai aa poi al moa Miaow soar Ka arable's, Mr" Surissaal." Ka ass Tet kialkirasarartist, "2 ma anal ka koala okra ki balks, 111 ko Rousso, am to mos arabs ass alum lit a Oat km aloha ka kaki nap tau make sea la kl as. lam 411 alairfaletri i as pal al." Ebakostua sea Kura ki tuna solos, ki a Tots, ke aka ass la, "Ns yolks / tioa i arraimaal." Ka mid a Tet be Iletre pa. iamme Range 1 alert, ka Rao bold a Kora 1 allots. La =boaster. Satareaoto asks ka askle tope letovairva bates Kira a Mails ass kl a la, Ka lobate t. whokaare tee, ka karma 11 a Tat , kis bases room k Datums k1 to bi aka, ka ass a Tote, "La pa/ am aka." I to so ks boors a Napo raua ke Arta ki te ka korona Iona a Russ la Kura, kla lure la kill asks, kl letaSspa, kla too Uhl rely 1 t. Adak/tame to is. Ka use ate Kara, "Am" La bona tape raga ke Ikea, La sal is taskitl ki sake tar smear ma/ ka ass atm Kips, "Xi kamel am kJ al." La tadma te puma togas. oaks ka kl raw. Mehl ka kayaks pubs Doe kla rasa to versa to mamba ki ram kia boars toes. Lambs tors saki L. ka ki rasa. Ka M ki le ra la sea ate a Kuser iota, "Ka hell ass. IMAM to lorIllae to ams 'Oka." Katalleultakta e Bela. La male a Kips km tat; kl rare Matahl ka liquidate tsars te mks Lope. la kaki sal a lupe bra saki la kayo sate a Elstasso, boas sates a Kura lama. K Netureps bat lreautu am kJ a Kips 1 role </pre>
5 3C01-01-004.tif 3C01-01-004.tif 3C01-01-004.tif 1175745 TIFF 1771 2684 1.176MB 3C01-01-004.tif 3C01-01-004.tif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[srclinkFile]" width="[ImageWidth]" height="[ImageHeight]"> gif 3C01-01-004_thumb.gif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Thumb]" alt="[Thumb]" width="[ThumbWidth]" height="[ThumbHeight]"> 66 100 jpeg 3C01-01-004_screen.jpeg <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Screen]" width=[ScreenWidth] height=[ScreenHeight]> 330 500 PagedImage <pre> -3- rata trap area I La alp sat ak rape ki liotatann ta ma a Nora 1, to takrial, eke Um art ki to yaks ha hat sal rat kt liarawastakttarl, ka to tab. tarrano t. gala ast tinandorant. 11; la ki a Doran t part 't sea ass yawns strati ass Amato i aro t to rya ? Aaetareaglawayph, ft Mr raw hi /otos ka wheir e a Up, Ida Mom mat la ki ko repo i t the a two away a irtiltikittklataraia, sea, t to oar sat. la UK to trine kit Pan 1 rots as I to paw L err aka. I tar Wanes aka ki rasa Mere Us to army al sae Mkt la IOW no Wry no tali rid Mt taw t L taiiti kl war to rows rat. la Wm sat a Itustaribiass? ke traitor tonal kat lkwate. Lend who my 1 to Um to mkt Input kJ tory ka art 1a tso sal ri Notatros, Ir no. La I Taro. Ito to atty.: born la a Toralcla, ks Mcrae li a Teta I oat sea kataa. It a Waal ik Sit lora it len sett. at St Ism ibi kw L ass tiogats gnat is Ups, Mor nartlal, Tr Irony Pal, am Straklaillatettast, tanatoarritoon , knaransi, tiptiaraitli, Unsnarl, Trattourrea, Ptast, lIzalraloy tabloid. flawl, T. Tad, ago, Ibmnalrirle ltparratiory likaro? k ast tingar Ara To to laroraa ea torn, to lard ap oasis to tow oaranit ark , my to arlkt assitira aniai L tithe lilve iram. ono i ad nip tiaoaa tart mama. L artalf la no Uwe la kit trail arta. i rags aka, /A lisitatitt. I to Unrono Not LW rata. ba tam rd. I Ssoalktraast, ka Mae aka rata. kl to war taro 1 Polahlti, Ira tar to to all kila net La Nolaara, b Iftnastroa. Ea a to rata urea Id miry La VIM rat Itso rasa to apt Laths anti. to tet, Users, Porpoto, Thais, P tontasa. No ladanbitt oat. No to rlwoosa mat art atai [ape Sabi ma ka hart L avian Kra. Rua ral la km ars to aka i to natal Woo </pre>
6 3C01-01-005.tif 3C01-01-005.tif 3C01-01-005.tif 1237375 TIFF 1728 2657 1.237MB 3C01-01-005.tif 3C01-01-005.tif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[srclinkFile]" width="[ImageWidth]" height="[ImageHeight]"> gif 3C01-01-005_thumb.gif <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Thumb]" alt="[Thumb]" width="[ThumbWidth]" height="[ThumbHeight]"> 65 100 jpeg 3C01-01-005_screen.jpeg <img src="_httpprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/[parent(Top):assocfilepath]/[Screen]" width=[ScreenWidth] height=[ScreenHeight]> 325 500 PagedImage <pre> 14, sore, ial i 1embiti. Ka aria mai rates to Menai o to re. Ks sloe mai ratan ki M Wild kit mot be kmemarimr1. KAMM Rape ka Ulm tab to armada =tea raga kummoyalaboimara Wray. bareeke soma ko taikomemokoreagi. Ko me- bwimoto ww1 lam soma ko Kama 1 tees mai a1 bet ars i a E. Tim ami ago wa I pamper ai Kap Ida pets ratan 1 mos jimmy". klkai 1 pets am Memos. is attakeero a Ape Mame/ rates ma al. Katak1 a rope ka Mrsre atm ki a to TWkietem rams ko labogiriri kin title tam mei ki a ia, is Imo a tape, 'Km pea taka kaba kJ to pampers i a totem Ida pinta. bare taloa e pate. ka Maeda to kerma hit anima maane tats tae atm ki I. tatigeeka. Ka barakLa a Kam 1 aye karekla biribiri ma rams. meta am Mime ata Katab1 to maim a I. roblatepe ram be Magirirl ti to mama tastiln teat atm. Asko tom mai a to Tesiotepo roma ko itraerivi. ki to pikas 1 to ara to mims mats, by to ea teen tam o to ratan basmwmgy tike and me to rate potampa mai 1 mga biped a Kohemora. atismabsromks roes kin Taikarom Kew 1 roa to :atm Mario mot 1 limmapourieri km tee mai rates 41 Wammteana1 mi. La laws mat rater 1 Mrs ka titles a Kim k/ to alba o to rates aka Magma ate ems 1 to awer. Ita mkt lope 11 ma Mks ma to Mem a to rater mks. R term opt pin o to men pelmretsuagamod 1 lameomMemmi to tea wt /Meek!. to Mamma e taaria ma t Mks ilialcudittokitiArla Oma. to ao kapok. Nokia tam a Kam kola teas Mt, Kkmamai. 'Maki a tope ka Utley Mime am 1 Womb to Aka sasi., Kaimbi a Kim ka mar= ka ma M. team ma rim swerve mga tee isamm mato al to ika mai mewl km ogelbme rem. to moo Km kin Mom rataalla palm Moretia Lk to Ma mi. Ka km ratow me to pato Mere 1 is Aka mini maim' am ka mob atm. ka ka sable a Kum ems sate. La mato a tem ki lama 'Dam mat to Lim Kalab1 eta ka pat is eaten mobs 1 ramp 1 te taboo ilia. Ka ingaatia te mak a Cope by Parseitamia a Wm 1 to mote rd. Ka Mkt to Memo k1 to trio mai to oaks mei kl ma sea Wore me 1 halcskimpopati </pre>