@echo off :: Script assumes you are in the same directory as rk-setup.bat when it is run if "%RK_HOME%" == "" goto start echo Your Environment has already been set up for the Greenstone Release Kit!! goto done :start set RK_HOME=%CD% set PATH=%RK_HOME%\bin;%PATH% echo Set RK_HOME and added RK_HOME/bin into PATH :: Set JAVACFLAGS (used in the relevant javac lines in our win32.mak files) :: so that any compiled Java code is backwards compatible with Java v1.8 :: To fully support backward compatible compilation need to specfiy :: -bootclasspath in addition to -source and -target set jrt_home_dir=%RK_HOME%\shared\core\java-rt set rt_jar=%jrt_home_dir%\rt-openjdk8.jar set jce_jars=%jrt_home_dir%\jce1_2_2.jar;%jrt_home_dir%\local_policy.jar;%jrt_home_dir%\US_export_policy.jar;%jrt_home_dir%\sunjce_provider.jar set bootclasspath=%rt_jar%;%jce_jars% set JAVACFLAGS=-source 1.8 -target 1.8 -bootclasspath %bootclasspath% -extdirs '' echo Set JAVACFLAGS to compile for source, and to target, 1.8 set rt_home_jar= set rt_jar= set rce_jars= set bootclasspath= :done