source: main/trunk/release-kits/shared/core/uninstaller/Uninstall.bat@ 23243

Last change on this file since 23243 was 23243, checked in by sjm84, 13 years ago

Windows installations of Greenstone will now uninstall correctly (no left over folders)

File size: 1.9 KB
[17674]1@echo off
[17949]2CD /D "%~dp0"
[23243]4setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
[22573]7 echo Checking if the Greenstone directory is writable ...
[22577]8 (echo This is a temporary file. It is safe to delete it. > "testing.tmp" ) 2>nul
9 if exist "testing.tmp" goto deleteTempFile
[22573]10 if "%1" == "Elevated" goto printWarning
11 echo ... FAILED
[22577]12 echo The uninstaller cannot write to the Greenstone directory (%CD%)
[22573]13 echo Requesting elevated status to become admin user to continue.
[23210]14 ..\bin\windows\gstart.exe %0 Elevated %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
[22532]15 goto done
18 echo ... FAILED
[22577]19 echo The uninstaller cannot write to the Greenstone directory (%CD%).
[22573]20 echo Attempting to continue without permissions.
21 goto shiftElevated
[22573]24 echo ... OK
[22577]25 del "testing.tmp"
28:: Shift "Elevated" (one of our own internal command words) out of the way if present
29:: so the command-line is as it was when the user initiated the command
[22573]30 if "%1" == "Elevated" shift
[23210]32if exist ..\bin\windows\search4j.exe ..\bin\windows\search4j.exe -p ..\packages\jre -l .\uninst.jar
[23210]34if exist ..\gs2build\bin\windows\search4j.exe ..\gs2build\bin\windows\search4j.exe -p ..\packages\jre -l .\uninst.jar
37if exist uninst.flag (
[23210]39 rd /s /q ..\packages\jre
40 rmdir ..\packages
[23210]42 if exist ..\bin\windows\search4j.exe (
43 del ..\bin\windows\search4j.exe
44 rmdir ..\bin\windows
[18498]45 )
[23210]46 if exist ..\gs2build\bin\windows\search4j.exe (
47 del ..\gs2build\bin\windows\search4j.exe
48 rd /s /q ..\gs2build
[19461]49 )
51 del uninst.jar
52 del uninst.flag
53 del Uninstall.*
[23210]54 del *.uninstall
[23242]55 rmdir /S /Q ..\bin
56 rmdir /S /Q ..\tmp
57 rmdir /S /Q ..\ext
[23210]59 cd ..
[23243]60 set GSDEL=!CD!
61 cd ..
[23243]63 echo @echo off > %TEMP%\gsuninstall.bat
64 echo rmdir /S /Q !GSDEL!\uninstall >> %TEMP%\gsuninstall.bat
65 echo rmdir !GSDEL! >> %TEMP%\gsuninstall.bat
66 start cmd /C %TEMP%\gsuninstall.bat
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