source: main/trunk/release-kits/shared/core/uninstaller/Uninstall.bat@ 23256

Last change on this file since 23256 was 23256, checked in by sjm84, 13 years ago

More minor installer/uninstaller modifications

File size: 1.9 KB
[17674]1@echo off
[17949]2CD /D "%~dp0"
[23243]4setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
[22573]7 echo Checking if the Greenstone directory is writable ...
[22577]8 (echo This is a temporary file. It is safe to delete it. > "testing.tmp" ) 2>nul
9 if exist "testing.tmp" goto deleteTempFile
[22573]10 if "%1" == "Elevated" goto printWarning
11 echo ... FAILED
[22577]12 echo The uninstaller cannot write to the Greenstone directory (%CD%)
[22573]13 echo Requesting elevated status to become admin user to continue.
[23210]14 ..\bin\windows\gstart.exe %0 Elevated %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
[22532]15 goto done
18 echo ... FAILED
[22577]19 echo The uninstaller cannot write to the Greenstone directory (%CD%).
[22573]20 echo Attempting to continue without permissions.
21 goto shiftElevated
[22573]24 echo ... OK
[22577]25 del "testing.tmp"
28:: Shift "Elevated" (one of our own internal command words) out of the way if present
29:: so the command-line is as it was when the user initiated the command
[22573]30 if "%1" == "Elevated" shift
[23256]32cd ..
33if exist .\bin\windows\search4j.exe .\bin\windows\search4j.exe -p .\packages\jre -l .\uninstall\uninst.jar
[23256]35if exist .\gs2build\bin\windows\search4j.exe .\gs2build\bin\windows\search4j.exe -p .\packages\jre -l .\uninstall\uninst.jar
37if exist uninst.flag (
[23256]39 rd /s /q packages\jre
40 rmdir packages
[23256]42 if exist bin\windows\search4j.exe (
43 del bin\windows\search4j.exe
44 rmdir bin\windows
[18498]45 )
[23256]46 if exist gs2build\bin\windows\search4j.exe (
47 del gs2build\bin\windows\search4j.exe
48 rd /s /q gs2build
[19461]49 )
[23256]51 del uninstall\uninst.jar
52 del uninstall\uninst.flag
53 del uninstall\Uninstall.*
54 del uninstall\*.uninstall
55 rmdir /S /Q bin
56 rmdir /S /Q tmp
57 rmdir /S /Q ext
[23243]59 set GSDEL=!CD!
[23243]61 echo @echo off > %TEMP%\gsuninstall.bat
62 echo rmdir /S /Q !GSDEL!\uninstall >> %TEMP%\gsuninstall.bat
63 echo rmdir !GSDEL! >> %TEMP%\gsuninstall.bat
64 start cmd /C %TEMP%\gsuninstall.bat
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