cd .. if [ -f "setup.bash" ]; then #This is Greenstone 2 . ./setup.bash > /dev/null SEARCH4J_EXECUTABLE=$GSDLHOME/bin/$GSDLOS/search4j elif [ -f "gs2build/setup.bash" ]; then #This is Greenstone 3 # . ./gs2build/setup.bash > /dev/null . ./ > /dev/null SEARCH4J_EXECUTABLE=./bin/search4j else echo "Couldn't find setup.bash. Either this script has not been run from the directory it resides in, or this copy of Greenstone appears to be corrupt." echo "To manually uninstall, please delete the entire Greenstone home folder." exit fi if [ "$GSDLOS" = "linux" ]; then "$SEARCH4J_EXECUTABLE" -p ./packages/jre -l ./uninstall/uninst.jar elif [ "$GSDLOS" = "darwin" ]; then "$SEARCH4J_EXECUTABLE" -p /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home -l ./uninstall/uninst.jar fi if [ -e "uninst.flag" ]; then rm -rf packages/jre &> /dev/null rmdir packages &> /dev/null rm -rf bin &> /dev/null rm -rf tmp &> /dev/null rm -rf uninstall &> /dev/null rm uninst.flag if [ -e "llssite.cfg" ] ; then rm llssite.cfg &> /dev/null fi if [ -e "glisite.cfg" ] ; then rm glisite.cfg &> /dev/null fi CONTENTS=`ls` if [ -z "$CONTENTS" ]; then GSDEL=`pwd` cd .. rmdir $GSDEL &> /dev/null fi fi