source: other-projects/FileTransfer-WebSocketPair/Themes/themebuilder/examples/skeleton-config/skeleton-config.theme

Last change on this file was 31525, checked in by ak19, 7 years ago

Nathan provided more stuff: Themes folder contains Sencha's Themebuilder which generates GXT Themes. It includes the .theme and generated .jar files for the project theme.

File size: 37.6 KB
[31525]1theme {
2 basePackage = "com.theme"
3 name = "theme"
4 details {
5 // Default color to use for backgrounds, usually within panels and the like
6 backgroundColor = "#000000"
7 // Default color to use on borders in the theme
8 borderColor = "#000000"
9 // Opactiy value to use on disabled elements/widgets
10 disabledOpacity = 0.6
11 // Text color to use in disabled widgets. Can be left blank to not set a color and instead let widgets retain their defaults
12 disabledTextColor = "gray"
13 accordionLayout {
14 // background color for the panel body
15 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
16 // border around the contentpanel
17 border = util.border("solid", "#000000", 1)
18 // padding applied only to the first panel
19 firstPanelPadding = util.padding(5)
20 // panel heading text style
21 font = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
22 // background color to fill behind the header gradient
23 headerBackgroundColor = "#ccffff"
24 // header bar margin
25 headerBarMargin = util.margin(0)
26 // header gradient string
27 headerGradient = "#ccffff, #ccffff"
28 // header padding
29 headerPadding = util.padding(10)
30 // entire panel padding
31 padding = util.padding(0)
32 // panel padding
33 panelPadding = util.padding(10)
34 }
35 borderLayout {
36 // background color for the collapsed panels
37 collapsePanelBackgroundColor = "#157FCC"
38 // border styling for a non-mini collapsed region
39 collapsePanelBorder = util.border("solid", "#DFEAF2", 1)
40 // background for the borderlayoutcontainer, visible in margins and collapsed regions
41 panelBackgroundColor = "#DFEAF2"
42 }
43 button {
44 // Color of the menu arrow
45 arrowColor = "#ffffff"
46 // the normal state background color
47 backgroundColor = "#4B9CD7"
48 // the buttons border
49 border = util.border("solid", "#126DAF", 1)
50 // border radius of the button
51 borderRadius = 3
52 // the buttons text
53 font = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "12px", "#FFFFFF")
54 // the normal state gradient
55 gradient = "#4B9CD7 0%, #3892D3 50%, #358AC8 51%, #3892D3"
56 // the large font size
57 largeFontSize = 16
58 // the large line height
59 largeLineHeight = 32
60 // the medium font size
61 mediumFontSize = 14
62 // the medium line height
63 mediumLineHeight = 24
64 // the mouseover state background color
65 overBackgroundColor = "#4792C8"
66 // the buttons border when hovered
67 overBorder = util.border("solid", "#126DAF", 1)
68 // the mouseover state gradient
69 overGradient = "#4792C8, #3386C2 50%, #307FB8 51%, #3386C2"
70 // the button's padding
71 padding = util.padding(3)
72 // the pressed state background color
73 pressedBackgroundColor = "#2A6D9E"
74 // the buttons border when pressed
75 pressedBorder = util.border("solid", "#126DAF", 1)
76 // the pressed state gradient
77 pressedGradient = "#2A6D9E, #276796 50%, #2A6D9E 51%, #3F7BA7"
78 // helper for leftover space in css3 versus sliced images
79 radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius)
80 // the small font size
81 smallFontSize = 12
82 // the small line height
83 smallLineHeight = 18
84 }
85 buttonGroup {
86 // the body background color
87 bodyBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"
88 // the group's body padding
89 bodyPadding = util.padding(4)
90 // the groups border
91 border = util.border("solid", "#dfeaf2", 3)
92 // border radius of the button group
93 borderRadius = 3
94 // the groups text
95 font = util.fontStyle("helvetica, arial, verdana, sans-serif", "13px", "#666666")
96 // the header gradient
97 headerGradient = "#4B9CD7 0%, #3892D3 50%, #358AC8 51%, #3892D3"
98 // the group's header padding
99 headerPadding = util.padding(2)
100 }
101 colorpalette {
102 // background color behind all of the items
103 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
104 // border around each color swatch
105 itemBorder = util.border("solid", "#e1e1e1", 1)
106 // padding between each color swatch
107 itemPadding = util.padding(3)
108 // height and width of each color swatch
109 itemSize = 14
110 // background to surround a selected or hovered color swatch
111 selectedBackgroundColor = "#e6e6e6"
112 // border to draw around a selected or hovered color swatch
113 selectedBorder = util.border("solid", "#666666", 1)
114 }
115 datePicker {
116 // Optional: Optional additional CSS classes to add to the top level element of this widget
117 additionalCssStyles = ""
118 // DatePicker background color
119 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
120 // DatePicker border
121 border = util.border("solid", "#000000", 1)
122 // button margins
123 buttonMargin = util.margin(0, 3)
124 // day border
125 dayBorder = util.border("solid", "#ffffff", 1)
126 // disabled day background color
127 dayDisabledBackgroundColor = "#e8e8e8"
128 // disabled day font style
129 dayDisabledText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "12px", "#000000")
130 // day line height
131 dayLineHeight = "24px"
132 // next month day background color
133 dayNextBackgroundColor = "#ffffff"
134 // next month day font style
135 dayNextText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "12px", "#000000")
136 // day of week header background color
137 dayOfWeekBackgroundColor = "#ffffff"
138 // day of week header line height
139 dayOfWeekLineHeight = "24px"
140 // day of week header padding
141 dayOfWeekPadding = util.padding(5)
142 // day of week header font style
143 dayOfWeekText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "12px", "#000000")
144 // day padding
145 dayPadding = util.padding(5)
146 // previous month day background color
147 dayPreviousBackgroundColor = "#ffffff"
148 // previous month day font style
149 dayPreviousText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "12px", "#000000")
150 // day font style
151 dayText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "12px", "#000000")
152 // footer background color
153 footerBackgroundColor = "#e1e1e1"
154 // footer padding
155 footerPadding = util.padding(5)
156 // header background color
157 headerBackgroundColor = "#f5f5f5"
158 // padding in the header
159 headerPadding = util.padding(8, 6)
160 // header font styling
161 headerText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "12px", "#000000")
162 // header text padding
163 headerTextPadding = util.padding(5)
164 // over background color
165 itemOverBackgroundColor = "#d6e8f6"
166 // hovered item border
167 itemOverBorder = util.border("solid", "#0000ff", 1)
168 // over text color
169 itemOverColor = "#000000"
170 // selected item background color
171 itemSelectedBackgroundColor = "#d6e8f6"
172 // selected item border
173 itemSelectedBorder = util.border("solid", "#0000ff", 1)
174 // selected item font style
175 itemSelectedText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "12px", "#000000")
176 // left month button margin
177 monthLeftButtonMargin = util.margin(0)
178 // left month button opacity
179 monthLeftButtonOpacity = 0.7
180 // right month button margin
181 monthRightButtonMargin = util.margin(0)
182 // right month button opacity
183 monthRightButtonOpacity = 1
184 // current date border
185 todayBorder = util.border("solid", "#ff0000", 1)
186 // width of the DatePicker widget
187 width = "212px"
188 }
189 errortip {
190 // background color
191 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
192 // border parameters
193 border = util.border("solid", "#cccccc", 1)
194 // border radius
195 borderRadius = 6
196 // padding around the header text
197 headerPadding = util.padding(0)
198 // info header text style
199 headerText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "normal")
200 // margin
201 margin = util.margin(0)
202 // padding around the message text
203 messagePadding = util.padding(0)
204 // info message text style
205 messageText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "normal")
206 // tooltip opacity, 0.0-1.0
207 opacity = 1
208 // padding
209 padding = util.padding(2)
210 // helper for leftover space in css3 versus sliced images
211 radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius)
212 }
213 field {
214 // background color of the inside of the field
215 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
216 // border color of the field
217 borderColor = "#000000"
218 // border style of the field
219 borderStyle = "solid"
220 // border width of the field
221 borderWidth = 1
222 // color of the empty placeholder text
223 emptyTextColor = "#808080"
224 // border color of the field when focused
225 focusBorderColor = "#cccccc"
226 // height of textfields (other than text area
227 height = 18
228 // background color of the field when invalid
229 invalidBackgroundColor = "#cccccc"
230 // border color of the field when invalid
231 invalidBorderColor = "#ff0000"
232 // border width of the field when invalid
233 invalidBorderWidth = 1
234 // line-height of textfields
235 lineHeight = "18px"
236 // padding around fields
237 padding = util.padding(8, 12)
238 // text styling for fields
239 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
240 checkBox {
241 // text styling check box labels
242 boxLabel = util.fontStyle("tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif", "12px")
243 // padding around the entire label, image sits in left padding
244 padding = util.padding(0)
245 }
246 radio {
247 // text styling radio labels
248 boxLabel = util.fontStyle("tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif", "12px")
249 }
250 sideLabel {
251 // spacing around the field within the label
252 fieldPadding = util.padding(0)
253 // spacing around the label text
254 labelPadding = util.padding(3, 0, 0)
255 // spacing around the entire field label
256 padding = util.padding(0, 0, 5)
257 // text styling for field labels
258 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
259 // alignment for the label text, may be 'center', 'left', or 'right'
260 textAlign = "left"
261 }
262 slider {
263 // background color for thumb
264 thumbBackgroundColor = "#f5f5f5"
265 // border
266 thumbBorder = util.border("solid", "#777777", 1)
267 // height of thumb
268 thumbHeight = 15
269 // border radius for thumb
270 thumbRadius = 8
271 // width of thumb
272 thumbWidth = 15
273 // background color for slider track
274 trackBackgroundColor = "#f5f5f5"
275 // border
276 trackBorder = util.border("solid", "#d4d4d4", 1)
277 // height of track, not the entire field
278 trackHeight = 8
279 // border radius for track
280 trackRadius = 4
281 }
282 topLabel {
283 // spacing around the field within the label
284 fieldPadding = util.padding(0)
285 // spacing around the label text
286 labelPadding = util.padding(3, 0, 0)
287 // spacing around the entire field label
288 padding = util.padding(0, 0, 5)
289 // text styling for field labels
290 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
291 // alignment for the label text, may be 'center', 'left', or 'right'
292 textAlign = "left"
293 }
294 }
295 fieldset {
296 // Background color
297 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
298 // border styling and colors around the fieldset
299 border = util.border("solid", "#bbbbbb", 1)
300 // primary color of collapse icon
301 collapseIconColor = util.mixColors("#ffffff", "#157FCC", 0.5)
302 // collapse icon color when hovered
303 collapseOverIconColor = "#dddddd"
304 // primary color of expand icon
305 expandIconColor = util.mixColors("#ffffff", "#157FCC", 0.5)
306 // expand icon color when hovered
307 expandOverIconColor = "#dddddd"
308 // legend padding
309 legendPadding = util.padding(5)
310 // padding
311 padding = util.padding(5)
312 // text details for the fieldset's legend
313 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "large")
314 }
315 framedPanel {
316 // background color for the panel body
317 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
318 // border around the contentpanel
319 border = util.border("solid", "#000000", 1)
320 // border radius of the framed panel
321 borderRadius = 1
322 // panel heading text style
323 font = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
324 // background color to fill behind the header gradient
325 headerBackgroundColor = "#ccffff"
326 // header gradient string
327 headerGradient = "#ccffff, #ccffff"
328 // header line height
329 headerLineHeight = "15px"
330 // header padding
331 headerPadding = util.padding(10)
332 // entire panel padding
333 padding = util.padding(0)
334 // helper for leftover space in css3 versus sliced images
335 radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius)
336 }
337 grid {
338 // border around the body of the grid
339 bodyBorder = util.border("none")
340 // cell background for alt rows, if enabled
341 cellAltBackgroundColor = "#cccccc"
342 // cell background
343 cellBackgroundColor = "#ffffff"
344 // width of borders between grid rows (and cells, if column lines enabled)
345 cellBorderWidth = 1
346 // border color between grid rows
347 cellHBorderColor = "#666666"
348 // line height for grid cell text
349 cellLineHeight = "15px"
350 // mouseover background color for grid rows
351 cellOverBackgroundColor = "#ccffff"
352 // mouseover border color between grid rows
353 cellOverHBorderColor = "#666666"
354 // mouseover border style between grid rows
355 cellOverHBorderStyle = "solid"
356 // mouseover border color between grid cells (if column lines enabled)
357 cellOverVBorderColor = "#666666"
358 // mouseover border style between grid cells (if column lines enabled)
359 cellOverVBorderStyle = "solid"
360 // cell padding
361 cellPadding = util.padding(4, 3, 3, 5)
362 // background color for selected rows/columns
363 cellSelectedBackgroundColor = "#ccccff"
364 // border color between grid rows for selected rows/columns
365 cellSelectedHBorderColor = "#666666"
366 // border style between grid rows for selected rows/columns
367 cellSelectedHBorderStyle = "solid"
368 // border color between grid cells for selected rows/columns (if column lines enabled)
369 cellSelectedVBorderColor = "#666666"
370 // border style between grid cells for selected rows/columns (if column lines enabled)
371 cellSelectedVBorderStyle = "solid"
372 // Styling to use for grid cell text
373 cellText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "13px")
374 // border color between grid cells (if column lines enabled)
375 cellVBorderColor = "#666666"
376 // gradient to use as a background for columns such as RowNumberer and CheckBoxSelectionModel
377 specialColumnGradient = util.solidGradientString("#e8e8e8")
378 // gradient to use as a background for columns such as RowNumberer and CheckBoxSelectionModel when selected
379 specialColumnGradientSelected = util.solidGradientString("#666666")
380 columnHeader {
381 // column header background color for browsers that dont support gradients
382 backgroundColor = "#add2ed"
383 // color of borders around header cells
384 borderColor = "#222222"
385 // style of borders around header cells
386 borderStyle = "solid"
387 // width of borders between header cells
388 borderWidth = 1
389 // css gradient string for column headers
390 gradient = util.solidGradientString("#add2ed")
391 // line height for grid headers
392 lineHeight = "15px"
393 // active background color of the menu icon for browsers that dont support gradients
394 menuActiveBackgroundColor = "#add2ed"
395 // active border around the menu icon
396 menuActiveBorder = util.border("solid", "#222222", 0, 0, 0, 1)
397 // active background gradient of the menu icon
398 menuActiveGradient = util.solidGradientString("#add2ed")
399 // background color of the menu icon for browsers that dont support gradients
400 menuBackgroundColor = "#e8e8e8"
401 // border around the menu icon
402 menuBorder = util.border("solid", "#222222", 0, 0, 0, 1)
403 // width of the menu icon
404 menuButtonWidth = 18
405 // background gradient of the menu icon
406 menuGradient = util.solidGradientString("#e8e8e8")
407 // mouseover background color of the menu icon for browsers that dont support gradients
408 menuHoverBackgroundColor = "#828282"
409 // mouseover border around the menu icon
410 menuHoverBorder = util.border("solid", "#222222", 0, 0, 0, 1)
411 // mouseover background gradient of the menu icon
412 menuHoverGradient = util.solidGradientString("#828282")
413 // column header with mouseover background color for browsers that dont support gradients
414 overBackgroundColor = "#5fa7db"
415 // css gradient string for column header with mouseover
416 overGradient = util.solidGradientString("#5fa7db")
417 // column header padding
418 padding = util.padding(4, 3, 4, 5)
419 // Styling to use for grid headers
420 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "13px", "#666666", "bold")
421 }
422 footer {
423 // background color for footer cells
424 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
425 // border around footer cells
426 cellBorder = util.border("solid", "#666666", 1, 0, 0)
427 // text style to use on footer text
428 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "13px")
429 }
430 group {
431 // background color for group row
432 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
433 // border around group row
434 border = util.border("solid", "#000000", 0, 0, 1)
435 // spacing to the side of the text to allow for the icon
436 iconSpacing = 17
437 // padding around the group row
438 padding = util.padding(8, 4)
439 // styling for group row text
440 text = util.fontStyle("san-serif", "13px", "#000000", "bold")
441 summary {
442 // background color for group summary row
443 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
444 // styling for group summary cell text
445 text = util.fontStyle("san-serif", "13px", "#000000", "bold")
446 }
447 }
448 rowEditor {
449 // background color
450 backgroundColor = "#DFEAF2"
451 // border parameters
452 border = util.border("solid", "#e1e1e1", 1, 0)
453 }
454 rowNumberer {
455 // row numberer text padding
456 padding = util.padding(4, 3, 3, 5)
457 // styling to use for row numberer text
458 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "13px")
459 }
460 }
461 info {
462 // background color
463 backgroundColor = "#000000"
464 // border parameters
465 border = util.border("none")
466 // border radius
467 borderRadius = 6
468 // padding around the header text
469 headerPadding = util.padding(4)
470 // info header text style
471 headerText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "large", "#ffffff", "bold")
472 // margin
473 margin = util.margin(4, 0, 0, 0)
474 // padding around the message text
475 messagePadding = util.padding(4)
476 // info message text style
477 messageText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#ffffff", "normal")
478 // popup opacity, 0.0-1.0
479 opacity = 0.8
480 // padding
481 padding = util.padding(4)
482 // helper for leftover space in css3 versus sliced images
483 radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius)
484 }
485 listview {
486 // listview background color
487 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
488 // listview body border
489 border = util.border("solid", "#444444", 1)
490 // height of text in listview
491 lineHeight = "normal"
492 // listview text styling
493 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
494 item {
495 // item background color for non-gradient supporting browsers
496 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
497 border = util.border("none")
498 // Optional: item text color
499 color = "#000000"
500 gradient = util.solidGradientString("#ffffff")
501 padding = util.padding(0, 4)
502 }
503 overItem {
504 // item background color for non-gradient supporting browsers
505 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
506 border = util.border("none")
507 // Optional: item text color
508 color = "#000000"
509 gradient = util.solidGradientString("#ffffff")
510 padding = util.padding(0, 4)
511 }
512 selectedItem {
513 // item background color for non-gradient supporting browsers
514 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
515 border = util.border("none")
516 // Optional: item text color
517 color = "#000000"
518 gradient = util.solidGradientString("#ffffff")
519 padding = util.padding(0, 4)
520 }
521 }
522 mask {
523 // color of the element that covers masked content
524 backgroundColor = "#000000"
525 // opacity of the element that covers masked content
526 opacity = 0.5
527 box {
528 // background color for the mask's message
529 backgroundColor = "#dddddd"
530 // border color for the mask's message
531 borderColor = "#555555"
532 // border radius for the mask's message
533 borderRadius = 0
534 // border style for the mask's message
535 borderStyle = "solid"
536 // border width for the mask's message
537 borderWidth = 2
538 // css background-position for the loading image, if any
539 loadingImagePosition = "center 0"
540 // padding between the border and the content of the mask message
541 padding = util.padding(5)
542 // helper for leftover space in css3 versus sliced images
543 radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.max(0, borderRadius - borderWidth)
544 // font style for mask text
545 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "normal", "#555555")
546 // padding around the text, useful to provide space for loading image
547 textPadding = util.padding(21, 0, 0)
548 }
549 }
550 menu {
551 // background color for active items for browsers that dont support gradients
552 activeItemBackgroundColor = "#cccccc"
553 // border for active items
554 activeItemBorder = util.border("solid", "#333333", 1)
555 // gradient for active items (top to bottom)
556 activeItemGradient = util.solidGradientString("#cccccc")
557 // item text styling
558 activeItemText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
559 // background color for the menu list
560 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
561 // border around the menu popup
562 border = util.border("solid", "#000000", 1)
563 // background gradient (left to right) for the menu list
564 gradient = util.solidGradientString("#ffffff")
565 // item line height
566 itemLineHeight = "normal"
567 // padding around each individual menu item
568 itemPadding = util.padding(1, 8)
569 // item text styling
570 itemText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
571 // helper for sliced browsers to have a background color after the sliced image runs out for wide menus
572 lastGradientColor = "#ffffff"
573 // spacing between the border and the list of contents
574 padding = util.padding(0)
575 // height of the bottom/top scroller items
576 scrollerHeight = 16
577 bar {
578 // active menu bar item background color for browsers that dont support gradients
579 activeItemBackgroundColor = "#ffffff"
580 // active menu bar item horder
581 activeItemBorder = util.border("none")
582 // active menu bar item background gradient
583 activeItemGradient = util.solidGradientString("#ffffff")
584 // active item text styling
585 activeItemText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
586 // background color of the menu bar for browsers that dont support gradients
587 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
588 // menu bar border
589 border = util.border("none")
590 // background gradient of the menubar
591 gradient = util.solidGradientString("#ffffff")
592 // hovered menu bar item background color for browsers that dont support gradients
593 hoverItemBackgroundColor = "#ffffff"
594 // hovered menu bar item border
595 hoverItemBorder = util.border("none")
596 // hovered menu bar item background gradient
597 hoverItemGradient = util.solidGradientString("#ffffff")
598 // hovered item text styling
599 hoverItemText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
600 // height of each menubar item
601 itemLineHeight = "normal"
602 // menu bar item text padding
603 itemPadding = util.padding(0)
604 // item text styling
605 itemText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
606 // spacing between the border and the items
607 padding = util.padding(1, 8)
608 }
609 header {
610 // background color for header text
611 backgroundColor = "#dddddd"
612 // border around the header text
613 border = util.border("solid", "#333333", 0, 0, 1)
614 itemLineHeight = "normal"
615 // padding between header text and border
616 itemPadding = util.padding(3)
617 // header text styling
618 itemText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
619 }
620 separator {
621 // separator line color
622 color = "#cccccc"
623 // separator height in px
624 height = 1
625 // separator margins
626 margin = util.margin(2, 3)
627 }
628 }
629 messagebox {
630 // padding around the body of the message box
631 bodyPadding = util.padding(5, 10, 10)
632 // padding around the icon
633 iconPadding = util.padding(10)
634 // padding around the message box
635 messagePadding = util.padding(10, 10, 5)
636 // style of the text in the body of the message box
637 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "normal")
638 }
639 panel {
640 // background color for the panel body
641 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
642 // border around the contentpanel
643 border = util.border("solid", "#000000", 1)
644 // panel heading text style
645 font = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
646 // background color to fill behind the header gradient
647 headerBackgroundColor = "#ccffff"
648 // header gradient string
649 headerGradient = "#ccffff, #ccffff"
650 // header Line Height
651 headerLineHeight = "15px"
652 // header padding
653 headerPadding = util.padding(10)
654 // entire panel padding
655 padding = util.padding(0)
656 }
657 progressbar {
658 // background gradient for the empty progressbar
659 backgroundGradient = util.solidGradientString("#ffffff")
660 // border around the progressbar as it fills
661 barBorder = util.border("solid", "#000000", 0, 1, 0, 0)
662 // gradient for the progress bar as it fills
663 barGradient = util.solidGradientString("#add8e6")
664 // text color for the text covered by the progress bar as it fills
665 barTextColor = "#000000"
666 // border around the entire progressbar
667 border = util.border("solid", "#000000", 1)
668 // font style for the progressbar text
669 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "bold")
670 // alignment for the progressbar text, may be 'center', 'left', or 'right'
671 textAlign = "center"
672 // padding around the progressbar, typically with zero left/right padding to prevent offsetting the bar itself
673 textPadding = util.padding(4, 0)
674 }
675 resizable {
676 // Optional: offset for centering around widget borders
677 handleOffset = 0.0 - 4
678 // Optional: size of resizable drag handle
679 handleSize = 6
680 }
681 splitbar {
682 // color of split bar drag
683 dragColor = "#b4b4b4"
684 // height of the split bar handle in easy/west (width of the handle on east/west)
685 handleHeight = 48
686 // split bar drag handle opacity (0.0 to 1.0)
687 handleOpacity = 0.5
688 // width of the split bar handle in east/west (height of the handle on north/south)
689 handleWidth = 8
690 }
691 status {
692 // status box border, only applies to BoxStatusAppearance
693 border = util.border("solid", "#dddddd #ffffff #ffffff #dddddd", 1)
694 // line height of the status widget
695 lineHeight = "normal"
696 // padding around the status text
697 padding = util.padding(0, 2)
698 // status box text
699 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "small")
700 }
701 statusproxy {
702 // background color for the dnd proxy
703 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
704 // border around the dnd proxy
705 border = util.border("solid", "#dddddd #bbbbbb #bbbbbb #dddddd", 1)
706 // opacity of the status proxy
707 opacity = 0.85
708 // dnd proxy test styling
709 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "normal")
710 }
711 tabs {
712 // active tab heading text style
713 activeHeadingText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "normal")
714 activeTabCloseIconOpacity = 0.8
715 activeTabCloseOverIconOpacity = 1
716 // active tab background color
717 activeTabItemBackgroundColor = "#add2ed"
718 // active tab item bottom border
719 activeTabItemBorderBottom = "1px"
720 // active tab item border top
721 activeTabItemBorderTop = "1px"
722 // Optional: active tab item border bottom (defaults to 0px)
723 activeTabItemMarginBottom = "0px"
724 // background color of tab body
725 bodyBackgroundColor = "#ffffff"
726 // border color or tab panel
727 borderColor = "#037ecf"
728 // border radius of tabs
729 borderRadius = 3
730 // tab gradient string (top to bottom)
731 gradient = util.solidGradientString("#add2ed")
732 // tab heading text style
733 headingText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "normal")
734 // hover tab gradient string (top to bottom)
735 hoverGradient = util.solidGradientString("#5fa7db")
736 // hovered tab heading text style
737 hoverHeadingText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "normal")
738 // hover tab background color
739 hoverTabItemBackgroundColor = "#5fa7db"
740 // left offset for tab icon
741 iconLeftOffset = 6
742 // top offset for tab icon
743 iconTopOffset = 5
744 // inactive tab gradient string (top to bottom)
745 inactiveGradient = util.solidGradientString("#4b9cd7")
746 // last color in inactive gradient
747 inactiveLastStopColor = "#4b9cd7"
748 // inactive tab background
749 inactiveTabItemBackgroundColor = "#4b9cd7"
750 // last color in gradient
751 lastStopColor = "#add2ed"
752 // over (hovered) tab item border bottom
753 overTabItemBorderBottom = "1px"
754 // over (hovered) tab item border top
755 overTabItemBorderTop = "1px"
756 // padding
757 padding = util.padding(0)
758 // padding
759 paddingWithClosable = util.padding(0)
760 // padding
761 paddingWithIcon = util.padding(0)
762 // active plain tab heading text style
763 plainActiveHeadingText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "normal")
764 // plain tab heading text style
765 plainHeadingText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "normal")
766 // hovered plain tab heading text style
767 plainHoverHeadingText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "normal")
768 // bottom border for plain tab bar
769 plainTabBarBorderBottom = 1
770 // top border for plain tab bar
771 plainTabBarBorderTop = 1
772 // border size of tab bar strip spacer
773 plainTabStripSpacerBorder = 1
774 // space between tab and plain tab body
775 plainTabStripSpacerHeight = 2
776 // background color of the tab scrollers
777 scrollerBackgroundColor = "#037ecf"
778 // left scroller opacity when disabled
779 scrollerLeftDisabledOpacity = 0.5
780 // left scroller opacity when hovered
781 scrollerLeftOverOpacity = 0.7
782 // right scroller opacity when disabled
783 scrollerRightDisabledOpacity = 1
784 // right scroller opacity when hovered
785 scrollerRightOverOpacity = 0.7
786 // width of scroller
787 scrollerWidth = 18
788 // tab bar border
789 tabBarBorder = "none"
790 // Spacing between tab bar and body
791 tabBarBottomHeight = 4
792 // border of tab panel body
793 tabBodyBorder = "none"
794 tabCloseIconOpacity = 0.6
795 tabCloseOverIconOpacity = 1
796 // height of tabs
797 tabHeight = 31
798 // tab item bottom border
799 tabItemBorderBottom = "none"
800 // tab item left border
801 tabItemBorderLeft = "none"
802 // tab item right border
803 tabItemBorderRight = "none"
804 // tab item top border
805 tabItemBorderTop = "none"
806 // spacing between tabs
807 tabSpacing = 1
808 // tab strip background color
809 tabStripBackgroundColor = "#ffffff"
810 // tab strip bottom border
811 tabStripBottomBorder = "none"
812 // tab strip background gradient string (top to bottom)
813 tabStripGradient = util.solidGradientString("#037ecf")
814 // padding
815 tabStripPadding = util.padding(0)
816 // tab strip top border
817 tabStripTopBorder = "none"
818 // padding
819 tabTextPadding = util.padding(0)
820 }
821 tip {
822 // background color
823 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
824 // border parameters
825 border = util.border("solid", "#cccccc", 1)
826 // border radius
827 borderRadius = 6
828 // padding around the header text
829 headerPadding = util.padding(0)
830 // info header text style
831 headerText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "normal")
832 // margin
833 margin = util.margin(0)
834 // padding around the message text
835 messagePadding = util.padding(0)
836 // info message text style
837 messageText = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium", "#000000", "normal")
838 // tooltip opacity, 0.0-1.0
839 opacity = 1
840 // padding
841 padding = util.padding(2)
842 // helper for leftover space in css3 versus sliced images
843 radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius)
844 }
845 toolbar {
846 // background color of the toolbar for browsers that dont support gradients
847 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
848 // border around the toolbar
849 border = util.border("none")
850 // background gradient of the toolbar
851 gradient = util.solidGradientString("#ffffff")
852 // padding between the toolbar's border and its contents
853 padding = util.padding(2)
854 // border around the separator
855 separatorBorder = util.border("none")
856 // height of the separator
857 separatorHeight = 14
858 buttonOverride {
859 // Color of the menu arrow
860 arrowColor = "#ffffff"
861 // the normal state background color
862 backgroundColor = "#4B9CD7"
863 // the buttons border
864 border = util.border("solid", "#126DAF", 1)
865 // border radius of the button
866 borderRadius = 3
867 // the buttons text
868 font = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "12px", "#FFFFFF")
869 // the normal state gradient
870 gradient = "#4B9CD7 0%, #3892D3 50%, #358AC8 51%, #3892D3"
871 // the large font size
872 largeFontSize = 16
873 // the large line height
874 largeLineHeight = 32
875 // the medium font size
876 mediumFontSize = 14
877 // the medium line height
878 mediumLineHeight = 24
879 // the mouseover state background color
880 overBackgroundColor = "#4792C8"
881 // the buttons border when hovered
882 overBorder = util.border("solid", "#126DAF", 1)
883 // the mouseover state gradient
884 overGradient = "#4792C8, #3386C2 50%, #307FB8 51%, #3386C2"
885 // the button's padding
886 padding = util.padding(3)
887 // the pressed state background color
888 pressedBackgroundColor = "#2A6D9E"
889 // the buttons border when pressed
890 pressedBorder = util.border("solid", "#126DAF", 1)
891 // the pressed state gradient
892 pressedGradient = "#2A6D9E, #276796 50%, #2A6D9E 51%, #3F7BA7"
893 // helper for leftover space in css3 versus sliced images
894 radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius)
895 // the small font size
896 smallFontSize = 12
897 // the small line height
898 smallLineHeight = 18
899 }
900 labelItem {
901 // LabelToolItem text styling
902 lineHeight = "medium"
903 // label padding
904 padding = util.padding(2, 2, 0)
905 // LabelToolItem text styling
906 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
907 }
908 }
909 tools {
910 // color used for allowed actions, such as allowed drop zones with DnD
911 allowColor = "#00ff00"
912 // icon color when clicked
913 primaryClickColor = util.mixColors("#ffffff", "#157FCC", 0.25)
914 // icon opacity when clicked
915 primaryClickOpacity = 1
916 // primary color of icons
917 primaryColor = util.mixColors("#ffffff", "#157FCC", 0.5)
918 // primary opacity of icons
919 primaryOpacity = 1
920 // icon color when hover
921 primaryOverColor = util.mixColors("#ffffff", "#157FCC", 0.3)
922 // opacity when hover
923 primaryOverOpacity = 1
924 // color used for warning actions, such as exclamation icon
925 warningColor = "#ff0000"
926 }
927 tree {
928 // checkbox icon margin
929 checkboxMargin = util.margin(0)
930 // tree node drag over background color
931 dragOverBackgroundColor = "#e2eff8"
932 // tree node drop background color
933 dropBackgroundColor = "#e2eff8"
934 // margins for tree element icon
935 iconMargin = util.margin(4, 3, 0, 2)
936 // tree item height
937 itemHeight = "25px"
938 // tree node padding
939 nodePadding = util.padding(0, 6)
940 // tree node over background color
941 overBackgroundColor = "#e2eff8"
942 // tree node selected background color
943 selectedBackgroundColor = "#c1ddf1"
944 // tree node text style
945 text = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "large", "#ffffff", "bold")
946 }
947 window {
948 // background color for the panel body
949 backgroundColor = "#ffffff"
950 // border around the contentpanel
951 border = util.border("solid", "#000000", 1)
952 // border radius of the framed panel
953 borderRadius = 1
954 // panel heading text style
955 font = util.fontStyle("sans-serif", "medium")
956 // background color to fill behind the header gradient
957 headerBackgroundColor = "#ccffff"
958 // header gradient string
959 headerGradient = "#ccffff, #ccffff"
960 // header line height
961 headerLineHeight = "15px"
962 // header padding
963 headerPadding = util.padding(10)
964 // entire panel padding
965 padding = util.padding(0)
966 // helper for leftover space in css3 versus sliced images
967 radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius)
968 }
969 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.