package; import org.omg.IOP.ComponentIdHelper; import java.awt.*; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.plaf.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*; import javax.swing.colorchooser.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.text.MessageFormat; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalIconFactory.*; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalIconFactory; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalInternalFrameTitlePane; /** * In general, this class will get add special listener * to a Container and of all the components inside it. *

This class will also add special listener to the Container and each of the components inside * the Container. So, it will allows special listener to record and listen each of the actions * the user do to the Container or any of the components inside it. The special listener * is an instance of ActionRecorderDialog.


This class will only recognized all the components that is belongs to the javax.swing package * which are all the implementing classes of RootPaneContainer interface and all the direct known * subclasses of JComponent. All the other components will be stated simply as Container * and user cannot really get much information out of it.


The added special listener to this component is as what its allowed in API, if the component * have some modified listener added to it then that action will not be known and recorded by * the special listener.

* * @author Veronica Liesaputra */ public class CompListener { /** * This variable will hold the special listener that will listen and record any of the * actions user do to the Container and any of the components inside it. */ private ActionRecorderDialog m; /** * This variable will hold the pair of the component and the model of the component. * With this variable allows ActionRecorderDialog listener to know which component the model that fires an action * belongs to. In this HashMap the model is the key and the component where the model belongs to is * the value. */ private HashMap hash; /** * This constructor will set the special listener, the locale and the hashmap to be used in * this Container. * (Precondition: dialog != null) * @param dialog its the special listener that will listen and record all the action * user do to any of the component inside the Container. * @param h its the HashMap that will hold the pair of model with the component it belongs. */ public CompListener (ActionRecorderDialog dialog,HashMap h) { m = dialog; hash = h; } /** * If the JTextComponent is a JTextField then it will add the special action listener to it. * (Precondition: txt != null) * @param txt its the JTextComponent we want to get all the information from. */ public void getTextAreaInfo(JTextComponent txt) { if (txt instanceof JTextField) { ((JTextField)txt).removeActionListener(m); ((JTextField)txt).addActionListener(m); } } /** * This method will add the special action listener to the JButton. * (Precondition: button != null) * @param button its the JButton we want to get the information from. */ public void getButtonInfo (JButton button) { button.removeActionListener(m); button.addActionListener(m); } /** * This method will get add the special change listener to the JProgressBar. * (Precondition: bar != null) * @param bar its the JProgressBar we want to get information from. */ public void getProgressBarInfo (JProgressBar bar) { bar.removeChangeListener(m); bar.addChangeListener(m); } /** * This method will add the special change listener to the JSlider. * (Precondition: slider != null) * @param slider its the JSlider we want to get information from. */ public void getSliderInfo (JSlider slider) { slider.removeChangeListener(m); slider.addChangeListener(m); } /** * This method will add the special change listener to the JSpinner. * (Precondition: spinner != null) * @param spinner its the JSpinner we want to the information from. */ public void getSpinnerInfo (JSpinner spinner) { spinner.removeChangeListener(m); spinner.addChangeListener(m); } /** * Dummy method to get JLabel. */ public void getLabelInfo(JLabel lbl) {} /** * This method will add the special action listener to the JComboBox. * (Precondition: box != null) * @param box its the JComboBox we want to get information from. */ public void getComboBoxInfo(JComboBox box) { ComboBoxModel cm; cm = box.getModel(); box.removeActionListener(m); box.addActionListener(m); } /** * This method will add the special action listener to the JToggleButton. * (Precondition: button != null) * @param button its a JToggleButton inside the window. */ public void getToggleButtonInfo (JToggleButton button) { button.removeActionListener(m); button.addActionListener(m); } /** * This method will add the special action listener to the JMenuItem. * (Precondition: menuitem != null) * @param menuitem its the JMenuItem we want to get the information from. */ public void getMenuItemInfo (JMenuItem menuitem) { menuitem.removeActionListener(m); menuitem.addActionListener(m); } /** * This method will get all the components inside JMenuBar. * (Precondition: menubar != null) * @param menubar its the JMenuBar we want to get the information from. */ public void getMenuBarInfo (JMenuBar menubar) { int i; for (i= 0 ; i < menubar.getMenuCount() ; i++) { getInside(menubar.getMenu(i)); } } /** * This method will add the special action and menu listener to the JMenu and * get the components inside JMenu. * (Precondition: menu != null) * @param menu its the JMenu we want to the the information from. */ public void getMenuInfo (JMenu menu) { menu.removeActionListener(m); menu.removeMenuListener(m); menu.addActionListener(m); menu.addMenuListener(m); int i; for (i= 0 ; i < menu.getMenuComponentCount() ; i++) { getInside((Container)menu.getMenuComponent(i)); } } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JApplet. * (Precondition: applet != null) * @param applet its the JApplet we want to get the information from. */ public void getAppletInfo (JApplet applet) { Component[] group; group = applet.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)applet.getComponent(i)); } } } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JWindow. * (Precondition: window != null) * @param window its the JWindow we want to get the information from. */ public void getWindowInfo (JWindow window) { Component[] group; group = window.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)window.getComponent(i)); } } } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JDialog. * (Precondition: dialog != null) * @param dialog its the JDialog we want to get the information from. */ public void getDialogInfo (JDialog dialog) { Component[] group; group = dialog.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)dialog.getComponent(i)); } } } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JInternalFrame. * (Precondition: frame != null) * @param frame its the JInternalFrame we want to get the information from. */ public void getInternalFrameInfo (JInternalFrame frame) { Component[] group; group = frame.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)frame.getComponent(i)); } } } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JFrame. * (Precondition: frame != null) * @param frame its the JFrame we want to get the information from. */ public void getFrameInfo (JFrame frame) { Component[] group; group = frame.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)frame.getComponent(i)); } } } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JPanel. * (Precondition: pane != null) * @param pane its the JPanel we want to get the information from. */ public void getPanelInfo (JPanel pane) { Component[] group; group = pane.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)pane.getComponent(i)); } } } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JScrollPane. * (Precondition: scroll != null) * @param scroll its the JScrollPane we want to get the information from. */ public void getScrollInfo (JScrollPane scroll) { Component[] group; group = scroll.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)group[i]); } } } /** * This method will add special change listener to the JTabbedPane and get all * the components inside it. * (Precondition: tab != null) * @param tab its the JTabbedPane we want to get the information from. */ public void getTabbedPaneInfo (JTabbedPane tab) { int j; tab.removeChangeListener(m); tab.addChangeListener(m); for (j = 0 ; j < tab.getTabCount(); j++) { Component group = tab.getComponentAt(j); getInside((Container)group); } } /** * This is the dummy method to ge the option pane info. */ public void getOptionPaneInfo (JOptionPane op) {} /** * This method will get components inside the JViewPort. * (Precondition: vp != null) * @param vp its the JViewPort we want to get the information from. */ public void getViewPortInfo (JViewport vp) { Component[] group; group = vp.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)group[i]); } } } /** * This method will get components inside the Box. * (Precondition: box != null) * @param box its the Box we want to get the information from. */ public void getBoxInfo (Box box) { Component[] group; group = box.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)group[i]); } } } /** * This method will get components inside the JSplitPane. * (Precondition: split != null) * @param split its the JSplitPane we want to get the information from. */ public void getSplitPaneInfo (JSplitPane split) { Component[] group; group = split.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)group[i]); } } } /** * This method will get add special list selection listener to the JList. * (Precondition: list != null) * @param list its the JList we want to get the information from. */ public void getListInfo (JList list) { ListModel ls; ls = list.getModel(); list.removeListSelectionListener(m); list.addListSelectionListener(m); if (ls != null) { if (hash.containsKey(ls) == false) hash.put(ls,list); ls.removeListDataListener(m); ls.addListDataListener(m); } } /** * This method will add special change listener to the JColorChooser. * (Precondition: color != null) * @param color its the JColorChooser we want to get the information from. */ public void getColorInfo (JColorChooser color) { ColorSelectionModel cm; cm = color.getSelectionModel(); if (cm != null) { if (hash.containsKey(cm) == false) hash.put(cm,color); cm.removeChangeListener(m); cm.addChangeListener(m); } getInside((Container) color.getPreviewPanel()); } /** * This method will add special action listener to the JFileChooser. * (Precondition: fc != null) * @param fc its the JFileChooser we want to get the information from. */ public void getFileChooserInfo (JFileChooser fc) { fc.removeActionListener(m); fc.addActionListener(m); } /** * This method will add special list selection and column model listener * to the JTable. * (Precondition: table != null) * @param table its the JTable we want to get the information from. */ public void getTableInfo (JTable table) { TableModel tm; tm = table.getModel(); TableColumnModel tcm; tcm = table.getColumnModel(); ListSelectionModel lm; lm = table.getSelectionModel(); if (lm != null) { if (hash.containsKey(lm) == false) hash.put(lm,table); lm.removeListSelectionListener(m); lm.addListSelectionListener(m); } if (tcm != null) { if (hash.containsKey(tcm) == false) hash.put(tcm,table); tcm.removeColumnModelListener(m); tcm.addColumnModelListener(m); } } /** * This is a dummy method to get the JScrollBar. */ public void getScrollBarInfo (JScrollBar scroll) { } /** * This method will add special tree selection listener to the JTree. * (Precondition: tree != null) * @param tree its the JTree we want to get the information from. */ public void getTreeInfo (JTree tree) { TreeModel tm; tm = tree.getModel(); tree.removeTreeSelectionListener(m); tree.addTreeSelectionListener(m); if (tm != null) { if (hash.containsKey(tm) == false) hash.put(tm,tree); tm.removeTreeModelListener(m); tm.addTreeModelListener(m); } } /** * This method is a dummy method to get Container. */ public void getCompInfo (Container pane) { } /** * This method will get all components inside the JPopupMenu. * (Precondition: popup != null) * @param popup its the JPopUpMenu we want to get the information from. */ public void getPopUpMenuInfo (JPopupMenu popup) { Component[] group; group = popup.getComponents(); SingleSelectionModel sm; sm = popup.getSelectionModel(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)popup.getComponent(i)); } } } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JRootPane. * (Precondition: pane != null) * @param pane its the JRootPane we want to get the information from. */ public void getRootPaneInfo (JRootPane pane) { Component[] group; group = pane.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)pane.getComponent(i)); } } } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JLayeredPane. * (Precondition: pane != null) * @param pane its the JLayeredPane we want to get the information from. */ public void getLayeredPaneInfo (JLayeredPane pane) { Component[] group; group = pane.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)pane.getComponent(i)); } } } /** * This is a dummy method to get BasicInternalFrameTitlePane. */ public void getInternalFrameTitleInfo (BasicInternalFrameTitlePane pane) { } /** * This method will add special column model and list selection * listener to JTableHeader. * (Precondition: header != null) * @param header its the JTableHeader we want to get the information from. */ public void getTableHeaderInfo (JTableHeader header) { TableColumnModel tcm; tcm = header.getColumnModel(); ListSelectionModel lm; lm = tcm.getSelectionModel(); if (tcm != null) { if (hash.containsKey(tcm) == false) hash.put(tcm,header); tcm.removeColumnModelListener(m); tcm.addColumnModelListener(m); } if (lm != null) { if (hash.containsKey(lm) == false) hash.put(lm,header); lm.removeListSelectionListener(m); lm.addListSelectionListener(m); } } /** * This method will get all components inside the JToolBar. * (Precondition: tool != null) * @param tool its the JToolBar we want to get the information from. */ public void getToolBarInfo (JToolBar tool) { Component[] group; group = tool.getComponents(); int i; if (group != null) { for (i = 0; i < group.length ; i++) { getInside((Container)tool.getComponent(i)); } } } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JToolTip. * (Precondition: tip != null) * @param tip its the JToolTip we want to get the information from. */ public void getToolTipInfo (JToolTip tip) { Component group; group = tip.getComponent(); int i; if (group != null) { getInside((Container) group); } } /** * This is the dummy method to get JSeparator. */ public void getSeparatorInfo (JSeparator sept) { } /** * This method will get all the components inside the JDesktopPane. * (Precondition: pane != null) * @param pane its the JDesktopPane we want to get the information from. */ public void getDesktopPaneInfo (JDesktopPane pane) { JInternalFrame[] group; group = pane.getAllFrames(); if (group != null) { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < group.length ; i++ ) { getInside((Container) group[i]); } } } /** * This is a dummy method to catch null components. */ public void getNullInfo () { } /** * This method will add a special listener to a container and components inside it. * This method is the gateway to all other methods in this class. * @param comp its the Container we want to get the information from. */ public void getInside(Container comp) { if (comp == null) { getNullInfo(); return; } else if (comp instanceof JApplet) { getAppletInfo ((JApplet) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JSeparator) { getSeparatorInfo ((JSeparator) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JWindow) { getWindowInfo((JWindow) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JDialog) { getDialogInfo((JDialog) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JComboBox) { getComboBoxInfo((JComboBox) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JLabel) { getLabelInfo((JLabel) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JTextComponent) { getTextAreaInfo((JTextComponent) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JFrame) { getFrameInfo((JFrame) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JPanel) { getPanelInfo((JPanel) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JScrollPane) { getScrollInfo((JScrollPane) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JScrollBar) { getScrollBarInfo ((JScrollBar) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JViewport) { getViewPortInfo((JViewport) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JTabbedPane) { getTabbedPaneInfo((JTabbedPane) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof Box) { getBoxInfo((Box) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JToggleButton) { getToggleButtonInfo((JToggleButton) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JSplitPane) { getSplitPaneInfo ((JSplitPane) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JList) { getListInfo ((JList) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JTree) { getTreeInfo ((JTree) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JTable) { getTableInfo ((JTable) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JSlider) { getSliderInfo ((JSlider) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JSpinner) { getSpinnerInfo ((JSpinner) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JProgressBar) { getProgressBarInfo ((JProgressBar) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JButton) { getButtonInfo ((JButton) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JMenu) { getMenuInfo ((JMenu) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JMenuBar) { getMenuBarInfo ((JMenuBar) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JMenuItem) { getMenuItemInfo ((JMenuItem) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JOptionPane) { getOptionPaneInfo ((JOptionPane) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof BasicInternalFrameTitlePane) { getInternalFrameTitleInfo ((BasicInternalFrameTitlePane) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JColorChooser) { getColorInfo ((JColorChooser) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JFileChooser) { getFileChooserInfo ((JFileChooser) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JDesktopPane) { getDesktopPaneInfo ((JDesktopPane) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JInternalFrame) { getInternalFrameInfo ((JInternalFrame) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JLayeredPane) { getLayeredPaneInfo ((JLayeredPane) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JPopupMenu) { getPopUpMenuInfo ((JPopupMenu) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JRootPane) { getRootPaneInfo ((JRootPane) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JTableHeader) { getTableHeaderInfo ((JTableHeader) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JToolBar) { getToolBarInfo ((JToolBar) comp); return; } else if (comp instanceof JToolTip) { getToolTipInfo ((JToolTip) comp); return; } else { getCompInfo (comp); return; } } }