#!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; use JSON::XS qw{}; use IO::Socket::INET6 qw{}; package gpsd { local ($gpsd::hasgps, $gpsd::self) = (1); my ($json, $socket) = (JSON::XS->new, IO::Socket::INET6->new(PeerAddr => '',PeerPort => '2947')); sub new { my $class = shift; $gpsd::self = {}; bless($gpsd::self, $class); return $gpsd::self; } sub name { return "GPSD"; } sub doupstart { return 1; } sub upstart { print "Detecting if GPSD is running...\n"; if (!defined($socket)) { $gpsd::hasgps = 0; } else { $gpsd::hasgps = 1; $socket->send("?WATCH={\"enable\":true};\n"); my $line; $line = $socket->getline; $line = $socket->getline; $line = $socket->getline; } if ($gpsd::hasgps) { print "GPSD detected... Enabling Location awareness...\n"; undef($main::settings{'gps'}); $main::settings{'gps'} = $gpsd::self; print "GPS configured.\nLocation awareness enabled.\n"; } else { print "GPSD not running, Not enabling GPSD location awareness.\n"; } } sub location { $socket->send("?POLL;\n"); my $line; $line = $socket->getline; if (defined($line)) { chomp $line; my %data = %{ $json->decode($line)}; my %tpv = %{$data{'tpv'}[0]}; my ($lat, $lon) = ($tpv{'lat'}, $tpv{'lon'}); return "Lat: $lat, Lon: $lon"; } else { return "GPSD Didn't respond. Is it running?"; } } sub locsv { $socket->send("?POLL;\n"); my $line; $line = $socket->getline; if (defined($line)) { chomp $line; my %data = %{ $json->decode($line)}; my %tpv = %{$data{'tpv'}[0]}; my ($lat, $lon) = ($tpv{'lat'}, $tpv{'lon'}); return "$lat, $lon"; } else { return "0,0"; } } sub hasgps { return $gpsd::hasgps; } sub defaultsettings { return undef; } 1; #Yay Packages having to end with a 1! }