package org.hathitrust.extractedfeatures; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import; import org.apache.spark.util.DoubleAccumulator; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; /* class PagedJSON implements Function { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public Boolean call(String s) { return s.contains("a"); } } */ class PerPageJSONFlatmap implements FlatMapFunction //public class PagedJSON implements VoidFunction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected String _input_dir; protected String _whitelist_filename; protected String _solr_url; protected String _output_dir; protected int _verbosity; protected WhitelistBloomFilter _whitelist_bloomfilter; protected DoubleAccumulator _progress_accum; protected double _progress_step; boolean _icu_tokenize; boolean _strict_file_io; public PerPageJSONFlatmap(String input_dir, String whitelist_filename, String solr_url, String output_dir, int verbosity, DoubleAccumulator progress_accum, double progress_step, boolean icu_tokenize, boolean strict_file_io) { _input_dir = input_dir; _whitelist_filename = whitelist_filename; _solr_url = solr_url; _output_dir = output_dir; _verbosity = verbosity; _progress_accum = progress_accum; _progress_step = progress_step; _icu_tokenize = icu_tokenize; _strict_file_io = strict_file_io; _whitelist_bloomfilter = null; } public Iterator call(String json_file_in) throws IOException { if ((_whitelist_filename != null) && (_whitelist_bloomfilter == null)) { _whitelist_bloomfilter = new WhitelistBloomFilter(_whitelist_filename,true); } String full_json_file_in = _input_dir + "/" + json_file_in; JSONObject extracted_feature_record = JSONClusterFileIO.readJSONFile(full_json_file_in); ArrayList json_pages = new ArrayList(); if (extracted_feature_record != null) { String volume_id = extracted_feature_record.getString("id"); //JSONObject ef_metadata = extracted_feature_record.getJSONObject("metadata"); //String title= ef_metadata.getString("title"); JSONObject ef_features = extracted_feature_record.getJSONObject("features"); int ef_page_count = ef_features.getInt("pageCount"); if (_verbosity >= 1) { System.out.println("Processing: " + json_file_in); System.out.println(" pageCount = " + ef_page_count); } JSONArray ef_pages = ef_features.getJSONArray("pages"); int ef_num_pages = ef_pages.length(); if (ef_num_pages != ef_page_count) { System.err.println("Warning: number of page elements in JSON (" + ef_num_pages + ")" +" does not match 'pageCount' metadata (" + ef_page_count + ")"); } // Make directory for page-level JSON output String json_dir = ClusterFileIO.removeSuffix(json_file_in,".json.bz2"); String page_json_dir = json_dir + "/pages"; if (_output_dir != null) { // Only need to do this once per volume, so easier to here than in the per-page Map ClusterFileIO.createDirectoryAll(_output_dir + "/" + page_json_dir); } if (_verbosity >= 3) { System.out.print(" Pages: "); } for (int i = 0; i < ef_page_count; i++) { String formatted_i = String.format("page-%06d", i); String page_id = volume_id + "." + formatted_i; if (_verbosity >= 3) { if (i>0) { System.out.print(", "); } System.out.print(page_id); } String output_json_bz2 = page_json_dir +"/" + formatted_i + ".json.bz2"; if (i==(ef_page_count-1)) { if (_verbosity >= 3) { System.out.println(); } if (_verbosity >= 2) { System.out.println("Sample output JSON page file: " + output_json_bz2); } } JSONObject ef_page = ef_pages.getJSONObject(i); if (ef_page != null) { // Convert to Solr add form JSONObject solr_add_doc_json = SolrDocJSON.generateSolrDocJSON(volume_id, page_id, ef_page, _whitelist_bloomfilter,_icu_tokenize); solr_add_doc_json.put("filename_json_bz2", output_json_bz2); json_pages.add(solr_add_doc_json); } else { System.err.println("Skipping: " + page_id); } } } else { // File did not exist, or could not be parsed String mess = "Failed to read in bzipped JSON file '" + full_json_file_in + "'"; if (_strict_file_io) { throw new IOException(mess); } else { System.err.println("Warning: " + mess); System.out.println("Warning: " + mess); } } _progress_accum.add(_progress_step); return json_pages.iterator(); } }