package gdbdiff; BEGIN { die "GSDLHOME not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; die "GSDLOS not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLOS'}; unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib"); unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib/cpan"); } use util; use diffutil; use Text::Diff; use Cwd; if ($^O =~ m/mswin/i) { require Win32; # for working out Windows Long Filenames from Win 8.3 short filenames } sub readin_gdb { my ($cmd) = @_; open(PIN,"$cmd|") || die "Unable to open pipe to $cmd: $!\n"; my $text_content = ""; while (defined (my $line = )) { $text_content .= $line; } close(PIN); return $text_content; } # for debugging. Prints txt contents of db to file sub print_string_to_file { my ($text, $outfile) = @_; open(FOUT, ">$outfile") or die "ERROR failed to write to $outfile: $!\n"; print FOUT $text; close(FOUT); } sub test_gdb { my ($full_modeldb, $full_testdb,$strColName) = @_; # print "Now is testing database\n"; my ($dbname, $dirname, $suffix)= &File::Basename::fileparse($full_testdb, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); # need to sort text output of both test and model col database files, to normalise them for the comparison # the -sort option to db2txt was added specifically to support diffcol my $model_cmd = "db2txt -sort $full_modeldb 2>&1"; my $test_cmd = "db2txt -sort $full_testdb 2>&1"; my $model_text = readin_gdb($model_cmd); my $test_text = readin_gdb($test_cmd); # my $savepath = &getcwd."/../"; # TASK_HOME env does not exist at this stage, but it's one level up from current directory # print_string_to_file($test_text, $savepath.$dbname."_test.out"); # print_string_to_file($model_text, $savepath.$dbname."_model.out"); # filter out the fields that can be ignored in the two database files # The total_numbytes field can vary depending on how many backslashes exist in the urls in the main body text, as each # of these windows slashes get escaped with another backslash, and the resulting string is used as key into rel link db my $ignore_line_re = "\n<(lastmodified|lastmodifieddate|oailastmodified|oailastmodifieddate|total_numbytes)>([^\n])*"; $model_text =~ s/$ignore_line_re//g; $test_text =~ s/$ignore_line_re//g; # if the OS doesn't match and one of them is windows, extra work needs to be done to bring the db files # in test and model collection to an even base for comparison my $testIsWin = &isDBWindowsSensitive($dbname, $test_text); my $modelIsWin = &isDBWindowsSensitive($dbname, $model_text); if($testIsWin == $modelIsWin) { # both linux or both windows, do the basic test we did on linux machines: # ignore absolute path prefixes in modelcol and testcol (necessary for archiveinf-doc and -src.gdb files) # Remember the original model col on SVN could have been built anywhere, # and in the gdb files, absolute paths are stored to the collection location. # Crop these paths to the collect/ point. # Entries are of the form [Entry] or . In order to do a sensible diff, # need to remove the prefix to the collect/colname folder in any (absolute) path that occurs in Entry # E.g. [/full/path/collect/colname/import/file.ext] should become [collect/colname/import/file.ext] # Better regex is of the form /BEGIN((?:(?!BEGIN).)*)END/, see $model_text =~ s@^([^\\//]*).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$3$5@mg; $test_text =~ s@^([^\\//]*).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$3$5@mg; } else { # one of the collections was built on windows # handling slashes and other differences between a model coll built on one OS (e.g. linux) # and a test collection built and diffed on another OS (windows) my ($win_text, $lin_text); # references if($testIsWin) { $win_text = \$test_text; $lin_text = \$model_text; } else { $win_text = \$model_text; $lin_text = \$test_text; } if($dbname =~ m/archiveinf-doc/) { my $tmp = ""; # rebuild windows file's set of lines after processing them one by one # convert short filenames to long perl: # for my $line (split /^/, $$win_text) { # split the string into newlines if($line =~ m@^(.*)(\s+)@s) { $line = $1; # may be a short file name # perhaps test here if it is a shortfilename? should match /CAPS....~number(.ext)/ $line = "".&Win32::GetLongPathName($line)."$2"; # make it a long file name and prefix assoc-file to it again } $tmp .= $line; } $$win_text = $tmp; } # slashes in windows text need to be turned into linux style slashes $$win_text =~ s@\\@/@g; # cut down absolute paths to files to just collect/colname/.../file, same as before $$lin_text =~ s@^([^\\//]*).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$3$5@mg; $$win_text =~ s@^([^\\//]*).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$3$5@mg; # for the windows text, need to further get rid of the driveletter after [ or $$win_text =~ s@^(\[|<[^>]*>)[a-zA-Z]:collect@$1collect@mg; } # end of equalising differences between a windows collection's db file and linux coll's db file # now can go back to using $model_text and $test_text # print_string_to_file($test_text, $savepath.$dbname."_test.out"); # print_string_to_file($model_text, $savepath.$dbname."_model.out"); my $report_type = "OldStyle"; # Can not change this type. my $diff_gdb = diff \$model_text, \$test_text, { STYLE => $report_type }; # leaving the ignore regex as it used to be in the following, in case it helps with single line comparisons $diff_gdb = &diffutil::GenerateOutput($diff_gdb,"^<(lastmodified|lastmodifieddate|oailastmodified|oailastmodifieddate|ImageSize)>.*"); if($diff_gdb eq "") { return ""; } else { return "Difference Report: Differences found in the Database file: \n$diff_gdb"; } # Call diff? } # returns true if the contents are windows AND it matters for the diffing on the db that it's windows # For col.gdb it does not seem to matter so far, if it is generated on a windows machine and to be compared to a linux-generated col.gdb sub isDBWindowsSensitive { my ($dbtailname, $db_contents) = @_; # db filename without suffix if($dbtailname !~ m/archiveinf/) { # only archiveinf-doc and archive-inf source need special Windows processing, not col.gdb return 0; } return ($db_contents =~ m/\\/) ? 1 : 0; # windows slashes detected. Better test would be: [Something\something] OR something\something # for doc.xml: # import/html_files/cleves.html } 1;