source: other-projects/nightly-tasks/diffcol/trunk/diffcol/ 28086

Last change on this file since 28086 was 28086, checked in by ak19, 11 years ago

Bringing windows diffcol up to date for the latest tutorials. A new field whose value can be slightly different. Need to test for windows gdb differently when the input collection is OAI. Backslashes in docmets need to be normalised.

File size: 12.9 KB
1package gdbdiff;
4 die "GSDLHOME not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'};
5 die "GSDLOS not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLOS'};
6 unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib");
7 unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib/cpan");
10use util;
11use diffutil;
12use Text::Diff;
13use Cwd;
15if ($^O =~ m/mswin/i) {
16 require Win32; # for working out Windows Long Filenames from Win 8.3 short filenames
19sub readin_gdb
21 my ($cmd) = @_;
23 open(PIN,"$cmd|")
24 || die "Unable to open pipe to $cmd: $!\n";
26 my $text_content = "";
28 while (defined (my $line = <PIN>)) {
29 $text_content .= $line;
30 }
32 close(PIN);
33 return $text_content;
36# for debugging. Prints txt contents of db to file
37sub print_string_to_file
39 my ($text, $outfile) = @_;
41 open(FOUT, ">$outfile") or die "ERROR failed to write to $outfile: $!\n";
42 print FOUT $text;
43 close(FOUT);
46sub test_gdb
48 my ($full_modeldb, $full_testdb,$strColName) = @_;
50 # print "Now is testing database\n";
51 my ($dbname, $dirname, $suffix)= &File::Basename::fileparse($full_testdb, "\\.[^\\.]+\$");
53 # need to sort text output of both test and model col database files, to normalise them for the comparison
54 # the -sort option to db2txt was added specifically to support diffcol
55 my $model_cmd = "db2txt -sort $full_modeldb 2>&1";
56 my $test_cmd = "db2txt -sort $full_testdb 2>&1";
58 my $model_text = readin_gdb($model_cmd);
59 my $test_text = readin_gdb($test_cmd);
61# my $savepath = &getcwd."/../"; # TASK_HOME env var does not exist at this stage, but it's one level up from current directory
62# print_string_to_file($test_text, $savepath.$dbname."_test.out1");
63# print_string_to_file($model_text, $savepath.$dbname."_model.out1");
65 # filter out the fields that can be ignored in the two database files
66 # The total_numbytes field can vary depending on how many backslashes exist in the urls in the main body text, as each
67 # of these windows slashes get escaped with another backslash, and the resulting string is used as key into rel link db
68 my $ignore_line_re = "\n<(FileSize|lastmodified|lastmodifieddate|oailastmodified|oailastmodifieddate|ex.File.FileModifyDate|ex.File.FilePermissions|total_numbytes|ex.Composite.LightValue)>([^\n])*";
69 $model_text =~ s/$ignore_line_re//g;
70 $test_text =~ s/$ignore_line_re//g;
72 # tmp dirs have subdirs with random numbers in name, remove subdir
73 # these tmpdirs are located inside the collection directory
74 $model_text =~ s@(tmp[\\\/])(\d*[\\\/])@$1@g;
75 $test_text =~ s@(tmp[\\\/])(\d*[\\\/])@$1@g;
77 # if the OS doesn't match and one of them is windows, extra work needs to be done to bring the db files
78 # in test and model collection to an even base for comparison
80 my $testIsWin = &isDBWindowsSensitive($dbname, $test_text);
81 my $modelIsWin = &isDBWindowsSensitive($dbname, $model_text);
83 if($testIsWin == $modelIsWin) {
84 # both linux or both windows, do the basic test we did on linux machines:
85 # ignore absolute path prefixes in modelcol and testcol (necessary for archiveinf-doc and -src.gdb files)
87 # Remember the original model col on SVN could have been built anywhere,
88 # and in the gdb files, absolute paths are stored to the collection location.
89 # Crop these paths to the collect/<colname> point.
91 # Entries are of the form [Entry] or <Entry>. In order to do a sensible diff,
92 # need to remove the prefix to the collect/colname folder in any (absolute) path that occurs in Entry
93 # E.g. [/full/path/collect/colname/import/file.ext] should become [collect/colname/import/file.ext]
94 # Better regex is of the form /BEGIN((?:(?!BEGIN).)*)END/, see
96 $model_text =~ s@^([^\\/]*(//)*).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$4$6@mg;
97 $test_text =~ s@^([^\\/]*(//)*).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$4$6@mg;
98 #$model_text =~ s@^([^\\//]*).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$3$5@mg;
99 #$test_text =~ s@^([^\\//]*).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$3$5@mg;
100 }
102 else { # one of the collections was built on windows
103 # handling slashes and other differences between a model coll built on one OS (e.g. linux)
104 # and a test collection built and diffed on another OS (windows)
106 my ($win_text, $lin_text); # references
107 if($testIsWin) {
108 $win_text = \$test_text;
109 $lin_text = \$model_text;
110 } else {
111 $win_text = \$model_text;
112 $lin_text = \$test_text;
113 }
115 if($dbname =~ m/archiveinf-doc/) {
116 my $tmp = ""; # rebuild windows file's set of lines after processing them one by one
118 # convert short filenames to long perl:
119 #
120 for my $line (split /^/, $$win_text) { # split the string into newlines
122 # assoc-file and meta-file contain filepaths, ensure these are long windows file paths now (will later convert to linux slashes)
123 if($line =~ m@^<(assoc-file|meta-file)>(.*)(\s+)@s) {
124 $line = $2; # may be a short file name
125 # perhaps test here if it is a shortfilename? should match /CAPS....~number(.ext)/
127 $line = "<$1>".&Win32::GetLongPathName($line)."$3"; # make it a long file name and prefix assoc-file/meta-file tagname to it again
128 }
129 $tmp .= $line;
130 }
131 $$win_text = $tmp;
132 }
135 # index gdb file
136 if($dbname =~ m/$strColName/) {
137 my $tmp = ""; # rebuild windows file's set of lines after processing them one by one
138 for my $line (split /^/, $$win_text) { # split the string into newlines
140 # In the following regex, add any .gdb fieldnames that represent a path and so would contain double backslashes
141 # on Windows (to escape the single backlash of win filepaths). They will be turned into single-backslashes here,
142 # and converted into single forward slashes futher below when the txt version of the win gdb file is normalised
143 # to compare it with the linux version.
144 # E.g. On windows, the Word-PDF collection(s) contains double backslashes in the ex.File.Directory field
145 # the MARC-Exploded collection contains double backslashes in the null_file entry field of the .gdb file
146 if($line =~ m@^<(ex.File.Directory|null_file)>(.*)@s) {
147 my ($fieldname, $escaped_path) = ($1, $2);
148 $escaped_path =~ s@\\\\@/@g; #(my $escaped_path = $2) =~ s@\\\\@\\@g;
149 $line = "<$fieldname>$escaped_path";
150 }
151 elsif($line =~ m@^<Title>(.*)@s) {
152# print STDERR "***** TITLE: |$1|\n";
154 # word-pdf collection: Title of ps files contain new lines at end when
155 # GreenstoneXMLPlugin::xml_end_tag() writes the Title back out after utf8 decode
156 # if($metadata_name eq "Title") { $metadata_value =~ s/[\n\r]*$//; }
158 (my $title = $1) =~ s@(\r|\n|\\n)*$@@; # get rid of trailing newlines/carriage returns
159 $line = "<Title>$title\n"; # add single newline
160 }
161 $tmp .= $line;
162 }
163 $$win_text = $tmp;
165 # slashes in windows metadata text need to be turned into linux style slashes.
166 # index\col.gdb uses double backslashes, and single for \n,\t
167 #$$win_text =~ s@\\\\@/@g;
168 }
169 else { # archiveinf gdb file
171 # slashes in windows metadata text need to be turned into linux style slashes.
172 # In the two archivesinf gdb files, filepaths may use single backslashes
173 $$win_text =~ s@\\@/@g; #$$win_text =~ s@\\([^n|r|\|"])@/$1@g; # filepath something\rtf remains something\rtf
174 }
176 # cut down absolute paths to files to just collect/colname/.../file, same as before
177 $$lin_text =~ s@^([^\\/]*(//)*).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$4$6@mg; # $$lin_text =~ s@^([^\\\/]*(//)?).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$4$6@mg;
178 $$win_text =~ s@^([^\\/]*(//)*).*(\\|/)(collect(\\|/)$strColName)(.*)$@$1$4$6@mg;
180 # for the windows text, need to further get rid of the driveletter after [ or <meta>
181 $$win_text =~ s@^(\[|<[^>]*>)[a-zA-Z]:collect@$1collect@mg;
183 } # end of equalising differences between a windows collection's db file and linux coll's db file
185 # The following block of code is necessary to deal with tmp (html) source files generated when using PDFBox
186 # These tmpdirs are located inside the toplevel *greenstone* directory
187 (my $gsdlhome_re = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}) =~ s@\\@\/@g;
188 $gsdlhome_re = ".*" unless $$ENV{'GSDLHOME'};
189 my $tmpfile_regex = "<URL>http://$gsdlhome_re/tmp/([^\.]*?)(\..{3,4})"; # $gsdlhome/tmp/randomfilename.html, file ext can be 3 or 4 chars long
190 if($test_text =~ m@$tmpfile_regex@g) {
191 # found a match, replace the tmp file name with "random", keeping the original file extension
192 # in <OrigSource|URL|UTF8URL|gsdlconvertedfilename>
194 # This code is slightly different from doc.xml because each document has its own doc.xml, so this needs to be done
195 # only once for doc.xml, but multiple times in index/col.gdb since it contains the random filenames of all docs in the col
196 #my ($old_tmp_filename, $ext) = ($1, $2);
198 my $new_tmp_filename = "random";
201 $tmpfile_regex = "(<(URL|UTF8URL|gsdlconvertedfilename|OrigSource)>(http://)?)($gsdlhome_re)?(/tmp/)?.*?(\..{3,4})";
202 if($5) {
203 $test_text =~ s@$tmpfile_regex@$1$5$new_tmp_filename$6@mg;
204 } else { # OrigSource contains only the filename
205 $test_text =~ s@$tmpfile_regex@$1$new_tmp_filename$6@mg;
206 }
208 # modelcol used a different gsdlhome, but also a tmp dir, so make the same changes to its random filename
209 $tmpfile_regex = "(<(URL|UTF8URL|gsdlconvertedfilename|OrigSource)>(http://)?)(.*)?(/tmp/)?.*?(\..{3,4})";
210 if($5) {
211 $model_text =~ s@$tmpfile_regex@$1$5$new_tmp_filename$6@mg;
212 } else { # OrigSource contains only the filename
213 $model_text =~ s@$tmpfile_regex@$1$new_tmp_filename$6@mg;
214 }
216 # index/col.gdb also has entries for the random tmp file names in the form: [http://research/ak19/GS2bin_5July2013/tmp/F639.html]
217 # need to equalise these also. Sadly, when there are multiple intermediate files, their random tmp filenames are not
218 # guaranteed to be generated in the same (alphabetical/numerical) order between model and test collection, so the
219 # HASH OIDs, although all of them accounted for, appear in a different order. So we have to remove the Hash OIDs.
220 #$test_text =~ s@\[http://.*/tmp/.*(\..{3,4})\]@tmp/random$1@mg; # HASH OIDs can appear in different order
221 #$model_text =~ s@\[http://.*/tmp/.*(\..{3,4})\]@tmp/random$1@mg;
223 $test_text =~ s@\[http://[^\n]*?/tmp/.*?(\..{3,4})\]\n<section>([^\n]*?)\n@[tmp/random$1\n<section>$2]\n@sg;
224 $model_text =~ s@\[http://[^\n]*?/tmp/.*?(\..{3,4})\]\n<section>([^\n]*?)\n@[tmp/random$1\n<section>$2]\n@sg;
226 # need to re- sort the keys, now that the absolute paths to tmp locations has been removed
227 # so that we get the tmp files in the same order in both model and test collections
229 #
230 open PIPE, "| txt2db model.gdb";
231 print PIPE "$model_text";
232 close(PIPE);
233 open PIPE, "| txt2db test.gdb";
234 print PIPE "$test_text";
235 close(PIPE);
237 $model_cmd = " db2txt -sort model.gdb 2>&1";
238 $test_cmd = "db2txt -sort test.gdb 2>&1";
239 $model_text = readin_gdb($model_cmd);
240 $test_text = readin_gdb($test_cmd);
241 }
243 # now can go back to using $model_text and $test_text
244# print_string_to_file($test_text, $savepath.$dbname."_test.out");
245# print_string_to_file($model_text, $savepath.$dbname."_model.out");
247 my $report_type = "OldStyle"; # Can not change this type.
248 my $diff_gdb = diff \$model_text, \$test_text, { STYLE => $report_type };
250 # leaving the ignore regex as it used to be in the following, in case it helps with single line comparisons
251 $diff_gdb = &diffutil::GenerateOutput($diff_gdb,"^<(lastmodified|lastmodifieddate|oailastmodified|oailastmodifieddate|ImageSize)>.*");
253 if($diff_gdb eq "")
254 {
255 return "";
256 }
257 else
258 {
259 return "Difference Report: Differences found in the Database file: \n$diff_gdb";
260 }
261 # Call diff?
264# returns true if the contents are windows AND it matters for the diffing on the db that it's windows
265# For col.gdb it does not seem to matter so far, if it is generated on a windows machine and to be compared to a linux-generated col.gdb
266sub isDBWindowsSensitive
268 my ($dbtailname, $db_contents) = @_; # db filename without suffix
270# return ($db_contents =~ m/\\/) ? 1 : 0; # windows slashes detected. Better test would be: [Something\something] OR <tag>something\something
272 if($dbtailname =~ m/^archiveinf-doc/) {
273 return ($db_contents =~ m@<src-file>[a-zA-Z]:\\@) ? 1 : 0; # <src-file>C:\path
274 }
275 elsif($dbtailname =~ m/^archiveinf-src/) { # <src-file>C:\path
276 return ($db_contents =~ m@\[[a-zA-Z]:\\@) ? 1 : 0; # [C:\path]
277 }
278 else { # index/col.gdb file
279 if ($db_contents =~ m@<URL>http://[a-zA-Z]:/@) { # <URL>http://C:/path
280 return 1;
281 }
282 elsif ($db_contents =~ m@^(<URL>http://[a-zA-Z]:/)|(<null_file>[^\\]*\\)@m) { # <URL>http://C:/path OR <null_file>CMSwp-all.00000001\\00000035.nul
283 return 1;
284 }
285 elsif ($db_contents =~ m@^(<ex.File.Directory>[a-zA-Z]:\\\\)@m) { # <ex.File.Directory>C:\\path\\path for OAI collection
286 return 1;
287 }
288 return 0;
289 }
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