package gstests; import java.util.List; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.testing.GSTestingUtil; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; public class TestClass { //TODO: Do these dynamically private static final int NUMBER_OF_CLASSIFIERS = 4; private static final int NUMBER_OF_SEARCH_TYPES = 3; private static final int NUMBER_OF_SEARCH_INDEXES = 5; //TODO: Turn these into a list private static final int TITLE_CLASSIFIER_SIZE = 11; private static final int SUBJECT_CLASSIFIER_SIZE = 7; private static final int ORGANISATIONS_CLASSIFIER_SIZE = 5; private static final int HITS_PER_PAGE = 20; private static final int SNAILS_RESULT_COUNT = 58; private static final int SNAILS_OCCURENCE_COUNT = 398; private static final String COLLECTION_NAME = "Demo Collection"; private static WebDriver _driver = new FirefoxDriver(); @Before public void init() { _driver.get(System.getProperty("SERVERURL")); } @Test /** * Test the library home page * 1. Test that the demo collection is there */ public void testHomePage() { Assert.assertNotNull("The Demo Collection is not available", GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//div[@id='collectionLinks']/a[descendant::text()='Demo Collection']")); } @Test public void testDemoCollectionHomePage() { GSTestingUtil.loadCollectionByName(_driver, COLLECTION_NAME); //Check the title is correct WebElement demoTitleElem = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//div[@id='titlearea']/h2"); String title = demoTitleElem.getText(); Assert.assertTrue("The title is incorrect", title.equals("Demo Collection")); //Check we have four browsing classifiers List classifierLinks = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//ul[@id='gs-nav']/li"); Assert.assertEquals("There should be " + NUMBER_OF_CLASSIFIERS + " classifiers but there were " + classifierLinks.size(), classifierLinks.size(), NUMBER_OF_CLASSIFIERS); //Check we have 3 search types List searchTypes = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//div[@id='quicksearcharea']/ul/li"); Assert.assertEquals("There should be " + NUMBER_OF_SEARCH_TYPES + " search types but there were " + searchTypes.size(), searchTypes.size(), NUMBER_OF_SEARCH_TYPES); //Check we have 5 search indexes List searchIndexes = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//div[@id='quicksearcharea']/form/span[@class='textselect']/select/option"); Assert.assertEquals("There should be " + NUMBER_OF_SEARCH_INDEXES + " search indexes but there were " + searchIndexes.size(), searchIndexes.size(), NUMBER_OF_SEARCH_INDEXES); } @Test public void testTitleClassifier() { GSTestingUtil.loadCollectionByName(_driver, COLLECTION_NAME); //Load the title classifier GSTestingUtil.loadClassifierByName(_driver, "titles"); //Check that we have 11 documents List documents = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='classifiernodelist']/tbody/tr"); Assert.assertEquals("There should be " + TITLE_CLASSIFIER_SIZE + " documents in the titles classifier but there were " + documents.size(), documents.size(), TITLE_CLASSIFIER_SIZE); } @Test public void testSubjectsClassifier() { GSTestingUtil.loadCollectionByName(_driver, COLLECTION_NAME); //Load the subject classifier GSTestingUtil.loadClassifierByName(_driver, "subjects"); //Check that we have 7 subjects List subjectElems = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='classifiernodelist']/tbody/tr"); Assert.assertEquals("There should be " + SUBJECT_CLASSIFIER_SIZE + " documents in the subjects classifier but there were " + subjectElems.size(), subjectElems.size(), SUBJECT_CLASSIFIER_SIZE); //Get all of the subject expand images List expandImages = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//img[@src='interfaces/default/images/expand.png']"); //Open up a random subject WebElement randomSubject = expandImages.get((int) (Math.random() * SUBJECT_CLASSIFIER_SIZE));; //Make sure it opened correctly String sectionNumber = randomSubject.getAttribute("id").substring(6); GSTestingUtil.waitForXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='div" + sectionNumber + "']"); Assert.assertNotNull("The subjects classifier did not open correctly", GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='div" + sectionNumber + "']")); } @Test public void testOrganisationsClassifier() { GSTestingUtil.loadCollectionByName(_driver, COLLECTION_NAME); //Load the organisation classifier GSTestingUtil.loadClassifierByName(_driver, "organisations"); //Check that we have 5 organisations List orgElems = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='classifiernodelist']/tbody/tr"); Assert.assertEquals("There should be " + ORGANISATIONS_CLASSIFIER_SIZE + " documents in the organisations classifier but there were " + orgElems.size(), orgElems.size(), ORGANISATIONS_CLASSIFIER_SIZE); //Get all of the subject expand images List expandImages = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//img[@src='interfaces/default/images/expand.png']"); //Open up a random organisation WebElement randomOrganisation = expandImages.get((int) (Math.random() * ORGANISATIONS_CLASSIFIER_SIZE));; //Make sure it opened correctly String sectionNumber = randomOrganisation.getAttribute("id").substring(6); GSTestingUtil.waitForXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='div" + sectionNumber + "']"); Assert.assertNotNull("The organisations classifier did not open correctly", GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='div" + sectionNumber + "']")); } @Test public void testQuickSearch() { GSTestingUtil.loadCollectionByName(_driver, COLLECTION_NAME); /* * TEST A QUERY THAT SHOULD WORK */ //Type "snails" into quick search area and submit GSTestingUtil.performQuickSearch(_driver, "snails", null); //Check the number of results on the page List results = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='resultsTable']/tbody/tr"); Assert.assertEquals("The number of results on the page should have been " + HITS_PER_PAGE + " but it was " + results.size(), results.size(), HITS_PER_PAGE); //Check the term info has the correct values WebElement termInfo = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//p[@class='termList']/span[@class='termInfo']"); Assert.assertTrue("The term information was incorrect, it should have been \"" + "snails occurs " + SNAILS_OCCURENCE_COUNT + " times in " + SNAILS_RESULT_COUNT + " sections" + "\" but was \"" + termInfo.getText() + "\"", termInfo.getText().equals("snails occurs " + SNAILS_OCCURENCE_COUNT + " times in " + SNAILS_RESULT_COUNT + " sections")); //Check the search results status bar WebElement searchStatus = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//td[@id='searchResultsStatusBar']"); Assert.assertTrue("The search status was incorrect, it should have been \"" + "Displaying 1 to " + HITS_PER_PAGE + " of " + SNAILS_RESULT_COUNT + " sections" + "\" but it was \"" + searchStatus.getText() + "\"", searchStatus.getText().equals("Displaying 1 to " + HITS_PER_PAGE + " of " + SNAILS_RESULT_COUNT + " sections")); //Click the next button WebElement nextButton = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//td[@id='nextTD']/a");; //Check the search results status bar on the new page searchStatus = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//td[@id='searchResultsStatusBar']"); Assert.assertTrue("The search status was incorrect, it should have been \"" + "Displaying " + (HITS_PER_PAGE + 1) + " to " + (HITS_PER_PAGE * 2) + " of " + SNAILS_RESULT_COUNT + " sections" + "\" but it was \"" + searchStatus.getText() + "\"", searchStatus.getText().equals("Displaying " + (HITS_PER_PAGE + 1) + " to " + (HITS_PER_PAGE * 2) + " of " + SNAILS_RESULT_COUNT + " sections")); //Click the previous button WebElement prevButton = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//td[@id='prevTD']/a");; /* * TEST A RANDOM QUERY THAT SHOULD FAIL */ //Generate a search that will fail String randomSearchTerm = GSTestingUtil.generateRandomString(20); GSTestingUtil.performQuickSearch(_driver, randomSearchTerm, null); //Make sure that no documents match WebElement contentElem = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//div[@id='gs_content']"); Assert.assertTrue("No results should have been found for \"" + randomSearchTerm, contentElem.getText().equals("No documents matched the query.")); } @Test public void testLoginAndAdmin() { GSTestingUtil.loginAs(_driver, "admin", "admin"); //Go to the admin page WebElement adminPagesLink = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//a[@href='library/admin/ListUsers']");; //Make sure we are logged in correctly WebElement userListTable = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='userListTable']"); Assert.assertNotNull("Administrator failed to log in", userListTable); //Go to the add new user page WebElement addNewUserButton = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//a[@href='library/admin/AddUser']");; //Get the form elements WebElement usernameBox = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//input[@name='s1.username']"); WebElement passwordBox = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//input[@id='passwordOne']"); WebElement repasswordBox = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//input[@id='passwordTwo']"); WebElement emailBox = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//input[@name='']"); WebElement groupsBox = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//input[@name='s1.groups']"); WebElement commentBox = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//textarea[@name='s1.comment']"); //Generate a random user name of password String randomUsername = GSTestingUtil.generateRandomString(8); String randomPassword = GSTestingUtil.generateRandomString(8); //Enter information into the form usernameBox.sendKeys(randomUsername); passwordBox.sendKeys(randomPassword); repasswordBox.sendKeys(randomPassword); emailBox.sendKeys(randomUsername + ""); groupsBox.sendKeys("Test Group"); commentBox.sendKeys("A user added for testing purposes"); //Submit the form WebElement submitButton = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//input[@id='submitButton']");; //Check the new user information is correct List userRows = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='userListTable']/tbody/tr"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < userRows.size(); i++) { List columns = userRows.get(i).findElements(By.tagName("td")); if (columns.get(0).getText().equals(randomUsername)) { found = true; Assert.assertTrue("The new user enabled status was incorrect", columns.get(1).getText().equals("enabled")); Assert.assertTrue("The new user group was incorrect", columns.get(2).getText().equals("TestGroup")); Assert.assertTrue("The new user comment was incorrect", columns.get(3).getText().equals("A user added for testing purposes")); Assert.assertTrue("The new user email was incorrect", columns.get(4).getText().equals(randomUsername + "")); } } Assert.assertTrue("The new user was not found", found); //Log in as the new user GSTestingUtil.logout(_driver); GSTestingUtil.loginAs(_driver, randomUsername, randomPassword); //Check the log in worked WebElement menuButton = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//li[@id='userMenuButton']/a"); Assert.assertTrue("The new user was not able to log in correctly", menuButton.getText().equals(randomUsername)); //Go to the home page WebElement backToHomePageLink = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//div[@id='breadcrumbs']/a[1]");; //Log in as admin GSTestingUtil.logout(_driver); GSTestingUtil.loginAs(_driver, "admin", "admin"); //Go to the list of users addNewUserButton = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//a[@href='library/admin/ListUsers']");; //Delete the user userRows = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='userListTable']/tbody/tr"); for (int i = 0; i < userRows.size(); i++) { List columns = userRows.get(i).findElements(By.tagName("td")); if (columns.get(0).getText().equals(randomUsername)) { WebElement deleteLink = columns.get(6).findElement(By.xpath(".//input[@value='Delete']"));; _driver.switchTo().alert().accept(); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } //Log out as admin GSTestingUtil.logout(_driver); } @Test public void testDocumentView() { GSTestingUtil.loadCollectionByName(_driver, COLLECTION_NAME); GSTestingUtil.loadClassifierByName(_driver, "titles"); //Load a random document List documents = GSTestingUtil.findElementsByXPath(_driver, "//table[@id='classifiernodelist']/tbody/tr"); WebElement randomRow = documents.get((int) (Math.random() * documents.size())); WebElement link = randomRow.findElement(By.xpath(".//a"));; //Check the cover image is loaded WebElement coverImage = GSTestingUtil.findElementByXPath(_driver, "//div[@id='coverImage']/img"); Assert.assertTrue("The cover image of the document did not load correctly", GSTestingUtil.isImageLoaded(_driver, coverImage)); } @AfterClass public static void destroy() { _driver.quit(); } }