import/CMSwp-all.00000101/00000105.nul indexed_doc NulPlugin 0 00000105.nul 00000105.nul CMSwp-all.00000101/00000105.nul 1 Holmes, Geoffrey Witten, I. H. (Ian H.). University of Waikato. Dept. of Computer Science. Nevill-Manning, Craig G. c1995. Bibliography: leaf [4] "June 1995." Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waikato, Hamilton, N.Z. : Machine learning. The development of Holte's 1R classifier / by Craig Nevill-Manning, Geoff Holmes and Ian H. Witten. 00000105 HASH0105879554846689f1d71b37 1378708213 20130909 1378708440 20130909 HASH0105/87955484.dir This document has no text.