source: other-projects/nightly-tasks/diffcol/trunk/gs3-model-collect/Tudor-Formatted/import/

Last change on this file was 29240, checked in by ak19, 10 years ago

Instead of removing and replacing prebuilt CDS-ISIS tutorial collection for gs3, had removed all gs3 tutorial collections. Adding them back in, including the updated CDS-ISIS, which has been pre-built on 64 bit with the latest GS3 binary.

File size: 4.8 KB
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12<p align="left"><font color="#000000"><b><font face="Arial" size="5">Copyright Information</font></b></font></p>
14 <p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000">This is simply a copy of information posted on
15 the </font> <a href="research.html">
16 <font color="#000000">Help for students
17 conducting research</font></a><font color="#000000"> page.&nbsp; </font>
18 <a href="research.html"><font color="#000000">Visit there</font></a><font color="#000000"> to
19 learn more about copyright, the correct Turabian/MLA style citation for
20 internet sites, and more. </font> </font>
21 <font color="#000000"></p>
22 <P><font face="Arial">Everything at this site was written by me (Marilee.)&nbsp;&nbsp;
23 Therefore, I hold the copyright for all my original work. </font>
24 <P><font face="Arial">And I take all the blame if it bores you to tears or
25 confuses you endlessly.&nbsp; </font>
26 <P></font><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000">The site was created in 1997 and is updated regularly.&nbsp;
27 Visit the </font> <a href="">
28 <font color="#000000">What's New?</font></a><font color="#000000">
29 page to find out the exact dates.</font></font><font color="#000000"><P><font face="Arial">If you need a
30 last name to credit the site, please use Marilee Hanson.&nbsp; </font><P>
31 </font><font face="Arial">
32 <font color="#000000">I do not hold the sole copyright to anything at the
33 </font> <A
34 href="primary.html"><font color="#000000">Primary Sources</font></A><font color="#000000">
35 section.&nbsp; Those are original historical documents in the public domain
36 which I collected and transcribed.&nbsp; Yes, it was loads of work to type
37 everything up, but they were simply transcribed (not written) by me.&nbsp;
38 That is why they're called 'Primary Sources'. <BR>I do hold the copyright on
39 the electronic version of the texts, which I typed.&nbsp; This is where the
40 internet becomes confusing - essentially, the words are not mine but by virtue
41 of transcribing them into electronic format, I own this particular version.&nbsp;
42 So I would ask that no one copies my hard work, at least without asking
43 permission and/or giving me credit. </font> </font>
44 <font color="#000000">
45 <P><font face="Arial">As for graphics used here, copyright law allows the use of images for
46 educational purposes, provided no profit is made and the image is not
47 altered.&nbsp; And since I did go to the considerable trouble of scanning the
48 images, I like to be asked before someone 'borrows' them.&nbsp; This simple
49 act of courtesy goes a long way in the happy-go-lucky world of the internet.
50 </font>
51 <P></font><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000">If you would like to learn more about the legal use of
52 images, please click </font> <a href="art.html">
53 <font color="#000000">here</font></a><font color="#000000">.</font></font><P><font face="Arial">
54 <font color="#000000">If you have a history-related website of your own,
55 </font>
56 <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Link">
57 <font color="#000000">please let me know</font></a><font color="#000000"> so I can add
58 it to my Links page.&nbsp; Thanks.</font></font><CENTER>
59 <P><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000">In the end, your visit to this site makes my work worthwhile. <BR>
60 Thanks for visiting and </font>
61 <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Copyright">
62 <font color="#000000">write to
63 me</font></a><font color="#000000"> with any specific questions/comments. <BR>-Marilee</font></font></CENTER>
65<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
67<p align="center"><font face="Arial"><FONT size=-1><A href="">
68<font color="#000000">to
69Tudor England</font></A></FONT><font color="#000000"> </font> </font>
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