s ************** Import Started ************** The file metadata.xml is being processed by MetadataXMLPlugin. The file pdf01.pdf is being processed by EmbeddedMetadataPlugin. The file pdf03.pdf is being processed by EmbeddedMetadataPlugin. The file pdf05-notext.pdf is being processed by EmbeddedMetadataPlugin. The file pdf06-weirdchars.pdf is being processed by EmbeddedMetadataPlugin. The file /research/ak19/GS2bin_4Jul2013/collect/enhanced/tmp/1372914770/pdf01.html is being processed by HTMLPlugin. The file /research/ak19/GS2bin_4Jul2013/collect/enhanced/tmp/1372914770/pdf03.html is being processed by HTMLPlugin. The file pdf05-notext.pdf was recognised but could not be processed by any plugin. The file /research/ak19/GS2bin_4Jul2013/collect/enhanced/tmp/1372914771/pdf06-weirdchars.html is being processed by HTMLPlugin. ************** Import Finished ************** 4 documents were considered for processing: 3 documents were processed and included in the collection. 1 was rejected. ************** Build Started ************** Compressing text... Creating an index based on text;dc.Title,ex.dc.Title,Title;Source;... Creating information database... Creating auxiliary files and tidying up... ************** Build Finished **************