import/CMSwp-all.00000201/00000209.nul indexed_doc NulPlugin 0 00000209.nul 00000209.nul CMSwp-all.00000201/00000209.nul 1 Witten, I. H. (Ian H.). University of Waikato. Dept. of Computer Science. Smith, Tony C. 1993. Includes bibliographical references. "August 1993." University of Waikato, Dept. of Computer Science, Hamilton, N.Z. : Parody Computer programs. Parody Computer simulation. Lexical grammar Computer simulation. Models for computer generated parody / Tony C. Smith, Ian H. Witten. 00000209 HASH019619a795cc8b0e82692d79 1391133424 20140131 1391133539 20140131 HASH0196.dir This document has no text.