import/CMSwp-all.00000201/00000203.nul indexed_doc NulPlugin 0 00000203.nul 00000203.nul CMSwp-all.00000201/00000203.nul 1 University of Waikato. Dept. of Computer Science. Hall, Mark Andrew. 1992. Originally issued as the author's thesis (B.Comp.Math.Sc.), University of Waikato, 1991. University of Waikato, Dept. of Computer Science, [Hamilton] : Computer composition. Improvisation (Music) Blues (Music) Computer programs. Computer improvisation of blues melodies / Mark Andrew Hall. 00000203 HASHd601a4956c850dc2512a79 1395194707 20140319 1395194849 20140319 HASHd601.dir This document has no text.