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and I have also a good calf to my leg.'&nbsp; He then told me that he was very fond of this King of France, and that for the sake of seeing him, he went over there in person, and that on more than three occasions he was very near him with his army, but that he never would allow himself to be seen, and always retreated, which his Majesty attributed to deference for King Louis, who did not choose an engagement to take place; and he here commenced discussing in detail all the events of that war, and then took his departure.... <br>After dinner, his Majesty and many others armed themselves <i>cap-a-pie</i>, and he chose us to see him joust, running upwards of thirty courses, in one of which he capsized his opponent (who is the finest jouster in the whole kingdom), horse and all.&nbsp; He then took off his helmet, and came under the windows where we were, and talked and laughed with us to our very great honor, and to the surprise of all beholders. <br>&nbsp;<p align="center"> <font size=-1><a href="_httpextlink_&amp;rl=1&amp;">to Primary Sources</a></font></td> </tr> </table> </center> </div> <!-- text below generated by server. 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