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5 content="Katharine Catherine Katherine of Aragon first wife of Henry VIII">
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7 content="Katharine Catherine Katherine of Aragon first wife of Henry VIII mother of Queen Mary I">
8 <meta name="author" content="Marilee Mongello">
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14 <title>Katharine / Katherine / Catherine of Aragon: Biography, Portraits,
15 Primary Sources</title>
16 <style fprolloverstyle="">A:hover {color: #0000FF; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold}
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26 <p align="center"><font size="4"><br>'In this world I will confess
27myself to be the king's true wife, and in the next they will know how
28unreasonably I am afflicted.'</font><b><font size="4"> </font> <br>
29 </b><i><font size="-1">Katharine of Aragon, 1532</font></i> </p>
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47 <p align="center">
48 <img border="0" src="aragoncardinal.gif" alt="Katharine of Aragon" width="443" height="114"></p>
49 <p align="center">
50 <img border="2" src="aragonsittow1.jpg" alt="portrait of Katharine of Aragon by Michael Sittow, c1502" width="351" height="541"></p>
51 <p align="center"> <i><font size="2">portrait of Katharine of Aragon by
52 Michael Sittow, c1502</font></i></p>
53 <p align="left"> <b><br>The youngest surviving child of
54the 'Catholic Kings' of Spain, Katharine was born on 16 December 1485,
55the same year that Henry VII established the Tudor dynasty.&nbsp; At
56the age of three, she was betrothed to his infant son, Prince
57Arthur.&nbsp; In 1501, shortly before her sixteenth birthday, Katharine
58sailed to England.&nbsp; But her marriage to Arthur lasted less than
59six months and was supposedly never consummated.&nbsp; Katharine was
60then betrothed to Arthur's younger brother, Prince Henry.&nbsp; When he
61became king in 1509, at the age of eighteen, he promptly married
62Katharine and they lived together happily for many years.&nbsp; But
63their marriage produced just one living child, a daughter called Mary,
64and Henry was desperate for a male heir.&nbsp; He also fell deeply in
65love with another woman.&nbsp; Cast aside, Katharine fought against
66great odds to deny Henry an annulment.&nbsp; But the king would not be
67denied and when the Catholic church would not grant the annulment, he
68declared himself head of a new English church.&nbsp; Katharine was
69banished from court and died on 7 January 1536, broken-hearted but
70still defiant.</b> </p>
71 <p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>
72 <blockquote>
73 <blockquote>
74 <p><a
75 href="aragon.html#Biography">
76 <font size="4">Read the biography of Katharine of Aragon.</font></a></p>
77 </blockquote>
78 <blockquote>
79 <p><b><br>
80Primary Sources</b> <br>
81Read <a href="../letters.html">letters
82written by Katharine</a> and <a
83 href="../h8crown.html">an account of her
84coronation</a> at Westminster Abbey.&nbsp; <br>
85 <br>
86 <b>Secondary Sources<br></b>Read JA Froude's 1891 work <i>
87 <a href="../secondary.html">The Divorce
88 of Catherine of Aragon</a></i>.</p>
89 <p><br>Visit <a href="">Tudor England:
90Images</a> to view portraits of Katharine.<br>
91Visit the <a href="mary1.html">Queen
92Mary I site</a> to learn more about Katharine's daughter.</p>
93 <p><font size="2"><b><br>
95 </b>Meet other Six Wives enthusiasts at <a
96 href="">Ladies All: A Fanlisting for
97the Six Wives of Henry VIII</a>.<br>
98 <a href=""> Tudor Talk
99 </a>&nbsp;This email discussion list is sponsored by<br>
101 <a
102 href="">Reign of
103the Tudors</a>&nbsp; This is a role-playing game set in 16th century
104England.&nbsp; If you would like to 'play' Jane Grey or Anne Boleyn or
105other Tudors, click the link to join.</font></p>
106 </blockquote>
107 <p align="left"> &nbsp;</p>
108 </blockquote>
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116 <blockquote>
117 <blockquote>
118 <blockquote>
119 <p>&nbsp;</p>
120 <p><a name="Biography"><br>
121 </a><font size="4">'My tribulations are so great, my life so
122disturbed by the plans daily invented to further the king's wicked
123intention, the surprises which the king gives me, with certain persons
124of his council, are so mortal, and my treatment is what God knows, that
125it is enough to shorten ten lives, much more mine.'&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><i>
126 <font size="-1">Katharine of Aragon to Charles V, November 1531</font></i></p>
127 <p>&nbsp;</p>
128 </blockquote>
129 </blockquote>
130 <p><b>Biography</b> <br>
131Katharine was born on 16 December 1485 at Alcala de Henares, in the
132archbishop of Toledo's palace.&nbsp; Her early life promised a future
133of splendor and success, if not personal happiness.&nbsp; Her parents,
134Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, were legends throughout
135Europe.&nbsp; Their marriage had united the kingdom of Spain and
136together they had driven the Moors from Granada.&nbsp; Katharine's
137mother was deeply pious and very intelligent.&nbsp; Her children, even
138the daughters, received excellent educations.&nbsp; Katharine's brother
139Juan and sister Joanna were married off into the powerful Hapsburg
140family and two other sisters, Isabella and Maria, would each marry the
141king of Portugal.&nbsp; Katharine was promised to England; the
142betrothal contract was finalized before her fourth birthday.&nbsp; The
143island nation, so long torn between Plantagenet cousins vying for the
144throne, was now ruled by Henry Tudor.&nbsp; He had married the daughter
145of the former Plantagenet king, Edward IV, and in 1486 had a male heir
146and a desire to establish the stability and validity of his new
147dynasty.&nbsp; A match with a Spanish princess would give him
148both.&nbsp; And so Katharine, proud and solemn and accompanied by a
149vast dowry, came to England in 1501.&nbsp; </p>
150 <p> She
151wed Prince Arthur within a few weeks of her arrival.&nbsp; It was a
152grand celebration; all of London rejoiced and there was every
153expectation of a glorious future for both husband and wife.&nbsp; They
154left for Ludlow Castle, the government seat of the Prince of Wales, and
155within six months Arthur was dead.&nbsp; It was the dreaded sweating
156sickness.&nbsp; The news devastated his parents.&nbsp; Katharine
157returned to London but was not sent home.&nbsp; Henry VII was already
158writing to her parents about another marriage.&nbsp; </p>
159 <p>Katharine was now promised to Arthur's younger brother,
160Henry.&nbsp; Born 28 June 1491, he was almost six years younger than
161Katharine.&nbsp; But he was robust and healthy, and already regarded as
162a precocious intellect.&nbsp; Before his brother's death, he had been
163destined for the church and educated accordingly.&nbsp; But now he was
164the future king and as such he needed a future wife.&nbsp; Henry VII
165betrothed young Henry to his brother's widow, a plan which required a
166papal dispensation.&nbsp; Ferdinand, at odds with France, was anxious
167to please his English ally; Isabella's piety may have ruined the plan
168but she was dying and did not protest.&nbsp; Katharine and her duenna,
169Dona Elvira, both wrote that her marriage to Arthur had never been
170consummated.&nbsp; Pope Julius II granted the dispensation.&nbsp; </p>
171 <p>The new betrothal may have been spurred by Henry VII's legendary
172avarice.&nbsp; Katharine had brought half of her dowry with her upon
173marriage to Arthur; if she returned home, her marriage contract
174required that the dowry be returned.&nbsp; Also, her inheritance as
175dowager Princess of Wales was substantial.&nbsp; If she left England,
176so would that steady income.&nbsp; </p>
177 <p>Katharine herself <a
178 href="../letters.html">wrote to her father</a>
179that she had no wish to remain in England but she would obey his
180decision.&nbsp; Perhaps she had already learned enough of Henry VII's
181character to know she would be shabbily treated.&nbsp; Despite her
182royal position, she lived in poverty.&nbsp; The Spanish ambassador was
183forced to buy her necessities and she was unable to pay her
184attendants.&nbsp; And soon enough Henry VII was implying that he would
185break the Spanish betrothal.&nbsp; Katharine spent the next seven years
186in a state of political limbo.&nbsp; And when he turned fourteen, Henry
187VII had his son publicly repudiate the betrothal, claiming that the
188marriage contract was made without his knowledge or consent.&nbsp; Yet
189Katharine remained in England.&nbsp; </p>
190 <p>In 1509, the situation was resolved with startling speed.&nbsp;
191Henry VII died and his eighteen year old son became king.&nbsp;
192Handsome, proud, and imbued with the romantic spirit of chivalry, he
193promptly married Katharine.&nbsp; Did he marry her out of a sense of
194obligation?&nbsp; Was it because, as he later claimed, he wished to
195respect his father's last wish?&nbsp; Were political councilors
196encouraging the Spanish alliance?&nbsp; Or did he love the dignified
197and lovely young princess?&nbsp; It is impossible to know.&nbsp; But
198they certainly acted like a loving and affectionate couple, far beyond
199typical royal marriages.&nbsp; There were public displays of affection,
200declarations of love and respect, and for a long while she was also a
201close political adviser.&nbsp; </p>
202 <p>Henry VIII's court was full of gaiety and celebration.&nbsp; It
203was a welcome change from the austerity of his father's rule.&nbsp;
204Katharine proved herself to be the perfect consort, even when politics
205led her father to humiliate and betray Henry.&nbsp; Katharine
206recognized that she must choose between unwavering support of her
207father and loyalty to her husband.&nbsp; She chose Henry, though his
208Lord Chancellor, <a
209 href="../citizens/wolsey.html">Cardinal
210Wolsey</a>, never trusted her and instead favored an Anglo-French
211alliance.&nbsp; His influence, and Henry's own suspicions, led the king
212to disregard her political advice.&nbsp; </p>
213 <p>Katharine's primary duty was both personal and political - to
214bear children, as many as possible and preferably sons.&nbsp; This was
215especially important in England since Henry VIII was the sole surviving
216son of his father.&nbsp; Katharine was far from barren and did her
217best; in the first nine years of their marriage, she conceived at least
218six times.&nbsp; She miscarried twice, once delivered a stillborn
219daughter, and two sons died within weeks.&nbsp; The only surviving
220child was a daughter, Princess Mary, born in 1516.&nbsp; Katharine's
221last recorded pregnancy was in 1518, when she was thirty-three years
222old.&nbsp; </p>
223 <p>Henry was not unhappy with the birth of Mary; he assured
224ambassadors that if it were a daughter this time, a son would surely
225follow.&nbsp; But it was soon clear there would be no sons.&nbsp; The
226age difference between he and Katharine was now more noticeable.&nbsp;
227The queen, struggling with frequent pregnancies and constant stress,
228looked older than her years.&nbsp; Henry was a far more prudent king
229than most; he had just two serious affairs during his marriage to
230Katharine.&nbsp; But one of his mistresses, Elizabeth Blount, bore him
231a son.&nbsp; It was clear he could have sons, but the queen could
232not.&nbsp; </p>
233 <p>By 1527, the question of the succession was the most pressing
234issue facing the king.&nbsp; Two years before, he had titled his
235illegitimate son the duke of Richmond and granted him vast estates.&nbsp;
236Many, Katharine included, believed this was a preliminary step to
237naming him heir to the throne.&nbsp; This never occurred and Richmond
238would die in 1536, but - until then - it was a possibility.&nbsp; Henry
239sent Princess Mary to Ludlow Castle as Princess of Wales and his
240official heir, but even that did not stop the rumors or her mother's
241concerns.&nbsp; Katharine confronted Henry; he responded angrily and
242dismissed several of her beloved Spanish attendants.&nbsp; </p>
243 <p>The king by now had hopes of a legitimate heir.&nbsp; He had
244fallen in love the year previously with a young Englishwoman, <a
245 href="boleyn.html">Anne Boleyn</a>.&nbsp;
246She was the sister of a former mistress and refused to take that
247position herself.&nbsp; Henry, who was also deeply pious and a student
248of theology, now took a closer look at his marriage to Katharine.&nbsp;
249In particular, he looked at the text in Leviticus which seemed to
250directly reference his own life - 'If a man shall take his brother's
251wife it is an unclean thing..... they shall be childless.'(Leviticus,
252XX, 21)&nbsp; </p>
253 <p>Of course, they were not childless but a daughter was not the
254heir he needed.&nbsp; No woman had attempted to rule England since the
255disastrous Matilda centuries<img border="0" src="aragonhorenbout1.jpg" alt="miniature portrait of Katharine of Aragon by Lucas Horenbout" align="right" width="329" height="324"> before.&nbsp; Henry now firmly believed
256that his incestuous marriage had been doomed from the start.&nbsp; </p>
257 <p>But how could he annul the marriage?&nbsp; He needed to convince
258the current pope, Clement VII, that the dispensation of his predecessor
259was inadequate.&nbsp; It directly contradicted the Bible and had no
260merit.&nbsp; This should have been a simple enough matter.&nbsp; Royal
261marriages had been annulled for far less.&nbsp; But Katharine's nephew,
262Charles V, was the Holy Roman Emperor and he had no intention of
263allowing his aunt to be cast off.&nbsp; This was not out of personal
264love or loyalty, but a purely political stance.&nbsp; And after the
2651527 'sack of Rome', Charles controlled the pope.&nbsp; </p>
266 <p>Henry was soon thwarted, despite extensive work by Wolsey and
267other advisers.&nbsp; For her part, Katharine was kept in the dark for
268as long as the king could manage it.&nbsp; But she was no fool.&nbsp;
269She knew of the romance between her husband and Mistress Boleyn; she
270knew Henry avoided her company, though he was scrupulous about
271attending official functions with her.&nbsp; He had always respected
272her unassailable dignity and eloquence.&nbsp; He did not wish to fight
273Katharine; he wanted an amicable end to their union and he was prepared
274to be generous.&nbsp; </p>
275 <p>When news of his intentions became official, she was given
276counsel but only that chosen by the king.&nbsp; She turned to the
277Spanish ambassador and close friends at court for support.&nbsp; Anne
278Boleyn was not popular and Katharine was a respected and beloved
279queen.&nbsp; The king soon came under popular scorn for his
280plans.&nbsp; </p>
281 <p>But Henry was as firmly convinced of the righteousness of his
282cause as Katharine was of hers.&nbsp; He had read the Bible; he had
283debated the issue with prominent theologians; he even sponsored
284hearings of the case at European universities.&nbsp; Both king and pope
285knew there was a valid basis for the annulment, and a pressing national
286need for it.&nbsp; Clement could have granted it without troubling his
287conscience.&nbsp; And with the spread of Lutheranism in the German
288states, Clement had no wish to antagonize the loyal and devoted king of
289England.&nbsp; </p>
290 <p>But the English king could not be helped at the Holy Roman Emperor's
291 expense.&nbsp; This was soon made abundantly clear.</p>
292 <p>The pope prevaricated; he could do little else.&nbsp; And for
293several years, the 'King's Great Matter' consumed England and
294fascinated Europe.&nbsp; </p>
295 <p>Henry inevitably tired of the endless parade of papal legates
296and repetitious hearings.&nbsp; He was growing older and Anne was
297growing impatient.&nbsp; Her youth was being wasted to no purpose, she
298told the king.&nbsp; Meanwhile, Katharine encouraged Mary to be
299obstinate in protecting her rights as princess.&nbsp; Mary lost her
300father's favor and was forbidden to visit her mother.&nbsp; </p>
301 <p>Finally, in 1533, Henry did the only thing he could to end the
302marriage - he rejected the authority of the Holy See and declared
303himself Supreme Head of a new Church of England.&nbsp; His archbishop
304of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, issued the long-awaited decree of
305nullity.&nbsp; Katharine was no longer queen of England but 'Princess
306dowager of Wales'.&nbsp; Princess Mary was now illegitimate, and rumors
307spread that Anne Boleyn had finally succumbed to the king and was
308pregnant.&nbsp; </p>
309 <p> Katharine was exiled from court and to a
310succession of damp and unpleasant castles.&nbsp; She had but a handful
311of servants for few would call her queen and she refused to be called
312princess.&nbsp; It was a mark of her early education that she was meek,
313deeply pious and believed in obedience to her husband - but she was
314also a proud and intelligent princess of Spain.&nbsp; She would never
315allow her dignity, or that of her daughter, to be destroyed.&nbsp; In
316the end, this stubborn spirit did both her and Mary far more harm than
317good.&nbsp; Katharine was undoubtedly truthful when she declared her
318marriage to Arthur unconsummated but the truth was cold comfort in the
319last years of her life.&nbsp; </p>
320 <p>Her final years were lonely and sad; the Spanish ambassador kept
321her informed of outside events and smuggled letters to her daughter,
322but she was often ill and at prayer.&nbsp; The wrongs she had suffered
323from Henry filled her with sadness rather than anger.&nbsp; Perhaps she
324was inspired by her motto, Humble and Loyal, for that is how she
326 <p>She died at Kimbolton Castle on 7 January 1536, three weeks
327after her fiftieth birthday.&nbsp; There were rumors that she had been
328poisoned.&nbsp; But if Henry had been so inclined, he would have
329attempted it years before and spared himself much trouble.&nbsp; A
330lingering illness and the psychological effects of her exile were the
331obvious causes.&nbsp; She was buried at Peterborough Abbey with all the
332ceremony befitting the widow of the prince of Wales.&nbsp; Henry did
333not attend the funeral; we do not know if he read Katharine's <a
334 href="../letters.html">last letter</a> to
335him.&nbsp; It was a love letter and she signed it 'Katherine the
336Queen'.&nbsp; </p>
337 <p>The tragedy of their annulment was that both he and Katharine
338were equally convinced of their causes.&nbsp; For the modern reader,
339both arguments are persuasive.&nbsp; It is an ironic footnote to her
340life story that Katharine, such a devoted and pious Catholic,
341unintentionally brought the Reformation to England.&nbsp; <br>
343 </blockquote>
344 <center>
345 <p><font size="-1"><a
346 href="wives.html">to the Six
347Wives main page</a></font> <br>
348 <font size="-1"><a href="">to
349Tudor England</a></font></p>
350 <p><font size="-1"><a
351 href="../primary.html"> to Primary Sources</a></font></p>
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