use File::Basename; my $sep = $^O eq "MSWin32" ? "\\" : "/"; do "$ENV{'TASK_HOME'}/"; die "Could not determine your operating system" unless ( $^O =~ "linux|darwin|MSWin32" ); #arguments our $action = ""; #intervening variables our $prefix = ""; our $release_dir = ""; our $rk = ""; our $snapshot_id = ""; our $branch_path = ""; our $major_version = 0; # for Darwin, specify if this binary is for (Mountain)Lions in the filename, otherwise it's for Leopards # # darwin11* Lion, darwin12* Mountain Lion, darwin9* and darwin10* are Leopard and Snow Leopard my $osversion = ""; if($^O eq "darwin") { #$osversion=`uname -r | sed 's/\..*$//'`; $osversion=`uname -r`; #$osversion =~ s@\..*$@@; $osversion = ($osversion =~ m@^1[1-9]@i) ? "-Lion" : ""; } # if the first arg is a digit, it's the new envi verbosity param. Take it off the array my $envi_verbose = shift(@ARGV) if(exists $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^\d+$/); if ( exists $ARGV[0] ) { $action = $ARGV[0]; } if ( exists $ARGV[1] ) { die "too many arguments to snapshot task\n"; } #default data dir if ( ! exists $ENV{'DATA_DIR'} ) { $ENV{'DATA_DIR'} = "$ENV{'HOME'}${sep}snapshots"; } #default identity dir if ( ! exists $ENV{'IDENTITY_DIR'} ) { $ENV{'IDENTITY_DIR'} = "$ENV{'HOME'}${sep}.ssh"; } #choose the parameters of the build based on the task name if ( $ENV{'TASK_NAME'} =~ "gs2-(caveat|stable)" ) { $major_version = 2; $prefix="2s"; $rk="rk2"; } elsif ( $ENV{'TASK_NAME'} =~ "gs3-(caveat|stable)" ) { $major_version = 3; $prefix="3s"; $rk="rk3"; } elsif ( $ENV{'TASK_NAME'} =~ "gs2-src-(caveat|stable)" ) { $major_version = 2; $prefix="2s"; $rk="sork2"; } elsif ( $ENV{'TASK_NAME'} =~ "gs3-src-(caveat|stable)" ) { $major_version = 3; $prefix="3s"; $rk="sork3"; } elsif ( $ENV{'TASK_NAME'} =~ "gs2-cd-(caveat|stable)" ) { $major_version = 2; $prefix="2s"; $rk="cdrk2"; } elsif ( $ENV{'TASK_NAME'} =~ "dec-(caveat|stable)" ) { $prefix=""; $rk="derk"; } else { die "unrecognised task name '$ENV{'TASK_NAME'}'\n"; } #keep wget/curl base command in a variable my $httpRetrieve = $^O eq "darwin" ? "curl" : "wget -O -"; #setup based on mode if ( $ENV{'TASK_NAME'} =~ "caveat\$" ) { $ENV{'SNAPSHOT_MODE'} = "caveat"; if ( $major_version == 2 ) { $ENV{'snapshot_id2'} = `$httpRetrieve`; chomp($ENV{'snapshot_id2'}); } else { $ENV{'snapshot_id3'} = `$httpRetrieve`; chomp($ENV{'snapshot_id3'}); } #change the filenames to have the date in them my $id2 = $ENV{'snapshot_id2'}; (my $id2re = $id2) =~ s@\.@\\.@g; #copy id2 and then change id2re, see my $id3 = $ENV{'snapshot_id3'}; (my $id3re = $id3) =~ s@\.@\\.@g; $ENV{'munges'} = "s/-$id2re/-$id2-candidate-" . get_date() . "$osversion" . "/g " if ($id2 =~ m/\S/); $ENV{'munges'} .= "s/-$id3re/-$id3-candidate-" . get_date() . "$osversion". "/g" if ($id3 =~ m/\S/); #$ENV{'munges'} = $ENV{'munges'} . " s/\\.dmg\$/$osversion.dmg/"; # the above generates a list of regex. Have a \D (non-digit) prefixed to the value to be substituted, else # Greenstone-documented-examples-2013.06.18.tar.gz gets changed to Greenstone-documented-examples-2013.06-candidate-.18.tar.gz #set the path to server.exe $ENV{'SERVER_EXE_LOCATION'} = ""; } elsif ( $ENV{'TASK_NAME'} =~ "stable\$" ) { $ENV{'SNAPSHOT_MODE'} = "stable"; $ENV{'BRANCH_PATH'} = "tags/stable"; #dont proceed if main/stable is old #get last changed date from svn open( INFO, "svn info$ENV{'BRANCH_PATH'}|" ) or die "Cant determine age of stable tag"; my $changed_date; while ( my $line = ) { chomp($line); if ( $line =~ /^Last Changed Date:/ ) { $changed_date = $line; break; } } close(INFO); #change the format $changed_date =~ s/.*: ([^ ]+) .*/\1/g; if ( $changed_date !~ /^20[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/ ) { die "Cant determine age of stable tag"; } $changed_date =~ s/-/./g; #check if main/stable is new if ( $changed_date ne get_date() ) { print "main/stable is old, will not create snapshot\n"; exit; } else { print "main/stable is fresh, will create snapshot\n"; } #set the path to server.exe $ENV{'SERVER_EXE_LOCATION'} = "\$\\\{version\\\}.exe"; } #use the correct key for uploading $ENV{'IDENTITY_FILE'} = "$ENV{'IDENTITY_DIR'}${sep}upload-" . $ENV{'SNAPSHOT_MODE'} . ($^O eq "MSWin32" ? ".ppk" : ""); #always rename the log not to clash with other files on puka $ENV{'munges'} = $ENV{'munges'} . " s/\\.out\$/-" . get_date() . "-" . $^O . $osversion . "-log.txt/"; #choose a snapshot ID if ( exists $ENV{'snapshot_id2'} && $major_version == 2 ) { $snapshot_id = $ENV{'snapshot_id2'}; } elsif ( exists $ENV{'snapshot_id3'} && $major_version == 3 ) { $snapshot_id = $ENV{'snapshot_id3'}; } else { $snapshot_id = gen_snapshot_id($prefix); } #set a release directory $release_dir = "$ENV{'DATA_DIR'}${sep}$ENV{'TASK_NAME'}${sep}from-" . get_date(); print "creating a snapshot release\n"; print "release id : $snapshot_id\n"; print "release dir: $release_dir\n"; if ( $action eq "create" ) { create(); } elsif ( $action eq "upload" ) { upload(); } elsif ( $action eq "all" || !$action ) { create(); upload(); } else { die "bad snapshot action\n"; }