source: other-projects/playing-in-the-street/summer-2013/trunk/Playing-in-the-Street-WPF/Content/Web/mrdoob-three.js-4862f5f/docs/api/math/Ray.html@ 28897

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1<!DOCTYPE html>
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10 <h1>[name]</h1>
12 <div class="desc">A ray that emits from an origin in a certain direction.</div>
15 <h2>Constructor</h2>
18 <h3>[name]([page:Vector3 origin], [page:Vector3 direction])</h3>
19 <div>
20 origin -- [page:Vector3] The origin of the [page:Ray].<br />
21 direction -- [page:Vector3] The direction of the [page:Ray]. This must be normalized (with [page:Vector3].normalize) for the methods to operate properly.
22 </div>
23 <div>
24 Initialises the origin and direction properties to the provided values.
25 </div>
27 <h2>Properties</h2>
29 <h3>.[page:Vector3 origin]</h3>
30 <div>
31 The origin of the [page:Ray].
32 </div>
34 <h3>.[page:Vector3 direction]</h3>
35 <div>
36 The direction of the [page:Ray]. This must be normalized (with [page:Vector3].normalize) for the methods to operate properly.
37 </div>
39 <h2>Methods</h2>
41 <h3>.applyMatrix4([page:Matrix4 matrix4]) [page:Ray]</h3>
42 <div>
43 matrix4 -- [page:Matrix4] The [page:Matrix4] to transform this [page:Ray] by.
44 </div>
45 <div>
46 Transform this [page:Ray] by the [page:Matrix4].
47 </div>
49 <h3>.at([page:Float t], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget] = null) [page:Vector3]</h3>
50 <div>
51 t -- [page:Float] The distance along the [page:Ray] to retrieve a position for.<br />
52 optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3] Receives the position along the [page:Ray] if passed; otherwise a new [page:Vector3] is created.
53 </div>
54 <div>
55 Get a [page:Vector3] that is a given distance along this [page:Ray].
56 </div>
58 <h3>.clone() [page:Ray]</h3>
59 <div>
60 Create a clone of this [page:Ray].
61 </div>
63 <h3>.closestPointToPoint([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
64 <div>
65 point -- [page:Vector3] The point to get the closest approach to. <br />
66 optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3] Receives the return value if passed; otherwise a new [page:Vector3] is created.
67 </div>
68 <div>
69 Get the point along this [page:Ray] that is closest to the [page:Vector3] provided.
70 </div>
72 <h3>.copy([page:Ray ray]) [page:Ray]</h3>
73 <div>
74 ray -- [page:Ray] The [page:Ray] to copy values from.
75 </div>
76 <div>
77 Copy the properties of the provided [page:Ray], then return this [page:Ray].
78 </div>
80 <h3>.distanceSqToSegment([page:Vector3 v0], [page:Vector3 v1], [page:Vector3 optionalPointOnRay] = null, [page:Vector3 optionalPointOnSegment] = null) [page:Float]</h3>
81 <div>
82 v0 -- [page:Vector3] The start of the line segment.
83 v1 -- [page:Vector3] The end of the line segment.
84 optionalPointOnRay -- [page:Vector3] If this is provided, it receives the point on this [page:Ray] that is closest to the segment.
85 optionalPointOnSegment -- [page:Vector3] If this is provided, it receives the point on the line segment that is closest to this [page:Ray].
86 </div>
87 <div>
88 Get the squared distance between this [page:Ray] and a line segment.
89 </div>
91 <h3>.distanceToPlane([page:Plane plane]) [page:Float]</h3>
92 <div>
93 plane -- [page:Plane] The [page:Plane] to get the distance to.
94 </div>
95 <div>
96 Get the distance from the origin to the [page:Plane], or *null* if the [page:Ray] doesn't intersect the [page:Plane].
97 </div>
99 <h3>.distanceToPoint([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Float]</h3>
100 <div>
101 point -- [page:Vector3] The [page:Vector3] to compute a distance to.
102 </div>
103 <div>
104 Get the distance of the closest approach between the [page:Ray] and the [page:Vector3].
105 </div>
107 <h3>.equals([page:Ray ray]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
108 <div>
109 ray -- [page:Ray] The [page:Ray] to compare to.
110 </div>
111 <div>
112 Return whether this and the other [page:Ray] have equal offsets and directions.
113 </div>
115 <h3>.intersectBox([page:Box3 box], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget] = null) [page:Vector3]?</h3>
116 <div>
117 box -- [page:Box3] The [page:Box3] to intersect with.<br />
118 optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3] The [page:Vector3] to store the result in, or *null* to create a new [page:Vector3].
119 </div>
120 <div>
121 Intersect this [page:Ray] with a [page:Box3], returning the intersection point or *null* if there is no intersection.
122 </div>
124 <h3>.intersectPlane([page:Plane plane], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget] = null) [page:Vector3]?</h3>
125 <div>
126 plane -- [page:Plane] The [page:Plane] to intersect with.<br />
127 optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3] The [page:Vector3] to store the result in, or *null* to create a new [page:Vector3].
128 </div>
129 <div>
130 Intersect this [page:Ray] with a [page:Plane], returning the intersection point or *null* if there is no intersection.
131 </div>
132 function ( a, b, c, backfaceCulling, optionalTarget )
134 <h3>.intersectTriangle([page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b], [page:Vector3 c], [page:Boolean backfaceCulling], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget] = null) [page:Vector3]?</h3>
135 <div>
136 a, b, c -- [page:Vector3] The [page:Vector3] points on the triangle.<br />
137 backfaceCulling -- [page:Boolean] Whether to use backface culling.<br />
138 optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3] The [page:Vector3] to store the result in, or *null* to create a new [page:Vector3].
139 </div>
140 <div>
141 Intersect this [page:Ray] with a triangle, returning the intersection point or *null* if there is no intersection.
142 </div>
144 <h3>.isIntersectionBox([page:Box3 box]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
145 <div>
146 box -- [page:Box3] The [page:Box3] to intersect with.
147 </div>
148 <div>
149 Return whether or not this [page:Ray] intersects with the [page:Box3].
150 </div>
152 <h3>.isIntersectionPlane([page:Plane plane]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
153 <div>
154 plane -- [page:Plane] The [page:Plane] to intersect with.
155 </div>
156 <div>
157 Return whether or not this [page:Ray] intersects with the [page:Plane].
158 </div>
160 <h3>.isIntersectionSphere([page:Sphere sphere]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
161 <div>
162 sphere -- [page:Sphere] The [page:Sphere] to intersect with.
163 </div>
164 <div>
165 Return whether or not this [page:Ray] intersects with the [page:Sphere].
166 </div>
168 <h3>.recast([page:Float t])</h3>
169 <div>
170 t -- The distance along the [page:Ray] to interpolate.
171 </div>
172 <div>
173 Shift the origin of this [page:Ray] along its direction by the distance given.
174 </div>
176 <h3>.set([page:Vector3 origin], [page:Vector3 direction]) [page:Ray]</h3>
177 <div>
178 origin -- [page:Vector3] The origin of the [page:Ray].<br />
179 direction -- [page:Vector3] The direction of the [page:Ray]. This must be normalized (with [page:Vector3].normalize) for the methods to operate properly.
180 </div>
181 <div>
182 Copy the parameters to the origin and direction properties.
183 </div>
185 <h2>Source</h2>
187 [link:[path].js src/[path].js]
188 </body>
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