//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace Microsoft.Samples.Kinect.WebserverBasics { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.IO; using System.Windows; using Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit; using Microsoft.Samples.Kinect.Webserver; /// /// Interaction logic for MainWindow. /// public partial class MainWindow : Window { public static readonly DependencyProperty IsStartedProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "IsStarted", typeof(bool), typeof(MainWindow), new PropertyMetadata(false)); public static readonly DependencyProperty ErrorTextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "ErrorText", typeof(string), typeof(MainWindow), new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty)); /// /// Name (URI sub-path) to be used by clients to refer to the default kinect sensor. /// private const string DefaultSensorChooserName = "default"; /// /// Name of main page for web sample. /// private const string SamplePageName = "playing-in-the-street.html"; /// /// Character used to separate origins in list of origins allowed to access this server. /// private const char AllowedOriginSeparator = ','; /// /// Component that manages finding a Kinect sensor /// private readonly KinectSensorChooser sensorChooser = new KinectSensorChooser(); /// /// Webserver that handles requests from web clients. /// private readonly KinectWebserver webserver = new KinectWebserver(); /// /// Error buffer listener used to update error text in UI. /// private readonly RecentEventBufferTraceListener errorBufferListener; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the MainWindow class. /// public MainWindow() { this.InitializeComponent(); if (!IsSupportedOsVersion(Environment.OSVersion)) { MessageBox.Show( Properties.Resources.SystemVersionNotSupportedMessage, Properties.Resources.SystemVersionNotSupportedCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK); Application.Current.Shutdown(); } this.DataContext = this; this.errorBufferListener = Trace.Listeners["errorBufferListener"] as RecentEventBufferTraceListener; if (this.errorBufferListener != null) { this.errorBufferListener.RecentEventBufferChanged += this.ErrorBufferListenerOnChanged; } Uri originUri; try { originUri = new Uri(Properties.Settings.Default.OriginUri.Trim()); } catch (UriFormatException) { Trace.TraceError("Invalid format for listening origin: \"{0}\"", Properties.Settings.Default.OriginUri); // If we can't listen on origin, we can't serve any data whatsover, so there is no sense in continuing // setup return; } this.webserver.SensorChooserMap.Add(DefaultSensorChooserName, this.sensorChooser); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.FileRootDirectory)) { this.webserver.FileServerRootDirectory = Properties.Settings.Default.FileRootDirectory; try { this.RootDirectoryTextRun.Text = Path.GetFullPath(Properties.Settings.Default.FileRootDirectory); } catch (ArgumentException e) { this.ShowNotServingFilesUi(); Trace.TraceError("Exception encountered while parsing root directory for serving files:\n{0}", e); } } else { this.ShowNotServingFilesUi(); } this.webserver.OriginUri = originUri; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.AccessControlAllowedOrigins)) { foreach (var origin in Properties.Settings.Default.AccessControlAllowedOrigins.Split(AllowedOriginSeparator)) { try { originUri = new Uri(origin.Trim()); } catch (UriFormatException) { Trace.TraceError("Invalid format for access control allowed origin: {0}", origin); continue; } this.webserver.AccessControlAllowedOrigins.Add(originUri); } } //// TODO: Optionally add factories here for custom handlers: //// this.webserver.SensorStreamHandlerFactories.Add(new MyCustomSensorStreamHandlerFactory()); //// Your custom factory would implement ISensorStreamHandlerFactory, in which the //// CreateHandler method would return a class derived from SensorStreamHandlerBase //// which overrides one or more of its virtual methods. this.webserver.Started += (server, args) => this.IsStarted = true; this.webserver.Stopped += (server, args) => this.IsStarted = false; } /// /// Gets the KinectSensorChooser component /// public KinectSensorChooser KinectSensorChooser { get { return this.sensorChooser; } } /// /// true if server has started listening, false otherwise. /// public bool IsStarted { get { return (bool)this.GetValue(IsStartedProperty); } set { this.SetValue(IsStartedProperty, value); } } /// /// Error text to display in UI. /// public string ErrorText { get { return (string)this.GetValue(ErrorTextProperty); } set { this.SetValue(ErrorTextProperty, value); } } /// /// Determine if running this application is supported in the specified operating /// system version. /// /// /// Operating system version information. /// /// /// true if running this application is supported in the specified operating system. /// false otherwise. /// private static bool IsSupportedOsVersion(OperatingSystem systemInfo) { const int MinimumMajorVersion = 6; const int MinimumMinorVersion = 2; return (systemInfo.Version.Major > MinimumMajorVersion) || ((systemInfo.Version.Major == MinimumMajorVersion) && (systemInfo.Version.Minor >= MinimumMinorVersion)); } /// /// Start web server, reporting an error to trace listeners if exception is encountered. /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes", Justification = "Server application should never crash. Errors are reported in web server UI instead.")] private void StartWebserver() { try { this.webserver.Start(); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.TraceError("Unable to start server due to exception:\n{0}", e); } } /// /// Stop web server, reporting an error to trace listeners if exception is encountered. /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes", Justification = "Server application should never crash. Errors are reported in web server UI instead.")] private void StopWebserver() { try { this.webserver.Stop(); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.TraceError("Unable to stop server due to exception:\n{0}", e); } } /// /// Show UI appropriate for when we're not serving static files. /// private void ShowNotServingFilesUi() { this.ServingFilesText.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.OpenBrowserText.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.NotServingFilesText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } private void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.sensorChooser.Start(); this.StartWebserver(); } private void WindowClosing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { this.StopWebserver(); } private void StartButtonOnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.StartWebserver(); } private void StopButtonOnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.StopWebserver(); } private void ErrorBufferListenerOnChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => this.ErrorText = this.errorBufferListener.RecentEventBuffer)); } /// /// Event handler for UriLink's Click event. /// /// /// Object triggering the event. /// /// /// Event arguments. /// private void UriLinkOnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Shell execute the URI of sample page to open in default browser var samplePageUri = this.webserver.OriginUri.ConcatenateSegments(this.webserver.FileServerBasePath, SamplePageName); if (samplePageUri == null) { return; } var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(samplePageUri.ToString()) { UseShellExecute = true }; using (var process = new Process()) { process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); } } } }