*** Run the ant target 'ant logs-to-db-instructions' for instructions on setting up the MacroniserLogFileProcessor*** ************************************************************ Instructions on setting up the MacroniserLogFileProcessor ************************************************************ 1. Install mysql-5.7.23 as instructed at http://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=en:user_advanced:greenstonesqlplugs#getting_and_running_mysql (And when you run that mysql installation's db server, shut it down or run its mysql client, do so as per the instructions there) 2. Use separate terminals to use the above instructions link to: - Start the mysql server - Connect to the mysql client 3. After connecting to the client, in the mysql client terminal - IMPORTANT: don't forget to immediately follow with 'set names utf8mb4;' - CREATE AND INITIALISE the Macroniser database and its tables by running the MySQL_Code.sql script by typing the following and hitting ENTER: source ${scripts.dir}/MySQL_Code.sql 3. Edit ${basedir}/mysql.properties to set the db password. - If you set up a different username for the mysql db, set that in mysql.properties too. - If nothing is set, MacronLogFileProcessor will assume the username is root. 4. Set up the daily cronjob as follows: - open a terminal and type 'export EDITOR=emacs' (or set to the text editor you prefer) - type 'crontab -e' and the editor will open the cronfile - append the contents from ${scripts.dir}/cron.txt to the cronfile - save file and exit the editor 5. If you have email rights on the linux you're working from, type your email into macronLogToDB.bash.in and macronLogToDB.bash to get sent emails on errors. 6. All going well, you should get output files in the ${logfileproc.dir} folder after the cron job runs each night. ************************************************************ Basedir: ${basedir}