source: other-projects/tipple-android/tipple-ar/tipple-standalone-hpg/src/org/greenstone/android/tipple/base/ 26528

Last change on this file since 26528 was 26528, checked in by davidb, 11 years ago

Code developed by the Tipple-AR Smoke and Mirrors team, based on the main tipple trunk

File size: 10.9 KB
3// Based on "Android Sensor Fusion" by Paul Lawitzki
6import android.content.Context;
7import android.hardware.Sensor;
8import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
9import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
10import android.hardware.SensorManager;
11import java.util.Timer;
12import java.util.TimerTask;
15 * Singleton which uses the gyroscope, accelerometer and compass to calculate the orientation.
16 */
17public class SensorFusion implements SensorEventListener {
19 private static final float EPSILON = 1e-9f;
20 private static final float NS2S = 1e-9f; // conversion from nanoseconds to seconds
21 private static final int TIME_CONSTANT = 30; // how often to correct gyro drift
22 private static final float FILTER_COEFFICIENT = 0.98f;
23 private static final float GYRO_TOLERANCE = 0.5f; // error level at which gyro gets reset
25 private static SensorFusion instance;
26 private int clients = 0; // the number of activities who currently need sensor data
28 private SensorManager mSensorManager = null;
30 private float[] gyro = new float[3]; // angular speeds from gyro
31 private float[] gyroMatrix = new float[9]; // rotation matrix from gyro data
32 private float[] gyroOrientation = new float[3]; // orientation angles from gyro matrix
34 private float[] magnet = new float[3]; // magnetic field vector
35 private float[] accel = new float[3]; // accelerometer vector
36 private float[] accMagOrientation = new float[3]; // orientation angles from accel and magnet
37 private float[] fusedOrientation = new float[3]; // final orientation angles from sensor fusion
38 private float[] accMagMatrix = new float[9]; // accel and magnet based rotation matrix
39 private float gyroTimestamp;
41 private Timer fuseTimer = new Timer();
42 private TimerTask fuseTask = null;
44 private SensorFusion(SensorManager sm) {
45 mSensorManager = sm;
46 }
48 public static SensorFusion getInstance() {
49 if (instance == null) {
50 instance = new SensorFusion(
51 (SensorManager) Global.activity.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE));
52 }
53 return instance;
54 }
56 /**
57 * Tells the SensorFusion object that there is someone who would like to know the orientation.
58 * When there are no clients the SensorFusion object removes its event listeners.
59 */
60 public void addClient(String name) {
61 if (clients++ == 0) {
62 registerListeners();
63 }
64 }
66 /**
67 * Tells the SensorFusion object that someone no longer needs the orientation. When there are no
68 * clients the SensorFusion object removes its event listeners.
69 */
70 public void removeClient(String name) {
71 if (clients < 0) {
72 throw new RuntimeException("SensorFusion: removed too many clients");
73 }
75 if (--clients == 0) {
76 unregisterListeners();
77 }
78 }
80 // Registers sensor listeners for the accelerometer, compass and gyroscope.
81 // Creates a timer task to correct the gyro drift.
82 private void registerListeners() {
83 System.err.println("SensorFusion::registerListeners()");
84 mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY),
87 mSensorManager.registerListener(this,
88 mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD),
91 mSensorManager.registerListener(this,
92 mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE),
93 SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);
95 fuseTask = new FuseTask();
96 fuseTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(fuseTask, 0, TIME_CONSTANT);
97 }
99 private void unregisterListeners() {
100 System.err.println("SensorFusion::unregisterListeners()");
101 mSensorManager.unregisterListener(this);
102 fuseTask.cancel();
103 fuseTask = null;
104 }
106 @Override
107 public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
108 }
110 @Override
111 public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
112 switch (event.sensor.getType()) {
113 case Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY:
114 // copy new accelerometer data into accel array and calculate orientation
115 System.arraycopy(event.values, 0, accel, 0, 3);
116 calculateAccMagOrientation();
117 break;
119 case Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD:
120 // copy new compass data into magnet array
121 System.arraycopy(event.values, 0, magnet, 0, 3);
122 if(ARActivity.directionss){
123 ArDirection.setChanges(getBearingDegrees());
124 }
125 break;
127 case Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE:
128 // process gyro data
129 gyroFunction(event);
130 break;
131 }
132 }
134 // calculates orientation angles from accelerometer and compass output
135 private void calculateAccMagOrientation() {
136 if (SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(accMagMatrix, null, accel, magnet)) {
137 SensorManager.getOrientation(accMagMatrix, accMagOrientation);
138 }
139 }
141 // This function is borrowed from the Android reference
142 // at
143 // It calculates a rotation vector from the gyroscope angular speed values.
144 private void getRotationVectorFromGyro(float[] gyroValues, float[] deltaRotationVector,
145 float timeFactor) {
146 float[] normValues = new float[3];
148 // Calculate the angular speed of the sample
149 float omegaMagnitude = (float) Math.sqrt(gyroValues[0] * gyroValues[0] + gyroValues[1]
150 * gyroValues[1] + gyroValues[2] * gyroValues[2]);
152 // Normalize the rotation vector if it's big enough to get the axis
153 if (omegaMagnitude > EPSILON) {
154 normValues[0] = gyroValues[0] / omegaMagnitude;
155 normValues[1] = gyroValues[1] / omegaMagnitude;
156 normValues[2] = gyroValues[2] / omegaMagnitude;
157 }
159 // Integrate around this axis with the angular speed by the timestep
160 // in order to get a delta rotation from this sample over the timestep
161 // We will convert this axis-angle representation of the delta rotation
162 // into a quaternion before turning it into the rotation matrix.
163 float thetaOverTwo = omegaMagnitude * timeFactor;
164 float sinThetaOverTwo = (float) Math.sin(thetaOverTwo);
165 float cosThetaOverTwo = (float) Math.cos(thetaOverTwo);
166 deltaRotationVector[0] = sinThetaOverTwo * normValues[0];
167 deltaRotationVector[1] = sinThetaOverTwo * normValues[1];
168 deltaRotationVector[2] = sinThetaOverTwo * normValues[2];
169 deltaRotationVector[3] = cosThetaOverTwo;
170 }
172 // This function performs the integration of the gyroscope data.
173 // It writes the gyroscope based orientation into gyroOrientation.
174 private void gyroFunction(SensorEvent event) {
175 // copy the new gyro values into the gyro array
176 // convert the raw gyro data into a rotation vector
177 float[] deltaVector = new float[4];
178 if (gyroTimestamp != 0) {
179 final float dT = (event.timestamp - gyroTimestamp) * NS2S;
180 System.arraycopy(event.values, 0, gyro, 0, 3);
181 getRotationVectorFromGyro(gyro, deltaVector, dT / 2.0f);
182 }
184 // measurement done, save current time for next interval
185 gyroTimestamp = event.timestamp;
187 // convert rotation vector into rotation matrix
188 float[] deltaMatrix = new float[9];
189 SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector(deltaMatrix, deltaVector);
191 // apply the new rotation interval on the gyroscope based rotation matrix
192 gyroMatrix = matrixMultiplication(gyroMatrix, deltaMatrix);
194 // get the gyroscope based orientation from the rotation matrix
195 SensorManager.getOrientation(gyroMatrix, gyroOrientation);
196 }
198 private float getGyroError() {
199 float error = 0;
200 // distance between the pairs of axes
201 for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
202 error += (accMagMatrix[i] - gyroMatrix[i]) * (accMagMatrix[i] - gyroMatrix[i]);
203 }
204 return error;
205 }
207 private float filterAngle(float gyroAngle, float accMagAngle) {
208 // corrects the gyro angle using the angle from the accelerometer/compass
210 float diff = accMagAngle - gyroAngle;
211 if (diff > Math.PI) {
212 accMagAngle -= 2 * Math.PI;
213 } else if (diff < -Math.PI) {
214 accMagAngle += 2 * Math.PI;
215 }
217 float result = FILTER_COEFFICIENT * gyroAngle + (1 - FILTER_COEFFICIENT) * accMagAngle;
219 if (result > Math.PI) {
220 result -= 2 * Math.PI;
221 } else if (result < -Math.PI) {
222 result += 2 * Math.PI;
223 }
225 return result;
226 }
228 private float[] getRotationMatrixFromOrientation(float[] o) {
229 float sinX = (float) Math.sin(o[1]);
230 float cosX = (float) Math.cos(o[1]);
231 float sinY = (float) Math.sin(o[2]);
232 float cosY = (float) Math.cos(o[2]);
233 float sinZ = (float) Math.sin(o[0]);
234 float cosZ = (float) Math.cos(o[0]);
236 float[] result = new float[] { cosY * cosZ - sinX * sinY * sinZ, cosX * sinZ,
237 sinY * cosZ + sinX * cosY * sinZ, -cosY * sinZ - sinX * sinY * cosZ, cosX * cosZ,
238 -sinY * sinZ + sinX * cosY * cosZ, -cosX * sinY, -sinX, cosX * cosY };
240 return result;
241 }
243 private float[] matrixMultiplication(float[] A, float[] B) {
244 float[] result = new float[9];
246 result[0] = A[0] * B[0] + A[1] * B[3] + A[2] * B[6];
247 result[1] = A[0] * B[1] + A[1] * B[4] + A[2] * B[7];
248 result[2] = A[0] * B[2] + A[1] * B[5] + A[2] * B[8];
250 result[3] = A[3] * B[0] + A[4] * B[3] + A[5] * B[6];
251 result[4] = A[3] * B[1] + A[4] * B[4] + A[5] * B[7];
252 result[5] = A[3] * B[2] + A[4] * B[5] + A[5] * B[8];
254 result[6] = A[6] * B[0] + A[7] * B[3] + A[8] * B[6];
255 result[7] = A[6] * B[1] + A[7] * B[4] + A[8] * B[7];
256 result[8] = A[6] * B[2] + A[7] * B[5] + A[8] * B[8];
258 return result;
259 }
261 class FuseTask extends TimerTask {
262 public void run() {
264 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
265 fusedOrientation[i] = filterAngle(gyroOrientation[i], accMagOrientation[i]);
266 }
268 // if the gyro is too far from the accel/magnet orientation, reset it
269 if (getGyroError() > GYRO_TOLERANCE) {
270 System.arraycopy(accMagOrientation, 0, fusedOrientation, 0, 3);
271 }
273 // overwrite gyro matrix and orientation with fused orientation
274 // to compensate gyro drift
275 gyroMatrix = getRotationMatrixFromOrientation(fusedOrientation);
276 System.arraycopy(fusedOrientation, 0, gyroOrientation, 0, 3);
277 }
278 }
280 public float[] getRotationMatrix() {
281 return gyroMatrix;
282 }
284 /**
285 * Converts a 3D location in world coordinates to phone coordinates
286 */
287 public float[] worldToPhone(float[] coord) {
288 // gyroMatrix transforms phone coordinates to world coordinates. To convert the other way,
289 // need to multiply by the inverse (which is the transpose for rotation matrices)
290 return new float[] {
291 coord[0] * gyroMatrix[0] + coord[1] * gyroMatrix[3] + coord[2] * gyroMatrix[6],
292 coord[0] * gyroMatrix[1] + coord[1] * gyroMatrix[4] + coord[2] * gyroMatrix[7],
293 coord[0] * gyroMatrix[2] + coord[1] * gyroMatrix[5] + coord[2] * gyroMatrix[8] };
294 }
296 public float getBearing() {
297 return (float) fusedOrientation[0];
298 }
300 public float getBearingDegrees() {
301 return (float) Math.toDegrees(getBearing());
302 }
304 /**
305 * Returns the angle (in radians) the screen has been turned anticlockwise from landscape
306 * position. e.g. 0 means the phone is landscape, -pi/2 means the phone is portrait.
307 */
308 public float getScreenAngle() {
309 return (float) -Math.atan2(gyroMatrix[7], gyroMatrix[6]);
310 }
312 /**
313 * Returns the angle (in degrees) the screen has been turned anticlockwise from landscape
314 * position. e.g. 0 means the phone is landscape, -90 means the phone is portrait.
315 */
316 public float getScreenAngleDegrees() {
317 return (float) Math.toDegrees(getScreenAngle());
318 }
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