source: other-projects/trunk/7z-ant/src/SevenZip/ 17387

Last change on this file since 17387 was 17387, checked in by oranfry, 16 years ago

Modified ant task which works with the updated 7zip API

File size: 9.6 KB
1package SevenZip;
7public class LzmaBench
9 static final int kAdditionalSize = (1 << 21);
10 static final int kCompressedAdditionalSize = (1 << 10);
12 static class CRandomGenerator
13 {
14 int A1;
15 int A2;
16 public CRandomGenerator() { Init(); }
17 public void Init() { A1 = 362436069; A2 = 521288629; }
18 public int GetRnd()
19 {
20 return
21 ((A1 = 36969 * (A1 & 0xffff) + (A1 >>> 16)) << 16) ^
22 ((A2 = 18000 * (A2 & 0xffff) + (A2 >>> 16)));
23 }
24 };
26 static class CBitRandomGenerator
27 {
28 CRandomGenerator RG = new CRandomGenerator();
29 int Value;
30 int NumBits;
31 public void Init()
32 {
33 Value = 0;
34 NumBits = 0;
35 }
36 public int GetRnd(int numBits)
37 {
38 int result;
39 if (NumBits > numBits)
40 {
41 result = Value & ((1 << numBits) - 1);
42 Value >>>= numBits;
43 NumBits -= numBits;
44 return result;
45 }
46 numBits -= NumBits;
47 result = (Value << numBits);
48 Value = RG.GetRnd();
49 result |= Value & (((int)1 << numBits) - 1);
50 Value >>>= numBits;
51 NumBits = 32 - numBits;
52 return result;
53 }
54 };
56 static class CBenchRandomGenerator
57 {
58 CBitRandomGenerator RG = new CBitRandomGenerator();
59 int Pos;
60 int Rep0;
62 public int BufferSize;
63 public byte[] Buffer = null;
65 public CBenchRandomGenerator() { }
66 public void Set(int bufferSize)
67 {
68 Buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
69 Pos = 0;
70 BufferSize = bufferSize;
71 }
72 int GetRndBit() { return RG.GetRnd(1); }
73 int GetLogRandBits(int numBits)
74 {
75 int len = RG.GetRnd(numBits);
76 return RG.GetRnd((int)len);
77 }
78 int GetOffset()
79 {
80 if (GetRndBit() == 0)
81 return GetLogRandBits(4);
82 return (GetLogRandBits(4) << 10) | RG.GetRnd(10);
83 }
84 int GetLen1() { return RG.GetRnd(1 + (int)RG.GetRnd(2)); }
85 int GetLen2() { return RG.GetRnd(2 + (int)RG.GetRnd(2)); }
86 public void Generate()
87 {
88 RG.Init();
89 Rep0 = 1;
90 while (Pos < BufferSize)
91 {
92 if (GetRndBit() == 0 || Pos < 1)
93 Buffer[Pos++] = (byte)(RG.GetRnd(8));
94 else
95 {
96 int len;
97 if (RG.GetRnd(3) == 0)
98 len = 1 + GetLen1();
99 else
100 {
101 do
102 Rep0 = GetOffset();
103 while (Rep0 >= Pos);
104 Rep0++;
105 len = 2 + GetLen2();
106 }
107 for (int i = 0; i < len && Pos < BufferSize; i++, Pos++)
108 Buffer[Pos] = Buffer[Pos - Rep0];
109 }
110 }
111 }
112 };
114 static class CrcOutStream extends
115 {
116 public CRC CRC = new CRC();
118 public void Init()
119 {
120 CRC.Init();
121 }
122 public int GetDigest()
123 {
124 return CRC.GetDigest();
125 }
126 public void write(byte[] b)
127 {
128 CRC.Update(b);
129 }
130 public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
131 {
132 CRC.Update(b, off, len);
133 }
134 public void write(int b)
135 {
136 CRC.UpdateByte(b);
137 }
138 };
140 static class MyOutputStream extends
141 {
142 byte[] _buffer;
143 int _size;
144 int _pos;
146 public MyOutputStream(byte[] buffer)
147 {
148 _buffer = buffer;
149 _size = _buffer.length;
150 }
152 public void reset()
153 {
154 _pos = 0;
155 }
157 public void write(int b) throws IOException
158 {
159 if (_pos >= _size)
160 throw new IOException("Error");
161 _buffer[_pos++] = (byte)b;
162 }
164 public int size()
165 {
166 return _pos;
167 }
168 };
170 static class MyInputStream extends
171 {
172 byte[] _buffer;
173 int _size;
174 int _pos;
176 public MyInputStream(byte[] buffer, int size)
177 {
178 _buffer = buffer;
179 _size = size;
180 }
182 public void reset()
183 {
184 _pos = 0;
185 }
187 public int read()
188 {
189 if (_pos >= _size)
190 return -1;
191 return _buffer[_pos++] & 0xFF;
192 }
193 };
195 static class CProgressInfo implements ICodeProgress
196 {
197 public long ApprovedStart;
198 public long InSize;
199 public long Time;
200 public void Init()
201 { InSize = 0; }
202 public void SetProgress(long inSize, long outSize)
203 {
204 if (inSize >= ApprovedStart && InSize == 0)
205 {
206 Time = System.currentTimeMillis();
207 InSize = inSize;
208 }
209 }
210 }
211 static final int kSubBits = 8;
213 static int GetLogSize(int size)
214 {
215 for (int i = kSubBits; i < 32; i++)
216 for (int j = 0; j < (1 << kSubBits); j++)
217 if (size <= ((1) << i) + (j << (i - kSubBits)))
218 return (i << kSubBits) + j;
219 return (32 << kSubBits);
220 }
222 static long MyMultDiv64(long value, long elapsedTime)
223 {
224 long freq = 1000; // ms
225 long elTime = elapsedTime;
226 while (freq > 1000000)
227 {
228 freq >>>= 1;
229 elTime >>>= 1;
230 }
231 if (elTime == 0)
232 elTime = 1;
233 return value * freq / elTime;
234 }
236 static long GetCompressRating(int dictionarySize, long elapsedTime, long size)
237 {
238 long t = GetLogSize(dictionarySize) - (18 << kSubBits);
239 long numCommandsForOne = 1060 + ((t * t * 10) >> (2 * kSubBits));
240 long numCommands = (long)(size) * numCommandsForOne;
241 return MyMultDiv64(numCommands, elapsedTime);
242 }
244 static long GetDecompressRating(long elapsedTime, long outSize, long inSize)
245 {
246 long numCommands = inSize * 220 + outSize * 20;
247 return MyMultDiv64(numCommands, elapsedTime);
248 }
250 static long GetTotalRating(
251 int dictionarySize,
252 long elapsedTimeEn, long sizeEn,
253 long elapsedTimeDe,
254 long inSizeDe, long outSizeDe)
255 {
256 return (GetCompressRating(dictionarySize, elapsedTimeEn, sizeEn) +
257 GetDecompressRating(elapsedTimeDe, inSizeDe, outSizeDe)) / 2;
258 }
260 static void PrintValue(long v)
261 {
262 String s = "";
263 s += v;
264 for (int i = 0; i + s.length() < 6; i++)
265 System.out.print(" ");
266 System.out.print(s);
267 }
269 static void PrintRating(long rating)
270 {
271 PrintValue(rating / 1000000);
272 System.out.print(" MIPS");
273 }
275 static void PrintResults(
276 int dictionarySize,
277 long elapsedTime,
278 long size,
279 boolean decompressMode, long secondSize)
280 {
281 long speed = MyMultDiv64(size, elapsedTime);
282 PrintValue(speed / 1024);
283 System.out.print(" KB/s ");
284 long rating;
285 if (decompressMode)
286 rating = GetDecompressRating(elapsedTime, size, secondSize);
287 else
288 rating = GetCompressRating(dictionarySize, elapsedTime, size);
289 PrintRating(rating);
290 }
292 static public int LzmaBenchmark(int numIterations, int dictionarySize) throws Exception
293 {
294 if (numIterations <= 0)
295 return 0;
296 if (dictionarySize < (1 << 18))
297 {
298 System.out.println("\nError: dictionary size for benchmark must be >= 18 (256 KB)");
299 return 1;
300 }
301 System.out.print("\n Compressing Decompressing\n\n");
303 SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.Encoder encoder = new SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.Encoder();
304 SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.Decoder decoder = new SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.Decoder();
306 if (!encoder.SetDictionarySize(dictionarySize))
307 throw new Exception("Incorrect dictionary size");
309 int kBufferSize = dictionarySize + kAdditionalSize;
310 int kCompressedBufferSize = (kBufferSize / 2) + kCompressedAdditionalSize;
312 ByteArrayOutputStream propStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
313 encoder.WriteCoderProperties(propStream);
314 byte[] propArray = propStream.toByteArray();
315 decoder.SetDecoderProperties(propArray);
317 CBenchRandomGenerator rg = new CBenchRandomGenerator();
319 rg.Set(kBufferSize);
320 rg.Generate();
321 CRC crc = new CRC();
322 crc.Init();
323 crc.Update(rg.Buffer, 0, rg.BufferSize);
325 CProgressInfo progressInfo = new CProgressInfo();
326 progressInfo.ApprovedStart = dictionarySize;
328 long totalBenchSize = 0;
329 long totalEncodeTime = 0;
330 long totalDecodeTime = 0;
331 long totalCompressedSize = 0;
333 MyInputStream inStream = new MyInputStream(rg.Buffer, rg.BufferSize);
335 byte[] compressedBuffer = new byte[kCompressedBufferSize];
336 MyOutputStream compressedStream = new MyOutputStream(compressedBuffer);
337 CrcOutStream crcOutStream = new CrcOutStream();
338 MyInputStream inputCompressedStream = null;
339 int compressedSize = 0;
340 for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
341 {
342 progressInfo.Init();
343 inStream.reset();
344 compressedStream.reset();
345 encoder.Code(inStream, compressedStream, -1, -1, progressInfo);
346 long encodeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - progressInfo.Time;
348 if (i == 0)
349 {
350 compressedSize = compressedStream.size();
351 inputCompressedStream = new MyInputStream(compressedBuffer, compressedSize);
352 }
353 else if (compressedSize != compressedStream.size())
354 throw (new Exception("Encoding error"));
356 if (progressInfo.InSize == 0)
357 throw (new Exception("Internal ERROR 1282"));
359 long decodeTime = 0;
360 for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
361 {
362 inputCompressedStream.reset();
363 crcOutStream.Init();
365 long outSize = kBufferSize;
366 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
367 if (!decoder.Code(inputCompressedStream, crcOutStream, outSize))
368 throw (new Exception("Decoding Error"));;
369 decodeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
370 if (crcOutStream.GetDigest() != crc.GetDigest())
371 throw (new Exception("CRC Error"));
372 }
373 long benchSize = kBufferSize - (long)progressInfo.InSize;
374 PrintResults(dictionarySize, encodeTime, benchSize, false, 0);
375 System.out.print(" ");
376 PrintResults(dictionarySize, decodeTime, kBufferSize, true, compressedSize);
377 System.out.println();
379 totalBenchSize += benchSize;
380 totalEncodeTime += encodeTime;
381 totalDecodeTime += decodeTime;
382 totalCompressedSize += compressedSize;
383 }
384 System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------");
385 PrintResults(dictionarySize, totalEncodeTime, totalBenchSize, false, 0);
386 System.out.print(" ");
387 PrintResults(dictionarySize, totalDecodeTime,
388 kBufferSize * (long)numIterations, true, totalCompressedSize);
389 System.out.println(" Average");
390 return 0;
391 }
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