source: other-projects/trunk/gs3-release-maker/tasks/sshtaskdef/src/mindbright/ssh/ 14627

Last change on this file since 14627 was 14627, checked in by oranfry, 17 years ago

initial import of the gs3-release-maker

File size: 13.3 KB
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 1998,99 by Mindbright Technology AB, Stockholm, Sweden.
4 *, [email protected]
5 *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 *****************************************************************************
17 * $Author: mats $
18 * $Date: 2000/03/07 16:44:34 $
19 * $Name: rel1-2-1 $
20 *****************************************************************************/
21package mindbright.ssh;
24import java.awt.*;
26import mindbright.terminal.*;
29public final class SSHCommandShellImpl implements SSHCommandShell {
31 static Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
33 SSHStdIO stdio;
35 int escapeIdx;
36 String escapeString = "~$";
38 public void setStdIO(SSHStdIO stdio) {
39 this.stdio = stdio;
40 }
42 // One hell of a kludge all this... (a bit better now at least...)
43 //
44 public String getNextArg(String args) {
45 int i = args.indexOf(' ');
46 if(i > -1)
47 args = args.substring(0, i);
48 return args;
49 }
50 public String[] makeArgv(String cmdLine) {
51 String[] argv = new String[32];
52 String[] argvRet;
53 int n = 0, i;
54 while(cmdLine != null) {
55 argv[n++] = getNextArg(cmdLine);
56 i = cmdLine.indexOf(' ');
57 if(i > -1) {
58 cmdLine = cmdLine.substring(i);
59 cmdLine = cmdLine.trim();
60 } else
61 cmdLine = null;
62 }
63 argvRet = new String[n];
64 System.arraycopy(argv, 0, argvRet, 0, n);
65 return argvRet;
66 }
67 public void doHelp() {
68 stdio.println("The following commands are available:");
69 stdio.println("");
70 stdio.println("go Start SSH-session with current settings.");
71 stdio.println("quit Quit program (or disconnect if connected).");
72 stdio.println("add <l|r> [/<plug>/]<port>:<host>:<port> (see below).");
73 stdio.println("del l <local-host>:<listen-port>|* Delete local forward (* = all).");
74 stdio.println("del r <listen-port>|* Delete remote forward (* = all).");
75 stdio.println("list [ssh | term] Lists ssh- and/or terminal-settings.");
76 stdio.println("set [<parameter> <value>] Set value of a ssh-parameter.");
77 stdio.println("tset [<parameter> <value>] Set value of a terminal-parameter.");
78 stdio.println("key [<bits>] Generate RSA key-pair (of length <bits>).");
79 stdio.println("help Display this list, but you knew that :-).");
80 stdio.println("");
81 stdio.println("(do 'set' without arguments to list parameter-usage)");
82 stdio.println("");
83 stdio.println("Examples of adding a remote/local tunnel:");
84 stdio.println("> add r Adds a remote tunnel at port 4711 back to");
85 stdio.println(" port 80 without a plugin,");
86 stdio.println(" i.e. default tunneling behaviour.");
87 stdio.println("> add l /ftp/ Adds a local tunnel going to");
88 stdio.println(" port 21 using the ftp protocol-plugin to");
89 stdio.println(" handle protocol specific needs.");
90 stdio.println("");
91 stdio.println("NOTE: The first character of the command can be used instead of the full word.");
92 stdio.println("");
93 }
94 public void doHelpSet() {
95 int i;
96 stdio.println("SSH-parameters:");
97 stdio.println("");
98 for(i = 0; i < stdio.client.propsHandler.defaultPropDesc.length; i++) {
99 stdio.println(stdio.client.propsHandler.defaultPropDesc[i][stdio.client.propsHandler.PROP_NAME] + "\t: " +
100 stdio.client.propsHandler.defaultPropDesc[i][stdio.client.propsHandler.PROP_DESC]);
101 }
102 stdio.println("(to see possible parameter-values use 'list')");
103 }
104 public void doHelpTSet() {
105 int i;
106 stdio.println("Terminal-parameters:");
107 stdio.println("");
108 for(i = 0; i < TerminalDefProps.defaultPropDesc.length; i++) {
109 stdio.println(TerminalDefProps.defaultPropDesc[i][TerminalDefProps.PROP_NAME] + "\t: " +
110 TerminalDefProps.defaultPropDesc[i][TerminalDefProps.PROP_DESC]);
111 }
112 stdio.println("(to see possible parameter-values use 'list')");
113 }
114 public void doAdd(String[] argv) {
115 if(argv.length < 3 || (!argv[1].equals("l") && !argv[1].equals("r")))
116 doHelp();
117 else {
118 try {
119 if(argv[1].equals("l"))
120 stdio.client.propsHandler.setProperty("local" + stdio.client.localForwards.size(), argv[2]);
121 else
122 stdio.client.propsHandler.setProperty("remote" + stdio.client.remoteForwards.size(), argv[2]);
123 } catch (Exception e) {
124 doHelp();
125 }
126 }
127 }
128 public void doDel(String[] argv) {
129 if(argv.length < 3 || (!argv[1].equals("l") && !argv[1].equals("r")))
130 doHelp();
131 else {
132 try {
133 int port;
134 if(argv[2].equals("*"))
135 port = -1;
136 if(argv[1].equals("l")) {
137 int d = argv[2].indexOf(':');
138 String host;
139 host = argv[2].substring(0, d);
140 port = Integer.parseInt(argv[2].substring(d + 1));
141 stdio.client.delLocalPortForward(host, port);
142 } else {
143 port = Integer.parseInt(argv[2]);
144 stdio.client.delRemotePortForward(port);
145 }
146 } catch (Exception e) {
147 doHelp();
148 }
149 }
150 }
151 public void doListSSH() {
152 int i;
153 stdio.println("");
154 if(stdio.term != null)
155 stdio.term.setAttribute(Terminal.ATTR_BOLD, true);
156 stdio.println("SSH settings:");
157 if(stdio.term != null)
158 stdio.term.setAttribute(Terminal.ATTR_BOLD, false);
160 for(i = 0; i < stdio.client.propsHandler.defaultPropDesc.length; i++) {
161 String propName = stdio.client.propsHandler.defaultPropDesc[i][stdio.client.propsHandler.PROP_NAME];
162 String propVal = stdio.client.propsHandler.getProperty(propName);
163 stdio.println(propName + "\t: " + (propVal.equals("") ? "<not set>" : propVal) + " " +
164 stdio.client.propsHandler.defaultPropDesc[i][stdio.client.propsHandler.PROP_ALLOWED]);
165 }
167 stdio.println("");
168 stdio.println("local tunnels:");
169 for(i = 0; i < stdio.client.localForwards.size(); i++) {
170 SSHClient.LocalForward fwd = (SSHClient.LocalForward) stdio.client.localForwards.elementAt(i);
171 stdio.println("\tlocal: " + fwd.localPort + "\tremote: " + fwd.remoteHost + "/" +
172 fwd.remotePort + " (plugin: " + fwd.plugin + ")");
173 }
174 if(i == 0)
175 stdio.println("\t<none>");
176 stdio.println("remote tunnels:");
177 for(i = 0; i < stdio.client.remoteForwards.size(); i++) {
178 SSHClient.RemoteForward fwd = (SSHClient.RemoteForward) stdio.client.remoteForwards.elementAt(i);
179 stdio.println("\tremote: " + fwd.remotePort + "\tlocal: " + fwd.localHost + "/" +
180 fwd.localPort + " (plugin: " + fwd.plugin + ")");
181 }
182 if(i == 0)
183 stdio.println("\t<none>");
184 stdio.println("");
186 if(stdio.client.isOpened()) {
187 if(stdio.term != null)
188 stdio.term.setAttribute(Terminal.ATTR_BOLD, true);
189 stdio.println("Currently active tunnels:");
190 if(stdio.term != null)
191 stdio.term.setAttribute(Terminal.ATTR_BOLD, false);
192 String[] list = stdio.controller.listTunnels();
193 if(list.length == 0)
194 stdio.print("\t<none>");
195 else {
196 for(i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
197 stdio.println("\t" + list[i]);
198 }
199 stdio.println("");
200 }
201 }
203 public void doListTerm() {
204 int i;
205 stdio.println("");
207 if(stdio.term != null) {
208 TerminalWin termwin = (TerminalWin)stdio.term;
209 stdio.term.setAttribute(Terminal.ATTR_BOLD, true);
210 stdio.println("Terminal settings:");
211 stdio.term.setAttribute(Terminal.ATTR_BOLD, false);
213 for(i = 0; i < TerminalDefProps.defaultPropDesc.length; i++) {
214 String propName = TerminalDefProps.defaultPropDesc[i][TerminalDefProps.PROP_NAME];
215 stdio.println(propName + "\t: " + termwin.getProperty(propName) + " " +
216 TerminalDefProps.defaultPropDesc[i][TerminalDefProps.PROP_ALLOWED]);
217 }
219 stdio.println("");
220 }
221 }
223 public void doSet(String[] argv) {
224 if(argv.length < 3) {
225 doHelpSet();
226 } else {
227 try {
228 String prm = argv[1];
229 String arg = argv[2];
230 stdio.client.propsHandler.setProperty(prm, arg);
231 } catch (Exception e) {
232 stdio.println(e.getMessage());
233 stdio.println("(use 'set' without parameters to get help on available parameters)");
234 }
235 }
236 }
237 public void doTSet(String[] argv) {
238 if(argv.length < 3) {
239 doHelpTSet();
240 } else {
241 String prm = argv[1];
242 String arg = argv[2];
243 TerminalWin termwin = null;
244 if(stdio.term instanceof TerminalWin)
245 termwin = (TerminalWin)stdio.term;
246 if(termwin != null) {
247 try {
248 termwin.setProperty(prm, arg);
249 } catch (Exception e) {
250 stdio.println(e.getMessage());
251 stdio.println("(use 'tset' without parameters to get help on available parameters)");
252 }
253 } else {
254 stdio.println("Can't set terminal-parameters in dumb-console mode.");
255 }
256 }
257 }
258 public void doGenKey(String[] argv) {
259 String fileName, passwd, comment;
260 KeyPair kp;
261 int bits = 1024;
263 stdio.println("");
265 if(argv.length > 1) {
266 try {
267 bits = Integer.parseInt(argv[1]);
268 } catch(Exception e) {
269 stdio.println("(invalid <bits>, using default 1024)");
270 }
271 }
273 try {
274 stdio.println("The key-pair will be stored in a file with the name you enter.");
275 stdio.println("Files are stored in '" + stdio.client.propsHandler.getSSHHomeDir() + "' if no path is given.");
276 stdio.println("(note: the public key will also be stored in a file with ext. '.pub')");
277 fileName = stdio.promptLine("Filename to save identity in: " , "", false);
278 if(!fileName.startsWith(File.separator))
279 fileName = stdio.client.propsHandler.getSSHHomeDir() + fileName;
280 do {
281 passwd = stdio.promptLine("Password to protect private key: " , "", true);
282 } while(!passwd.equals(stdio.promptLine("Password again: " , "", true)));
283 comment = stdio.promptLine("Comment to store in key-files: " , "", false);
284 stdio.print("Generating identity of length " + bits + "...");
285 try {
286 Thread.sleep(100); // !!! let the text show... (?)
287 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
288 // !!!
289 }
290 kp = SSH.generateRSAKeyPair(bits, SSH.secureRandom());
291 stdio.println("done");
292 String pks = SSH.generateKeyFiles(kp, fileName, passwd, comment);
293 stdio.setSelection(pks);
294 stdio.selectionAvailable(true);
295 } catch (Exception ee) {
296 stdio.println("An error occured while generating key...");
297 }
298 stdio.println("");
299 }
301 public boolean doCommandShell() {
302 boolean retVal = true;
303 stdio.println("");
304 stdio.println("...entering local command-shell (type 'h' for help).");
305 stdio.println("");
306 try {
307 boolean keepRunning = true;
308 String[] argv;
309 while(keepRunning) {
310 String cmdLine = stdio.promptLine("mindterm> ", null, false);
311 String cmd;
312 cmdLine = cmdLine.toLowerCase();
313 cmdLine = cmdLine.trim();
314 if(cmdLine.equals(""))
315 continue;
316 argv = makeArgv(cmdLine);
317 cmd = argv[0];
318 if(cmd.equals("l") || cmd.equals("list")) {
319 if(argv.length > 1) {
320 if(argv[1].equals("ssh") || argv[1].equals("term")) {
321 if(argv[1].equals("ssh"))
322 doListSSH();
323 else
324 doListTerm();
325 stdio.println("(permitted values are in parentheses on the right)");
326 stdio.println("");
327 } else
328 stdio.println("usage: 'list [ssh | term]'");
329 } else {
330 doListSSH();
331 doListTerm();
332 stdio.println("(permitted values are in parentheses on the right)");
333 stdio.println("");
334 }
335 } else if(cmd.equals("a") || cmd.equals("add")) {
336 doAdd(argv);
337 } else if(cmd.equals("d") || cmd.equals("del")) {
338 doDel(argv);
339 } else if(cmd.equals("s") || cmd.equals("set")) {
340 doSet(argv);
341 } else if(cmd.equals("t") || cmd.equals("ts") || cmd.equals("tset")) {
342 doTSet(argv);
343 } else if(cmd.equals("help") || cmd.equals("?") || cmd.equals("h")) {
344 doHelp();
345 } else if(cmd.equals("go") || cmd.equals("g")) {
346 retVal = true;
347 keepRunning = false;
348 } else if(cmd.equals("key")) {
349 doGenKey(argv);
350 } else if(cmd.equals("q") || cmd.equals("quit")) {
351 retVal = false;
352 keepRunning = false;
353 } else {
354 doHelp();
355 }
356 }
357 } catch (SSHStdIO.CtrlDPressedException e) {
358 retVal = true;
359 } catch (Exception e) {
360 retVal = false;
361 }
362 return retVal;
363 }
365 public void launchCommandShell() {
366 (new Thread(new Runnable() {
367 public void run() {
368 stdio.isConnected = false;
369 if(!doCommandShell()) {
370 stdio.controller.sendDisconnect("exit");
371 } else {
372 stdio.isConnected = true;
373 try {
374 stdio.typedChar((char)0x0c);
375 } catch (IOException e) {
376 // !!!
377 }
378 }
379 }
380 })).start();
381 }
383 public boolean escapeSequenceTyped(char c) {
384 if(c == escapeString.charAt(escapeIdx))
385 escapeIdx++;
386 else
387 escapeIdx = 0;
388 if(escapeIdx == escapeString.length()) {
389 escapeIdx = 0;
390 return true;
391 }
392 return false;
393 }
395 public String escapeString() {
396 return escapeString;
397 }
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