source: release-kits/shared/ant-installer/web/installertask.html@ 15330

Last change on this file since 15330 was 14982, checked in by oranfry, 16 years ago

initial import of LiRK3

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59 <h2>Installer Ant Task</h2>
61 As of version beta0.7.4 there is an Ant task provided to help create the installer Jars.
62 The task def is provided in the <code>lib/ant-installer-ext.jar</code> file.<br/>
63 The Task is similar to the core Ant Jar and War tasks.
64 To define the task use the following at the top of a <code>build.xml</code> used to create the installer.
67&lt;path id="taskdef.cp"&gt;
68 &lt;fileset dir="${AntInstaller.home}"&gt;
69 &lt;include name="ant-installer-ext.jar"/&gt;
70 &lt;include name="ant-installer.jar"/&gt;
71 &lt;/fileset&gt;
75 name="installer"
76 classname="org.tp23.antinstaller.taskdefs.Installer"
77 classpathref="taskdef.cp"/&gt;
80From there on in the <code>build.xml</code> file the installer task can be referenced with the <code>installer</code> element.
81This example should be self explanatory, but full details are provided below for each attribute.
84 <a href="#file" title="file">file</a>="./MyProject-installer.jar"
85 <a href="#compress" title="compress">compress</a>="true"
86 <a href="#extractType" title="extractType">extractType</a>="SelfExtractor"
87 <a href="#installConfig" title="installConfig">installConfig</a>="myprojects-antinstall-config.xml"
88 <a href="#buildFile" title="buildFile">buildFile</a>="myprojects-build.xml"
89 <a href="#antInstallLib" title="antInstallLib">antInstallLib</a>="${AntInstaller.home}/lib"
90 <a href="#antLib" title="antLib">antLib</a>="${AntInstaller.home}/antlib"
91 <a href="#validateConfig" title="validateConfig">validateConfig</a>="true"
92 <a href="#failOnError" title="failOnError">failOnError</a>="true"
93 <a href="#icons" title="icons">icons</a>="<a href="icons.html" title="icons">bluecurve</a>"&gt;
94 &lt;!--
95 include the images for your installer
96 and license texts
97 --&gt;
98 &lt;fileset dir="extra-install-classpath" includes="resources/*"/&gt;
100 &lt;!--
101 add you application binaries and resources
102 to the installer here, for example
103 --&gt;
104 &lt;fileset dir="myproject" includes="myproject.jar"/&gt;
105 &lt;fileset dir="myproject" includes=""/&gt;
106 &lt;fileset dir="myproject" includes="mydefaultdata/*"/&gt;
113<h2><a name="war">Installer</a></h2>
115<p>An extension of the <a href="jar.html">Jar</a> task for creating
117<p>This task will correctly package the AntInstaller classes, the Ant classes,
118the antinstall-config.xml, the build.xml file, the default LookAndFeel classes, the button icons
119and create the required to execute the Jar.</p>
120<p>Nested filesets should
121be used to specify other resources required by the install (e.g. License.txt)
122and the files required to run the application being installed. </p>
124<p>The extended zipfileset element from the zip task (with attributes <i>prefix</i>, <i>fullpath</i>, and <i>src</i>) is available in the Installer task.</p>
127<table class="manual" cellspacing="0">
129 <tr class="tpheader">
130 <th class="manual2">Attribute</th>
132 <th class="manual2">Description</th>
133 <th class="manual2">Required</th>
134 </tr>
135 <tr>
136 <td valign="top"><a name="file"></a>file</td>
137 <td valign="top">the JAR file to create.</td>
138 <td align="center" valign="top">Yes</td>
139 </tr>
140 <tr>
141 <td valign="top"><a name="buildFile"></a>buildFile</td>
142 <td valign="top">The build.xml file to use when AntInstaller is run.</td>
143 <td valign="top" align="center">Yes, unless update is set to true</td>
144 </tr>
145 <tr>
146 <td valign="top"><a name="installConfig"></a>installConfig</td>
147 <td valign="top">The antinstall-config.xml file to use when AntInstaller is run.</td>
148 <td valign="top" align="center">Yes, unless update is set to true</td>
149 </tr>
150 <tr>
151 <td valign="top"><a name="extractType"></a>extractType</td>
152 <td valign="top">Either NonExtractor or SelfExtractor.</td>
153 <td valign="top" align="center">Yes</td>
154 </tr>
155 <tr>
156 <td valign="top"><a name="antInstallLib"></a>antInstallLib</td>
157 <td valign="top">The location of the AntInstaller jars.</td>
158 <td valign="top" align="center">Yes</td>
159 </tr>
160 <tr>
161 <td valign="top"><a name="antLib"></a>antLib</td>
162 <td valign="top">The location of the Ant jars. N.B. Ant 1.6.2 or above is required.</td>
163 <td valign="top" align="center">Yes</td>
164 </tr>
165 <tr>
166 <td valign="top"><a name="icons"></a>icons</td>
167 <td valign="top">The <a href="icons.html">icon set to be used</a>. One of bluecurve, crystalsvg, amaranth, krystaline or eclipse, new icons can be created and should be packed into a Jar with the name ai-icons-[name].jar with the png files in the resources/icons directory inside the jar.</td>
168 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
169 </tr>
170 <tr>
171 <td valign="top"><a name="validateConfig"></a>validateConfig</td>
172 <td valign="top">when true the AntInstaller config file is validated and errors and
173 warnings are printed to System.out, defaults to false</td>
174 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
175 </tr>
176 <tr>
177 <td valign="top"><a name="failOnError"></a>failOnError</td>
178 <td valign="top">if a known error is found during validation the build will stop.</td>
179 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
180 </tr>
181 <tr>
182 <td valign="top"><a name="basedir"></a>basedir</td>
183 <td valign="top">the directory from which to jar the files.</td>
184 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
185 </tr>
186 <tr>
187 <td valign="top"><a name="compress"></a>compress</td>
188 <td valign="top">Not only store data but also compress them,
189 defaults to true. Unless you set the <em>keepcompression</em>
190 attribute to false, this will apply to the entire archive, not
191 only the files you've added while updating.</td>
192 <td align="center" valign="top">No</td>
193 </tr>
194 <tr>
195 <td valign="top"><a name="keepcompression"></a>keepcompression</td>
196 <td valign="top">For entries coming from existing archives (like
197 nested <em>zipfileset</em>s or while updating the archive), keep
198 the compression as it has been originally instead of using the
199 <em>compress</em> attribute. Defaults false.</td>
200 <td align="center" valign="top">No</td>
201 </tr>
202 <tr>
203 <td valign="top"><a name="encoding"></a>encoding</td>
204 <td valign="top">The character encoding to use for filenames
205 inside the archive. Defaults to UTF8. <strong>It is not
206 recommended to change this value as the created archive will most
207 likely be unreadable for Java otherwise.</strong></td>
208 <td align="center" valign="top">No</td>
209 </tr>
210 <tr>
211 <td valign="top"><a name="filesonly"></a>filesonly</td>
212 <td valign="top">Store only file entries, defaults to false</td>
213 <td align="center" valign="top">No</td>
214 </tr>
215 <tr>
217 <td valign="top"><a name="includes"></a>includes</td>
218 <td valign="top">comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be
219 included. All files are included when omitted.</td>
220 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
221 </tr>
222 <tr>
223 <td valign="top"><a name="includesfile"></a>includesfile</td>
224 <td valign="top">the name of a file. Each line of this file is
225 taken to be an include pattern</td>
226 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
227 </tr>
228 <tr>
229 <td valign="top"><a name="excludes"></a>excludes</td>
230 <td valign="top">comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be
231 excluded. No files (except default excludes) are excluded when omitted.</td>
232 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
233 </tr>
234 <tr>
235 <td valign="top"><a name="excludesfile"></a>excludesfile</td>
236 <td valign="top">the name of a file. Each line of this file is
237 taken to be an exclude pattern</td>
238 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
239 </tr>
240 <tr>
241 <td valign="top"><a name="defaultexcludes"></a>defaultexcludes</td>
242 <td valign="top">indicates whether default excludes should be used or not
243 (&quot;yes&quot;/&quot;no&quot;). Default excludes are used when omitted.</td>
244 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
245 </tr>
246 <tr>
247 <td valign="top"><a name="manifest"></a>manifest</td>
248 <td valign="top">The manifest file to use if you wish to manually set the MANIFEST.MF (not recommended).</td>
249 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
250 </tr>
251 <tr>
252 <td valign="top"><a name="update"></a>update</td>
253 <td valign="top">indicates whether to update or overwrite
254 the destination file if it already exists. Default is &quot;false&quot;.</td>
255 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
256 </tr>
257 <tr>
258 <td valign="top"><a name="duplicate"></a>duplicate</td>
259 <td valign="top">behavior when a duplicate file is found. Valid values are &quot;add&quot;, &quot;preserve&quot;, and &quot;fail&quot;. The default value is &quot;add&quot;. </td>
260 <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
261 </tr>
265<p align="center">Copyright &copy; 2000-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
268(lifted and altered from the WAR document)</p>
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