#include #include #include #include using namespace std; void replace_all ( std::string & str, std::string const & pattern, std::string const & replacement ) { std::string::size_type start = str.find( pattern, 0 ); while ( start != str.npos ) { str.replace( start, pattern.size(), replacement ); start = str.find( pattern, start+replacement.size() ); } } void show_help() { cout << "Wirk2 - Windows Release Kit for Greenstone2" << endl; cout << "Helps you to create releases from the Repository" << endl << endl; cout << "usage: wirk2 [args]" << endl; cout << " -sim" << endl; cout << " simulation only, don't actually do anything" << endl << endl; cout << " -help" << endl; cout << " show this help screen" << endl << endl; cout << " -from " << endl; cout << " start execution from the target with the given target address" << endl << endl; cout << " -to " << endl; cout << " stop execution just before the target with the given target address" << endl << endl; cout << " -descend " << endl; cout << " execute only the target with the given address, including subtargets" << endl << endl; cout << " -cp" << endl; cout << " show the classpath being used by wirk2" << endl << endl; } int main(int argc, char** argv ) { string classpath, command; //influential environment variables string JAVA_HOME = getenv( "JAVA_HOME" ); string WIRK2_HOME = getenv( "WIRK2_HOME" ); //string PWD = getenv( "CD" ); //get the pwd string pwd; system( "CD > cd.dat" ); ifstream file( "cd.dat" ) ; getline(file, pwd); file.close(); system( "del cd.dat" ); //set the classpath classpath = pwd + "\\installer\\classes;" + JAVA_HOME + "\\lib\\tools.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\lib\\serializer.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\lib\\xalan.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\lib\\xercesImpl.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\lib\\xml-apis.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-antlr.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-apache-bcel.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-apache-bsf.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-apache-log4j.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-apache-oro.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-apache-regexp.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-apache-resolver.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-commons-logging.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-commons-net.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-icontract.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-jai.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-javamail.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-jdepend.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-jmf.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-jsch.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-junit.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-launcher.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-netrexx.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-nodeps.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-starteam.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-stylebook.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-swing.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-trax.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-vaj.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-weblogic.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-xalan1.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\ant-xslp.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\xercesImpl.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\lib\\xml-apis.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\lib\\ai-icons-amaranth.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\lib\\ai-icons-bluecurve.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\lib\\ai-icons-crystalsvg.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\lib\\ai-icons-eclipse.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\lib\\ai-icons-krystaline.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\lib\\ant-installer-ext.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\lib\\ant-installer.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\lib\\jgoodies-edited-1_2_2.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\lib\\xercesImpl.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\lib\\xml-apis.jar;" + WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant-installer\\classes"; putenv( ("CLASSPATH=" + classpath).c_str() ); //check that it worked //string changed_classpath = getenv("CLASSPATH"); //cout << "classpath: " << changed_classpath << endl; //create the command command = WIRK2_HOME + "\\packages\\ant\\bin\\ant.bat -f " + WIRK2_HOME + "\\ant-scripts\\build.xml -addressing -Dwirk2.home=" + WIRK2_HOME; //pass on the arguments string a; bool simMode = false; for ( int i=0; i < argc; i++ ) { a = argv[i]; if ( a.compare("-help") == 0 || a.compare("--help") == 0 ) { show_help(); return 0; } else if ( a.compare("-cp") == 0 || a.compare("--cp") == 0 ) { cout << classpath; return 0; } else if ( a.compare("-sim") == 0) { command = command + " " + a; simMode = true; } else { command = command + " " + a; } } //create directories if ( !simMode ) { system( "IF NOT EXIST installer\\classes MKDIR installer\\classes" ); } //use forward slashes for everything else //replace_all( pwd, "\\", "/" ); //set the basedir in the command command = command + " -Dbasedir="; command = command + pwd; //command = command + "."; cout << "O-----------------------------------------O" << endl << "| |" << endl << "| WiRK2 |" << endl << "| Windows Release Kit for Greenstone2 |" << endl << "| |" << endl << "O-----------------------------------------O" << endl ; cout << "pwd: " << pwd << endl; cout << "command: " << command << endl; system( command.c_str() ); return 0; }