@echo off :: -------- Clean up the Greenstone Librarian Interface directory -------- :: This script must be run from within the directory in which it lives if exist clean.bat goto cleanGLI echo This script must be run from the directory in which it resides. goto exit :cleanGLI :: ---- Remove class files ---- echo. echo Removing the Greenstone Librarian Interface class files... cd classes\org\greenstone\gatherer if exist "*.class" del "*.class" if exist "cdm\*.class" del "cdm\*.class" if exist "checklist\*.class" del "checklist\*.class" if exist "collection\*.class" del "collection\*.class" if exist "file\*.class" del "file\*.class" if exist "gui\*.class" del "gui\*.class" if exist "help\*.class" del "help\*.class" if exist "mem\*.class" del "mem\*.class" if exist "msm\*.class" del "msm\*.class" if exist "sarm\*.class" del "sarm\*.class" if exist "shell\*.class" del "shell\*.class" if exist "undo\*.class" del "undo\*.class" if exist "util\*.class" del "util\*.class" if exist "valuetree\*.class" del "valuetree\*.class" cd ..\..\..\.. echo Done! :exit echo. pause