#!/bin/sh glilang=en # This script must be run from within the directory in which it lives thisdir=`pwd` if [ ! -f "${thisdir}/makejar.sh" ]; then if [ "$glilang" == "es" ]; then echo "Este guión deberá ejecutarse desde el directorio en el que reside." elif [ "$glilang" == "fr" ]; then echo "Ce script doit être exécuté à partir du répertoire dans lequel il se trouve." elif [ "$glilang" == "ru" ]; then echo "üÔÏÔ ÓËÒÉÐÔ ÄÏÌÖÅÎ ÂÙÔØ ×ÚÑÔ ÉÚ ÄÉÒÅËÔÏÒÉÉ, × ËÏÔÏÒÏÊ ÏÎ ÒÁÓÐÏÌÏÖÅÎ" else echo "This script must be run from the directory in which it resides." fi exit 1 fi ## ---- Check that the GLI has been compiled ---- if [ ! -f "classes/org/greenstone/gatherer/GathererProg.class" ]; then echo if [ "$glilang" == "es" ]; then echo "Usted necesita compilar la Interfaz de la Biblioteca Digital Greenstone" echo "(por medio de makegli.sh) antes de ejecutar este guión." elif [ "$glilang" == "fr" ]; then echo "Vous devez compiler le Greenstone Interface (en utilisant makegli.sh)" echo "avant d'exécuter ce script." elif [ "$glilang" == "ru" ]; then echo "÷Ù ÄÏÌÖÎÙ ËÏÍÐÉÌÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ ÂÉÂÌÉÏÔÅÞÎÙÊ ÉÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓ Greenstone" echo "(ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÑ makegli.sh) ÐÅÒÅÄ ××ÏÄÏÍ ÜÔÏÇÏ ÓËÒÉÐÔÁ" else echo "You need to compile the Greenstone Librarian Interface (using makegli.sh)" echo "before running this script." fi exit 1 fi echo "Assuming that Java code is freshly compiled..." # All the GLI class files and supporting libraries are put into the "jar" directory if [ ! -d jar ]; then mkdir jar cd lib jar xf activation.jar com javax jar xf apache.jar com org jar xf mail.jar com javax jar xf qfslib.jar de mv com de javax org ../jar/. cd .. fi # Copy the latest version of the GLI classes into the jar directory rm -rf jar/org/greenstone cp -r classes/org/greenstone jar/org # Some of the things to go into the JAR file are optional, and may not exist optional= if [ -f collect.zip ]; then optional="$optional collect.zip" fi if [ -f classifiers.dat ]; then optional="$optional classifiers.dat" fi if [ -f plugins.dat ]; then optional="$optional plugins.dat" fi # Jar everything up jar cf GLI.jar .java.policy $optional help \ -C classes dictionary.properties -C classes dictionary_es.properties \ -C classes dictionary_fr.properties -C classes dictionary_ru.properties \ -C classes feedback.properties -C classes metadata.zip \ -C classes images -C classes xml \ -C jar com -C jar de -C jar javax -C jar org # ---- Make signed JAR file for the applet, if desired ---- if [ "$1" == "-sign" ]; then rm -f SignedGatherer.jar echo "greenstone" | jarsigner -keystore .greenstonestore -signedjar SignedGatherer.jar GLI.jar privateKey 2> /dev/null echo echo "Installing SignedGatherer in ../bin/java" mv SignedGatherer.jar ../bin/java/. fi