package; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.text.MessageFormat; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.text.*; import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.JarTools; /** * This is the special class listener. *

This class will record all the action did to any of the * component inside the window that were open by the application. *
This listener will start listening since the beginning of the application * until the user quits from the application. It will record : *
1. All the information about the window and its components where the action occured. *
2. All the information about all windows and its components that were open when the action occured. *
Note : point 1 and 2 only start when user wants to send feedback. *
3. The action's command the user did. *
4. The date of when the action occured. *

The history of the action will be stored in history.log file, which then will be compressed * to a zip file called


The listener this class implements are only the listener interface that a javax.swing.* component * could have as stated in API.Some of the listener however is not implemented here as it is considered the event * listened by those listener are not essential to be recorded as they not making any major changes * to the application.


This listener will only record maximum last 60 instructions user did to the application.


In this class also we can add some stuff globally through out all the window open by * the application. *
This is the class will add a menu called Feedback through out all the window of type JFrame or JDialog * open by the application.This menu will allow user to either sending feedback or viewing the history * of all the action user did so far. * @author Veronica Liesaputra */ public class ActionRecorderDialog implements ActionListener,TreeModelListener,ItemListener,ListDataListener,ChangeListener, ListSelectionListener,MenuListener,TableColumnModelListener,TreeSelectionListener { /** * This hold the title of the window where the action occured. */ private String myframe; /** * This hold the title of the window where user called send feedback. */ private String feedbackframe; /** * This hold the instance of ComponentInformation to get all the information inside a window. */ private ComponentInformation compInfo; /** * This will hold a record of the action that user just did at the moment. */ private History log; /** * This will reference to the window where the action occured. */ private Window point; /** * This hold the vector of all the History instances of all the record of action user did * so far. * This vector will hold the history of all the 30 actions user just did. * There are 2 situation for this vector : *
1. Before user choose to send feedback. *
Here, If we want to add another record to the vector when the vector size already 30 then, * all the 30 records inside the vector will be saved in the temp_history.log file. The vector will * be cleared and then added with the new record. *
If the user quits the application, then whats in the vector will be saved to history.log file. *
2. After user choose to send feedback. *
When user choose to send feedback,then what happen is what ever inside the vector at the moment * will be saved to history.log file and then vector will be cleared and it will add the new instruction. *
If we want to add another record to the vector when the vector size already 30 then, * all the 30 records inside the vector will be saved in the temp_feedbackhist.log file. The vector will * be cleared and then added with the new record. *
If the user finished with the feedback then it will cleared all the vector and load the vector * inside the history.log to it and add the new record to the vector. *
If the user quits the application, then whats in the vector will not be saved. */ private static Vector vector; /** * This is the flag to tell whether or not the image for the window where the action occured is * finished being added properly to the appropriate record. * If savefinish = true then it means that the thread of adding image to the record stop, otherwise * it means its not yet finished so don't stop the thread. */ private static boolean savefinish = true; /** * This is the thread that contains all the code that the application should be when the user exiting * the application. */ private Thread writeThread; /** * This is the thread that contains all the code to add the image of the window where the action * occured to the proper record. * This thread will stop if savefinish = true. */ private Thread saveThread; /** * This is the runtime of this application. */ private Runtime run; /** * This variable will hold the resource of the words that is stored in file. * The calling using messages.getString(someString) will caused someString to be translated * into some other string that is hold in that file.usually it will caused it to be translated * to the language that the user use or choose to have as stated in Locale. */ private static ResourceBundle messages; /** * This is an instance of ScreenShot that will allow this application to take screen shot of the whole * screen or just the screen shot of the window where the actions occured. */ private ScreenShot sh; /** * This HashMap stored the pair of model and its component. * This will allow this listener to know which component the model where the actions occured belongs to. */ private HashMap modelHash; /** * This is the flag variable to sign that the user start the Reporting Feedback sequence. * If start_rec = false means that the user did not start reporting feedback sequence. * Otherwise, it means the user start reporting feedback sequence, here there will be changes in the * content of the vector used to save all the records.This also will change the appearance of the * window that are currently open by the application. it will make toolbar value = true, rec = true and * stop_rec = false. */ private boolean start_rec = false; /** * This is the flag variable to sign that the user are now recording the Reporting Feedback sequence. * If rec = true, it means its recording, otherwise its false.It also will decide * the GUI appearance of the window that are currently open by the application. */ private boolean rec = false; /** * This is the flag variable to sign that user are finished the Reporting Feedback sequence. * If stop_rec = false, then it means user stop the Reporting Feedback sequence.So here, there will * be changes in the vector's content. If rec = true then it will also delete the added toolbar on the currently open * window by the application and its also will delete all the history and file taken when user doing the * Reporting Feedback sequence. */ private boolean stop_rec = true; /** * This is the thread do task to take history of the actions. */ private Thread saveallThread; /** * This is the flag to say whether or not the send feedback button been pushed by user. */ private boolean start_fd = false; /** * This is a blocker to say that user cannot do anything while we taking history. */ private MouseListener mouse_blocker_listener = new MouseAdapter() {}; /** * This is the feedback interface window. */ private FeedbackInterface frame; /** * This is an instance of CompListener that will add listener to all the components inside it. */ private CompListener compList; /** * This is the accelerator key (shortcuts key) for taking screenshot. */ private KeyStroke shKey; /** * This is the accelerator key (shortcuts key) for reporting feedback. */ private KeyStroke fdKey; /** * This is the accelerator key (shortcuts key) for viewing history. */ private KeyStroke histKey; /** * This is the accelerator key (shortcuts key) for sending feedback straight away. */ private KeyStroke sndfdKey; /** * This is the window that is active at the moment. */ private Window activeWindow; /** * This is the modal window where user wants to take the screeshot or sending feedback. */ private Window modalWindow; /** * This constructor will seeting up the data member to its appropriate value. * It will get the vector that are stored in the history.log file and also it will * setup the writeThread. * @param currentLocale is the locale user choose all the text to be displayed as. */ public ActionRecorderDialog (Locale currentLocale) { messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("feedback",currentLocale); setup_UIManager(); fdKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F2"); histKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F3"); shKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F5"); sndfdKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F12"); /*shKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_SLASH,InputEvent.CTRL_MASK| InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK);*/ final ZipFile zip; zip = new ZipFile(); zip.unZipFile(); vector = getPrev_log("history.log"); sh = new ScreenShot(); modelHash = new HashMap(); compInfo = new ComponentInformation(this,currentLocale,modelHash); compList = new CompListener(this,modelHash); EventQueue eq; eq = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue(); eq.push(new MyEventQueue()); run = Runtime.getRuntime(); Runnable writeRun; writeRun = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (stop_rec == true) { File f; f = new File("history.log"); FileOutputStream fos; fos = new FileOutputStream("history.log"); ObjectOutputStream oos; oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); oos.writeObject(vector); vector.removeAllElements(); vector = getPrev_log("temp_history.log"); oos.writeObject(vector); oos.close(); f = new File("temp_history.log"); f.delete(); } File f2; f2 = new File("feedbackhist.log"); f2.delete(); f2 = new File("temp_feedbackhist.log"); f2.delete(); zip.sendZipFile(); writeThread = null; } catch (IOException exp) {} } }; writeThread = new Thread(writeRun); run.addShutdownHook(writeThread); } /** change the locale for the resource bundle*/ public void setLocale(Locale loc) { messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("feedback",loc); } /** * This method will setup some of the GUI appearance that window should have when the user * choose to start the Reporting Feedback sequence. */ public void setup_UIManager () { // why do you do all this??? //UIManager.put("TabbedPane.selected",(new Color(224,240,224))); //UIManager.put("",(new Color(224,240,224))); //UIManager.put("ScrollBar.background",(new Color(176,208,176))); //UIManager.put("ScrollBar.highlight",(new Color(224,240,224))); //UIManager.put("ScrollBar.thumb",(new Color(224,240,224))); //UIManager.put("ScrollBar.track",(new Color(224,240,224))); //UIManager.put("Tree.textBackground",new Color(224,240,224)); //UIManager.put("Label.font",new Font("Dialog",Font.PLAIN,12)); //UIManager.put("ComboBox.font",new Font("Dialog",Font.PLAIN,12)); //UIManager.put("TextArea.font",new Font("Dialog",Font.PLAIN,12)); } /** * This method will get the information about all the components inside the window that are * open by the application when the action occured and save it to vector. * @param comp its the component where the user did the action. * @param command its the action's command the user did. */ private void saving (final Component comp,final String command) { if ((command.equals(messages.getString("SendFeedback"))) || ((command.equals("FastSend")) && (stop_rec == false))) { start_fd = true; } Runnable saveall; saveall = new Runnable () { public void run () { try { Runnable savework; savework = new Runnable () { public void run () { Date curr_date; curr_date = new Date(); log = new History(curr_date,command); if ((start_fd == true)&&(command.equals(messages.getString("WindowOpened")))) { start_rec = true; rec = true; start_fd = false; } getFrame(comp,command); saveState(command); saveLog(); if ((point != null) && (rec == true)) { if (command.equals(messages.getString("WindowClosed"))) { if (point instanceof JDialog) if (((JDialog)point).isModal() == true) if (point == modalWindow) frame.setComment(false); } } } }; SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(savework); } catch (Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();} } }; saveallThread = new Thread(saveall); saveallThread.start(); } /** * This method will get the screen shot of the window where the actions occured and * add the image also its dimension to the passed record. * It will caused the saveThread to start so it can allows other stuff to be run concurrently * and this thread will be stopped when the screen shot of the window alreadyfinished taken. * @param hst is the record where the image and its dimension should be stored to. */ public void saveImage (final History hst) { Runnable saveRun; saveRun = new Runnable() { History hist = hst; public void run() { String img,width,height; Rectangle rect; int w, h,dimwidth,dimheight; if (point != null) { dimwidth = sh.getWidth(); dimheight = sh.getHeight(); w = point.getWidth(); h = point.getHeight(); try { rect = new Rectangle(point.getLocationOnScreen(), new Dimension(w,h)); if (w >= dimwidth) w = dimwidth - 50; width = "" + w; if (h >= dimheight) h = dimheight - 50; height = "" + h; } catch (IllegalComponentStateException exp) { rect = null; width = null; height = null; } } else { rect = null; width = null; height = null; } if (rect != null) { img = sh.getImage(rect); if (savefinish == true) { hist.setImage(img,height,width); } } } }; Thread saveThread; saveThread = new Thread(saveRun); saveThread.start(); } /** * This method will setup the savefinish value. * (Precondition: (save != null)) * @param save the value savefinish should have. */ public static void setSavefinish (boolean save) { savefinish = save; } /** * This method will make the JMenu that is should be added to all the * window opened by the application. *
If rec = false then the JMenu will give user option to start the Reporting Feedback sequence * or Sending feedback or to view the history of actions they have done so far. *
If rec = true then the JMenu will only give user option to view the history of actions * they have done so far or sending feedback or taking screenshot. * @return JMenu that should be added to all window open. */ public JMenu makeMenu () { JMenu menu; JMenuItem item,item2,item3; ImageIcon icon,icon2,icon3; icon3 = JarTools.getImage("fastsend.gif"); item3 = new JMenuItem(messages.getString("SendFeedback"), new ImageIcon(icon3.getImage().getScaledInstance (20,20,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); item3.setActionCommand("FastSend"); item3.addActionListener(this); item3.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_N); item3.setAccelerator(sndfdKey); item3.setToolTipText("Send feedback now"); item = null; if (rec == false) { icon = JarTools.getImage("feedback.gif"); item = new JMenuItem("Report Feedback", new ImageIcon(icon.getImage().getScaledInstance (20,20,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); item.setActionCommand(messages.getString("SendFeedback")); item.addActionListener(this); item.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F); item.setAccelerator(fdKey); item.setToolTipText("Report feedback"); } else { icon = JarTools.getImage("camera.gif"); item = new JMenuItem(messages.getString("ScreenShot"), new ImageIcon(icon.getImage().getScaledInstance (20,20,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); item.setActionCommand("ScreenShot"); item.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_S); item.addActionListener(this); item.setAccelerator(shKey); item.setToolTipText("Take screenshot of the whole screen."); } icon2 = JarTools.getImage("history.gif"); item2 = new JMenuItem(messages.getString("LookHistory"), new ImageIcon(icon2.getImage().getScaledInstance (20,20,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); item2.setActionCommand(messages.getString("LookHistory")); item2.addActionListener(this); item2.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_H); item2.setAccelerator(histKey); item2.setToolTipText(messages.getString("LookHistoryButton")); menu = new JMenu (messages.getString("Feedback")); menu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_D); if (item != null) menu.add(item); menu.add(item3); menu.add(item2); if (rec == true) menu.setBackground(new Color(176,209,217)); else menu.setBackground(new Color(204,204,204)); return menu; } public void refreshLocationAndSize(Window window) { window.setLocation(window.getX(),window.getY()); Toolkit kit; kit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension screenSize; screenSize = kit.getScreenSize(); int screenHeight; screenHeight = screenSize.height; int screenWidth; screenWidth = screenSize.width; if ((window.getSize().width > screenWidth) && (window.getSize().height > screenHeight)) { window.setSize(window.getPreferredSize()); } } /** * This method will setup the GUI that this window should have at the moment. * If start_rec is true then JMenu don't have the option to start Reporting Feedback sequence in it. * If stop_rec is true and rec is true then JMenu there should be an option to start Reporting Feedback sequence in it. * The JMenu will only be affected window of type JDialog and JFrame only. * (Precondition: (window != null)) * @param window its the window that we want to set the GUI */ public void setUI (Window window) { if (start_rec == true) { if (window instanceof JFrame) { JFrame a; a = (JFrame) window; JMenuBar menuBar; menuBar = a.getJMenuBar(); if (menuBar != null) { JMenu temp_menu; temp_menu = menuBar.getMenu(menuBar.getMenuCount() - 1); temp_menu.setBackground(new Color(176,209,217)); temp_menu.remove(0); JMenuItem item; ImageIcon icon; icon = JarTools.getImage("camera.gif"); item = new JMenuItem(messages.getString("ScreenShot"), new ImageIcon(icon.getImage().getScaledInstance (20,20,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); item.setActionCommand("ScreenShot"); item.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_S); item.addActionListener(this); item.setAccelerator(shKey); item.setToolTipText("Take screenshot of this window"); temp_menu.insert(item,0); } refreshLocationAndSize(a); a.validate(); a.repaint(); } else if (window instanceof JDialog) { JDialog a; a = (JDialog) window; JMenuBar menuBar; menuBar = a.getJMenuBar(); if (menuBar != null) { JMenu temp_menu; temp_menu = menuBar.getMenu(menuBar.getMenuCount() - 1); temp_menu.setBackground(new Color(176,209,217)); temp_menu.remove(0); JMenuItem item; ImageIcon icon; icon = JarTools.getImage("camera.gif"); item = new JMenuItem(messages.getString("ScreenShot"), new ImageIcon(icon.getImage().getScaledInstance (20,20,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); item.setActionCommand("ScreenShot"); item.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_S); item.addActionListener(this); item.setAccelerator(shKey); item.setToolTipText("Take screenshot of this window"); temp_menu.insert(item,0); } refreshLocationAndSize(a); a.validate(); a.repaint(); } else if (window instanceof JWindow) { JWindow a; a = (JWindow) window; ((JComponent) a.getContentPane()).unregisterKeyboardAction(fdKey); ((JComponent) a.getContentPane()).registerKeyboardAction(this, "ScreenShot", shKey,JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); } else return; } else { if ((stop_rec == true) && (rec == true)) { if (window instanceof JFrame) { JFrame a; a = (JFrame) window; JMenuBar menuBar; menuBar = a.getJMenuBar(); if (menuBar != null) { JMenu temp_menu; temp_menu = menuBar.getMenu(menuBar.getMenuCount() - 1); temp_menu.setBackground(new Color(204,204,204)); temp_menu.remove(0); ImageIcon icon; JMenuItem item; icon = JarTools.getImage("feedback.gif"); item = new JMenuItem("Report Feedback", new ImageIcon(icon.getImage().getScaledInstance(20,20,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); item.setActionCommand(messages.getString("SendFeedback")); item.addActionListener(this); item.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F); item.setAccelerator(fdKey); item.setToolTipText(messages.getString("SendFeedbackButton")); temp_menu.insert(item,0); } a.setSize(a.getPreferredSize()); a.validate(); a.repaint(); } else if (window instanceof JDialog) { JDialog a; a = (JDialog) window; JMenuBar menuBar; menuBar = a.getJMenuBar(); if (menuBar != null) { JMenu temp_menu; temp_menu = menuBar.getMenu(menuBar.getMenuCount() - 1); temp_menu.setBackground(new Color(204,204,204)); temp_menu.remove(0); ImageIcon icon; JMenuItem item; icon = JarTools.getImage("feedback.gif"); item = new JMenuItem("Report Feedback", new ImageIcon(icon.getImage().getScaledInstance(20,20,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); item.setActionCommand(messages.getString("SendFeedback")); item.addActionListener(this); item.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F); item.setAccelerator(fdKey); item.setToolTipText(messages.getString("SendFeedbackButton")); temp_menu.insert(item,0); } a.setSize(a.getPreferredSize()); a.validate(); a.repaint(); } else if (window instanceof JWindow) { JWindow a; a = (JWindow) window; ((JComponent) a.getContentPane()).registerKeyboardAction(this, messages.getString("SendFeedback"), fdKey, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); ((JComponent) a.getContentPane()).unregisterKeyboardAction(shKey); } else return; } else return; } } /** * This will make an Window[] convert to ArrayList that contain list of Window. * (Precondition: (windows != null)) * @param windows the array that we want to convert to ArrayList * @return the array list that contains all object in array windows. */ public ArrayList addToArrayList (Window[] windows,ArrayList arr) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < windows.length ; i++) { arr.add(windows[i]); } return arr; } /** * This method will get all the information of the window that are currently open when the action * occured and these windows are not the window where the action occured. * It will add these windows information to the current record and it will also setting up the * GUI for each of these windows. * @param command the action's command user did. */ public void saveState(String command) { Window[] frame_windows; ArrayList windows; Frame[] frames; int i,j; if (log == null) return; windows = new ArrayList(); frames = Frame.getFrames(); for (i = 0 ; i 30) { if (rec == false) { save_tempHistLog("history.log"); } else save_tempHistLog("feedbackhist.log"); vector.removeAllElements(); //vector.removeElementAt(vector.size() - 1); System.gc(); } if ((rec == true) && (stop_rec == true)) { save_HistLog("feedbackhist.log"); vector.removeAllElements(); System.gc(); vector = getPrev_log("history.log"); File f2; f2 = new File("feedbackhist.log"); f2.delete(); f2 = new File("temp_feedbackhist.log"); f2.delete(); start_rec = false; stop_rec = true; rec = false; } if (point != null) { point.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); point.removeMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); } } /** * This method will save whatever in the vector at the moment to a file * with the specified filename. * Then it will also save the vector inside the file with the name "temp_" * concatenated with the specified filename into it. * (Precondition : (filename != null)) * @param filename its the name of the file where the vector should be saved. */ public void save_HistLog(String filename) { try { File f; f = new File(filename); FileOutputStream fos; fos = new FileOutputStream(f); ObjectOutputStream oos; oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); oos.writeObject(vector); vector.removeAllElements(); System.gc(); vector = getPrev_log("temp_"+ filename); oos.writeObject(vector); oos.close(); f = new File("temp_" + filename); f.delete(); writeThread = null; } catch (IOException exp) {} } /** * This method will save whatever in the vector at the moment to a file with a * name "temp_" concatenated with the specified filename into it. * (Precondition : (filename != null)) * @param filename its part of the name of the file where the vector should be saved. */ public void save_tempHistLog(String filename) { try { File f; f = new File("temp_"+ filename); FileOutputStream fos; fos = new FileOutputStream(f); ObjectOutputStream oos; oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); oos.writeObject(vector); oos.close(); } catch (IOException exp) {} } /** * This method will get vector that is stored in a file with the specified filename and * it will also save the second vector in that file to a file with a name * temp_history.log. * If file with the specified filename does not exist then it will return a new vector. * (Precondition : (filename != null)) * @param filename is the name of the file where we want to get the vector. * @return the first vector saved in the file with the specified filename. */ public Vector getPrev_log(String filename) { Vector stack; ObjectInputStream ois; stack = null; try { File f; f = new File(filename); if (f.exists() == true) { FileInputStream fis; fis = new FileInputStream(f); ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); stack = (Vector) ois.readObject(); Vector stack2; stack2 = null; try { stack2 = (Vector) ois.readObject(); } catch (EOFException e) {stack2 = null;} if (stack2 != null) { File f2; f2 = new File("temp_history.log"); FileOutputStream fos; fos = new FileOutputStream(f2); ObjectOutputStream oos; oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); oos.writeObject(stack2); oos.close(); stack2.removeAllElements(); stack2 = null; System.gc(); } ois.close(); return stack; } else stack = new Vector(); } catch (IOException exp) {exp.printStackTrace();} catch (ClassNotFoundException exp2) {System.out.println("class exp");} return stack; } /** * This method will make sure that there is something running at the moment. */ private static void ensureEventThread() { if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { return; } throw new RuntimeException("something running"); } /** * This method will called the Conformation window to show up. * @param err_array this is the array containing all the information taken when user doing the Feedback form. * @param imgFile this is the array conataining the String representation of the images taken when user doing the * Feedback form. */ /*public void getVector(String[] err_array,String[] imgFile) { Conformation rd; rd = new Conformation(vector,err_array,imgFile,messages); return; }*/ /** * This method will get the vector that hold the history. * @return the vector that hold the history stored so far. */ public Vector getVector() { return vector; } /** * This class will catch the window opened and window closed event. * If an application open or close a window it will be listened by this class so the information * about that window and all the other open window can be took. */ class MyEventQueue extends EventQueue { /** * This method will catch the window opened and window closed event. * If an application open or close a window it will be listened by this class so the information * about that window and all the other open window can be took. * @param evt its the event. */ protected void dispatchEvent(AWTEvent evt) { super.dispatchEvent(evt); int id; id = evt.getID(); if ((id == WindowEvent.WINDOW_OPENED)||(id == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSED)) { String command; command = " "; if (id == WindowEvent.WINDOW_OPENED) command = messages.getString("WindowOpened"); else if (id == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSED) command = messages.getString("WindowClosed"); WindowEvent e; e = (WindowEvent) evt; Window comp; comp = e.getWindow(); if ((comp instanceof ReportDetails.View)|| (comp instanceof Movie)) return; saving(comp,command); } } } /** * This method will take the screenshot of the whole screen. * @param p the window where user select to take screenshot. * @return the screenshot image. */ //public byte[] recreateEvent (final Window p) public BufferedImage recreateEvent (final Window p) { setup_UIManager(); Rectangle rect; int w, h; if (p != null) { w = p.getWidth(); h = p.getHeight(); try { rect = new Rectangle(p.getLocationOnScreen(), new Dimension(w,h)); } catch (IllegalComponentStateException exp) { rect = null; } } else { rect = null; } if (rect != null) { //byte[] img; BufferedImage img; img = sh.captureScreen(); return img; } else return null; } /** * This method will listen to any action event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the ActionEvent. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String command; command = e.getActionCommand(); Component comp; comp = (Component)e.getSource(); saving(comp,command); if (myframe == null) myframe = " "; if("FastSend".equals(e.getActionCommand())) { point.addMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); point.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); BufferedImage img; boolean modal; modal = false; img = recreateEvent(point); if (stop_rec == true) { feedbackframe = myframe; JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); stop_rec = false; frame = null; frame = new FeedbackInterface(sh,feedbackframe,messages,this); if ((img != null) && (savefinish == true)) { int x,y,w,h,iw,ih; double wrat,hrat; Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); iw = (int) (dim.getWidth() - 60); ih = (int) (dim.getHeight() * 0.75) - 50; wrat = iw/((double)dim.getWidth()); hrat = ih/((double)dim.getHeight()); w = (int) (point.getWidth() * wrat); h = (int) (point.getHeight() * hrat); x = (int) (point.getLocationOnScreen().x * wrat); y = (int) (point.getLocationOnScreen().y * hrat); //frame.addScreenPanel(feedbackframe,sh.getBuffImage(),img); frame.addScreenPanel(feedbackframe,img,x,y,w,h); } frame.setVisible(false); } else { if ((img != null) &&(savefinish == true)) { int x,y,w,h,iw,ih; double wrat,hrat; Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); iw = (int) (dim.getWidth() - 60); ih = (int) (dim.getHeight() * 0.75) - 50; wrat = iw/((double)dim.getWidth()); hrat = ih/((double)dim.getHeight()); w = (int) (point.getWidth() * wrat); h = (int) (point.getHeight() * hrat); x = (int) (point.getLocationOnScreen().x * wrat); y = (int) (point.getLocationOnScreen().y * hrat); //frame.addScreenPanel(feedbackframe,sh.getBuffImage(),img); if (point instanceof JDialog) modal = ((JDialog) point).isModal(); feedbackframe = myframe; frame.addScreenPanel(feedbackframe,img,x,y,w,h); } } ActionEvent evt; evt = new ActionEvent(frame.send_button,ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED,messages.getString("Send")); frame.actionPerformed(evt); point.removeMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); point.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } if(messages.getString("SendFeedback").equals(e.getActionCommand())) { setup_UIManager(); //byte[] img; BufferedImage img; boolean modal; point.addMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); point.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); modal = false; img = recreateEvent(point); feedbackframe = myframe; if (point instanceof JDialog) modal = ((JDialog)point).isModal(); JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); stop_rec = false; frame = null; frame = new FeedbackInterface(sh,feedbackframe,messages,this); if ((img != null) && (savefinish == true)) { int x,y,w,h,iw,ih; double wrat,hrat; Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); iw = (int) (dim.getWidth() - 60); ih = (int) (dim.getHeight() * 0.75) - 50; wrat = iw/((double)dim.getWidth()); hrat = ih/((double)dim.getHeight()); w = (int) (point.getWidth() * wrat); h = (int) (point.getHeight() * hrat); x = (int) (point.getLocationOnScreen().x * wrat); y = (int) (point.getLocationOnScreen().y * hrat); //frame.addScreenPanel(feedbackframe,sh.getBuffImage(),img); frame.addScreenPanel(feedbackframe,img,x,y,w,h); frame.setComment(modal); if (modal == true) { modalWindow = point; } } point.removeMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); point.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } if ("ScreenShot".equals(e.getActionCommand())) { point.addMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); point.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); //byte[] img; BufferedImage img; boolean modal; modal = false; img = recreateEvent(point); if ((img != null) &&(savefinish == true)) { int x,y,w,h,iw,ih; double wrat,hrat; Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); iw = (int) (dim.getWidth() - 60); ih = (int) (dim.getHeight() * 0.75) - 50; wrat = iw/((double)dim.getWidth()); hrat = ih/((double)dim.getHeight()); w = (int) (point.getWidth() * wrat); h = (int) (point.getHeight() * hrat); x = (int) (point.getLocationOnScreen().x * wrat); y = (int) (point.getLocationOnScreen().y * hrat); //frame.addScreenPanel(feedbackframe,sh.getBuffImage(),img); if (point instanceof JDialog) modal = ((JDialog) point).isModal(); feedbackframe = myframe; frame.addScreenPanel(feedbackframe,img,x,y,w,h); frame.setComment(modal); if (modal == true) modalWindow = point; } point.removeMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); point.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } if (messages.getString("LookHistory").equals(e.getActionCommand())) { point.addMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); point.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); setup_UIManager(); ReportDetails rd; rd = new ReportDetails(vector,null,null,messages,rec); point.removeMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); point.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } } /** * This method will listen to any Change event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the ChangeEvent. */ public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { String command; command = messages.getString("ChangeState"); Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any tree selection event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the TreeSelectionEvent. */ public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { MutableTreeNode node; node = (MutableTreeNode) (e.getPath().getLastPathComponent()); if (node == null) return; Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("Node") + " "; if (node instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) command = command + ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)node).getUserObject() + " "; command = command + messages.getString("ValueChanged"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any tree nodes change in the tree model event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the TreeModelEvent. */ public void treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent e) { MutableTreeNode node; node = (MutableTreeNode) (e.getTreePath().getLastPathComponent()); try { int index; index = e.getChildIndices()[0]; node = (MutableTreeNode)(node.getChildAt(index)); } catch (NullPointerException exc) {} Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("Node"); if (node instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) command = command + " " + ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)node).getUserObject(); command = command + " " + messages.getString("Change"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any tree nodes inserted in the tree model event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the TreeModelEvent. */ public void treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent e) { MutableTreeNode node; node = (MutableTreeNode) (e.getTreePath().getLastPathComponent()); try { int index; index = e.getChildIndices()[0]; node = (MutableTreeNode)(node.getChildAt(index)); } catch (NullPointerException exc) {} Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("Node"); if (node instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) command = command + " " + ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)node).getUserObject(); command = command + " " + messages.getString("Inserted"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any tree nodes removed in the tree model event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the TreeModelEvent. */ public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent e) { MutableTreeNode node; node = (MutableTreeNode) (e.getTreePath().getLastPathComponent()); try { int index; index = e.getChildIndices()[0]; node = (MutableTreeNode)(node.getChildAt(index)); } catch (NullPointerException exc) {} Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("Node"); if (node instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) command = command + " " + ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)node).getUserObject(); command = command + " " + messages.getString("Removed"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any tree structure change in the tree model event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the TreeModelEvent. */ public void treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent e) { Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("TreeStructuredChanged"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any item state change in the item event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the ItemEvent. */ public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Component comp; comp = (Component) e.getSource(); String command; command = ((String) e.getItem()) + " " + messages.getString("ItemStateChanged"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any contents change in the list data event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the ListDataEvent. */ public void contentsChanged (ListDataEvent e) { Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("ListChanged"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any interval added in the list data event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the ListDataEvent. */ public void intervalAdded (ListDataEvent e) { Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("ListContentsAdded"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any interval removed in the list data event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the ListDataEvent. */ public void intervalRemoved (ListDataEvent e) { Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("ListContentRemoved"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any value changed in the list data event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the ListDataEvent. */ public void valueChanged (ListSelectionEvent e) { Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("ListValueChanged"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any menu canceled in the menu event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the MenuEvent. */ public void menuCanceled (MenuEvent e) { Component comp; comp = (Component) e.getSource(); String command; command = messages.getString("MenuCanceled"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any menu deselected in the menu event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the MenuEvent. */ public void menuDeselected (MenuEvent e) { Component comp; comp = (Component) e.getSource(); String command; command = messages.getString("MenuDeselected"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any menu selected in the menu event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the MenuEvent. */ public void menuSelected(MenuEvent e) { Component comp; comp = (Component) e.getSource(); String command; command = messages.getString("MenuSelected"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any column added in the table column model event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the TableColumnModelEvent. */ public void columnAdded (TableColumnModelEvent e) { Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("ColumnIndex") + " " + e.getToIndex() + messages.getString("AddedToTable"); saving(comp,command); } public void columnMarginChanged(ChangeEvent e) {} /** * This method will listen to any column moved in the table column model event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the TableColumnModelEvent. */ public void columnMoved(TableColumnModelEvent e) { Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("ColumnIndexFrom") + " " + e.getFromIndex() + " " + messages.getString("MovedToColumnIndex") + " " + e.getToIndex() + " " + messages.getString("InTheTable"); saving(comp,command); } /** * This method will listen to any column removed in the table column model event that occured. * It will allow this special listener class to record all the information inside all the * window open when the action occured. * @param e the TableColumnModelEvent. */ public void columnRemoved(TableColumnModelEvent e) { Object obj; obj = e.getSource(); Component comp; if (obj instanceof Component) { comp = (Component)e.getSource(); } else { if (modelHash.containsKey(obj) == true) { comp = (Component) modelHash.get(obj); } else { comp = null; System.out.println("weird" + obj.toString()); } } String command; command = messages.getString("ColumnIndex") + " " + e.getFromIndex() + " " + messages.getString("RemovedFromTheTable"); saving(comp,command); } public void columnSelectionChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {} }